The Cradle of the American Elite: The Secret Society Skull and Bones.


Everyone who has ever watched American films on student topics knows that in almost every, as we say, university, it is customary for Americans to create specific societies: fraternities and sisterhoods. One of these clubs of common interest is the Order of the Skull and Bones.

Secret Society "Skull and Bones": Order of the Skull and Bones

The existence of this society, like many others like it, is not advertised. It is not the property of the general public and the activities that this community conducts. Nevertheless, young people who once joined the Skull and Bones secret society do not interrupt communication with each other even after graduation and continue it all their lives. So subsequently a kind of “web” of power is built, in which all its participants, one might say, are connected with each other for life.

What is this curious organization? It must be said that promising young people from good families have long been accepted into this society. Subsequently, as a rule, their career was quite rapid and successful. The Skull and Bones Brotherhood originally had a different name. Its founders - William Russell and Alphonso Taft, as well as some other students of Yale University at the time of the organization's creation, registered it under the name "Evlogy Club".

The community of young people received this name in honor of the ancient Greek goddess of eloquence and oratory. The club was founded in 1832, as recorded in the records of Yale University. As expected, the creators, organizing their club of the elite, pursued very good goals - and, above all: the development of managerial qualities among the participants, so that they could subsequently pave their way to the heights of power and help their fellows in this. It is believed that William Russell and Alphonso Taft got the idea for their brainchild in Germany.

Emblem of a secret society

Well, what kind of society can exist without an emblem? So for the "Skull and Bones" a special image corresponding to the name was chosen. It is also noteworthy that, in addition to the skull and bones, the number 322 is depicted on the emblem. Its meaning is a mystery, and therefore researchers are only forced to guess why it was chosen in this case. According to the most popular version, the number 322 symbolizes the date the club was founded. Another version connects it with the date of death of the ancient Greek orator and thinker Demosthenes.

skull dynasties

This society would not be much different from the rest, if there were no special requirements for the candidate in it. Naturally, relatives of members of the order were automatically included in the number of the chosen ones, as well as:

  1. Those who have received (or will soon receive) a serious inheritance;
  2. Children of the most famous families in America;
  3. Talented young people (those who already in their early years managed to achieve something quite significant and outstanding).

Thus, only aristocrats fell into the ranks of the elect, with a certain small exception, which were quite ordinary people with their, nevertheless, unusual personal qualities.

Each year, only 15 members are usually chosen to be members of the Order of the Skull and Bones. All of them must necessarily meet the main requirements of society:

be of Anglo-Saxon origin, religiously Protestant, and be part of the American aristocratic elite.

Skull and Bones: Secret Power

Having now an idea of ​​who was in the ranks of the Order, it is easy to guess that a brilliant future awaited all its members. The mutual help of the brethren, which became more and more every year, did not allow any of the members of the "Skull and Bones" brotherhood to "fall". It is no coincidence that various kinds of rituals were cultivated here, supporting the faith and willpower of young people.

So, for entry into the Order, it was necessary to undergo a special initiation ritual. However, the essence of the Initiation into the membership of the brotherhood is closed for study, and the subtleties of the process are known only from fragmentary information about it, provided, one way or another, by the members of the organization.

The researchers of the society lived in different periods of its existence. However, the Skull and Bones Administration office sits right in the middle of the Yale campus to this day.

The secret has always attracted the curious and ambitious with its mysteriousness ... Thus, George Bush Jr. mentions his participation in the Skull and Bones society in his autobiography. Here are just the details and details of his stay in it, he, of course, did not disclose.

International Affairs Council of 1921 or who decides the fate of the world

Such societies in the world are not created for fun. Of course, because of the strictest secrecy reigning in them, it is difficult to find out the real plans of the brotherhood. And the veil of a certain sacrament only stirs up interest in this organization, giving rise to a lot of rumors and fictions about it, often without any evidence base.

Nevertheless, the Masonic lodge (and we are talking about it) "Skull and Bones", nevertheless, failed to keep absolutely all the information about its activities under lock and key, as too prominent representatives of the organization mentioned it every now and then ...

Take at least George W. Bush or Jimmy Carter: both of them were US presidents. In addition, Jimmy Carter headed the Council on Foreign Affairs, founded back in 1921.

This very council consisted of many influential people in America. Its very name can partially explain the direction of the council's activities, but as for the details, it is unlikely that they will be found out in the near future. After all, the more attention a lodge draws to itself, the more vigilant and accurate in its statements its participants become.

What does the Bush family owe to the Brotherhood of Death?

We should start, perhaps, with how exactly the Bushes got into this community. And it happened - thanks to George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush - in 1918.

At that time, a young student at Yale University, having learned about the existence of the Skull and Bones Order, decided to join it. But for this, he needed to undergo a rite of purification and even get bones, or rather, the skull of the leader of the Apache tribe, Geronimo.

It must be said that, according to tradition, from the very moment the candidate undergoes purification, he is responsible for everything that he does, only to his brothers: members of the brotherhood. As for Prescott Bush, even the organization of assistance to the Nazis, who began to rule in Germany, is associated with his name. By help they mean, in this case, money, weapons and support in the political arena.

If we talk about the debt of the Bush family to the Brotherhood of Death, then it is really great. After all, the financing of the presidential election campaign took place, according to some sources, precisely from the funds of the brotherhood. In addition, upon coming to power, Bush-son skillfully distributed positions in the Department of Justice, the CIA and other areas of state structures to the appropriate people.

Thus, he provided the members of the Order with proper authority and thus repaid the Brotherhood for help in the initial stages of its formation. Journalist Alexandra Robbins, author of a book about the secret order of Yale University, immediately after Bush's son came to power, spoke of this event as a demonstration of the power of the Brotherhood of Death.

Bush's involvement in the fraternity is undeniable. He himself did not deny it, although he was not noticed in the stories about the details in this regard. But as for one of the rules of the brotherhood, which provides for the immediate departure from the cabinet where it was mentioned, this rule really worked. And this, again, was demonstrated by Bush. As soon as he was asked about the Skull and Bones Order, he immediately left the Oval Office. So, at least, historians tell about it.

Masonic signs on money

On banknotes (dollars and not only) there is an image of the Eye of Horus. It is presented in the form of an eye enclosed in a triangle.

It is believed that this is one of the symbols of the "Skull and Bones" brotherhood, and this fact gives researchers reason to assume that the Order was involved in the worship of forces that are by no means good...

In addition, the idea of ​​the New Order implies financial control over the actual world.

The eye of Horus itself with a pyramid of three corners symbolizes the three most influential American universities: Yale, Harvard and Princeton University.

Sutton Anthony -

one of those who also published a whole historical and journalistic cycle on this subject, consisting of four books.

This work is called a long phrase with the following content: "Order" Skull and Bones ". Secret power. How the Order controls the education system.

From this message itself, it is already clear what the famous American economist and conspiracy theorist is talking about here. He sets out and analyzes in detail the facts, many of which were, to one degree or another, the cause of various social world cataclysms: revolutions, upheavals, wars and other important events affecting the fate of all mankind.

So, the second book of this unique cycle is devoted to the influence of the Order on the American education system: schools, colleges and universities. And this is far from accidental.

After all, it is the education of young citizens of any society - with due attention to it from the state - either opens up new horizons for this society, or - in the absence of such attention - closes in it those hints of horizons that somehow still existed. before...

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Dove Yu.

The article was written in 2006.

In recent years, especially before the 2004 US presidential election, public interest in one of the American "Masonic" organizations, Skull and Bones, has increased significantly. It turned out that only representatives of the highest elite, people from the richest and most influential families in the United States, become members of this secret society. They have occupied and continue to occupy the most important positions in politics, the media, financial, scientific and educational fields. Thus, among the patriarchs of the secret lodge, its founders, were the Russells, Tafts and Gilmans; subsequently, the society included Bundy, Lords, Rockefellers, Whitneys, Phelps and others. George Herbert Walker Bush, Sr., who followed in the footsteps of his father Prescott Bush, the founder of the most influential American dynasty to date, also belongs to the "bones". The current president of the United States, George W. Bush, joined the order in 1967. Among the highest ranks of both his administrations, one can also find quite a few "bonemen".

"Skull and Bones" is the brainchild of the oldest private American university - Yale, which was founded in 1701 in New Haven, Connecticut. In the 1832-1833 academic year, Yale University Secretary William Russell decided, together with 14 like-minded people, to organize a new secret brotherhood. Unfortunately, reliable data on the reasons that prompted him to do this have not yet been found. According to one version, he brought this idea from Germany, where he studied for some time, respectively, and the new society was created according to the German model.

Russell's secret fraternity was originally called the Eulogian Club, after the Greek goddess of eloquence. Then the founders of the society adopted the symbol of death as a symbol of their secret organization and renamed the club "Skull and Bones". In 1856, William Russell officially registered the fraternity under the name of the Russell Trust Association.

As the coat of arms of the society, the symbol “death head” was adopted - an image of a skull and two crossed bones under it. Under the emblem is the number 322. There are several versions about the meaning of this number. Many researchers believe that the date of the foundation of the club is encrypted in this way - 1832, and the last deuce symbolizes that this fraternity was founded as a branch of the German society. Some members of the Bones argue that the number means, first of all, the date of the death of Demosthenes (322 BC), who once founded the Greek patriotic society, which served as the prototype of the Skull and Bones.

The first cohort of Skull and Bones adepts appeared in 1833. Members of this secret society could only come from the American aristocracy of Anglo-Saxon origin and the Protestant faith. These people were the recognized elite of society, and at meetings they called themselves the "center of the Universe", "knights", and all the rest, the uninitiated, "barbarians". Initially, the admission of Jews, women and blacks into it was prohibited. However, in the 20th century, admission rules became more democratic, and skin color ceased to play a significant role. In 1991, the gender barrier was gone, and a woman became a member of the order for the first time.

Tradition has it that after members of the Skull and Bones left the secluded environment of the Yale campus and took important positions in government and other public structures, they continued to keep in touch with each other throughout their lives.

Very little is known about how the Society's meetings are held. Among other things, members of the society go through confessional rituals during their graduation from the university. So, one Thursday, at night, in the crypt, they must tell their colleagues about all their innermost dreams and desires. The next night is devoted to the "analysis" of sexual stories of childhood and adolescence. One of the most scandalous circumstances of the Skull and Bones activity is the custom according to which applicants for membership must commit some offense "in the name of the brotherhood." So, in 1918, Yale University student Prescott Bush, later a senator from Connecticut, grandfather of the current President Bush Jr., dug up with two other students the skull of the leader of the Apache Indian tribe Geronimo at Fort Sill federal cemetery in Oklahoma and presented it as a gift to the brotherhood. The chief's skull is now said to be kept in a special location on the Yale campus and used in various Bones rituals. There are also rumors that in the burial ground "Skull and Bones" there is also the skull of Che Guevara.

Many researchers of the Skull and Bones activity believe that the brotherhood itself is the author of most of the rumors about the rituals of the "bone-makers". Thus, it creates a scandalous image for itself and ensures unrelenting public interest. The question of the real influence of this, in fact, the elite club of Yale alumni on the behavior of American leaders, remains unresolved. Most likely, we are dealing only with a kind of "college fraternity", when graduates of the same university tend to stick together as their careers develop.

Researchers suggest that Skull and Bones appeared at Yale University in the 19th century. Someone William Russell visited Germany on vacation, where he met with representatives of one of the local student secret societies. Since Russell was not accepted into one of the oldest Phi Beta Kappa clubs in America, he decided to start his own secret society.

Yale University students become members of Skull and Bones // Photo:

According to some reports, he copied the charter from the German counterpart of the club as well as some traditions. Initially, the society was called the "Evlogia Club", in honor of the Greek goddess of eloquence. Later, its members chose the image of a skull and bones as their coat of arms, and after that they decided to change the name. In addition to the sign of death, the number 322 is also depicted on the coat of arms of the secret society. What it means is not known for certain to the uninitiated. Each number has its own sacred meaning. Perhaps the date of the foundation of the club is encrypted here, and it is also noted that there are only two of them in the world.

Members of the society and the rite of passage

Skull and Bones is an elite club. Mere mortals are barred from entering it. Only a dozen and a half students from Yale University can become new members of the society every year. All candidates go through a rigorous selection process. Since the history of the "Skull and Bones" has more than one hundred years, a backbone of families has formed - permanent members of the club. For example, several generations of men from the Bush family, including George W. Bush, were members of society. Everyone in the "Skull and Bones" comes from rich and famous families that are directly related to power or large companies.

The secret society meets at the headquarters located on the campus of the university. It is a building without windows and is called the "Grave". It is here that the initiation ceremony of new members takes place. As journalists managed to find out, newcomers are beaten and forced to repeat oaths. Then they are undressed, and they talk about their most intimate secrets, including revealing the details of their intimate life.

The secret society meets at the headquarters located on the campus of the university. It is a building without windows and is called the "Grave" // Photo:

According to another version, in order to become a member of society, it is necessary to commit a crime. This is the key to the silence of the new member. If he doesn't keep his mouth shut, he'll be in trouble. During the initiation, the older members of the club dress up as Satan and Don Quixote. One of them puts on the costume of the Pope. At the end of the initiation, the beginners kiss the feet of the last one.

There are also rumors that the "Grave" has a rather original decoration. Human skeletons and skulls hang everywhere here. Many of the bones belong to famous people. Also in the headquarters of the order are many antique furniture and stuffed animals. At weekly meetings, students criticize each other and discuss topical issues.

It is worth noting that the initiation rites are known only by hearsay. None of the members of the secret society did not want to talk to journalists.


Every Skull and Bones member pays dues. As journalists managed to find out, the secret society has more than four million US dollars in its accounts. In addition to the sinister mansion on the territory of Yale University, the club also owns its own island, located near Canada. Several villas, tennis courts and other leisure facilities have been built on the island.

The club also owns an island located near Canada // Photo:


Members of the "Skull and Bones" are exclusively from influential families. After graduation, they become prominent politicians, judges, businessmen, athletes, and so on. Researchers have always been struck by the incredible devotion of the members of the secret society to the club and to each other. The media found out that more than ten of his brothers in the club worked in the administration of George W. Bush. According to some reports, Bush managed to become the governor of Texas solely thanks to the help of the "Skull and Bones". Once in the White House, he did not remain in debt.

At the present stage, even the secret society "Skull and Bones" failed to escape from political correctness. It is reported that recently it began to accept representatives of non-Caucasian races and women.

The Order of the Skull and Bones is the oldest secret society of students in the United States. It is called "the cradle of the American elite that decides the fate of the world." Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and the current US Secretary of State, John Kerry, came out of it.


People tend to strive to realize their own exclusivity. And nothing fuels vanity like an important secret that only you know. This makes it possible to feel like an elite. But for the steadfastness of faith, brothers in interests are needed. So, the instigator and closest supporters get together and form secret societies - organizations whose members are united by a common idea, secret rituals and some knowledge that they supposedly have, and which make them a priori above all other people.

Such orders can appear in any country, in any class and in any age category. It may be just a handful of close friends who have convinced themselves of their own exclusivity, or it may be a serious organization whose influence extends not only to the immediate environment, but also to entire countries. In the conditions of modern globalization - for the whole world.

History knows many examples of secret orders that everyone knows about, but about which nothing is known - Freemasons, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones.

Top secret

Skull and Bones is one of the oldest student secret organizations, founded at Yale University in 1832. Its creator, senior student William Russell, according to one version, brought the idea from Germany, where he studied for some time. According to another, according to the Yale Daily News, it was his response to another prestigious student club, Phi Betta Kappa, who did not accept him as an adherent. In any case, the initiative was a success. In 1833, William Russell, along with the future US President William Tafter and thirteen other closest associates, opened the doors of their first and permanent residence "Graves" to the first members of society, people from the Anglo-Saxon nobility of the Protestant persuasion.

True, "opened the door" - loudly said. Every year the order accepts only 15 new members, no more, no less. According to journalist and Yale alumnus Alexandra Robbins, Skull and Bones is considered one of the smallest student organizations: "if only 15 new adepts are recruited each year, then no more than 800 members of society live in one era."

But that doesn't make Skull and Bones unimportant. 800 people are enough to “rule the world”, if all of them occupy important leadership positions and are always ready to contribute to the growth of their “brothers”. It is no coincidence that they say that America is ruled by the "Skull and Bones": in the apparatus of George W. Bush, including himself, there were six members of this order. In turn, there are no accidents among them either - they are all born leaders. One of the main conditions for admission to the order is leadership in one's own campus. It is not for nothing that Skull and Bones is called the cradle of the American elite, and its members are the arbiters of the fate of mankind.

The interest of the public in the "Skull and Bones" is fueled by the vow of silence of its members, among whom there are no former ones. Everything related to the order is tightly classified. Its adherents are forbidden to give out any information under fear... Who knows? Unknown.

The most interesting thing is that in the 175 years of the existence of the order, no one violated the ban, at least it was not made public. George W. Bush wrote in his autobiography: “In my senior year, I joined the Skull and Bones Society. It's so secret that I can't say anything more about it."

But forbidden fruit is sweet. Especially if it is always in sight - the Skulls and Bones residence is located right in the middle of the campus of Yale University, the largest in America. And the echoes of their initiation rite are heard annually in the spring by the residents of nearby hostels. The book by Alexandra Robbins presents the story of Yale University graduate journalist Rosenbaum, who describes the terrible screams coming from the "Grave" during the initiation ritual.

Don Quixote and screams at night

Speaking of rituals. There are many rumors about the terrible sadistic rites and orgies performed by its members. In general, the very name and emblem of the society, which depicts a “dead head” (skull with crossbones) with the mysterious number 322, does not imply any positive associations. Corresponds to the sinister reputation and the building of the order - a three-story mansion of a gloomy appearance in the "Greco-Egyptian" style with narrow slits instead of windows. Therefore, there are no less rumors about the interior decoration. than about the Order itself.

Rumor has it that in addition to the medieval decor, in the style of which the interiors of the “Grave” (as members of the order call their residence) are made - with hunting trophies, mannequins in armor and other military relics, the residence is decorated with skeletons of famous historical figures. Among them, for example, the remains of Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV of Bourbon, who died in 1764; the skull of the famous leader of the North American Apache tribe, Geronimo, allegedly dug up by a newcomer, Prescott Bush, who presented it as a gift to his older brothers. Who knows, maybe it is there that the remains of Yaroslav the Wise, now disappeared from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, are stored.

But this is all, of course, only rumors. At least none of the "barbarians" (as members of society call the uninitiated) knows about it. In fact, it's amazing how much the order manages to maintain secrecy, being in the center of the American student environment - in the middle of Yale's old campus "New Heaven" ("New Paradise").

Little more is known about the rite of passage, which is described as reminiscent of the mythical Witches' Sabbath of the Middle Ages. Allegedly, in order to become an adherent of the order, at least in the past, one had to strip naked at night in front of all members of society, then lie down in a sarcophagus and tell everyone present about their sexual experience, fantasies and perversions. Definitely in every detail. Thus, the new converts became "hostages" of the silence of their new comrades. Then there was a group beating and intimidation of the newcomer.

A similar ritual was filmed by the aforementioned Rosenbaum in 2001. True, the quality of the video is not brilliant, the only thing that can be seen on it is people in Halloween costumes who scream loudly and wave their arms at a person lying in a coffin. According to Alexandra Robbins, who managed to find out some details from the most talkative members of society, the figures of the Devil, Don Quixote and the Pope are present in the ritual. With screams and beatings, the newcomer is led to the “knight without fear and reproach” and the initiate is put on his knees, after which Don Quixote blesses him with the words: “By the power given to me by our order, I proclaim you a knight of Eulogia” (in honor of the Greek goddess of eloquence).

Dynasty "skulls"

Despite their strange and old-fashioned rites, the Skull and Bones have an influence to be reckoned with. As Alexandra Robbins writes, this is a kind of incubator for the American elite. From there came many key figures in US history - senators, secretaries of state, attorneys general, chiefs of intelligence services, chairmen of the Supreme Court, directors of major transnational companies and banks. Three American presidents have been members of the society, and the order's connection with the Bush family is almost genetic. Representatives of three generations in a row became its adherents: Bush-grandfather (1917), Bush-father (1948) and Bush-son (1967), their relatives joined them: James Smith, Jonathan James and George Derek.

The American press repeatedly taunted that all three generations of Bushes came from the same "Grave". That's where John Kerry came from. Once upon a time, the public even demanded that Bush Jr. and Kerry renounce ties with the Order, considering it incompatible with their high position, but neither one nor the other reacted to the demands in any way and flatly refused to talk about Skull and Bones.
Belonging to one secret order of many influential people in America inadvertently suggests a worldwide conspiracy and puppeteers who decide the fate of the world. Thus, the American economist Anthony Sutton, who devoted 15 years to studying the mechanisms of the Grave, stated in his work The Order of the Skull and Bones: Secret Power that 16 main surnames - the "patriarchs" of the Order, which make up its ideological and financial, make the weather in American politics, economics and on the ideological front. According to him, they have no analogues in the world in terms of the degree of influence.

Secret university societies are a relic of student years, a kind of romance, a spirit of unity. And in general, there is nothing in them

Secret university societies are a relic of student years, a kind of romance, a spirit of unity. And in general, there is nothing wrong with them if we are talking about the "Dead Poets Society" - a circle of creative personalities in the non-existent Welton Academy, about which the film of the same name was shot. But what if we're talking about the Skull and Bones Society?

Imagine a group in which all the most influential personalities in the state have been members since their student years. Together, leading the political, financial, scientific, educational spheres and all the federal media, they can manage the entire state, make history.

"Skull and Bones"

The Skull and Bones Society was founded at Yale University in 1832. Its founders were immigrants from the Russell, Taft and Gilman families. Then representatives of the Bundy, Lord, Rockefeller, Phelps, and Bush families entered the society. Often, the "Skull and Bones" is even called a Masonic organization, at least a club of followers.

cranial structure

The society was organized in the German manner, as one of the founders brought the idea of ​​​​creating a secret society from Germany. They seem to have been popular there. Although the most famous Thule Society arose much later - in 1918.

The organization approved a coat of arms, which depicted a skull and two crossbones under it with the number 332. There are still disputes over the meaning of the number. Some believe that the date of the founding of the club is encrypted in the numbers 332. Others believe that this is a reference to the date of the death of Demosthenes, whose Greek patriotic society became the prototype of the Skull and Bones Club.

Members of the secret organization held weekly meetings, where they called their clan "the center of the universe", "knights". All other students were despised by the members of the club and called "barbarians".

Membership in the organization was a symbol of exclusivity and elite.

How to get into the club?

Initially, only representatives of the American aristocracy, Anglo-Saxon origin and the Protestant faith could become members of the first secret society. In the twentieth century, the borders expanded, and even blacks began to be accepted into society. At the end of the 20th century, the hour of triumph for women also came.

As for the rite of passage, for a long time the order of the ritual was shrouded in darkness. It was rumored that in the 19th century, when the organization was just beginning to function, during the ceremony, newcomers were stripped naked, beaten, laid in a coffin and forced to tell stories from his sexual experience. But these are just rumors. Now the rite has changed, it has become more comical.

Blindfolded beginners have to drink a carbonated drink "Getorade" from the skull as an alternative to blood, take an oath and, perhaps the most unpleasant moment, kiss the toes of one of the participants in the Pope suit.

Future life

Then the students who founded the circle completed their studies at Yale University and scattered around the US government agencies. And all their lives they kept in touch with each other, because this is the unspoken rule of the Yale secret societies.

By the way, later they became much more.

In 1841, a second secret undergraduate society called the Scroll and Keys formed at Yale University, and in 1884 the Wolf's Head Society appeared. Three student organizations made up the prestigious "Big Three" of Yale University.

Then three more secret societies arose, but their specifics are little known. Can all these six generations be considered as a whole, like a secret society that arose from the Skull and Bones at Yale University?

Famous personalities

Based on this message, in total, more than two and a half thousand well-known American figures have visited the ranks of the secret clubs of the university.

These are US President William Taft (1909-1913), founder of Time magazine Henry Luce, US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, Henry Stimson, former US Secretary of Defense under two presidents - Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.

Also George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. The latter, by the way, had the nickname "Provisional". Apparently, Bush Jr. did not gain authority within the walls of the university. One of the most famous members of the society today is John Kerry.

And now ... attention!

Mr. Navalny also studied at Yale University. Comments are superfluous. Now everything has fallen into place, now it is clear who and where is brainwashing politicians.

Public criticism

Now society is a little eschewed by secret organizations. Because if a group of people has something to hide, then their initiatives will hardly lead to good.

Also, the Skull and Bones club is accused of the idea of ​​​​moral superiority, which leaves an imprint on the further activities of the participants. But with such aristocratic manners they aspire to politics, determine the foreign policy of the state. Should we be surprised at Washington's imperial views after that?

"Skull and Bones" is accused of conspiracies to seize world domination. In one revealing work entitled “The Order of the Skull and Bones: Secret Power,” an American scholar attributes to the secret society at Yale University the influence on wars and revolutions, as well as the use of the mechanism of global domination during the October Revolution, World War II, in modern international conflicts .

So is this student circle worth fearing?

Margarita Vanke

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