Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on familiarization with others and drawing in the middle group "a gray hare suddenly turned white." Directly organized activity for children of the middle group - drawing using musical and didactic games "Bunny p


Target: Develop imagination and thinking by modifying the image of a bunny.


Raise interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of the received ideas in visual activity.

Improve the ability to properly hold the brush, rinse in water, dry on a napkin before picking up another paint.

Develop fine motor skills

Preliminary work: A conversation about seasonal changes in nature, ways of adaptability of animals (change in color of the outer integument of the body). Comparison of images of hares - in summer and winter "fur coats". Reading literary works about hares.

Materials and equipment: Tinted sheets of blue or blue paper, silhouettes of hares cut out of gray paper, glue, glue brushes, white gouache paint, brushes, cans of water, paper napkins.

Lesson progress:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Does the oblique have no den?

He does not need a hole, legs save from enemies,

and bark from hunger.

Children: Hare

Educator: - That's right, hare! let's see a fairy tale about a hare?

Children's answers.

The teacher tells the tale to T. Voronina, showing illustrations for the tale.

A story about a bunny.

“Once upon a time in the forest with mom and dad was a gray hare. Gray jumped frolic in the grass in the clearing and did not know worries. Everyone was good for him as a friend: a birch, a maple, and a raspberry bush.

But one day the gray one jumped out of the house into the clearing, but did not recognize his friends. The birch leaves turned yellow. And the maple has blushed.

“Are they sick? "- the hare was frightened.

Why did you turn yellow? he asked the birch.

Autumn has come, birch leaves rustled in response.

Why did you blush? the gray asked the maple.

Autumn has come, - the trunk of an old maple creaked.

“What kind of animal is autumn? "- the hare was frightened and started off with all its might home.

Fall has come! Save who can! - shouted the hare, seeing the home.

What scared you about autumn? The mother was surprised.

She came and repaints each coat as she pleases. The whole forest is colorful! Spared no one. What kind of terrible beast is autumn?

Winter will be worse. She will come and take your coat. The hare smiled.

Winter has come. She dressed both the birch and the maple according to her desire in white fluffy fur coats. In a white meadow, our familiar hare jumps, frolics, but only his fur coat is unrecognizable! »

The teacher asks the children:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Children, what do you think this story is about? (children's answers).

What happened to the bunny? (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, let's draw pictures about how the bunny got ready for winter and changed its gray coat to white.

The children sit at the tables, the teacher offers to see the silhouette of a hare cut out of gray paper, asks:

In which coat is the bunny in summer or winter? (children's answers).

Educator: Look how I will help the bunny change the gray coat to white (attaches a sheet of blue paper on the easel, sticks the silhouette of the hare at the bottom of the sheet - 2-3 cm above the bottom edge, paints the hare with white gouache).

Guys, why do you think the bunny needs to change its coat? (children's answers).

That's right, so that hunters and predatory animals in the snow would not notice the bunny, listen to the poem.

The hare rushes that there is urine,

The hare wants to be buried.

He runs and circles

Then he lies - all trembling.

Poor thing, he's afraid of everything...

Where to hide from evil

From the fox and marten,

From an eagle and an eagle?

He's afraid of even squirrels

Songbird - even small.

… Ears are arrows. The tail is a knot.

Jumped white and - silent.

Educator: This is how a white fur coat saves a bunny, jumped into a snowdrift and hid. And now let's get to work, carefully glue the bunny on a piece of paper, then color it. Don't forget to draw snow or a snowdrift.

The children are doing the work.

Educator: Guys, what good fellows you are! so quickly drew pictures with a bunny, everyone tried.

Let's take a break and dance, shall we? (children perform a movement to the song A gray bunny is sitting).

Educator: Well done! That's how you know how to perform movements, almost like bunnies on the lawn

Educator: Did you guys like to draw pictures? Did you like the bunny story? See how much fun we had with you. And let's each of you tell mom and dad a story about a bunny at home and show your picture, I think it will be very interesting for them to listen.

Lyalkina Yulia Vasilievna

MB DOU DS No. 35 "Brook", Tuapse

Abstract of classes

drawing in the middle group (4-5 years old)

Theme "Bunny"

P / s:

  1. To teach children to draw a bunny, conveying body parts, their shape, size ratio, characteristic color. Learn to draw large in the center of the sheet using paint. If desired, draw a muzzle.
  2. Continue to learn how to draw rounded shapes from left to right, without taking your hands off the paper in a continuous line. Paint over without going beyond the contour with a cotton swab with a poke. Learn to draw straight lines from top to bottom.
  3. Cultivate interest in drawing, accuracy in work.

Vocabulary work:

Bunny oval, gray, fluffy.


Tinted paper, paints, brushes for each child, napkins, glasses of water.

Previous work:

Examining a bunny in illustrations, reading fairy tales, drawing oval shapes on the themes: “Cucumbers”, “Bird”.

Lesson progress:

Vosp .: - Guys, I walked yesterday in a forest clearing and met there ...

Guess who?

Through the thicket quickly jumps

And hides himself

From prying eyes

Early in the morning, early in the morning

Runs out into the meadow

That is not a wolf, and not a fox,

And not a fast marten

Well try and guess

Well, of course, this is ... (bunny)

Vosp .: - And here the bunny came to visit us.

Hello bunny!

(Hare, child of the senior group, dressed in a hare costume)

Bunny: Hello guys! I came to visit you, play, have fun,

get in a circle!

(Playing with a hare)

Our children had fun

Happy circling with a bunny

Like this, like this

Happy circling with a bunny

Bunny, Bunny, dance

your paws are good

Like this, like this

Come on bunny dance

Our bunny began to dance

To amuse our children

Like this, like this

To amuse our children

Vosp.: - Bunny, what a good, cheerful you are. For this we want to treat you


Hare: - Oh, guys, why do I need so many carrots, I won’t eat alone!

Vosp.: - Don't worry, hare, we'll call your friends now.

Let's call out loud guys!

(Children call: "Hares!")

Vosp.: - Oh, no one responds. But don't worry, bunny, our children can

wonderful to draw, they will draw you a lot of little bunnies.

Let's draw, kids?

Sit down in your seats comfortably.

Look what a bunny I drew.


What does a bunny have? (head, torso, ears, etc.)

What shape is the body, head? (oval)

Which is bigger, the head or the body? (larger torso)

What are the ears of a bunny? (straight long)

What tail? (small, round, fluffy)

What color is the bunny? (grey)

And now, children, I will show you how to draw.

Vosp .: - I take the brush in my right hand, above the iron tip and pick up a little paint. I start drawing from the body, with the end of the brush in one line from left to right, without taking my hands off to make a large oval.

With the same end of the brush, from left to right in the upper part of the body, I draw an oval head.

The paws are located in the lower part of the body, we draw the same way as the head.

We will draw the ears on the head long, in a straight line from top to bottom to the head. Draw a small round tail.

But to paint over the bunny, we will use a cotton swab to make it fluffy and beautiful.

This method is called "poke".

We collect paint on the fleece and paint over the body, head, paws and tail, carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Children, who want to, can draw eyes, a nose.

After work, you need to gently wash the brush, blot it on a napkin and put it with the pile up.

Now let's remember:

How do we start drawing a bunny?

Let's show in the air how we will draw the torso. (fixation in the air)

How to draw ears? (straight lines from top to bottom)

And now you can get to work. (independent work of children)

At the end, the children put their work on a common clearing.

Job analysis:

What wonderful bunnies you got. Our guest really likes it, now we will treat everyone with carrots.

Hare: - Guys, I am very grateful to you for your help and invite you to

goodbye play the game

"We went to the meadow."

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the middle group "Bunny"

Target: continue to acquaint with the technique of drawing with a poke using the "dry brush" technique.
Tasks: teach to convey the characteristic features of a bunny, teach children how to use a brush and gouache paints correctly
Materials: blue cardboard, white gouache, bristle brushes, black felt-tip pens, jars of water, coastersfor brushes, cloth napkins, bunny.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual guest. Do you want to know who he is? Guess the riddle:

Ears are long, timid.
He's gray, he's white.
It runs, and then it jumps,
The bob tail hides from the wolf.

Children: This is a bunny.

B: That's right, it's a bunny. Let's get to know him. This is a bunny, his name is Ushastik. What kind of ears does he have? (long) What kind of fur coat does he have? (fluffy, gray) What shape is his head? (round) What shape is the torso? (oval) What else does a bunny have? (eyes, nose.

He has long ears, a short tail and a fluffy gray fur coat. But our bunny is upset about something. Let's ask him what.

Bunny. Soon winter will come, the snow will fall, everything around will be white, and my fur coat is gray, and all my friends of hares have gray. The wolf will find us and eat us.

B. The guys and I will help you, draw a white fur coat. We will need white paint and a brush. We don't need water today. To make the fur coat soft and fluffy, we will draw using the poke method. Dip the tip of the dry brush into the paint, so that the piece of iron of the brush does not get dirty, otherwise our brush will quickly break and will not be able to draw. We collect paint and start drawing, first we paint over the contour. The brush seems to be jumping over the leaf. Then we paint over everything else.

And now let's our fingers play a little and rest.

Q: Did you rest? Now take your brushes and start painting. Make poke so that the fur coat is without holes. And then the bunny will freeze in winter. Now, wash your brushes and wait a bit for the fur coat to dry to draw the eyes and nose of the bunny. And while the paint dries, we will play. Come out from behind your tables.

Bunny gray sits
And wiggles his ears. (makes ears on the head with handles and moves them)
Like this, like this
And wiggles his ears. (2 lines 2 times)
It's cold for a bunny to sit
You need to warm up your paws. (claps hands)
Like this, like this
We need to warm up the paws .. (2 lines 2 times)
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump. (jumping)
Like this, like this
Bunny needs to jump. (2 times)
The wolf scared the rabbit.
Bunny jumped and ran away.

And now sit down in your seats, we will finish the eyes and nose of the bunny.

Educator: Well done, your bunnies turned out wonderful fur coats. I think in such warm and fluffy coats our bunnies will not freeze even in frost and the wolf will not find them.

Lena Novikova

Abstract of drawing in the younger-middle group according to the content of the musical game:

"White Bunny sits"

Tasks. To teach children to draw a tree, a Christmas tree and rabbits with gouache paints, conveying the features of their structure and placing them in space. Develop hand-eye coordination. Continue mastering the shape of objects and color as a means of figurative expression. Improve the technique of drawing with gouache paints. To form methods of visual examination of objects. Develop visual-figurative thinking and imagination.

Preliminary work. Talk about forest animals and trees. Acquaintance with the structure and features of the appearance of spruce and trees (trunk, branches, crown). Examination and visual examination of an artificial Christmas tree. Observation of the structure of trees on a walk. Looking at pictures of rabbits.

Materials, tools, equipment. Artificial Christmas tree, toys of hares and foxes. Sheets of tinted paper (light blue, blue, pale lilac, etc.); gouache paints (3 colors, brushes, cotton buds, cups (jars) with water, paper and cloth napkins.

The teacher reads the text of the musical game to the children and shows a scene with toys:

White bunnies sit and move their ears

Like this, like this, they move their ears.

It's cold for bunnies to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for bunnies to stand

Bunnies need to run.

Like this, like this, bunnies should jump.

Here is a fox running - a red-haired sister.

Looking for where are the bunnies?

Are bunnies runaways?

Guys, how can you help the bunnies? Where can they hide? Yes, in a snowdrift under a tree, under a Christmas tree. Let's help the rabbits. Draw them a tree or Christmas tree.

The teacher shows the sequence and individual methods of work:

See what a Christmas tree looks like, and what does a tree look like? At the Christmas tree and at the tree, the trunk is straight (brown or dark green, and then green branches on the sides of the trunk - we begin to draw branches from above and “go down” down: the branch on the right is the branch on the left, the branch on the right is the branch on the left; this is how lush, green we got a Christmas tree!

At the Christmas tree, the branches look down to the sides, and at the tree: up to the sides. -And what color will we draw the tree?

And now let's take white gouache and draw a snowball, a crown - a hat on a tree and rabbits. (showing the drawing method by the teacher)

Offer to draw a round body and head of a hare in the air with your hand, call the child to draw a hare on an easel.

Guys, let's help the bunnies hide from the fox cheat.

Children choose gouache, art tools and begin to perform a creative task. Those children who quickly completed the task can be advised to draw another hare and snowfall with white paint.

After drawing, invite the children to play a musical game: “A little white hare is sitting”, choosing a fox among the children.

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Olga Pichugina

Synopsis of an open drawing lesson in the middle group

Theme: "Hare in winter."

Drawing by poking with a hard semi-dry brush.

Program content

Goal: continue to teach children how to poke with a hard semi-dry brush, draw along the contour and inside the contour.



To form the ability to draw with gouache using the poke method.

Apply the pattern over the entire surface.

To convey in the drawing the features of the appearance of a hare


Develop imagination and perception of the world around,

cognitive abilities;

Encourage the development of curiosity.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife;

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and life of a hare in winter.

Cultivate accuracy at work.

Equipment and materials: a sheet of blue paper with a hare outline, white gouache, black gouache, hard brushes No. 6 and thin brushes, brush holders, napkins for each child. An example of a bunny drawn with the poke method on the board. Bunny toy.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of a hare with children. Reading works of art about hares (K. D. Ushinsky, V. V. Bianki, E. I. Charushina, B. V. Zakhoder, reading riddles about hares.

Course progress.

Guys, we have guests today, look at them, smile and say hello.

Guys, I am very glad to see you in kindergarten. Are you in a good mood today?

Teacher: Let's smile at each other.

There is a knock on the door.

Oh, guys, someone is knocking on our door. There must be another guest coming to visit us.

But first I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

He quickly jumps through the thicket.

And hides himself

From prying eyes.

He's so fast, hurried

Early in the morning - early in the morning -

He runs out into the clearing.

It's not a wolf or a fox

And not a fast marten.

You try, guess

After all, of course it is…. (bunny).

Let's see if we guessed correctly.

The teacher brings in a hare toy.

Guys, let's take a closer look at our hare.

What is a rabbit's coat? (fluffy)

What color is it (white)

Educator: Well done! That's right, in winter it is white.

- From whom does his white fur coat save the hare? (From a fox, a wolf.)

- You answered correctly, Snow is white, and the hare is white. Where do you notice this?

But our bunny is one. He is sad. Guys, how can we help him?

We can find friends for our bunny. We can draw them.

Now, guys, sit down on your chairs.

Guys, what method will we draw to make our bunnies fluffy? (poke)

Children, take the brushes in your right hand. And try to repeat after me until the brush is without paint.

First, with a poke, we will make the outline of our hare, and then we will fill in the middle.

Here is the bunny we got.

What else did I forget to draw the hare? (eyes and nose)

The teacher finishes the eyes and nose, mustache with a thin brush with black gouache.

(The teacher shows on the board a step-by-step drawing of a hare).

Do you remember how to draw? Tell me, Lera, how do we start drawing? (First, we make a contour with a poke). Then what do we draw, Veronica? (fill in the middle with a poke).

The teacher invites the children to stretch their fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics: "Bunny is jumping."

Deftly from finger to finger.

Bunny jumping Bunny jumping

(On the left hand, all fingers are widely apart. On the right hand, all fingers, except for the index, are clenched into a fist.)

Rolled down, turned around. And came back again.

Finger to finger again.

Jump bunny, jump bunny!

(The index finger rhythmically "jumps" up and down the fingers of the left hand.)

Now you can start drawing.

Guys, what wonderful bunnies you have turned out.

Come out, guys, let's play with the bunny.

Reflection of the lesson. Motor workout.

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

The bunny jumped on a stump.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Paws up, paws down

Pull up on your toes.

We put the paws on the side

On socks lope - lope - lope.

And then squatting

So that the paws do not freeze.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up.

Educator: Guys, who visited us today? (bunny)

What coat does he have? (white, soft, fluffy)

Where does the hare live? (in the forest).

Well done! Guys, now our hare has friends. The bunny thanks you and says thank you.

Here are the bunnies we got.

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