Synopsis of non-traditional physical education classes in the preparatory group. Physical education classes in the garden


Open lesson in physical culture
in the preparatory group
Topic: "Journey to Sportland"
Purpose: Versatile development of children by means of physical culture.
* to form the needs of children in an active and healthy lifestyle;
* to form the ability to maintain correct posture in various forms
* consolidate children's knowledge about sports, a variety of sports exercises;
* broaden the horizons of children.
* to form positive relationships between children, the ability to
work in a team, help each other;
* ensure the all-round development of the child's personality, educate
endurance, perseverance, organization, initiative,
independence, creativity, fantasy;
* continue to form the habit of helping out in whatever way you can
preparation of sports equipment for physical education classes and
its cleaning;
* create conditions for the development of a positive emotional state in children.
* improve the technique of basic movements, achieving
naturalness, ease, accuracy, expressiveness of their implementation;
* develop the ability to navigate in space, respond quickly
to change the main activities;
* develop strength, speed, agility, flexibility;
* improve the ability to act with a rope;
* exercise children in beating, throwing and catching the ball;
* develop coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, the desire to beautifully
* develop auditory attention and memory;
* develop the intellectual abilities of children by linking physical education with other subjects.
Material: tape recorder, audio CDs, jump ropes, balls, basketball stands, cones, tunnel, gymnastic benches, hoops.
I. Introduction.
(Children's music sounds, children enter the hall, line up in one line)
Wow - Hello guys! Today we have an unusual activity. We have an interesting journey to the country of Sportlandia. In this country, everyone loves to do physical education and sports, but each city has its own peculiarities of training.
- Do you want to visit Sportlandia? (Yes)
- Well, but this is not an easy path, only the brave and dexterous, friendly and skillful can overcome it.
- Do you guys like to exercise? (Yes)
- Do you know why you need to play sports?
- That's right, I see you are ready to travel. Then listen to my command - to the right, on the way! On the road, we need to warm up well.
(Children's rhythmic music sounds).
II. Main part.
* General developmental exercises in walking around the hall, with a change of direction (in a circle; snake; along the “diagonal”);
- sports walking;
- walking with a heel-to-toe roll;
- walking lunges, crouching, with arm movements, with leg swings.
(Music changes. Musical accompaniment at a fast pace).
* Running exercises:
- with throwing the lower leg back;
- with throwing straight legs forward,
- running backwards; etc.
* Breathing exercises.
* Basic movements.
- So we got to the first city of the country of Sportlandia.
In this city, everyone loves to do GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, but not simple ones. These are exercises with objects, rhythmic gymnastics exercises, complex combinations of exercises.
What gymnastic exercises do you know?
(Bridge, birch, ring, somersault, etc.)
- Well, well, I see it will be interesting for you to try your hand at this hall. Look, jump ropes have already been prepared for you.
- Well, I see it will be interesting for you to try your hand at this hall. Look, jump ropes have already been prepared for you.
(Children one by one take the ropes and disperse around the room).
* Rope exercises (I. p: standing and sitting):
- preparatory exercises for jumping rope;
- different options for jumping rope;
- complex coordination exercises using lying on the floor
* Breathing exercises;
* Gymnastic exercises:
- sitting exercises for flexibility and stretching;
- a bunch of gymnastic exercises;
- running around the gym, jumping rope.
- I see you liked this city, but our journey continues. (Children put jump ropes in place, line up in a column one at a time)
- And so, go! Be careful on the way. (Sport walking to marching music with a “snake”, with attention exercises. The music ends, the children stop).
Guys, I think we've lost our way. But hear some sound. This is someone coming to us. Oh no - flying!
(Carlson appears to the music).
Carlson: Hello guys! Barely caught up with you. Did you recognize me? What is my name? (Carlson).
Vos-l - Carlson, how did you end up in Sportlandia?
Carlson: - Yes, something began to weaken the engine, but it became hard to fly. I decided to fly to Sportlandia, pump up, correct my figure.
Vos-l - And you will not show us the way further.
Carlson: - Of course, I'll show you, but only those who know how to guess riddles about sports are allowed into the next city. You. Guys, can you? Well, I'll check now. (Children guess riddles on sports topics).
Carlson: - Well done, guys! You know everything about sports, then hit the road, follow me.
(Children follow Carlson to the music, changing direction)
Carlson says goodbye - flies away.
Sun - Next stop - SPORTS STADIUM.
What sports do you guys know?
- Do you want to work out here?
(children take balls, are divided into 2 teams)
* Elements of the sport game "Basketball":
- dribbling with one hand
- throwing the ball into the basketball hoop;
- dribbling with moving around the hall, with a change of direction.
Vos-l - It was interesting here. The next city is far away and not easy to get to. Before us is a whole strip of obstacles. Can we overcome it? Music will help us with this.
* Obstacle course (2 options):
- crawling into the “tunnel;
- jumping exercises on the gymnastic bench;
- high jumps over obstacles;
- jumping from hoop to hoop;
* Breathing exercises.
- Well done, they overcame everything and came to the most cheerful city of Sportland. Everyone in this city loves to play.
* Relay "Eye of the Needle".
III. Final part.
- What are you guys strong, dexterous and skillful! I am very glad that real athletes grew up in our garden. I want to dance with you. Let's dance.
* Rhythmic composition "What progress has come to."
Did you enjoy our trip?
- What are the most exercises?
- And friendship helped you in this journey.
Let's make together the "Flower of Friendship" (exercise on
- We give sports souvenirs to everyone who has visited Sportlandia.
(Children leave the room to the music)

Tasks : repeat walking in a column one at a time, develop an eye and rhythm when stepping over the bars; exercise in rolling the ball in a straight direction, in climbing under an arc.

Children in sportswear go around the hall to the music and sit on the chairs.

Vedas .: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. And our walk will not be easy, it will be sporty. We'll go and check if forest animals do sports? Guys, what if they don't play sports? Will we teach them?

Children : Yes Yes.

Vedas. : And why do you need to do exercises in the morning and play sports?

(children's answers).

Vedas. : Well, before we go through the forest, we need to greet him.

Forest, red forest,

Sky, clear sky

Shout out loud baby

Our physical education!

(They walk in a circle.)

Vedas .: We walk along the path along the path and hold the backs. We walk, we walk - we raise our legs higher. Look at the head turns - to the left - to the right. We deftly raise the handle and tear off the apple (we jump, imitate that we pick the apple). The apple is delicious, sweet, pouring. Then together we walk, we walk, we walk. Ahead of the trees is a row - “snake” we will go and go around all the trees. We walked around the trees and continued along the flat path. The leaves rustle underfoot (we rake the leaves with our legs). We have bumps on the way, we will jump over them in an hour. (jumping on two legs).

Vedas .: Here we are in the forest, sit on the stumps, we will rest. Look how beautiful it is in the forest. Guys, tell me what animals live in the forest? (children's answers).

Hare. One jump, two jump

And again an oath.

And then another jump

And again an oath.

Hello guys. Why did they come to us in the forest?

Vedas. : Bunny, hello. The guys and I came to visit you to find out if the forest dwellers do exercises in the morning and do they go in for sports at all?

Hare . Of course we do sports. See how strong my legs are? Yes, I'll show you now, get up on your feet together and repeat after me.

(warm-up with a bunny to the music).

Vedas: Well done, bunny. We see that you are strong and athletic.

Hare . Look, Bear is coming. He also loves to play sports.

(Mishka exits).

Bear. I am the owner of the forest strict.

I like to sleep in a den in winter.

I do sports

I am gaining strength.

Vedas . : Bear, and the guys also go in for sports. And able to pass any test. We'll show you whatever you want.

Bear. Here is your first test. The wind was strong in the forest. I broke a lot of branches - here's the task for you, you need to jump over everything, all the branches on two legs.

(Children perform jumps on two legs through gymnastic sticks one after another, in a streaming way - 3 times).

bear . Well done boys. They coped with the task. Here's your second test. To get to the mushroom clearing, you need to crawl carefully under a huge log that lies on the path. Can you handle it?

Ved.: Of course we can, Mishka.

(Children crawl under the arc)

Bear. Well done. And we forest dwellers love to play with the ball and throw it to each other. Do you know how?

(children's answers).

(Children are divided into pairs and throw balls to each other).

Ved.: Mishka, can you now play an interesting game with us?

bear . Of course we will play the game "At the bear in the forest."

Vedas .: They all passed the tests, played the game, learned what they wanted, and now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye Mishka, Bunny.

(Children stand in a circle, walk to the music and sit on chairs.

Vedas .: Guys, did you like it in the forest? Who did we meet there? And why did we go there with you, what did you want to know? Guys, our lesson is over, you can return to the group.

Documents for download:

Open lesson in physical education in the middle group "In search of adventure"

Target: development of physical abilities, consolidation of the studied general developmental exercises, basic movements.


1.teach children to throw the ball at a vertical target.

2. repeat jumping exercises.

3. exercise in crawling on the stomach on the gymnastic bench.

4. getting to know a new outdoor game.

5. Cultivate courage, kind attitude towards each other.

Lesson progress:

1 part. Hello guys! You recognized me? (the teacher dressed as a pirate Jack Sparrow enters)

I am the most important pirate Jack Sparrow. I have a big, beautiful ship. Look. (the ship is built from modules).

Jack: What do you think the name of the ship is? (Pearl)

Jack: I have a secret. I found a map, it shows the place where the treasures are hidden, many, many treasures. Look here everything is marked. Would you like to go on a treasure hunt with me? (Yes). Then you need to wear scarves and pirate medallions. Come to my ship and go. (music). Let's look through binoculars to see what's ahead. I see the land, (and you see) I see palm trees (and you see), we are approaching the island.

We all arrived on the island. We leave the ship. Now our main task is to find the treasure, the path will be very difficult for us, so we need to do a warm-up.

  1. Walking "Let's walk along the seashore" normal walking (20 sec)
  2. The guys here are hot sand you need to go on your toes, hands up. (20sec)
  3. Here the guys are “sharp stones”, walking on their heels, hands on their belts. (20 sec)
  4. "Beautiful seagulls" fly over the sea - run, wave your arms. (30sec)
  5. Walking, breathing exercises. (20sec).

2 Part. General developmental exercises. Type of construction in a circle.

  1. I.p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, arms down. Raise your hands through the sides up, clap your hands above your head; put your hands down, return to ip (5p)
  2. I.p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands forward, clap your hands; straighten up, return to I.p. (4-5r)
  3. I.p. - sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt, arms to the sides tilt forward, touch the toes with your fingers. Straighten up, return to I.p. (4-5r)
  4. I.p - lying on your back, arms straight above your head. Bend your knees, wrap your arms around them. Straighten up, return to SP (4-5r).
  5. I.p-o.s., hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs - legs apart, legs together. (2-3p) with a short pause between series of jumps.

Jack: Now let's go around the island to look for treasure. But I have one condition, when we go along the path, all follow me, be careful. There are many dangers on the island. Deal?

The main types of movements.

We look at the map, what we have to go through.

  1. We look at the map, we need to do a hundred. There is hot sand ahead, so as not to burn your legs, you need to jump on two legs like this. (jumping over the cord to the right and left, moving forward, distance 3m).
    1. We look at the map, what is drawn? You need to hit the target with a coconut. Look how many coconuts are scattered here. (Throwing balls at a vertical target from a distance of 1.5 meters in a way from the shoulder.) In a streaming way (2p).
    2. Crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.
  2. 4 .Here it is, but what kind of rocks and a big cliff are here. To overcome this cliff, you need to crawl along the beam. (Crawling on the gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with both hands, gripping the arms from the sides.)

Jack: Oh, something got me hot, and you? Do you want to swim in the sea? But sharks are hiding in the sea and you need to be careful, they can attack us.

Mobile game "Sharks".

Game progress: Children are divided into two unequal groups: sharks 2-3 participants and sailors. On a large ship drawn, there is a "captain". He watches the "sailors" floating in the sea. Children run around the playground, spreading their arms, as if swimming. "Sharks" - shouts "Captain". The "sailors" quickly board the ship, and the "sharks" rush after them. Without catching anyone or, on the contrary, having taken their prey, the “sharks” swim into the sea, and the “sailors” again jump into the sea, swim and dive.

Rules of the game: Catch only after the word "sharks!". On the ship "sharks" can not enter. Those caught are taken aside and miss one game. (we swam, now it’s not so hot) What do we have to go further.

  1. 5. What a big cave. You need to climb through this cave. (and there's a treasure chest)

(children find a chest with chocolate coins)

Hooray, we found treasures, how many of them.

And now we need to hurry until it gets dark, go back to the kindergarten, go to the ship. We leave. Here we are in kindergarten. Did you enjoy traveling? Goodbye.

Tatiana Grishina
Synopsis of an open lesson in physical education in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution "Journey to Sportland"

Open lesson in physical culture

in preparatory group

Topic:"Journey to Sportland"

Target: Diverse development of children by means physical education.



* to form the needs of children in an active and healthy lifestyle;

* to form the ability to maintain correct posture in various forms



* reinforce children's knowledge of species sports, diversity sports exercises;

* broaden the horizons of children.


* to form positive relationships between children, the ability to

work in a team, help each other;

* ensure the all-round development of the child's personality, educate

endurance, perseverance, organization, initiative,

independence, creativity, fantasy;

* continue to form the habit of helping out in whatever way you can

preparation of sports equipment for physical education classes and

its cleaning;

* create conditions for the development of a positive emotional state in children.


* improve the technique of basic movements, achieving

naturalness, ease, accuracy, expressiveness of their implementation;

* develop the ability to navigate in space, respond quickly

to change the main activities;

* develop strength, speed, agility, flexibility;

* improve the ability to act with a rope;

* exercise children in beating, throwing and catching the ball;

* develop coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, the desire to beautifully


* develop auditory attention and memory;

* develop children's intellectual ability through physical education communication with other items.

Material: tape recorder, audio CDs, jump ropes, balls, basketball stands, cones, tunnel, gymnastic benches, hoops.


I. Introduction.

(Children's music sounds, children enter the hall, line up in one line)

Wow - Hello guys! Today we have an unusual occupation. We have an interesting trip to sportland. Everyone in this country loves to do physical education and sports, but each city has its own peculiarities of training.

Do you want to visit sportlandia? (Yes)

Well, but this is not an easy path, only the brave and dexterous, friendly and skillful can overcome it.

Do you guys like to do physical education? (Yes)

Do you know what you need to do sports?

That's right, I see you're ready for travel. Then listen to my command - to the right, on the way! On the road, we need to warm up well.

(Children's rhythmic music plays).

II. Main part.

* General developmental exercises in walking around the hall, with a change of direction (in a circle; snake; along "diagonal");

- race walking;

Walking with a heel-to-toe roll;

Walking lunges, crouching, with arm movements, with leg swings.

(Music changes. Musical accompaniment at a fast pace).

* Running exercises:

With throwing the lower leg back;

With straight legs thrown forward,

Running backwards; etc.

* Breathing exercises.

* Basic movements.

So we got to the first city of the country sportlandia.

In this city, everyone loves to do GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, but not simple ones. These are exercises with objects, rhythmic gymnastics exercises, complex combinations of exercises.

What gymnastic exercises do you know?

(Bridge, birch, ring, somersault, etc.)

Well, well, I see it will be interesting for you to try your hand at this hall. Look, jump ropes have already been prepared for you.

Well, I see it will be interesting for you to try your hand at this hall. Look, jump ropes have already been prepared for you.

(Children one by one take the ropes and disperse around the hall).

* Rope exercises (AND. P: standing and sitting):

- preparatory exercises for jumping rope;

Different options for jumping rope;

Complex coordination exercises using lying on the floor


* Breathing exercises;

* Gymnastic exercises:

Sitting exercises for flexibility and stretching;

A bunch of gymnastic exercises;

Running around the gym, jumping rope.

I see you liked this city, but our the journey continues. (Children put jump ropes in place, line up in a column one at a time)

And so, go! Be careful on the way. ( Sports marching music "snake" with mindfulness exercises. The music stops, the children stop.)

Guys, I think we've lost our way. But hear some sound. This is someone coming to us. Oh no - flying!

(Carlson appears to the music).

Carlson: - Hello guys! Barely caught up with you. Did you recognize me? What is my name? (Carlson).

Vos-l - Carlson, how are you Sportland turned out?

Carlson: - Yes, something began to weaken the motor, but it became hard to fly. Decided in fly to sportland, pump up, correct the figure.

Carlson: - Of course, I'll show you, but only those who are riddles about sports can guess. You. Guys, can you? Well, I'll check now. (Children guess riddles on sports theme) .

Carlson: - Well done boys! Everything about sports know, then on the road, follow me.

(Children follow Carlson to the music, changing direction)

Carlson says goodbye - flies away.

Sun - Next stop - SPORTS STADIUM.

What types sport you you guys know?

Do you want to work out here?

(children take balls, are divided into 2 teams)

* Elements sports game"Basketball":

Dribbling with one hand

Throwing the ball into the basketball hoop;

Dribbling with advancement through the hall, with a change of direction.

Vos-l - It was interesting here. The next city is far away and not easy to get to. Before us is a whole strip of obstacles. Can we overcome it? Music will help us with this.

* Obstacle course (2 options):

Climbing into the “tunnel;

Jumping exercises on the gymnastic bench;

High jumps over obstacles;

Jumping from hoop to hoop;

* Breathing exercises.

Well done, overcame everything and in the most cheerful city Sportlandia came. Everyone in this city loves to play.

* Relay race "Eye of the Needle".

III. Final part.

What are you guys strong, dexterous and skillful! I'm very glad it's real athletes grown in our garden. I want to dance with you. Let's dance.

* Rhythmic composition "How far progress has come".

Did you like our travel?

What are the most exercises?

Helped you with this travel friendship.

Let's do it together "The Flower of Friendship"(exercise for


To everyone who visited Sportland, we give sports souvenirs.

(Children leave the room to the music).

Synopsis of an open integrated event in physical culture in the senior group - "To help the bear cub"

Socialization, Physical culture, Communication, Cognition, Music

Target: To form a healthy lifestyle in children, to develop dexterity, speed, strength in a playful way.

Tasks: To instill interest in fairy tales, the ability to empathize with them, to come to the rescue, to form the skills of children's cooperation with each other.

Equipment: Hoops, saw cuts, a toy - a bear, a gymnastic bench, an arc, musical accompaniment, a fake hemp.

Event progress
Educator: Guys, a telegram came to our kindergarten from the forest, from a she-bear.
What is written here, let's see? ( Opens). She lost her teddy bear while they were walking.
The bear was looking for the cub, but could not find it.
She asks you for help.
Well, can we help you guys? ( children's answers).

But in the forest you need to be careful, there are many surprises. We must be attentive, strong, dexterous and courageous. You need to gather strength and stretch your muscles.

Is everyone gathered?
Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to save the bear?

Well then pull up
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
Get to the workout!

Let's check your posture. We put the heels together, socks apart, the back is straight, the head looks forward. Step march! ( Music sounds)

Walking with high knees:
Walking on toes, hands on the belt;
Walking on heels, hands behind the head;
Walking on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt;
Walking semi-squat "Gnomes";
Full squat
Walking with hands forward, up, sideways, down.
Walking at a normal pace.

The arms are bent at the elbows, the run is normal; running "Lilliput"; side step running; running with a turn in the other direction; obstacle course; run "Snake". Walking at a normal pace with the restoration of breathing.

Educator: Guys, we imperceptibly approached the forest from the kindergarten.

And who among you knows how to behave in the forest? ( Children's answers).

Do not shout, do not break tree branches, do not offend animals and birds, do not destroy nests, walk next to adults.

To be strong, agile and overcome all obstacles, let's do the following exercises with you:
1. Shoulder raise
2. "Mill"
3. "Birch"
4. Tilts with reaching the floor with your hands.
5. Claps under the knee.
6. Squat with outstretched arms forward.
7. Jumping "Parsley"
8. Exercise to restore breathing.

We have completed the exercises, you have become strong and dexterous. But no one saw the teddy bear, or where did you meet him? ( Children's answers)

Educator: There are a lot of branches, cobwebs, snags in the forest, so you and I will crawl on all fours along the “fallen tree” ( gymnastic bench) and we will carefully look around, look for a bear cub. Caution guys ahead of the "snag" ( arc), let's crawl under it, we'll see a bear cub there.

Educator: Well, no one has seen a teddy bear? ( Children's answer).
We go further forward. There are "pits" ahead, let's jump over them ( hoop jumping).
And here are the "bumps", we make our way through them ( jumping on two legs moving forward through hoops).
Let's look for "stumps" ( jumping on the slopes).

Oh, guys, and in the distance, look what an unusual, big stump is, we weren’t looking there? Let's see if our bear is sitting there ( look in, there sits a toy - a bear).

There you are, bear, we have been looking for you for so long. Misha, I think you really like to play, and our guys also like to play different funny games, let's play the game "We are funny guys ..." together with the guys.

Let's all stand in a circle together, and Katya will choose the driver with a counting rhyme (counts the rhyme "We sat on the golden porch ..."). The driver becomes in a circle. And the children say:

We are fun guys
We love to run and play
Our naughty ... ( Antosha)
You try to catch us.
One - two - three catch.
The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Educator: Guys, please tell me how we will send the bear cub home? ( children's answers) By plane, by car, telegram, call by phone ...

Educator: Correctly, we will call our mother and she will come to our kindergarten for her naughty.

And now we will return home, take Mishutka with us and call his mother. And then I see the weather starts to deteriorate. ( A recording of a strong wind sounds, everyone leaves).

Title: Physical education in the senior group "To help the bear cub"

Position: educator
Place of work: MKDOU "Novokhopersk kindergarten of a general developmental type" Rodnichok "
Location: Novokhopersky village, Novokhopersky district, Voronezh region, Russia

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