Synopsis of GCD on reading fiction in the first junior group plan-summary of a lesson in fiction (junior group) on the topic. Card file of fiction in the younger group Nod fiction in the 1st junior group


O қu қyzmetinіn ұyimdastyrylғan tekhnologiyalyk kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities

Оқу oblistary / Educational areas: Communication

Bolimder / Chapter : Fiction

Takyryp / Subject: Reading A. Barto "Truck"

Maқsaty / Purpose : introduce the content of A. Barto's poem, activate the dictionary on the topic, introduce parts of the car, fix the names of the primary colors.

Equipment and materials : toy truck, cat, cat toy, cars in 4 primary colors, flannelograph, demonstration car with a light signal.

Vocabulary work: truck

Kos tildik component / Bilingual component: machine - colic.

Tarbieshіninіn іs-аreketі

Actions of the educator

Balalardyn іs-аreketi

Children activities




I have a wonderful bag in my hands. One toy was hidden in it, with which boys love to play.

Who will try to recognize the toy without opening the bag?

- What's this?

Vocabulary: truck.

This is a truck. She has a cabin, a body, wheels. The teacher shows the children parts of the machine.

How is this toy played?

Right. What is the car doing now? The teacher drives the car.

Now what is the machine doing?

Listen to the teacher

Children feel the bag, the teacher helps them

This is a car

Repeat: truck.





Organizational search

The teacher sings the song "We're going, we're going home."

We're going, we're going home in a truck,

Open the gate, the harvest is coming from the field.

Bilingual component: toө lik - machine.

What about our truck?

What can you carry on a truck?

But in the poem "Truck" the children decided to carry an unusual load. Listen.

Reading a poem.

The teacher reads A. Barto's poem "Truck", losing.

No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.

Then he asks the children to answer the following questions:

- What car did the kids have?

- Whom did the children decide to ride?

- Where did they put him?

- What did the cat do?

Let's get some rest.


They stamped their feet,

Walked across the floor

There, there, there -

Quietly they sat down.

Listen to the teacher

Vegetables and fruits

Listen to a poem.

Watch while playing the poem.

Answer questions:



in body

Overturned truck

Perform physical education in accordance with the text


Reflective - corrective

A car came to visit us, it can flash its headlights. And he brought friends with him (On the table there are cars painted in different colors). He wants to know if all children know colors. We will call the color of the cars, and if the answer is correct, the car will flash for us.

Play the game along with the car.

Name the colors of the cars.

Kutimdі natizhe /Expected Result:

Elestet /playback: in speech words: truck, transport.

Tusіnu / Understand: the content of the poem.

Koldan / Apply: knowledge gained in class.

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten of general education type "Rodnichok" with priority implementation of the physical direction of development of pupils

Girsovo village, Yuryansky district, Kirov region

Calendar-thematic planning

communication (fiction)

in junior group 1

Girsovo village, 2012


Long-term planning in the 1st junior group is carried out according to the Basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation with the priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the physical direction. The program corresponds to the modern tasks of preschool education, provides for the comprehensive development of the child based on his age capabilities and individual characteristics.

The program is developed, approved and implemented in an educational institution on the basis of the Charter of the MDOU, the Temporary Requirements of the Ministry of Education, the Law of the Russian Federation on Education. The organization of the educational process is carried out in accordance with educational programs. Educational programs are implemented taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Direction "Cognitive and speech development"

Educational area "Communication"

2. Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, and author's works.

3. Accompany reading with a display of toys, pictures, table theater characters and other visual aids, as well as learn to listen to works of art without visual accompaniment.

4. Accompany the reading of small poetic works with game actions.

5. Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

6. Encourage attempts to read the whole poetic text with the help of an adult.

7. Continue to involve children in looking at drawings in books. Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher, teach them to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”.

Intermediate results:

1. Listen to poems, fairy tales, stories accessible to them in terms of content. When reading them again, pronounce words, small phrases.

2. Look at illustrations in familiar books with the help of a teacher.


- "The program of education and training in kindergarten" - 2008

Gerbova V.V. "Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten" - M .: Mozaika-Synthesis, 2008. 112 p.

Zatulina G.Ya. “Summaries of classes on the development of speech. The first junior group "- M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2008. 160 p.

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Adaptation of children

Topic: Russian folklore. "Our ducks in the morning"

Teach children how to call poultry. Develop auditory attention, correct pronunciation. Cultivate the ability to sit quietly and listen.

Zatulina G.Ya. With. 12

Theme: "Kids and the wolf." Telling a Russian folk tale.

Learn to listen and understand the questions asked, to answer them. Develop attention, memory, perseverance. Raise interest in Russian folk tales.

Zatulina G.Ya. With. 107-108

Subject: E. Charushin "Duck".

Introduce children to the story, learn to listen to it without visual accompaniment. Enter words for actions into the children's dictionary. Develop perception, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in reading.

Zatulina G.Ya. With. 16-17

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: A. Barto "Truck"

Introduce children to a new poem. Develop attention, memory, the ability to speak loudly enough. Cultivate interest in poetry.

Subject: A. Barto "Horse".

Teach children to pronounce words, phrases. Develop attention, memory, the ability to listen to each other. Raise interest in poetry.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 52

Topic: V. Berestov "Sick Doll".

Introduce children to poetry. Develop focused attention. To cultivate the ability to empathize with the characters of the work.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 52

Topic: "Turnip" - telling a fairy tale.

Learn to follow the development of the action and reproduce the order of actions in a fairy tale with the help of questions. Develop attention, memory, ability to act as directed. Raise interest in Russian folk tales.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 54-55

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: S. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"

Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Develop perception, attention, memory, learn to consider drawings for a work. Raise interest in the works of S. Marshak

Topic: Reading the nursery rhyme "Like our cat."

To teach children to listen to works of oral folk art. Learn to answer content questions. Cultivate the desire to independently examine the illustrations in books.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 43.

Theme: "Masha and the Bear", arr. M. Bulatova.

Teach children to follow the development of the action and answer questions about the content of the tale. Raise interest in Russian folk tales.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 53

Subject: S. Mikhalkov "Kittens".

Learn to answer questions by content, combining a noun with an adjective. Develop attention, memory, the ability to act on a signal. Cultivate interest in poetry.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 41-42.

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Our Masha is small."

Teach children to listen to folk amusement. Develop attention, memory. Cultivate interest in reading nursery rhymes.

Gerbova V.V., p. 67-68

Theme: G. Lagzdyn "Cockerel".

Get to know the poem. Learn to listen and remember. Develop attention, memory. Cultivate interest in poetry.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 52

Subject: A. Barto "Bird".

Learn to listen to poetry, accompany the reading by showing pictures. To develop attention, to form the ability to use expressive intonations in speech. Raise interest in poetry, the desire to memorize them.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 77-78

Topic: "Teremok" - telling a Russian folk tale. “Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo. A raven is sitting on an oak tree ”- reading a song.

Learn to follow the development of the action, answer questions about the content of the tale. Develop attention, memory. Raise interest in fairy tales and songs.

Gerbova V.V., p. 66

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week



Topic: "Teremok" - repetition.

Teach children to listen to a fairy tale without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, the ability to reproduce phrases from a familiar text, speak loudly enough. Raise interest in Russian folk tales.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 82-83

Theme: "Kotausi and Mausi" in arr. K. Chukovsky.

To teach children to finish words in short verses. Develop attention, memory. Raise interest in reading folklore.

Gerbova V.V., p. 59-60

Topic: V. Suteev "Who said "meow"?" - dramatization of a fairy tale.

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Topic: E. Blaginina "Good morning!"

Learn to answer teacher questions. Develop artistic perception by means of fiction. Cultivate responsiveness to poetic works.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 92-93

Subject: A. Barto "Airplane".

Teach children to pronounce words, phrases. Develop attention, memory, the ability to speak loudly enough. Cultivate interest in poetry.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 99-100

Theme: Ya. Taits "Train".

Learn to listen to a story without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, listening skills, use onomatopoeia. Cultivate the ability to play together, not to quarrel.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 102-103

Theme: “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Develop attention, learn to understand the content of the illustrations. Cultivate the desire to independently examine the illustrations in books.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 85-86

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Topic: "Bai, bye, doggy, don't bark!".

Learn to listen to folk amusement. Learn to speak words. To develop attention, memory, the ability to act according to the instructions of the educator. Cultivate interest in reading nursery rhymes.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 61-62

Subject: K. Ushinsky "Geese".

Learn to listen to a story without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, onomatopoeia. Cultivate interest in the environment.

Gerbova V.V., p. 76-77

Subject: K. Chukovsky "Confusion".

Continue acquaintance with the works of K. Chukovsky. Develop attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Gerbova V.V., p. 75-76

Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Spring has come, water has flowed."

Teach children to listen to a literary work without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, speech breathing. Cultivate an interest in reading.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 121-122

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Subject: A. Fet "Verba".

To teach children to listen to poetry, to accompany the reading with a display of the subject. Develop perception, auditory attention, memory. Raise interest in poetry.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 127-128

Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Vari had a siskin"

To teach children to listen and understand a work of art without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, perseverance. To educate to educate interest in the surrounding natural objects - birds.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 133-134

Subject: D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha."

Learn to answer questions, activate vocabulary using onomatopoeia. Develop perception, attention, perseverance. Raise interest in fairy tales, the desire to listen to them.

Gerbova V.V., p. 84

Theme: V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse".

Learn to answer content questions. Develop perception, attention, memory. Raise interest in animals, recognize them in pictures.

Gerbova V.V., p. 89-90

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

Theme: "Snegirek" in the lane. V. Viktorova.

Teach children to memorize verses, answer questions on the content. Develop perception, attention, memory, the ability to speak with natural intonation. Cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Gerbova V.V., p. 88-89

Topic: G. Score "Zeltyachok".

Learn to listen to a work without visual accompaniment, answer questions. Develop perception, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in animals.

Gerbova V.V., p. 87

Diagnosis of children

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Topic: "What can be molded?".

To develop in children an interest in the process of modeling. Introduce the properties of plasticine. Cultivate accuracy.

Kazakova T.G., p. fifteen

Theme: "Let's bake pancakes."

Learn how to use clay carefully. Generate interest in the process. Cultivate accuracy.

Kazakova T.G., p. 17

Theme: "Sticks".

Learn to pinch pieces of plasticine from the whole, roll them in length between the palms. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate the desire to sculpt.

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Sausages".

Learn to roll out the "sausage" with direct hand movements. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Topic: What is it?

Make children want to sculpt. To consolidate the ability to roll out plasticine with direct hand movements. Develop figurative perception.

Kazakova T.G., p. 16

Theme: "Let's treat the dolls with sweets."

Learn to pinch off pieces of plasticine. Develop the ability to form rounded lumps. Cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Kazakova T.G., p. 17

Theme: "Ladder".

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine. Learn to lay rolled sticks one on top of the other. "The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Cookies for the cat."

Learn to roll the ball and flatten it between the palms. Develop a desire to sculpt. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Theme: "Little snakes."

Strengthen the ability of children to roll out a roller. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Theme: "Berries for birds."

Learn to roll out plasticine in a circular motion with your palms. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Topic: "Who lives in the hut?".

Continue to learn how to roll out a lump of plasticine with direct hand movements. Develop an interest in modeling. Cultivate the desire to sculpt together.

Kazakova T.G., p. twenty

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Snail".

Teach children how to roll a column. Develop fine motor skills of fingers. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Theme: "Kolobok".

Learn to roll the ball in a circular motion with your hands. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate interest in the craft.

Kazakova T.G., p. 29

Theme: "By design".

To develop in children the desire to sculpt, to find similarities with objects, characters. Use the acquired skills.

Kazakova T.G., p. 21

Theme: "We will roll a snowball."

Learn to roll out a lump in a circular motion. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate joy in the work done.

Kazakova T.G., p. twenty

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Fence for the hut."

Continue to teach children to roll up a column. Develop a role-playing idea. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 24

Theme: "By design".

Teach children to find similarities with surrounding objects, characters. Develop creativity, speech, memory. Cultivate the desire to sculpt.

Kazakova T.G., p. 25

Topic: "We invite a bear, a bunny, a squirrel to visit."

Learn to roll the ball between the palms, flatten it. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 22

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Snowman".

To consolidate the ability to roll out lumps with circular movements of the palms. Develop creativity. Raise the desire to beat the created character.

Kazakova T.G., p. 24

Theme: "Rings".

Learn to sculpt from plasticine, folding the strip into a ring, connecting the ends. Develop figurative perception. Cultivate accuracy.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Topic: "Colored pencils came to visit us."

To teach children to roll columns from plasticine. Develop an interest in fairy tales. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Theme: "Kitten-kitten."

Learn to create familiar shapes according to the nursery rhyme. Develop emotional perception, speech. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 26

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Topic: "I'll bake gingerbread cookies for my beloved mother."

Learn to roll plasticine between the palms, flatten it. Develop a desire to independently sculpt familiar shapes. Cultivate love for your mother.

Kazakova T.G., p. 27

Theme: "Turret".

To consolidate the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, flatten it. To develop the ability of children to play with finished products. Cultivate the desire to sculpt yourself.

Kazakova T.G., p. 27

Theme: "Bowl for the dog Bug."

Learn to flatten a lump of plasticine rolled between the palms, make a recess. Develop speech, thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Kazakova T.G., p. 29

Theme: "Roly-poly".

Learn to divide plasticine into lumps of different sizes, roll balls, connect parts of the figure. Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination. Cultivate the desire to play with the product.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Theme: "Plate with apples."

Learn to sculpt flat and round shapes, use the skills acquired earlier. Develop independence. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. thirty

Theme: "Rings for the pyramid."

Learn to sculpt sticks and connect their ends to form a ring. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands, fix color perception. Cultivate a desire to help others.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Theme: "Airplane".

To consolidate the ability to roll up columns, to teach children to accompany the words of the poem with the appropriate movements. Develop speech and thinking, attention. Cultivate the desire to sculpt. "The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Topic: "Favorite toys (based on poems by A. Barto)".

Learn to independently choose and sculpt according to plan, using existing skills. Develop imaginative thinking. Cultivate the desire to sculpt and enjoy finished products.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

Topic: “Ay, swing, swing, swing (for nursery rhymes).

To consolidate the skills of working with plasticine: rolling, flattening, making a recess. Develop creative thinking, speech, memory. Encourage decorating the work with a stack. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten", p. 54-55

Topic: "What have we learned to sculpt?".

Learn to sculpt the simplest forms on your own, recognize in them the image of familiar objects, characters. Develop children's ideas. Cultivate the desire to sculpt, enjoy your crafts.

Kazakova T.G., p. 32-33


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 24"

V. Berestov "Kitten"

Summary of GCD on reading fiction in the first junior group No. 11.

Compiled by the educator

Zagidullina G.I.


Educational area:"Reading Fiction".

Topic: “The poem by V. Berestov “Kitten”.

Target: Familiarization of children with the content of the work of V. Berestov "Kitten".



Learn to identify an animal by description.

Replenish vocabulary: “kitten”, “meow”, “jump-jump”, “tac-scratch”.


- Develop the ability to understand the content of the poem.


Cultivate curiosity, interest in animals.

Planned results:be able to guess the animal according to the verbal description of an adult, show emotional responsiveness to V. Berestov’s poem “Kitten”, activity when performing the song “Cat”, answer simple questions.

Materials and equipment:illustration for the poem, toy kitten, scarf.

Types of children's activities:game, communication, cognitive-research, musical, perception of fiction.

OO integration: knowledge, music, communication, health, reading fiction.

Techniques and methods:

1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children's activities, a surprise moment.

2. Techniques for activating the activities of children in the process of GCD: creating a developing environment, creating a problem situation.

3. Techniques for maintaining interest in children: physical education, singing a song, alternating activities.

4. Evaluation techniques: encouragement.

GCD structure:

I. Introductory part -2 min.

II. Main part - 4 min.

III. Final part -2 min.


1. Introduction.

(Children take their places. On the table is a toy covered with a scarf).

Educator: Who is this hiding under our handkerchief? He has a soft fur coat, sharp claws, a fluffy tail and a long mustache. Don't you know? Our guest can also purr and meow: “Murr… meow…” Who is he? (Answers of children). So what are we going to talk about today? (Answers of children). Yes, it's a kitten. (Removes the handkerchief from the toy). The kitten is small and has no name. Let's think of a name for him.


2. The main part.

Educator: Kitten Fluffy is a cub of a mother cat. Like any small child, he loves to run, jump, and sometimes not mind playing around.

(Illustration display) .

Listen to a poem about a kitten.

If someone moves,

The kitten will jump on him.

If something rolls

The kitten will grab for him,

Jumping gallop. Tsap-scratch!

Don't get out of our paws!


Who is the poem about? (Children's answers).

How does Fluffy the kitten jump? (Jumping gallop.)

How does the kitten Fluffy ball catch? (Tsap-scratch).

How does a kitten meow? (Meow).

(Answers of children in chorus and individually).

Educator: And now you, my children, will become kittens.

(Children stood near the chairs).

Physical education minute

All kittens washed their paws

Like this, like this!

Washed ears, washed belly

Like this, like this!

And then they played

Like this, like this (jumping)

And then they got tired

Sweet sweet fell asleep

Like this, like this!

Educator: Well done, guys!

Let's sing the song "Pussy" to our kitten Fluffy.

(Children sing along onomatopoeic words).

3. Reflection

Who was our guest today? (Kitty) .

What is his name (Pushok).

Show how Fluff jumps?

Educator: Listen to what Fluff tells you (Meow, meow, meow), he tells you


Duration 8 minutes.

Kids today don't read. This axiom excites the minds of scientists, teachers, and parents, who, by the way, rarely pick up a book themselves. Therefore, children rarely read aloud. The mission of the teacher in kindergarten is to try to reverse the situation, that is, to introduce the little ones to books, to show how much interesting and entertaining lurks on the printed pages. So, preparing a lesson on reading fiction is not just a methodically competent processing of information on a topic, but a real creative process that should capture the teacher, and then the kids.

Goals and objectives of reading classes

The driving force behind the development of the baby is an example, and the book purposefully encourages the little ones to imitate. And such moral and ethical categories as kindness, love for people, justice come to children imperceptibly. They learn to navigate in all the variety of models of human behavior, choosing the most acceptable option for themselves.

In this regard, the goals of reading fiction in the first junior group are as follows:

  • to introduce children to the world treasury of cultural heritage, in particular, to children's literature;
  • open the mind;
  • develop the ability to analytically perceive information by ear, that is, briefly answer questions on the essence of what they heard, retell individual episodes;
  • work on the development of speech;
  • develop fantasy, imagination;
  • cultivate interest in the process of reading.

The main goal of the classes is to introduce kids to reading.

The tasks of such classes with kids 1.5–3 years old are:

  • acquaintance with folk and author's creativity (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems, songs);
  • learning to recognize a character by description (for example, an animal);
  • vocabulary replenishment;
  • development of the ability to understand the plot of the heard work;
  • dramatization skills training;
  • education of empathy, sensitivity to the heroes of works;
  • awakening curiosity.


When working with kids, it is necessary to carefully select combinations of techniques that contribute to a more complete perception of a work of art, as well as help to realize the goals and objectives. From this point of view, the following methods can be called the most suitable:

Types of reading classes

The artistic word accompanies the entire educational process in kindergarten. So, even gymnastics after waking up is performed to rhymes and nursery rhymes. The following types of reading are distinguished:

  • reading in class;
  • reading before going to bed (usually these are fairy tales in prose);
  • reading poems (as an accompaniment to regime moments - eating, getting ready for a walk, etc.);
  • reading songs with subsequent memorization of texts (for example, when preparing matinees).

It is interesting. Reading competitions are regularly held in the kindergarten, readings dedicated to the work of famous writers (for example, "Pushkin Readings"). True, the participation of children of the first younger group in them is the exception rather than the rule.

Methodology for organizing and conducting a reading lesson

Any kind of work with children should be appropriate in time. For reading aloud, this interval is defined between 16.00 and 16.30. At the same time, the time of continuous reading should not exceed 4-5 minutes, and classes in general - 10 minutes.

When starting a new work, the teacher should not forget to voice its genre (for example, “Children, today I will tell you a fairy tale ...”). Please note that you need to pronounce the names of genres completely and clearly, that is, “I will read a fairy tale” is unacceptable.

Lesson Requirements

Why do kids sometimes not listen to an experienced storyteller, but perceive a beginner with pleasure? Because it doesn't matter who's talking. Much more significant as (!). Including these aspects are stipulated in the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for conducting classes in reading fiction in the first junior group.

How to motivate

The mood with which the children begin the lesson depends on whether all the goals set will be achieved. In this context, motivation techniques are of particular importance. With children 1.5–3 years old, you can use a fairly extensive set by combining options.

What genres are studied

In the first junior group in the reading class, children get acquainted with:

Table: card file of topics for reading classes in the first junior group (fragment)

the date of theTopicTarget
SeptemberFairy tale by V. Suteev "Chicken and duckling"Introduce the fairy tale, give an idea of ​​the appearance of the duckling, exercise in the correct use of the word.
G. Sapgir's poem "Cat"Explain to children how to play with a toy and talk to it in different ways; help to repeat and invent simple appeals to the toy on their own.
Tale of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"Introduce the plot of the work, explain the importance of hygiene procedures, help remember unfamiliar words.
OctoberRhyme "Cucumber, cucumber ..."Recall familiar fairy tales with children, help kids dramatize excerpts from works; to help memorize a new nursery rhyme.
Russian folk song "The cat went to the market ..."To acquaint with the content of the folk song; learn to listen and answer the teacher's questions; form round lumps of plasticine.
NovemberThe story of E. Charushin "Hedgehog"To introduce a new story, to form the ability to listen silently, without being distracted; introduce the habits of a hedgehog.
Fairy tale "Three Bears"Teach children to listen to a large piece of work; evoke an emotional response; form intonation expressiveness of speech.
Tale of S. Marshak "Cat's House"Introduce the concept of hospitality, teach children to listen to a large work; evoke an emotional response.
DecemberFairy tale "Mitten"To acquaint with a new fairy tale, to cause a desire to return to it repeatedly, to teach to guess riddles.
Fairy tale by V. Suteev “Who said meow?”To form the skills of perceiving a work of art by ear, to teach to depict the actions of characters, to expressively convey dialogues from a fairy tale.
Rhyme "Oh, you hare-shooter ..."To acquaint with a new nursery rhyme, with a riddle poem; learn to guess animals by description, develop attention, teach to ask questions and answer them.

time plan

The timing of a reading lesson is calculated based on the fact that its average duration is 10 minutes. This time frame should include three phases of work.

Table: an example of a lesson summary. Gulsira Zagidullina, teacher of preschool educational institution No. 24, Nizhnekamsk, “Summary of a lesson on reading fiction on the topic: “V. Berestov’s poem“ My Kitten ”(fragment)

Stage of workTeacher activityChildren activities
Introduction- Who is this hiding under our handkerchief? He has a soft fur coat, sharp claws, a fluffy tail and a long mustache. Don't you know? Our guest can also purr and meow: “Murr… meow…” Who is he? (Answers of children). So what are we going to talk about today? (Answers of children). Yes, it's a kitten. (Removes the handkerchief from the toy). The kitten is small and has no name. Let's think of a name for him.The kids, together with the teacher, come up with a name - "Fluff".
main stage- Kitten Fluffy is a cub of mother cat. Like any small child, he loves to run, jump, and sometimes not mind playing around.Examining the illustration.
Listen to a poem about a kitten:
If someone moves,
The kitten will jump on him.
If something rolls
The kitten will grab for him,
Jumping gallop. Tsap-scratch!
Don't get out of our paws!
The children are listening.
Who is the poem about?
- How does Fluffy the kitten jump? (Jumping gallop.)
- How does the kitten Fluffy ball catch? (Tsap-scratch).
How does a kitten meow?
Answers of children in chorus and individually.
- And now you, my children, will become kittens.Toddlers perform physical education:
All kittens washed their paws
Like this, like this!
Washed ears, washed belly
Like this, like this!
And then they played
Like this, like this (jumping)
And then they got tired
Sweet sweet fell asleep
Like this, like this!
Educator: Well done, guys!
Let's sing the song "Pussy" to our kitten Fluffy.
(Singing onomatopoeic words.)
The final stage- Who was our guest today? (Kitty).
- What is his name (Pushok).
- Show me how Fluff jumps?
Educator: Listen to what Fluff tells you (Meow, meow, meow), he tells you
Children's answers.

A reading lesson in the first junior group is an important step towards educating children in respect and love for the word, the book. And the educator is the person on whose shoulders the mission lies not only to convey the plot of the work, but also to awaken curiosity in the kids, help them master speech faster, learn to analyze what they hear. Therefore, the methodology for organizing and conducting such classes occupies a key place in the calendar-thematic planning of the group's work.

Card file of fiction in the younger group

Topic: "Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the cycle" Toys ""

Purpose: creating conditions for memorizing the poems of A. Barto, through their independent pronunciation.

Topic: "Reviewing favorite books (at the request of children)"

Purpose: to create conditions for attentive listening to a fairy tale, through looking at illustrations.

Subject: Title: V. Dragoon "What I love"»

Purpose: Creation of conditions for

Subject: "K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"»

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of speech activity by introducing children to the work of K. Chukovsky.

Subject: N. Nosov "Cog, Shpuntik and vacuum cleaner"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for

familiarization with the content of the tale through the examination of illustrations.

Topic: "Car and metro" N. Nosov

Purpose: Creation of conditions for

formation of the ability to listen to a literary text through the development of a culture of speech.

Theme: "Uncle Styopa" S. Mikhalkov

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the work of S. Mikhalkov.

Topic: "Pchelnikova A. - Bird"

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention through musical accompaniment.

Topic:V. Golyavkin

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the work of V. Golyavkin.

Theme: "Tales of the peoples of the world"

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

Theme: Russian folk tale "Cockerel and Hen"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to Russian folk tales.

Subject: Olesya Emelyanova "Doctor"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of O. Emelyanova "Doctor".

Topic: Andrey Oshnurov "Our army"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to the work of A. Oshnurov.

Theme: A. and P. Barto's poem "The Roaring Girl"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to the work of A. Barto.

Subject: Russian folk nickname "Sun-bucket"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to Russian folk nicknames.

Theme: A. Barto "In the theater"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of A. Barto.

Subject: V.G. Kvashin "How the sea settled"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of V.G. Kvashin.

Theme: "Flower of seven flowers" V. Kataev

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of V. Kataev.

Theme: Vitaly Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home"

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity, through acquaintance with the work of V. Bianchi.

Theme: K.Ushinsky "Summer"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the development of interest in the poetic word, through familiarization with the work of K. Ushinsky.

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