Synopsis of nodes on music "winter walk". Synopsis of a music lesson for the senior group "Hello, Zimushka-Winter" outline of a music lesson (senior group) on the topic Music lesson on the theme of winter


Sections: Working with preschoolers

preparatory group

Software content.

1. Strengthen music perception skills: recognize and name musical works, musical instruments, determine the nature of music.

2. Develop the ability to convey the structure of a song (introduction, verse, chorus, acting out, conclusion) using modeling.

3. To improve performing activity: expressively move to the music, conveying its mood in dances and games.

4. Enrich and activate children's speech with musical terms (solo, ensemble, waltz).

5. Develop imagination, the ability to independently embody your creative idea in voicing a poem with musical instruments.

6. Cause in children an emotional response to the artistic image of the winter landscape.

7. To develop artistic perception of landscape paintings, a vision of the content and means of expressiveness of painting.

8. Develop aesthetic assessments, judgments, the ability to correlate images according to mood in painting, music, poetry.

9. To consolidate the ability to reflect in drawing impressions from music, poetry, painting.

Preliminary work.

1. Observation of winter phenomena in nature, color manifestations of the season, time of day.

2. Examination of reproductions of paintings: I.I. Shishkin “Winter”, “Hoarfrost”; I.E. Grabar “February Blue”, “The Tale of Hoarfrost and the Rising Sun”; "Winter morning"; "Frost"; K.F. Yuon "Sorceress winter".

3. Listening to musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky “December”, “January”, “February” from the cycle “Seasons”; "Winter Morning" from "Children's Album"; Waltz of the Snowflakes from The Nutcracker.

4. Performance of dance improvisations to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Snow Flakes.

5. Completion of the creative task “Come up with a melody”.

6. Compilation of stories about music.

7. Inventing riddles, compiling stories about winter.

8. Drawing with paints on the theme “Winter Birches”.

Materials for the lesson:

Portraits of composers P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi;

Musical and didactic games: "Instruments of a symphony orchestra", "Compose a song" (modeling); "Solo and Ensemble";

Musical instruments;

Reproductions of paintings: K.F.Yuon “Sorceress Winter”; I.E. Grabar “February Blue”, “The Tale of Hoarfrost and the Rising Sun”;

Audio recordings, tape recorder;

Twigs, tinsel for dancing; watercolor, paper, brushes, water, wax crayons, napkins.

Lesson progress

Children run into the hall to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "December" from the cycle “The Seasons”, stand scattered.

Musical director. Guys, today we will talk about winter, about this fabulously beautiful time of the year. Many artists, poets, composers loved winter for its magical beauty, pure, clear, sparkling colors. We will remember poems, listen to music, look at pictures about winter.

Musical-rhythmic composition “Winter Patterns”, the author of the movements is L.A. Kustova.

Enter Winter.


The fluffy snow is falling
The street is white.
I am a winter blizzard
Came to visit you!

Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and fields!

Winter. I love to sing, and I also really like magical sounds.

Musical director. Zimushka, the guys have prepared a gift for you, listen to the magic sounds.

Sounding of V. Tomilin's poem "Winter".

1 child.

Here is the hostess
Winter is coming to us. - wooden spoons with bells
Decorated, decorated. - horseshoe with bells
In bright stars, earrings - triangle
Yes, silver boots!
And the boots creak - cellophane crunch
The braids are white to toe. - glockenspiel (glissando)

2 child.

Waving his sleeve to the left - - glockenspiel (glissando)
And the meadow turned white. - glockenspiel (light strokes)
Waving his right hand - - glockenspiel (glissando)
He will raise mountains of snow. - glockenspiel (light blows)
Slightly stomp the heel - - ratchet
The river is covered with ice. - triangle
Dressed up the tree - horseshoe
Whitewashed all the houses - cellophane
Oh yes Zimushka-winter! - bell

Musical-rhythmic composition “Winter in a hut”, author of movements L.A. Kustova.

Musical director. Thank you, Zimushka, you cheered us up. We know that when you come, all nature is transformed. Birch trees are especially beautiful in winter.

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Winter. I see my favorite picture, I really want to hear a story about it.

The story of a child based on the painting by I.E. Grabar “February azure”.

Musical director. Today we will listen to a piece of music about you, Zimushka. It's called Winter.

Winter. Guys, who wrote this music? ( A.Vivaldi)

Musical director. Think about the musical instruments that play this piece of music. (ensemble violin and solo violin).

Let's play. Take your cards and get ready to listen. When the solo violin is playing, show the red card; when the violin ensemble is playing, show the blue card.

Hearing: "Winter", music by A.Vivaldi.

Musical and didactic game "Solo and Ensemble".

Winter. I am a great sorceress, I can reveal to you the secret of beautiful winter sounds. Now I'll wave my magic wand and the music will take you far, far away ... Listen!

Hearing: "Snowflake Waltz", music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Musical director. What is the name of this music? (Answers children).

What is a waltz?

Who wrote the "Snowflake Waltz"?

Tell me what kind of music (blizzard, blizzard, snowy, whirling, sparkling, iridescent, graceful, fabulous, mysterious, airy, magical, sometimes quiet, sometimes loud).

What orchestra is playing this piece? (Symphony Orchestra)

Musical and didactic game "Symphony Orchestra Instruments".

Winter. Well done boys! You know everything about music. Can girls show how snow flakes swirl?

Dance improvisation “Waltz of snow flakes”, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

1 child.

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

2 child.

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

Winter. The blizzard calmed down, it was quiet all around and only frost glittered on the branches of trees.

Singing “The sky is blue”, music by E. Tlicheeva, lyrics by M. Dolinov.

Musical director. And now let's play the rhythm of this song on the metallophone, and Lera will play the melody on the block flute.

Rhythmic exercise "The sky is blue".

Winter. Guys, what picture can you choose for this song? (Igor Grabar “The Tale of Frost and the Rising Sun”)

What color scheme did the artist use to paint this painting? (Delicate pink, blue, lilac, yellow tones).

Musical director.

We love you, Zimushka,
Your frost and ice
And fluffy snow on the branches,
And the sled and the skating rink!

The song “Winter Gifts”, music and lyrics by S. Nasaulenko.

Musical director. Zimushka, our guys want to give you a riddle.

Modeling the song “Winter Gifts” (using geometric shapes)

Winter. What are these geometric shapes? I can't guess.

(Children explain: introduction, sing-along, chorus, act-out, conclusion)

Now I will make a riddle: what picture is similar to the content of the song “Winter Gifts”? (K.Yuon “Sorceress winter”).

I invite everyone to dance .

Musical director. We saw and heard how artists, poets, composers conveyed in their works different melodies of winter-winter. And now you will take the paints and draw your song about winter. And then we will present our works to Zimushka, so that by the forest on the edge, in her hut, she will remember our meeting for a long time.

Lesson 2 - visual activity.

Drawing on the theme “Zimushka-winter” with wax crayons and watercolors.

Integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group.
"Journey to the Winter Forest"

Outline of a musical lesson.

Target : Deepening the perception of music, through the integration of various types of arts, the organization of musical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution.
Topic: "Hello, Zimushka-winter!"
Lesson type : integrated.
1. Educational - to consolidate the gallop step in pairs, improve the skills of swing movement, learn to imitate game actions.
2. Developing - to develop the musical and creative abilities of preschoolers in various types of musical activities, using health-saving technologies.
3. Educational - to educate children in a sense of beauty through the influence of music, poetry and fine arts.
preliminary work :
1. Reading and memorizing winter poems, memorizing songs and dances;
2. Individual work with children:
3. Observation of winter phenomena in nature: looking at frosty patterns on the windows.
Equipment and materials:
Music material:
- "December" from the cycle "Seasons" (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky);
- "Winter" (music by A. Vivaldi);
- Phys. minute "And it's cold outside";
- "March" Ts. Puni
- "Side gallop" music. A. Zhilina
- "Snowflakes" music. A. Stoyanova
Handout, TSO:
- Paper carved snowflakes, candles, gouache, cardboard sheets, brushes for each child;
- Music center, computer, multimedia projector, phonograms of works;

Lesson progress :
Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.
Muses. supervisor: (sings) Hello guys!
Children: (sing) Hello!
Music director : I have a magic wand. We will pass it in a circle, wishing each other health (The teacher affectionately sings the name of the child standing to his right and gives him the stick, and so on in a circle).
M.r .: Children, guess the riddle:
Messed up the paths
Decorated the windows
Gave joy to children
And she rode on a sled.
(Answer: winter)
That's right guys. (talk about winter) Do you want us to go for a walk in the winter forest today? Let's enjoy beauty. Let's go along the winter path and look around.
Children walk in a circle, raising their knees high, pulling their socks. (walking through
"Snowdrifts") to the music "March" by C. Pugni

M.W.: And now on the cleared path.
Children move in a side gallop to the music of the "Side gallop" of muses. A. Zhilina
M.r .: Look, we ended up in a fabulous winter forest. How beautiful it is here! What do you see around?
Children: Snow, snowdrifts, trees.
M.r .: Who do you think lives here?
Children : Bears, hares, foxes, etc.
M.r .: Guys, look, you also have magic wands. Let's play with them the game "Funny Sticks". Maybe Winter herself will hear us and come to visit us.
Children play in rhythm game "Funny sticks" .
Something does not hear us Winter. Guys, do you want to listen to beautiful winter music? And Winter will hear her.
Children, at the request of the teacher, sit down on the carpet.
.: Today I want to introduce you to the musical work of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons". The composer dedicated a piece of music to each month of the year .(question to children) Tell me the winter months. December is the first month of winter. Let's listen, and then you say what you heard, imagined while the music was playing. Music will take us far, far away. We will fly over the snowy forest, you will hear the conversation of snowflakes with the wind. Do you want to listen? Listen! - reasoning, suggestion to children.
Listening to the music "December" by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons"
Guys, what did this music tell you? (children's answers). What did you hear or see? (children's answers). And now we will try to express the mood

music with words. Here is a snowflake, we will pass it to each other and share our impressions.
Game "Magic Forest". Children, passing a snowflake, come up with words about the winter forest, based on the mood of the music they listened to. (The forest is fabulous, crystal, ringing, magical ...)
The purpose of this game
: activation of the dictionary, the formation of skills for the active use of all parts of speech by children.
.: Many composers, poets, painters loved this season for its magical beauty, pure, bright, sparkling colors.
Slow music sounds, the teacher enters in the costume of "Winter". Gets well with children.
The child reads the poem "Hello, winter-winter!" G. Ladonshchikova:

Hello winter winter!
Covered us with white snow
And trees and houses.
The light-winged wind whistles -
Hello winter winter!
An intricate trace winds
From meadow to hill.
This is a hare printed -
Hello winter winter!
We put bird feeders
We fill them with food,
And pichugs sing in flocks -
Hello winter winter!
Muses. hand: Zimushka, children know such a good song about you! Listen to it and sing along to our children.
Children with movements perform the song "Winter Song", words and music by M. Krasev
Then the child reads the poem:
A light cloud over the forest
Sailed fairy tale
And touched with snowflakes
Tree branches affectionately
Snowdrifts swept around
white, fluffy,
Hiding all the moves and holes,
And the tracks are fast
Gave a white coat
All bunnies-pranksters ...
Dissolved by a secret fragile
Pure winter holiday.

Winter : Through forests and through fields
I was in a hurry to visit you.
Over mountains and paths.
I laid snowflakes
I wove a carpet out of them,
From the sea to the mountains!
There is snow all around
Yes, the frost is cracking.
- Are you cold? And let's, kids, girls and boys, warm up a little! Repeat after me!
Children perform self-massage with singing "And it's cold outside ..."
And it's cold outside!
Well, everyone took up the nose,
Knocked on the knees
shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders
And sunk a little!
(Doing self-massage of a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole body, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands).
: Are you warm, my children? Well done! Whoever does not sit in the cold will never freeze!
M.R .: Wow, Zimushka! We warmed up with the guys! Let's all sit down and rest.
Relaxation "Snowflakes" music A Stoyanova
The light in the hall is turned off, an image with moving snowflakes is projected onto the ceiling.
The light turns on.
What beautiful music, right? (children's answers)
Guys, would you mind if I invite you to visit my hut?
Children perform "Dance around the tree" Czech folk music
The guys come to a wooden house.
.: Look, guys, at Zimushka in the hut there are patterns on the window.
Winter : Who drew patterns on the window for me?
Neither I nor you drew, where did the flowers on the window come from?
While I was sleeping, while he was sleeping
Santa Claus drew them.
At the window old man Frost
He applied the painting with ice.
Winter : Now, guys, we'll see what patterns Frost can draw.
M.r. shows illustrations through multimedia.

M.r.: Let's all decorate our windows with patterns. And music will help us draw beautiful patterns.
Sounds "Winter" A. Vivaldi.
Winter distributes small candles (“ices”) to children, children draw patterns on cardboard sheets with a candle, then cover the whole picture with blue gouache. Offers to tell what they drew. Children give their "windows" to Zima.
Musical director: lesson conclusion
What kind of music helped us paint the patterns?
- With the help of what movements did we travel through the winter forest?
- What song did we sing for Winter?
Children answer questions.
The music director says goodbye to the children using a musical chant. Children with a teacher go to their group.

Musical director Rusakova A.G.

Target: The purpose of musical and correctional classes is to activate various aspects of the psychophysical activity of children due to the impact of music on the emotional sphere.



To teach children to distinguish shades of moods, a change in the nature of music and convey them in singing, movement, dance

To consolidate and generalize knowledge about winter and its signs through the emotional perception of musical works

Expand children's vocabulary


To develop the musical and creative abilities of children in various types of musical activities, using a variety of methods and techniques

Enrich the musical experience of children, causing an emotional response when perceiving music

To promote the development of children's creative activity in musical and performing activities

Develop auditory attention, memory, imagination, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm


To instill in children a love for nature, through acquaintance with highly artistic examples of musical, poetic and visual works of art.

Integration of educational areas in the classroom.

Social and communicative development :

To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, a positive emotional mood within the team

Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and keep up the conversation.

Cognitive development:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature.

Speech development:

Activate children's vocabulary.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Develop a sense of beauty through the winter landscape and the ability to convey it in teamwork

Physical development:

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children by means of health-saving technologies.

Synopsis of a correctional music lesson

for preschool group

"We love winter"

M. r. Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

M.r . We have guests at the lesson, we will be polite and say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

M. r. :

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Guys, your smiles made everyone warmer, and the whole day will be brighter and more fun for us.

And now, a riddle for you:

call weather,

snow commotion,

It's the time of year

We are calling…. (winter).

I suggest you go to the winter forest. And to get there, I will say the magic words and we will find ourselves in the forest. One, two, three, spin, find yourself at the edge of the forest!

(Imitation exercise for emotional release)SLIDE


All the guys on the road Children are marching.
The music is calling

Along the tracks
Kindergarten is coming.

Quietly walk underfoot on toes.
snow is falling.

we'll go on tiptoes.

Keep up, friend!

losing .

There is a lot of snow in the forest, They walk wide.
Snowdrifts lie.

In order not to get stuck

Take a wider step.

Marching along forest paths.
The guys are in a hurry.

Went out for a walk

Our kindergarten.

So we came to the winter forest, let's admire natureSLIDE

Winter dances with us, sings, plays

And everyone is invited to listen to music.

You quietly go through

Sit on chairs and relax.

(Listening to music)

Now we will listen to a wonderful piece of music about winter, which is called"Winter morning" ”, and the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, known to us, wrote it

Z ima is such a season,
What makes us all beautiful!

dressed in white nature

Revealed purity to the world!

M.W.: Guys, what winter morning did you imagine while listening to this music?

Children: Beautiful, snowy, cold, frosty, clear, etc.

M.r .: What moods, feelings does this play convey? What was the nature of the music?

Children: Tender, light, calm, expressive, etc.

M.W.: Yes, the music sounded gentle, expressive, and we were embraced by different feelings: inspiration, joy, the beauty of a winter morning. We listened to P.I. Tchaikovsky's play "Winter Morning".

Yes, guys, there are a lot of interesting things in the forest in winter.

Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -

Winter brought him.

Hurry up to us

She brought us snowmen.

From dawn to dawn

Bullfinches praise winter


Who does not know the bullfinch,
An unusual bird?
A little more sparrow
Bigger and titmouse he is.
Lives in parks and forests
On green streets.
He sings very softly
How the flute plays.

Guys, how does the flute play?

Children's answers

Let's sing with you with these words. Ti-ri-ra (loud-quietly)

And now let's sing louder and clap the rhythmic pattern.

Get ready, be careful clapping the right rhythm.


Chant Ti-ri-ra slide

(children do the task together with educator).

You did great! As if a flock of bullfinches were singing outside the window. . Well done!

I suggest you turn into bullfinches, for this we will put on masks (we put on masks)

I will sing a song about bullfinches, and you will be little bullfinches and answer me in the chorus with words from our chant.

1. Outside the window bullfinches-slide
Like drops of dawn!
Circling over the clearing
Flock of ruddy

Ti-ri-ra, ti-ri-ra




2. Let white-white around-
Not afraid of winter storms


Little red balls.

3. In an open field by the river

Washed with snow-

That's how they heat up!

-R Az, two, three, four, five.
Gonna play

.(musical game onchanging the nature of music and conveying them in singing, movement, dance

Game birds and blizzard (hoops) slide

What a fun time of the year - winter! We sing, and dance, and play, and do not freeze at all. But it's time for us to go to the group. And so once. two, three circle, be in our group!

Here we are in the winter forest.

Let's remember a song about winter.

(repetition of the past)

"Song of Winter" SLIDE

- Well done boys. You did a good job. In memory of our journey, I want to make a beautiful picture with youwith bullfinches, let's go to the paper and put the bullfinches on a tree.

Look at the branches

Bullfinches in red T-shirts

Spread feathers

Basking in the sun.

Turn your head, turn your head

They want to fly

Love it soon
On the handsome bullfinches!

M.R .. Well done guys, what beautiful bullfinches we got.

Our lesson is coming to an end. What did you especially like about today's lesson?

Well, now I invite you to dance. Do you agree?



Dance we are friends (performing movements in the text)

Abstract of the musical lesson "For a walk in the winter forest" for children of senior preschool age

The summary of the musical lesson for children of senior preschool age "For a walk in the winter forest" presented by me, contributes to the development of children's musical abilities, speech, movement, cognitive interests and the ability to solve age-appropriate problematic tasks through musical-playing and communicative activities.
Classes are recommended to be held before the New Year and Christmas holidays.
This material will be useful to music directors, educators and teachers of additional education in the ecology of preschool educational institutions.

Author: Godovanaya Olga Yuryevna, music director of MBDOU "Academy of Childhood", Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil
Target: to enrich children's knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the winter season, through joint musical-playing and communication activities using musical-playing movements, staging songs and musical games; evoke positive emotions in children from meeting the natural world.
- form correct breathing;
- to form the ability of children to improvise, independence in choosing actions to convey the image;
- to form the ability to independently transfer the acquired knowledge to new conditions;
- develop imagination, creative and musical abilities, singing range, phonemic perception through sounds;
- to develop children's speech as a means of communication and a way of knowing the world around them;
- develop tactile-motor activity, coordination of movements, the ability to coordinate their movements with music;
- educate emotional responsiveness to diverse music;
- to cultivate a caring and careful attitude to nature, love for the native land.
Materials and equipment: artificial Christmas trees, "snowdrifts", "mink house" of a bunny, "lair" of a bear made of white fabric, paper snowflakes, crispy lumps of cellophane, figurines of bullfinches, toys: a bunny, a squirrel; caps-ears of squirrels; bird feeders; dry ice, bells; Christmas tree decorations; baskets, handbags, bags, a barrel of honey and jam; treats for forest dwellers; music center, wind whistling soundtrack, "Discoball" lighting.

Course progress.

The lesson begins in a group where the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.
Educator. Dear Guys! Today I want to invite you for a walk in the winter fairy forest. There we will see a lot of interesting things, admire its winter beauty, meet its forest inhabitants, birds and animals. Let's find out how horses live in the forest in winter. Let's dress warmly.
The logarithmic exercise "Dress" is carried out (author's development)
We will put on sweaters, warm pants,
Hats, coats, felt boots,
Mittens, scarves.
That's it - we're ready!
Is everyone dressed up? And now, do not forget to take the treats and gifts that you have prepared for the forest dwellers. They will be very happy with them.
Children take with them feeders, baskets, treats, New Year's decorations made with their own hands. Everyone goes to the music room, where they are met by the music director.
Musical director. I see that everyone is ready for a walk: they dressed warmly and did not forget to take gifts for the forest dwellers. I propose to get to the winter forest on a sled. And to make it more fun, let's take a song and ringing bells on the road.
Children perform the 1st and 2nd verses of the song "Sanochki" (Music A. Filippenko, lyrics by Volgina)
Musical director. Here we are! You just look around!
Enchanted winter
The forest is bewitched.
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life. (F. Tyutchev)
The teacher turns on the backlight "Discoball".
Musical director. See how beautiful snowflakes are spinning in the air. Let's listen to a poem about them.
1 child. Look, the snowflake is spinning
Like a dandelion fluff
We've been watching her for a long time.
As she flickers among the branches.
Slowly sank down on a bough,
Frozen like a white spider (S. Pronin)
2 child. white snowflake,
light fluff,
Where did you come from
And did you bring your friends?
All now they're spinning
In a whirlwind of a waltz above the earth.
Santa's children
And ice blizzards. (M. Piudunen)
The teacher includes A. Stoyanov's play "Snowflakes" in the notes.
Musical director. Hear what fabulous music sounds? This is Santa Claus with his magic staff playing a waltz for snowflakes on icicles. Let's dance together with them in a beautiful dance.
Children take pre-prepared paper snowflakes from the chairs and improvise dance movements. Adults correct the movements of children.

Musical director. Listen. How quiet it is in the forest. And what a wonderful frosty air: fresh, clean, cool. Do you feel kids?
The breathing exercise "Fragrance" by E. Makshantseva is being carried out (using paper snowflakes).
Musical director. I'll catch one snowflake and smell it.
A strange star fell from the sky
It lay on my palm, sparkled.
Cold, white, tender, tender
And so beautiful ... she's snowy.
Slowly sniffing the snowflake several times, making noisy breaths and exhalations. After sniffing for the last time, inhaling, he says:
-Oh! Aro-mate! Aro-mat! Wonderful aroma! Wonderful aroma!
Then he invites the children to sniff each of their "snowflakes" and say in chorus: "A-ro-mat!"
The exercise is performed several times; then "snowflakes" can be put on the chairs.
Musical director. It's cold in the forest. The cheerful chirping of birds is not heard. Look carefully around. Maybe one of you will notice them?
Children look around and notice figurines of bullfinches sitting on branches.
Musical director. Let's get closer.
A logarithmic exercise is being conducted on N. Nishcheva's poem "Bullfinches"
Musical director. Here on the branches, look (children shake their hands above their heads).
Bullfinches in red T-shirts (torso turns),
Spread feathers (frequent shaking of the hands),
Basking in the sun (jumping on two legs),
Turning the head (turning the head)
They want to fly away! (Running in place with arm swings).
Educator. Wait, snowmen! Don't fly away! Children, let's treat the birds. Hang the feeders, get the treat that you prepared for them.
With the help of adults, children hang feeders on the branches and pour grains, crumbs, seeds into them.
Musical director. It is not often possible to meet forest animals on the winter paths. But until winter, all autumn, they worked. Who will tell me how? (they warmed their minks, made supplies, changed their fur coats). Let's see how forest animals winter.
Everyone approaches the "snowdrift-house" of rabbits.
Musical director. Look, what a snowdrift. And his ears stick out. Whose house is this? Come on, guess: He is afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, owl, fox.
Runs from them to escape.
With long ears...
Children. Hare!
Musical director. Tell me, how do hares prepare for winter? Do they hibernate in winter?
Children make assumptions: they change their fur coat, it becomes white. So the bunny is not noticeable in the snow and it is easier for him to hide and run away from predators: a wolf and a fox. In winter, hares do not sleep.
Musical director. Show me what they do.
Children stage the song "Bunny" (Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by V. Suslov / / Musical director. - 2006. - No. 1. - p. 72).
Educator. Do hares store food for themselves? (No, they don't.) And then what do they eat in winter? (Bark of trees, dry grass, roots, extracting everything from under the snow). Let's give our treat to the hares. What kind of food will they enjoy?
Children leave carrots, cabbage, grass, apples near the "mink".
Musical director. Let's go further (they approach another snowdrift, from which "steam" comes).
Hear my riddle: All paths, all paths
Covered with white snow.
And in Brown's den
Quiet, dry and warm.
Steam flows over the lair -
Lazyback dreaming of summer.
Guess and answer
Who is in that lair?
Children. Bear!
Musical director. Guys, what do you think, now, in winter, can you wake up a bear? (No, you can’t disturb the bear in winter, because he hibernates.) Let's play the Bear game with you.
The speech game "Bear" by T. Alyokhina to the verses of I. Tokmakova is being held.
Children pick up "lumps" of strongly rustling paper and at the same time perform movements and pronounce the words:
Like snow on a hill, snow
And under the hill snow-snow (rustling with cellophane)
And under the snow the bear is sleeping (sniffing or snoring)
Hush, hush ... Do not make noise! ​​(turning to each other, put a finger to their lips: "Shh, shh...")
Musical director. In the spring, when the bear comes out of hibernation, he will be very hungry, completely exhausted, let's leave him a treat. I think he will be very happy with our surprise. And what treat will please him the most?
Children express their assumptions and leave honey, jam, dried berries at the "bear's lair".
Musical director. Now listen to another riddle:
Not a bird on the branch
The animal is small.
The fur is warm, like a heating pad.
Who is it?
Children. Squirrel!
Musical director. That's right. Do you know where the squirrel's house is? (on a tree, in a hollow). I suggest you turn into squirrels for a while and show how they prepare for winter.
Spin around, spin around
All turn into whites!
Children spin around and put on hats-ears of squirrels. The staging of "The Song of the Squirrels" by E. Yerantseva is being staged // Musical Director.-2009.-№7.-p. 23 and Music Director.- 2007.-№6.-p. 54).
M musical leader. Now let's be kids again.
Spin around, spin around
And turn into kids!
The children are spinning; take off their squirrel hats.
Educator. We need to feed our squirrel. What treat did you bring her? (they give dried mushrooms, nuts, acorns). So we fed all the forest dwellers.
Musical director.(squirming).
I think it's getting colder. Something got cold. I see that you are also cold. Let's get warm. (The massage game "Winter warm-up" by M. Kartushina is being held and poems by M. Ruzina.
If your hands freeze
We start rubbing them
Quickly we will manage hands
How to heat up on the stove.
(Children slowly rub their palms together)
First, palms
Just like ice cubes
Then like frogs
Then like pillows.
(Children rub their hands faster and faster)
Warmed up palms.
Burning, and really
Not pretend.
I burn like fire
Here, touch me!
(stretch open palms forward)
Here we are warmed up. I see you are not afraid of frost. Tell me, do you like winter? What do you like in winter?
Children perform the song "What do we like in winter?" (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by L. Nekrasova)
Musical director. In winter, the most beloved holiday comes to us - the New Year. And let's arrange a holiday for the forest inhabitants. We still have Christmas decorations that we brought with us. What should we do with them? (children express their assumptions: give forest dwellers, decorate a Christmas tree with them, etc.)
Children decorate the Christmas tree with handmade toys: beads, balls, icicles, snowflakes.
Musical director. What do you think, will they like our gift? (Children express their opinion).
Guys, what good fellows you are for taking care of the forest dwellers. I think that our treat will help them survive the cold winter, and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree will make it fun to celebrate the New Year holiday. And as a memory of our walk, I suggest taking these forest cones with you. Of these, we will make a decoration for our New Year tree. (Children collect cones under the Christmas trees in baskets, bags).
The teacher turns on the soundtrack of the whistle of the wind.
Musical director. Hear, again the wind whistled, the blizzard sweeps the path.
A phonopedic exercise is being carried out according to the method of V. Emelyanov "Wind".
The wind is wandering along the roads: "Whoo!"
He sweeps snowdrifts: "Uuu!"
He sings his song: "Uuu!"
Howls the wind in the pipes: "Whoo!"
(the text is pronounced in the chest and falsetto mode along with the blowing of air "we blow on the candle").
Educator. It's time for us to return home before all the paths in the forest are covered with snow. Hurry up and get on the sled. With a cheerful song, we will quickly rush to the kindergarten.
To the song "Sanochki" by A. Filippenko, the children leave the hall.

Tasks: Develop creative skills, imagination in inventing imitative movements and static poses. To consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, the properties of snow and ice. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to works of art.

To the lyrical music, the children go to the music room and stand in a semicircle. Enter Winter.

Winter:(music director):
I am Zimushka-winter, I love very cold
Whoever plays with me can get into a wonderful fairy tale!
Winter: Welcome to my realm. How many guests came to me? What do you know about winter? What kind of work do I do? (Children's answers) Now let's sing my favorite song about winter chores.


Winter: In the kingdom of Winter there are special wonderful musical instruments. What do you think it looks like? (I play one musical instrument, and the guys compare it with a winter sign. For example, a tambourine - snowflakes are flying; the sound of a metallophone is similar - as if ice is shining; a bell - horses are running in the snow, icicles are sparkling; maracas - the wind is making noise, a blizzard, reminds of snowstorms, etc.)
Winter: And what tool is not suitable for Winter? (playing drums) Why? (Children's answers) Guys, help me depict my winter kingdom on these musical instruments. (I suggest playing musical instruments to the music)


Winter: I think that now the musical instruments should rest, and we will go further with you! Do you love winter fun? (Children's answers) I also like to play.
I was in a hurry to you and brought snowballs as a gift!
Get up in a big circle and don't miss the snow!

SNOW BALL GAME N. Veresokina

Winter: What other winter fun do you know? I see that all the guys love to play, they know a lot of winter fun. Well done! But what else happens in winter, Katya will tell us with her wonderful voice!

SONG "WINTER-WINTER" by L. Vakhrusheva (solo)

Winter: What a beautiful song! Thank you Katya! Guess guys, who am I sending on New Year's holiday to visit you? (Santa Claus) Listen, what is this melody? (I play the introduction of a familiar song, and the children guess).


Winter: How merrily you danced and sang. I see that you are not afraid of frost. And what are the frosts in Russia? (Children pick up epithets) What cities have frosts visited in winter? (City names)
The boys will tell us about it, and the girls will listen.

SONG "MARCH OF SANTA FROSTS" by M. Dunaevsky(boys)

Winter: Girls, tell me, how did the boys sing this song? What character does she have? (peppy, cheerful, joyful, sonorous, etc.) And I know how to soothe frosts and when I fall asleep, the weather is calm and calm. My favorite music will tell you about it best!


Winter: I feel that it is time for me to get ready, to go to a real winter forest and gain new strength. I will harness three white horses and sing a cheerful song with you!


You have a lot of fun, but the hour of farewell has come!
My blizzard will help you go home!
Goodbye, guys! (Exits to music.)

Title: Abstract of a musical lesson in the preparatory group, in winter "Visiting mother - winter"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Music director

Position: music director
Place of work: MADOU combined type kindergarten No. 99
Location: Tomsk region, Tomsk

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