Abstract on drawing in the preparatory group winter. Drawing on the topic: Winter in the preparatory group in kindergarten


Dina Baryshnikova

Productive activity - drawing.

(preparatory group)

Topic: « Winter forest» .

Target: Summarize children's ideas about winter phenomena in nature.


Expand and clarify children's ideas about the season - winter;

Cultivate love for nature;

Learn draw landscape;

To develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of rhythm and composition.

1. Introduction.

caregiver: Guys, today we will go to winter forest.

And let's remember what winter is like? What words

can you tell about it? (children's answers)

What happens in winter? (children's answers)

2. The main part.

Let's start our journey! Close your eyes ... (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons. December")

Here we are in the forest! Look guys, how beautiful it is around! Which

A white and cold winter came to the earth, with severe frosts and cold blizzards. The forest fell asleep, drowned in the snow. And trees and bushes hid under the deep snow. There is no juicy grass, no soft leaves, no flowers, mushrooms and berries.

Demonstration of paintings winter landscape.

The teacher reads a poem by I. Surikov "Winter"

Fluffy white snow is spinning in the air

And quietly falls to the ground, lays down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

Like a veil all dressed him.

The dark forest, with a hat, covered itself with a wonderful

And fell asleep under it soundly, soundly.

caregiver: Guys, pay attention to the beauty winter nature, on the trees that you see. And now we will rest a little.

Fizminutka « Winter forest»

We came to winter forest(walking in place)

How many miracles are around here! (spread arms out to sides)

On the right is a birch in a fur coat, (Hands move in the indicated direction and look.)

On the left, the tree looks at us

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky (hold hands away and follow with eyes)

And they lay down beautifully on the ground. (traffic (flashlights) and look up).

caregiver: Close our eyes and go back. One two Three…. Guys, we have seen all the beauty winter forest. And now we will draw a winter fairy forest.

Independent productive activity of children.

3. Final part. Work analysis.

caregiver: What wonderful landscapes you got! The forest is magical, fabulous! Well done!

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Abstract of a drawing lesson for the preparatory group "Winter Forest" Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to convey images of familiar songs in a drawing, to be able to choose the most visual content in a drawing.


Preparatory group.

Theme of the lesson: "Winter landscape".

Objectives: To help to feel the beauty of winter nature through poetry, music and painting.


1. Continue to learn to think through the composition of the work.

2. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to respond to someone else's request.

3. To consolidate the ability to convey an artistic image through the nature of the line.

Materials: Toned A4 sheets, gouache, simple graphite pencil, palettes, brushes, jars of water.

Preliminary work: Reading stories and fairy tales about winter, learning songs and poems, observing nature. Examination of paintings by great Russian artists: "Winter in the Forest" by I. Levitan, "Winter Evening" by N. Krymov, "Winter" by I. Shishkin.

The course of directly educational activities:

Teacher: Winter is a wonderful, one might say magical time of the year (a knock on the door - they bring a letter. The letter is brought to the children and an envelope is opened with them and the text is read:

Hello, friends!

Now in kindergarten we are studying what winter is like in different countries - we have it green. Africa is, for the most part, the hottest continent on the planet. We children from Africa have never seen snow, we don't know what it is.

Therefore, we ask the guys from the "Solnyshko" group - as sunny as our country, to talk about winter in Russia.)

Teacher: African guys also drew pictures, let's look at them.

Teacher: Guys, are we going to answer this letter? Can we help African children?

Children: Yes, we will.

Teacher: Then let's remember - what do we know about winter in Russia.

Children's story: Winter is one of the four seasons, between autumn and winter. Winter is characterized by low air temperature. On the territory of our country, the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius, and snow falls. Snow is made up of ice crystals - snowflakes.

At this time of the year, people dress warmly: they put on fur coats, hats, mittens, warm boots. Trees in winter "sleep" under a snow cover. Animals and birds have a hard time. Most animals sleep in burrows and lairs. Animals hibernate because they cannot find food in winter.

Teacher: How can we brightly and colorfully tell about our winter?

Children's statement: Winter is the favorite time of the year for children. In winter you can go skating, skiing and sledding, you can make snowmen, build snow fortresses, play snowballs.

Teacher: Guys, let's go to the reproductions of paintings: "In the Winter in the Forest" by I. Levitan, "Winter Evening" by N. Krymov, "Winter" by I. Shishkin. (Include the composition “Winter” from the cycle of P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” and read the poem by F. Tyutchev “The Enchanting Winter”, correlating it with reproductions.)

Teacher: Guys, let's turn into winter trees - how they stand, where their branches stretch, how hard and hard they are in the cold, how they freeze and cannot warm up - we seem to be drawn with broken lines, strokes, it was cold for the wizard to draw us. - (all this is shown to everyone).

Music turns on

Teacher: Guys, now we are turning into snowflakes, how sparkling, gentle and affectionate you are, how light and fluffy you are, your movements are smooth, let's imagine that it is a magic brush that draws you, how the breeze is spinning you - gently. And you lie down on the branches of trees, the ground and cover, wrap them up from frost, smoothing out all the sharp corners - making all the lines smoother and softer, saving everything around from the cold - as if you are dressing everything in a warm fur coat, decorated with precious stones that shimmer in the sun .

Teacher: And suddenly a breeze blew, and all the snowflakes were carried to the tables in their places.

Teacher: And now we are quietly turning into children with a gentle and kind heart. And like real artists, let's think over the composition of the work, note what will be the main thing in your picture - the largest and brightest. How can you convey your impressions of winter through line and color.

Teacher: Who has thought of everything - can carefully start their work.

Lesson analysis:

Teacher: Children, let's take the pictures to one place (shows where). Let's take a look at them. Guys, do you think African children will like your work and why do you think so. Did you manage to convey the spirit of the Russian winter in your works and what expressive means did you use for this, which helped you to feel your picture more deeply.

Title: Summary of the winter drawing lesson in the preparatory group "Winter Landscape"
Nomination: Lecture notes, GCD, visual activity

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU DS No. 43 "Kolobok"
Location: Belaya Kalitva city, Rostov region

Master class on drawing "Winter picture" in the preparatory group.

Borodina Tatyana Gennadievna, teacher of the preparatory group of GBOU secondary school No. 285 (kindergarten No. 1867) of the city of Moscow.
Purpose of work: the master class is intended for educators, children of senior preschool age, parents and teachers of additional education of an artistic and aesthetic orientation. The picture can be hung on the wall to decorate the group.
Target: Creation of the work "Winter picture".
- Continue to teach children to work with gouache paints;
- Develop a sense of color, creative imagination, compositional skills and aesthetic perception;
- Cultivate interest in creativity and accuracy in work,
- To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to teach to notice the beautiful in winter nature.
White is white there outside the window,
Footprints are visible, running around.
Sleeping standing and my apple tree,
Her friends crowd around.
Nature sleeps in suspended animation
There are trees around in the cold.
Only the wind moves the branches,
Everything is rushing where it is in a hurry.
Quietly here and not in a hurry,
Snowflakes are flying around a little.
The fairy tale looked for an hour,
It flies, the snow pleases the eye.
Gennady Yuzhanin.
Materials: white thick sheet of A2 paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, gouache paints, a pony brush No. 2 and No. 4, a bristle brush, a water glass, a paper napkin, ribbed cardboard from a cardboard box, scissors, a glue stick, decorative stars, foam plastic, a frame for picture A2.


1. We tint 2/3 of the sheet in blue with small stripes of lilac.

2. Paint over the bottom of the sheet with white gouache, draw as thickly as possible.

3. Cut out the silhouette of the house from cardboard.

4. Let's paint our house: the roof is white gouache, the walls of the house are brown.

5. Draw a window with yellow gouache and paste our house on a sheet of paper.

6. Let's draw small and large Christmas trees around the house.

7. Let's draw a path leading to the house. To do this, take more water on the brush and some blue paint and draw a line from the house to the bottom of the sheet.

8. In the foreground, we will make sketches of trees with a simple pencil.

9. Paint the trees with brown gouache paint. Draw with the tip of the brush pony number 2.

10. Color the rest of the trees and draw another Christmas tree.

11. Let's add some decorative stars.

12. Take some foam and divide it into small grains.

13. Glue small grains of polystyrene onto the Christmas trees and trees with glue.

14. Take white gouache and use a bristle brush to poke at the bottom of the trees and on the Christmas trees, imitating snow.

15. Our winter picture is ready.

16. Insert the picture into a frame and hang it in a group.

Good luck with your creativity!

To learn to draw the figure of a person (child) in winter clothes (overalls, conveying the shape of body parts, their location, proportion, to learn to convey simple movements of the arms and legs, to lead children to convey the image in an unconventional way (with the help of the hand);

Continue to learn to use different materials in the drawing: graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, watercolor.

Strengthen technical drawing skills with materials.

Draw the ability to convey in the drawing your attitude to winter sports

To instill a love for a healthy lifestyle and sports.


Reproduction of V. Surikov's painting "The Capture of the Snow Town", illustrations depicting winter sports, A4 paper, simple pencil, oil pastels, watercolors.

Lesson progress:

At the beginning of the lesson, children are invited to consider a reproduction of a painting, illustrations depicting winter games, listen to an excerpt from A. S. Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning"

What happens to nature in winter?

What colors are dominant?

Do you love winter?

For what?

What games can you play outdoors in winter?

Do you like hiking in winter?

What is the best way to dress outside in winter so as not to freeze?

What mood do you have during winter games?

After the children answer the questions, offer to compare the two drawings.

Who is depicted on them?

What are the children wearing?

How are they different from each other?

Find out if they themselves could draw the same cheerful children on a winter walk?

Physical education "We are athletes"

Offer to carefully look and listen to a story about two horses that help children draw!

1. Place your left palm in the center of a sheet of paper. Move your thumb to the side. Press the ring and little fingers together, index and middle fingers close tightly and set aside.

2. A tick should form between the ring and middle fingers. Press your palm firmly against the sheet of paper so that it does not move.

3. Circle your palm with a simple pencil with your right hand, do not press the pencil strongly against your fingers.

4. Remove the left palm from the sheet, close the two lines.

5. Turn the sheet 180 degrees. Ask the children, “What does it look like? »

6. Draw two arcs on top (hood)

7. On the right side, you need to draw a second hand. Children themselves decide where it will be directed: up, down, to the side or to the left on the overalls.

8. We draw the details: ovals - boots, an oval plus a finger - mittens, a scarf, eyes, nose, mouth. Draw skis and ski poles.

9. Circle the finished drawing with wax crayons, they are not afraid of watercolors. You need to use different colors to make the jumpsuit bright, noticeable, with many small details (zippers, pockets, collar, cuffs, reflectors, etc.)

10. Then supplement the plot: with snowflakes, a snow slide at the request of the children.

11. The final part of the work is coloring with watercolors.

The teacher invites the children to draw their favorite pastime in the winter. The drawing should convey the mood.

Then the drawings are combined into a mosaic panel according to the content: skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs, etc.

Ekaterina Khvoshchina

Topic. Winter landscape. The drawing is completed in two lessons.

Target. To teach children to convey a picture of winter.


1. Cause an aesthetic perception of the features of the winter landscape.

2. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the landscape genre.

3. Stimulate children's bold confident actions when creating a winter landscape by drawing without a preliminary pencil drawing.

4. Strengthen the ability to draw different trees.

5. Learn to draw by combining different materials in the drawing: watercolor and gouache.

6. Develop figurative perception, figurative representations, creativity.

materials: landscape sheet, watercolors, brush, palette.

preliminary work.

Introduce children to the genre of "landscape".

View paintings by artists:

I. E. Grabar "The Tale of Hoarfrost and the Rising Sun"

K. E. Yuon "Winter Sunny Day"

T. Mavrina "Zvenigorod"

Lesson methodology.

1 part.

Children are asked to solve the riddle:

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk,

sews downy feather beds,

Decorating all the windows? (winter)

Questions for children.

What is beautiful in winter?

Children's answers.

Consider children's drawings depicting winter, pay attention to the shades of snow.

Questions for children.

What is the name of the paintings, drawings depicting nature?

Remember what shades of snow you saw in the paintings of artists.

Name the shades of snow that you see in children's drawings.

Children's answers.

Invite the children to draw snow shimmering in different shades with watercolors, conveying its beauty, fabulousness.

Questions for children.

What is the line that separates heaven and earth called?

Show how to draw.

1. We draw a blue watercolor line separating the sky and the earth (the horizon line).

2. Blue sky. Pay attention to the smooth movements of the brush, remind that the brush should draw barely audibly, not be shaggy. If brush movements are heard, then the paint and water are over, you need to wet the brush again and pick up paint, you can’t draw with a dry brush.

3. Iridescent snow is drawn with delicate shades, watercolor paint is strongly diluted with water, it is well washed if a different color is taken.

Teacher display.

Pay attention that the snow should turn out lighter than the sky. At the end of the drawing, admire the work.

Children's work.

2 part.

materials: drawing made in the previous lesson, gouache paints, brush, palette.

Consider children's drawings depicting winter.

Invite the children to continue the pictures of winter, create their own winter landscape.

Questions for children.

What can be drawn?

How to draw a tree or a house in the distance?

Remind the ways of drawing with gouache (the paint should be thick, opaque).

Show how to draw.

1. Tree. Conduct the show by asking the children about the drawing order (trunk, large long branches, then smaller ones).

2. Christmas tree. Ask the children where to start, where the branches are directed.

3. Snowman. Pay attention that the nose and eyes of the snowman need to be painted when the paint has dried, carefully with the tip of the brush, otherwise the paint will blur. Recall that, if desired, the image can be supplemented (a bucket or a hat on the head, a broom, hands can be made of snow, or can be made of twigs). If the snowman is hard to see, you can carefully outline it with a brighter color.

Teacher display.

Recall that in the distance, high, everything is drawn small, near, that is, at the bottom of the sheet, everything is drawn large.

White paint must be taken with a well-washed brush, checked on the palette so that the trace from the brush is transparent, only in this case you can draw paint on the brush. Also, remind the children that everyone draws their own picture of winter, the number of trees, Christmas trees, snowmen at will, discuss what else can be drawn.

After completing the drawings, admire the resulting landscapes. Pay attention that the winter turned out to be joyful, festive. Direct the children to express in the word their perception of the color of the drawings (gentle, muted, bright, juicy).

Children's work.

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