Synopsis of a lesson in literature on the topic: "The meaning of the collision of Kalashnikov with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible." Topic: Meaning of Kalashnikov's clash with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible




a) educational:

Consider the climactic episode of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov."

Reveal the meaning of the collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and find out the ideological and compositional significance of this episode.

To show that Stepan Kalashnikov is the bearer of the best features of the Russian national character.

Repetition and enrichment of knowledge about the era of Ivan the Terrible, the circumstances and reasons for the establishment of the oprichnina, about some personal qualities of the autocrat.

A conversation about the diversity and complexity of human characters.

b) developing:

Improving expressive reading and productive monologue utterance.

The development of the ability to compare heroes and on this basis to penetrate into the depths of their characters.

Training in episode analysis, comparison of parallel episodes.

c) educational:

Encourage students to think about and experience the conflict associated with the protection of honor and human dignity, to express their attitude.

Education of high moral qualities (nobility, respect for the family, for national traditions) in working with a literary text.

Formation of collaborative relations.


Portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov,

Reproduction of the painting c. Vasnetsov "Ivan the Terrible"

Illustrations by the artist Bilibin for the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov.

Reproductions of paintings by A. Vasnetsov "Departure from the fistfight", "The Kremlin of the times of Vasily III"


The highest and most characteristic feature of our people

is a sense of justice and a thirst for it



1. Introductory speech of the teacher

The history of the creation of the workWhat do you know about Ivan the Terrible? (The first Russian tsar, ascended the throne at the age of 16. He ruled for 34 years. By the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Rus' finally became a single country.) What is an oprichnina? (The declared goal of the oprichnina is the fight against "boyar treason" - the alleged conspiracies of the oligarchic boyar clans against the integrity of the state. The actual goal is to establish the sole unlimited power of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The methods of the oprichnina are to intimidate their own people through state terror. The word "oprichnina" itself comes from Old Russian "Oprich", which means "special", "except". Neither state, nor church, nor moral laws extended to the guardsmen. They were allowed to do whatever the king wanted. The main criterion of the guardsman was unconditional personal loyalty to the sovereign. The guardsmen were actually Ivan the Terrible's personal punitive guard.The social composition of the oprichniki is small landowners who initially hated the large tribal nobility.) What is a house building? (search for a hero). Let us turn to an excerpt from the poem "Duma" Sadly, I look at our generation!

His future is either empty or dark,

Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt,

It will grow old in inaction.

Shamefully indifferent to good and evil,

At the beginning of the race we wither without a fight;

In the face of danger shamefully cowardly

And before the authorities - despicable slaves.

And we hate, and we love by chance,

Sacrificing nothing to either malice or love,

And some kind of secret cold reigns in the soul,

When the fire boils in the blood.

The genre of the work (The poem is a stylization of Russian folklore in a large epic form. Lermontov's poem is called a song, since the poet creates a work that is very close in content, form and spirit to Russian folk historical songs.) Find signs of folklore in the work. Why are the heroes of the song located in the title in that order? What are the signs of the times depicted in the poem. II. STATEMENT OF THE THEME AND OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON


1. Collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich

What do we learn about Kalashnikov? The poem, which has such a long title, is known to readers as "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov ..". This is no coincidence. The protagonist of the poem is Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov. We meet him in Chapter 2.

At home, he learns about the trouble that happened to his wife, Alena Dmitrievna. His speech, addressed to his wife, is strict, even rude:

“Where are you, wife, wife, staggering? ...”

Stepan Paramonovich - the head of the family, at home. He is the support of the family, the defender of honor and wife, and of all his kind, he is the elder brother. Hearing the story of Alena Dmitrievna about Kiribeevich, Kalashnikov realized that his good name, the good name of his wife, were disgraced.

What do we learn about Kiribeevich in the first part of the poem? The name of Kiribeevich is the second in the title of the poem, this is the favorite guardsman of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. He is from the Skuratov family and was raised by Malyutina (Malyuta Skuratov, an associate of Ivan the Terrible, the head of the guardsmen, was distinguished by extreme cruelty.) We meet him for the first time at a feast at Ivan the Terrible.

He considers himself an unworthy slave of the king, says that he does not value his life. Kiribeevich is boastful, no one can bring him down in a fistfight. “That bewitched hand was not born either in the boyar family or in the merchant one.” But Kiribeevich did not tell the whole truth, he did not tell the tsar that Alena Dmitrievna was married.

The critic V. G. Belinsky wrote about Kiribeevich: “There is no middle ground for this person: either get it or die! He left the guardianship of the natural morality of his society, and did not acquire another, higher, more human: such debauchery, such immorality in a person with a strong nature and wild passions are dangerous and terrible. And with all this, he has support in the formidable king ... "

“Power must first of all be reasonable.” (A. de Saint-Exupery)

Why does Kiribeevich go to a fistfight? (“To roam for a holiday”, “to amuse the tsar-father.”) Why does Kalashnikov go to a fistfight? (To protect the honor of the family) Teacher (work with the epigraph): F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: "The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it"

Kalashnikov craves justice, so he goes to a fistfight - this is the only chance to defend this justice.

“This is one of those resilient and heavy characters who are quiet and meek only until circumstances shake them, one of those iron natures who will not endure insults and will give back ... There are souls whose slogan is all or nothing, who do not want stained bliss, once darkened glory ... ”(Belinsky)

Let's remember the rules of fisticuffs (Fistfights were usually held on holidays from Christmas to Trinity, in some places before Peter's Day, and rampant fighting began during Maslenitsa. By the number of participants, they were divided into: "street to street", "village to village", " settlement to settlement". In the summer, the battle took place in the squares, in the winter - on frozen rivers and lakes. There were types of fisticuffs: "one on one", "wall to wall"). Who faces in battle, according to the author? (The “son of an honest father” and the “basurman son” collided in a duel.) Why does Kalashnikov win in battle? (Here, at the duel, God's judgment is being decided. A fair trial.) In the poem "The Death of a Poet" M.Yu. Lermontov there are such lines: But there is also God's judgment, the confidants of debauchery!

There is a formidable judgment: it waits;

He is not available to the sound of gold,

He knows both thoughts and deeds in advance.

Literature has always been closely associated with Christian traditions. Kiribeevich violates Christian laws: “Do not create an idol for yourself” - for Kiribeevich, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich is an idol. He worships him, serves faithfully "Do not covet your neighbor's wife." Teacher: Christian law is on Kalashnikov's side, and therefore God is on his side. The merchant protects not only the honor of his wife, but also Christian laws and national traditions. Before the battle, Kalashnikov bows not only to the tsar, but also to the Kremlin with holy churches, as if asking for blessings for a fair fight. And God helps the merchant. The cross with holy relics saves Kalashnikov from Kiribeevich's fatal blow. Stepan Paramonovich acts as an instrument in the punishing hand of the Lord.

2. Kalashnikov and Ivan the Terrible.

Word of the teacher: Let us turn to the image of the king. “... The look of his eyes is lightning, the sound of his speeches is heavenly thunder, a burst of his anger is death and torture; but through all this, like lightning through the clouds, flashes the greatness of the fallen ... but strong and noble in the strength of his spirit .... "(Belinsky)

Who was the guardian of customs and Christian laws in Rus'? The tsar, in this case, is Ivan the Terrible, since he is an Orthodox tsar, the Anointed of God. The tsar, of course, could punish the one who "dishonored another's wife", who violated the "law of the Lord", if he knew about the crime of Kiribeevich. But this is only on one side. And on the other hand, it was the tsar who created the oprichnina and endowed his favorite oprichniki with unlimited power, and, consequently, the ability to violate Orthodox laws with impunity. Consequently, the king acts as the main destroyer of the foundations of national life.

Questions for students:

How does Kalashnikov behave with the tsar? (Kalashnikov speaks to the tsar as an equal, because he acts not as a “servant of the tsar”, but as a Christian in front of a Christian; declares that there are aspects of life that are beyond the control of the tsar, and are subject to “only God alone ".)

Teacher: Marriage for Kalashnikov is a sacred thing, the bonds with which he is connected with his wife are from God (marriages are made in heaven), therefore he does not see the need to turn to the king; Kalashnikov understands that he violated the Christian commandment: do not kill, do not take revenge, and this is his tragedy - he could not restore the honor of the family and not violate the Christian commandment. Therefore, Kalashnikov humbly goes to the execution - this is retribution for the sin of murder.)

Problematic question: Could Kalashnikov have avoided execution? Asking Kalashnikov: “By free will...

TOPIC: Meaning of Kalashnikov's clash with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible.

Protection of human dignity. The strength and integrity of Kalashnikov's character.


I. What is the origin of Kalashnikov different from his opponent - Kiribeevich?

1. The tsar himself speaks of the noble origin of Kiribeevich: “But you are from the Skuratov family ...”. Kiribeevich himself proudly calls his name to Alena Dmitrievna:

I am the servant of the king, the terrible king,

I am called Kiribeevich,

And from a glorious family from Malyutina ...

2. Kalashnikov is a simple man, a merchant, but his spiritual qualities, firmness of character allow the author to put his personality on a par with not only the young guardsman, but also the tsar himself.

3. The tsar and it is the merchant Kalashnikov who stand guard over "our Christian law": in the scene at the tsar's feast and in the scene of the duel between the merchant and Kiribeevich.

Exercise. Explain the semantic connection between similar epithets that determine the attitude of the tsar and Kalashnikov towards Kiribeevich.

Here the king frowned his black eyebrows, his falcon eyes burn,

And he brought keen eyes on him, They look at the guardsman

Like a hawk looked down from the heavens... intently.

The tsar, "like a hawk", and the "falcon" eyes of Kalashnikov equally vigilantly notice the violation of "our Christian law." This makes them like-minded, which enlarges the scale of the merchant's personality.

4. Another parallel can be drawn, the meaning of which is easily grasped.

The red sun does not shine in the sky,

Blue clouds do not admire them:

Then at the meal he sits in a golden crown,

The formidable Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich is sitting ...

You are my sovereign, red sun,

Or kill me, or listen!

Stepan Paramonovich - the head of the family, "king", "red sun".

5. One can compare the appeal to the tsar by Kiribeevich and Alena Dmitrievna's husband: in both cases, the "applicants" are looking for mercy, justice, recognizing their dependence on the power of the tsar.

But how does the merchant Kalashnikov talk to Ivan the Terrible?

Exercise. How does Kalashnikov's behavior in the scene of a conversation with the tsar differ from Kiribeevich's behavior in the scene of a feast with the tsar?

I killed him at will

I will only tell God.

Order me to be executed - and carry on the chopping block ...

Kalashnikov speaks to the tsar as an equal, because he speaks not as a "servant of the tsar", but as a Christian in front of a Christian. With self-respect, he reports that he dealt with the oprichnik "free will", he orders the king himself: "Order me to be executed." Kalashnikov declares his personal independence, pointing out that there are aspects of life that are not under the jurisdiction of the king, and the king himself is under the jurisdiction of God alone.

The most complex image, standing somewhat in the shadows, is the image of Ivan the Terrible in the "Song".

On the one hand, the "crafty slave" Kiribeevich deceived the tsar, did not tell the whole truth about Alena Dmitrievna.

On the other hand, the tsar executes Stepan Kalashnikov without investigation, he executes him only because the merchant killed a faithful guardsman in a fair fight.

Let's remember Pushkin's words of Pimen from "Boris Godunov":

Think, son, about the great kings.

Who is above them? One god.

Who dares against them? Nobody...

Gregory in the final remark in the scene "The Cell in the Miracle Monastery":

And you will not leave the court of the world,

How can you escape God's judgment?

And at Lermontov’s, the merchant Kalashnikov says before his death:

I'll tell you, Orthodox Tsar:

I killed him at will

And for what, about what - I will not tell you,

I will only tell God.

6. Could the merchant save himself by telling the king “the true truth”? Let us recall how the tsar ends his instructions to his beloved oprichnik:

As you fall in love - celebrate the wedding,

Do not fall in love - do not be angry.

This law is the same for all in "holy Rus'". Alena Dmitrievna and Stepan Paramonovich "fell in love", and then "before the holy icons ... got engaged", "exchanged gold rings." The tsar was deceived by the "crafty slave", did not know that Alena Dmitrievna "was remarried in the Church of God."

Acting in the poem as the custodian of customs and Christian commandments, Ivan Vasilievich (“the Orthodox tsar”) could punish the one who “dishonored someone else’s wife”, who violated the “law of the Lord”.

Why is Kalashnikov silent? Marriage for Kalashnikov is a shrine (“holy icons”), the bonds with which he is connected with his wife are from God, so he does not see the need to turn to the king.

But Kalashnikov decides to fight for the holy truth-mother "to the death" under the tsar. This gives his act also a social meaning: he defends justice and law.

7. What saves Kalashnikov in a fistfight from Kiribeevich's fatal blow?

The Lord Himself comes to the aid of the daring merchant when he needs protection. But Kalashnikov commits a "sin", so he humbly goes to the execution.

8. The daring chorus at the end just adds more drama to the finale of the song. The bitterness does not decrease, just as the grief of Alena Dmitrievna, who received the last order from her husband, will not decrease:

Bow from me to Alena Dmitrevna,

Tell her to be less sad.

In the poem, a simple man - the merchant Kalashnikov - acts as a defender of traditional national forms of life. According to the author's thought, it is the way of Russian life that strengthens the personality, makes it firm and strong because of the responsibility to the family, clan, etc.

Themes for home compositions.

1. Kalashnikov is the bearer of the best features of the Russian national character.

2. What is the meaning of the clash between Stepan Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich?

Makarova N.A


8th grade



a) educational:

Consider the climactic episode of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov."

Reveal the meaning of the collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and find out the ideological and compositional significance of this episode.

To show that Stepan Kalashnikov is the bearer of the best features of the Russian national character.

Repetition and enrichment of knowledge about the era of Ivan the Terrible, the circumstances and reasons for the establishment of the oprichnina, about some personal qualities of the autocrat.

A conversation about the diversity and complexity of human characters.

b) developing:

Improving expressive reading and productive monologue utterance.

The development of the ability to compare heroes and on this basis to penetrate into the depths of their characters.

Training in episode analysis, comparison of parallel episodes.

c) educational:

Encourage students to think about and experience the conflict associated with the protection of honor and human dignity, to express their attitude.

Education of high moral qualities (nobility, respect for the family, for national traditions) in working with a literary text.

Formation of collaborative relations.


Portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov,

Reproduction of the painting c. Vasnetsov "Ivan the Terrible"

Illustrations by the artist Bilibin for the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov.

· reproductions of paintings by A. Vasnetsov "Departure from the fistfight", "The Kremlin of the times of Vasily III"


The highest and most characteristic feature of our people

it is a sense of justice and a thirst for it



1. Introductory speech of the teacher

2. Conversation

    The history of the creation of the work

    What do you know about Ivan the Terrible? (The first Russian tsar, ascended the throne at the age of 16. He ruled for 34 years. By the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Rus' finally became a single country.)

    What is an oprichnina? (The declared goal of the oprichnina is the fight against "boyar treason" - the alleged conspiracies of the oligarchic boyar clans against the integrity of the state. The actual goal is to establish the sole unlimited power of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The methods of the oprichnina are to intimidate their own people through state terror. The word "oprichnina" itself comes from Old Russian "Oprich", which means "special", "except". Neither state, nor church, nor moral laws extended to the guardsmen. They were allowed to do whatever the king wanted. The main criterion of the guardsman was unconditional personal loyalty to the sovereign. The guardsmen were actually personal punitive guards of Ivan the Terrible. The social composition of the oprichniki is small landowners who initially hated the large tribal nobility.)

    What is a homebuilder?

    Why Lermontov refers to the historical past of the country? (search for a hero). Let us turn to an excerpt from the poem "Duma"

Sadly, I look at our generation!

His future is either empty or dark,

Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt,

It will grow old in inaction.

Shamefully indifferent to good and evil,

At the beginning of the race we wither without a fight;

In the face of danger shamefully cowardly

And before the authorities - despicable slaves.

And we hate, and we love by chance,

Sacrificing nothing to either malice or love,

And some kind of secret cold reigns in the soul,

When the fire boils in the blood.

    Genre of the work (The poem is a stylization of Russian folklore in a large epic form. Lermontov's poem is called a song, since the poet creates a work that is very close in content, form and spirit to Russian folk historical songs.)

    Find signs of folklore in the work.

    Why are the characters in the song in that order in the title?

    Name the signs of the times depicted in the poem.



1. Collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich

    What do we learn about Kalashnikov?

The poem, which has such a long title, is known to readers as "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov ..". This is no coincidence. The protagonist of the poem is Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov. We meet him in Chapter 2.

At home, he learns about the trouble that happened to his wife, Alena Dmitrievna. His speech, addressed to his wife, is strict, even rude:

“Where are you, wife, wife, staggering? ...”

Stepan Paramonovich - the head of the family, at home. He is the support of the family, the defender of honor and wife, and of all his kind, he is the elder brother. Hearing the story of Alena Dmitrievna about Kiribeevich, Kalashnikov realized that his good name, the good name of his wife, were disgraced.

    What do we learn about Kiribeevich in the first part of the poem?

The name of Kiribeevich is the second in the title of the poem, this is the favorite guardsman of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. He is from the Skuratov family and was raised by Malyutina (Malyuta Skuratov, an associate of Ivan the Terrible, the head of the guardsmen, was distinguished by extreme cruelty.) We meet him for the first time at a feast at Ivan the Terrible.

He considers himselfunworthy slave of the king , says that he does not value his life. Kiribeevich is boastful, no one can bring him down in a fistfight.“That bewitched hand was not born either in the boyar family or in the merchant one.” But Kiribeevich did not tell the whole truth, he did not tell the tsar that Alena Dmitrievna was married.

Critic V. G. Belinsky wrote about Kiribeevich:“There is no middle ground for this man: either get it or die! He left the guardianship of the natural morality of his society, and did not acquire another, higher, more human: such debauchery, such immorality in a person with a strong nature and wild passions are dangerous and terrible. And with all this, he has support in the formidable king ... "

“Power must first of all be reasonable.” (A. de Saint-Exupery)

    Why does Kiribeevich go to a fistfight? (“To roam for the holiday”, “to amuse the king-father.”)

    Why does Kalashnikov go to a fistfight? (Protect the honor of the family)

Teacher (work with the epigraph): F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: “The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it”

Kalashnikov craves justice, so he goes to a fistfight - this is the only chance to defend this justice.

“This is one of those resilient and heavy characters who are quiet and meek only until circumstances shake them, one of those iron natures who will not endure insults and will give back ... There are souls whose slogan is all or nothing, who do not want stained bliss, once darkened glory ... ”(Belinsky)

    Let's remember the rules of fisticuffs (Fistfights were usually held on holidays with before , in some places until Peter's Day, and rampant fighting began during . According to the number of participants, they were divided into: “street to street”, “village to village”, “settlement to settlement”. In the summer, the battle took place in the squares, in the winter - on frozen rivers and lakes. There were types of fisticuffs: "one on one", "wall to wall").

    Who faces in battle, according to the author? (Clashed in a duel"son of an honest father" and"basurman's son")

    Why Kalashnikov wins in battle? (Here, at the duel, God's judgment is being. fair trial.)

    In the poem "The Death of a Poet" M.Yu. Lermontov has the following lines:

But there is also God's judgment, the confidants of debauchery!

There is a formidable judgment: it waits;

He is not available to the sound of gold,

He knows both thoughts and deeds in advance.

    Literature has always been closely associated with Christian traditions. Kiribeevich violates Christian laws:

    "Do not create an idol for yourself”- for Kiribeevich, the idol is Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich. He worships him, serves faithfully

    "Do not covet your neighbor's wife".

Teacher: Christian law is on Kalashnikov's side, and therefore God is on his side. The merchant protects not only the honor of his wife, but also Christian laws and national traditions. Before the battle, Kalashnikov bows not only to the tsar, but also to the Kremlin with holy churches, as if asking for blessings for a fair fight. And God helps the merchant. The cross with holy relics saves Kalashnikov from Kiribeevich's fatal blow. Stepan Paramonovich acts as an instrument in the punishing hand of the Lord.

2. Kalashnikov and Ivan the Terrible.

    teacher's word :

Let us turn to the image of the king.“... The look of his eyes is lightning, the sound of his speeches is heavenly thunder, a burst of his anger is death and torture; but through all this, like lightning through the clouds, flashes the greatness of the fallen ... but strong and noble in the strength of his spirit .... "(Belinsky)

Who was the guardian of customs and Christian laws in Rus'? The king, in this case, Ivan the Terrible, since heOrthodox Tsar, God's Anointed. The tsar, of course, could punish the one who "dishonored another's wife", who violated the "law of the Lord", if he knew about the crime of Kiribeevich. But this is only on one side. And on the other hand, it was the tsar who created the oprichnina and endowed his favorite oprichniki with unlimited power, and, consequently, the ability to violate Orthodox laws with impunity. Consequently,the main destroyer of the foundations of national life is the king.

Questions for students:

    How does Kalashnikov behave with the tsar?

(Kalashnikov speaks to the tsar as to an equal, because he acts not as a "servant of the tsar", but aschristian before christian; declares that there are aspects of life that are beyond the control of the king, but are subject to "only God alone.")

Teacher: Marriage for Kalashnikov is a sacred thing, the bonds with which he is connected with his wife are from God (marriages are made in heaven), therefore he does not see the need to turn to the king; Kalashnikov understands that he has violated the Christian commandment:don't kill, don't take revenge, and this is his tragedy - he could not restore the honor of the family and not violate the Christian commandment.Therefore, Kalashnikov humbly goes to the execution - this is retribution for the sin of murder.)

    Problematic question: Could Kalashnikov escape execution?

Asking Kalashnikov: “Whether by will or unwillingly did you kill my faithful servant to death ...?”, the tsar seemed to give the merchant the right to choose.

V.G. Belinsky: “Kalashnikov could still save himself with a lie, but for this noble soul, twice so terribly shocked - both by the shame of his wife, who destroyed his family bliss, and by bloody revenge on the enemy, who did not return his former bliss, - for this noble soul, life is no longer represented nothing seductive, and death seemed necessary to heal her incurable wounds ... There are souls who are content with something - even the remnants of former happiness; but there are souls whose slogan is all or nothing, who do not want stained bliss, once darkened glory: such was the soul of the daring merchant, stately fellow, Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov!

    Do you agree with Belinsky's assessment?

4. Conclusion

Teacher: Let's now answer the question posed at the beginning of the lesson? What is the meaning of Kalashnikov's clash with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible?

Answer:clash of the power of power and the power of truth.

And wins this clashtruth. Even after death, the feat of the merchant Kalashnikov is remembered and honored. Why? becausePower is in the truth.

Tell me, American, what is the strength? Is it in money? So my brother says that in money. You have a lot of money, so what? I think there is power in truth. Whoever has the truth is the stronger one.("Brother 2")

The merchant Kalashnikov was buried as a robber, behind the cemetery, in an unmarked grave.

Ordinary people consider the merchant's act to be right, therefore, passing by his grave, people remember Kalashnikov. According to the legends of the Eastern Slavs, maple is a tree into which a person is turned (“sworn”). The maple cross on the merchant's grave is a symbol ofdeath in the name of justice is not forgotten.


V.Y/Z Passage by heart

The thought of a collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible

M. Yu. Lermontov always showed a special interest in national history, looking for bright personalities in it, the heroism of the spirit, which was so lacking in his contemporaries. The young environment of the poet did not strive for anything, there were no heroes among them, so the poet looked for them in Russian history, which was for him an inexhaustible source of wealth and beauty of the human soul.

The poem "Song about ... of the daring merchant Kalashnikov" is a historical song written in the folklore tradition. It tells about the beloved guardsman of Ivan the Terrible, who fell in love with Alena Dmitrevna, the wife of the “daring merchant” Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov, and with his confessions and actions cast a shadow on the honest name of the woman and her family.

The people's truth was embodied in the image of a simple man - the merchant Kalashnikov. This is the Russian national character - integral, heroic, this is a man of truth and honor. A faithful husband and a kind father, guarding the sanctity of folk customs.

In an effort to protect the honor of his wife from shame, Stepan Paramonovich turns to his younger brothers, asking them for help:

Dishonored our honest family Evil oprichnik Tsar Kiribeevich; But such an insult cannot be endured by the soul. Yes, a brave heart cannot endure.

“On the Moscow River in the presence of the tsar himself,” he is going to “go out to the guardsman,” in a fistfight “to fight to the death, to the last strength - for the holy truth-mother.”

The next day, early in the morning, "daring Moscow fighters" gathered on the banks of the Moskva River for a fistfight, "to roam for a holiday, to have fun." The tsar arrived with a retinue, with boyars and oprichniki, “they cordoned off a place of twenty-five sazhens, For a single hunter fight.” And a battle took place between the young tsarist oprichnik and the "daring merchant Kalashnikov", in which the merchant defeats the dishonest enemy.

Defending the truth, honor and "God's law", Stepan killed Kiribeevich and with impudent boldness declared to the tsar:

I killed him at will

And for what, about what - I will not tell you,

I will only tell God.

Spiritual greatness, true humanity are heard in the parting words of Stepan Paramonovich:

Bow from me to Alena Dmitrevna

Tell her to be less sad

Don't tell my kids about me...

Otherwise, the oprichnik Kiribeevich is depicted. The author does not hide that he also has some positive qualities. This is a "daring fighter", devoted to the king, a man of strong passions. But at the same time, he is a presumptuous and swaggering "violent fellow", narcissistic, accustomed to indulging his weaknesses. The “sly” Kiribeevich told the tsar about his feelings, but at the same time concealed that Alena Dmitrievna “was remarried in the church of God” with a young merchant.

We see that Stepan Kalashnikov is a whole person, a person capable of upholding his principles. He could have yielded to the king and avoided death, but for him the honor of the family is more precious. He cannot endure the shame, therefore he dies, but at the same time remains the winner. Kalashnikov is guided by popular notions of honor, law and custom, which he does not compromise even in the face of laughter, which he does not compromise even in the face of death. And the people remember and “magnify” the daring hero, sympathize with him, his “nameless grave” leaves no one indifferent.

The good memory of Kalashnikov is the condemnation of Ivan the Terrible and his servants, like Kiribeevich, and the meaning of the song itself is the protection of honor, rights, dignity of a person and a call for freedom.

The meaning of Kalashnikov’s clash with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible (based on M. Lermontov’s poem “Song about .. Lermontov“ Song about .. On the Moskva River they cordoned off a place at 2. The tsar also arrived with a retinue, boyars and guardsmen. Whoever beats someone, that tsar will reward, And whoever is beaten, God will forgive him, - the tsar's servants invite the fighters to a fistfight in a ringing voice.

And no one knew that an unusual battle was about to begin. Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov decided to fight the tsar's guardsman Kiribeevich not for fun, but for the holy truth, mother. He dishonored our honest family. Evil oprichnik royal Kiribeevich; And such an insult cannot be endured by the soul. Yes, a brave heart cannot endure, - says Stepan Paramonovich to his younger brothers. Stepan Kalashnikov went to a fistfight to fulfill his duty: to protect the honor of the family, the honor of the name, the honor of the clan. And I was born from an honest father, And I lived according to the law of the Lord: I did not dishonor someone else's wife, I did not rob at dark night, Kalashnikov declares to his rival.

The merchant is on the side of the truth, the people's idea of ​​honor, of morality. And Kiribeevich admits he was right, even before the fight. In front of the formidable tsar, Kalashnikov kills his offender and admits that he killed him "by free will", knowing that the death penalty awaits him for such an act. Material from the site http: //i.

Essay. ru. The presence of the tsar at the duel gives special significance to Kalashnikov's act. The merchant does not just take revenge on the offender, he opposes the arbitrariness, injustice, permissiveness implanted by the autocracy. Before the eyes of a crowded crowd, in the face of the people, as if called to become a judge between the parties, there is a duel of honor with dishonor, truth with untruth, human dignity with arbitrariness. And therefore, his deed lives in the memory of the people, his grave “between three roads” is not forgotten by people: And good people pass by: An old man passes - crosses himself, A fine fellow passes - he becomes dignified, A maiden passes - he becomes sad, And the harpman passes - they sing a song .. On this page, material on topics: what is the meaning of the collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich. TO UNLOCK THE MEANING OF THE COLLISION OF KALASHNIKOV WITH KIRIBEEVICH AND IVAN THE GREATKiribeevich and Kalashnikov what is the meaning of revenge literary arguments to the problem - M.

The meaning of the collision of Kalashnikov with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible. Kalashnikov's defense of human dignity, his willingness to stand up for & nbsp. The meaning of the collision of Kalashnikov with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible (based on the poem by M. Lermontov “Song about. RU:: Comparative characteristics of the oprichnik Kiribeevich and the merchant Kalashnikov A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and daring . Purpose of the lesson: Consider the climax episode of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov”, reveal the meaning of the collision between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and find out the ideological and compositional meaning.

EN::Comparative characteristics of the guardsman Kiribeevich and the merchant Kalashnikov A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, a young guardsman and daring. Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich - The meaning of the collision of Kalashnikov with Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible (based on the poem by M. Lermontov “Song about.

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