Abstract of a quiz on fairy tales in the middle group. Fairy tale quiz "Journey through fairy tales" (middle group) material (middle group) on the topic


GCD for children of middle preschool age Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale" Goals and objectives: 1) to form in children the ability to listen carefully to the teacher's questions, take turns answering questions, listen to another child without interrupting, cultivate such qualities as the ability to play teamwork, friendliness, honesty in the game, fairness; 2) to develop in children auditory attention, coherent speech, the ability to guess riddles. 3) introduce children to folk culture - knowledge of fairy tales. 4) recall read fairy tales. 5) develop children's speech, expand the active vocabulary, activate oral speech, develop correct speech breathing, speech apparatus, memory. 6) expand children's knowledge about fairy tales; 7) to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, camaraderie. Materials for the lesson: Flower-Semitsvetik with removable petals; CD with recorded songs from cartoons based on fairy tales; attributes of fairy-tale heroes from different fairy tales, a drawn plan where a surprise is hidden; game-lotto "collect a fairy tale", pictures with fairy-tale characters, a tambourine. Preliminary work: Reading works of art with children in accordance with the program, discussing what they read, guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters. Organization of children: The first half of the quiz - children on high chairs; the middle of the lesson - on the carpet; at the end of the quiz - around the tables. Quiz progress. Educator Children - Guys, do you like fairy tales? - Yes - Then today we are going on a fabulous journey with you, but first I ask you to count the petals of this flower? - 7. Have you guessed from which fairy tale this unusual - Flower-Semitsvetik flower? Well done, that's right, we will now tear off the petals from our Semitsvetik Flower, and on the other side I will read the tasks that we need to do. Choose which petal to pick first? - Children choose, and one child tears off the first petal. The teacher reads the first task: you need to guess who the hero of the fairy tale is. Petal 1. "Who is the hero of the fairy tale?" 1. Who has a bast house, who has an ice house? Who kicked someone out of the house, who does not let him go home? 2. Who laid a simple testicle, And broke it, who - golden? 3. There was a tower in the field. Was not low, not high. How many inhabitants in total settled in it? 4. Grandfather planted round, white and tasty. It has grown big, that's the harvest! Who pulled the turnip, count in order? - Well done, you coped with this task easily, let's tear off the next petal. Here we need to guess from which cartoon the melody is. Come out on the carpet and to make you remember better, you can dance. Petal 2. "Guess the melody" Songs from the following cartoons:  "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"  "Mammoth's Song"  "Baby Raccoon's Song"  "Winnie the Pooh's Song"  "Carlson's Song" - Very well, you recognized all the characters. Well, let's sit down and look at the next petal. Petal 3. "From what fairy tale is the magic item." (The teacher shows different objects, who raised his hand first, answers from which fairy tale this object is and what character it is (Hare and Fox from the fairy tale "Hare Hut") (Ryaba Hen and Mouse from the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen") (Mouse-Lock, Frog Frog , Bunny-runaway, Hedgehog-not heads, not legs, Little fox-sister, Top gray barrel.) (Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse from the fairy tale "Turnip") The next child tears off. Children go to the middle of the group, dance arbitrarily and try to guess the work and the hero who sings. The next child tears off the petal. belongs.) 1. Magic wand and crown 2. Dishes 3. Thermometer and fanendoscope. 4. Washcloth and bath. 5. Scarf. - Everyone guessed it, let's pick the next petal as soon as possible. Petal 4. Guess. 1. "The fox is carrying me, for dark forests, for high mountains ..." 2. "At the behest of a pike, in my opinion, take the sleigh yourself!..." 3. "I carry a scythe on my shoulder, I want a Fox Get off the fox from the stove!..." 4. "...Oh, kids, oh kids, Open up, open up, your mother has come, brought milk..." 5. "... on sour cream mixed, into the stove planted, cold on the window ... " Fairy from the fairy tale "Cinderella" Fedorino grief. Dr. Aibolit. Moidodyr. The scarf can be from different fairy tales. The child tears off the next petal. Cockerel from the fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster" Emelya from the fairy tale "At the command of the pike" Cockerel from the fairy tale "Hare hut". Goat from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids") Gingerbread Man from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" - Well done, and they coped with this task, and 3 petals. how many petals do we have left? - Let's, then, pick the next petal as soon as possible because I will tell you a secret that a surprise is hidden for you in the golden middle of our flower. Petal 5. “Magic Forest” Outdoor game “Magic Christmas Trees” Children go to the middle of the group and an outdoor game is played several times. - Well, now we have two more petals left to pick. Let's pluck the next one. The child rips off the petal. Petal 6. “Collect the fairy tale correctly” (cards with plots from fairy tales are laid out on the tables, you need to collect them in the correct order) Children come to the tables (3-4 people per table), the task takes place at a competitive pace, to cheerful music. - so, there was the last petal. The child picks off the last petal Petal 7. "Look and find out" Malvina Kot in boots Carlson. Dr. Aibolit Buratino Snegurochka The teacher shows the children pictures of fairy-tale characters, and the children name the hero and what fairy tale he is from -Now, let's see what is hidden in the middle of our seven-color flower. - Here lies the plan of our group and on it is marked the place where a surprise awaits you. According to the plan, children find a colorful book with fairy tales hidden in advance. -Well done. You are wonderful guys. We coped with everything. - Did you like our fabulous journey through fairy tales? Children's answers - What do you like more? Children's answers - What do you think, why do we need fairy tales? What are they teaching? Children's answers There are many sad and funny tales in the world, And we cannot live in the world without them. May the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth May good forever triumph over evil! So our journey has come to an end, but it has not ended, because we now have a new interesting book and before a quiet hour I will read you the first fairy tale from it. Conclusions: Fairy tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and courageous. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love their homeland and protect the weak. The more books we read to children, the more inquisitive they will be. In the figurative and plot series of fairy tales, the most important universal knowledge is encrypted. Moreover, this knowledge covers all vital spheres of a person:      The area of ​​relations between people; Tools for overcoming difficulties and resolving conflicts; Scenarios of "fighting evil" external and internal; Spiritual development of a person; Male and female psychology. A child who is read fairy tales from childhood is more likely to become interested in reading books in the future, because from early childhood he will be immersed in the world of imagination and words - in the world of literature. Application

Summary of the

game quizzes in the middle group

"In the land of cartoons and fairy tales"

Program content:

1) To consolidate children's knowledge about their favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters;

2) Continue to develop thought processes: memory, creative imagination, speech;

3) Cultivate a love for fiction; to form positive emotions in children during the game.

Material and equipment: tokens; pictures showing correct answers; a series of plot pictures based on the fairy tale "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man"; tokens in the shape of a bunny, a toy - a gun for a hunter, certificates, prizes.


There are many fairy tales in the world -

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking at our door,

Let's say a fairy tale: "Come in!"

There are many fairy tales in the world

Children love these stories

And that's how they know them

They will show us!

Dear guys, today I invite you to participate in an exciting game! To do this, we need to divide into 2 teams that will be able to show who knows fairy tales best of all! And to make our game fair, for this we invited a jury that will evaluate your answers! Now let's start the game!

Task number 1. "Guess the tale"

Leading: Guys, you need to guess the fairy tale from a small passage. First, an excerpt from a fairy tale is read for team 1, then for team 2. When team 1 answers, team 2 does not prompt. For each correct answer, the team receives these tokens. The more tokens, the closer to victory! So let's start:

Excerpt for 1 team:

“A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather ...” (Turnip)

Excerpt for 2 teams:

“The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke ...” (Ryaba Hen)

Excerpt for 1 team:

“Don’t eat me, I’ll sing a song for you ... I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, and the wolf will leave you. And rolled on!" (Kolobok)

Excerpt for 2 teams:

“Kids, kids, open up, open up! Your mother came, she brought milk. (Wolf and goats)

Excerpt for 1 team:

“There is a house in the field ... He is not low, not high, not high ... ”(Teremok)

Excerpt for 2 teams:

“Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the bunny had a bast ... ”(Fox, hare and rooster)

Task number 2 "Answer correctly"

Moderator: Now let's move on to task 2. Each team needs to answer the given question, and then choose and show 1 picture with the correct answer (the pictures with the correct answers are on the tables of each team). The game starts! Listen carefully:

Question for team 1:

1) Who got the tail as a birthday present in Winnie the Pooh? (Donkey Eeyore)

Question for Team 2:

1) What is the name of Luntik's grandmother? (Baba Kapa)

Question for team 1:

2) What is the name of Krosh's best friend? (Hedgehog)

Question for Team 2:

2) What is the name of the cartoon "Our Masha and ..."

Question for team 1:

3) What did the fairy make the carriage for Cinderella from? (From a pumpkin)

Question for Team 2:

3) Who did the Bug hold on to? (for granddaughter)

Question for team 1:

4) What is the name of the cat from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"? (Cat Matroskin)

Question for Team 2:

4) Which cartoon character lives on the roof? (Carloson)

Bonus question: Which cartoon princess lives in the sea? (Mermaid)

Task number 3 "Fix the mistake"

Each team is given plot pictures based on the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man" and "Turnip"

Host: Guys, do you all know fairy tales well? Before you are pictures that depict events from the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man" and "Turnip". Remember how the fairy tale begins, what happens next and how it ends! Arrange the pictures in the correct order, as it is told in our fairy tale.

Task number 4 "Riddles-tricks"

Leading: And now the guys need to guess riddles.

1. Rushing without looking back,

Only heels sparkle.

It rushes that there is a spirit,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

Guess live

Who is this? (bunny)

2. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw.

And waking up, he began to roar,

This beast is a forest (bear)

3. We will recognize the animal,

According to two such signs:

He is in a gray fur coat in winter

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

4. Who is cold in winter,

Walking angry, hungry?

Who knows a lot about rabbits?

Well, of course, gray (Wolf)

Host: All tasks are completed, and now we need to calculate which team has collected the most tokens. We will ask our jury about this. In the meantime, we'll play a little:

Mobile game: "Hunter and hares"

"The bunnies went out for a walk,

Pinch fresh grass!

Here comes the hunter

Scared all the bunnies!”

Host: Well, guys, it's time to sum up our game. Which team scored the most tokens, let's ask our jury!

Summarizing. Counting votes. Awarding of the winners and participants of the game. Presentation of certificates for participation in the game quiz.

Elena Dvoretskova
Fairy tale quiz (middle group)

Target: the formation of children's interest in fiction.

Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales. Build the ability to recognize fairy tale. Develop interest in Russian folk art. Cultivate a love for the book and respect for it.

Green oak by the seaside

Golden chain on an oak tree

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round

To know the heroes of the books, you need to read all the books.

Who is a lot read fairy tales

It's easy to find answers

yes you all you know fairy tales,

Well, let's check it out, shall we?

*who invents fairy tales? People telling stories to each other, adding or changing something in them. So through the centuries, from generation to generation, fairy tales have come down to us.

* and how they usually begin fairy tales?

* what is « story» ?

*as usual fairy tales end?

Well, let's start our quiz.

*competition - find out fairy tale by passage.

1. called the Bug a cat ....

2. climb-climb, climb-climb - could not get in and He speaks: “I’d rather live on your roof.

3. came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. He sees that there is a hut. Knocked - do not open. She pushed the door, and it opened.

*competition "learn by illustration"

1. masha and the bear.

2. wolf and seven kids.

3. zayushkina hut.

4. Geese-swans.

5. kolobok.

6. cat, rooster and fox.

*find out a fairy tale in the footsteps»

1. tail in the hole ...

2. milk rivers, jelly banks ...

3. the broken one is lucky ...

4. A piglet's home should be a fortress...

5. how to jump out, how to jump out ...

6. I will sit on a stump ...

* physical education minute "at the bear in the forest"

*competition "fill in the name"



*competition "telegram"

1. help, the gray wolf wants to eat us...

2. the fox carries me over the blue forests, over the high mountains ...

3. help, I choked on a bean seed ...

4. help, the fox asked me to spend the night, and kicked me out ...

*competition "number 3"

In which fairy tales Does the number three come up?

* tasks-riddles

I'm holding a book in my hands, I won't say what it's called. Guess yourself.

1. Before the wolf did not tremble, the bear ran away,

And the fox on the tooth

Got caught anyway...

2. The apple tree helped us,

The river helped us

Everyone helped us

We were all covered.

Who took the brother away, name the book?

3. The mouse found a home for itself,

The mouse was good.

In the house that after all

There were many residents.

* competition- quiz

1. Which of the heroes fairy tales brought the Snow Maiden home? (fox, bear, wolf).

2. What did the fox offer the cockerel? (peas, seeds, bread).

3. What did the princess find under the feather bed? (pebble, pea, bean).

4. What kind of hut did the bunny have? (wooden, ice, bast).

5. Who broke the golden egg? (grandmother, grandfather, mouse).

6. Who pulled the turnip after the Bugs? (cat, mouse, granddaughter).

* And now the game Who better to show fairy tale hero» .

Summing up, awarding.

There are many in the world fairy tales sad and funny

And we can't live without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales give us warmth,

May good forever triumph over evil.

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for the middle group


    Teach children to quickly identify fairy tales by fragment

    To teach children to answer the question of the teacher clearly and correctly, to discuss fairy tales well known to them.

    Cultivate a love for fiction, for fairy tales. Develop the emotional sphere of children's imagination


Fragments from different fairy tales, Dr. Aibolit's costume

Lesson progress

Aibolit (tutor) enters


Hello my friends!

I'm in a hurry to the country of Limpopo, the animals got sick there, but I got a little lost, on the way I met a storyteller, he said: "The guys will help you get back into the fairy tale." Guys, can you help me?



Then my first task: find out what fairy tale I am from


Dr. Aibolit



K.I. Chukovsky


That's right guys, K.I. Chukovsky is a great, children's storyteller, he wrote many interesting fairy tales for children. Let me read you more excerpts from fairy tales, and you guess. Fairy tales are very worried, because. they are afraid that you do not remember, have forgotten what happened to the heroes of this or that fairy tale. Fairy tales ask: "... and now you, friends, recognize us!"

It didn’t lie on the window - it rolled along the path.

Who rolled it?




The kids opened the door, and they all disappeared somewhere.


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"


Shh! Someone is talking:

I am a mouse

I am a frog...

What fairy tale is this from?




That's right, but who else lived in the tower?


Name the animals


But these wonderful animals from which fairy tale?

A bear came running and let's roar: ku-ka-re-ku! And the cuckoo on the bitch: - I don’t want to shout “cuckoo”, I’ll bark like a dog “woof-woof-woof”!


"Confusion", K. Chukovsky


This simple spoon is Kotova,

This simple spoon is Petina,

And this one is not simple, chiseled, gilded handle




“Now you need to carry grain to the mill, grind flour.”

What fairy tale is this from? What were the mice, and what was the cockerel?




Well done guys, you solved all my riddles!

Guys, do you like to do exercises?



Let's have a rest, let's do exercises!

Hands to the side,

Raised up, waved.

Hid behind their backs

Looking over the right shoulder

Over the left shoulder.

sat down together,

Heels hit,

Got up on toes

Put your hands down! (2 times)

Well done boys!

Help me do one more task. Remember who in Chukovsky's fairy tale said this:

    "Do not scream and do not growl,

we ourselves are mustaches,

we can ourselves


Crayfish. "Cockroach"


    "If I stamp my foot,

Call my soldiers

Into this room in a crowd

Wash basins will fly in"


Wash basin. "Moydodyr"


    “Oh, you, my poor orphans,

Irons and frying pans are mine!

You go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with water"


Grandmother Fedor. "Fedorino grief"


Guys, you have completed all the tasks of the storyteller! Thank you my friends! Now I can get to the land of Limpopo, where sick animals are waiting for me. And as a memory of myself, I will leave you this book, which was also written by K.I. Chukovsky. Read. I must go, goodbye!

Lyubov Sadchikova
Quiz on Russian folk tales (middle group)

« Quiz on Russian folk tales»

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.



Consolidate and expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;

Instill a love of oral folk art;


To cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, camaraderie, friendliness, honesty in the game, justice;


Develop memory, thinking, observation, speech;

Promote interpersonal relationships between children groups;

Cause a positive emotional response in joint activities.

preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales"Swan geese", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Cat, Rooster and Fox";

Examining illustrations for fairy tales;

Setting up a book exhibition Russian folk tales.

Equipment: "Chest with fairy tales» , 2 books, letter, pictures to fairy tales, marsh bumps.

The children enter the room.

I. Preparatory stage

1. Greeting "Hello!"

Hello guys! My name is Lyubov Alexandrovna. Let's say hello together. Get in a circle.

The teacher becomes with the children in a circle and He speaks:

Hello right hand - stretch forward,

Hello left hand - stretch forward,

Hello friend, we take one hand with a neighbor,

Hello friend, take the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle - shake your hands.

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small, we squat,

Can we be big - get up,

But no one will be alone.

2. Surprise moment (game situation "Box fairy tales» ).

caregiver: Guys, today we will go on a journey, but not an easy one. We will go with you to the camp fairy tales. But we need to go through the swamp. Follow my tracks, but be careful not to drown in the swamp.

Look into each other's eyes, have you lost any of your friends?

Hey guys look what is this?

There is a chest on the floor, covered with a handkerchief, the teacher opens it, and there is a book in it. fairy tales and writing.

caregiver: Guys, look, chest. But this chest is magical and will not open just like that. He needs to be broken up. Let's blow on it (children blow on the chest). It doesn't open again, let's clap (children clapping). Still won't open, now let's stomp (children stomp). Guys, the chest is very heavily enchanted, let's all blow, stomp and clap together at the same time (children blow, clap and stomp at the same time).

Look, the chest has opened, and there is a book in the chest. fairy tales. Let's read it now. Oh, look, the book is empty. Where is fairy tales? Probably, fairy tales offended that no one reads them. There is some letter:

« Story It is a wonderland and a magical land.

AT fairy tales have many adventures, many fabulous accomplishments.

But to fairy tales you find, it takes a lot pass the: difficult tasks, funny dates.

Hey guys hurry up fairy tales you won't get lost!

And signature: Your fairy tales».

caregiver: guys, are you ready to pass the test and return fairy tales in a book? (children's answers) I invite you to sit on chairs.

II. main stage

Today we will talk about Russian folk tales. Do you love fairy tales?

- And so the first task:

I will give you riddles, and you will try to guess the name fairy tales

1. Task "Guess fairy tale»

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Helped a good, blue river,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to mother and father.

Who took the brother? Name the book? (Swan geese)

Along the path, walking briskly,

Buckets carry water. ( "By the Pike's Command")

We continue to guess fairy tales.

The goats opened the door

And they all disappeared somewhere "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

What is this from fairy tales?

girl sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He, without knowing it,

Carries her home. …( "Masha and the Bear")

The chicken needs to run.

Save the cockerel

He was in such a hurry

Poor guy, he choked. ( "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk")

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little:

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ( "Cat, Rooster and Fox")

caregiver: - Well done, guys, they did a good job with the tasks of our quiz. Now I see you know very well fairy tales. After all, our good fairy tales in which good always triumphs over evil.

And now I suggest a little warm-up.

2. Physical education: "Teremok"

3. Task "Name by subject"

caregiver: Let's continue our test, can you guess fairy tale by subject.

Children sit on the floor with the teacher. The envelopes contain images of objects. Children must name fairy tale, according to the proposed set of items.

1 set: Bowl, bed– "Three Bears"

2 set: Rooster, hut - "Zayushkina's hut"

3 set: A hut on chicken legs, a stove, a river - "Swan geese"

4 set: House, frog, wolf - "Teremok"

5 set: Fish, hole, dough - "Fox - sister and gray wolf"

6 set: A puddle in the shape of a hoof, Sister Alyonushka - "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

7 set: Oven, pike, buckets - "By magic"

4. Task "Continue the name of the character from fairy tales»

caregiver: Well done. AT fairy tales very often, another word is added to the name of the character, characterizing him. For example, Ivan... (Prince). I will name the character's name, and you will choose a characterizing characterization for him, fairy word:

Princess ... (frog)

geese (swans)

Grey (wolf)

bear (clubfoot)

Bunny (run away)

Vasilisa (beautiful)

Sivka (Burka)

Koschey (immortal)

Cockerel (gold comb)

III. The final stage

1. Game situation with movement elements "Box fairy tales»

caregiver: Guys, we completely forgot about the chest. Let's take a look at it again.

The teacher with the children comes to the chest and looks into it. Picks up a book fairy tales.

Look, it's in the book fairy tales appeared. Well done guys, you know well fairy tales so they came back to us! Guys, I give you this book fairy tales Because she's magical. She will always help you return to the world of childhood, because that's where everyone lives. fairy tales.

I thank you for your activity and diligence.

And now I suggest you go to group along the magic path. AT group you can read everything again fairy tales.

Be careful, don't stumble. Align your backs, put your hands on your belt and - good luck. Goodbye!


Edited by M. I. Makhanev, M. Davydov "Theatrical activity in kindergarten" Moscow 2001.

O. M. Dyachenko and E. A. Agayeva “Entertaining games for children from 3 to 6 years old "What Doesn't Happen".

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