Abstract of the lesson-excursion to the local history museum of the kindergarten. On cognitive development Abstract of the lesson excursion to the museum


Chenille Renata
Abstract of the excursion to the local history museum




Provide knowledge about what local history museum– the keeper of authentic monuments;

material and spiritual culture of our city;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

Cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, love for it, the desire to keep

and multiply its history.

preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the city of Barabinsk;

form an "image" museum", introduce children to folk culture, activate dictionary: guide, exhibits, collection.

Development of the route by the educator. A conversation about the rules of conduct on the road, a walk and in public places, a conversation about museum.

Terms: Time - October.

Tour progress

Today I will tell you what is museum and we will visit the real museum.

So, the museum is the place where various objects are stored and studied. They may or may not be valuable. But all these items can tell us a lot. "tell and tell": about its history, origin and what they are for and how they are used. And such items are called exhibits. This word is new to you, let's all get it together repeat: "Ex-on-you"

- Museums may be different and the exhibits in them are also different. For example, look here (shows a theme album, local history museums, they contain exhibits that tell about the history, nature and culture of one city or village. We also have one in Osa museum.

In historical museum exhibits will be presented that tell us about the history of the city, region or even the whole country.

Guys, tell me, do you collect any items or toys at home?

The collection of such items is called a collection.

Collections of various objects are very often exhibited in various museums. And this is already called an exhibition. We can come with you museum to the exhibition and admire some collection: paintings, dishes, coins, etc.

And as I promised you, today we will also visit museum, but the museum is not ordinary.

I invite you to excursion to our Baraba Museum of Local Lore.

Guys, what is excursion?

-An excursion is a trip to a museum in order to to learn something new and interesting.

Here we will learn something new and interesting. And I will be yours tour guide.

Guys, but before you go in museum, we must learn how to behave in museum and how impossible. What do you think?

You are absolutely right, because if you make noise and run around, you will interfere with other people. If you are viewing the exhibits, do not block the view of other visitors museum. When he speaks guide, you can not laugh out loud, talk and interrupt him. exhibits of our museum you can touch and pick up, but only carefully so as not to break. But if you see such a sign next to the exhibit (shows a sign "crossed palm", then this means that the exhibit is valuable and it is not necessary to pick it up.

You understand the rules of conduct in museum?

I hope you follow them.

Now come closer, I'll tell you about our museum. (introduces children to the mini, talks about the exhibits, about the collection, about the history of the exhibits, tries to interest children in unusual exhibits, etc.)

On this our tour ends.

Let's remember what we learned today.

I hope you enjoy our excursion?

Related publications:

Purpose: the formation in children of specific ideas and impressions about the life around them. During excursions, preschoolers begin to learn.

Mr. Kupino "I saw household items From the revived antiquity. Now the Past of my country is open to me!" Dear colleagues, I propose to you.

The city of Saki is rich in its historical culture. It has a large number of monuments, there is a museum. There are architectural monuments.

The direct acquaintance of a preschooler with the museum's collections - authentic historical exhibits - has a huge emotional impact.

Goals: expand and deepen students' knowledge about the history and culture of the Penza region;

to develop the skills and abilities of independent work with additional information on a given topic; to form the skills of constructing an oral monologue;

develop oral speech, student independence;

cultivate love and respect for the native land.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: computer, disk "Our Penza Land".

Lesson plan.
1) Checking homework.
2) Work on the topic:
- independent work in groups on cards;
- report on the work done.
3) Summing up. Estimates. Homework.

During the classes.

I. Checking homework.

Today we continue our virtual tour of the Penza Museum of Local Lore. At the lesson, we will get acquainted with the ethnography, history and culture of our region, you will become guides for a while and take us through the halls of the museum.

Remember what you know about the local history museum. Tell us when the museum was founded, who is the director, what tours are held, what halls exist.

II. Work on the topic "Excursion to the Museum of Local Lore".

Each group has an assignment that you started working on in the last lesson. Today you finish the work, and after 10 minutes each group presents its hall, i.e. you, as guides, will tell us about your section, about the most famous people and interesting exhibits.
Task number 1.

1) In the explanatory dictionary, find out the lexical meaning of the word "ethnography".

2) Prepare a message about the costumes, demonstrate them.

3) Tell about Anisimova.

Task number 2

Make up a story about the historical past of our region using the questions:

When was the city founded?

What did the city look like in the first decades of its existence?

People of what nationalities inhabited Penza?

What civil wars took place in the Penza region in the 17th-18th centuries?

Task number 3

1) Tell us about the people who glorified Penza:

Show the exhibition Mrs. figures, tell about one hero;

Show the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, make a message about Kizhevatov.

2) Tell us about the exhibits in your section, show them.

Task number 4

1) Tell us about the cultural life of Penza (about education, about theaters, about museums).

2) Make a report about Lermontov

2) Tell us about the exhibits of the exhibition. Demonstrate them to the whole class.

Task number 5

Tell us about the most promising sports.

Show the best athletes.

Task number 6

1) Prepare a story about an art gallery.

2) Make a report about Savitsky, about Tatlin, about Lentulov.

Task number 7

1) Tell us about Zotkin. Explain why it is necessary to talk about it in local history lessons.

2) Tell us about the Abashev toy. Demonstrate these toys to the whole class, describe them.

3) Read the poems about Zotkin.

III. Summarizing. Estimates.

Which story did you like the most?

What people who glorified Penza did you learn today?

What would you like to know more about?


Write a review about today's tour

1) text-narration of the artistic style "Excursion to a virtual museum (write which halls you visited, what you remember most, what you would like to see in a real museum)
2) text-description in the artistic style "The exhibit that I remember the most" (General idea of ​​the subject. Description of details. My attitude to the subject).

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Irina Fedorova


Develop children's interest in history, local history, to form the first ideas about the life of peasants on the Bologovo land. Instill interest in folk culture, introduce objects of ancient Russian life: kitchen utensils, tools, clothes, needlework.

To acquaint children with oral folk art - small genres of folk folklore: proverbs, sayings, sayings, riddles, popular expressions. Learn to understand the educational and cognitive meaning of proverbs and sayings.


Vintage household items: samovar, wooden bowl, clay pots, cast iron, wind 11111, kerosene lamp, sickle, linden box, bast shoes, spinning wheel with linen tow, spindle, linen shirt with embroidery, linen towels with lace, linen valances on the bed, rugs.

Course progress.

In our museum collected antique things that were used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers: kitchen utensils, household items, clothing, needlework. Rus' in the old days was called wooden. A long time ago in Rus', peasants built their dwellings out of logs. They called them huts. Everything in the hut was made from tree: and floors, and ceiling, and walls, and furniture, and utensils. They cooked food in it, baked bread, slept on it, it heated the hut in the cold.

The dishes in the peasant's hut were wooden and earthenware: pots, spoons, bowls (they were called patches) later appeared metal tableware: cast iron, samovar-father and metal objects life: grip, iron, sickle, kerosene lamp. From a linden splinter they made baskets, boxes, from bald bast shoes. (Teacher showing these items)

Flax has been cultivated for a long time in Rus' and on the Bologovsk land. They called him affectionately: nice little lenok, white. And every year from October 14, flax began to be spun. They spun flax on such spinning wheels (show). There was a spinning wheel in every house. For all the daughters for the wedding, the father made such a spinning wheel as a gift.

The spinning wheel consists of a riser with a comb, a blade to which the tow is attached, and a bottom on which the spinner sits. The spinning wheel was decorated with patterns.

The spinner twisted the thread and wound it onto a spindle. (Show) From the resulting threads, a fabric was woven on special looms. Clothes, towels, tablecloths were sewn from linen. We talked: “Linen exhausts, flax and makes rich”. In our museum there is a linen shirt with embroidery, linen towels with lace,

linen valances on the bed.

Colorful rugs were woven on special looms, colorful and elegant. Our great-grandmothers were craftswomen and needlewomen. From ancient times came to us proverb: “Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework”.

Our ancestors knew how to work, knew how and loved to have fun, joke. spoke in Rus': "Song is a friend, and a joke is a sister". Many Russian people have put together various jokes, jokes, proverbs, popular expressions, riddles. Now I will tell you old Russian riddles, and there are riddles for them in our museum.

1. Top hole, bottom hole,

And in the middle, fire and water.


What is the comparison with a samovar in Rus'? (Pot-bellied, important, like a samovar) About a fat, stupid person.

2. I was dug, I was trampled,

I was at the fire, I was at the market.

While he was young, he fed a hundred heads,

And as he fell, he disappeared.


What was cooked in the pots? (shchi, porridge) We talked: "Schi and porridge are our food.". "Where is shchi here and look for us".

3. The trough is full of people.

(bowl with spoons)

4. Horned, but not a bull,

Enough, but not full,

Gives to people

And he goes on vacation.


- .They say: "Grip guy, grew up with a grip". What kind of guy is this? (strong, strong)

5. From corner to corner

Iron rogue

We iron everything. concerning,

And if you touch it, it bites.


6. Small, humpbacked,

Searched the entire field.

He ran home - he lay all winter.


7. Made of iron,

They know how to cut and cut. .

When they meet-

Parts are separated.


8. The ridge is hanging all in patches.


Boxes and boxes were woven from a torch.

They say: "I spoke from three boxes", (lied, babbled)

9. Cells go to the forest.

Cells come from the forest.

(bast shoes)

- Why say: “The bast shoes are new, but are they flowing?”

Who are they talking about: "Oh, you bastard!"(about a stupid, stupid person.)

10. The more I spin,

The fatter I get.


- Who were they talking about?: "Thin as a spindle?" (about a thin, slender girl)

In which fairy tale did the spindle play a fatal role in the life of the main character? ( "Sleeping Beauty")

11. Hanging on the wall, dangling,

Everyone grabs for it.


12. Pout, don't pout,

Stick over your head.

Dance day by day

And you will go to rest.

One entry, two exits.


Proverb: “The shirt will wear out, but the good deed will remain”.

13. What a simpleton

Lie down at the door on the barrel,

On the road, on the threshold stops the legs?


Our great-grandmothers were so skillful and funny. We talked: “Day to evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”.

Now let's play the old game "Kuzovok", which was played by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

Rules of the game:

The driver is selected, he has a box in his hands, bypasses all those playing with words:

Put a bail in the box with an ending in - ok!

Children lay down with words:

I'll put a handkerchief in the box (Strap, patch, bast shoe, sock, circle, etc.)

Then the driver takes turns taking out the put items from the box, gives them different tasks:

Whose will be the pledge, he will tell the poem (or a nursery rhyme, or make a riddle, etc.)

Proverbs are repeated at the end.:

"The end is the crown of business."

"Business before pleasure."

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Summary of excursions in the preparatory group

in the section "Child and the world around"

on the topic: "Excursion to the local history museum"

using interactive learning technology and information technology learning.

Prepared by a teacher of the 1st qualification category

Dikovich Elvira Vladimirovna

Blagoveshchensk 2016

When we want to touch history,

Ile into the beautiful world of hunting to plunge

We go to the museum, we walk through the halls,

And for ourselves we find a lot of interesting things.

To give knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of true values, material and spiritual culture of our city, region;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

To cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, love for it, the desire to preserve and increase its history.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Amur region.

Vocabulary replenishment:

Exposition, exhibits, etc.

Course of the tour:

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Look at these photos, which of you recognized what they depict.

Children's answers.

Correctly these photographs depict our Museum of Local Lore. Today we will make an excursion to the local history museum. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in ancient times. We will learn with you the history of the museum, get acquainted with the halls of the museum, of course, we will do all this without leaving the group. Guys say: "Which of you went to the museum"

Children's answers.

And now, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (We must be quiet in the museum, because other sightseers come there and we must not interfere with them. You cannot touch anything in the museum with your hands without the permission of the museum staff). We know the rules of conduct and can begin our acquaintance with the museum.

Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore. G.S. Novikov-Daursky

one of the oldest in the Far East - founded on August 16 (28), 1891 at the initiative of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma. This year the museum will celebrate its 125th anniversary. Its opening was preceded by an exhibition arranged by gold miners in honor of the arrival in Blagoveshchensk of Tsarevich Nicholas, the future Emperor Nicholas II. The museum was named after the outstanding local historian, author of numerous scientific works Grigory Stepanovich Novikov-Daursky, who worked in the museum for 34 years.

The museum is located in an old two-story brick building in Blagoveshchensk (an architectural monument of federal significance), where in the late 19th and early 20th centuries the shop of the German trading company Kunst and Albers was located. The museum has 2 floors, 26 exhibition halls.

The Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore has departments: stock, exposition and exhibition, excursion.

Stock is a department where museum valuables are stored.

Exposition-exhibition - these are the halls where the expositions of the museum are located. One of the expositions is dedicated to the village of Albazeno.

Excursion - these are the halls of the museum where visitors can see all the exhibits of the museum.

The largest museum collections: numismatic (coins), archaeological, natural science - more than 8,000 books, ethnographic (household items of the peoples who inhabited our region). Many museum items are unique: costumes and attributes of the Daurian and Evenk shamans (late 19th century), a music box (Germany, late 19th century), Ust-Nyukzhinsky meteorite (beginning of the 20th century), bones of fossil animals, etc. .

When visiting the museum, we pass through the halls where various exhibits are placed corresponding to a particular topic.

In the foyer of the museum there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Home Goods store.

In the next room there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the development and emergence of the Amur Region.

There are many exhibits dedicated to the history of the development of our region at different times. During the years of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, an exhibition dedicated to the 1980 Olympic Games, exhibitions dedicated to the builders of BAM.

Visiting the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things. There are always a lot of children in the hall where the expositions of birds and animals of the Amur Region are located - this is the place where you can see the inhabitants of our region in real size.

Currently, the museum is a major center for the preservation, study and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the Amur Region.
Every year, the museum arranges over 40 exhibitions covering the past and present of the region, serves more than 130 thousand people. (during the story, the children are shown photos)

At the end of the tour, the teacher asks:

What is the name of the museum?

Children's answers.

What new did you learn from my story?

The museum keeps our history. The exhibits that are stored in the museum are collected not only by the museum staff. Many people, residents of our city, took part in the creation of the museum: they brought objects, documents that reflect the history of our city, the collection is constantly updated with new exhibits.

And now you will watch a short film dedicated to the history of the development of our region. This is a film about the Albazinsky prison, the first settlement founded by the Cossacks on the territory of our region.

The objectives of the excursion to the museum of local history:



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten of the combined type "Ryabinushka"

"Welcome to the museum!"

Completed by the educator

MADOU DSCV "Ryabinushka"

Kipko-Kulaga S.G.

Pokachi 2015

"Welcome to the museum!"

(summary of the excursion to the local history museum)


  • introduce children to the history of their hometown.
  • to acquaint children with the life of the indigenous peoples inhabiting our city.


To form an idea about the local history museum; expand and deepen the knowledge of pupils about the history of their native city;
- develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct a comparative analysis;
- to cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the inhabitants of the city.

Preliminary work:

Reviewing the album "The Land in which we live"

Group pre-talk

caregiver :- Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? What is the name of which county? What is the main city in the area?

(children's answers)

  • There are many cities in our district - Nefteyugansk, Surgut,

Pyt-Yakh, Langepas, Pokachi and others.

Educator: Today we will talk about our hometown, get acquainted with its history, find out how it arose. To this end, we will go to the Museum of Local Lore.

Course of the tour:

Which one of you has been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

Local lore - a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements.

- Today we will make a trip to the local history museum of our city.

Story about the history of the museum.

The local history museum of the city of Pokachi was established in 1994. This year the local history museum celebrated its 20th anniversary. This is a real cultural center of the city.

More than five thousand people come to its halls every year. Guests of the year also visit the museum. The museum has interesting, unique exhibits that reflect the life of the Khanty people. Many exhibits are devoted to the history of the city.

How many of you know what exposure is? (exposition - exhibition of works of art). The museum has many collections:

Collection "Ethnography". The museum contains interesting, significant exhibits that tell about the life, way of life, traditions of the Khanty people. The collection includes more than 400 items, part of which consists of items made by indigenous people, taking into account national traditions and characteristics.

Collection "Archaeological". The collection is represented by fragments of ceramic dishes, women's and men's bronze jewelry, and leather goods.

Collection "Photography". Basically, these are photographs showing the history of the construction of the city, the development of oil production, they are the main witness to the cardinal change of the city, a link between time and generations.

Collection "Historical". The collection consists of items from the 70-80s of our century, which help to recreate the life, culture, lifestyle of the first builders.

Collection "Natural". The collection is represented by animals and birds of our region: bear, fox, wolf, sable, mink, marsh birds, upland game, birds of prey.

How should one behave in a museum?

What do you think we can see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, tour guide. I give the floor to the guide.

First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.

Who are the birds?

How do birds differ from other flying animals, such as bats.

How many birds do you know? (we call one by one, in turn).

Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?

And the smallest one?

Solve riddles.

a) Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again


b) arrives at the feeder,

Smartly pecks seeds,

And before spring

He sings a song loudly.


How to distinguish a titmouse from a bullfinch?

Look at the birds and say which bird you see for the first time.

- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak - big or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat sounds it hears and even words?

And what birds stay with us for the winter?

What do winter birds eat?

Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and the body is covered with hair.

And now let's get to know what animals live in our forest.

Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)

Do all animals have their own home?

Bear - ... in a den.

Fox - ... in a hole.

Hare - ... under a bush.

Squirrel - ... in the hollow.

A wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a safe house.

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter

A squirrel in a hollow by a spruce.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm, cozy in it

Listen to the riddle and come up with the answer.


Who lives in the forest deaf,

Clumsy, clumsy?

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Higher cat growth,

Lives in a hole in the forest

Fluffy red tail

We all know ... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter

Walking through the woods hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

Rushing without looking back

Only heels sparkle.

It rushes that there is a spirit,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

All animals are scared

Saved under a bush

Yes, the wolf comes across the tooth. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.
In appearance meek, but do not believe:
Terrible in anger this beast! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen building a house without an axe. (Beavers)


Now we offer to see the ethnographic collection.

How did the Khanty live before?

What clothes do the Khanty wear?

What do Khanty like to do?This concludes our tour. Summarizing.

In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)

Who took us to the museum? (guide)

What did the tour guide say?

Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which?
- What did they introduce you to there? (with life, how people used to live, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).

Guys, what did you like most about the museum?

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