Abstract of the lesson city village in the evening preparatory group. Preparatory group topic: "My home, my city, my country, my planet


Lesson: Collective drawing "My favorite city". Abstract

Author: Sorokina Natalya Valerievna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Navashino, Nizhny Novgorod Region

This lesson on fine arts activities is intended for children 5-6 years old.
The methodological material will help teachers to captivate children, expand their knowledge, set them up for productive activities through a journey through their small Motherland.

Target: Learn to draw the sights and nature of our city together.

Educational: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about the small Motherland: to know the name of the country, the capital of the Motherland, the region and city where they live; sights of the city of Navashino, what the city is famous for.
Developing: To promote the development of speech, the ability to answer questions with related sentences, to draw conclusions. To develop the ability to use in the work a variety of brushes and devices (tampon, cotton swabs), to use different drawing techniques to give expressiveness to the drawing. Develop imagination, a sense of color.
Educational: To develop accuracy, neatness at work. The ability to bring the work started to the end. To cultivate the ability to work in pairs, negotiate among themselves, help, jointly solve the problem. To cultivate love for the small Motherland, a sense of respect for the people living and working in our city, the desire to make the city cleaner and more beautiful.

- magnetic board;
- tables and chairs according to the number of children.

Technical means:
- multimedia equipment;
- a music center with recording of the sounds of nature, songs by S. Trofim "A town called Navashino";

Tools and materials:
- half of whatman sheet;
- soft brushes No. 8, 2, 3; tampons; cotton buds;
- a simple pencil;
- gouache;
- napkin;
- palette;
- a jar under the water.

- diagrams of drawings;
- photos of the sights of the city of Navashino.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
3. Practical part of the lesson.
4. Summing up, analysis of the work of comrades.
5. Evaluation of the lesson by the teacher.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time.
The teacher invites children to go on a trip to their native places of our city.
- How can you travel? (children's answers and choices)

2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
Conversation: Before we go on a trip, I would like to know, do you know in which country you live? What is the name of our country? (Russia) Name the capital of our Motherland (Moscow).
(The teacher shows a map of the globe on the screen)
- What other cities of our great country do you know?
What is the name of the city where we live? (Navashino). What area do you live in? (Nizhny Novgorod).
Story: Our country Russia is very large, it has many cities, villages, villages. And the territory of our large country is divided into regions, that is, small cities and towns located near a large city belong to one region or another. For example: The large city of Nizhny Novgorod, and around the territory with small towns and villages belong to the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The teacher offers to go on a trip around the city of Navashino on the chosen mode of transport. (motion simulation)
- Is everyone comfortable? Then go!
What is our city famous for? (children's answers)
Our city is famous for the fact that at the large shipbuilding plant "Okskaya Shipyard" people stand ships and river boats.

The route of the Navashinsky ships
Glorious and distant
Through many rivers and seas
Traveled hundreds of miles.

(On the screen, the teacher shows slides with photographs of the sights of the city, the children name them).

3. Practical part of the lesson.
- And now we have arrived at our workshop of creativity, where I want to invite you to draw our city of Navashino with its various buildings, parks and recreation areas. Let's make our city bright, colorful, so that the people who live in it are always joyful and happy. What can be done for this?
That's right, we will use different colors, shades of colors in our work. You can use the palette, choose for work a variety of brushes in thickness and devices that we already know how to use.
Questions to reinforce: What brush will you use to paint the background and in what way? (drawing on a wet, widest brush). How will you paint the buildings to make them even and neat? (circle around).
- Well, you will work in pairs, try to negotiate and consult among yourself during work, because you must draw our city all together.
Children get to work, music performed by S. Trofim "A town called Navashino", "Motherland" sounds. The teacher supervises the work of children, unobtrusively gives recommendations. The children are finishing their work on painting the buildings.

Physical education minute
- And what should be done to make our city even more beautiful? Of course, decorate it with trees and flowers!
To paint the leaves on the trees, what tool would you use? (with a swab). It is convenient for them to draw lush foliage. Why do we need a cotton swab? That's right, it is convenient for her to draw small flowers.
The kids get to work. The music of nature sounds, the singing of birds.

- In such a green city, even the birds flew.

4. Summing up, analysis of the work of comrades.
- We've finished the job. Let's combine your drawings to make our town called Navashino.
Children examine the work, tell what they liked, recognize familiar places in the city.

5. Evaluation of the lesson by the teacher.
Today you worked together, everyone tried to help his comrade, and this made me happy. Well, our city turned out to be excellent! Unusually shaped buildings appeared in it, bright colorful houses with a variety of color combinations, perhaps someday they will appear in our city and decorate it.
What should we do to keep our city in order? (children's answers). Of course, keep it clean, do not litter, plant trees, shrubs and flowers. Well done!

Visual activity is of great importance in the artistic education of children, their mental and moral development. In the process of creative activity, a sense of form, color, proportions, composition and a sense of rhythm develops. Senior preschoolers use generalized methods of image transfer in drawing, appliqué and modeling classes, which provides free thinking of a creative idea and a wide range of topics.

In the group preparatory to school, drawing still occupies a leading place in teaching fine arts. The children create expressive images and stories using a variety of drawing techniques and techniques.

Preparing for a drawing lesson in the kindergarten preparatory group

In a preschool educational institution, children are taught three types of drawing: subject, plot and decorative. The general task of teaching drawing in kindergarten is to develop the ability to depict objects and objects of the surrounding reality through active knowledge of it. The creative abilities of children develop from year to year. For each age group, certain visual means are available for mastering and successful application.

Features of teaching children to draw 6–7 years old

Type of drawingThe main taskLearning objectives in the preparatory groupUsed techniques and drawing techniques
subjectTeaching a realistic transfer in a drawing of the characteristic shape of an object or its parts, in compliance with proportions, color, volume, movement.To teach the image of an object from nature or from a representation, observing the features of its structure, size, proportional ratio of parts / details, characteristic movements.
The development of compositional skills through the correct arrangement of an object on a sheet in accordance with its shape and size.
The development of color perception through the use of various shades of the same color in the work.
Development of technical skills: mixing paints, drawing with hatching and strokes in the form of an object.
Independent choice of the location of the drawing on a sheet of paper (horizontally or vertically) in accordance with the structure of the depicted object or composition (the use of analytical abilities in children).
Drawing from nature toys of a simple form, tree branches.
Drawing based on the representation of fairy-tale characters (Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Princess Frog, etc.).
Using a preliminary pencil sketch: develops the ability to plan future work and analyze the depicted subject.
plotLearning to transfer one's feelings from the surrounding reality (reflection of semantic relationships between objects).Learn to choose a story on a given topic of the lesson.
To teach the transfer of characteristic movements when drawing a human figure or changing the shape of a moving object.
To teach how to fill the entire area of ​​​​the sheet with an image in accordance with the plan.
Development of compositional skills: drawing a strip not with one line of paint, but expanding the space of heaven and earth depicted in the drawing; image of near and far objects (the farther the object is located according to the plan, the higher it is located on the sheet while maintaining the initial size).
Learning to draw a single plot moment.
decorativeTeaching the differences in the styles of folk crafts and the use of their features in your work.
Instilling in children a sense of beauty.
Raising love for the native land and respect for manual labor.
The development of compositional abilities: the ability to choose a pattern and place it on a flat or voluminous surface of various objects.
The development of color perception.
To teach the use of elements of folk painting in creating patterns.
Ability to work on various planar bases (blanks in the form of a rhombus, rectangle, along the contour of a samovar, balalaika, toys) and on convex blanks (from papier-mâché).
Use of pencils in decorative drawing.
Applications of various types of ornament (stripe, mesh).
Introduction to the concept of mirror symmetry.

Senior preschoolers in the drawing class create works not only with paints, but also with pencils. At the age of 6-7 years, the child can perform uniform bright shading with slate and wax colored pencils. It can achieve different shades of the same color in a pencil drawing (due to the intensity of pressure).

Watercolors are often used in art classes. Drawing with slate pencils or watercolors, children learn to see the beauty of light shades.

Gouache is used in decorative painting or in the creation of those subject and plot works in which, according to the plan, color is supposed to be applied to color.

To teach preschoolers graphic drawing, you can use a black felt-tip pen. Before starting work, it is necessary to remind the children that when drawing a felt-tip pen, you need to be especially careful: the ink of the felt-tip pen is poorly rubbed off the working surface and washed off the skin of the hands, and may not be washed off the clothes.

For classes, you need sets of paper for drawing, special paper for watercolor and gouache. They also draw with paints on paper and semi-paper. For gouache painting, there are sets of multi-colored tinted paper, but its purchase in kindergarten is impractical: the pupils are faced with the task of learning how to create a thoughtful background, the white color of the base is suitable. To draw urban and rural landscapes at night, thick paper or black cardboard is often used; drawing based on an unusual color, of course, is of great interest to pupils.

Drawing can be combined with other visual arts techniques - appliqué and modeling. The guys supplement the dried drawings with details or figures according to the plan. For example, in a drawing of a city with pencils, you can glue clouds and falling drops cut out of paper. Plasticine and paper elements often decorate the bottom of the picture (grass, flowers, sea waves, pebbles, etc.), work out the details of the image (windows on houses, tiles on the roof, bricks on the wall), etc. Materials for creating an application in the picture are possible various: cotton pads, napkin balls, natural material, carved motifs from candy wrappers and magazines. The use of plasticineography is involved - an unconventional drawing technique by smearing plasticine. Plasticine strokes help to decorate the background of the picture in a beautiful and original way: a sandy beach, a wheat field, a sunset sky.

Combining drawing with other iso-techniques

Drawing with origami appliqué elements Collective drawing with appliqué elements Drawing with paper-plastic and molding elements Drawing with paper-plastic and modeling elements Drawing with natural material appliqué elements

Application of non-traditional drawing techniques: night street

Drawing with chalk on stencils Drawing with chalk on sandpaper Applying the splatter technique Drawing using the scratching technique Drawing the scratching technique Drawing with wax crayons and watercolors Drawing with wax crayons and watercolors Drawing with pastels Drawing using the scratching technique Drawing using the monotype technique (the sheet with the applied image is bent in half so that the dry drawing imprinted)

In the process of educational activities, modern teachers implement the concept of a student-centered approach. For drawing classes in the preparatory group, this approach is carried out through the observance by the educator of the following principles and methods of work:

  • Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the psychophysical development of pupils. It is necessary to give tasks taking into account the characteristics of the group.
  • Stimulation of cognitive activity, the desire to share with others their own experience, examples from life.
  • Creation of conditions and situations (game or problematic) for the pupils to show their abilities.
  • Providing freedom of choice (a specific topic, methods and techniques for completing the task).
  • Emotionally positive atmosphere within the team (established feedback "educator-pupil", education of culture within the group).

In drawing lessons, a student-centered approach is implemented through the careful development of a lesson program by the educator and preparation for each lesson. By reinforcing previously acquired skills in the process of creating a drawing, the child feels the significance of what he did earlier. At each lesson, he learns something new or learns something - the child has an interest and an incentive to develop. He analyzes the finished work, learns to accept constructive criticism and well-deserved praise.

The theme of the drawing announced at the beginning of the lesson can be generalized - this gives the pupils a certain freedom of imagination. For example, the topic “City in the evening” can provide children with scope for creative activity according to the criteria: season (winter, spring, summer, or autumn evening), what stage the evening is in (sunset, twilight, late evening), weather conditions (windy, cloudy , clear evening or it is raining, snowing). The children independently choose the shape of houses for the image (square, rectangular, multi-storey or low buildings, towers) and the color scheme of the picture.

The educator is recommended to arrange in the room where classes in fine arts are held, arrange a cabinet or rack with the materials and tools used by the children: sets of paper for drawing with a pencil (possibly white and tinted cardboard), watercolor or gouache, sheets of drawing paper and semi-drawing paper, paint sets, plastic palettes or plates for mixing paints, brushes of various shapes and thicknesses, colored pencils. Materials for non-traditional drawing methods (pipes for blowing paint, wax crayons, pastels, finger paints, etc.) should be stored separately. Children should have constant access to traditional materials. Unusual colors, for example, attract attention, but the ability to work with them may be underdeveloped.

For each lesson, the educator needs to think over additional tasks for successful children. If someone completes the main task earlier, then it begins to distract those who are still working, and may lose interest in further creative activity (too easy). Successful options for individual tasks on the topic “City”: supplement the drawing with applique (stars, clouds, owls in the sky, stone pavement, windows) or plasticine figures in the foreground (grass, flowers, snowdrifts, trees, snowmen, lanterns); try to fix the work of several pupils on a semi-paper sheet and ask them to jointly finish the white base sheet - to expand the city.

Variants of individual and collective compositions on the theme "City"

For children 6-7 years old, a desire for group activities is characteristic. The educator needs to stimulate and encourage the children's interest in productive and creative interaction. Since the leading form of cognition of the world around older preschoolers is still the game, classes on creating teamwork should contain an element of the game. It is also possible to work in subgroups of 2-3 people: thinking over a scene for plot drawing, distributing objects and objects for drawing, coordinated creation of a composition and background.

Topic of the lessonForm of organization of activityEducational and development tasksTechniques Used
"City in the Evening"Individual.Teaching the correct color reproduction of the evening landscape (it is possible to learn how to draw on dark paper / cardboard).
Development of a sense of color (smooth transitions of colors when depicting the evening sky).
Consolidation of compositional skills: the houses that are further away are located on the sheet above.
Training in the analysis of the finished work.
Drawing in watercolor and gouache: mixing shades of the same color; drawing smooth lines; creating color transitions.
Drawing with colored pencils: shading with a pencil with different pressure to obtain shades of the same color.
"My city"Collective.Teaching graphic drawing techniques.
Learning to draw on a common roll sheet, combining your drawing with the work of other students.
Simplified (conditional) image of individual details of the landscape.
"Street of our city"Individual.Learning to analyze objects (houses differ in height, width of the building, material, wall color, roof shape, number of windows and doors, the presence of an antenna or pipe at the top).
Consolidation of knowledge about perspective, the position of objects relative to the horizon line.
Hatching with colored pencils with different pressure (to paint the walls you need to hold the pencil further from the tip - the pressure is weakened, since the walls are usually light in tone; to hatch windows, doors, antennas or pipes, take it closer to the tip - the pressure is more intense).
Creating the contour of objects with felt-tip pens.
"Village in the evening"Collective.Teaching interaction in thinking through the compositional design of the work.
Training in the transfer of color color (creating smooth transitions of celestial colors, clouds painted by the sun in a dark sky).
Drawing with paints or pencil, I will coordinate the creation of the image with the general idea.
Individual.Consolidation of knowledge about perspective, the correct arrangement of objects in the foreground and background.
Learning to draw with dark shades, the image of a shadow.
Drawing objects with colored pencils, creating outlines with felt-tip pens in dark colors.
Development of the ability to draw a shadow falling from an object.
Individual.Training in accurate work with felt-tip pens (painting inside the contour).
Learn how to create a preliminary pencil sketch.
Creating a sketch with a simple pencil (the contours of objects are drawn without detailing: rectangles home and squares of windows, cars on the road, trees, lanterns, the moon, etc.).
Painting the contours of the sketch with felt-tip pens.
Stroke the contours with a black felt-tip pen.
"My city is my country"Collective.Expansion and consolidation of knowledge about the native city and country.
Learning to create an image based on the material seen (posters, postcards with views of the city).
This topic is recommended for the implementation of project activities (it is possible to time the demonstration of the project to the City Day).
Drawing generalized details of the urban landscape with the selection of one or two compositionally significant objects (the building of the city theater - in detail, residential buildings around - conditionally; kindergarten - in detail, trees in the adjacent territory - conditionally).
Creation of a collective panel.
"Festive City"Individual.Development of a sense of color and composition, spatial representations.
Consolidation of the skill of drawing three-dimensional objects (buildings, various structures).
Strengthening the skill of highlighting significant details of the picture with brighter shades of the main paint.
Improving the ability to draw with gouache (objects are drawn on different parts of the sheet so that those that were drawn before have time to dry completely, and it was possible to supplement them with strokes of a different color).
For this theme, the combination of watercolor and gouache drawing is successful: the main drawing is applied with watercolor (dark blue or black sky, houses, road), and the salute is drawn with gouache - bright paint.
"Golden Domes of Moscow"Collective.Expansion of students' knowledge about the features of temple architecture (what figures underlie the building, the structure of the dome, the presence of steps, columns, arches and arcs).
Strengthening the ability to create a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil.
Techniques for drawing three-dimensional details (dome, base of the dome, columns): paint over one part with a light shade, the second with a dark one.
Conditional drawing of background elements (forest in the background, individual trees or bushes on the sides of the building), detailed drawing of the image of the temple. The ability to create a drawing according to a visual model (photo or postcard) is practiced.

Motivating start of the lesson on the topic “Our city”

Drawing inanimate objects (buildings, trees, fences) can weaken the interest of pupils in visual activity. The initial stage of classes on the topic "City" should be the creation of a game situation with subsequent involvement in the creative process. They also activate the imagination and desire to create a conversation based on a discussion of the personal experience and figurative memory of the children, a joint study of visual material, listening to poems and excerpts from prose works containing descriptions of urban landscapes.

The purpose of drawing classes on this topic is to create urban (rural) landscapes in various temporal, weather and situational conditions. A drawing lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten should last no more than 30 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  • Organizational moment 1-2 minutes.
  • Motivating start 6-7 minutes.
  • Practical work 15-17 minutes.
  • Demonstration and analysis of finished works 2–3 minutes.
  • Summing up 1 minute.

The educator needs to draw up a detailed plan for each lesson, followed by a mandatory analysis: whether the goals and objectives were achieved, whether the teaching methods and techniques used were effective, how the children behaved at various stages of the lesson, analysis of the work of pupils, approximate ways to improve the lesson.

Abstract of directly educational activities in drawing in the preparatory group on the theme "Evening City".
Activation of interest in visual activity.
Development of color and spatial perception.
Strengthening the ability to build a composition. materialsExamination of postcards and albums with photographs (perhaps illustrations by artists) of the city. preliminary workSheets of paper, wax crayons, images of cityscapes in the evening. Lesson progressArtistic word: reading a poem by Tatyana Zhivova "There is a special charm in big cities ..." followed by a conversation. The study of illustrative material.
The teacher creates a game moment: he invites the children to try themselves as magical artists and draw a city in the evening.
Discussion of the practical implementation of the task (how to arrange objects on the sheet, what colors to use, etc.).
Conducting physical education sessions with musical accompaniment.
Self-fulfillment by pupils of the practical part.
Demonstration of finished works, encouragement of the most beautiful drawings, gratitude to everyone for the work done.
Summing up the results of the lesson, evaluation, cleaning of workplaces.

The order of execution of drawings on the theme "City"

In the preparatory group, the teacher should not conduct a direct demonstration of the performance of actions before the children begin to perform the practical part. Children develop the ability to follow oral instructions, so it is worth discussing with them in what ways and in what sequence they will draw a landscape, and through leading questions and prompts, lead them to the recommended course of action.

"Autumn in the City"

Marking the skyline Sketching the foreground Drawing outlines of buildings Painting outlines Painting windows Drawing autumn sky Drawing shadows from buildings Drawing background details Tree trunks Drawing strokes of red leaves Drawing strokes of yellow leaves Drawing strokes of rain

"The house I live in"

Marking the skyline Drawing the outline of the house Painting the outline Painting the foreground Detailing the foreground Drawing the background Painting the windows (most of the house is dry) Painting the background Additional details

Nekrasova I. V., educator of the highest qualification category, Gubkin, Belgorod region

Program tasks:

To teach children to create an image of a festively decorated city;

Clarify the idea that houses in the city are different in height, roof structure, and purpose (residential buildings differ in architecture from shops, cultural centers, churches).

To consolidate the ability to convey these differences in the drawing.

Continue to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades when drawing up a city street, place images all over the sheet, determine the place of individual objects.

To consolidate the ability of preschoolers to answer the teacher's questions with a full sentence.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, existing drawing skills.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions through the streets of the city.

2. Examination of illustrations and photographs of the sights of the city.

3. Drawing in your free time.

4. Conversations about the native city.

5. Reading poems about your hometown.

Poems about Gubkin

V. Gruzdov

And Gubkin praise and honor

Millions of tons of rich ores

Here they go uphill.

But not the price of priceless ores

He dictates his rights here.

Here every resident

Lay yourself

Born for exploits at the KMA.

And with firm faith in success

We built Gubkin for everyone,

For all for us and for friends.

Our city is a clean museum:

And there is green

And there are flowers

Sidewalks and bridges.

And in the summer heat

And at the hour of the star

Fountains of wondrous beauty

Peace and joy comfort

Here vacationers are given.

Bells pure ringing

Calling for morning bow.

And Gubkin was!

And there is Gubkin!

And Gubkin praise

S. Voronov, 11 years old

This is our native Gubkin

What kind of animal is under the tree

Stayed with us for a long time?

Hedgehog, you can see everything.

Looks like I'm afraid of needles

I'm waiting, now he's snorting

And run to the road...

Peacefully the hedgehog smiled

And swung the leaves:

“I am not caustic, man-made,

And I can't snort -

I love all of you Gubkins.

Come take a rest

Sit on the lawn

Enjoy the beauty -

This is our native Gubkin!”

V. Vologa

My city

The city is festively dressed -

The residents admire.

Sidewalk colorful

Decorates the streets.

Flower beds - bright flowers

With different patterns.

And outside the city - gardens,

Do not cover them with your eyes.

Crossroads. A pedestrian

Doesn't come loose.

Everywhere there is a transition

White, lined.

Along the paths of the city

The grasses are green.

But especially beautiful

Mining Glory Square.

Bells are heard.

The morning is burning

In the gilding of the domes

The city is reflected.

N. Shcherbakov

On the day of the city, on the day of the city

In smiles my city.

Cathedral shines with gold

The bells are ringing

And happy and young

The county is alive.

Equipment and materials:

Illustrations, photographs of beautiful buildings of the city, different in architecture and purpose; gardens, parks.

A3 tinted paper (general sheet).

White paper (1/2 landscape sheet) for each child.

Gouache, wax crayons, pencils for each child.

Scissors, glue.

Individual work:

with children with poorly developed fine motor skills of hands in drawing square and rectangular objects (buildings), painting over (hatching) images.

Event progress:

The art studio has an exhibition of illustrations and photographs of the city's buildings, different in architecture and purpose.

The teacher invites the children to tell the name of our city, whether the children like it, why, why. It reminds you how many houses are being built in the city and that they are all different (sports complexes, kindergartens, schools, churches, temples, palaces of culture ...) What a beautiful, green city we have - we have many gardens, squares and parks. Reminds that our city became the winner in the All-Russian competition “The most comfortable city in Russia”. In the children's answers, special attention is paid to a detailed description of the appearance of the city's buildings, what they all have in common and how they differ from each other (low, high - multi-storey; different shapes of roofs, windows, doors, color, etc.). Examines photographs and illustrations of urban landscapes with children.

Reminds that recently there was a holiday in the city. Invites the children to tell what kind of holiday it is (City Day); how it was noted; how the appearance of the city changed at that time - how houses, streets, squares were decorated (flags, balls, multi-colored light bulbs, slogans - streamers, etc.). Make sure the children answer in full sentences.

Offers to draw a favorite city, decorated for the holiday. It draws the attention of children to the fact that we must definitely draw buildings by which our city can be recognized (Temple, sports palace, high-rise buildings, etc.).

Before starting work, the teacher with the children does finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics “Let's draw”

Children stand next to the tables.

One, two, three, four, five -

The fingers are clenched into fists.

Show the numbers by alternately extending your fingers.

Let's paint together.

Rotation of the hands in one direction.

dad's house,

Mom's house.

Show the house of fingers.

This house is for you.

This house is for me.

Show the chimney of the house with your fingers.

Let's draw a garden around

It has trees here and there.

One hand on the belt, take the other to the side.

Then we change the position of the hands.

Let's go for a walk in the garden

And let's start the game again.

Walking in place.

Children agree among themselves who will draw residential buildings, who is a temple, who is a sports palace, who is high-rise buildings ... They make sketches and draw each on their own sheet. The teacher clarifies the ways of depicting houses, says that first you need to draw with a simple pencil the general shape of the house, then its characteristic parts, details (roof, windows, doors, balconies). And only after that proceed to coloring.

At the end, the teacher helps each child to place his house on a common sheet of paper - the “street of the city”. Draws attention to the fact that the streets of the city look deserted and bare without trees, flowers, people. Children add trees, flowers, people to a common sheet ...

At the end of the lesson, the whole composition is considered as a whole, and all works separately. Each child tells what and how he portrayed.

Observation of the movements of children on a walk, during games. Examination of sculptures of small forms.

Lesson 15. Drawing "Dad (mother) walks with his child in the park (along the street)"

Software content. To consolidate the ability to draw a human figure, to convey the relative size of a child and an adult. Learn to arrange images on a sheet in accordance with the content of the picture. Exercise in drawing a contour with a simple pencil and then painting over with colored pencils.

The methodology of the lesson. Remind children about the proportions of the figures of an adult and a child, their ratio in size. (The teacher shows the proportions and ratio on himself, taking a child by the hand.)

Clarify the sequence of work with the children: the figures must first be drawn with a simple pencil, and then carefully painted over. Direct the attention of children to the use of different pressure on the pencil when painting.

When examining and evaluating the work, pay the attention of children to the transfer of the ratio of figures in size, to the technique for making drawings.

Note. It is important to direct the attention of children to a creative solution to the topic: you can draw mom, dad, and children. You can also offer to create an illustration for the work of S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", but the program tasks remain the same (instead of an adult and a child, children draw an ordinary person and Uncle Styopa).

Materials. A4 paper, simple graphite and colored pencils.

Lesson 16

(collective composition)

Software content. To teach children to create by collective efforts a simple scene from fashioned figures. To consolidate the ability to sculpt a rooster, chickens, chickens. To achieve greater accuracy in the transfer of the main form, characteristic details. To form the ability to collectively think about the location of the birds on the stand.

The methodology of the lesson. Remind the children that in the summer at the dacha they saw chickens, roosters, chickens. Recall briefly the content of the story by K. D. Ushinsky "The Cockerel with the Family."

Invite the children to think about who and how to sculpt; to distribute who will fashion which birds. In the process of work, pay attention to a clear transfer of form, parts, proportions, etc.

Modeled figures are placed on a common stand.

Materials. Stand for collective composition. Clay or plasticine, stacks, modeling boards.

Relationship with other educational areas. Reading and retelling the story of K.D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family". Conversations about summer impressions, about poultry.

Lesson 17 Drawing "City (village) in the evening"

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing a picture of the evening city, color coloring: houses are lighter than night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. To consolidate the ability to draw up your idea, to arrange the image compositionally on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate the expressive solution of the topic.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening: how it is lit, how the houses look. Discuss the color scheme of the drawing. Remind about the diversity of houses (proportions, location on the street). Invite the kids to get to work.

When analyzing finished works, direct the attention of children to the choice of drawings that are interesting in composition (houses of different proportions, successfully placed on the sheet), in color (the color of the evening city is expressively conveyed).

Materials. Dark paper, watercolor paints, gouache, brushes.

Relationship with other educational areas. A recommendation for parents to watch with their children a picture of the evening city. Examining illustrations.

Software content. To teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls (a typical main element of decorative painting). Learn to use various familiar elements to decorate a branch (flowers, leaves, berries, arcs, small curls). Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet (decoration of the branch with elements on the left and right). Develop a sense of composition. Continue learning to analyze drawings.

The methodology of the lesson. Show the children on the board 2-3 options for drawing a branch-curl with a smooth continuous movement (horizontally, vertically, diagonally). Then invite all the guys to show this drawing hand movement in the air. Suggest that you first practice drawing a branch-curl on paper (prepare halves of landscape sheets in advance). When the child gets a curl, give a sheet of paper on which the drawing will be performed.

Put all the finished drawings on the board, invite the children to choose smoothly, seamlessly drawn and beautifully decorated curls, explain their choice. Ask a child to compare the selected drawing with his own, to note what is better in his drawing, and what is in the drawing of a friend.

Materials. Simple graphite and colored pencils, strips of paper (20 × 10 cm).

Relationship with other educational areas. Examination of folk patterns.

Lesson 19. Drawing "Late autumn"

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (lack of bright colors in nature). Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graphite pencil. To form an idea of ​​​​neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray), learn to use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn. Develop aesthetic sense.

The methodology of the lesson. Recall with the children, asking them questions, which is typical for late autumn (it rains, sometimes it snows, the leaves have almost fallen off, the trees have darkened, they bend from a strong wind, dark clouds often move across the sky). Talk to the children about the use of different materials in the drawing. Offer to start painting.

At the end of the work, consider the drawings with the children and choose the most expressive ones, where it is immediately clear that late autumn is drawn. Make a border out of children's drawings and hang it in the lobby.

Materials. Album sheets, colored wax crayons (if they are not available in kindergarten, other materials can be offered: a simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, gouache of different colors, whitewash).

Relationship with other educational areas. Observations on walks, memorizing poems about autumn. Examination of reproductions of paintings, illustrations (emphasizing the diverse solution of the plot, coloring).

Lesson 20. Drawing by concept "Draw what was the most interesting this month"

Software content. To teach children to select the most interesting from the impressions received; to develop the desire to reflect these impressions in the drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils, paints. Learn to express your idea most fully by means of drawing, to bring what you have started to the end. Develop imagination.

The methodology of the lesson. A few days before the class, individually or with small groups of children, talk about interesting things in their lives. Think with the guys about how you can draw it.

"Petrushka dances at the festival"

Nikita D., preparatory group

During the lesson, help those who will find it difficult to choose a topic. To direct the attention of children to the most complete solution of the plan.

At the end of the work, hang all the drawings on the board, ask the children to tell about the most interesting images.

Materials. A simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, white or light-colored paper (optional) A4 format.

Relationship with other educational areas. Within a month, track the most interesting events in the life of children in kindergarten, at home (conversations with children, parents) in order to know well what each child can be reminded of if it is difficult for him to choose a topic; sometimes discuss how it would be nice to draw it.

Lesson 21. Drawing "We are going to a holiday with flags and flowers"

Software content. Learn to express impressions of the holiday, draw the figures of children in motion (the child walks, raised his hand with a flag, etc.). To consolidate the ability to convey the proportions of the human figure. Continue learning to draw the contours of the main parts with a simple pencil and paint over beautifully with colored pencils. Learn to convey holiday color in the drawing. Direct to find a good arrangement of shapes on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions).

The methodology of the lesson. Remind children what a walking child looks like, consider children standing with their hands up, with flags and flowers. Clarify the proportions of the human body.

Julia Kashcheeva


Fix the skill in city ​​drawing, streets, buildings, fireworks.

Form spatial representations by arranging depicted objects on paper.

Develop aesthetic perception.

materials: album for drawing, watercolor paints, wax crayons, brushes, non-spill cups, photographs cities Tuapse during various holidays, pictures depicting festive cities and fireworks, composition « Festive Melody»

Previous work: city ​​drawing, salute drawing reading poems about city ​​of Tuapse, about holidays, talk about the city of Tuapse and the holidays of Russia, city ​​design, buildings.

Sounds like festive melody.

Good afternoon guys! Tell me please, was there any holiday? Right! And who's to say which holiday celebrated in our country? That's right, National Unity Day. And who will answer me whether it was about this in some kind of celebration, event? All right! On this day and in our city Tuapse residents celebrated national unity holiday.

Let's listen to a wonderful poem about this holiday.


Don't argue with history

Live with history

She unites

For feat and work

One state

When the people are one

When with great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle

And Russia liberates

And he sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes

We live with the same destiny

Today is Unity Day

We celebrating with you!

So what is this poem about? Did you like it? What exactly did you like about it?

But who knows what happens during holiday in the city? Something very unusual and very beautiful? And to find out, I invite you to unravel my riddle:

Thunder rumbled

cheerful thunder,

All around sparkled!

Rushing into the sky relentlessly

colorful fountains,

Splashes of light pour everywhere.

it festive….

(Answer : Salute)

Well done! Solve my riddle! It is, of course, fireworks! Children, which of you saw the fireworks? For what holidays in our city there are fireworks?

Do you want to know what the word salute means? Maybe someone already knows? Do not know? Salute is a greeting. But what does the salute look like, what does it remind us of? That's right, lights and a flower. And in Japanese, this word is translated as - "flower of fire".

Do you know that in our country the first salute was the Victory Salute in honor of the Red Army troops. And from that moment, on August 5, 1943, fireworks became a tradition in our country, and they began to be launched during many important holidays.

As you probably already guessed, guys, today we will draw a festive city, and the main feature of our holiday in the figure there will be a festive salute. But to do this, we first need draw our city. What will we draw first? That's right, houses, trees, lights, roads, cars and people. And in what the city we live in? That's right, in Tuapse. What else can we draw with you, which characterizes what we draw a holiday in our city of Tuapse? That's right, we'll draw the mountains and the sea. And so, to begin with, we will use wax pencils to depict city. And what will we draw after? That's right, fireworks. And only after we draw the fireworks, we will use blue paint to depict the night sky.

Children get to work by painting city ​​and fireworks. When half of the drawing is ready, a physical minute is held.

Everything was quiet around (Stand up straight, hands down)

And suddenly - fireworks! Salute! (Hands up)

Rockets in the sky flashed (Open fingers like a fan)

Both there and here! (Wave hands over head with open fingers)

Above the square, above the roofs (Sit down, stand up, hands with open fingers)

Above festive Moscow

Rising higher

Fire fountain alive! Raise your hands up.

Children complete the drawing painting mountains, sea, salute. At the end, the night sky is painted over with blue watercolor paint.

Well done! What wonderful work everyone is doing! you created a real holiday on a small piece of paper! Now come to me, and together we will organize an exhibition of our drawings.

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