Summary of classes on pop vocals. Vocal summary "magic rules of singing" Open lesson for a vocal group


Budget educational institution

Additional education for children

Center for extracurricular activities

Municipal formation Dinskoy district

Abstract of an open lesson

in the vocal studio

2nd year of study

"Where Music Lives"


Teacher of additional education

Korzh Tatyana Alexandrovna

Village Dinskaya 2012

Explanatory note

to an open lesson in the vocal studio "Mood"

3rd year of study

My teaching experience is 16 years. 12 of them I work in the system of additional education. I think that during this time I have gained a lot of experience. The modern teacher of additional education faces tasks not only in the educational process. Today, a teacher of additional education should be an active participant in teachers' councils, a skilled organizer of a creative team, be able to work with parents, and be a propagandist of pedagogical ideas.

Of the many open classes I conducted, this lesson was not chosen by chance.

Firstly: this lesson was held within the framework of the methodical week. Date April 20210, i.e. the lesson was held relatively recently in the group of the 3rd year of study. These guys continue to do interesting and favorite things.

Secondly, for example, in this lesson, I tried to present the possibilities of choral singing classes as a means of implementing health-saving technologies.

In my teaching practice, the method of art pedagogy is widely represented, which allows me to reveal my pupils' creative abilities.

And my program has several directions and sections. The most voluminous is the vocal and choral work. Here, of course, the staging of the voice, its protection is paramount. And you can't do without a creative approach. When learning training exercises, I use the method of vocal therapy. This lesson clearly presents breathing exercises according to the system of A.N. Strelnikova.

One of the stages of the lesson is exercises aimed at training and stimulating the physiological processes of the children's body. Music is the rhythmic stimulus here. It is important to note that this is a wonderful tool for correcting children with problems of rhythm and coordination of movements. Such elements in the lesson give the children the opportunity to become confident and independent.

The purpose of this lesson is to teach how to reveal the emotional mood in the performed works.

Since modern children are inactive, they are often deprived of communication with their peers, they are passionate about computer games, watching TV. And the consequence of all this is slurred speech, lack of coordination of movements, isolation, vulnerability. All these negative facts cannot have a positive effect on the formation of a healthy, happy, enthusiastic child!

I believe that the open lesson I presented is a vivid example of promoting a healthy lifestyle. And well-structured stages of the lesson allow students to create and reveal a musical image through movements.

To achieve this goal, I have identified the main objectives of the lesson:

    The educational task is to instill a sense of responsibility, empathy for the common cause.

    The teaching task is to teach new stage movements to create an image.

    The developing task is to develop and deepen knowledge in the field of art.

All goals and objectives set during the lesson were achieved.


The date: 12.04.2012

Topic:"Where Music Lives"

"Non-traditional forms of education in the vocal-choir studio" Mood "

Target: Testing and consolidation of knowledge. Practical use of musical literacy, skills, vocal and choral singing, knowledge of world artistic culture.

Tasks: educational - expanding and consolidating knowledge about the national

and world culture, stimulating interest in art, literature

developing - development of creative abilities: the ability to evaluate, reflect, analyze musical works

educational - the formation of artistic taste, love for the art of music, education of the listener.

Lesson form: - travel.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson, we will go on an interesting journey! Do you want to travel?

Teacher: Then go ahead, we are waiting for interesting meetings with the art of music. So, go where the music lives! Our journey will not be easy, in order to get into all sections you need to have a stock of knowledge with you, because. we will meet encrypted words on the way, guessing and explaining is our main task. Only then can we continue on our journey. Can you handle it?

Teacher: Well, then go ahead!

The guys approach the instrument. There is an encrypted word on the piano cover, you need to enter the missing letters. The oldest musical instrument

Teacher: Well done! I think we can move on. (Children approach the stage). I suggest you go by car! The song “Dad bought a car” sounds. Music by A. Pugacheva, lyrics by Y. Entin

(There is a corner of the old master on the stage. On the table among the shavings are musical instruments - a violin and a flute)

Teacher: Guys! What kind of place looks like a workshop where musical instruments are made. We can hear how one of them sounds only by solving the riddle: (what instrument did the legendary Orpheus play?, and you need to remember the ancient name of this instrument)

As soon as the children have guessed the name, a musician appears on the stage. He is holding a flute in his hands. Hearing

Teacher: Let's listen to what melody Orpheus played for his beloved. Listen and tell me what feelings this music awakens in your heart? What does the music say?

(Sounds Z.V. Gluck "Melody") piano - Korzh T.A., flute - Dubovik L.P.

Teacher: I'm ready to hear your impressions.

Children: This music is very exciting, sensitive, smooth, but at the same time very sad.

Teacher: Right, do you all remember how this story ended?

Children: When Orpheus began to lead Eurydice from the kingdom of darkness, he did not fulfill the main condition - not to look back. Orpheus's heart was overwhelmed with feelings, he looked back and Eurydice melted away for him forever ... But the music that the composer ZV Gluk brought to us remained, he wrote the first opera "Orpheus".

Teacher: I want to draw your attention to the fact that human hands can create wonderful instruments, but do you think that only hands are involved in creating music? How is music born?

Children: Of course, a musician creates sounds in his heart, and then transfers them to a sheet of music, and then performs them on a musical instrument.

Teacher: That's right, I ask you all to remember the expression "Music born from the heart."

(the teacher leads the children to a new stand).

On the stand there are paintings in 3 colors: red, blue, yellow.

Teacher: Guys! Have we turned off the path? What is the connection between music and painting? After all, the picture can neither sing nor talk? Let's guess the word: What does the artist use to convey the mood in his work, picture? /Paints/

Teacher: Let's look at our exhibition and analyze the colors of the artists. What colors do artists use when they want to depict the sea? /blue, blue/ And tell me, is the sea yellow, golden? / It happens if it reflects the moon path /

And what color will be more if we draw autumn? /yellow/

Teacher: That's right, the choice of one color or another depends on the perception of a person, on the mood, the inner world of the artist.

Singing the work.

Teacher: And now I ask you to go to your places, we will try to work on our work: music. R. Pauls sl. Aspasia "Lullaby". It was not in vain that we were talking now about paintings, paints, and what the musician uses to convey the mood of the work.

Children: Sound.

Teacher: Right. The musician can also give the sound different shades.

The guys perform according to the score


1. Working with scores

Perform only violas up to the number 4.

The teacher uses musical terms in dealing with children: unison, piano, forte, sound science.

Teacher: Now tell me, if you were artists, and you would have paints now, what colors were most present in your work?

Children: Blue, gold.

Teacher: Now let's perform these works, but let's give the sound exactly these color shades.

Children rise to the stage and perform the piece in its entirety

Teacher: Thank you, today our trip has confirmed that without the knowledge of musical literacy, respect for art, we would simply not be interested. But our journey and meetings with music did not end. I think that we can safely continue to travel through this wonderful country. It is always sad to part, in memory of this day I give you these little notes, let them merge with the sounds of your heart and fill it with kindness and love. We visited with you, in the workshop of the old master, listened to how a real flute sounds, talked about paintings, colors and of course performed our works. I'm very satisfied, and you?

Teacher: I say goodbye to you!

List of used literature

1. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies / G.K. Selevko. - M., 2007.

2. Slastenin V.A. Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov. – M.: Academy, 2009.

Breathing exercises - an introductory part of an open lesson

"Where Music Lives"

Creative tasks - draw music!

MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity No. 4"

Address: st. Morisa, 82a, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region


Singing setup. "Magic Rules of Singing"


Arysheva Svetlana Ivanovna,

additional education teacher,

vocal and pop studio "Orpheus"


Orientation: artistic.

Lesson topic: Singing setup. "Magic Rules of Singing".

Target: Formation of ideas about the concept of "singing installation" and practical application in vocal lessons.


    Introduce students to the concept of "singing installation".

    Familiarize yourself with the rules of the singing installation.

    To develop children's musical perception, vocal apparatus, hearing:

    Develop memory, attention, thinking, perseverance.

    Raise interest in vocal art.

Conduct form: rehearsal session.

Class equipment:


    Musical equipment;

    Visual aids;

    Collection of notes;


Way of organizing students' activities: group.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment, introduction to the topic:

Musical greeting.

(The teacher sings: “Hello, guys!”, The children sing: “Hello, Svetlana Ivanovna!”)

Teacher: Today we will do a very important thing - we will get acquainted with the "magic rules of singing", which cannot be dispensed with. If you follow them, then be sure to learn how to sing beautifully. But first, I'll tell you about the singing setup. Guys, what do you think this is?

Children: this is a straight back, straightened shoulders, good mood, etc.

Teacher: Correctly.

    Main part

Singing installation- this is the correct position of the body (torso) when singing. In order for the voice to sound free and easy, nothing should interfere with it: the shoulders should be lowered, the back should be straight, there is no need to stretch your neck and raise your chin high (otherwise you will immediately become like a rooster who wants to outshout everyone). Posture and even well-being depend on how you hold the “body”. Good posture is essential at all times, and especially when singing.

The correct singing attitude is the "magic rules of singing", and there are many of these rules. Let's count how many there are. I will call them, and you count (the teacher shows a visual aid, which shows the correct position when singing while standing and sitting).

1. The main rule is that when singing, you can neither sit nor stand relaxed: you need to maintain a feeling of internal and external smartness.

2. Keep your head straight, freely, without lowering down or tilting back, do not stretch your neck.

3. Stand firmly on both legs, and if you sit, then lightly touching the chair, also leaning on your legs.

4. When singing in a sitting position, the hands should lie freely on the knees.

5. You can not sit with your legs crossed, because this position creates unnecessary tension in the body.

7. Open your mouth wide, vertically.

8. The lower jaw should be free, lips are mobile, elastic.

How many rules were counted?

Children: 8 rules

Teacher: Well done, you got it right. Now we know there are 8 magic rules, however I have one more question. Why are these rules called magic?

Children: Because if you follow these rules, your voice will sound beautiful and easy.

Teacher: Correctly. And now let's sing the familiar chant about the owl, observing these rules. We sit straight, put our hands on our knees, straighten our backs.

Owl chant:

An owl sat on a tree

And she sang her song U-U-U,

What strange words

It's a hooting owl!

Guys, today we sang in a new way, observing the magic rules. Do you think they helped us? We began to sing freely and beautifully?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Very well. Now let's repeat the song that we learned in the last lesson.

Vocal and choral work on the song "Far from Mom", learning the second verse.

3. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

teacher: Guys, let's sum up our lesson. What new did we learn today?

Children: We got acquainted with the magical rules of singing.

teacher: How many of these rules? Tell me them?

You guys did a great job today. Let's say goodbye. Goodbye! (in musical form).

(The teacher sings: “Goodbye!”, The children sing: “Goodbye!”).

Used Internet resources:

Used Books:

M. A. Mikhailova Development of musical abilities in children. A popular guide for parents and educators. Development Academy, 1997 .

regional state budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Kamchatka Palace of Children's Creativity"

Outline of an open lesson

vocal ensemble "Elegy"

Subject: Introduction to the program.

(for children 6-7 years old)

Compiled by: teacher of additional education Kabirova Irina Rafaelievna



Topic: Introduction to the program. "Colored Voices"

Target: get to know children, arouse children's interest in classes in a vocal ensemble.Tasks: Educational:

    to give the first communication skills in a new team; create an atmosphere of festive mood from the first acquaintance with the vocal ensemble; Cultivate a sense of love for beauty.


    give initial ideas about the structure of the lesson; introduce children to the concepts: instrumental and vocal voice, soloist, ensemble. To give initial Nevcheskie skills.


    develop attention, memory, imagination; to develop creative independence in children; develop a sense of rhythm and musical ear.

Equipment, manuals and materials. Educational and practical equipment:

    piano; "Exhibition" of musical instruments (violin, flute, guitar); music Center; educational board; elements of costumes (cockerel, cat, hedgehog caps); visual aid "Music staff"; visual aids "Soloist", "Duet", "Vocal Ensemble"; balloons according to the number of children; block flutes according to the number of children; bells according to the number of children.
Music material:
    chanting songs: "Hedgehog", "Cockerel", "Kitty"; phonogram of the song "Balloons" (words and music by I. Kabirova); J.S. Bach "Joke"; D. Scarlatti - Sonata "G Major"; N. Paganini "Caprice".

Cabinet decoration. Musical instruments are exhibited on the podium: violin, guitar, flute.

A detailed plan is a summary of the lesson.

Lesson progress:

Outline plan.

    Organizing time.

The teacher invites the children to the class. Children sit on chairs.

Teacher: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all in the vocal class!

    Goal setting.

My name is Irina Rafaelievna. I teach children to sing. Look at these photos. These children have already learned to sing, perform on stage in concert costumes and sing into real microphones. Do you want to learn how to sing?

    Introductory part. Conversation.

How many of you know the name of the person who sings? That's right, a singer. The voice of a person who sings is called a vocal or vocal voice. Hear how my voice sounds. I will sing you a song about a musical bell. And you will help me by playing the bells.

The teacher distributes bells to the children.

The teacher sings the song "Bell". Children ring bells.

The children answer.

The teacher attaches a balloon-note of the corresponding color to the visual aid "Music staff".

Teacher: This balloon represents my vocal voice. Let's put my voice in a music house.

Teacher: in front of you exhibition of musical instruments. What tools are you familiar with?

Children's answers.

Guess the musical riddle.

How clear is the overflow of sounds,

They have joy and smiles.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Sings so softly...Children: Violin.

A fragment sounds - N. Paganini "Caprice".

Tell me, in what color would the Fairy of Colors decorate the voice of the violin?

The children answer.

The teacher attaches a balloon note of the corresponding color to the visual aid.

Teacher: This balloon represents the instrumental voice of the violin. Solve another riddle.

I'll tell you, my friend, In ancient times -

A gentle breeze blew into the reed pipe.

The man suddenly heard a melodious gentle sound.

And at that moment a musical instrument was born.Children: Flute.

Now listen and say what color the voice of the flute is.

A fragment sounds - I. Bach "Joke".

The teacher attaches the corresponding note balloon to the stave.

Teacher: Who knows what this instrument is called?

Children: guitar.

Teacher: Let's listen to the voice of the guitar.

A fragment sounds - D. Scarlatti "Sonata in G Major".

Children name the color of the balloon. The teacher attaches a balloon note of the corresponding color to the visual aid.

Now let's hear how your voices sound.

Children sing their name. Children attach balloons - a note of the corresponding color to the musical staff.

Teacher: Look, the voices of musical instruments and our vocal voices lined up in a multi-colored musical row.


Instrument sound -instrumental,

Let's repeat these words together.

    Main part.

teacher : In order to learn to sing, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. To do this, we will do breathing exercises at each lesson.

Breathing exercises.

The teacher asks the children to stand up.

Balloon exercise.

Take a slow deep breath through the nose, hands through the sides up ("inflate the balloon"). We hold our breath, and then “blow off the balloon” - exhaling the air, we say: “Ha ha ha”. We lower our hands down with stops. (Perform 2-3 times).

Exercise "Cat".

Let's hiss like an angry cat. Inhale through the nose, exhale to the sound "sh". The hands are clenched into a fist. On exhalation, we pronounce the sound "Sh" and sharply unclench our fingers ("Cat's claws").

Flute Exercise.

Imagine that you are musicians, playing the flute. Inhale the air and, as you exhale, blow into the musical instrument (teacher demonstration).

According to the gestures of the teacher, the children perform the exercise.

Teacher: In order for our voice to develop, it is necessary to do a warm-up for the voice.

Now we will play. Let's imagine that some of you have turned into funny little animals and birds. The teacher invites the child. ……. will be a hedgehog. (put on a hedgehog hat).

I will sing a hedgehog song, and you try to repeat after me.

The teacher sings: Little hedgehog, no head, no legs.

The child repeats.

Teacher: …. sang one song.

The little artist took the stage.

If he sings alone, then he -soloist. (The teacher shows the visual aid "Soloist").

The teacher invites the child. ……. will be a cockerel (put on a cockerel hat).

Teacher: I will sing a cockerel song, and you try to repeat after me.

The teacher sings: Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb"

The child repeats.

Teacher: ….. sang a song alone. Our real artist……. soloist.

If a hedgehog and a cockerel sing together, you get a duet.

Sing together: We sing in a duet,

We have a lot of fun.

Teacher: Listen to the cat's song. “Meow, meow, meow, la-la-la-la-la. The child repeats.

Teacher: A real artist is ... .. a soloist.

teacher : If you sing all together, the three of you will succeedvocal ensemble. Such an ensemble is called a trio. (The teacher shows the visual aid "Trio").

Sing along:

« Our trio ensemble - we sing beautifully.”

And now I will ask all the children to sing together in a vocal ensemble.

Children sing: "We are in our ensemble

Let's sing songs together"

teacher : What a wonderful vocal ensemble we have!

In our first lesson, we will start learning a song about balloons. Listen to the chorus of the song.

The teacher sings:

Let's say the words of the chorus.

Teacher: And now we will perform the whole song with piano accompaniment. I will sing the verses of the song, and you will sing the choruses.


    Balloons will fly into the sky


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Sing a multi-colored ball with us!


    Here came the little artist on the stage,

If he sings alone, then he is a soloist.


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Sing a multi-colored ball with us!


    If we sing songs in an ensemble,

So we all live together, have fun.


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Sing a multi-colored ball with us!

Say: "We are great", "Our voices sound beautiful."

Let's pretend we're on a real stage. We will listen to the real audience. Let's sing a song to very cheerful music.

Children sing a song to the soundtrack.

The teacher invites the children to sit in their seats.

    Summing up the lesson.

teacher : Did you like our song about balloons?

In the next lessons, we will continue to develop our multi-colored voices and learn the whole song. And when we learn it, we will perform on a real stage, in real concert costumes and sing into real microphones.

Tell the guys who remember. What is a person who sings alone called? (Soloist)

And if the singers sing together? (duet)

And if they sing together? (trio).

What if we all sing together? (vocal ensemble)

The pianist Elena Petrovna helped us at the lesson today.

For your efforts, I want to give balloons. You are great, and your voices sounded great in the vocal ensemble! Goodbye, see you next time.


GOAL - the formation of the ability to correctly pronounce vowels and consonants in words, the ability to breathe correctly when performing a song.

Tasks - teach to clearly and actively pronounce and sing the words in the song,

Development of collective creativity,

Education of aesthetic taste

Equipment and musical material:



Notes of the song "Kindness"

Illustration of Kustodiev's painting "Merchant"

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time.Musical greeting "Good afternoon". Specifying the purpose of the lesson.
  2. Updating of basic knowledge. Conversation about the voice apparatus. What is involved in the appearance of the voice? What are vocal cords? What happens to them while singing? How should you take care of your "musical instrument"? How should one breathe and sit in order to sing pleasantly and comfortably?

The teacher reads the poem "It is pleasant and convenient to sing."

3. Execution gymnastics for the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants sounds (a.o.u.i; m, n, p, t, k, l, r). Children, together with the teacher, make sounds, while hand movements help.

Performance exercises to activate facial expressions(lips, tongue, cheeks):

- "Duck nose"

- "Piglet"

- "Eight"

- "A circle"

- "Football"

- "Smile"

Children with the help of facial expressions depict the tasks of the teacher, while the hands are not involved.

Performance exercises "Dinosaur"for pitch intonation.Children, together with the teacher, draw with their hands and the voice of a dinosaur, changing the pitch of the voice.

  1. Breath work.

- "Flower". Students imagine a flower in their hands and calmly inhale its aroma through their nose, while the teacher makes sure that the shoulders of the children do not rise up, but remain in place. Exhale through your mouth.

- "Saucer with tea." Children calmly inhale through the nose, and exhale carefully "on a saucer of hot tea." At the same time, the teacher monitors the long exhalation of the students.

5. What is kindness? (talk about kindness)

Vocal and choral work on the song "Kindness".Repeating the lyrics of the song and singing the melody with the correct intonation.

Performance of the song "Kindness"under musical accompaniment.

6. Summing up the lesson.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of an open lesson on vocals "Using elements of art pedagogical technologies in working with children of primary school age."

The college hosted a regional seminar "Using Art Pedagogical Technologies in Music Classes with School-Age Children", during which an open vocal lesson "Using...

Development of outlines of vocal lessons

Vocal notes developed by me help to follow the dynamics of the student's development. Abstracts in three parts: breathing exercises, work on the voice and work with the song....

Outline of an open lesson on vocals by a teacher of additional education MBOU DOD CDT Z.A. Egorova.

Topic of the lesson: "Development of modal hearing and sense of metrorhythm"

The purpose of the lesson: to develop pitch hearing and a sense of rhythm


Educational - versatile development of musical ear, musical memory;

Developing - to develop the musical abilities of children;

Educational - to form a sense of beauty but based on modern musical material.

Type of lesson: review

Teaching methods: verbal method, visual method, game method

Organization of the teacher's workplace: song material, a disc with phonogram recordings, a piano.

Lesson structure

1 Organizational moment

1.1 Welcome

1.2 Positive attitude to the lesson

1.3 Checking the readiness for the lesson of students

1.4 Communication of the topic of the lesson, goal setting

2 Updating the knowledge of students

2.1 Review of the material covered

3 Rhythmic pause.

4 Work on songs

5 Lesson summary

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time:

Musical greeting:

Hello guys

Hello teacher.

I'm glad to see you at this lesson!

Checking readiness for the lesson:

Now you have to sing songs, listen to music, and for this we will conduct a special setting. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale. Now I will pronounce phrases, and you repeat them in chorus, quietly, calmly.

We are ready to work in class.

We are in a good mood.

We will try.

Open your eyes, take another deep breath. EXHALE and get ready to work in class.

Message topics, goal setting.

2. Actualization of students' knowledge:

Remember and tell us what you did at the last lesson (sang steps, songs - chants, solved rhythmic riddles) Sang the songs "Umbrellas", "Eskimos".

Today we will continue to work on the purity of intonation of step turns, rhythmic riddles, singing songs for future concerts.

Prepared, tuned in - we sing steps. Singing step turns with their display by hand signs. TV game.

Questions: what is the most important step? - once.

Why? - because the rest of the steps lead to it.

What are the musicians called? - tonic

Now the steps will give you riddles. Close your eyes. Ears are listening carefully. Who guessed - raises his hand.

Well done guys, they did a great job.

Listen carefully to the melody of the song. I will play it 2 times. Your task is to determine the mood of this melody and the way

At the beginning I play - in a major mode, then in a minor mode. Children should name that the mood has changed, and accordingly the way, name the way

Now listen carefully to the melody of what song am I playing?

The song sounds - singing "Cornflower".

Who remembers what steps live in this song.

Who knows, raises his hand and becomes a TEACHER for this time and shows the steps to the whole class.

And now, what kind of chants do I play.

The melody of the song "Leaf fall" sounds.

Who guessed raises his hand and sings a song.

Asked questions:

What are we singing now? - melody

Melody is divided into what? - for phrases

What steps are hidden in the first phrase? (Who remembers - he shows).

What steps are hidden in the second phrase?

We show the heart of the melody - legs.

What did our legs show? Pulse of the melody, musicians call the heart of the melody - beats

And now, let's show each sound of the melody. Clap your hands and show the rhythm of the song. We combine the movement of lobar and rhythmic pulsation

Durations came to visit us - they indicate how long a musical sound lasts.

Children call durations by name. Sing songs about duration. Read them from cards and guess rhythmic riddles

Analysis of a new song - singing "Rides, rides a steam locomotive."

3. Rhythmic pause.

Movement to music. A set of elementary movements showing metric pulsation.

4. Work on songs

Work on the song "Eskimo"

Singing techniques: "echo", "a cappella" - work on phrases. Clap the rhythm with your hands. We show the metric pulsation with legs

Well done guys, and we will finish the lesson with the performance of the song “Funny Umbrellas”. Try to convey a cheerful mood in the song. Follow the coherence of the sound of the ensemble.

The performance of the song "Merry Umbrellas" technical tasks: to achieve purity of intonation, clear diction, timely beginning and end of musical phrases.

Emotional and artistic tasks: try to achieve a bright, sublime, spiritual state during performance, feel the joy and satisfaction from the performance of the song.

5. Results of the lesson:

Evaluation of each performer, analysis of achievements and failures.

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