Summaries of nodes drawing fgos preparatory group. Summary of GCD on drawing "Sea Depths" (preparatory group) Video


Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6" Sun "

Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region

Abstract GCD for drawing

in the preparatory group

Theme: "Lunar Landscape"


Sheveleva Natalia Vitalievna


Koryazhma, 2018

    To teach children to create a plot drawing, to depict the figures of an astronaut, a spaceship, to convey the structure of various spacecraft.

    To teach children to draw using the wet technique, to consolidate the method of drawing by spraying.

    Expand your understanding of outer space and space flight.

    To consolidate knowledge of words related to space topics.

Material: demonstration: video or slides about space, flights to the moon and conquest of space distances, illustrations of rockets, orbital stations, satellites, astronauts in outer space. Handout: sheets of A3 paper, gouache, soft and hard brushes, wax candles, simple pencils, watercolor.

Educator: guys, today we will make a trip to a distant and mysterious, not fully explored moon. But before you go on a long and exciting journey with you, let's watch a video about flights to the moon and exploration of the lunar landscape (watch).

Educator: children, scientists are studying the moon, but much has not yet been clarified, there are no answers to many questions, such as:

Is there life on the moon?

If so, what do the inhabitants of the Moon look like?

Can they speak and understand those around them?

Do they have cities, houses, transport, trees?

Do they travel through space, and what do their ships look like?

Children about all this, we can only judge by the stories that science fiction writers write and by the paintings of science fiction artists. Fantasists come up with the most incredible images of the planets and their inhabitants, depict architectural structures of unusual shape located on these planets. Invent intricate space vehicles on which aliens move. One such fantastic work was written by Nikolai Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" and you know it well.

Today we will travel to the moon on lunar rovers and spaceships. I suggest you consider photographs of cancer, moon rovers, spacecraft and orbital stations. Pay attention to their design and unusual shape.

Guys, let's go flying, do not forget to grab paints and sheets of paper with you. Maybe you want to capture a meeting with the inhabitants of the Moon, the unusual architecture of their cities, the incredible beauty of nature - trees and flowers, and then tell and show it to your friends. Children, today you will be not just astronauts, but also science fiction artists. Try to depict astronauts in spacesuits who went into outer space, spaceships and satellites that plow space.

Guys, today we will use a wax candle in our work. She needs to draw in the same way as with a pencil, but the color of the drawing will turn out not quite ordinary, but transparent-lunar, which will add mystery to the work. At the very beginning, children, you need to come up with the content and composition of the picture. Think about the placement of the object on the sheet. Select the main and secondary elements in the drawing and distribute them over the entire surface of the sheet. With a simple pencil, you can sketch the contours of objects without drawing small details. When drawing, children need to observe proportions and the distance between objects. Next, circle the candle and color the entire drawing. After all the objects are drawn, cover the sheet with watercolor. We also use the familiar wet drawing method. To do this, we moisten the entire sheet with water using a damp sponge, not allowing the sheet to dry, quickly apply watercolor in blue, black, purple, allowing the colors to mix and spread freely throughout the sheet in different directions. At the end, when your drawing dries, you need to draw a scattering of stars. We will paint with a spray using a brush.

Children draw, turn on music about space. At the end of the lesson, we hang the drawings on the board for viewing. I invite the children to present their work, talk about their observations, come up with a name for their drawing.

List of used literature

    Golitsina N.S. Abstracts of complex - thematic classes preparatory group for school. Integrated approach. - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2016. - 568 2009. - 96 p.

    Preschool Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical schools / Edited by S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova. - M: Publishing Center "Academy" 2007.

Synopsis of the GCD on visual activity in the preparatory group "Let's paint the white city"

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Integration of NGO "Social and communicative development", NGO "Cognitive development", NGO "Speech development"

Target. Creating a picture by joint efforts, using unusual.

Tasks. Educational: - improve the ability to draw with various visual materials; - continue to form the ability to mix paints to obtain new colors and shades: - consolidate knowledge of colors.

Developing: - to develop cooperation skills, the ability to agree on the distribution of work among themselves; - develop independence in the creation of teamwork; - to consolidate the skills of the image of flowers; - develop imagination, creativity, imagination.

Educational:- arouse in children a desire to help the inhabitants of a fairy-tale country.

Development environment: sheet with a silhouette image of the city, gouache, watercolor, brushes, poke, seals, sharp sticks, rags, water jars, audio recording, bell, “letter from the inhabitants of the country”.

GCD progress.
- Children, do you like fairy tales? Do you want us to visit one of them? As soon as I ring the bell, the fairy tale will immediately be here. (The teacher rings the bell. There is a knock on the door)

- What? Oh yes, they brought us a package and a letter. Well, what is there? “We are residents of a magical city, we are asking for help. Our city is not simple, it is drawn. Once it was very beautiful in it: flowers bloomed, birds sang, animals walked on sunny lawns, people lived in colorful houses, everything around was bright and colorful. But once a cloud flew over our city, and rain poured out of it, which washed away all the colors. Everything around became colorless and sad. People, birds and animals left the city. Soon he completely disappeared. Help us get everything back."

And here is the city itself. Let's see what's here. (Consider the sheet with the image of the city)
- Yes, guys, the city is really empty.

This city is White City. It's under a white sheet.
Obviously, this city is bewitched by a sorcerer.
We guys will not save, we will save this city.
We will paint the White City, we will bring joy to the city.

Well, how can we help people, birds and animals to return the magical city?
- And how do we do it? (Let's color)

How can we color it in such a way that it really becomes unusual, magical, how to decorate it? (Children offer different options, we decide to decorate with flowers).
- Yes, indeed, it will be very beautiful and unusual. What flowers do you know?
- Where shall we place the flowers? (On rooftops, paths, trees, etc.)

- Come on, we will divide the work among all, together we will get more beautiful and faster. Truth? Who will decorate what?
“Here we have everything we need to get the job done. Well, we can't do without magic music. ( We turn on the audio recording by E. Grieg “Morning”)

The teacher monitors the process of mixing paints, the correct use of visual materials, filling the entire surface and, if necessary, helps.

During work, we give names - Cornflower Mountains, Dandelion River, Romashkova Street, etc.
- And what shall we call this city? (Good morning city, Gentle song, Affectionate city, Flower city)
- How well we did. Look, the city has come alive! (Sounds "The clock" by Y. Entin. We are examining the picture)
- Do you think we managed to disenchant the city and help its inhabitants?
- What have we done for this?
- What do you wish the inhabitants of this city? ( Children speak out

Title: Abstract of the GCD on drawing in the preparatory group "Let's paint the white city"
Author: Ivanova Marina Vladimirovna
Position: educator
Place of work: MDOU "Suksun kindergarten" Malyshok "
Location: Suksun village, Suksunsky district, Perm region

Program content:

  • familiarity with the principles of operation of a submarine;
  • exercise in the use and combination of different materials;
  • strengthening the ability to mix colors and get a variety of shades;
  • improving the reception of blurring;
  • development of creativity;
  • education for independence.

Materials: gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, charcoal, watercolor paper, brushes of different textures and thicknesses.

Preliminary work:

1. Hello children. We've got a package. Let's open it. Here is a riddle: “Under water, an iron whale.

He does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps you calm."

(Illustration "Submarine")

Do you know how a submarine works? (brief information about the principle of the boat, experience with a glass bottle)

- If we throw some glass into the water, what will happen to it? ... And if you throw an empty corked bottle into the water? ... That's right, it will float. If you fill this bottle halfway with water, it will submerge halfway. So any ships, including a submarine, are prevented from sinking by air. A submarine has an outer and inner hull, and there is space between the walls. It is necessary to plunge into the sea - the commander will give the order: "Open the taps!" - and the water from behind the side will fill this space, displacing the air. The boat will immediately become heavier and go deeper. You need to surface - the space between the walls is filled with air, which the boat always has in stock. Its strong jet will push the water overboard, the boat will become light and rise to the surface. The boat sank under the water, only the periscope sticks out above the water - this is the eye of the submarine. And at depth, the underwater ears of the boat will help out - this is a radio.

- Where are submarines built and repaired?

- That's right, and one of these factories is located in our city. It is no coincidence that our city grew up on the shores of the White Sea.

Have you guessed what we are going to draw today?

What are the parts of a submarine? (shape, proportions).

- Yes, and our boat has already left the slipway and went on a training trip ...

- Remember the names of the artists who paint the sea and seascapes.

- Today we will also be sea painters.

– What colors will help you display the beauty of the sea? (if necessary, additional questions reflecting the state of the sea: calm, stormy, northern sea, warm sea).

What material can be used to draw such a picture? (questions that help children clarify the properties of isomaterials: what colors can paint the sky, sea, boat, why).

- Today you will choose the material you need.

2. Children's work (in the process of work, the teacher asks questions. Encouraging creativity. Recalls the correct position of the hand and hand, pays attention to the color scheme).

3. Analysis.

✔ Review of works. Overall positive rating.

- Do you like what we did? Real Morinist Artists!

- Do you hear the sound of the waves? (musical accompaniment - audio recording "The Sound of the Sea").

educator of higher

MADOU Child Development Center - "Kindergarten No. 3 "Morozko"

Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region

Topic:"Decorating the Easter Egg"
Chuprinyuk Zinaida Anatolyevna - educator.

Purpose: to form the ability to create a decorative composition.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development"; "Social and communicative development"; "Artistic and aesthetic development"; " Physical development".
Educational: introduce children to the art of egg miniature, introduce various decoration techniques.
Developing: independent search for visual and expressive means of design, figurative thinking, creative imagination.
Speech: continue to expand vocabulary, coherent speech
Educational: to instill respect for folk traditions, a sensitive attitude towards loved ones, a desire to please them with your gifts.
Equipment: a saucer with painted eggs, one unpainted, illustrations depicting painted eggs.
Handout: painting form - oval on cardboard, gouache, water bottle, brush stand, brushes, individual drawing napkin, napkin.
Preliminary conversation: Orthodox holidays and traditions.


The teacher takes a saucer with painted eggs - one unpainted.
Look, what a miracle, who put us in a saucer?
Children's answers...
Teacher: That's right, it is. What is the difference?
Children's answers...
This is an (unpainted) ordinary chicken egg. And it is a real miracle of nature. The chicken will lay an egg, warm it up, and a little chicken will hatch from it. The egg is a symbol of Life and the Sun.
Another Egg is not simple: golden painted,
Like a bright toy! There are stripes, curls,
Many small rings, stars, circles and hearts.
Educator: What holiday is the painted egg a symbol of?
Children's answers...
Educator: Which of you would like to talk about this holiday ...
Children's statements...
Educator: Easter is the main spring holiday of Christians. Christians are people who believe in Christ the Savior. The holiday has survived to this day. Easter is celebrated every year. they prepare for it in advance: they put things in order and cleanliness in their homes, baked Easter cakes, prepared cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs.
Our ancestors came up with the idea of ​​coloring eggs. It is customary to give a painted egg and say the words: Christ is Risen, and the answer should be: Truly Risen - kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.
If the egg was dyed in one color, it was called krashenka. What colors did your parents dye the eggs. Children's answers...
Educator: They took onion peel, boiled it in water, and then boiled eggs in this water. They turned brown. If spots, specks, stripes of a different color were painted on a colored background, these eggs were called specks. If an ornament was painted on the eggs, plot pictures - they were called Easter eggs.
Physical minute.
productive activity.
Educator: Let's go to our workshop (we sit down at the tables.
Where we will start work, consider illustrations of what decorations are applied on the form. A bit of history: masters made eggs from wood, porcelain, clay, bone, precious metals - painted with various colors, decorated with beads, precious stones. The pastry shops sold chocolate and sugar eggs.
See how you can paint an egg, there are various ways to decorate: floral patterns, ornament. You can use them at work, but also come up with your own.
Our ancestors believed that when starting painting, the master should have pure thoughts (think about good things), do painting with an open, kind heart and great love. If everyone thinks about their loved ones, you will get a wonderful creation. And your imagination and creativity will help you.
We got a real exhibition of souvenirs.
How amazing are your souvenirs?
What (whom) were you thinking about when you prepared them.
We have looked into the past of our ancestors. And folk wisdom says: "Without the past, there is no future."

Theme of the lesson: "DRAWING A HARE". (preparatory group)

Purpose of the lesson: 1. Exercise in the image of animals (hares) in motion.

2. Continue to form the skills of depicting animals from spots.

3. To consolidate the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper, observing the rules of composition.

4. Develop voluntary attention, speech, perseverance and accuracy when performing a task.

Materials for the lesson:

For the educator: reproductions with images of a hare, visual aids for changing the shape of the body and the position of the hare's legs in motion.

For children: tinted paper, white and black gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins.

Course progress.

Guys, all of you probably know Russian folk tales. Please remember which animals are the heroes of these fairy tales? (hare, fox, bear, rooster, wolf ...).

Well done, and now, I will ask you a riddle: guess what animal we are talking about?

What kind of forest animal is this, like a column under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass - ears larger than the head? (hare)

That's right - it's a rabbit!

Who remembers the Russian folk tales about the hare and what they are called (“Frost and the Hare”, “Zayinka's Hut”, “Hare-boast.”)

And what, by nature, is the hare in these fairy tales? (cowardly, defenseless, economic, resourceful, quick, boastful).

That's how different it turns out, this character happens.

Today we will try to portray this animal.

Please remember what parts the hare consists of (torso, legs, tail, head, ears).

Look, the bunny is hiding or resting. His paws are pressed to the body, his ears are to the back.

And suddenly he heard a sound, got up and listened. What changed? (The position of the body: the ears stood upright, slightly raised on its paws.)

The hare realized that the fox was sneaking and ran.

How has the position of the body changed now? (it stretched out, became narrower and longer).

When a hare runs, in order to push off, its body bends in an arc, the position of the paws changes.

Tell me, please, what shape is the head of a hare (oval).

Now let's take a closer look at the hare's paws. Are they the same or not? (different, front shorter and rear longer).

That's right, the hare's hind legs are long, powerful, it repels them when it runs and its run turns out to be fast jumps.

On the front paws, the hare has a shoulder, elbow, middle part of the paw and a hand. The brush is small, short, slightly thinner near the fingers.

And the hind legs are different in that they have a large thigh, the middle part of the leg, and the knee.

Where is she looking back or forward? (back).

And there is also a foot, it is long, large, so that it would be more convenient for the hare to push off.

Now let's see, when the bunny is sitting, its front legs are tucked under the chest and only the elbow is visible, and, at the rear, the thigh and long foot.

The bunny stood in a column and the position of the paws changed.

The front paws are slightly bent at the elbow and the hands hang down, while the hind legs remain the same, but the bunny is slightly raised and we see the second part of the paw and it rests on a long foot.

The bunny ran, and the front paws stretched forward, and he throws his hind legs up and the foot with the knee is also on top.

Then he bends again to push off and the hind legs go forward, and the front legs between them.

In order to draw a hare, you first need to think about what it will do with you. Then find the position of the hare's body on a piece of paper.

Here I draw the line of the back, and then I type the torso with a spot.

Now we draw an oblong head, ears.

Then we start drawing paws.

We draw the elbow and the front paws stretched forward.

Then we draw a thigh against the background of the back of the body, then a paw raised up.

And a long foot.


Physical education minute: "A little white bunny is sitting"

Before you get started, think about what your bunny will do and how best to turn the sheet of paper: vertically or horizontally.

When you draw, try to convey the movement of your hare.

Pull a sheet of paper towards you and get to work.

Here are some wonderful hares we got!

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