Consultations on the topic of non-traditional drawing techniques. Consultation for parents "Methods of non-traditional drawing techniques


Advice for educators.

"Non-traditional drawing techniques and their role in the development of preschool children"

"Art is to find the ordinary in the extraordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary." Denis Diderot

Preschool age is the period when visual activity can become and most often is a sustainable hobby not only for “especially” gifted, but for all children. Communication with art is a great pleasure in the life of preschoolers.

All children love to draw when they are good at it. Drawing with pencils and brushes requires a high level of mastery of drawing techniques, developed skills and knowledge, and working methods. Very often, the lack of this knowledge and skills quickly turns the child away from drawing, because as a result of his efforts, the drawing turns out to be incorrect, it does not correspond to the child’s desire to get an image that is close to his idea or the real object that he tried to depict.

Observations of the effectiveness of drawing in kindergarten lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to use non-traditional techniques that will create a situation of success for pupils and form a stable motivation for drawing.

Dear educators, what do you think the word unconventional can mean? (answers of educators) Non-traditional - not based on tradition. Occurring not due to established tradition, settling not according to established custom. Distinguished by originality. Not sticking to tradition.

Choose the words synonyms for the word "unconventional" (answers of educators) Words are synonyms: individually, in a new way, extraordinary, unique, non-standard, non-trivial, original, in a new way, in their own way, original, independent, peculiar, original.

What is meant by the phrase "non-traditional drawing"? (answers of educators)

Non-traditional drawing is the art of depicting without being based on tradition.

Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children.

Goals of non-traditional visual activity:

1. To develop artistic creativity, imagination, fantasy of preschoolers. To form individual, intellectual creative abilities through the use of non-traditional techniques and materials in visual activity;

2. To develop the ability to independently create, apply, use various non-traditional material and non-traditional techniques in artistic creativity.


1. To instill and maintain interest in non-traditional drawing techniques: to create a subject-developing environment for artistic creativity;

2. Continue to introduce preschoolers to non-traditional drawing techniques; find non-standard (creative) ways of depicting objects and phenomena;

3. Develop visual skills, skills, systematize the knowledge gained;

4. To develop technical artistic skills and abilities according to the principle: from simple to complex (transition from simple non-traditional image methods to more complex ones);

5. Continue to develop a sense of color, shape, composition, spatial imagination, artistic and aesthetic taste;

6. Expand the idea of ​​beauty through observation in nature, looking at beautiful interior items, reproductions of artists, illustrations in books, albums, listening to classical music, visiting beautiful and cultural places in the city: art salons, exhibitions.

7. To unite the children's team through joint creativity.

8. To develop a desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from learning new things.

9. To consolidate and enrich the knowledge of children about different types of artistic creativity;

10. To nurture diligence and the desire to achieve success through one's own work.

11. To cultivate attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creative self-realization.

When organizing the educational process, the educational area "Artistic Creativity" is most effectively integrated with the following educational areas:

"Communication" - the development of free communication with adults and children about the process and results of productive activities, the practical mastery of pupils with speech norms;

"Knowledge" - sensory development, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the expansion of horizons in a series of fine arts, creativity, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

"Reading fiction" - the use of works of art to enrich the content of the region, the development of children's creativity, familiarization with various types of art, the development of artistic perception and artistic taste;

"Physical culture" - the development of fine and gross motor skills, the use of the artistic and creative cycle of physical culture minutes, motor tasks in the educational activities, the formation of the correct posture;

"Music" - the use of musical works to enrich the content of the region, the development of children's creativity, familiarization with various types of art;

"Labor" - the formation of labor skills and abilities, the education of industriousness, the education of a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results. Formation of the ability to prepare and clean your workplace, take care of manuals and materials, clean up after games and educational activities;

"Safety" - the formation of the foundations for the safety of one's own life in various types of productive activities;

"Health" - color therapy, the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle when depicting health topics. Use in educational activities of the artistic and creative cycle of eye gymnastics, finger games, self-massage of hands;

"Socialization" - the formation of gender, family affiliation, patriotic feelings, feelings of belonging to the world community, the implementation of partnership interaction "adult - child".

Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because the word “No” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and emotions can be used to judge the mood of the child, about what pleases him, what upsets him.

Carrying out creative artistic activities using non-traditional techniques:

Helps relieve children's fears;

Develops self-confidence;

Develops spatial thinking;

Develops in children to freely express their intention;

Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

Develops the ability of children to act with a variety of material;

Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, a sense of texture and volume;

Develops fine motor skills of hands;

Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy;

During the activity, children receive aesthetic pleasure.

Do you use non-traditional drawing techniques in your work? What non-traditional drawing techniques do you use?(answers of educators).

Non-traditional techniques: finger painting, palm drawing, drawing with various prints, monotype, scratching, thread printing, candle drawing, charcoal drawing, dot drawing (pointelism), drawing on fabric, blotography, blowing, etc.

The combination of the basic techniques of traditional drawing and non-traditional techniques of visual activity gives positive results, children get real satisfaction from artistic activity.

Do your pupils apply independently acquired knowledge and skills in non-traditional fine arts? What non-traditional material, techniques are used?(answers of educators)

With kids junior preschool age is recommended to use:

finger painting;

imprint with prints from potatoes, carrots, polystyrene;

palm drawing.

Children secondary preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:

poke with a hard semi-dry brush.

foam printing;

stopper printing;

wax crayons + gouache

candle + watercolor;

leaf prints;

palm drawings;

drawing with cotton swabs;

magic ropes;

subject monotype

AT senior preschool As children age, they can learn even more difficult methods and techniques:

drawing with salt, sand, semolina;

drawing with soap bubbles;

drawing with crumpled paper;

blotting with a tube;

landscape monotype;

screen printing;

blotting ordinary;



An important role in the development of the child is played by a developing creative environment, which should stimulate the child to be active.

When organizing a subject-developing creative environment in visual activity, it is necessary to take into account the needs of children. And their need is that they can freely, independently and easily use traditional and non-traditional visual materials in a group, it is also necessary to take into account individual characteristics, the level of knowledge, skills in drawing, the age of preschoolers.

The tasks of the corner of creativity: the development of children's interest and desire to engage in visual activities; consolidation of skills and abilities in drawing, modeling, applications; expansion of ideas about the color, properties and qualities of various materials; development of finger motor skills, creative imagination, creative fantasy.

What subject-developing environment for non-traditional artistic creativity of children has been created in your group? (answers of educators)

The subject-developing environment for visual activity in the kindergarten group should contain:

Beauty Corner:

Reproductions of paintings, small sculptures, graphic works, books with beautiful illustrations, authentic products of masters of folk arts and crafts; children's encyclopedias on fine arts; discs with a beautiful calm melody, classical music, a tape recorder.

Fine Arts Corner:

Coloring books; card index of non-traditional drawing techniques; albums for viewing "Gorodets toy", "Khokhloma painting", etc.; albums with different images of grass, trees, sun, houses, etc., didactic games for the development of creativity, imagination;

Gouache, watercolors, wax pencils, pastel crayons, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, markers of different thicknesses, colored pencils, graphite pencils, a set of ballpoint pens, cotton wool, cotton swabs, foam sponges, poke, charcoal, sanguine, candles, cocktail tubes, prints different shapes, threads, dry leaves, etc.; clay, plasticine, dough, decor materials; paper of various textures and sizes, cardboard, PVA glue;

Tools: nylon brushes or with natural bristles from No. 2 to No. 10 (depending on age and tasks in drawing) and bristles No. 7, 8, scissors, palettes, modeling boards, seals, roller, sticks, stamps, foam rubber, stencils by topic; panels for an exhibition of children's works, a magnetic board, easels; oilcloth tablecloths, double jars, coasters for cysts.

Thus, the artistic subject-developing environment should ensure the principle of accessibility and the most comfortable state of preschoolers in the group.

Do you provide freedom of choice of visual materials in artistic activities? (Answers of educators)

In the activities of artistic creativity, it is necessary to provide children with the freedom to choose visual materials. It is necessary to use different materials: paints, colored pencils, crayons. This enables the child to choose art material at will, develops independence in work, cognitive and experimental activity, and creativity.

Finished work must be displayed on the board or laid out on the table, carpet at the end of the lesson. The analysis of artistic activity is important for the development of children's creativity, primarily because children see the results of their activities and learn to solve visual problems. Children are happy to look at their work, talk about them. The teacher should support and develop this activity. The analysis of works is necessarily associated with a visual task. It is not the child himself that is evaluated, but his drawing.

To interest children, the teacher can offer them to show their favorite work, tell why they like it. In another case, the teacher turns to the author himself so that he explains why he chose such a form, in the third case, he invites each performer to evaluate his work. The result is summed up by the whole group.

Success in developing interest in non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, to form their knowledge, skills and abilities in visual activity. It is important that before showing children a certain non-traditional technique, the teacher must study all the subtleties of this technique, its methodology. The result will depend on the correctly selected material, equipment, the availability of an explanation of the sequence of actions. The teacher needs to select and study literature on non-traditional drawing, select material taking into account the hygiene and safety of the material, plan according to the age of the children, their individual characteristics and skills in drawing, be a creative person, love to draw.

Methods that must be applied in visual activity:

Informationally receptive; reproductive; research; heuristic; problem presentation.

The information-receptive method includes the following techniques: viewing; observation; excursion; conversations; listening to music; reading fiction; teacher display.

The reproductive method is a method aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of children. In other words, it is the mastery of drawing technique. The technique of drawing is the language of the artist, not being able to master the technique of drawing means not being able to convey your impressions and feelings in a drawing. This method of exercises, bringing fine skills to automatism.

The heuristic method is aimed at independence in the execution of the drawing, the manifestation of creativity, fantasy in artistic activity;

The research method is aimed at developing cognitive activity in children and the ability to experiment with artistic material and techniques in fine art;

The method of problematic presentation of the material is to find solutions to a problem situation or question. This problematic situation is created by the teacher in front of the children.

The development of artistic activity with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques occurs in stages:

from drawing individual objects to drawing plot episodes and further to plot drawing;

from the application of the simplest types of non-traditional image techniques to complex ones;

from the use of ready-made equipment, materials to applications that need to be made by ourselves;

from using the imitation method to independent implementation of the plan;

from the use of one type of technique in the drawing to the use of several non-traditional image techniques;

from individual work to a collective image of objects, plots in an unconventional drawing technique.

The creative process is a real miracle. Each of the non-traditional techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel freer, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. Children reveal their unique abilities, experience the joy that creation brings to them. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better to instill in children: "There is no wrong way in creativity, there is only your own way"

In many ways, the result of the child's work depends on his interest, so it is important to activate the attention of the preschooler, to encourage him to artistic activity with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

a game (didactic, experimental game, creative), which is the main activity of children and motivates them.

Games for the development of artistic imagination: "What does it look like", "Disenchant the picture", "Continue drawing", "Magic pictures", "Draw", "What our hands look like", "Magic blots", "Magic thread", “What the music told about”, “Non-existent animal or plant”, “Colored fairy tales”, “Draw a mood”, “Squiggles”, “Continue drawing”, “Imagine”, “Dot, dot”.

    a surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;

    a request for help, because children will never refuse to help, it is important for them to feel significant;

    creating a problem situation;

    musical accompaniment, reading a literary word, etc.

    emotional explanation to children of ways of acting with non-traditional materials and showing different methods of non-traditional image.

Do you have difficulty using non-traditional drawing techniques in class? What problems arise?

Difficulties in applying non-traditional drawing techniques may include:

in planning and building a system of classes, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

in the selection of equipment and materials;

in the application of methods and techniques of working with children, based on their individual characteristics;

in the development of criteria for tracking the level of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities of children.

Non-traditional drawing is closely connected with the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, as well as with the development of skills of analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, generalization. Working on a drawing, preschoolers learn to highlight the features, qualities, external properties of objects, main and secondary details, correctly set and correlate one part of an object with another, convey proportions, compare the size of details, compare their drawing with nature, with the works of their peers.

In the process of drawing, children learn to reason, draw conclusions. Their vocabulary is enriched. When drawing from life, children develop attention, when drawing from a representation, memory develops.

In artistic activity using non-traditional techniques, children develop tentative - research activities, fantasy, memory, aesthetic taste, cognitive abilities, independence. The child uses color as a means of conveying mood, experiments (mixes paint with soap suds, applies gouache to the depicted object with colored crayons). With direct contact of the fingers with the paint, children learn its properties: density, hardness, viscosity. In the image of fairy-tale images, the ability to convey signs of unusualness, fabulousness appears.

Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates positive motivation for drawing activity, causes a joyful mood in children, relieves fear of paint, fear of not being able to cope with the drawing process. Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual-motor coordination. For example, drawing on glass, painting on fabric, drawing with chalk on velvet paper.

These techniques do not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the time allotted for the task. The use of non-traditional image techniques contributes to cognitive activity, correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers in general.

Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual-motor coordination. If an overly active child needs a large space to develop activities, if his attention is scattered and extremely unstable, then in the process of unconventional drawing, his activity zone narrows, and the range of motion decreases. Large and inaccurate hand movements gradually become more subtle and precise. Non-traditional image techniques contribute to the development of cognitive activity, the correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers as a whole. Artistic creativity is very important in preparing a child for schooling, thanks to drawing activities, children learn to hold a certain position of the body, hands, tilt the pencil, brush, adjust the scope, pace, pressure, keep within a certain time, evaluate the work, bring it to the end. Participating in the creative process, children show interest in the world of nature, the harmony of colors and shapes. This allows you to look at all their surroundings in a special way, to instill love for all living things.

In work, you need to use such forms of organization as: targeted walks, photo exhibitions, exhibitions of drawings, competitions, entertainment.

The knowledge that children acquire is added to the system. They learn to notice the changes that arise in the fine arts from the use of non-standard materials in the process of work. By acquiring the appropriate experience in drawing in non-traditional techniques, and thus overcoming the fear of failure, the child will continue to enjoy work, freely move on to mastering more and more new drawing techniques.

Good luck in developing the creative abilities of your students!

Target: To reveal the importance of non-traditional methods of creative activity in working with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Show the relevance of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. To acquaint parents with a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its development begins more effectively from preschool age. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." According to many teachers - all children are talented. Therefore, it is necessary to notice in time, feel these talents and try, as early as possible, to give children the opportunity to show them in practice, in real life.

The term “non-traditional” implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted, traditional, widely known. In the process of non-traditional drawing, the child develops comprehensively. to complete the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to the intellectual development of the child, the correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers.

Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. And by emotions, one can judge what is currently going on in the child’s soul, what mood he has, what makes him happy and what upsets him. As you know, children often copy the model offered to them.

Non-traditional drawing techniques make it possible to avoid this, since the teacher, instead of a ready-made sample, demonstrates only a way of working with non-traditional materials and tools. This gives impetus to the manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality. Applying and combining different image methods in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive. Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates positive motivation in a child, causes a joyful mood, and relieves fear of the drawing process.

An unusual beginning of work, the use of game techniques - all this helps to prevent monotony and boredom in children's visual activity, ensures the liveliness and immediacy of children's perception and activity.

Tasks in working with children:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

There are a lot of methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing, I want to introduce you to some of them. Such methods and techniques will help to interestingly organize the creative process in the classroom of fine arts.

1.Drawing with a palm

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors.

2.Finger drawing.

The child dips his finger into the gouache and puts dots, spots on the paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint.

3. Foam impression

  1. crumpled paper drawing
    In this way, for example, you can draw silhouettes of animals, grass, sky, snow, tree trunks. To do this, crumple a thin sheet of paper, dip it in paint and, carefully, priming it on a landscape sheet.

5. Drawing with leaf prints

The child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the painted side to make a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. Leaf petioles can be painted with a brush

  1. Monotype.

The child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

  1. Poke drawing.

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, such as a cotton swab. We lower the cotton swab into the paint and with a precise movement from top to bottom we poke along the landscape sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The shape of the print will depend on what shape the object for the poke was chosen.

  1. Blotography.

The basis of this drawing technique is the usual blot. During the drawing process, spontaneous images are obtained first. Then the child draws the details to give completeness and resemblance to the real image. It turns out that a blot can also be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but, on the contrary, will also be praised.

  1. spray.

The child picks up paint on a toothbrush and hits it against the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. The paint splatters on the paper.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears
  • Develops self-confidence
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure

Drawing in kindergarten is an artistic and creative activity, just like the activity of an artist, it includes a certain technique. It is necessary for a child to master this technique so that he can freely dispose of it when solving various visual problems, to most fully express his impressions of events and phenomena taking place in life in a drawing. . Thanks to the perception of artistic images in the visual arts, the child has the opportunity to more fully and vividly perceive the surrounding reality, and this contributes to the creation of emotionally colored images by children in the visual arts.

Khamdohova Arina
Consultation "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten"

Non-traditional drawing techniques

in the development of preschool children

Preschool age is a sensitive period for children to develop productive activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué and construction. In them, the baby can express his attitude to the world around him, develop creative abilities, as well as oral speech and logical thinking.

baby fine art is a world of bright, amazing images. It often strikes adults with its spontaneity, originality, and riot of fantasy. Preschoolers draw a lot and with great desire. Children are very inquisitive, their interests go beyond the family and kindergarten the world around them attracts them. In productive activities, children develop a steady interest in visual activity, develop their abilities.

In our time, the all-round education of the new man, the further increase of his creative activity, is of paramount importance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a sense of beauty, to form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and richness of native nature.

We successfully used the method of familiarizing children with the visual activity of T. S. Komarova, but during the classes we were always struck by the monotony technician offered to depict the image, so children are happy to draw with their fingers, plasticine, etc.

Having studied the works of various authors, such as G. B. Kibisheva, the program "Inspiration", I. A. Lykova - "Methodological guide for specialists of preschool educational institutions", T. N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R. G. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten» we found a lot of interesting ideas and set ourselves the following tasks:

Form in children technical drawing skills.

Introduce children to different non-traditional drawing techniques.

Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

In the artistic and aesthetic development of children, the ability to perceive a work of art and independently create an expressive image that is distinguished by originality and independence is important.

correct technical Skills and abilities in children are formed gradually, from lesson to lesson. As a result of a thoughtful learning process drawing children master the correct methods not in the course of dry exercises, but by solving various visual tasks that are interesting for themselves.

Technical the side of visual activity is subordinated to the task of creating an expressive image in the drawing. It is this goal that determines the choice of one or another material for classes. drawing. Thinking over the lesson, I select the material in which the image of the object can be solved especially expressively, interestingly, beautifully, and will give children aesthetic pleasure. But this will be possible only if they master the pictorial and expressive possibilities of each material well.

For drawing in kindergarten can imagine different materials: simple and colored pencils; watercolor and gouache paints; wax crayons; markers; watercolor crayons; pastel; coal; sanguine; plasticine and ink. In the practice of teaching children visual activity, we widely use a variety of materials, and made sure A: Children like novelty. They draw with great interest even with a simple graphite pencil, using different pressure to convey the edema of the subject.

Gradually, as children master the skills of working with various materials, we try to bring them to a conscious choice of material to create their image. Here a very important point is that the child shows independence, gets the opportunity draw like this which he liked best. When at the end of the lesson the child sees his drawing among other works, he will notice a variety technical solution images. Then at the next lesson, his choice may be different. The child should feel the possibility of choice. This contributes to the development of his creativity. It is very important to master technical skills and abilities allowed children to depict the world in all its diversity.

In my work for several years I have widely used various types unconventional drawing techniques.

"Fingers-palette"finger painting.

Don't have a brush handy? No problem! We will dip one finger in red paint, the other in blue, the third in yellow ... Why not a palette.

It's not difficult, but very interesting. technique that kids of all ages will love. They draw with great pleasure.

^ Finger training drawing goes in several stages.

At first, children draw with one finger, then with several. At this stage, there is an acquaintance with color, shape, rhythm and position in space. We decorate butterflies, fish and clearing with such elements as dots, strokes, spirals.

At the second stage, children learn to mix paints. Each finger is dipped in different paints and colors are applied to the color. As a result of mixing colors, children achieve the desired shade. For example, with children of the middle group, we painted"fluffy bear".

By the preparatory group, children are already fluent in "finger technique» and come up with topics for drawing, using in the plot, such techniques as poke, brushstroke, mixing paints. "Finger Method" children painted plots to Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". The work turned out to be very successful.

^ Next technique - palm drawing.

This method develops the creativity of children of primary preschool age very well. They not only see the paint, but also feel it.

next non-traditional form of education which I use in my work is stroke drawing.

With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the nature of the object, about the properties of the material, convey not only lightness, softness, smoothness, but also heaviness, gloom, sharpness, aggressiveness and, most importantly, reveal the image of the hero, his attitude to the environment. Also drawing stroke very well prepares the hand for writing. From the middle group, children draw on Topics: "Chick" and "Petushka with family". It is not complicated and quite expressive method drawing, in particular animals, which allows you to convey their characteristic features using various types of shading.

From analysis children's works, we can conclude that not all children are able to control the amplitude of their hand oscillations. The strokes are obtained in different sizes, sometimes with a slight pressure on the pencil. Therefore, we recommend that teachers with children in their free time train their hands more often in order to consolidate hatching skills.

Also very interesting is the reception - drawing on wet paper. In this technique used in work with children of preschool age.

Harder to paint with watercolors than gouache, but very interesting. Paint it can only be used on white paper, diluting paints with water. The more water, the more transparent the color of the paints. The work is very delicate and elegant. Children especially like draw in this technique"Sea", both in calm and quiet weather, and in a storm.

^ Drawing with wax crayons, candle and watercolor.

This method has long been used by folk craftswomen when painting Easter eggs. In this technique we drew on the topic"Vologda lace".

We also use this new drawing technique like grattage.

interesting in this technique took classes in Topics: "Winter forest", "Walk in the park", "Night Tales".

^ Brush painting.

Paint children really like brush strokes. The work is rich and interesting. Not all children get the correct smear. For some it is very long, for others it just looks like a priming. Therefore, more is recommended paint in your spare time for Topics: "Grass", "Herringbone" etc.

Very interesting and such techniques drawing, as - monotype and diotype (printing technique) .

This method helps to develop fantasy, imagination, a sense of color and form. With children we painted"City on a rainy day", "Trees are reflected in the river". Children draw with pleasure, they were interested in how a whole drawing, and even a picture, is obtained from one half of a drawing.

The kids liked it and technique, like batik - painting on fabric, stylization - submission to certain rules. This is a very difficult, but interesting work that contributes to the development of creativity in children. We are with children painted"Willow in a vase". The children performed well, each of their work was unique. They showed limitlessness children's creativity.

Another unconventional reception - spray. It's not very simple technique. Its essence consists in spraying drops of paint. For its implementation, we use a toothbrush and a stack. Drawings on Topics: "Snowfall", "Leaf fall". It's complicated technique, in children it does not work right away, but, despite this, the work brings satisfaction.

^ Plasticine drawing. This technique requires perseverance patience and desire to see things through to the end. With the children of the older group, we painted"Swan Lake", "Parrot", and with the children of the preparatory group held a creative lesson on the topic "Tales of A. S. Pushkin".

We also use other unconventional drawing techniques:

- chalk drawing;

- charcoal and sanguine drawing;

- drawing using natural material;

African painting;

- poke drawing(hard brush);

- decoy drawing;

- drawing with thread.

It is safe to say that diversity technician contributes to the expressiveness of images in children's work.

Experience has shown that mastering technique The image gives the kids true joy if it is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of the children. They are happy to cover with spots, strokes, strokes one sheet of paper after another, depicting either autumn leaves swirling in the air, or snowflakes smoothly falling to the ground. Children boldly take up art materials, kids are not afraid of their diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They enjoy the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement is, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, drawing the attention of an adult to their achievements.


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Consultation for parents "Non-traditional drawing techniques in the joint activities of children and parents"

The artist wants to paint
Let them not give him a notebook ...
That's why the artist and the artist -
He draws wherever he can...

He draws with a stick on the ground,
In winter, a finger on the glass,
and writes with charcoal on the fence,
and on the wallpaper in the hallway.

Drawing with chalk on the blackboard
Writes on clay and sand
Let there be no paper at hand,
And there is no money for canvases,

He will paint on stone
And on a piece of birch bark.
He will paint the air with a salute,
Taking a pitchfork, writes on the water,

An artist, therefore an artist,
What can draw everywhere.
And who prevents the artist,
He deprives the earth of beauty!

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

It is known that drawing is one of the most favorite children's activities, which brings up many positive qualities in a child, such as perseverance and patience, attentiveness, imagination, the ability to think, and much more. All of them will be very useful to the baby in later life.
Along with the traditional methods of depicting an object or object on paper (drawing with pencils, brushes and paints, gouache), I also use non-traditional techniques in my work. I think that they attract the attention of little fidgets more. They are interesting for children of all ages and allow them to reach their full potential during the creative process. The work on creating drawings is not difficult, so the kids are happy to do it, acquiring skills in working with materials and getting to know painting.

To instill a love for the fine arts, to arouse an interest in drawing, starting from a younger age, I advise parents to use non-traditional ways of depicting. Such non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using familiar objects as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.
Organize a workplace at home so that it is convenient for the child not only to sit, but also to stand, and sometimes move around a sheet of paper. After all, you can draw any way, anywhere and with anything!
Make friends with your child. Try to understand what pleases him, what upsets him, what he aspires to. Ask him to tell you what he wanted to portray. And do not forget that the child expects praise from you. He really wants you adults to like his work. Rejoice in his successes and in no case make fun of the young artist in case of failure. No problem, next time!
Non-traditional drawing techniques are methods of drawing with various materials: foam rubber, crumpled paper, tubes, threads, paraffin candle, dry leaves; drawing with palms, fingers, blunt ends of pencils, cotton swabs, etc.
There are different ones for every age group.
With preschool children, you can use:
finger painting
drawing with cotton swabs
poke with a stiff semi-dry brush
hand drawing
Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:
foam impression
screen printing
candle and watercolor
At older preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:
blotography ordinary
toothpick drawing
Each of these methods is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, develops imagination, and freedom for self-expression, as well as work contributes to the development of coordination of movements.
Non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques:
Since little children are always happy to stamp everything they can, they always like this drawing technique. Using a stamp made in advance (it can be the bottom of a plastic bottle, a cap, a cut from a potato, an apple, and so on, covered with paint), prints are applied to paper, creating a pattern that can later be supplemented.
"Printing leaves" - different leaves from different trees are used. They are covered with paint with a brush, leaving no empty spaces, this is done on a separate sheet of paper. Then the painted side is pressed firmly against the paper, trying not to budge. The leaves can also be reused, applying a different color to it, when mixing paints, an unusual shade can be obtained, the rest is drawn with a brush. You get great landscapes.
"Drawing with a palm or fingers"
The child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
"Crumpled paper print"
The child crumples the paper in his hands until it becomes soft. Then he rolls a ball out of it. Its dimensions can be different. After that, the child presses the crumpled paper to the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper.
"Paper rolling" - paper is taken and crumpled in the hands until it becomes soft. Then a ball rolls out of it. Sizes can be different (small - berry, large - snowman). After that, the paper ball is lowered into the glue and glued to the base.
"Drawing with cotton swabs"
It is very easy to draw with cotton buds. We lower the stick into the water, then into the paint and put dots on the sheet. What to draw? Yes, whatever! The sky and the sun, a house in the village, a river, cars, dolls. The main thing in this business is desire!
"Drawing on wet paper".
The sheet is wetted with water, and then the image is applied with a brush or finger. It will turn out as if blurry in the rain or in the fog. If you need to draw details, you must wait until the drawing dries or pick up thick paint on the brush.
"Drawing with a toothbrush, disposable forks"
A brush, a fork is dipped in paint and an imprint is made on paper. A brush can be stretched over a sheet, you get waves, wind, a stream, etc.
The blot is an integral part of every child. Therefore, this technique is very close to the children in spirit. For work you need paper, a brush and paints. Paint is picked up on the brush and drips onto the paper from a height. By turning the sheet or you can blow on it, the blot blurs, forming an interesting image.
"Plasticineography"- plasticine must be warmed up (it is possible in a container with hot water). Cardboard is used, plasticine is fixed on the surface with a pre-drawn background and contour by pressing and flattening.
"Painting with soap bubbles"
Soap bubbles are a well-known child's play. Fragile, transparent, they shimmer so beautifully with different colors of the rainbow and create a sense of celebration. And they can also draw.
Drawings in this unusual technique also turn out to be very unusual, and the lesson brings joy to children. In addition, prints turn out different every time, so it's very interesting to experiment with them, and then fantasize what they look like.
There are two ways to work with this technique. For each of them you will need paints with a brush, a container for them, threads and paper. In the first case, paint of any color you like is applied to the thread. The paper needs to be folded in half. A colored thread is laid out on one side, and the other is covered. Then the thread is pulled out. When a child unfolds a sheet of paper, there is some image, which he can then finish at his own discretion. The second method involves the use of glue. A drawing is created by gluing threads to paper in the form of an object.
Batik is a very old drawing technique. At the same time, the fabric is signed. The pattern is applied to the fabric with special paints.
Drawing with non-traditional technique:
- contributes to the removal of children's fears;
- develops self-confidence;
- develops spatial thinking;
- teaches children to freely express their intention;
- encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
- teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
- develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color - perception;
- develops fine motor skills of hands;
- develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy;
- while working, children get aesthetic pleasure.
Non-traditional drawing allows you to unleash the creative potential of the child; gradually increase interest in artistic activity, develop mental processes. It allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.
Tips for parents:
materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax pencils, etc.) must be placed in the child’s field of vision so that he has a desire to create;
acquaint him with the surrounding world of things, animate and inanimate nature, objects of fine art,
offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw;
do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to draw;
praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!

Vlad Saldakeyeva
Consultation for parents “Non-traditional forms of drawing. "If there is no brush at home"

Advice for parents non-traditional forms of drawing" If there is no brush at home"

Advice point for parents"If there is no brush at home. " ()

Preschool is a very important period in a child's life. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world around him. The more diverse children's activities, the more successful the child's versatile development is, his potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of work with children in kindergarten is a visual, artistic and productive activity that creates conditions for involving the child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful, unusual is created. It needs to be taught step by step, from the simple to the complex.

Visual activity brings a lot of joy to preschoolers. Need in drawing in children at the genetic level; copying the world around them, they study it. As a rule, classes in preschool institutions are more often reduced only to a standard set of visual materials and traditional ways of transmitting the received information. information. But, given the huge leap in mental development and the potential of the new generation, this is not enough for the development of creative abilities. And after all, initially any children's art does not boil down to the fact that paint, but on what and on what, and the imagination and imagination of modern children is more than enough. Our task is to teach children to manipulate materials of various quality and properties, to use.

Drawing unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions, as you know, this is both a process and a result of practical activity, primarily artistic creativity. By emotions, one can judge that at the moment it pleases, interests, plunges into despondency, worries the child, which characterizes his essence, character, individuality.

We, adults, need to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It depends on us whether his spiritual life will be rich or poor.

To instill a love for the fine arts, to arouse interest in drawing since the early preschool years, I use unconventional ways of depicting. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using familiar objects as art materials, surprises with its unpredictability.

Unusual ways drawings are so captivating for children that, figuratively speaking, a real flame of creativity flares up in the group, which ends with an exhibition of children's drawings.

What kind unconventional ways of drawing used in our kindergarten? Blotography, finger painting, salt, soap bubbles, splashing, etc.

Paint you can do anything and anything! Lying on the floor, under the table, on the table... On a leaf of a tree, on a newspaper... The variety of materials poses new challenges and forces you to come up with something all the time. And from karakul and daub, in the end, looms the recognizable object is I. The unclouded joy of satisfaction from the fact that and “I did it - all this is mine!”.

Having learned to express his feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome shyness, fear of drawing before it fails. He is sure that it will work out, and it will turn out beautifully.

But in general paint possible everywhere and whatever: print with different objects, create compositions with a candle, a toothbrush, hands, fingers, lipstick, feet ... Dare, fantasize! And joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Our main goal with you is to teach a growing person to think, fantasize, think boldly and freely, fully demonstrating their abilities, their individuality.

But ... - maybe someone from parents- all this in that case will be useful to my child, if he wants to be an artist.

Let me object, dear moms and dads. Drawing helps the baby to overcome psychological problems, to express himself and his vision of the world.

Of course, not everyone will become an artist. This is a matter of talent and informed choice. But you can not be an artist, but love and understand the beautiful, comprehending the magical world of creativity.

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