Indigenous peoples. Who are the Indigenous Peoples? The President of the Russian Federation ordered to solve the problem


The vast territories of the Russian Federation have been inhabited by many peoples, tribes and settlements since ancient times. Each of them had its own individual culture, characteristic dialect and local traditions. To date, some of them have completely disappeared, while others remain, but in a smaller composition. What are the smallest peoples of Russia? What is their history, culture and modern life like? This will be discussed further.

Archins - few, but unique

In the Charodinsky district, in the place where the Khatar River flows, which is located on the territory of Dagestan, a settlement was broken up, the inhabitants of which are called Archins. Some of their neighbors call them archies for short. During the Soviet Union, their number reached almost 500 people. These are the small peoples of Russia. To date, this small settlement is not going to disappear from the face of the Earth at all, and already has about 1200 people.

Everyday life of Archins

Weather conditions in the habitat of Archins can be called unfavorable, as they are characterized by very cold and long winters, short summers. Despite such a harsh climate, the inhabitants of this area (the small peoples of Russia) have quite good and productive pastures, on which livestock regularly grazed.

A mixture of Christianity and paganism

A feature of this nationality is the cultural similarity with their neighbors - the Avars. Although this area has not been thoroughly studied, from an archaeological point of view, it can be said with certainty that this area was developed in the early Bronze Age. Judging by the latest finds, it can be assumed that the tribe was under the influence of paganism for quite a long time and only relatively recently began to adopt Christian traditions as the main religion. As a result, we can say that the lion's share of rituals and other religious moments mixed up with each other, and the result was Christianity with an admixture of paganism. Indigenous peoples of Russia have come to terms with this way of putting things.

National clothes and food

Little can be said about the traditional clothing of the tribe. It mainly consisted of rawhide and sheepskins. Such natural materials protected the Archins quite well during the cold season, which, as is known, was quite long. The diet of the tribe is predominantly meat. Raw, dried, raw smoked - all these and many other types of meat were actively used in the preparation of traditional dishes.
It is noteworthy that almost none of them could do without the addition of old lamb fat. They and some other spices generously seasoned both first and second courses. In general, it can be said with confidence that the Archins are a pleasant and hospitable, although not numerous people.

hospitality and morality

They revere ancient traditions and do not forget their origin. When a guest comes into the house, the host does not sit down until the visitor does so. Also among the Archins, the concept of hospitality was not limited to a hearty dinner. To receive a guest in the full sense of the word meant to provide him with a roof over his head and complete security within his home. From the above, we can safely conclude that this tribe had and still has high moral standards.

Nogai or Karagashi

Karagashi (Nogais) are a small ethnic group that settled and lives on the territory of the modern Astrakhan region. In 2008, there were about 8 thousand of them, but there are suggestions that today their number has increased significantly. It is on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region that most of the villages in which these small peoples of Russia live today are located.

Most of the small or nomadic tribes are very similar to each other by the type of activity - this is cattle breeding and vegetable growing. If there is a lake or a river in the area, the locals do not miss the opportunity to go fishing. Women in such tribes are very economic and almost always engage in some kind of intricate needlework.
One of the most famous nomadic tribes are the Astrakhan Tatars. This is truly the titular nationality of the Republic of Tatarstan, which today is part of the Russian Federation. Compared to other regions of Russia, Tatarstan is relatively numerous. According to some data recorded in 2002, there are about 8 million Tatars all over the world. Astrakhan Tatars are one of their varieties, so to speak. They can rather be called an ethnoterritorial group. Their culture and traditions are not far from the usual Tatar customs, and only slightly intertwined with Russian rituals. These are the costs of the fact that the smallest people of Russia live on the territory of a state that is not quite their own.

Udege. Historically, Primorsk became the habitat of this small tribe. This one of the few groups inhabiting Russia does not have its own written language.
Their language is also divided into many dialects and does not have one officially approved form. Their traditional occupations include hunting. This, perhaps, is exactly what the male half of the tribe should be fluent in. The small peoples of the north of Russia live in settlements where civilization is very poorly developed, so their hands, their skills and abilities are practically the only way to survive in this world. And they do it quite successfully.

The small peoples of Russia have their own traditional religion

The religious themes of the tribe are very close. It seems that the closer a person lives to nature, the more religious he becomes. And this is true, because alone with the sky, grass and trees, it seems that God himself is talking to you. The Udege believe in many different otherworldly beings, including spirits and various supernatural powers.

A few Ulchi and their view of nomadic life

Ulchi. In translation, it means “the people of the earth”, which, in fact, it is, but the people are very few in number, one might even say - the smallest people in Russia. The Ulchi inhabit the Khabarovsk Territory today and number approximately 732 people. The tribe is historically intertwined with the Nanai ethnic group. Traditionally, both in the past and in the present, the indigenous peoples of the north of Russia are engaged in fishing and seasonal hunting for moose or deer. If we talk about the spiritual and religious life, then we can understand that it is in this area in the Ulchi tribe that you can meet the most real ritual shamans.

They worship spirits and in every possible way try to appease them with their behavior. Be that as it may, it is pleasant that even such tribes with their ancient customs, rituals and traditions have reached our civilized modernity. This makes it possible to feel their primitive flavor and uniqueness. There is much to be learned from them about nature and human relationships.

Other small peoples of Russia (the list is approximate):

  • yugi (yugen);
  • Greeks-Urums (Urum);
  • Mennonites (German Mennonites);
  • kereks;
  • Bagulaly (Bagvalins);
  • Circassogai;
  • Kaitag people.

The territory inhabited by the indigenous peoples of Russia runs along 28 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It stretches from the Far Eastern regions up to

According to the official list from 2006, representatives of 45 indigenous peoples live in the North, Siberia, the Far East and other regions of the Russian Federation, which gives a total population of close to 250 thousand people.

The most numerous of them are the Nenets, their number reaches 44 thousand. The Enets, who identify themselves under the name Encho, are among the small peoples. Their number does not exceed 200 people. Also included are the Izhors - 450 people, and the Vod people, whose number, according to the latest data, was less than 100 people. What are the other small peoples of Russia called? A list of them can be seen below.

List of Indigenous Peoples of Russia

  • Chukchi.
  • Eskimos.
  • Chuvans.
  • Kamchadals.
  • Koryaks.
  • Alyutors.
  • Aleuts.
  • Nivkhs.
  • Oroks.
  • Orochi.
  • Udege.
  • Negidals.
  • Ulchi.
  • Evenki.
  • Evens.
  • Yukagirs.
  • Dolgans.
  • Abaza.
  • Kets.
  • Veps.
  • Izhora.
  • Nenets.
  • Igelmeny.
  • Saami.
  • Chulyms.
  • Shors.
  • Khanty.
  • Besermyans.
  • Koreki.
  • Mansi.
  • Sepkupy.
  • Soyots.
  • Basins.
  • Teleuts.
  • Tofalars.
  • Tuvans-Todzhans.
  • Kumandins.
  • Nanais.
  • Nagaibaki.
  • Naganasana.
  • Tubalars.
  • Nganasany.
  • Chelkans.
  • Karely.
  • Vod.

The traditional worldview of the indigenous peoples of the North

Traditionally, the Evens, like other indigenous peoples of Russia, deify the sky with all the main luminaries, as well as the main elements of the surrounding flora and fauna - mountain ranges, rivers, taiga forests and various animals that live in them. So, for example, the Sun in the traditional consciousness of the Even is represented by a kind person who is fully interested in the interests and protection of the local population. The Sun God can be persuaded to cooperate through sacrifices, as well as faith and prayers. The deity is able to fulfill the will of believers, give them healthy and strong offspring, increase herds of deer, bring good luck to hunters and favor the fish catch.


Izhora is the self-name of the Finno-Ugric people, which in the past, along with the small Vod people, constituted the main population of the Izhora land. The name of this people is rooted in the Ingermanlad province (Ingermanland). In addition, some Izhorians refer to themselves in the plural "karyalaysht". This is consistent with the fact that representatives of the Vod people refer to the Izhors as "Karels".

In 1897, the number of this people reached 14,000 people, but today their number is close to 400. In the 1920s, even their own script was developed, but it had to sink into oblivion by the end of the 1930s.

The Izhors received their first mention as "ingros" in 1223. In the 15th century, this people was part of the Russian state. He smoothly underwent assimilation with the rest of the population by virtue of the Orthodox faith. In the 17th century, part of the lands of the Neva River (Ingermanland) became a Swedish province, and the Izhors assimilated with the Finns, and in 1943 the population was taken out by German troops to Finland. Subsequently, until the mid-1950s, the process of settling the Izhors in their former places underwent some restrictions on the part of the authorities.

The economy of the Izhors is similar to the Russian one and basically involves agriculture: the cultivation of vegetables and grain crops, followed by harvesting, drying and threshing with flails and upholstery on a bench, as well as animal husbandry and specific fishing, which includes the stages of winter fishing, to which the Izhors went as as a rule, by the entire population, spending nights in wooden booths.

The Izhoras lived in villages, usually by small families. Despite Orthodoxy, the people had their own authentic funeral rituals. Burials took place in holy places-groves. Together with the deceased, a supply of food and woolen reins, as well as a knife were placed in the coffin.

A huge cultural value is the runic heritage of Izhora in the form of a large number of epic works. Thus, the Finnish folklorist Elias Lennorot used Izhora runes when compiling the text of the Kalevala.


The smallest people in Russia today has only 82 people and lives mainly in the southwestern part of the Leningrad region. Vod refers to the Finno-Ugric peoples. There are three languages ​​​​that the population of the people speaks - these are Vodsky, Izhora and Russian. The closest language to the Vod dialect is Estonian. The main and traditional occupation of this small people was agriculture, as well as forestry, fishing and small handicrafts. The products obtained on the farm were usually sold to large centers such as St. Petersburg.

The smallest people of Russia could not keep their original language. This was prevented not only by the coming Orthodoxy (sermons were conducted in Russian), but also by the irregularity of the language, the lack of schools in which the written Vod language would be taught, the small number of people and many mixed marriages. Thus, the Vod language is practically lost, and the culture of the Vod people has strongly succumbed to Russification.

in the Russian Federation, such peoples are recognized as living in the territories of the traditional settlement of their ancestors, preserving their way of life, managing and crafts, numbering less than 50 thousand people in the Russian Federation and recognizing themselves as independent ethnic communities. A single list of K. m. n. The Russian Federation is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in whose territories these peoples live.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


concept used in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 69, the Russian Federation guarantees the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation also uses the concept of "small ethnic communities". For example, p. "m" Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation refers to the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "the protection of the original habitat and traditional way of life of small ethnic communities."

In international documents, the concepts of "indigenous population", "indigenous people" are used: for example, in the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 107 "On the protection and integration of indigenous and other populations leading a tribal and semi-tribal lifestyle in independent countries" (1957 .); in ILO Convention 169 "Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries" (1989). However, their interpretations in these documents and in Russian science and practice diverge somewhat. International documents are more focused on peoples who have lost their traditional places of residence or have problems in terms of using them, as if incapable of self-organization in the form of national-territorial and other formations. It is rather about improving the way of life and the standard of living in the country as a whole.

In Russia, the equality of all peoples, the possibilities of their self-organization were consolidated from the very beginning, including with the use of forms of national-territorial autonomy, the creation of national regions, village councils, etc. Opportunities for the use of the language, the development of writing, etc., were constantly created. the problems of the organization of life and life K. of medical science gradually accumulated, especially in areas of the North and the Northeast. Technological progress has affected the use of traditional types of crafts by some peoples, and the industrial development of oil and gas deposits in its own way has had an even more negative impact on them. Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Residents of large cities in Russia know little about the peoples living in the North of the country and carefully preserving their extraordinary culture and way of life. Some individual knowledge comes to us from books and the media, but nothing more. Let's get to know these small northern peoples closer.

Indigenous peoples of the North (Siberia)

For many centuries in a row, the territories of Siberia were inhabited by different peoples who lived in small villages. They lived in clans or communities, peacefully adjoining each other. Conducted a joint household and maintained family ties. The large expanses of the Siberian Territory became the reason for the isolation of each community and formed many languages ​​and language groups. Also, some settlements were absorbed by stronger ones and disappeared, while others, on the contrary, acquired new territories and developed intensively.


The definition of the inhabitants of the North, Siberia in a special group originates in the period of the advent of Soviet power. Then it was possible to count about fifty separate groups. As a rule, the peoples of the North were engaged in reindeer herding, and their nomadic way of life differed significantly from the vision of the new government.

Speaking about the inhabitants of Siberia, they meant the small peoples of the North. As for the language, so far some language groups have not been able to find close relatives. The Soviet government adopted separate bills on the economic and social development of peoples, but due to the intervention of the authorities, alcoholism and other social problems were actively spreading there.

By the 80s, it turned out that the indigenous peoples of the North did not forget their language, retained their culture and the desire to increase and use the knowledge of their ancestors. They are entirely dependent on their animals and have managed to keep the ancient way of life in harmony with nature.


The Samoyed tribes, who settled in the north, are considered the very first inhabitants of the Siberian expanses. They were engaged in catching fish and breeding deer. To the south of them lived the Mansi, who mainly worked on hunting and led a predominantly nomadic lifestyle. It was the valuable skins of animals that were their main currency, for which they bought goods or used them as a ransom to the relatives of their wives.

Turkic tribes settled in the upper reaches of the Ob River. Their main occupations are nomadic cattle breeding, ore mining and blacksmithing. Buryats settled to the west of Lake Baikal, who also mined iron ore and made products from this metal.

Vast lands from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the Yenisei were occupied by the Tungus tribes. They were mainly engaged in reindeer herding, fishing and hunting, some were engaged in handicrafts.

By the end of the 17th century, the most developed of all were the Yakut and Buryat peoples, and the Tatars were even able to organize a state.

Indigenous peoples of the North

The Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly singled out the right of every person to national self-determination. In fact, Russia is a multinational state with many small nationalities on the territory, so the preservation of their culture and exceptional way of life is one of the priorities of the state.


The most numerous people of Siberia, its number reaches 478 thousand people. The Yakut Republic of Sakha has a rather impressive territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. The Yakuts themselves have a vibrant culture, distinctive customs and even a unique epic, folk tales, and legends.


Another people of the north of Siberia with the republic of the same name and the same number as in Yakutia. Buryat cuisine is very popular in the Siberian regions. Quite an interesting history and traditions make the inhabitants of these lands special. In addition, the Republic of Buryatia is a recognized center of the Buddhist movement in Russia.


The Tyva Republic is another significant republic on the territory of the Siberian Federal District. The total number of Tuvans reaches 300 thousand. The traditions of the population are connected with shamanic rites and Buddhism.


The ancient people of Siberia, who live to the west of Lake Baikal. They also managed to create their own republic with the capital in the city of Abakan. Distinctive features of the Khakass are small numbers, original culture and customs.


The peoples of the North, living in the zone of the Altai mountain system, created their own compact habitats - the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai. Despite the small number - 70 thousand, this is a fairly large group. The pronounced Altai culture and rich personal epic do not allow them to get lost among the numerous peoples of Siberia. Centuries-old habitation in the mountains and severe weather conditions have left their mark on the life and traditions of the Altaians.


Compact living on the territory of the Kola Peninsula and the culture protected by state legislation made them one of the most famous reindeer herders in the world. The unique language and rich oral epic give the Nenets an opportunity to increase their numbers today.


They live not only in the expanses of the Russian Federation, but also in China and Mongolia. The Evenks are well-known trackers and experienced hunters, but due to their non-compact living, they were partially assimilated. Evenk culture and reindeer husbandry are very interesting for Western media and culturologists.


Ugric language group of small Siberian peoples. Scattered across the territories of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts. Although shamanism is considered the traditional religion, gradually more and more Khanty identify themselves as Christians, which leads to the loss of their original culture.


Siberian nomads, peoples of the Far North living on the Chukotka Peninsula. The main worldview is animism, and Mongoloid roots attribute the people to the aborigines.


One of the most ancient Turkic-speaking peoples of Siberia with a rich history and epic. The main part of the Shors moved to the big cities, assimilated and lost their roots.

Ethnography describes many more peoples who have lost their primitive culture to a greater extent and only some of its elements have survived to this day. These are: Mansi, Nanais, Koryaks, Dolgans, Siberian Tatars, Soyots, Itelmens, Kets and other small peoples of the North. All of them to some extent assimilated with other indigenous peoples, speak different local dialects and are engaged in their characteristic trades. And deer breeding became a profitable state industry.

Contemporary Issues

Nowadays, the modern peoples of the North, Siberia attract close attention of the authorities and the public due to a number of factors.

The areas where small indigenous peoples live are rich in minerals. This is gold, and oil, and uranium, and gas. It turns out that the peoples of the North live in strategically important territories. Therefore, at this stage, there is a clash of interests of people who want to live on the land of their ancestors, and commercial organizations that pursue consumer goals. State-owned companies that want to extract any benefit from these lands only harm local residents with their activities - pollute water bodies, destroy forests. This negatively affects the ecological situation and the original life of the peoples of the North.

In order for local settlements to protect their lands, rights, culture and way of life, it is necessary to be included in the list of indigenous peoples of the North. And if there is no territory, then it will be practically impossible to ensure the safety and subsequent study of the native language by the heirs of the group. At the moment, many peoples have lost their special dialects, Yakut has become native for many, and almost everyone knows Russian. Therefore, joining one of the groups makes it possible to fully develop and transfer knowledge to the coming generations.

Ethnographer Dmitry Funk on the conflicts of small peoples with the government, special benefits according to the lists and the preservation of ethnic identity

We will talk about such an interesting category of the population of the Russian Federation as the indigenous peoples of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East. This is the official name, more briefly they are usually called the peoples of the North. The birth of this group dates back to the very beginning of the formation of Soviet power, to the 1920s, when a special resolution was adopted "On assistance to the peoples of the northern outskirts." At that time, it was possible to count about 50, if not more, different groups that lived in the Far North. They, as a rule, were engaged in reindeer herding, and their way of life was significantly different from what the first Soviet Bolsheviks saw for themselves.

As time went on, this category continued to remain as a special category of accounting, this list gradually crystallized, more accurate names of individual ethnic groups appeared, and in the post-war period, at least since the 1960s, especially in the 1970s, this category began to include 26 nations. And when they talked about the peoples of the North, they meant 26 indigenous peoples of the North - they were called back in their time the small peoples of the North. These are different language groups, people who speak different languages, including those whose close relatives have not yet been found. This is the language of the Kets, whose relations with other languages ​​are quite complex, the language of the Nivkhs, and a number of other languages. Time passed, and despite the measures taken by the state (at that time it was called the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government), separate decisions were made on the economic development of these peoples, on how to facilitate their economic existence - nevertheless, the situation remained rather complicated: alcoholism spread, there were a lot of social diseases. So gradually we lived until the end of the 1980s, when it suddenly turned out that 26 peoples did not fall asleep, did not forget their languages, did not lose their culture, and even if something happened, they want to restore it, reconstruct it, and so on, want to use in their modern life.

At the very beginning of the 1990s, this list suddenly began to take on a second life. Some peoples of Southern Siberia were included in it, and so there were not 26, but 30 peoples. Then gradually, during the 1990s - early 2000s, this list expanded and expanded, and today it is about 40–45 ethnic groups, starting from the European part of Russia and ending with the Far East, a significant number of ethnic groups are included in this the so-called list of indigenous peoples of the north of Siberia and the Far East.

What does it take to be on this list? First of all, you as a people are officially forbidden to be fruitful and multiply in the sense that, let it sound rude, you should not be more than 50,000 people. There is a size limit. You must live on the territory of your ancestors, engage in traditional farming, preserve traditional culture and language. Everything is actually not so simple, not just to have a special self-name, but you must consider yourself an independent people. Everything is very, very difficult, even with the same self-name.

Let's try to look at, say, the Altaians. Altaians themselves are not included in the list of indigenous peoples. And for a long time in Soviet ethnography, Soviet science it was believed that this is a single people, formed, however, from different groups, but they formed into a single socialist people. When the end of the 1980s - the beginning of the 1990s came, it turned out that those who made up the Altaians still remember that they are not quite Altaians. Thus, new ethnic groups appeared on the map of the Republic of Altai and on the ethnographic map: Chelkans, Tubalars, Kumandins, Altai proper, Telengits. Some of them were included in the list of indigenous peoples of the North. There was a very difficult situation - the 2002 census, when the authorities of the Republic of Altai were very afraid that due to the fact that a significant part of the former Altaians suddenly enrolled in indigenous peoples, the population of the republic, that is, the titular people, would significantly decrease and then they would be taken away portfolios - there will be no republic, and people will lose their posts. Everything turned out well: in our country there is no such direct correlation between the titular ethnic group and the status of the entity in which it lives - it can be a republic, an autonomous region, or something else.

But as far as ethnic identity is concerned, the situation is much more complicated. We said that several groups of these Altaians emerged. But if we take each of them, we find that each of them consists of 5, 10, maybe 20 divisions. They are called genus, or, in Altaic, “sok” (‘bone’), some of them are of very ancient origin. In the same 2002 (I was just in Altai, as part of a commission that was supposed to figure out who people want to declare themselves during the census, who they want to call themselves), I remember very well, the leaders of the clans - they are called zaisans, - when they found out that the people's response would not affect the status of the republic in any way, they said: “Oh, how good. So, maybe now we will sign ourselves as Naimans, Kipchaks (by the name of the genus). That is, it really turns out that a person is generally an Altaian, but at the same time he can be a representative of some ethnic group as part of the Altaians. He may be one of a kind. If you dig, you can find even smaller ones.

Why should you be on this list? Once there is a list, you can get into it, you can sign up for it. If you are not included in this list, then you will not have any benefits. People usually say about benefits: "They signed up because they want benefits." Of course, there are some benefits, if you know about them and can use them. Some people don't know what they are. These are benefits for medical care, for getting firewood (relevant in villages), it can be preferential admission of your children to the university, there is some other list of these benefits. But that's really not the most important thing. There is such a moment: you want to live on your own land, and you have no other land. If you are not included in this list of indigenous peoples of the North, then you will be treated like everyone else, although you are already a citizen of the Russian Federation. Then you will not have additional leverage in terms of protecting the territory where you and your ancestors lived, hunted, fished, and were engaged in the traditional way of life, which is very important to you. Why is it very important? Sometimes with laughter, sometimes without laughter, they say: “Well, what can we take from him? Even if he is a white-collar worker, it’s time for a season or to collect cones in the taiga, he goes to the taiga to collect cones or a season, disappears into the sea and fishes.” A man works in an office, but he cannot live without it. Here they are told with laughter or even disdain. If we find ourselves, say, in the United States, then we will simply find that self-respecting companies will give a person a vacation for this time, because they understand that he cannot live without it, and not because it is his whim, that he wants to go fishing, as any of us might want to go somewhere for the weekend to relax. No, this is something sitting in the blood that drives a person from the office back to the taiga, to the lands of their ancestors.

If you do not have the opportunity to additionally protect this land, then various difficult life situations can occur. It is no secret that the territory inhabited by small indigenous peoples of the North is rich in minerals. It can be anything: gold, uranium, mercury, oil, gas, coal. And these people live on lands that are very important from the point of view of the strategic development of the state. Who is to blame that this happened? And here a conflict arises: what to do with people? Everyone remembers the movie "Avatar" well and that nasty character who said that "they are sitting on my dough." Sometimes one gets the impression that those firms that are trying to somehow regulate relations with people living in places where something can be mined and sold treat them that way, that is, these are people who simply get in the way. The situation is quite complicated, because everywhere, in all cases, where something like this happens (it could be some kind of sacred Lake Nouto, where the Khanty or Forest Nenets live, it could be Kuzbass with its coal deposits, it could be Sakhalin with its oil reserves), there is a certain clash of interests, more or less clearly expressed, between the indigenous peoples of the North, between the local population, in principle, everything in general. Because what is the difference between you, a native, and a Russian old-timer who behaves in exactly the same way, lives on the same land, engages in the same fishing, hunting, and so on, and suffers in the same way from dirty water and other negative consequences of mining or developing any - a fossil. The so-called stakeholders, in addition to the natives, include government agencies and companies themselves that are trying to extract some profit from this land.

If you are not included in this list of indigenous peoples of the North, then it will be much more difficult for you to defend your land and your rights to the lifestyle that you want to lead. It is important to preserve your culture, because if you do not have the territory where you live compactly with your fellow tribesmen, it will be very difficult to provide your children with the study of their native language, the transfer of some traditional values. This does not mean that the people will disappear, disappear, but in the way you perceive the situation, there may be such an idea that if my language disappears, I will cease to be some kind of people. Of course you won't stop. Throughout Siberia, a huge number of peoples of the North have lost their languages, but this does not mean that they do not speak any language. Somewhere the Yakut language has become native, almost everyone has Russian. Nevertheless, people retain their ethnic identity, they want to develop further, and the list gives them this opportunity.

But there is one interesting twist here, which no one has thought about yet. The fact is that among the younger generation among the indigenous peoples of the North, which, in fact, have lost their ethnic specificity (they all speak Russian, do not wear traditional clothes): “We are indigenous peoples, we are indigenous peoples.” A certain commonality appears, perhaps it is a class identity, as in tsarist Russia. And in this sense, it seems to make sense for the state to take a closer look at the processes that are currently taking place in the North, and, perhaps, if we talk about assistance, it may not be for specific ethnic groups, but for that new estate community called the indigenous peoples of the North. .

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