The beautiful courtship of Pascal. Lenina's writing activity

At the age of 16, the girl applied to the geological faculty of Novosibirsk State University. However, the period of study was short-lived - Lena did not finish even one course. Once a friend invited her to audition for a modeling school, which were crowned with success. Lena became a proud student of the modeling school and began to bring home the first money, to the dismay of her parents, who predicted her daughter's scientific career.

Soon, Elena felt a commercial streak in herself and opened her own agency, Helen-Video, which was engaged in shooting videos. There was only one employee in the state - she herself. With no office space, or even a telephone, she searched for customers herself, calling people from the phone book from a street machine. Subsequently, her business grew, turned into a full-fledged television studio and began to bring good income.

Having earned a name and means for herself, Lena Lenina switched to television. For some time, the girl was the host on the Novosibirsk channel NTN-4, appearing under the name of her first husband, Povalyaev. After that, she moved to Moscow, where she began work on the TV shows "Paris Revelations" and "Business Fever" (TVC channel).

Things were going quite well, and Lena Lenina decided to try her luck with another sharp turn and moved to France.

At her new place of residence, she took part in the reality show "Nice people" on the French TV channel TF1 (analogous to the American show "Big brother" and the Russian show "Behind the Glass"), but flew out in the second week, after which she starred in the feature film "Johann Bach and Anna Magdalena, which was released in 2003.

All this time she continued to build a modeling career, but already in France. In 2003, she made her debut at the Cannes Film Festival and since then has been participating in this event every year, shocking the audience over and over again with outrageous outfits and hairstyles.

Books by Lena Lenina

In parallel with this, the star beauty began to work on her debut book in French - “Cours, cours, camarade” (“Run, run, comrade”). The novel told the story of a simple Russian girl and her journey from the distant Akademgorodok to the most popular reality show in France. Due to the presence of many obvious similarities, the book is considered autobiographical, but the documentary nature of the text is full of inconsistencies.

One way or another, very soon Lenina's first novel became a bestseller. In the wake of popularity, the girl established her own author's award, which was awarded to outstanding figures of culture and business in Russia from her point of view.

In 2005, Lena Lenina returned to Russia, where she first wrote and published the book Perfection. Passion for excellence”, followed by two more works – “How to win any man” and “How to make a career”. Many flattering words about the work of the writer were said not only by ordinary readers, but also by recognized luminaries of this industry.

Lena Lenina against natural beauty

Subsequently, Lenina published several more novels in Russian and French. She was often accused of using the so-called "literary blacks" - people who write for money under the name of another person. For the period from 2007 to 2009, 11 new books by Lenin appeared on the shelves of bookstores. People did not believe in such a fruitful diva, as well as in the fact that Lena Lenina could masterfully express her thoughts in two languages ​​at once - Russian and French.

The writer herself ignored these rumors, did not pay attention to the hype around her person, and in every possible way denied any accusations of plagiarism. However, in 2008 she was awarded the Full Paragraph anti-award for ... plagiarism. Her book “Sexual, or How to Seduce Any Man” was recognized as such, which contained many similarities with the novel by Western psychologist Lowndes Leil “How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You.”

Despite the fact that the truth came to the surface, Lenina did not give up her writing career and in 2010 she presented an author's course on methods for conquering men's hearts. With this program, she gave more than a dozen master classes in the largest cities of Russia and the CIS.

Other projects of Lena Lenina

In 2007, Lena Lenina became the editor-in-chief of the glossy entertainment magazine Ladies' Hairpin.

In the same year, she led the heading "Blonde Topless at the Microphone" on the radio "Humor FM" and tried herself as a singer by releasing the song "In My Phone".

Lena Lenina - In my phone

Around the same time, Elena starred in the erotic photo shoot "Lenin's body lives and wins", the result of which was published as a separate print edition. In 2007-2008, she was the host of the Naked and Funny program on the DTV channel, and on the RTR channel she hosted the TV show 50 Blondes.

In 2009, she became the face of the Estet jewelry house, in 2011, the Your Gold jewelry company, in 2012, the World of Leather and Fur company, and in 2013, the Argo company.

Since 2010, Lena Lenina has been collaborating with fashion brands. Such collaborations resulted in the collections "ELena Lenina by Yuko", "ELena Lenina by Cartas", "YanaStasia produced by ELena Lenina".

In 2011, Lena Lenina was the host of the Ukrainian talk show “Who wants to live abroad for my son” (“Who wants to marry my son”, TV channel “Ukraine”). She starred in the films: "Bachelor Party, or Big Sex in a Small Town" (2005), "And Mom is Better!" (2010).

The woman also owns a network of salons "Network of manicure studios of Lena Lenina." The number of establishments included in the network has already gone to hundreds.

Personal life of Lena Lenina

The first time Lena Lenina married in her student years for a young man named Povalyaev. The woman is reminded of that marriage by her son Clement. The star hides information about the date of his birth, however, the date April 23, 1991 appears on the Web.

In 2012, Lena Lenina married a French aristocrat, Count Pascal Florent-Edouard. The solemn ceremony took place on the island of Bali, and a few months later was held in Moscow. Their relationship did not stand the test of popularity - in 2014, the count left Elena, who gave her husband too many reasons for jealousy.

The biography of the outrageous writer Lena Lenina has many dark spots that should have been shed light for a long time. We conducted our own investigation and found out the true age of the star, her place of birth and study, and also traced the entire thorny path to the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival.

Making material about ambitious provincial women who have achieved success and become stars in Moscow, they were going to give a special place in the article to the outrageous writer, businesswoman, model, actress, organizer of social events and owner of the Network of Manicure Studios Lena Lenina, but they faced a big problem: all sources of information, including Wikipedia, differed in their testimony about the date of birth of the famous blonde. Everywhere the 70s and 80s are indicated, only with a specific year - complete confusion. Excessively caustic sources managed to make an almost 50-year-old lady out of a young woman, apparently confusing her with someone, because when you look at Lena, it becomes obvious that she is much younger.
To find out the truth about the age of the writer, we contacted the main socialite of the capital and a frequent guest of all more or less large parties, occasionally singing on the stage. Contrary to custom, this time he asked not to mention his name in the article in order to take a walk more than once and have a tasty meal at Lenina's next event. Our source, according to him, saw Lena's passport, which indicates the date - October 25, 1979, that is, it turns out that the businesswoman is now 34 and soon all secular Moscow will gather to celebrate her birthday.

It is interesting that many sites were mistaken about the birthplace of the beauty, calling Novosibirsk the birthplace of Lena. In fact, she was born in Omsk, her maiden name is Razumova, and in Novosibirsk she worked at her own enterprise, where she earned her first million. The next stage in her life was Paris, where most of the time the model lives with her husband and son.
The assertions of some publications that Lenina studied to be a geologist evoke a smile. In fact, the writer was educated in the psychology of advertising in Paris. And there she defended the equivalent of her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Etiology of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psychological Manipulation of Sexual Partners in the Information Society." You can believe it or not, but the same friend of hers claims that, even without education, at the age of 17, an enterprising girl, who had a flair and a business streak since childhood, created her own TV advertising company Helen-Video in Novosibirsk and a few years later earned her first million, which helped her settle comfortably in Paris. The same information was confirmed to us by another friend of Lena, a well-known producer in narrow circles, who is convinced that the writer will be able to benefit even from thin air. He also recalled that many billionaires showed their ability to multiply capital from an early age, because this skill is not taught at universities - this is a gift and great luck.
However, this is too much like a fairy tale, so we contacted Lena Lenina herself, around whom there are so many myths and mysteries, and found out how she managed to become a star in Europe and a welcome guest on the red carpet of Cannes. “I often get invited to the Cannes Film Festival. Either fashion or jewelry brands, or the organizers of the festival. And every time I manage to excite the pompous editors of Western magazines with some innocent joke in the image. I like to flick them on the nose,” the writer admitted with a laugh, referring to her outstanding size and shape of her hair. “Fortunately, some of them share my sense of humor and are not serious hypocrites. Last year, my high haircut caused a flurry of discussions in the press - in the Russian-language Internet space alone, more than 100 thousand critical or praising materials appeared in a month. Ours dubbed the hairstyle “torpedo melon”, French journalists - “medical candle”, but no one knows what was inside, in fact, was just an inflated contraceptive with the smell of strawberries. New, of course."

In May of this year, Lena made a splash with her outfit with "huge Christmas tree decorations" - that's what Internet commentators called the star's beads from large balls. “A gigantic silver choker that dangled below the knees, in great contrast to the traditional and conservative jewelry of the sponsors of the festival, received special attention, making it to the headlines of the world's leading press,” the artist proudly recalls. - I didn’t even know that my name would be written without errors on the covers of such publications as Mirror, Telegraph or NYDaily ... In general, the Cannes Film Festival is like the Olympics for show business, and participation in its opening ceremony is like a gold medal. So I am a multiple Cannes champion.”

Lena has long proved that it is not for nothing that she is called the queen of outrageousness - in terms of extravagant images, her imagination does not dry out. The model can easily put a chandelier on her head, dye a live cat pink, weave a poisonous spider into her hair and go out with a naked slave on a chain. “I work with world champions in hairdressing, and with their help I manage to realize all my wildest fantasies. This is art. Modern. Has anyone asked Picasso why he does this? Epatage is also an art. Walking the line between shocking and admiring is a virtuoso skill. Everyone who takes my humor too literally is just happy people who have so few problems that discussing my actions becomes an event for them, and I envy their problems, ”Lenina reasoned.

It is obvious that Europeans enthusiastically accept individuals who creatively and originally approach their own image. Suffice it to recall the triumph of Conchita Wurst. The more unusual the appearance, the greater the chance of success in the same France. Often successful people in business and public life do not have time for their personal lives, but not Lena. She is happily married and lives in Paris with her husband and son, whom little is known about. Around the wife of Lenina - Count Pascal Florent-Eduard - there are also many myths. People who are not indifferent to the work of the writer are at a loss as to who he works and why he does not come to Moscow with his son.

“When they ask me about my personal life, I rear up and vividly imagine how a journalist opens my abdominal cavity, takes out my intestines and starts winding them around my fist. Pascal is really an aristocrat and an entrepreneur, he has a timber processing plant, and he trades in forests. He doesn’t come to Moscow because he was offended by the Russian embassy, ​​where he was rude, and he no longer wants to make visas to us, - Lena explained the unwillingness of the count to appear in Moscow . - Yes, and he has no time to travel, he has a lot of work. My son also has no time to travel, he studies at a French school and promised to become a millionaire and give his mother a pink Ferrari. What is his name, I try not to say, because in our family I'm the only one who loves journalists."

However, even with all the writer's love for journalists, she has a serious reason to be offended by them. Reporters often accuse Lena of using literary slaves. Even the Wikipedia website authoritatively claims that the model does not write her many novels herself, but does not say where these suspicions came from. Wikipedia is often wrong. She claims that I was born four times, which is physiologically impossible. In terms of literature, I recently published my 23rd non-fiction book Business Lunches at Bristol, or Secrets of Business Success. And also at the same time presented to the public her next audio book, published by the publishing house "Ardis", this time the novel, "Billionaire", about the adventures of a Russian oligarch on the Cote d'Azur of France, replete with luxury, intrigue, yachts, planes, drugs, murders and diamonds in oysters. As a child, I did not plan to become a writer, I thought I would remain a reader, and I was in a hurry to do more in this direction. Mom scolded me when, after lights out, she caught me with a flashlight under the covers, but I mastered Schopenhauer, Montaigne, Seneca and Chesterfield before my peers learned to kiss. Apparently, the amount of what you read once necessarily turns into quality, that is, into the desire to write. But in my case, the reason for writing the first book was a check with a round sum from a French publisher who sincerely believed that I was a KGB agent. In this regard, I had to disappoint him, but the book was such a success that Russian publishing houses also paid attention to me, and since then my Lenin library has been able to compete in the number of volumes with Vladimirilyichevskaya. By the way, despite the numerous slanderous attacks of well-wishers, I write myself. This can be judged by any linguist who listens to my speech and, thanks to the characteristic phraseological turns, makes sure that I love words, "- fought off the attacks of Lenin's slanderers.

Since the conversation turned to secrets, we asked the model to reveal the secret of her perfect figure as a bonus. “I lead a boringly healthy lifestyle: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use drugs and I haven’t even tried either one or the other or the third. I don't eat meat, I don't drink stakes, I don't take medication, and I work out regularly on the gym. I have a lot of work, and she is very nervous, so I burn calories easily, although I eat a lot of sweets and fruits. I get enough sleep and do it with my loved ones. As for the ideal figure, it is unlikely that you, who have seen me in life, will be believed by readers who look at me through the prism of television and photographic lenses, which a priori visually fill ten kilograms. But thanks for the kind word, ”Lena is modest.
Finally, we asked this strong woman about her possible phobias. “The biggest fear, from which I still have a fever at night, I experienced in childhood. I was seven years old, and my family and I were visiting my uncle in the country. My uncle loved to craft. In one of the rooms of his country house, he built, to the envy of all his neighbors, a multi-level deep cellar - about five meters - for storing vegetables, pickles and jams. One fine afternoon, not knowing that my uncle had opened the cellar and was rummaging around on one of its floors, I ran into the room. An eight-month-old nephew lay on the bed and sniffed sweetly. I reached out to him to pull the blanket that had slipped off him and, having only managed to grab him by the edge, flew at full speed into the open cellar down, - Lenina recalls with horror. - But the cellar not only did not cellar me, but even by some lucky chance did not hurt me. I was pulled out alive and unharmed in a state of shock from fear. From fear that I could take an innocent baby with me into the “flight”. But I didn't cry. I laughed uncontrollably in shock. Mom said it was a nervous reaction. And she is still convinced that a miracle happened and the guardian angel saved me from death. But each time, recalling this episode in a dream or in reality, I am seized by a terrible horror at the thought that I could drag a baby along with me into the abyss.

Lena Lenina is a shocking person, as evidenced by her biography, but not a very successful personal life. She became a successful television presenter, writer, model, and beauty salon owner. Elena achieved such results herself. The writer loves to dress outrageously, which shocks some supporters of the traditional style. She is regularly invited to various shows and programs.


The real name of the TV presenter is Elena Suverneva. Her exact year of birth is unknown, as she hides this information from the general public. It is believed that the reason for this is not only that she wants to be attractive to men. According to some assumptions, the companies whose products Elena advertises require that the age of the model should not be more than 40 years.

Lena Lenina in childhood and now

The future writer was born in a family of doctors who lived in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. Parents thought that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. Elena showed good abilities at school.

She became interested in learning French, which she knows almost perfectly. In the future, this helped her a lot in her career advancement.

Business and creativity

After graduating from school, Lena Lenina enters the Faculty of Geology at Novosibirsk University. However, she did not study even one course on it. The future TV presenter decides to make money with her appearance. Elena attends a modeling school, where she achieves positive results. This shocked her parents, who hoped that their daughter would be a scientist.

Lena Lenina, Cannes-2016

Soon Lena Lenina decides to open her own agency for shooting videos. However, at that time, the young entrepreneur had no money. She didn't even have her own telephone and office. Elena found her first clients using the address book and called them using a street phone. However, over time, this began to bring her good money, and a real television studio arose.

The popularity of Lena Lenina in her native Novosibirsk began to grow. She was invited to television, where she performed on the local NTV-4. Soon the model travels to Moscow and gets a job on the central channel "TVC".

Outrageous writer Lena Lenina

Elena turned out to be a very active person. Instead of continuing her career development in Moscow, she decided to move to France. The model takes part in a local reality show. But she does not manage to stay in it for long, and she soon flies out of it. Elena decides to develop her modeling career already in France.

She has been a regular at the Cannes Film Festival since 2003.

The TV presenter was helped by knowledge of the French language. Lena Lenina decided to publish a book in this country called "Run, run, comrade." It tells about how a girl from Russia got into a reality show in France. Despite the fact that there is some similarity between the main character and Elena herself, this novel cannot be considered an autobiography. There are too many inconsistencies in the book with the real life of the model.

The novel received acclaim and became a bestseller. After such success, Lena Lenina decides to create her own award, which was awarded to those figures who, from the point of view of the writer, made a contribution to the development of culture in Russia. In 2005, the TV presenter returns home. In Russia, she writes 2 books on how a woman needs to develop a successful career and achieve male attention. These works make Elena even more popular. More and more people are talking about her already in her native country.

Popular writer Lena Lenina

Elena writes several more books in French and Russian. It is worth noting that not everyone believes in her so good knowledge of a foreign language. It is also believed that the model publishes a lot of work. For example, from 2007 to 2009, her 11 books were published. The question arises of how she managed to be so creatively fruitful, and at the same time lead an active lifestyle.

Lena Lenina writes books about the relationship between men and women. For example, in 2010 she developed her own course on how to win a man's heart.

The model is increasingly being invited to television. She has appeared in the following shows:

  • "Naked and funny."
  • "50 blondes".
  • "Reception at Lena Lenina".

Are you familiar with the work of Lena Lenina the writer?


Scandals accompanied Lena Lenina throughout her career. For example, it is considered that she is engaged in plagiarism. At least that's what some media say.

In 2008, she was even given an anti-award called "Full Paragraph". She was assigned to her precisely for plagiarism.

For some time there were rumors about the relationship of the writer with the Russian singer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. But this has not been confirmed. Perhaps the rumors appeared due to the fact that Presnyakov's wife's name was Elena Lenskaya, and it looked like the pseudonym of the TV presenter.

Personal life

Lena Lenina, whose biography knows a lot of success, leads an active personal life, but does not have many children. She had a son, Clement, from her marriage to her first husband. He was born in 1991.

Lena Lenina believes that the most important thing in life is family

For a long time the writer was not married. Perhaps she wanted to be more free in her personal life. In 2012, the model married French aristocrat Count Pascal Florent-Edouard, but the couple separated in 2014.

Lena Lenina, as can be judged from her biography, is trying to actively combine her career and personal life, raising her son Clement. Now he is already studying in France. The writer said that she wants a daughter, but she is afraid that her son, who is too spoiled, will not like it. Perhaps he will soon have his own children, and the model will become a grandmother.

Lena Lenina and her ex-husband, a French count

Lena Lenina, not wanting to spoil her biography, because of various bad rumors, therefore speaks a little publicly about her personal life, but sometimes she posts her photos on social networks. They lead some journalists to the idea that the writer had a close relationship with Prokhor Chaliapin and even with Nikita Dzhigurda.

Lena Lenina repeatedly starred in commercials, which were ambiguously perceived in society. Photos in a half-naked form were considered by some people as a violation of the principles of morality. But this approach helped the writer gain popularity in society. She knows how to stand out from the gray crowd. Although the ways to achieve this goal are not so unambiguous, but this makes it special.

Lenin and another bright image

Elena's hairstyle also becomes an object that attracts the attention of journalists and ordinary people. The TV presenter believes that you should not look the same as everyone else. For example, in 2016 she took part in the Cannes Film Festival. She came to him with a tower of hair, and the dress had a bright fuchsia color.

When asked about the origin of her pseudonym, the TV presenter answers evasively. She says she made herself. Actually, this is what her biography says.

Lena Lenina now

In 2017, the writer did not attend the Cannes Film Festival due to an injury. Lena Lenina had this for the first time in her biography, so that she, due to problems in her personal life, refused to participate in this event, the photo of which flies around the world. Sometimes people are interested in how Elena gets to this festival, not being a famous actress or director. She says tickets can be purchased unofficially for a large amount of money and even walk the red carpet.

Today the name of Lena Lenina is constantly heard. She is an actress, model, businesswoman, owner of an extensive network of nail salons, and the author of absolute bestsellers, both in Russian and in French.

Having independently passed the "Cinderella path" - from a provincial student to international fame - in her books Lena Lenina shares with fans the secrets of a successful business and seduction of the opposite sex.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lena Lenina?

Many fans and just those who have heard the name of Lena Lenina are concerned about the issue of her height and weight, and also, of course, her age. This is evidenced by the frequency of queries in search engines on this topic and the number of approximate dates. So, the artist was born on October 25, 1979, which means that at the moment the business woman is 38 full years old.

The height of the stately Russian beauty is 170 cm - ideal for a model. As for the weight of Lena Lenina, then, according to the latest data, it is 56 kg. Luxurious forms of a tall blonde allow her to shock the audience with truly frank, and sometimes provocative outfits.

Biography of Lena Lenina

The biography of Lena Lenina is a story of incredible success, obtained as a result of hard work and undoubted talent. This is the story of a real Cinderella, who by the age of 38 has reached such heights that others can only dream of.

The artist was born in Akademgorodok in Siberia, in a family of health workers: her father was studying the search for a cure for serious diseases, including cancer, and her mother worked as a cardiologist. From childhood, Lena showed great abilities, especially in learning foreign languages. She began to study French in kindergarten, and continued to improve her knowledge in a special school. It is unlikely that she then imagined how much the language would be useful to her in the future.

After graduating from school, the future business woman decided to enter the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of Novosibirsk State University. It so happened that during her studies, Lena began to work as a fashion model and soon decided to stop her studies, focusing on the advertising and modeling business and creative projects.

Lena Lenina burst into the show industry quickly - at the age of 19 she opened her own advertising company and created an author's program on Novosibirsk television. Soon Lena Lenina leaves for Moscow in search of new and more promising projects on television, from where she later moves to live in France.

Lena also realized herself as a writer. Her first autobiographical book in French "Cours, cours, camarade" about moving to France and the way to the very top of show business was published in 2004. It was followed by several more books about the life of the star herself, as well as about famous and influential people of our time. In 2005, the first Russian-language book by Lena Lenina “Perfection. Passion for Excellence”, which was sold in huge circulation and was a huge success in our country.

Lena Lenina - manicure salon. Reviews of women

It is also worth noting the film career of the actress. She has been filmed a lot on Russian and foreign television, and she can also be seen in films. For example, the actress starred in a biographical drama about Johann-Sebastian Bach, where she played his wife. This film was included in the program of the Cannes Film Festival. Especially often Lena Lenina can be seen in talk shows on Russian and Ukrainian television.

Lena Lenina - manicure salon. Reviews of women photo

In 2015, Lena Lenina opened a whole network of manicure salons and studios under her own name, immediately launching the official website. Salons are wildly popular all over the country, and their number continues to increase at an incredible rate.

Personal life of Lena Lenina

While still a student at a Novosibirsk university, Lena met her first husband. The couple had a son, who was given the name Clement. Shortly after the birth of the boy, the couple divorced.
Despite the incredible amount of attention from the stronger sex, the artist was in no hurry to get married a second time.

In 2011, the Duke of Orleans introduced the writer to the French billionaire Pascal Florent Edouard. However, the couple broke up two years later. Lena Lenina herself said that the separation was due to the unreasonable jealousy of her husband and the demands to leave business and creativity, devoting herself exclusively to the family.

A short time after the divorce of the spouses, it became known that the writer is in a relationship with her ex-husband's business partner.

The personal life of Lena Lenina does not cease to interest the public. Now the artist lives in her house in the suburbs with her mother and son. She continues to be creative, and also actively develops the network of Lena Lenina's Manicure Studios.

Family of Lena Lenina

Lena Lenina's parents are doctors. His father was engaged in the development of drugs for serious illnesses, and his mother worked as a cardiologist.
The real name of Lena's family is the Razumovs, but with the beginning of her career in show business, the writer changed her surname to a more sonorous one.

The artist grew up as a very purposeful and responsible girl. She participated in many literary competitions. According to her, Lena Lenina wrote her first story as a child, but even then it was published in a local newspaper.

After a divorce from the aristocrat Pascal Florent Eduard, Lena Lenina's family - mother and son Clement - returned to Russia. The business woman flatly refuses to marry for the third time. She dreams of a daughter, but worries that her son will not take the baby's appearance too joyfully.

Children of Lena Lenina

The public shows great interest in the children of Lena Lenina. It is known that the writer has a son, Clement, who was born in her first marriage to a student at the university where she studied. The first time after the birth of the baby, harmony reigned in the family, but soon the couple began to quarrel. During one of these quarrels, her husband broke Lena's collarbone, after which the writer filed for divorce.

The artist says that she has her own approach to raising her son and tries to interfere as little as possible, giving the child the freedom to make decisions on their own. She also often takes the boy with her to business meetings so that he has an idea about business from an early age.

The son of Lena Lenina - Clement

The son of Lena Lenina, Klimenty, grows up incredibly ambitious - more ambitious than his mother. It is noteworthy that at such a young age, Clement has his own business: he produces T-shirts with various patterns and inscriptions. According to the artist, the boy spends all his savings on the purchase of modern printers, which are necessary in his business.

The son of Lena Lenina - Klimenty photo

Also, Clement is distinguished by incredible consciousness. From an early age, he leads an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, goes in for sports and independently studies gerontology, a science that studies various aspects of the aging process.

The artist tries to give her son as much time as possible. According to her, they have a very close and trusting relationship.

Former husband of Lena Lenina - Pascal Florent Edouard

The ex-husband of Lena Lenina is the French aristocrat Pascal Florent Edouard. Their union with the artist seemed ideal, but the billionaire turned out to be too jealous and tried to do everything so that the writer left business and creativity, devoting herself entirely to family and home. Lena Lenina, having built her career and raised her son on her own, did not even consider such an opportunity.

The ex-husband of Lena Lenina - Pascal Florent Eduard photo

Despite the divorce, the writer speaks very warmly about her ex-husband. She speaks of him as a balanced, reliable and intelligent person. The artist is trying to establish friendly relations with her ex-husband, but so far Pascal is making contact with great reluctance.

The writer has repeatedly stated that she is an ardent opponent of plastic surgery, so there are no genuine photographs of Lena Lenina before and after plastic surgery. She is absolutely convinced that modern cosmetology allows you to maintain your appearance in excellent condition without surgical interventions.

Answering journalists' questions about her beautiful figure and excellent skin condition, Lena encourages her to play sports, eat right and rest more often. She also notes that she has not even tried alcoholic drinks such as vodka and wine, and visits nightclubs only when her job requires it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lena Lenina

The artist keeps up with the times, realizing that social networks are a great way to maintain attention to her person. She actively updates her Instagram page, sharing photos from exhibitions, concerts, fashion shows and other public events with subscribers.

Also, Lena does not forget to upload photos from her personal archive, in which we see a business woman on vacation, in a restaurant, on an airplane or driving her car.

It is also worth noting that Lena has a healthy dose of self-irony, which is especially noticeable in the video where the writer jokes about her incredible hairstyles and outfits.

Naked Lena Lenina

On one of the holidays in the Maldives, naked Lena Lenina showed everyone her charms. We retouched obvious parts of the body. Photo below:

Hairstyles of Lena Lenina

As you have already noticed, the hairstyles and haircuts of Lena Lenina surprise more and more every time. This “tail”, otherwise it cannot be called or as some say, a jug on the head drives everyone crazy. Let's take a look at this beauty.

The famous Russian writer, socialite, journalist and just a wonderful woman Elena Lenina was born in Novosibirsk. Date of birth: October 25, 1979. Elena's parents devoted their entire lives to medicine. Mom was a famous cardiologist, and her father was developing a drug for cancer.

The childhood of a socialite

Lena's childhood was colorful. In her school years, Elena was engaged in the study of foreign languages, which in her adult life was very useful to her. Education in Lena's family played an important role, so immediately after graduation, the celebrity entered the Novosibirsk State Institute at the Faculty of Geology and Geography. But the plans of Elena and her parents to receive higher education were cut short after the girl decided to earn money as a fashion model in parallel with her studies. Apparently Elena did not see herself as a geologist, but the modeling business came to her liking. Soon, Lena Lenina completely abandoned her studies and concentrated her attention on the advertising business.

Lena Lenina's career

The biography of Elena Lenina became known to the public at the moment when she began working as a presenter on the Kanal-S TV channel. On central television, the girl's acting abilities were immediately considered. Successful projects that Elena Lenina herself produced were: “Business Fever” and “Paris Revelations”. These two projects brought Lenin success and popularity, the whole country started talking about her.

The next interesting stage in Elena's life was the star's move to France. Surprisingly, a few years of living abroad greatly changed the status of the star - she became the most popular "Russian" in France. The biography of Elena Lenina was discussed by every second inhabitant of France.

In 2003, Elena was offered to star in the popular European reality show Nice People. This show was a complete analogue of the Russian project "Behind the Glass". After completing her work in the Nice People project, Lena Lenina wrote her first book Cours, cours. The book fully described the biography of Lena Lenina, how her childhood passed, how she took her first steps towards a successful life, which led her to popularity, how she once woke up "Cinderella" in a foreign country for her.

In the process of writing the book, the socialite tried to convey to every girl that life is beautiful and no matter how hard it is, it is important to achieve your goal, go to success and never give up. Elena Lenina did not stop at one book - every year a new creation of the writer came out into the world. The most popular books by Lenina are Passion for Perfection and Russes comme Cresus.

Books are not Elena Lenina's only passion; in 2003, the girl starred in the film Il etait une fois Jean-Sebastien Bach. Elena played the main female role, thanks to which she became even more popular. In the same year, the celebrity was invited to the Cannes Film Festival, where she received a symbolic palm branch for an unusual hairstyle.

Personal life of Elena Lenina

Helena's first husband was Count Pascal-Florent-Edouard. After meeting a man, the couple dated for a while, after which the young decided to legalize their relationship. In 2012, they got married in a romantic place on the planet - on the island of Bali. In February 2013, Elena and her husband decided to get married again, only in Moscow, the entire beau monde of the capital was invited to the event.

Unfortunately, their marriage did not last long, and already in 2014 the couple received an official divorce. In November 2014, the public became aware that Elena Lenina was expecting a baby from the famous French businessman Maxim. Many were struck by the fact that Maxim is a good friend of Pascal-Florent-Eduard.

Now Elena Lenina is raising her son Clement. She says that her baby is a very spoiled boy. Elena now lives in France, with her mother and son, she admits that she dreams of giving birth to a daughter, filling her own house with comfort and warmth, that social life and stormy communication with popular people tired her.

Who knows, maybe Elena is being disingenuous? But we sincerely wish her female happiness and the fulfillment of all desires.

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