The beauty of the nature of the native land drawing. Drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic "Nature of the native land


Elena Vyrodova

In February in our city passed craft competition"Native nature beauty". In that competition All educational institutions participated. Schools, kindergartens, institutions of additional education. crafts should have been mandatory made from natural material mined in our area. Everything that you could think of went into action. Plants, stones, clay, shells, dried flowers, hay, straw, hemp, tree bark. There was no limit to the imagination of masters and craftswomen, nothing limited fantasy! Of course we tried too. Here is our craft!

This horse was made from a wire frame, hay and thread. Dried flowers were used for decoration, shells for ears, cloth and ribbons for horsebacks and harnesses. The horse turned out, according to our kids, kind, funny and mischievous!

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Russia has very beautiful nature. Beautiful fields, forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, but there are also swamps. Many believe that the swamp is impassable.

The most beautiful place on earth is the native land with its own characteristics and nature. How many interesting things happened here, how many pleasant ones.

Nature gives healing, The light of its rays is beautiful, In the melodies of the world of creation, the time of mortal days flows. Trust the mysteries of nature.

Every year the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate, Belev Diocese, Belev Deanery) holds a children's drawing competition.

Although the Lord has done a lot of problems (not counting illness, crime, hunger, poverty, wars, corruption and Russian pop music), he still managed to create a good atmosphere of life on our planet. Land and water are often capricious, arranging mass sacrifices. But in some places it turned out not bad, you can even take a bunch of cute photos. But we can dig even deeper. In this lesson you will learn how to draw nature with a simple pencil. After that, you can take your drawing tools and boldly go to a cozy place in order to create an indescribable masterpiece. Nature is a symbolic name for everything that the eyes see. The only exception is plastic or reality shows, the rest refers to one formal organism that controls life and has some strange plan for the production and maintenance of its life. Like an ordinary stern boss, nature easily removes any office plankton, sometimes whole species, and, like any girl, loves whims and antics. The last critical days of this lady ended with the birth of Hitler, Hussein and Justin Bieber, which greatly influenced the state of the planet as a whole. It may seem that nature is evil and impeccable, but in fact it does not care exactly the same as a dog does not care about the ethnic origin of fleas in its coat. Suddenly it turns out that nature needs help, and some people firmly believe in it, while they cannot even protect themselves from the local punks. If it suddenly turned out that you are nature itself, then here are your privileges:

  • You are beautiful because you are the very concept of being.
  • You exist, although you will never really understand it.
  • You own all the precious metals on the planet, which means that you do not suffer from a shortage of funds.
  • Your portraits hang in almost every house on every wall.
  • There is no need to worry about the fact that you made a mistake, your mistake will either end up in a freak circus or in the red book.
  • You can always arrange fireworks from volcanoes.
  • You put the bolt on the theory of relativity, because you can be in all places at the same time.
  • You can cure cancer, but no one will believe you.

Now take a pencil in your hands and gradually try to draw mother nature.

How to draw nature with a pencil step by step

Step one. We immediately select a small pond with banks with lines, and draw several trees on the banks with the same lines. A few circles in the water will serve to turn into ducks.
Step two. At the bottom we draw tall grass, the circles slowly turn into birds. With a thick line, carefully outline the edges of the coast.
Step three. In this step, switch all attention to the background behind the horizon line. Let's draw clouds there.
Step four. Now draw small waves and shadows on the water, make the grass thicker, and shade the background.
Step five. Residually sketch the missing places on the trees and the ground, and then carefully finish the drawing by shading the ducks.
See more similar lessons on drawing landscapes.

Nature is very beautiful. Each of its elements is an individuality with a unique design. Therefore, today we will try to embody it on a piece of paper. The finished picture can be placed in a frame and admire it at any time.

Necessary materials:

  • colored pencils in yellow, green, blue, brown tones;
  • black marker;
  • regular pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the horizon as a line. In the distance we will have, which we denote on the sheet in the form of triangles. Next, erase the lines between them and leave only the outline.

2. Bushes and will be visible near the mountains in the distance. We will also draw and mark them in our drawing. From the mountains there will be a long and rather wide path that will lead to a green meadow with trees. On the right side of the sheet, draw a small tree.

3. Now let's move on to the first plan and draw a large tree on the left side. It will have a wide and massive crown with a lot of branches. The amount of foliage will be small, but despite this, the tree looks larger than the mountains in the distance. Let's not forget about the small foliage in the clearing.

4. We circle each line with a marker, supplement with small details. Erase unnecessary lines with an eraser.

5. Next, go to the trunks of two trees and color them with a brown pencil.

6. Now color the foliage on the trees with a light green pencil.

7. To darken, use an emerald or dark green pencil.

8. With the same pencils, color the green meadow and the grass in our drawing.

9. Mountains are visible in the distance. We will give them a blue color, and at the foot there will be green shades. When mixing two colors, we get a very beautiful and original look.

10. We will decorate the path with a yellow pencil, and at the contour line we will walk with brown.

11. Finally, draw the sky with a light blue pencil.

12. This concludes our step-by-step drawing. On it you can see mountains, and a green lawn with a path, and trees, and a clear blue sky. Any of you, wanting to take a break from the bustle of the city, would like to be in such a wonderful place! Appreciate the world around us!

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V. Sukhomlinsky

The nature around us is rich and diverse, it is attractive in its own way with its beauty, originality, brightness of colors in different seasons. Nature leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the child, influencing his feelings with its brightness, diversity, dynamism. Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for a child. Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, animals, falling snow flakes, streams and puddles. The endless, diverse world of nature awakens a keen interest and curiosity in children.

Impressions from the nature of the native land, received in childhood, are remembered for a lifetime and often influence the subsequent attitude of a person to nature, to the Motherland. Familiarization of children with nature through visual activity enriches children's creativity with new content, deepens moral and aesthetic feelings, causes a desire to preserve and protect nature, take care of plants and animals.

Drawing is of great importance for the aesthetic education and development of the child. Creating an image requires a number of skills and abilities, it is based on images of perception and representation. In the process of drawing, the child develops observation, aesthetic perception, develops emotions, artistic taste, creativity, the ability to independently create beautiful things using available means. Drawing lessons teach to see the beauty in the surrounding life, in works of art, contribute to their emotional and aesthetic development, foster a kind and careful attitude towards nature, its beauty, awaken a sincere, ardent feeling of love for one's land, native land.

Drawing helps to develop aesthetic taste, figurative and associative thinking, imagination, self-contemplation.

Drawing not only brings joy to children, but also inspires them to be creative. Nature awakens the curiosity of the child, affects his senses, activates sensory development, forms a sense of beauty. The child learns the beauty of the surrounding world through the perception of the beauty of nature.

The ability to create is a distinctive feature of a person, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without causing harm, multiply without destroying. The desire to create the inner need of the child, it arises in him independently and is distinguished by extremeness. We, adults, must help the child discover the artist in himself, develop the abilities that will help him become a person. A creative person is the property of the whole society.

Works of children and photos of their native land.



The beauty of the native land in the drawings of children.

“Beauty is the joy of our life. A man became a man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before a spring day. Stop also in amazement before beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart.

V. Sukhomlinsky

The nature around us is rich and diverse, it is attractive in its own way with its beauty, originality, brightness of colors in different seasons. Nature leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the child, influencing his feelings with its brightness, diversity, dynamism. Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for a child. Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, animals, falling snow flakes, streams and puddles. The endless, diverse world of nature awakens a keen interest and curiosity in children.

Impressions from the nature of the native land, received in childhood, are remembered for a lifetime and often influence the subsequent attitude of a person to nature, to the Motherland. Familiarization of children with nature through visual activity enriches children's creativity with new content, deepens moral and aesthetic feelings, causes a desire to preserve and protect nature, take care of plants and animals.

Drawing is of great importance for the aesthetic education and development of the child. Creating an image requires a number of skills and abilities, it is based on images of perception and representation. In the process of drawing, the child develops observation, aesthetic perception, develops emotions, artistic taste, creativity, the ability to independently create beautiful things using available means. Drawing lessons teach to see the beauty in the surrounding life, in works of art, contribute to their emotional and aesthetic development, foster a kind and careful attitude towards nature, its beauty, awaken a sincere, ardent feeling of love for one's land, native land.

Drawing helps to develop aesthetic taste, figurative and associative thinking, imagination, self-contemplation.

Drawing not only brings joy to children, but also inspires them to be creative. Nature awakens the curiosity of the child, affects his senses, activates sensory development, forms a sense of beauty. The child learns the beauty of the surrounding world through the perception of the beauty of nature.

The ability to create is a distinctive feature of a person, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without causing harm, multiply without destroying. The desire to create the inner need of the child, it arises in him independently and is distinguished by extremeness. We, adults, must help the child discover the artist in himself, develop the abilities that will help him become a person. A creative person is the property of the whole society.

People are constantly destroying nature. They build new factories, cut down forests and hunt animals. In this article we will tell you how to draw a picture on the theme of nature. There will be four examples in total. Two of them will be devoted to painting landscapes, and the other two will be devoted to the protection of nature and the environment. Choose the example you like and redraw it!

Drawing on the theme take care of nature

The first paragraph will tell us how to draw a picture on the topic take care of nature. Here in the hands of a person there will be a globe, inside of which there is a large drop with a branch from a tree. Despite the fact that this example is quite simple, the finished work will be very beautiful!

Let's start drawing our picture with a drop. From above, it will have a sharp tip, and then gradually expand towards the bottom. Inside it we will draw branches from a birch with three leaves. If you do not like the branch, then you can depict any other plant, such as a flower.

The most difficult part of this paragraph is this step. Here we need to depict the hands. Remember to leave an empty space between the drop and the hands. In its place in the future, we will draw the globe.

Let's draw a circle of our future planet, it should turn out to be even.

Coloring the drawing. On the sides on empty places you can sign some slogans, such as "Save the earth!", "Save water!" or some others that you come up with yourself.

Nature of the native land

Consider how to draw a picture on the theme of the nature of the native land. Here we will demonstrate a typical scenery with a small waterfall and a river. If you already have experience in drawing landscapes, then it will be very useful to you! If not, then just repeat the steps and as a result you will get a beautiful drawing!

Lay the sheet horizontally and draw trees in the upper left corner. We immediately paint over the trunks with brown, and leave the foliage for later.

We color the foliage of trees, and in the lower left corner we depict small bushes.

On the other side, draw another tree. As a result, the edges of our drawing can be considered finished, but we are left with a large empty space, which we will fill in the next step.

We pick up a regular pencil and mark out a small mountain, a waterfall and a river. We decided to make the river winding, but if you do not like this option, then, of course, you can draw it even.

We color the rest of the elements and the drawing can be considered ready.

It is very difficult to describe the process of drawing such a large picture like this, so we recommend watching a video tutorial that will tell and show the drawing process in detail.

The beauty of native nature

Let's analyze one way of drawing, which will show how to draw a drawing on the theme of the beauty of native nature. Here we decided not to give up water bodies, so a piece of a lake will be depicted in the corner, and on the other side we will add a deer.

The first step will be very simple. We must lay the sheet in a horizontal position and outline the contours of our future picture. On the left side, draw the edge of the lake, and approximately in the middle of the deer.

Let's color the pond and the animal, and draw two trunks in the background with a brown pencil.

Let's add more trunk and vegetation to make a dense forest. Notice how the trees in the foreground look much sharper than those in the background. This is done on purpose so that we can reproduce the effect of the three-dimensional pattern.

Let's colorize our picture.

You can study the drawing process in more detail on your own, just watch the video tutorial below.

Let's protect nature

Let's get back to how to draw a picture on the topic of protecting nature. In this case, we will have an eye with a planet inside. At the edges of the eyelids there will be scorched earth without foliage, from which birds fly away to find a new place to live.

We take a pencil and draw an eye. Many beginners have trouble drawing a second equally symmetrical and beautiful eye, but this time we'll only need one, so we'll avoid that problem.

We circle the eyelids with a black felt-tip pen. Please note that at the bottom we will have a drop of tears. This place does not need to be outlined with a black marker, since in the future we will paint this drop in a different color. Color the planet green and blue.

We continue to work on the drawing and in the upper part we draw scorched earth with empty tree trunks without foliage. Also, color some elements inside blue.

We are finalizing the lower eyelashes and on this our picture on the topic of protecting nature can be considered complete.

If you have an empty space left on the sheet at the top or below, then you can sign some phrases, such as "Save our nature!".

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