Brief biography of Lansere. Living bronze sculpture by E.A.


Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich (1875-1946), graphic artist and painter.

Born on August 24, 1875 in Morshansk (now in the Tambov region) in the family of the famous sculptor Evgeny Alexandrovich Lansere. Grandfather and uncles from the mother's side are Benois architects and artists.

Lansere received his professional education at the School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg (1892-1895), and then at the Colassori and Julian Academies in Paris (1895-1898).

Lansere's creative heritage includes hundreds of sketches, about 50 albums of drawings and sketches. He created landscapes, primarily urban, portraits, historical canvases. The artist made the most significant contribution to book illustration and monumental painting. He designed the magazines "World of Art", "Artistic Treasures of Russia", "Children's Recreation", satirical magazines "Zhupel", "Hell's Mail".

Since 1899, he actively participated in the work of the art group and the editorial board of the World of Art magazine. Lansere's major achievements were the cycles of illustrations for the stories of L. N. Tolstoy "Hadji Murad" (1912-1941) and "Cossacks" (1917-1936). Of interest are the drawings made by the artist in 1914-1915. on the Caucasian front, as well as albums, which were the result of numerous trips to the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, to Turkey, Paris.

From 1917 to 1934, Evgeny Evgenievich lived with his family in the Caucasus. From 1922 to 1932 he taught at the Georgian Academy of Arts in Tbilisi. Then he continued teaching at the Moscow Institute of Architecture and the All-Union Academy of Arts in Leningrad (1934-1938).

Significant theatrical works of the artist. He performed scenery and sketches of costumes and make-up for opera, ballet and drama productions of many theaters of the country (K. Saint-Saens's opera "Samson and Delilah", 1925; W. Shakespeare's tragedies "Macbeth" and "King Lear", 1928 .; A. S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, 1937; S. S. Prokofiev’s opera “Betrothal in a Monastery”, 1941, etc.). In the field of monumental painting, Lansere worked even more intensively (painting, panels, stucco). The largest works are associated with Moscow: murals of the halls of the Kazansky railway station (from 1916 to 1946) and the Moskva Hotel (1937), participation in the development of sketches for the murals of the Palace of Soviets (1939), sketches of plafonds of the Bolshoi Theater (1937- 1939), majolica panels for the Komsomolskaya metro station (1933-1934) and much more.

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- I (1875 1946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lansere. Brother Z. E. Serebryakova. Member of the World of Art. Book graphics (“Hadji Murat” by L. N. Tolstoy, 1912 41), historical compositions (series “Trophies of Russian weapons” ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- (1875 1946), owls. artist. In 1914 for the 4th volume of Sobr. op. L. ed. V. Kallasha illustrated the fairy tale “Ashik Kerib” (gouache; State Tretyakov Gallery): “Ashik Kerib and St. George” and “Magul Megeri at the wedding”. The illustrations are marked by rhythm and plasticity of gesture and ... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- Lansere, Evgeny Evgenievich painter (born in 1875), son of sculptor Evgeny Alexandrovich Lansere. He studied at the school of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, then in Paris at the private academies of Colarossi and Julian, where he worked under the guidance of Benjamin ... Biographical Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- (1875 1946), Soviet graphic artist and painter. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lansere. He studied at the Drawing School of the OPH (1892–95) and at private academies in Paris (1895–98). He taught (1922-38) at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, Marzhi, Leningrad Academy of Arts ... Art Encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- (18751946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Born in Pavlovsk. In 18921917 he lived in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing School of the OPH (189295) and at the private Academy of Arts in Paris (189598). Academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), taught there ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- (1875, Pavlovsk 1946, Moscow), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Together with his sister Zinaida (married Serebryakova), he received his primary art education in the house of his father, the sculptor E.A. Lancer... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    LANSERE Evgeny Evgenievich- (August 23, 1875 September 13, 1946), Russian artist, academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). The nephew of the artist A. N. Benois, Eugene Lansere in 1892 1896 studied at ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich-, Soviet graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lansere. He studied at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg (1892≈95), in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    LANSERE Evgeny Evgenievich- (1907 88) Russian painter and graphic artist. Son of E. E. Lansere. Murals of the Kazan (together with his father) Yaroslavl, Kursk stations in Moscow (1940-50s), book graphics (a series of albums Monuments of Russian architecture, etc.), portraits, landscapes ... ...

    LANSERE Evgeny Evgenievich- (1875 1946) Russian graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of Russia (1945). Son of E. A. Lansere. Brother Z. E. Serebryakova. Member of the World of Art. Book graphics (Cossacks of L. N. Tolstoy, 1917 37), historical compositions (series Trophies of Russian weapons ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich- (1875 1946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Born in Pavlovsk. In 1892 1917 he lived in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing School of the OPH (1892–95) and at the private Academy of Arts in Paris (1895–98). Academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), taught there (1934-38) ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)


  • Diaries. Set of 3 books. Book 1. Education of feelings, Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich. The publication is the first publication of the diaries of the famous Russian and Soviet artist Evgeny Evgenievich Lansere. The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in ... Buy for 3729 rubles
  • Diaries. Set of 3 books. Book 2. Travel. Caucasus. Weekdays and Holidays, Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich. The publication is the first publication of the diaries of the famous Russian and Soviet artist Evgeny Evgenievich Lansere. The second book includes vivid impressions of the trip to Angora...

Yevgeny Lansere was born on August 23 (September 4), 1875 in Pavlovsk into a family that made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian art.
The father of the future artist was the famous sculptor Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Lansere. His maternal grandfather, N. Benois, was an academician of architecture. The architect was his uncle, L. Benois, another uncle, the youngest of his mother's brothers, was also a famous Russian artist and art critic, who had a great influence on the formation of his nephew's artistic tastes.
Lansere's childhood passed in Ukraine, in the small estate of his father Neskuchnoye, where his younger sister, later also a famous artist, Zinaida Serebryakova, was born.
After the death of E.A. Lansere's mother moved with her children to St. Petersburg, to her father's house - the Benois House at Nikola Morsky, well-known in artistic circles.
Lansere's artistic abilities showed up early, so there was no doubt about choosing a profession.
In 1892, leaving the gymnasium, at the age of seventeen he entered the school of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, where he spent about four years (1892-1895); in those same years, he became a permanent member of the circle, from which he subsequently arose.
Under the influence of A. Benois and his friends, Eugene Lansere refused to enter the Academy of Arts and went to study in Paris. Classes in France continued until 1898.
The early period of Lansere's work, due to family and friendly ties, is closely connected with the "World of Art". But Lansere, experiencing a certain influence of A. Benois and, nevertheless, remained unaffected by the nostalgic retrospectivism characteristic of the World of Art.
First of all, Lansere became famous as a book graphic artist. His work in this area began with the design of the book by E. Balabanova "Legends of the ancient castles of Brittany" (St. Petersburg, 1899). The artist takes on his first major commission in 1898, having visited Brittany before that. In 1898, the artist exhibited his illustrations for Breton legends and fairy tales at an exhibition of Russian and Finnish artists organized by S. Diaghilev.
Lansere, being abroad, did not participate in the preparation of the first issues of the magazine, but from the second half of 1899 he was among its permanent employees. It was on the pages of the "World of Art" that the artist's long-term "vignetting activity" began, which later spread to the magazines "Art Treasures of Russia", "Children's Recreation" and many other publications.
Design of dozens of publications - books, almanacs, magazines; bookplates, postage and publishing stamps, art postcards - these are the areas in which the artist took part. Working on book graphics, Lansere believed that it was the decorative design, and not the illustration, that determined the artistic image of the book. Screensavers and endings seemed to him a more responsible and difficult task than illustrating an episode in the text. The stylistic and decorative-graphic unity of the book as an integral work of art has become for Lansere the practical principle of the designer's work. Yevgeny Lansere was the first among Russian artists to create a page-by-page layout for a book, creating a harmonious harmony of graphic elements. This innovation subsequently entered the practice of all masters of book graphics.
An important stage on the way to this high achievement of the artist was a long (from 1904 to 1912) work on the design of the book by A. Benois "Tsarskoye Selo in the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna". For "Tsarskoye Selo" (the book was designed by a number of artists), Lansere created several screensavers-illustrations with a developed plot beginning.
"Hadji Murad" by L. Tolstoy with illustrations by Lansere became the artist's best pre-revolutionary publication. The 1916 edition contained extensive cuts - the tsarist censorship did not allow Tolstoy's text containing an exposing characterization of Nicholas I to pass; the portrait of the tsar, interpreted satirically by Lansere, was not printed either. The full edition was published only in 1918.
However, easel graphics and painting were no less important in the artist's work. Lansere works a lot from nature - in the sphere of his interests are portrait sketches, landscape, numerous travel sketches.
In 1902 the artist made a trip to the Far East, visiting Manchuria and Japan. After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, in February 1904, Lansere received an order for art postcards with views of Port Arthur and Manchuria.
Revolutionary events of 1905-1906 form a noticeable milestone not only in the development of Lansere's work, but also in the process of becoming his personality. This period includes a number of outstanding works in the field of satirical magazine graphics, in which the artist appears as an independent and mature master with his own, fully developed attitude to art and life.
At that time, the artist participated in the publication of the satirical magazine "Spectator" (1905), collaborated in the "Zhupel", published with the participation of M. Gorky. After its prohibition, Lansere took over the publication of the successor to the Bogey, the Infernal Post magazine, for which he performed his best satirical drawings.
I first came into contact with work at Lancer at the very beginning of the 1900s, paying tribute to that passion for theater painting, which was characteristic of almost all representatives of the older generation of the World of Art.
The sketch of the scenery for the last act of "Sylvia" (1901) and the panel for "The Sanctuary of Patrick" (1911) staged by the Ancient Theater testify to Lansere's great skill in the field of architectural landscape.
The artist achieved his first achievements in the field of theatrical painting in 1907 - in the design of N. Evreinov's play "Fair for the Indictment of St. Denis" (otherwise "Street Theater"), undertaken jointly with Benois for the "Old Theater" in St. Petersburg.
Lansere's work in the theater was interrupted after 1911 for a relatively long period. The reason for this was the intensive work in the field of book illustration and monumental painting, as well as historical events that changed the fate of Russia and the very circle of the artist's activity.
Lansere is also engaged in applied arts: in 1912, having taken the post of head of the artistic part of the cutting factories, porcelain and glass factories of the "His Majesty's Cabinet", he not only controls the quality of products, but also offers several sketches and projects of artistic products.
Versatile artistic activity Lansere receives recognition and in 1912 he was awarded the title of academician, in 1916 he was elected a full member of the Academy of Arts.
Lanceray spends the last pre-revolutionary year in the countryside: he paints landscapes, considers the possibility of illustrating L. Tolstoy's Cossacks. The artist meets the news of the overthrow of the autocracy with enthusiasm. However, it is not possible to come to Petrograd, material and everyday difficulties force the artist and his family to seek refuge with friends in the Caucasus. For three years the artist lived in Dagestan, where he taught drawing at a gymnasium. In 1920 he moved to Tbilisi, where he worked as a draftsman at the Museum of Ethnography, went on ethnographic expeditions with the Caucasian Archaeological Institute. From 1922 to 1934 Lansere was a professor at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts.
With the move to Moscow (1933), a new stage of his activity begins, partly connected with the theater (“Woe from Wit” at the Maly Theater, 1938), but most of all with monumental painting (plafonds of the Kazansky railway station restaurant, the Moscow hotel, the hall of the Bolshoi Theater , a panel for the Komsomolskaya metro station, etc.).
The war prevented the implementation of everything planned. The master was able to return to work on the painting of the vestibule of the Kazan Station only in the spring of 1945. But he could not finish it - on October 12, 1946, Yevgeny Lansere died.

Russian artist.
Honored Art Worker of the Georgian SSR (1933).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945).

Born in Pavlovsk on September 4 (August 23), 1875 in the family of the sculptor E.A. Lancer.
He studied at the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg (1892-1895), as well as at the Colarossi and Julian academies in Paris (1895-1898).
He spent 1896-1900 in Paris, where he worked at the private Academies of Julien and Colarossi.
Before the revolution he lived in St. Petersburg. He was a member of the World of Art association. He gained fame primarily for his book and illustrative works (the cycles Tsar's Hunt in Rus', 1902; Tsarskoe Selo in the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1910), which are characterized by an exquisite, major in mood historical stylization; the same features are characteristic of his scenography (performances of the St. Petersburg Old Theater). His best book cycle is illustrations for Hadji Murad by L.N. Tolstoy (1912–1915).
In 1905-1908, Lansere created satirical revolutionary graphics for the magazines Zhupel, Spectator and Infernal Mail (he even published the last one himself).
In 1912 he received the title of academician of painting, and in 1915 - a full member of the Academy of Arts.
From 1912 to 1915 E.E. Lansere was the head of the artistic part of the Porcelain Factory and the Lapidary Factory.
He did not accept the revolution of 1917 and in 1918-1919 he collaborated as an artist in OSVAG (Information and propaganda bureau, information bureau of the army of A.I. Denikin).
From 1918 to 1934 he lived in the Caucasus. He was a professor at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts. In 1922, he traveled to Angra on a call from the Plenipotentiary of the RSFSR, and in 1927, on a business trip from the People's Commissariat of Education of Georgia, to Paris.

In 1933, he painted the plafond of the Kazansky railway station restaurant in Moscow. In 1934 he received housing from the Moscow City Council and moved to Moscow. Since 1934 - professor at the Academy of Architecture.
The official encouragement of neoclassical principles contributed to his success. Lansere continued and updated some of his previous ideas, completing work on illustrations for the Cossacks L.N. Tolstoy (1937), as well as over the murals of the Kazan Station in Moscow (1933-1934, 1945-1946), commissioned to him before the October Revolution; these murals (along with the plafond of the Moskva Hotel, 1937, and other monumental works by Lansere) belong to the most significant examples of architectural and pictorial decoration of those years.

Evgeny Evgenievich Lansere (1875-1946) - Russian and Soviet artist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Honored Art Worker of the Georgian SSR (1933). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1943).

The son of the famous sculptor E. A. Lansere, the brother of the artist Z. E. Serebryakova and the architect N. E. Lansere, the nephew of A. N. Benois, who stood together with Sergeevm Diaghilev and Dmitry Filosofov at the base of the "World of Art".

Graduate of the First St. Petersburg Gymnasium.
From 1892 he studied at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, St. Petersburg, where he attended the classes of Ya. F. Zionglinsky, N. S. Samokish, E. K. Lipgart.
From 1895 to 1898, Lansere traveled extensively in Europe and improved his skills at the French academies of F. Colarossi and R. Julian.

Since 1899 - a member of the association "World of Art". In 1905 he left for the Far East.

In 1906 he was the publisher of the weekly illustrated magazine of political satire "Infernal Post" (3 issues were published).

In 1907-1908, he became one of the founders of the "Ancient Theater" - a short-term, but interesting and noticeable phenomenon in the cultural life of Russia at the beginning of the century. Lansere continued to work with the theater in 1913-1914.

1912-1915 - artistic director of a porcelain factory and glass engraving workshops in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

1914-1915 - war correspondent artist on the Caucasian front during the First World War.
He spent 1917-1919 in Dagestan.
In 1919, he collaborated as an artist in the Information and Propaganda Bureau of the Volunteer Army of A. I. Denikin (OSVAG).
In 1920 he moved to Rostov-on-Don, then to Nakhichevan-on-Don and Tiflis.

Since 1920 - a draftsman at the Museum of Ethnography, went on ethnographic expeditions with the Caucasian Archaeological Institute.
Since 1922 - Professor of the Academy of Arts of Georgia, Moscow Architectural Institute.
In 1927 he was sent to Paris for six months from the Academy of Arts of Georgia.

In 1934 he moved permanently from Tiflis to Moscow. From 1934 to 1938 he taught at the All-Russian Academy of Arts in Leningrad.

E. E. Lansere died on September 13, 1946. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (site No. 4).

Since 1897 he worked in book graphics. He closely cooperated with the publishing house of the Community of St. Eugenia, in particular, in 1904 he designed the address part of the postcard, which lasted for ten whole years. He performed several works for the anniversary celebrations of St. Petersburg, on postcards, in addition to decorative compositions, his military drawings from the times of the Russo-Japanese and World War I came out.

In Soviet times, the direction of the artist's creativity manifested itself with great completeness in monumental and decorative art. His works in this area are characterized by the dynamics of spatial construction, the splendor of the frame and the general solemnity reminiscent of the plafonds of the 17th-18th centuries:

Lansere worked in the field of design of theatrical productions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Odessa, Kutaisi:

At exhibitions since 1900: "The World of Arts", "36", the Union of Russian Artists, etc. Being one of the members of the Northern Circle of Fine Arts Lovers in Vologda, he took part in art exhibitions organized by members of the circle.

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