Feng Shui bed: the basics of proper placement and the best examples of modern projects (115 photos). feng shui bedroom


For any person, such a room as a bedroom is something intimate and personal, capable of giving a sense of security and comfort. Agree that the bedroom is shared only with very close people. And if the family is large, then this room is a place of solitude and discussion of the personal problems of the spouses. In addition, it is no secret to anyone that sleep is a very important component of the full life of every person. In order for the dream to be harmonious, you need to try to ensure that the bedroom is equipped as it should. By the way, according to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the “correct” bedroom, like the kitchen, is able to improve the microclimate in any home.

The place for the bedroom should be taken in a quiet area - be sure to be as far as possible from the toilet, kitchen and front door. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this room should be a regular square shape, but it can also be rectangular. The bedroom should not be a passing room. You should not use a room for a bedroom if its doors are located opposite other doors - this is fraught with frequent conflicts in the family, and without any reason. If nothing can be done already - well, you won’t break the walls, then you can protect yourself from quarrels - just hang curtains made of beads or bamboo rings on the door.


Particular attention should be paid to the ceiling. In the bedroom, it should be perfectly even. If it has a slope or beams, then it is better to try to put the bed so that it does not stand under them - experts say that this leads to huge financial problems or ill health. Fortunately, today you can use suspended ceilings - with their help, you can easily and quickly correct the situation. There is, of course, another way - typically Chinese: fasten the ends of two bamboo pipes so that they connect at an angle of 45 degrees, and then hang them on the sharp end of the beam - while the divorced ends should look at the "safe place". With this method, negative energy will "bypass" the bed. But the dream of many - mirrored ceilings - is a bad idea. If the spouses are reflected during full-length sleep, then this can lead to betrayal.


Choosing a good bed is a real art. It is immediately necessary to sweep aside various flimsy and staggering metal structures, as well as beds on nets. The bed, even if you do not adhere to the principles of Feng Shui, should be comfortable and stable. If you buy a double bed, you should immediately take care of the mattress - it should be solid, and not made of two halves, because the last option is a symbol of the separation of a married couple. If you have chosen a bed with legs, this does not mean at all that the space under it can be filled with various boxes and drawers with unnecessary things, empty suitcases and suitcases. All this interferes with the movement of energy "qi".

But it is necessary to have a bed based on the following requirements:

The head of the bed should face the wall;

If the bed is headboard to the window, then do not forget to curtain it at night;

It is not necessary to position the bed so that the central heating battery is placed at the head;

The bed should not be adjacent to the wall behind which there is a bath, toilet or sink;

It is undesirable to go to bed with your feet to the door;

It is best to place the bed diagonally from the door, but at the same time its head should be facing the wall;

The bed should have access to sleep on both sides.

4. Place for a bed

Feng Shui experts are sure that the love of spouses and the joy of intimate life is influenced by ... the side of the world. They argue that if you put the bed in accordance with all the rules, then you can ensure not only love and financial well-being, but also career growth, health and success of children! The classic direction for a bed is northwest. But this direction is more suitable for those people who have been living together for more than a year - they have long stood on their feet and have stability. But for the newlyweds, the east side is suitable - so they can quickly achieve harmony. For older people, it is better to install a bed in the northern part - this can improve health and preserve youth. You should not define a bed here for lonely people or those prone to depression. The south side is suitable for lovers of bright love battles. A bed in the west can bring everyday joys, but financial difficulties are not ruled out. The southeast side will help in business development. But where you should not put a bed, it is in the southwest or northeast - the energy is not too balanced here, so people will be haunted by feelings of anxiety and insecurity. In this place it is better to put a wardrobe.

5. Headboard

This is also an important detail, because it is a symbol of the protection of one's own feelings from outside intrusion. Experts say that not only sleep, but also intimate relationships with a partner will depend on the shape of the back. It is best to choose a bed with a semicircular back. An oval model is also suitable - these forms can diversify your sex life and improve your family budget. Passionate battles will unfold on a bed with a triangular back, however, sleep will be restless. Therefore, if possible, it is best to engage in love games on such a bed, but go to sleep in a more suitable place. The ideal place for this is a bed with a wavy back. Such beds, unfortunately, are not able to add fire to the relationship, but the dreams will be the sweetest. Rectangular headboards are the most common today - they call for fidelity and enhance the sexual interest of partners in each other. Especially such a bed is suitable for newlyweds.


This piece of furniture causes a lot of controversy. Feng Shui experts agree on one thing: there is no place for a mirror in front of the bed. The thing is that during sleep a person releases his negative emotions, but if there is a mirror opposite him at that time, then all of them will be reflected back, so in the morning a person will wake up broken. It is best to keep a dressing table or dressing table with a mirror in the room, but it must be installed so that the sleeping person is not reflected in the mirror. Also, a mirror can be on the cabinet door. Do not install a reflective surface opposite the entrance to the bedroom.


You should not “dress” the bedroom windows in blinds - this can lead to illness. It is better to choose curtains of soft drapery - they are able to bring romance into relationships and maintain family peace.

8. Bedroom in a one-room apartment

Divide the room into two zones - active and passive - one part will be for sleeping, and the second - a kind of combination of an office and a living room. Zones are best marked visually - wallpaper or a carpet will help with this. The active zone should be located closer to the exit.

9. What not to keep in the bedroom

Furniture may well become a source of discomfort, which is why the bedroom needs a minimum set of items, which, moreover, should not have sharp corners directed towards the bed. It is not worth keeping large water tanks in the room where you sleep - aquariums, fountains and the like. Never work lying on the bed: do not bring business papers or a laptop - this is fraught with the fact that sleep will be restless. Do not install a computer in the bedroom or put a mobile phone at the head of the bed. There is no place for a TV in the bedroom either. You should not turn this room into a greenhouse, as many plants are able to take strength and absorb more oxygen at night than during the day.

10. To find the "second half"

Feng Shui can help get rid of loneliness - for this, it is enough to choose the right decor for the bedroom. First, get rid of all single items - or, alternatively, purchase a couple of themes that you already have. For example, if there is only one chair, put a pair on it, and replace the floor lamp with two night lamps at the head. If the picture shows one person or object, replace the canvas with an image of a happy married couple. Remove all photos of friends, parents and children from the bedroom.

“Free up” a place next to you - remove extra interior pillows or toys from the second half of the bed. It is also worth keeping a few drawers empty - for the future half, of course. Give up the TV and the symbols of your work - they have no place in the room to sleep. But the clock in the bedroom should be in a single copy - this is an alarm clock.

Experts say that if you broke up with a loved one, change the situation in the bedroom - this applies not only to bed linen, but also to the bed. This will clear your path to a new relationship.

Feng Shui of the bedroom, the topic is quite voluminous, so let's start with the basics, the simplest, most memorable rules and choosing the “correct” headboard from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui basic rules for arranging a bedroom:

The bed should not stand in front of the door (this is how favorable energy flows - / Qi /) and the location of the bed with the headboard to the window or between two windows is also considered unfavorable. (this position contributes to free entry and, most importantly, exit - / QI /, that is, favorable energy will not be able to linger in your bedroom and this can provoke insomnia, neurotic conditions, physical ailments, quarrels with your spouse (oh).

If you sleep on a bed together, with your other half, the mattress should be the same for the entire bed. This will help bring your energies together. The mattress itself must be new, bought directly for you, and not inherited from your grandmother.

Opposite the bed there should be no mirrors, even if they are installed in closets (think about rearranging in this case.) Mirrors tend to accumulate negative energy, so neither you nor your intimate life should be reflected in them.

Spacious access to each side of the bed should be provided, if this is not possible, it is better to put a man against the wall. A woman should not sleep against the wall, as stepping over a man from time to time suppresses his sexuality.

Aquariums and water vases should not be in the bedroom. The element of water blurs and cools the relationship of the couple. If you put a vase of flowers in the bedroom - (this is not forbidden from time to time), put it at a distance from the family bed.

Many people wonder if it is possible to hang pictures above the bed. Yes, you can hang a picture, but for the bedroom, something neutral is recommended. Open landscapes are not recommended as another window to the outside world, where it will possibly leak - /QI/ But abstractions, plants can even help in harmonizing and balancing all the energies that come into the bedroom.

A bed for two should be purchased taking into account the physique and height of the spouses. Too big bed, leaves room for the "third" in your relationship. A narrow bed can contribute to the fact that in a relationship you will be cramped and there will always be a desire to break out of the shackles. So choose a bed that suits you!

Oh, how elegant and beautiful the wrought-iron beds look. The choice is yours, of course, but with respect to Feng Shui, a forged bed is a useless and even harmful invention. There are usually a lot of voids in forged products, this allows different energies to walk here and there and sleeping people will not be protected by anything, which means they are subject to various kinds of influences and influences.

There must be space under the bed, now beds going to the floor are very common, where the lower part is occupied by a wardrobe, etc. Yes, it is functional, but the energy - /QI/ will not be able to freely circulate around and under the bed, which means that its influence will not be complete and you will not receive something in ordinary life.

Making a bed in the attic, although fashionable, is counter-indicated from the point of view of Feng Shui. A sloping ceiling will suppress the energy of sleeping people, and sharp corners will be directed at them.

A round bed is also one of the trends of our time, but it will not contribute to the development and vision of prospects for those who sleep on it. People sleeping on such a bed will find it difficult to coordinate and plan their actions, set long-term goals and achieve them.

It is important to minimize the presence of electrical appliances in the bedroom to a minimum and, if possible, abandon the TV. If your conditions do not allow you to use the TV outside the bedroom, then at least you need to turn it off at night. So that the red eye (creating electrosmog) does not spread “micro” negative energy flows to you.

When choosing furniture for the bedroom, immediately mentally imagine the interior plan of the room, the sharp corners of the furniture should not look and be directed towards the bed. Therefore, either choose furniture with rounded, smooth lines, or focus on the right direction and arrangement of things.

Chandeliers, lampshades, beams, structures above the bed are extremely unfavorable. They contribute to the imbalance of energies, interfere with restful sleep and trusting relationships between spouses.

Plants in the bedroom are not forbidden, BUT it is better not to arrange a greenhouse there. The oversaturation of living plants will bring excess yang (male energy) into the bedroom area, and this will certainly affect relations with the second half, it can provoke a spouse to cheat.

So, now about the most interesting on our topic.

Choosing the right headboard according to Feng Shui:

The headboard curved in the middle is considered good feng shui, its convex side evenly distributes energy between two sleeping people.

Such a bend is very harmonious when two people sleep on the bed. The energy of the two flocks at one point, connecting in each other. If it so happened that one person sleeps at such a headboard, then this is not very positive for him. The energy will split in two, devastating and depleting the energy of a person who does not know which direction to choose in life.

The headboard with a high arch is considered bad feng shui, it resembles a tombstone and has a pressing, depressing effect on the emotional sphere of a person. (The influence of such a headboard is especially strong when it is a single bed; for a double bed, this negative influence is greatly reduced, being distributed between two, but nevertheless making its negative contribution.)

A bed in the shape of a pearl shell is auspicious feng shui. Such a backrest promotes proper circulation - /QI/, the birth of new positive emotions between spouses. Favors the birth of children.

4-poster bed
This is a very favorable Feng Shui, since the property of the canopy - to protect, is also manifested at the energy level.

There is another version of the bed, popular in China and not very popular with us (I didn’t even find a decent illustration for it), this is the backrest - “Dragon and Phoenix”, where one part of the backrest is much higher than the other and has a wave-like transition. This is favorable Feng Shui if the man sleeps in the place where the back is higher. Since the man is the giving side, and the woman is the receiving side, the transition of one energy into another will take place in a balanced way.


Summing up, we can say that the choice for the headboard can be based on the type of activity and lifestyle.

Square, wooden backrests are suitable for people who are mainly engaged in physical labor.

Oval and semicircular backs (according to the theory of 5 elements correspond to the elements of metal) will suit people of intellectual work, as well as businessmen, politicians.

For creative individuals, wavy headboards (water) are suitable for sleeping.

Triangular backrests are suitable for larks who value time and sleep little, such a backrest will help to fill up with vivacity and restore strength very quickly.

Love feng shui, use it correctly!

Greetings dear friends!
A person spends 1/3 of his life on sleep, about 15-30 years, so it is very important to equip a bedroom for a great rest. If you don't sleep well, you might want to consider rearranging your furniture, and, most importantly, Feng Shui bed placement. In the room where you rest, a calming energy should flow calmly.

From the article you will learn:

There are two correct ways to place a bed in the bedroom in the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui.

Method 1. The location of the bed in the bedroom according to the Feng Shui side of the world

It is most universal to put a bed in the north and, of course, in the east.

For spiritual development, put the head of the bed in the north, your intuition will grow, you can add purple bedding to this for reinforcement. And also the north will contribute to financial success and excellent health.

A wonderful, healthy sleep will await you on the east side. It suits everyone, especially people of the age are highly recommended to rest there. East will add energy, positive and success.

In which direction should you sleep with your head according to feng shui

It will be good for students (pupils, students) to sleep in the northeast. But for those who have work related to brain activity, it is better to abandon such a dream.

Where should you sleep with your head according to Feng Shui for those who have problems with fulfilling their dreams or achieving goals? Southeast help. Add a canopy to the bed, create a kind of royal bed for yourself, this will also contribute to your financial prosperity.

The south is responsible for communication with people. Is there a bad relationship with someone? Few acquaintances? You need to sleep with your feet facing north.

The West will help improve health and inspire creative people.

In which direction to sleep with your head according to feng shui for love and marriage?

Southwest will help in personal life, strengthen relationships and help in career. Pink bedding will help you find your soul mate. The mattress must be intact. Hang a picture of a happy couple above the bed to activate a harmonious relationship.

A red bed will help move things off the dead end, but you should not constantly sleep on it, otherwise you will stop resting normally in a dream.

How should the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui stand if you suffer from depression and loneliness? The Northwest will give notes of positive, cheerfulness and inspiration for new achievements.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet to the window according to Feng Shui?

No. Do not put the head of the bed to the window, and do not sleep with your feet to it, this is very harmful to your energy.

Method 2. Where to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui - check the Gua number

If the information above is not important to you, move the bed, starting from your Gua number.

Consider where the feng shui bed should be, given your Gua number:

Feng Shui headboard (cardinal direction)

  • north - one, three, four, nine
  • northeast - two, six, seven, eight
  • northwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • south - one, three, four, nine
  • southeast - one, three, four, nine
  • southwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • east - one, three, four, nine
  • west - six, seven, eight

How to arrange the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: tips

  1. Forget about mirrored surfaces above your head and wardrobes with mirrored doors opposite the bed. If the wardrobe mirror still reflects you, hang it up at night.
  2. Do not hold the bed against the door, do not sleep with your feet towards it. A bad omen - "they will carry you out of the house feet first."
  3. The bed should not be perpendicular to the door. If there is no way out, be sure to close the door during sleep. Or fence off the entrance with something, curtains, a canopy, a screen. Some recommend a large tree, but it's best not to have plants in the bedroom at all. At night, they release carbon dioxide, which is harmful to health.
  4. Do not pinch the bed between two wardrobes, it is better to fence off the bedside tables.
  5. Sharp corners should not "look" at the sleeping
  6. Do not hang chandeliers above the bed. If you need light by the bed, put nightlights on the bedside table or fix them near the bed. Fix a dream catcher above the bed, although it is not connected in any way with feng shui, it will only let you have the right dreams.
  7. How to properly install a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: single and double.
  • If the bed is single - place it in the corner.
  • The approach to the double bed is needed from two sides. And put a nightstand on each side.
  • Bunk beds are not recommended in feng shui, because the small space above them, the upper bunk and the ceiling, will put pressure on children.
  1. Where to put the bed in feng shui if you have a private house or a two-story apartment? The bedroom, and most importantly, the bed, should not be located UNDER the bathroom and ABOVE the kitchen.
  2. Be sure to need a high back by the bed - this is a symbol of protection.
  • If you are a working "bee" you should have a square back
  • If your status is higher than this, buy a bed with a round back.
  • For spouses, the “Dragon and Phoenix” back is suitable - a wavy back, where one wave is higher than the other.
  • For creative people, a wave back is suitable.
  • The back in the form of a shell contributes to the birth of children.
  • Also for people who sleep together, a backrest with a hollow in the middle is suitable. So the energy flows into the middle and is distributed between the couple.

Get rid of suitcases, trash and debris under the bed, just free space.

Free up space, there should be little furniture in the bedroom, get rid of unnecessary things.

Avoid black and navy blue bedding.

Refuse water, inflatable and round beds, they carry negative energy in themselves.

Get as much electricity out of the room as possible. Minimum outlets and appliances. Also a ticking clock.

No water element in the bedroom. Water washes away rest and tranquility during sleep.

The bedroom is best done in light colors, but give up pure white and striped wallpaper. Green will bring peace to your life, while orange will add positivity.

The bed is the biggest item in the bedroom, if yours is wrong, fix it right away.

The fan will help you in your sexual life, the main thing is not to hang it over the bed.

If it is possible to make a pedestal for the bed, it will be great. Elevation will add protection, as will a recess.

In the summer months, the headboard is placed to the north. Born in the spring, the west awaits you. It is better for autumn people to sleep with their heads to the east, and for winter people - to the south.

The bedroom and, in particular, the bed are of great importance for any home and person. It is a place of rest, relaxation, recuperation and relaxation. It is here that all people, without exception, find their peace and sound sleep. Therefore, do not think that the bed is just a piece of furniture or part of the interior. She is something more.

No less significant is the bed from the point of view of Feng Shui.

How to choose such an important element, based on the rules of this interesting and very ancient science? So, what characteristics should it have?

The right bed is the key to success

The right bed is actually of great importance for many areas of human life. It is not difficult to guess that, first of all, it affects the area of ​​​​personal relationships, as well as how interaction will develop in a couple if both partners sleep in the same bed. In addition, sleeping places affect the success of a person, his career achievements, the stability of earnings and many other characteristics. In short, it would be unwise to underestimate the importance of Feng Shui indicators regarding the bedroom.

To begin with, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of this element. Already in the store you need to look for the most suitable copy that meets the desired indicators. So, the bed should have slightly rounded corners. The round shape will smooth out any contradictions in a couple and in life. If the corners are sharp, then this will certainly lead to conflicts and quarrels.

It is important that the bed has a headboard. If there is no headboard, then this will deprive a person of invisible protection, he will be constantly exposed to dangers. A branched headboard is a bad sign! Let it be solid.

But the sides of the bed should not be. That is, they should not exceed the level of the mattress. What would be the consequences of not following this rule? Because of this, a person will not be able to travel the world. Also, on his life path, he will often meet some obstacles that are not so easy to overcome.

There are special wishes for the mattress in terms of Feng Shui. It should be solid, that is, not consist of two different mattresses. Otherwise, a couple sleeping on such mattresses will experience difficulties in communicating with a partner.

The bed itself should have legs that will allow it not to stand directly on the floor in the bedroom. What is it for? Firstly, it will allow the Qi energy to move freely, which has a beneficial effect on all areas of human life. However, in this case it is important not to make a major mistake. The thing is that many people are beginning to somehow use this space under the bed, it haunts them. And therefore, many have various things stored there, most often old ones. And this is fundamentally wrong! Storing things under the bed is a colossal mistake that will lead to sleep problems, and then to health.

The size of the bed is also important. It should be large, but not excessive. If two people sleep on it in the bedroom, then it should be double, otherwise it will lead to psychological and emotional imbalance in the couple. If a person sleeps alone, then a single bed will be enough, you should not buy yourself a double bed. If a person is looking for a mate, then he must remember that he will never find a partner due to non-observance of two important rules. First, you can not sleep on something folding. This is especially harmful for girls. Because of this, they may never get married. Secondly, you can not sleep with another person who is not a love partner. You can not sleep in the same bed with children, sisters, mother and other family members.

The best feng shui material for a bed is wood. It gives peace, tranquility and harmony in the bedroom.

By the way, even bedding matters. For a couple in love, there is nothing better than red. But to increase mental activity, you should choose green underwear. Yellow shades will promote optimism, and blue and blue will never let you sleep.

Where to put the bed in Feng Shui? All about location

It is important not only how the bed itself will look, but also how it will be located within a particular room, which direction will be chosen for it. What do you need to pay attention to when it comes to direction and Feng Shui indoors? How to put it? We need to talk about location.

For example, it is impossible to arrange a sleeping place so that people sleeping on it lie with their feet facing the exit. This direction is a kind of sign of death. Because of this, a person can get sick, experience problems with well-being and, of course, with sleep. Do not choose this direction. And for the sick and weak, this can become a serious obstacle to recovery. However, the bed should be placed so that the door is in sight.

In addition, the bed should stand so that you can approach it from both sides. But at the same time, it should not stand exactly in the middle of the room. Putting it right by the window is also not the best idea, not the most prosperous direction.

The most advantageous bed location is considered to be east for children, and for adults - west. There are versions according to which a place to sleep can be located depending on the date of birth. Those born in summer should sleep with their heads to the north. Those born in autumn have the opportunity to sleep with their heads to the east. This direction will make them happy and successful. "Winter" can stop their choice in the south, and "spring" - in the west.

What can be located near the bed?

Feng Shui science advises to pay attention to what surrounds the bed. The biggest harm will be to find a mirror near the place to sleep. It is especially dangerous if someone sleeps right in front of the mirror, reflected in it at night. This will literally "squeeze" all the strength out of the sleeper. Every morning he will wake up in such a state as if he had not slept at all. As a result, it will undermine health (both physical and mental).

It is also useful to know how to place the clock in the bedroom. They should not hang behind the sleeper or in front of him. Well, if they hang on the side on the wall in the bedroom. But it is best to do without them, limiting yourself to a small alarm clock. There should also be a lamp on the side of the bed in the bedroom.

It is undesirable to hang shelves with books in the bedroom, put TVs, computers and other equipment.

But placing photos near the bed is a good move. They will attract positive energy to the person. Small figurines of turtles are endowed with a similar action.

So, with the help of the science of Feng Shui, you can make your life rich, harmonious, joyful and happy. Let the above tips on Feng Shui tell you how to improve your everyday life.

A lot of interesting evidence of the most wonderful change in human life can be told by the ancient Chinese philosophy of the practical development of space. Using the golden rules, everyone will certainly become confident, happy, rich and healthy. In addition to the harmonious arrangement of the room intended for sleeping, the location of the bed according to Feng Shui is extremely important. This helps to attract prosperity, to establish relationships between spouses.

The correct arrangement of the bed according to feng shui balances yang and yin, increases the strength of the flow of positive energy that gives health, strength and well-being. It is believed that the location of the bed headboard to the north endows the owners with intuition, to the northeast it helps people whose activities are related to research in science achieve success. The East is suitable for a peaceful, restful sleep, good rest. The southeast is needed to acquire such qualities as perseverance and perseverance in work.

Heading south is recommended for those who want to maintain their importance and good reputation. If love is not enough, sleep with your head to the southwest. Experiment, it is known that the position of the bed with the headboard to the west is guaranteed to affect the birth of healthy children. The northwest direction strengthens friendship. There are some guidelines that can be followed to help position the bed in order to prevent illness, loss of income, and changes in the relationships of loved ones.

You should not put it under the ceiling beam, feet to the door, in front of the mirror. The bed should not stand between two vertical supports, the headboard to the kitchen wall or to the window behind which the chimney pipes or water containers are located. It is good if the bed has the correct dimensions of 1500X2200 mm, 1900X2200 mm, 2200X2200 mm, 2200X2400 mm and a moderately high headboard. Give preference to beds with semicircular, oval, square headboards, with rounded corners, allowing qi energy to move freely around the bedroom. Bedside tables and bedside tables should not be with sharp corners and located above the mattress.

feng shui home location

A house is a fortress where a person should feel safe. The quality of life largely depends on how the house is located. According to Feng Shui, an area with an elevated area, with a hill or tall trees in the background, is considered a suitable location for a future home. Well, if there is an open area ahead with a beautiful flower bed or gazebo. If you are buying an already built house, then you should avoid houses located near the river, highways.

Rapidly flowing water and cars passing at high speed carry away positive energy, it is recommended in this case to fence off with a high fence. Electric transmission lines, radio towers located near houses have a negative impact on the health and well-being of people. For protection on the side of the house from which an unfavorable attack is available, it is recommended to hang a concave ba-gua mirror of small diameter, turned to the side above the ridge of the neighboring roof.

The area around the house should be square, rectangular or semicircular in regular shape. Symmetry means that the owners will live comfortably and happily here. You can change the shape of the site visually by planting trees or placing a fence on areas that give the site an irregular configuration. The door of the main entrance of the house should not be directed towards an acute angle. If this happens, you can eliminate the negative impact of the sha by covering the sharp corner with a fence, shrubs, or equipping the entrance with a porch.

feng shui room layout

An ancient teaching can teach how to use the influence of beneficial energy to improve all areas of life. With the help of Feng Shui, the arrangement of rooms can be made convenient and beneficial for health, creativity, financial well-being, and good luck. By correctly identifying the sectors of a house or apartment, you can increase their influence. It is good if it is possible to apply the rules of feng shui and plan the placement of rooms when building a house.

First of all, start by defining the zones on the ba-gua grid. Overlay the grid on the house plan, and use the compass to identify each of the nine zones. Organize an office in the northern or northwestern part - this is the career sector. The center is suitable for the living room, it should be spacious and bright. It is advisable to place the toilet far from the entrance to the apartment. The location of the bathroom at the end of a long corridor is not recommended. And the bedroom should be located away from the hallway, in the farthest corner of the living space.

Usually, most people live in standard apartments, where the layout of the rooms can no longer be changed, so you need to use some techniques for harmonizing energy zones. For example, in the knowledge sector, place a Fukurokuju figurine on the table - the god of an academic career, wisdom and intuition will help a schoolboy and student pass exams successfully. In the southeast, create a corner of wealth, put a money tree, a three-legged toad.

feng shui furniture placement

Achieving harmony in your own apartment contributes to the correct arrangement of furniture. You should not equip your home with bulky items, place tall cabinets against load-bearing walls away from the door. Do not allow stairs and doors to be reflected in furniture mirrors. You can not place chairs and armchairs with their seats to the window, and their backs to the door. The table for the living room is only suitable for a round shape. In order for the energy flows to be distributed correctly according to Feng Shui, do not install the TV screen to the door or window.

In the bedroom, the arrangement of furniture should emphasize the shape of the room. Wardrobes and massive beds must be placed along the walls. Great if there is a possibility of embedding cabinets. If there is a niche, use it as a cabinet with doors. The bed in the bedroom should stand on legs, allowing energy to move freely in the space between the bottom of the bed and the floor. Position the bed so that you can see the door.

In the kitchen, the stove should be in the southeastern part, so that the hostess can see who enters this room. Separate the sink and refrigerator from the stove using any pieces of furniture. In the living room, you need to follow the rules, according to which you should not put high furniture near the wall with windows or a door. Its place is in the corners or along blank walls. Pay attention to the lighting of the rooms, do not shade the windows with dark, bulky curtains and heavily climbing plants.

feng shui bedroom layout

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. Here you recuperate after a working day, so a calm atmosphere, a comfortable, durable bed, and a minimum amount of furniture are important. An important factor is where the bedroom is located. The northern part of the house, the ideal place, there will be a good, restful sleep. But this part of the apartment is not suitable for singles, it will only increase the feeling of isolation from everyone.

The northeast sector is not suitable for active people, and for those who are in poor health. Also, too emotional children should not organize a bedroom in the northwestern sector, this part of the apartment is intended for the bedroom of parents who have already decided and taken place in life. The energy of the East has a beneficial effect on the newlyweds, helps to realize all their dreams.

The bedroom in the South-East is perfect for businessmen, it will set you up for successful cooperation with partners. The southern direction will add passion to the relationship, but be careful, you will not be able to sleep in this room. The western zone contributes to the activation of success in any sphere of life. In the Southwest sector, the energy is unbalanced and can cause anxiety and self-doubt. This sector is not suitable for children and young couples, try to harmonize it, as unbalanced energy can lead to anxiety and insecurity.

feng shui mirror placement

Mirrors are magical objects, they can be beneficial and harmful, reflect and attract, reduce or increase space, redistribute the flows of positive Qi energy. With the help of large mirrors, you can keep useful energy if there is a bath or toilet opposite the front door. On the outside of the bath, the mirror reflects the Qi energy and prevents it from escaping into the sewer pipe, and on the inside, the mirror traps negative energy.

But if the hygiene rooms are located opposite the front door, then a large mirror cannot be hung, but it is better to use small mirrors by attaching them outside and inside the bath and toilet. The hallway creates the first impression of the owners. It should be comfortable, spacious and bright, but usually the rooms for this purpose in typical apartments are small and dark. To change the situation and attract positive energy, use the properties of mirrors.

You should turn the mirror so that the hallway visually acquires a larger volume. Choose mirrors that display a person in full growth. The most powerful feng shui talisman is the ba gua mirror, which is round in shape, can be straight, curved inward or convex. This attribute symbolizes the protection of nature and attracts all negative energy, protects from evil spirits. It is believed that mirrors do not belong in the bedroom.

They may be there, but should not reflect sleeping people. In the bathroom, mirrors are very appropriate, the room will seem more spacious. In the kitchen, the mirror should reflect the dining table, and then abundance will always reign in the house. It is also placed near the stove if the front door is opposite. In the living room, mirrors can be hung on the wall opposite the window with a beautiful landscape, so beauty will be attracted to the house. Remember, it is not recommended to use old foreign mirrors, they have absorbed the energy of the previous owners and it is not always positive. Keep the windows clean, wipe daily, if the mirror is cracked, get rid of it immediately.

Feng shui apartment location

When choosing an apartment, you should pay attention to every little thing, and it is essential that the future housing, according to the rules of Feng Shui, has a good location. Everything that is around has a great influence on the house as a whole and on any individual apartment. A nearby hospital, prison, and cemetery have a negative impact on the residents of the house.

Even a seemingly holy place like a temple also has an unfavorable effect on people living in houses nearby due to the excess of Yin qi. Industrial enterprises, establishments where entertainment takes place will not allow you to relax in your own apartment. Look around carefully, if there is a highway behind the house, you can expect frequent very unpleasant surprises. A house blown from all sides by winds will carry good luck from your home.

Listen to your intuition, the slightest discomfort is a signal that something in this apartment does not suit you. Visit the apartment several times. The apartment should be bright, but too much light is also not good. It is important that the front door opens to the east, north, south or southeast, and in no case to the stairs or elevator. So that it is not located opposite the entrance to the neighboring apartment.

What matters is the floor of the apartment location, the view from the windows where the balcony is located.

There should be no narrow and dark corridors, huge windows. It's great if a park or square, sports facilities, creative studios, a kindergarten are located a few steps from the house with your apartment. By applying the science of Feng Shui, you will appreciate the power of limitless possibilities and see how life will gradually change.

feng shui kitchen layout

The Feng Shui system will help you live in harmony, get real pleasure from using the exceptional opportunities that life has prepared for us. Starting to equip your home, pay attention to the location of the kitchen. In this room, the family most often gathers together, each woman spends most of her time here. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the kitchen is a yang room, from which life-giving energy emanates, it is the personification of wealth, prosperity and health.

When building a house or redevelopment of an apartment, consider the location of the kitchen away from the front door. Its location in the northern sector is not recommended. If the kitchen always needs to be arranged in front of the dwelling, then there are certain means of harmonization that attract positive energy. You can, for example, hang a bright picture near the kitchen and then it will distract attention when entering the house. The kitchen located in the southwest will affect the relationship between the spouses.

The easiest thing to do is to keep the kitchen door always tightly closed and hang a full-length mirror of the tallest member of the family on it, and wind chimes in front of the doors. The ideal placement of the kitchen according to Feng Shui is the southern part of the dwelling, associated with the element of Fire, or the eastern part, which is dominated by the elements of the Tree. The shape is also important, the kitchen should be square or rectangular.

The triangular shape creates unfavorable energy inside the room, which can contribute to the occurrence of diseases. The location in the center of the apartment leads to misunderstandings between loved ones and serious conflicts, besides, smells will spread throughout the apartment. It is good if there is a dining room next to the kitchen. The neighborhood of the toilet and the bathroom is not good, which symbolizes the deterioration of material prosperity, along with water, well-being is washed away.

An unfavorable situation will be helped by wind music and a crystal, they are usually hung over the kitchen door. Malicious energies make the kitchen defenseless against their flow if the entrance to the kitchen is opposite the front door. Some of the family members may develop various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The best option from the point of view of Feng Shui is suitable, in which the entrance to the kitchen is not visible from the main entrance.

The deficiency of qi or its absence noticeably affects the deterioration of affairs, causes the spread of negative sha energy, which is formed in narrow and dark places of the dwelling with sharp corners and ledges, corners of the apartment clogged with rubbish. One of the tasks of Feng Shui is to prevent this. Try to correct the situation even in the smallest rooms by placing diffusing talisman elements, changing dim lighting lamps. Armed with the knowledge of feng shui, this will help in choosing the design of the kitchen, the arrangement of furniture and household appliances, and will only improve the quality of life for the whole family.

Another main point, under which qi energy flows correctly, is order and cleanliness in the kitchen. Dirty cupboards, uncleaned tables after dinner lead to stagnation of positive energy and its degeneration into negative energy. Changing the interior of the kitchen, painting the walls in a different color, rearranging the furniture can change the relationship in the house, well-being and material well-being.

feng shui toilet location

Water is inextricably linked to the flow of chi energy, as in toilets, water is constantly flushed down the toilet, therefore, this means that a special, careful approach is needed when locating the toilet room. The most favorable feng shui area is where there is a moderate amount of chi energy. If there are problems in business, with health, the energy balance should be restored with the help of a crystal or a large natural stone. The toilet is located in the south - there will be a constant outflow of positive energy, which can lead to a loss of reputation for business people involved in building a career.

People will be poorly promoted if the toilet in their apartment is located in the north. The east direction causes illness, the west - a bad mood and lack of joy. In the northeast, purposefulness decreases, in the northwest - responsibility. Difficulties in money will be felt by those whose toilet is located in the southeast. A fragile marital union threatens couples visiting the toilet in the southwestern zone. It is desirable that the toilet be separated from the bathroom, this will help to significantly reduce the strength of the negative influence.

If the toilet is located next to the front door or bedroom door, the toilet lid must always be lowered and the toilet door closed, otherwise this will slow down the flow of chi energy into the house and make it difficult to move towards the main rooms. Use the recommendation, in this case, it is good to hang a mirror on the outside of the toilet door to reflect the qi energy. Feng Shui toilets are the influence of yin on the surrounding space, therefore, restoration of balance is required with the help of yang symbols.

The location of the toilet opposite the living room is considered unfavorable, this contributes to nervous tension.

The location of the toilet opposite the kitchen has a bad effect on digestion. The influence of sha will be especially noticeable when the toilet is located opposite the bed located in the bedroom and above the bed located on the lower floor. You can not place an aquarium next to the toilet room, the head of the bed should not adjoin the wall of the toilet. You should not combine the toilet with the bedroom. It happens that the toilet is equipped in the center of an apartment or house, this is completely unacceptable, since a distorted influence of the “spiritual center” is formed.

When superimposed on the apartment plan of the Ba-gua square, the central part falls into the sector of glory, guess what will happen to luck and the position of the head of the family in society? In a combined bathroom, equip a partition or hang a screen separating the bathtub from the toilet.

feng shui door placement

The front door is the main aspect that you need to pay attention to when creating Feng Shui harmony in the house. If the door intended for entering the dwelling is correctly oriented, then you can assume that success and prosperity are already on the way to you. If you are planning to build a two-story house, then try not to place the bath and toilet above the hall with the front door. If no other option is possible, hang a bright lamp in the hall, this will clear the atmosphere in the house of unfavorable energy.

The front door, according to the laws of Feng Shui, should not be in line with the toilet or bathroom, otherwise the positive energy and good luck penetrating through the entrance to the apartment will simply “flush” into the toilet. If you have such an arrangement, it is recommended that you always close the door tightly. Equally important is the location of the front door relative to the stairs.

It is bad if the stairs are in front of the door itself. Hang a bell and bright lights on the outside, or fence off the stairs with a decorative fence. Many feng shui experts agree that the reflection of the front door in the mirror will hinder business and attract money energy. It is very bad in Feng Shui when there is a back door opposite the front door, avoid such an arrangement or install a partition.

Never plan a bedroom opposite the front door. Otherwise, it will affect your life in the worst way. The location of the door in the bedroom can carry both chi and sha energy. The door should not be cluttered with anything, its opening should be free so that its sharp corners are not directed towards the bed. Place a mirror on the opposite wall so that the door is reflected in it, this will eliminate the influence of the corners.

If possible, change the layout if several doors are opposite each other or three doors are located, forming a triangle, so that quarrels and scandals do not arise. If the front door is opposite the window, this is wrong, favorable energy will not linger here. A good option when the windows are from the door to the left or right on perpendicular walls. The practice of applying the laws of feng shui shows that the north location of the door affects the career, it should be painted blue, black or white.

A south-facing door contributes to a decisive character and should be painted red or green. Exit to the west has a good effect on family relationships, it is better to paint the door with white, golden or silver paint. Ideal doors are models with solid, wide canvases made of wood, it is undesirable to use glass, the shape should be rectangular.

feng shui aquarium location

Water in feng shui symbolizes money, so having an aquarium in the house is used to attract them. When choosing an aquarium, be careful, follow all the rules to create harmony and balance of yin and yang energies. The aquarium should harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, its length, height and width should be proportional to the size of the room. Don't forget too much is worse than too little, don't choose too big an aquarium.

The shape must be rectangular or round. It is also important to be reasonable about what kind of fish you need to breed in the house, each of the lovely creatures is a talisman symbolizing a particular quality. Goldfish are considered a good acquisition. There can be 9, 18 or 36 of them - these are the numbers of good luck and happiness. One of them must be black, it absorbs negative energy. Health for the whole family and good luck for students will be provided by carps, Feng Shui masters say that it is these fish that turn into dragons, to which all the elements are subject.

Arrowan fish will protect against unforeseen situations. An artificial reservoir is placed in the north, southeast or east. An aquarium in the child's study corner will distract his attention from his studies, but in the living room he will delight in moments of relaxation. Can be placed to attract good luck near the door, but not opposite it in the corner. You can not put the aquarium between two doors, under the ceiling beam. Install a small aquarium in the bedroom by placing a rose quartz crystal in addition to the fish.

In the kitchen, the aquarium is not recommended to be installed under the balcony and near the stove. Keep the aquarium clean. Do not place strange, unnatural objects in the aquarium; there should be elements that mimic the natural habitat of the fish. The accumulation of wealth in the house is subject to water and fish, it will be useful to set up an aquarium in the zone of Strength, because it is known that it is here that positive, powerful energies that can create and destroy accumulate.

The installation height of the aquarium in the interior depends on the convenience of the observer. The center of the aquarium in front of your eyes is good, but below or above it is inconvenient - this applies to low aquariums. Symbolizing the growth of a moderate-sized career, an aquarium would be appropriate in the office. It is placed in the southeastern part of one of the premises, there will be a feeling of stability, safety and security, the energy of water will provide an increase in income.

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