Ksenia Sobchak how old. Biography of Ksenia Sobchak - the infamous TV presenter


Ksenia Sobchak is a well-known Russian TV presenter, journalist, public figure. Her statements and sharp tongue often served as a disservice to Xenia herself. However, she never apologized to anyone. For he believes that we live in a free country, and everyone is free to express their opinion.

Many were openly afraid of the TV presenter, and did not want to go to her television studio when she hosted the Debate program, and someone simply openly dislikes her. But Ksenia never turns around to the opinions of others. Perhaps that is why she has so many fans today who love her straightforwardness.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak

A popular TV presenter often hears unflattering reviews addressed to her. We can say that life itself and the public hardened her. After all, a girl, because of her not quite standard appearance, often hears offensive nicknames, “horse” of which, by the way, is the most harmless.

With her success, Ksenia proves that you can make a career and become famous not only for long legs and beautiful eyes. It is quite possible to achieve everything with your steel character and inner core. Despite the fact that the girl has a crowd of haters, she also has an army of fans. Who believe that she, like the heroine of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", has a strong character, and "it stands on that."

Very frequent requests on the network are height, weight, age, how old is Ksenia Sobchak. Today, the journalist is 36, and last year she tried a new experience for herself: she plunged into politics, and even swung at the post of President of Russia.

Biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

The journalist was born in 1981 in Leningrad. Sobchak's character was tempered since childhood, since while studying in an ordinary city high school, she was still not an ordinary child. Ksyusha's father was the mayor of St. Petersburg for six years, and all this time the girl came to school in a car with bodyguards. Of course, the fact that Sobchak was not an ordinary schoolgirl interfered with her in building relationships with other children, and already from school she was a loner. It cannot be said that Ksenia was an outcast, no, rather, she herself was not particularly impressed with communicating with ordinary children, which of course the rest felt, and during her childhood, this present arrogance probably developed in the future TV presenter.

Parents tried in every possible way to develop the girl, and instill in her a love of art. Ksenia went to ballet school, studied music, studied foreign languages, and everything except the last one was boring for her. With such opportunities, she perfectly understood that she could choose any creative profession. Dad will be able to make sure that Ksyusha will sing without a voice, and if she wants to, without the ability to dance, others can, why not. But Sobchak was never interested in these creative research, she chose for herself a more mundane and concrete profession - a journalist. At the same time, her father really wanted the girl to become a lawyer and enter the legal academy, so Sobchak went against him, and decided that if she didn’t want it, then it wouldn’t be according to her father’s plan either. The girl applied to the Faculty of International Relations, but in the end she liked this direction.

After the death of her father, Sobchak left St. Petersburg for Moscow, and so she began to write a scientific work on the institutions of the Presidency. This topic has always interested Sobchak, perhaps that is why in 2018 she decided to run for President.

After moving to the capital, the girl was faced with the fact that here they knew her loud last name. She could have worked in the Foreign Office, but that seemed petty to her. Being in Moscow, she understood that it was here that one could become not only successful, but also famous, and decided to try her hand at television. At first, she auditioned for the host of information programs, loudly declaring her last name, and then she realized that they didn’t take such programs without experience, or she simply didn’t fit, and then she went to the casting for the just-opening show on the TNT channel. "Dom-2" was Sobchak's first work on television. Together with Ksenia Borodina, they became the hosts of the project, where the participants built their relationships and the house itself, which was then supposed to go to the winners of the project.

The caustic and caustic presenter immediately attracted the audience, as she could calm down the raging participants in time and had authority over them. Soon the program had colossally high ratings, and Sobchak herself became famous. What the haters said about her is another matter, Xenia didn’t care at all, the main thing is that she finally got her way, and without the help of her father. The presenter aroused antipathy not only among the audience, even in the Moscow Duma a bill was introduced to postpone the program to a later time. Sobchak was the host of the project for 8 years, and during this time her fees increased greatly.

The biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak developed insanely successfully, thanks to her constant barbs and antics. After leaving House-2, the girl became the host of her own reality show, which was called "Chocolate Blonde". The project was a show about Xenia's personal life, where she revealed the details of her private life from waking up to the evening. This format was only called reality, but in fact there were many staged scenes in it, but despite this, the program still had a lot of viewers. After that, Sobchak began to invite other channels. She hosted programs on Channel One, NTV, STS, and the Ukrainian channel. TV formats were also different. From informational, to musical or stellar. The presenter worked not only on TV, but also on radio, published her own books, and at one time became the most popular presenter on television.

Family and children of Ksenia Sobchak

Frankly, for the family of an intelligent politician, Ksenia grew up too harsh and assertive. No matter how hard her mother, a history teacher, tried to instill in the girl a love of music and art, no matter how much she took her to the Hermitage and did not send her to the ballet, Ksyusha was still a “fan” from Kurt Cobain, she started smoking early, lined her eyes with a black pencil and dreamed " live fast and die young." When the girl's parents took up a political career, her father became the mayor of St. Petersburg, and her mother became a deputy, Ksyusha was generally left to herself, so she learned to be rude to her parents and always dreamed of fleeing from her native city to the capital.

The first years on television, Sobchak really was a tearaway, did God knows what, allowed herself caustic comments towards everyone and everything, and was never ashamed of herself, and the family and children of Ksenia Sobchak were generally something unreal. Ksyusha declared that she would never marry and would not have children. Perhaps the presenter simply dragged on her teenage period until she was 30, because today, when she is 36, Ksenia has changed a lot.

In 2013, the TV star fell in love and got married, and three years later the media trumpeted that the star was pregnant. the couple had a son. Today, the journalist is more like a diligent mother and wife and, apparently, has come to follow in her father's footsteps into politics.

The son of Ksenia Sobchak - Platon Vitorgan

Probably, love changes a woman, because when Ksenia met her current husband, Maxim Vitorgan, she changed a lot internally, and was even ready to give birth to her husband's child, which she never expected from herself. For six months, the media wrote that the girl walks in spacious dresses, and is possibly in a position, but the presenter herself did not admit that she was in an interesting position. When it was no longer possible to hide the stomach, users found out that the couple was expecting a baby, and soon Ksyusha would become a mother.

In November 2016, the son of Ksenia Sobchak, Platon Vitorgan, was born, and immediately users began to congratulate the newly-made parents. For a while, the presenter did not show the child to the public, but then she began to publish touching videos with her son. The fans of the couple have already divided into two camps: those who say that Plato looks like a mother, and those who say that the boy is the spitting image of Maxim Vitorgan. In the profile of the star on Instagram, you can see pictures where Ksenia carries her son on a sled, as well as a photo from the christening of the baby.

Husband of Ksenia Sobchak - Maxim Vitorgan

The husband of Ksenia Sobchak is Maxim Vitorgan, director and actor. Maxim Vitorgan plays a lot in the theater, acts in films and directs. The greatest fame brought him roles in films from the Quartet I. They had known each other before, but started dating in 2013. Very quickly, they realized that they were insanely comfortable with each other. Ksenia found support and an amazing sense of humor in a man. And Maxim suddenly discovered that behind the external image of the “characteristic Ksenia Sobchak” hides the real sensual and very subtle soul of a woman. Before marriage with Sobchak, the man was already married twice. He has two children from his first marriage.

On his Instagram, Maxim once admitted that he was madly in love with his wife. Vitorgan called her a devoted friend, a purposeful person, a good mother, and a very caring wife, and reminded everyone that we are constantly forced to comply with the rules of society. “Sobchak does not correspond, and we can only admire,” the man summed up.

Last year, there was a lot of gossip on the network that the couple was getting a divorce, but all this is another canard of haters. In the marriage of Maxim and Ksenia, everything is fine, they are happy, and they are raising a wonderful son.

Hot photos of Ksenia Sobchak in a swimsuit

During her career, Sobchak did different antics, and this is what made her the favorite of many. Being completely unbeautiful, she never complexed about her appearance, wearing fashionable clothes and showing off a good figure. In the years of youth, the host often appeared hot photos of Ksenia Sobchak in a swimsuit, lingerie or erotic outfits on the network.

She starred for men's magazines, where she posed in a swimsuit on the beach, exhibited candid photos from photo shoots, and also appeared on the air of the Chocolate Blonde program many times in glamorous looks, which, as she herself admitted much later, she simply hates.

The network does not really like the TV presenter, so you can find many photo collages where she is completely naked. However, fans of the girl know for sure that this is Photoshop. After all, you are welcome to star in a beautiful photo session in underwear, but Sobchak will definitely not pose completely naked or act in adult films.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Sobchak

During her career, the TV presenter has changed. From a glamorous blonde in the image, she has turned into a stylish media personality, a journalist and now even an oppositionist. Deciding to become the President of Russia, Sobchak launched a PR company during which she participated in debates, gave interviews and talked in every possible way about the life of the new Russia under Sobchak's rule. During the campaign, the host also met with the current President Vladimir Putin.

There are TV presenter pages on the Internet that contain a lot of interesting information. You can learn about her plans and life on Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Sobchak. The article was found on alabanza.ru.

She never ceases to leave the TV screens, warming up the interest of the public of different ages.

Some love it, even more criticize it. Thanks to both the first and the second, she manages to constantly be in the spotlight. Having become acquainted with the main points of her, you may understand the reason for certain of her actions.

Childhood and education

Ksenia Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 in the family of a famous politician. Her father was Anatoly Sobchak, who at that time was the mayor of St. Petersburg. Lyudmila Borisovna - Ksyusha's mother, was a history teacher.

Ksenia Sobchak

As a child, Ksenia Sobchak was given a lot of attention, but she had a very obstinate and capricious character. Later, the parents complained that it was very difficult for them to raise their daughter because of her tough temper.

Little Ksyusha was engaged in painting, and also attended a ballet club at the Mariinsky Theater. She studied at school with an in-depth study of the English language.

Since Xenia's father held an important position, influential people were always present in their house, discussing political topics, which undoubtedly influenced Sobchak's further biography.

By the way, under the leadership of Anatoly Sobchak, they also worked at that time.

In 1998, Ksenia entered the St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations. After 2 years, she is transferred to MGIMO, due to moving to.

In 2004, Ksenia Sobchak graduated with honors, being fluent in French, Spanish and English.

Television and journalism

For the first time on television, Ksenia Sobchak appears in 2004, in the role of one of the hosts of the famous TV show "Dom-2". This project made her really popular throughout the country, although later it became more of a dark spot in her biography.

In parallel with this, she starred in videos with great artists, hosts various TV shows and communicates with the most influential people in Russia. It is interesting that no matter what show Ksenia took part in, they immediately began to rise in the rankings.

Films and scandals

Ksenia's first experience in cinema was the film "Thieves and Prostitutes", filmed in 2004. In the film "Hitler Kaput", she played the role of a mistress.

In 2012, she was invited to shoot the documentary "The Term", which showed the events in Russia after the 2012 elections.

Ksenia Sobchak repeatedly quarreled with Katya Gordon, Tina Kandelaki and ex-ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

In 2015, another serious scandal on religious grounds occurred with her participation. Photos of Xenia dressed in a priest's costume appeared on the Internet. The secular lioness was immediately accused of insulting the feelings of believers.


The biography of Ksenia Sobchak gives us every right to say that regardless of her human features, she is a pretty smart woman. Ksenia Anatolyevna is the author of 6 books covering a variety of topics.

The literary activity of the novice writer caused a storm of criticism. Some experts acknowledged that Ksenia has a good sense of humor, while others called for refusing to read her books. Whatever it was, but she once again managed to attract attention.

Political activity

According to the radio station "Echo of Moscow", in 2011 Ksenia was among the ten most influential women in Russia.

She often takes part in rallies, arguing that she has an oppositional attitude towards President Putin. However, these events, of course, have a negative impact on the career of a TV presenter.

On June 12, 2012, Sobchak's apartment is searched and a substantial amount of money is seized, which, after verification, are returned to her.

Personal life

The personal life of Ksenia Sobchak is closely watched by journalists and "paparazzi". Ksyusha's ill-wishers often reproach her for her appearance, calling the TV presenter a horse.

Constant gossip about herself and about her relationships with men does not in any way upset Xenia. Sobchak herself admits that her family life is far from ideal. This is not surprising, because according to her biography, at the age of 17 she left home and lived in a civil marriage with a man.

In 2005, Ksenia's wedding with businessman Alexander Shustrovich was to take place, but the bride suddenly changed her mind, and the ceremony did not take place.

In 2012, news began to appear in the press about a romance between Ksenia and politician Ilya Yashin. Later, the couple admitted that they were dating, but after six months their union broke up.

In 2013, unexpectedly for everyone, it became known that Ksenia was marrying actor Maxim Vitorgan. And although many ill-wishers said that their marriage would fail, the couple still remains together.

Ksenia Sobchak today

In 2016, Ksenia had a son, Platon. Gossip began to appear in the press as to who the real father of this child was. Despite all the attacks from his opponents, Sobchak still lives happily with her husband.

At the end of 2017, an important event took place in the biography of Ksenia Sobchak. She announced that she would run in the 2018 presidential election.

There are eight candidates in total: Vladimir Putin, Ksenia Sobchak, and.

Ksenia Sobchak said that she no longer wanted to be silent and publicly indicated her position "against everyone." She calls on the citizens of her country to vote for her in order to remove annoying faces from power.

Sobchak makes a special emphasis on the fact that she does not belong to any political party. Ksenia considers the fight against total theft within the state to be one of her main goals.

In his speeches, the presidential candidate does not call on the people to revolution, but offers a liberal approach to discussing certain burning issues.

At one of her video conferences, Sobchak said that she wants to release political prisoners. According to the politician himself, her past associated with television is a frequent reason for harassment by ill-wishers.

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Here you will find not only fascinating biographies of famous people, but also many interesting facts!

Blonde in chocolate Ksenia Sobchak, leading degradant show House 2 Ksenia Sobchak, socialite Ksenia Sobchak, sharp-tongued pseudo-intellectual interviewer Ksenia Sobchak and a sexy quasi-political figure - all the same Ksenia Sobchak. That's all - she, our heroine, is multifaceted in her images like no other.

But is it multifaceted? All this - both being concerned about the fate of the Motherland, and the host of television programs that are clearly aimed against the future of the country - all this resembles typical manifestations of liberal thinking of a not too deep personality (albeit not without a touch of education).

Ksenia Sobchak was born in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1981 on November 5 in a completely nomenklatura family. Father of Ksenia Sobchak- the late Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak (the first mayor of St. Petersburg in the post-Soviet history of the country), the head of the future head of the Russian state, a certain friend of Putin V.V. Thus, Ksenia Sobchak was well acquainted in her pink childhood with this outstanding person. Isn’t it because she so boldly opposes him from time to time from her liberal nest (in an embrace with the young Orangeman Ilya Yashin) that she has nothing to be afraid of ?! Mother of Ksenia Sobchak- Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is still a member of the Federation Council.

Education Ksenia Sobchak

Schedule from early childhood Ksenia Sobchak was completely painted. Young at first Ksenia Sobchak attended the art studio at the Hermitage, as well as Ksenia Sobchak went to the ballet studio at the Mariinsky Theatre. A little later (in the middle classes) young Sobchak studied at the school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, studied English in depth at school No. 185.

Ksenia Sobchak successfully entered the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University in 1998.

http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=BayL3dlU4x4

Later, having moved to Moscow, in 2001 Ksenia Sobchak transferred to MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations. The following year, she already had a bachelor's degree, after which Ms. Sobchak entered the magistracy of MGIMO at the Faculty of Political Science. Having completed his higher education at the elite MGIMO, Ksenia Sobchak made grandiose plans for the future: she wanted to continue to study, to participate in all kinds of, in general, the goal Ksenia Sobchak became popular (sometimes of a very dubious nature).

Television in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

Having reached his goal and breaking out on television, Ksenia Sobchak She was a TV presenter of such reality shows as:

  • "Blonde in Chocolate" - on the Muz-TV channel
  • "Who does not want to become a millionaire" - on TNT
  • "The Last Hero" - on Channel One
  • "Two Stars" (was one of the presenters) - on Channel One
  • Muz-TV Award in 2008 and 2010 (she was one of the presenters, co-host - Ivan Urgant)

Until recently (summer 2012) Ksenia Sobchak was fed up with the whole of Russia on the TNT channel, she is one of its presenters (leading Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova).
She also hosts her own radio program "Weekdays of Barabaki" on the radio "Silver Rain".

Since April 2010 Ksenia Sobchak She also got out on Channel Five, now she is the host of the talk show "Freedom of Thought". Also in April 2010, she took the "post" of the TV presenter of the "Girls" program, which is broadcast on the Russia TV channel.

Secular society in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

In newspapers, on radio and television, you can often hear the phrase "socialite" and immediately arises image of Ksenia Sobchak. This “title” was not assigned to her by chance, because she is the very embodiment of glamor and pathos, our heroine knows how to present herself profitably (sell - in the language of a liberal party), smart, graceful, sociable. All these qualities make it more and more popular and in demand.

Income of Ksenia Sobchak

For 1 year, from September 2008 to September 2009, her income was $1.200.000. In 2010, Ksenia bought a minority stake (less than 0.1%) in Euroset for $1,000,000.

Criticism of Ksenia Sobchak

Her projects and stage image are criticized at almost every turn, but despite this, she has enough fans and supporters of her position. Many journalists simply do not dare to slander her or offend the "poor thing" in any way. Ksenia Sobchak. The official newspaper of the Russian Federation "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in 2005, published an article about the beginning "talents" of Ms. Sobchak, where she rather cautiously and restrainedly reported that Ksenia was hopeless, because she became the host of the Dom-2 reality show, which is positioned as an intimate youth show, and then began to host the Star Boulevard program.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta also wrote that Ksenia Sobchak became a TV presenter, only because she can talk, but not sing and dance. The same article stated that Ksenia Sobchak Even before its birth, it was already a kind of brand. There were also issues of Rossiyskaya Gazeta in one of the issues for 2007 and 2008, where there were also unflattering

Ksenia Sobchak is a popular media person in our country. It is difficult to find a person who would not hear anything about her. She is a TV and radio host, politician, journalist and even a bit of an actress.

Ksyusha is the daughter of difficult parents. Her father, Anatoly Sobchak, a well-known person in the early nineties, was the mayor of St. Petersburg from the 91st to the 96th year. Mother, Lyudmila Narusova, historian, State Duma deputy.

Ksenia was born in Leningrad. She grew up as a difficult, assertive and impudent child.

Teachers at school noted that she often disrupted lessons. Her father tried to punish her for this, but little Ksyusha skillfully parried him.

Ksenia changed several schools during her studies. For some time she studied at a school with in-depth English, but she received a certificate of secondary education at a school at the Pedagogical University.

She devoted her extracurricular time to painting at the Hermitage and ballet classes at the Mariinsky Theatre. Since her father became the mayor of the city, the girl was accompanied everywhere by bodyguards.

By the way, since childhood she was familiar with the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

After graduating from school, Ksenia entered the University in St. Petersburg at the Faculty of International Relations. And two years later she moved to Moscow and transferred to a similar faculty at MGIMO, from which she graduated in 2004 with a red diploma.

Active creative life of a socialite

The first fame came to Sobchak at the age of 16. Even then, her person began to acquire rumors. After moving to the capital, she began to actively appear at various secular parties, the title of "socialite" was actively assigned to her.

She adored shocking and wanted to achieve popularity not at the expense of a well-known surname, but thanks to her own efforts.

The first time after graduation, she planned to continue her studies by enrolling in graduate school. And in parallel, she began to conduct television programs.

The first television experience was the reality show "Dom2". The project itself was unusual for that time and caused a lot of criticism. But the scandals were only in the hands of Xenia.

Her popularity grew, and soon she was invited as a host to other projects. Thanks to her intelligence and well-delivered speech, she successfully fit into any broadcast format.

Ksenia was a presenter not only on television, but also on radio, where she hosted, among other things, her own programs.

Ksenia is also known for her political activity in the ranks of the opposition to the current government. It starts in December 2011. Then she took part in a rally against election fraud.

Soon Ksenia was recognized as one of the ten most influential women in the Russian Federation. During the year from October 2012 to October 2013, she was a member of the Council of the Russian Opposition until it ceased to exist.

It was in that year that she was removed from running several programs and notable events, which, according to her, was done for political reasons.

Ksenia is famous for the books she has written and published. There are five of them. Two of them were written in collaboration.

The girl had a chance to star in a number of domestic films, mainly in episodic roles. She also took part in the Circus with the Stars project.

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

Before Xenia's marriage, little was known about her personal life. In 2005, she almost married a famous businessman, but the wedding was upset shortly before the scheduled date.

In 2010-11, she met with Sergei Kapkov, a State Duma deputy, but this relationship did not end with a wedding.

For six months in 2012, she had a close relationship with Ilya Yashin, a well-known opposition leader. These relationships also fell apart.

Soon, unexpectedly for everyone, in February 2013, Ksenia secretly married an actor. Young people live happily ever after.

The couple has no children yet, but according to Ksenia, she still decides to give birth before the age of 40. But now she has such a busy life that she simply cannot imagine how she could pay attention to a child.

What is the life of other public figures in Russia and abroad learn in

  • Name: Kseniya
  • Surname: Sobchak
  • Date of Birth: 05.11.1981
  • Place of Birth: Leningrad
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpion
  • Eastern horoscope: Rooster
  • Occupation: presenter, actress, public figure, journalist
  • Growth: 167 cm
  • The weight: 57 cm

Discussions around the person of Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak seem to be going on daily. Now the outrageous star has moved into politics, and into the ranks of the opposition. But many remember her as the host of the reality show "Dom-2" - bright, impartial, compromising. She is not shy in expressions, does not select words and does not at all depend on the opinions of others. Not everyone liked this state of affairs, and therefore the journalist gathered a whole army of indignant people around her. But whatever the position of Xenia, she remains an extraordinary, persistent, sometimes scandalous and courageous person.

Photo by Ksenia Sobchak

Politician's daughter

The fate of Ksenia Sobchak to become a prominent person in the country was destined. Ksyusha is the daughter of rather influential parents. People still remember the times when Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak served as mayor of St. Petersburg in 1991-1996. Mom Lyudmila Borisovna showed an active political position in the 2000s.

The girl felt responsible for her behavior from an early age, and from childhood she comprehended the pros and cons of the status of "mayor's daughter". She received a good education and developed creatively, studied foreign languages, took ballet lessons at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage. The other side of the coin was the inability to spend time like all ordinary children. When her schoolmates went out for a walk, she "gnawed at the granite of science", and every time she left the house she was accompanied by several bodyguards.

Ksyusha received her secondary education at the school at the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University in St. Petersburg. Higher - at the Moscow State University of International Relations (but she graduated from the first year at St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations).

Television career

Her first large-scale work was the role of the host of the Dom2 project. The girl coped with her perfectly, providing the show with high ratings and growing interest. Sobchak steadfastly held the blow before attacks, before criticism and condemnation. The project, and the presenter herself, has enough anti-fans, both among the public and in her environment. Nevertheless, Ksyusha adequately overcame all the difficulties. Through the thorns to the stars - this can be said about the beginning of Ksenia's professional career.

From 2004 to 2012, Ksenia Anatolyevna and her co-host Ksenia Borodina lived the life of a TV project. But in 2012 she decided to part with the role of "advisor" in building relationships. Olga Buzova became her successor, and Ksenia continued her television career in a different genre.

Over the years, interest in the person Sobchak has reached its peak. Some admired her character, eloquence, ability to take a punch. Others criticized her for the fact that she clearly, without embarrassment in expressions, expressed her own opinion. It, by the way, almost always disagreed with the opinion of the majority.

It was thanks to the “pungent word” that the presenter did not go unnoticed by the TV show:

  • "Who doesn't want to be a millionaire?" (TNT, 2008);
  • "Weekdays of Barabaka", "Barabaka and the Gray Wolf" (radio station "Silver Rain");
  • "The Last Hero" (Channel One, 2008-2009);
  • "Blonde in Chocolate" (MUZ-TV);
  • "Girls" (Russia-1, 2010);
  • "Freedom of Thought" (Channel Five, 2010);
  • "Top Model in Russian" (2011, 2012);
  • "Let's get married" (Ukrainian channel STB, 2011);
  • "Sobchak alive" (Rain, since 2012);
  • "The Main Theme" (channel on the Georgian television PIK, 2012).

The public has followed and continues to follow the life of a characteristic blonde. Over time, she herself began to gradually move away from the role of a socialite. Her interests took on a different direction: less extravaganza and shows, more arguments, a clear position and opinions different from the majority. With this attitude, she slightly changed her orientation and directed her ability to "make noise" and stir up the public in politics.

Film career, books

Ksyusha managed to declare herself in the cinema: almost two dozen roles, mostly minor and episodic. Viewers watched her in the pictures:

  • "Thieves and prostitutes" (2004);
  • "The Best Movie" (2007);
  • "Hitler Kaput" (2008);
  • "Beauty requires" (2008);
  • "Golden Key" (2009);
  • "Rzhevsky against Napoleon" (2012);
  • "Corporate" (2013);
  • "Odnoklassniki.ru: CLICK your luck" (2013).

In 2006, Paris Hilton in the comedy "Chocolate Blonde" spoke in the voice of Ksyusha Sobchak. By the way, it was between this overseas blonde and Sobchak that parallels were often drawn. As confirmation, we can say that in the Russified version of World of Warcraft, the character Sobchak was listed as "Psenia Kobchak", and in the foreign version they parodied Paris Hilton - Haris Pilton. In 2013 and 2015, cartoon characters also spoke in her voice (“Real Squirrel”, “Puzzle”).

The first author's works of the impudent Ksenia were publications devoted to women's topics - “Stylish things of Ksenia Sobchak”, “Masks, glitter, curlers. The ABC of Beauty. Over time, both the social position of the secular young lady and the topics for creativity changed. In collaboration with O. Robski, a "allowance" "Married to a Millionaire" was published, then there was the "Encyclopedia of a sucker." Her fifth writing work was "Philosophy in the Boudoir" (for GQ).

Political activity

The troublemaker plunged headlong into the ranks of the opposition in 2011. She vehemently protested against the results of the elections to the State Duma and the presidential elections, went to Bolotnaya Square, then was a participant in rallies on Sakharov Avenue and Novy Arbat.

Gradually, Sobchak's cooperation with federal television channels came to naught, in 2011 her candidacy was removed from the MUZ-TV award. In 2012, the State Department with Ksenia Sobchak TV project, launched on MTV, was released only once. This form of transmission nevertheless continued: "Gosdep-2" in a couple of weeks went to the Internet version of the magazine "Snob". Sobchak continued her activities on television on the Dozhd channel. Many famous personalities, politicians, and journalists became guests of the Sobchak Live program.

From the "socialite" the brave Ksyusha reincarnated into a sought-after journalist and publicist, albeit objectionable to many. And, despite her opposing views, sharp, catchy comments, her talent in this area cannot be denied. She found and carved her niche.

Personal life

Sobchak has always stated that she is in no hurry to get married, that family and children are not the main thing that can accompany her female happiness. Nevertheless, she nevertheless got married, albeit after thirty and, it seems, is quite happy in marriage.

Ksenia's relationship with men has always been made public: her first romance with businessman Alexander Shusterovich in 2005 was supposed to develop into an official celebration. However, the marriage did not take place, literally two days separated Sobchak from the status of his wife.

In 2011, the media reported on the relationship between Ksyusha and, in the past, a deputy of the State Duma, Sergei Kapkov. Already in 2012, the outrageous blonde found not only a like-minded person in political views, but also her chosen one in the person of Ilya Yashin.

In 2013, Ksenia finally officially entered the status of a wife. The information that Sobchak and actor Maxim Vitorgan were legally married was kept secret for a long time not only from the public, but also from close newlyweds. Maxim is a hundred for Xenia the embodiment of all the qualities of a real man. The actor himself was delighted with her personal qualities, which only remotely resembled the created screen image.

In 2016, the public noticed the tummy that appeared in Sobchak. Ksyusha and Maxim refuse to comment on their personal lives. Replenishment in the family should happen just in time for the 35th anniversary of Xenia.

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