Who won the last battle of psychics on TNT. The personal life of the finalists of the "Battle of psychics": what is left behind the scenes


Even the most hardened skeptics were amazed by the amazing abilities that psychics showed. And finally, the awards ceremony took place at which Marat Basharov announced the name of the winner. And of course, he was the most good-natured and bright magician and esoteric Swami Dashi, whose real name is Peter Smirnov. It was he who received the well-deserved award and deserves to be called the most powerful psychic of the season, writes wordyou.ru. As for the witch Marilyn Kerro, she got the second place. Perhaps this will give her a chance to take part in the project for the fifth time.

Swami Dashi was born in St. Petersburg on August 22. But Swami lived in India for a long time, almost 20 years. It was there that he taught the spiritual arts and yoga. The real name of Swami Dasha is Peter Smirnov. Peter, at 62, looks much younger than his age, which is noted by all the people around him.

In his youth, he went in for sports and even took part in the Tokyo Olympics. Peter participated for the Russian team. If we turn to personal life, then here everything is completely shrouded in secrets. It is only known that Dashi is married and has children. His wife is a master of sports in the field of rhythmic gymnastics - Irina Nogina. She could hardly contain her emotions while watching the "Battle of Psychics". From the revised data, it follows that Swami has two sons and a daughter.

Swami Dashi became the winner of the project of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics

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In the article you will learn a brief biography of all the winners of the Battle of Psychics show on TNT, as well as what the participants do after the project.

17 seasons of the Battle of Psychics project have already passed, each winner was remembered by the viewers.

Often the winners of the project take part in another show of the TNT channel - Psychics are investigating, where they help to investigate criminal cases or mystical stories.

Season 1 - Natalia Vorotnikova

Natalya Vorotnikova is a healer, an extraordinary person, the winner of the 1st season of the reality show "The Battle of Psychics".

Natalia was born in the spring of 1976 in a family of hereditary healers. As a child, the girl survived two clinical deaths, after which she began to manifest psychic abilities. Vorotnikova with the utmost accuracy predicted the fate of different people. Having received a certificate of maturity, the girl entered a medical university, which she graduated with honors.

In 2007, Natalia decided to prove to the whole world that she really has superpowers. She passed the casting in the new project of the Russian channel TNT "Battle of Psychics". Vorotnikova from the first issue showed what she was capable of, and immediately broke into the top three leaders of the most powerful magicians in Russia. At the end of the show, the clairvoyant described the plane crash in great detail, the surviving girl and deservedly won first place.

After the end of the project, Vorotnikova flew to America to participate in a similar show by James Randy. In 2011, the healer returned to Russia, and appeared in the program “Psychics are investigating,” where she helped law enforcement agencies establish the causes of mysterious incidents.

You can find out more about Natalya Vorotnikova.

Season 2 - Zuliya Radjabova

Zulia was born in the autumn of 1985, although this is not the exact date of her birth because the girl hides her age. As a child, she was fond of judo.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Radjabova entered the faculty of "Practical Psychology". After graduation, she went to receive a second education in Moscow, where she became a certified psychotherapist.

Zulia began to guess about her unusual abilities at an early age. but the girl was afraid of them like fire. Having survived 3 clinical deaths, she began to listen to her thoughts and feelings. Only in 2007 did the Dagestan woman decide to demonstrate her secret abilities to the whole world.

Radjabova became the brightest and strongest participant in the Battle of Psychics rating project. She brilliantly coped with all the tests, leaving no chance for other participants in the show to win. After the end of the transmission, the seer continued to practice magic. You can contact her for help on her official website and social network Vkontakte.

You can find out more about Zulia Radjabova.

Season 3 - Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

An Iranian clairvoyant was born in the summer of 1973 in a large family. From an early age, Mehdi saw unusual images, felt the energy of living people and objects. At first, the boy was afraid even to tell his parents about his visions, but gradually he learned to interpret them.

At the age of 9, Vafa predicted the tragic events that happened in his family and country. At night he was tormented by terrible nightmares, he screamed and unintelligibly told some terrible things.

At the age of 18, Mehdi Ebrahimi left his parental home and went to the mountains, where he lived alone for several years. Then he went to Moscow, where he received two higher educations in the specialty: a dentist and a psychologist.

In 2007, Vafa became a member of the popular television show "The Battle of Psychics". The most difficult test on the project for the magician was the final search for a girl who was hidden in one of the 16 high-rise buildings in the capital.

In search of her, Mehdi Ebrahimi went late at night, and brilliantly coped with the task. So he received the coveted cup of the winner of the 3rd season of the Battle of Psychics.

Now Vafa is trying to do less extrasensory perception, because it takes a lot of vital energy. The healer studies psychology, writes poems, pictures, parables.

Season 4 - Tursuna Zakirova

Tursunoy was born into a family in which her mother's grandmother and sister had super powers. At the age of 18, Zakirova got married and lived with her husband for 27 years. They had three children.

As a result of difficult childbirth, Zakirova developed a breast tumor. Treatment did not bring any results for 14 years, and the death of her mother aggravated the disease.

In desperation, the woman prayed day and night, when she suddenly dreamed of a rosary of 121 grains. The next day, Tursunoy went to the local shaman and asked him to do the same. Since that moment, Zakirova has not parted with them. The rosary was as if charmed, the woman was released from illness, and she began to engage in healing.

In 2008, Tursunoy took part in the 4th season of the reality show "The Battle of Psychics". The magical attributes of the Tajik healer: a knife, a scarf, a rosary, frightened all participants, presenters and viewers. She demonstrated the wonders of skillful possession of a knife.

After the final test, which the healer won, she was taken to the hospital in a pre-infarction condition. The woman was very nervous, and spent a lot of energy, which did not have time to recover.

Now Zakirova works at the Magic Power Center, helping ordinary people cope with various life circumstances and illnesses.

Season 5 - Lilia Khegai

Lilia Khegai was born on July 4, 1965 in sunny Tajikistan. A woman in every possible way hides all personal information about herself, protecting herself and her loved ones from ill-wishers. In 2008, Khegai met with numerous fans and viewers of the Battle of Psychics project, where the woman introduced herself as a clairvoyant, multidisciplinary diagnostician, healer and magician.

For most of the participants in season 5, Lilia was the toughest and strongest opponent, because the woman did not communicate with anyone, she only smoked on the sidelines. Khegai's ability to foresee the future and return to the past led her to victory.

Many well-known businessmen turn to a Tajik seer for help in order to negotiate a deal for a successful outcome or to identify dishonest partners. Khegai also helps ordinary people: it gets rid of various harmful addictions, removes damage and the evil eye.

Now Lilia continues to engage in psychic activities, brings up two sons and meets with her beloved man.

You can find out more about Lilia Khegay.

Season 6 - Alexander Litvin

Alexander is a native of the city of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region. Since childhood, he was a calm, reasonable, inquisitive child. He studied well at school, which helped him enter the medical institute. After graduation, Lytvyn went immediately for the second and received a diploma in pharmacist.

Then he joined the armed forces as a military doctor. After years of service, the man was demobilized and returned to his hometown, where he got a job at customs.

Litvin skillfully applied practical knowledge of psychology - he figured out lawbreakers. Then, he got bored with this type of activity, he creates his own website - "Alexander Litvin's Laboratory", where Alexander helps people make difficult decisions or make the right choice. His entire methodology is based on basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and his own intuition.

In 2008, Alexander passed the casting of the 6th season of the "Battle of Psychics", has become a leader among magicians, healers, clairvoyants and sorcerers of the project.

The man passed all the tests with his eyes closed, relying on his own intuitive technique. So Litvin became the winner of the sensational show "Battle of Psychics".

Now Alexander conducts online consultations, is engaged in scientific and historical research, and is also raising two young sons.

You can find out more about Alexander Litvin.

Season 7 - Alexey Pokhabov

Alexey was born on November 28, 1983, was brought up in a simple, poor family that had nothing to do with magic and extrasensory perception. At the age of six, the boy experienced for the first time an extraordinary feeling - his soul left the body, and then returned. After 13 years, a similar transformation occurred with Alexei, caused by extreme stress.

This time the guy took it seriously, shared it with close friends, but they did not understand him. Ignoring this, Pokhabov began to work on his gift, completed Boris Mamonov's psychic courses. The young man changed his social circle to like-minded people.

In 2009, Alexei decided to go through a casting in the "Battle of Psychics" and became a member. Pokhabov has repeatedly spoken about paraphernalia and various tinsel, which is used by many participants.

The magician considers this a decoration, because all the power is in the mind of a person. A young and handsome clairvoyant from Achinsk became the winner of the 7th season of the reality show "The Battle of Psychics".

Now the stately self-taught magician Alexei Pokhabov runs his own specialized center for psychic abilities "Arcanum", writes thematic books and buys expensive cars.

You can find out more about Alexei Pokhabov.

Season 8 - Vladimir Muranov

Vladimir was born in the winter of 1974 in one of the cities near Moscow. Muranov's childhood was cheerful and carefree. On weekends, he and his family visited parks, the circus, exhibitions and concerts.

After graduating from school, Alex entered the motor transport college. Then he was drafted into the army, after the service he got a job in a construction company.

At the age of 27, Muranov fell seriously ill, but medicine was powerless. Therefore, the guy turned to traditional healers and sorcerers for help. They helped him get back on his feet, and open beyond his ability.

Vladimir got to the project "Battle of Psychics" by accident. Initially, he came to support his close friend, who was casting. There Muranov met Alexei Pokhabov, the winner of season 7 of the reality show. At his insistence, Muranov passed the selection and became a participant in the 8th season of the Battle of Psychics.

All tests were given to Alexei very hard, his outward calmness is the result of taking large doses of sedatives. The guy pulled himself together in time and became the winner of the project. After the Battle of Psychics, Alexey received a certificate of a folk healer, became the author of his own methodology, according to which he conducts training seminars on clairvoyance and healing.

Season 9 - Natalya Banteeva

Natalia was born on February 16, 1975 in Leningrad. At the age of 4, she gained beyond the abilities that the girl manifested after the death of her grandmother, a hereditary witch. Banteeva grew up a secretive, uncommunicative child.

The relationship between Natalia and her mother was not easy. The woman repeatedly took the girl to a mental hospital, where she was treated for schizophrenia. At the age of 18, Banteeva found herself without a roof over her head and without a means of subsistence. To survive, the girl used her gift in gambling. Then Banteeva went to prison, where she served almost three years.

Natalya's mother decided on a desperate act - she declared her daughter missing, and later identified her in an unknown corpse. After being released, Banteeva went to a monastery, where she stayed for about a year. Having restored her health, the witch began to help ordinary people resolve various life situations.

After the first episode of the 9th season of the show “The Battle of Psychics” went on the air, old acquaintances recognized the deceased Natalya in one of the participants in the project. The woman sincerely expected that her mother would see her and want to meet her, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. Strong, tough, wise Banteeva impeccably passed all the tests that led her to victory in the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Now Natalia Banteeva runs her own personal development center where he helps those in need. She conducts receptions, trains talented people in esoteric sciences. Natalya is also the leader of the Wake Up movement, in which she traveled to many Russian cities with seminars and speeches.

You can find out more about Natalya Banteeva.

Season 10 - Mohsen Noruzi

Mohsen was born in early December 1960, brought up in a large family, where there were five boys and three girls, but only he got the mysterious gift. The Noruzi lived in poverty, not being able to pamper their children even with sweets.

At the age of 13, the boy turned to God with a plea to lend him some toman, as soon as Mohsen opened his eyes, money lay at his feet.

When the military conflict between Iran and Iraq began, Noruzi served in the army. Prayers and meditation helped the guy to stay alive. After returning home, he married, and soon became the father of two daughters. In one of his visions, Mohsen foresaw moving to another country, but he did not know which one.

So the man ended up in Moscow at the casting of the mystical show "The Battle of Psychics", which he easily passed. In all trials, the Iranian Noruzi prayed and touched the rosary.

In the final, the magician met with two strong participants: Elena Lyulyakova and Tatyana Karakhanova. According to the results of the audience voting, the victory went to Mohsen.

After the end of the reality show "The Battle of Psychics" Norouzi made incredible predictions: the war in the east of Ukraine and the collapse of the American empire, and peace and stability will come only after 15 years.

Season 11 - Vitaly Gibert

Vitaly was born in the capital of Kalmykia in the spring of 1988. He was brought up in a large and friendly family. He first learned about his unusual gift at his mother's funeral, when he saw her ghost. The guy was not afraid, this event prompted him to study esotericism. The father did not share the interests of his son, and was unaware of his superpowers.

Gibert decided on a cardinal act, Secretly from relatives, a casting was held in the 11th season of the reality show "Battle of Psychics". A few hours before the premiere of the first issue, Vitaly called his father and asked him to turn on the TNT channel.

The head of the family was taken aback by what he saw, and although he had never watched this program, this time he did not miss a single issue. More than forty thousand viewers voted for the victory of the red-haired Kalmyk in the 11th season of the show "Battle of Psychics".

After the project, Vitaliy changed his image - long hair and thinness were the result of his seclusion. This is due to the popularity that fell on him, which distracted him and prevented him from calmly doing what he loved.

Season 12 - Elena Yasevich

Elena was born in the winter of 1978 in the Belarusian city of Volkovysk. The girl inherited the gift of clairvoyance from her great-grandmother, who was a hereditary witch.

As a child, Yasevich knocked over a pot of boiling water, and for a long time was under the supervision of doctors. This event led to the fact that the girl learned to see the aura of people.

Growing up, Elena became interested in magic and esotericism, she liked to read minds, see signs. One day, the girl had a big fight with her brother and, out of anger, said nonsense to him on the way.

After a couple of hours, it turned out that he got into a terrible accident, and remained disabled for life. Yasevich left her parents' house because she blamed herself for what had happened.

The bright and eventful season 18 of the popular mystical project "The Battle of Psychics Season 18" has come to an end. The name of the winner of the show will be announced this night, from December 16 to 17, but viewers will see the final episode on the air only next week, December 23.

Traditionally, the name of the winner of the show will be known, of course, before the broadcast - already at night the audience will gather at the final filming site and will breathlessly wait for which of their favorites will leave the building with a blue crystal hand "in a bag". The voting lines will close at 10:00 pm on December 16 - the judges will count the results and will be ready to announce the winner. By the way, everyone will be able to watch the ceremony.

Battle of psychics 18 - final

This is not the first year that the final of the Battle of Psychics has been filmed a week before its broadcast on the air of the TNT channel. All loyal fans know about this feature of the project, and therefore they dress warmly and move forward to be the first to congratulate the winner of the show on his triumph and then tell the whole country on social networks about who won the project this year.

The creators of the show do not struggle with such a development of events, but, on the contrary, invite fans to meet their favorites.

"The shooting of the final of the 18th Battle of Psychics will take place this Saturday, December 16th at the address: Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya St., 14 (Red Gate metro station). Starting at 19:00 We are waiting for everyone who wants to support our finalists. And if you love the Battle as much as we love it, come by all means! Good mood, posters in support of your favorite psychic, flowers, smiles, songs and dances are only welcome. There will be a camera on the street, and if you have something to say to your idol - don't miss your chance!" - reported on the Instagram of the project.

According to the plan of the event, the finalists will arrive from 19:00 to 19:30 - the winners of the show can be seen with their own eyes on the red carpet. After that, other participants from different seasons of the Battle will come, who each time support their colleagues in the final.

Everyone will not be able to get inside the building where the shooting will take place. Only close friends and relatives of the finalists, as well as psychics and honored guests of the ceremony, are allowed in.

See also: The finale of the Battle of psychics turned into hysteria

At 22:45 or later, the awards ceremony will begin - at 22:00, the voting results will begin to be counted. Around midnight, the finalists and guests will leave the building, and the public will know the name of the winner.

The award will be shown on air next Saturday - they will also tell about each of the finalists what society did not know about him yet.

Battle of psychics 18 - who is in the final

For the first time in the history of the project, as many as five strong mediums reached the final - the judges could not determine the strongest among them, and therefore provided such an opportunity to the viewer.

Among the finalists is the favorite of the public, Konstantin Getzati, who passed all the tests of the show with great success and more than once was among the strongest, according to the judges.

Sonya Egorova also claims to win. The girl was called one of the most beautiful psychics in the history of the show, but it was far from her appearance that helped her get to the finals - Sonya often surprised her with her discoveries during the passage of tasks and showed herself from the strongest side.

By the way, the aforementioned couple was dubbed the “sex symbols” of the current season, and many hope that a passionate romance will break out (or has already broken out) between the participants, as passion once also visited colleagues and finalists of season 15 Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps. The couple was also then named one of the most beautiful and "mystical" on Russian TV.

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As mentioned above, the official announcement of the results has not yet been shown on the air - the release of the show on December 16 was dedicated to the finalists and the new tests that they had to go through to demonstrate their own strength.

This is not the first year that the final of the Battle of Psychics has been filmed a week before its broadcast on the air of the TNT channel. All loyal fans know about this feature of the project, and therefore they dress warmly and move forward to be the first to congratulate the winner of the show on his triumph and then tell the whole country on social networks about who won the project this year.

Starting from December 9, 2017, the voting of viewers for the winner of the 18th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" started. Voting lasted exactly one week: until December 16, 2017. According to the voting rules, one viewer could send only one SMS for the participant they liked.

Relatives explained that the girl was invited to celebrate a housewarming party by friends, during the holiday she went away, and after a couple of hours she was found under the windows of the house. The teenager was taken to the hospital with a broken pelvis and spine. Angela died after two weeks in a coma, the Rosregistr portal reports. The grandmother, aunt and friend of the girl came to the program, who wanted to understand what really happened.

The second episode of the show "The Battle of Psychics", season 18, the audience saw on the air of the TNT channel on September 30. a test that was unique in its scale: psychics were asked to find a person in 600 wards of a huge abandoned hospital. Test helped spend volunteers and actress Vera Sotnikova.

Battle of psychics season 18 who won. Detailed information.

The name of the winner of the eighteenth season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT became known on the night of December 16-17 during the filming of the awards ceremony, which took place at: Moscow, st. Novaya Basmannaya, 14. So, the places were distributed as follows:

Five members got down to business. Based on several lines from the girl’s letter, they put forward their versions. So, Sonya Egorova and Konstantin Getzati suggested that it could be suicide. The program said that girl became an orphan at the age of two and was raised by her aunt and grandmother, who did not notice any signs of depression or bad mood. The third participant, the fortune teller Alexander Kinzhinov, also suggested that no one helped the girl.

As a confirmation of this theory, it is enough to recall who won in past seasons. Last time, Swami Dashi won, in the 14th season Alexander Sheps became the best, in the 13th - Dmitry Volkhov, nicknamed "Veles". In the 11th season, the spectators voted for the "red sun" of the project - Vitaly Gibert.

Victory smiled at Konstantin Getzati from Vladikavkaz. About who became the winner of the next season, the host of the show "Dom-2" and part-time ex-participant of the "Battle of Psychics". "Battle of psychics - 18". 1. Getzati. 2. Sonya. 3. Kinzhinov. 4. Alibekov. How not to lay out, if many have already said. My congratulations to everyone who supported him!!!” — he wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).

As for the rest of the participants, their fate is sealed and not very interesting. The “Battle of Psychics” has been repeatedly accused of being staged, and therefore the management of the channel will have to try to surprise the audience. For example, the return to the project of one of the old participants, like Marilyn Kerro or Pakhom. Will this happen, or will the show go on knurled, will show the next releases of the project.

On the evening of Saturday, December 16, the last, final episode of the mystical project "The Battle of Psychics" was aired on the TNT channel - the audience learned a lot about the participants in the final and saw another brilliant investigation into the mysterious death from the country's strongest psychics.

The arrangement of seats is logical and, for the most part, expected by the public - however, some forces of the Alibekovs were regarded as stronger than Kinzhinov, but the vote showed that the guy had a slightly larger audience of fans.

The second test (spiritual séance) took place in a city apartment. It seemed to women that the spirits of dead men, their close relatives, lived in their apartment. With the help of a Ouija board, psychics had to help women communicate with the dead.

Battle of psychics season 18 finalists. All latest information as of 12/18/2017

"Battle of Psychics Season 18" - the show "Battle of Psychics", which has been airing since 2007 on TNT. The creators of the project in the 18th season again prepared meetings for viewers with amazing people with unique abilities. They can read minds, guess what is hidden behind a black screen, learn the secrets of the past and talk with the dead.

The fifth edition of the show "The Battle of Psychics", season 18, brought Sonya Egorova to the forefront. But Zhan Alibekov said that the psychologist Alexander Makarov, who acted as a skeptical observer, prevented him and his sister Dana from working on the site. Rustam Zartdinov said goodbye to his fellow magicians.

If we draw analogies with past seasons, the departure of the first participant in the 18th season was predictable. The show was left by Maxim Nikitin, walking around the site in a black hoodie, one of the most impolite participants in the project. The magician immediately disliked Sergei Safronov and offended him during the test. Having failed to complete the task, Nikitin promised to bring down heavenly punishments on more successful rivals, assuring that he enjoys it.

Second place in the show went to Sonya Egorova, who also managed to win the love of the public and scored, respectively, a slightly smaller number of votes. In third place was Alexander Kinzhinov, a fortune teller on cards, and brother and sister Alibekov shared fourth.

Battle of psychics season 18 winner. Detailed information.

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