cultural behavior. Why culture is so important


The culture of behavior is a good indicator of the general education and upbringing of a person. It is part of the culture of behavior that etiquette is, without knowing the rules of which in different situations it is almost impossible to comfortably integrate into modern society.

Culture of human behavior

Culture of behavior combines the rules, norms, spiritual and moral values ​​that regulate how a person behaves in society and what will be his relationship with other members of society.

Based on this, the culture of behavior is divided into internal and external.

Internal culture of behavior

Moral qualities and principles, moral values ​​and ideals of a person - this is what is included in the internal culture of behavior. It is determined by the presence of kindness, courage, mercy, benevolence, a sense of justice and a sense of duty, honesty, courtesy and many other internal qualities, which, in turn, determine the personality and character of a person.

External culture of behavior

General manners, norms and rules of behavioral and speech etiquette, knowledge and willingness to comply with them constitute the external culture of human behavior. It is she who finds its manifestation in everyday life and society.

As a rule, the internal culture is directly connected with the external one and exerts its influence on it. However, external culture is not always a direct reflection of internal culture, and sometimes it can even come into direct conflict with it: for example, the lack of morality and moral principles is compensated for some time by manifestations of external culture, when a person wants to seem more polite, well-mannered and more pleasant than he is. in fact.

At the same time, such a move is impossible in the opposite direction: a weak external culture always indicates an appropriate level of internal culture.

Internal culture depends on many different factors of influence - such as upbringing and microclimate in the family, the influence of the school / work team and other environment in which the person lives, and even the influence of the media. But external culture and work on it are the knowledge and skills that each of us can consciously worry about acquiring.

Basic rules of a culture of behavior

For almost every life situation and public place, a certain set of rules can be distinguished that should be observed, for example, in a hospital, at an airport, in a theater, etc. We will consider the most general rules of the culture of people's behavior, which are especially useful in everyday life .

  • Don't forget to say hello to people. Even with those with whom you are not familiar, a simple nod of the head is unlikely to bother you. And sometimes you can greet a stranger, for example, when riding the elevator together or walking the dogs.
  • When you enter somewhere - into a building or into a vehicle - always let those who want to go out first, and then enter yourself.

  • Culture of behavior and modesty are good friends, so try not to brag about anything in front of people, especially those who are younger than you.
  • If a person has some noticeable flaws in appearance or even serious flaws, you do not need to look at him - in any case, no more and no longer than a person of standard appearance.
  • The culture of behavior of the strong half of humanity will increase significantly, as soon as you start to give way to women with heavy bags, the elderly, the disabled and pregnant women, open the doors for them and let them go ahead.

  • Respect the health of non-smokers and smoke only in designated areas. If you are visiting, then, as a last resort, go outside to smoke; to smoke on the balcony or “in the window”, first obtain the permission of the owner.
  • In the store and pharmacy, decide in advance on the goods that you want to purchase - it's ugly to make the queue behind you languish in anticipation while you remember everything you need and come up with a couple more items along the way.

Rules of conduct on the street

In addition to the rules of the road, there are other rules that should be followed on the street if you want to pass for a well-mannered person with a high culture of behavior.

  • Give way to those who are in a hurry.
  • In a crowd, do not elbow your way through.

  • Be especially attentive to the elderly, parents with children, the disabled and small children.
  • On the narrow road, remember that you are not alone. Do not take up the full width of the sidewalk. When walking in a company, all the more so leave room for passers-by walking faster than you.
  • When you meet someone you know, don't stop talking in the middle of the sidewalk.

  • If you need to ask for directions, do not forget about polite treatment and gratitude.
  • Do not throw garbage anywhere, except for specially designed bins and bins.

Culture of behavior in transport

Peculiar rules of etiquette exist for urban transport:

  • When waiting for your bus, please follow the order of the queue.
  • If you are driving with a friend or acquaintance, or talking on the phone, try to do it as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.

  • Do not eat anything in the transport.
  • Help in minibuses and buses to transfer money for travel. And pay for it for yourself, of course.
  • Remember that you are not the only passenger in transport, behave carefully, do not push, do not step on anyone's feet.
  • Do not push your way to the exit, ask if anyone is getting off at your stop. If they ask you about this, answer and let the person through so that he can pass by.
  • Do not occupy seats in public transport intended for the disabled, the elderly and passengers with children, give them regular seats as well.

Eating takes a large and important part of our lives, so one more rule, without which a high culture of human behavior is impossible, is the rules of behavior at the table.

School culture

Let's talk separately about the rules of behavior for school-age children. Culture of behavior and relationships in this case suggests that students should treat teachers and all school employees with respect. Under any circumstances, the teacher-student relationship must be maintained, even in communication with junior teaching staff. Children do not interfere in the personal lives of teachers and other students.

When meeting with a teacher, students are the first to greet. We must not forget about the culture of speech: it should not contain jargon, obscene language, rude and offensive expressions; Raising your tone at the teacher is also not worth it.

Students must not create disturbances on the school grounds, run, shout, get involved in disputes and fights with other students, use physical force.

Damage to school property and a high culture of behavior are also incompatible, so the child must understand that drawing on school furniture, spitting, sticking gum is bad. Accordingly, children must keep order, maintain cleanliness and not litter at school.

Students should come to the lesson neatly dressed, not late, and best of all, twenty minutes before the start of the first lesson on the schedule, especially in winter, in order to have time to change into changeable shoes and get ready for classes.

By the beginning of the lesson, the children should sit in their places. When the teacher enters the classroom, the children stand up to greet him and wait for him to answer them, signaling them to sit down.

The culture of behavior in the classroom provides attention and silence on the part of students. Children should understand that school time is intended, in fact, for learning, and you can always relax and chat at a break. The child can answer the teacher's questions or ask him a question by raising his hand and waiting for the teacher's reaction.

Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours without the knowledge of the teachers. In class, if a student needs to leave, he raises his hand and asks permission from the teacher.

When teaching etiquette to students, however, don't forget to think about yourself, that is, whether you have done a good job on your own culture of behavior at work and whether you are familiar enough with business etiquette.

And with the help of this video, you can work on another part of the culture of behavior - the road! Note to beginners and experienced motorists.

A person appears to himself and other people primarily through behavior. The leading motivation of behavior is the self-affirmation of the personality.

The culture of self-affirmation has two sides: internal and external. Their optimal state in culture is unity, consistency.

In this case, the personality also acts as an integral subject and object of its own culture and the culture of society. In relations between two individuals, an individual and a microgroup, behavior manifests itself as communication. The culture of communication can arise in real, as well as in potential interaction, which is still being planned, planned. Communication has many forms of manifestation: conversation, acquaintance, camaraderie, friendship, love, communication in an educational, work and other team, communication in the family, leisure communication, communication of interests, etc. But the culture of behavior and the culture of communication has one the leading basis is morality.

Service, professional, legal, political and other forms of social activity of the individual indirectly or directly affect the behavior and communication, their cultural content. Both behavior and communication of a person in any sphere of life are recognized as cultural if they are moral. Moral behavior and moral communication are always evaluated positively. It was noted above that the norms, principles and laws of the morality of society determine the main content of the moral culture of the subjects, give it a positive character.

Conscientiousness, responsibility, justice - these and other concepts that characterize moral culture are applicable to all spheres of human activity. But they also reflect the specifics of behavior and communication. Deviations from these norms and principles are recognized as immoral or immoral. Characteristic in this regard is the assessment given by Academician N. Moiseev of the current economic activity in Russia from the point of view of the category of immorality. We, he believes, “began the most terrible period in the history of Russia - the division of property. Issues of morality, the well-being of the Motherland, patriotism fade into the background, and biosocial laws begin to dictate their own living conditions. The situation at the turn of XX - XXI centuries. in Russia little has changed for the better. The moral content of behavior and communication in the economic sphere, the moral nature of labor activity require significant changes.

The culture of individual behavior can be defined as a measure of the consistency of individual-personal dignity with social regulations of a permissive or prohibitive nature. The culture of personal behavior is the ability to demonstrate one's positive qualities to oneself and others. This is the ability to comply with the norms established by society, while maintaining personal independence. The culture of individual behavior is expressed in actions and actions, style and ways of discovering one's own merits, manifestation of opportunities and abilities that can be positively perceived both by the individual himself and by other people. The culture of behavior is realized individually or in any group. In interpersonal relationships, behavior acquires the character of communication.

The culture of communication is one of the ways to reproduce a person as a person through the exchange of experience, mutual influence, sympathy and understanding, joint creativity and creation. Communication can be individually interpersonal and communication as part of a social group. The culture of communication presupposes and includes what is above the behavior and interaction of animals. It elevates and positively distinguishes a person from the environment. The culture of communication reproduces the human in a person. It largely depends on the subjective attitudes of the individual: inclinations, desires, needs and interests, likes or dislikes, trust or alertness, attitudes towards sympathy or neutrality, passivity, alienation, from the pleasantness or unpleasantness of communication, etc. Cultural signs of communication are manifested in all major areas of human life - in the family, a team of like-minded people, professional and other groups, in various situations, etc. The culture of communication is manifested in responsiveness, humanity, in the mood for empathy and interaction.

The exchange of thoughts and experiences, feelings and actions, discussion of specific problems and the solution of joint tasks, the search and processing of information, the development of positions and the formation of opinions constitute the content of communication. The culture of communication, due to the richness of its content and the variety of forms of manifestation, is one of the leading factors in the education and upbringing of the individual. For example, it is unthinkable without linguistic communication.

The culture of speech is the leading element of the mechanism of communication, a way to establish mutual feeling and understanding. On the basis of linguistic, and, above all, speech, communication, creativity is carried out, the creation of not only cultural objects and phenomena, but also the person himself. Other linguistic forms of communication can be the methods of the first signal system: facial expressions, gestures, other motor movements, eye expressions, demonstration of mental states, etc. Communication is also implemented by socio-cultural means: musical sounds, dance figures, sculptural or pictorial forms, units information, etc.

The most important means of forming a culture of behavior and communication, as well as activities, is etiquette. Etiquette is a set of rules that determine the cultural forms of behavior, communication and activities of people.

Etiquette was formed in ancient societies. But they acquired independent significance in modern times as a set of rules of behavior and communication at royal courts, in elite groups, etc. With the development of secular public relations, etiquettes arise in various social strata and communities, corporate groups.

In modern society, there are a large number of etiquettes that can be combined into three groups in accordance with the main ways of forming and manifesting a personality culture: behavioral etiquette, communication etiquette, activity etiquette (business etiquette). The etiquette of behavior includes: etiquette of behavior on the street, etiquette of behavior at a party, etiquette of behavior in public places, etiquette of behavior in a group, etc. The most “developed” etiquette of behavior at a party, which includes a number of “sections”: general rules, rules of acquaintance ( if the invitee is not yet familiar with the initiator of the invitation), rules of conduct at the table, rules for eating and conducting a conversation (communication), etc. For example, according to the general rules of etiquette of behavior at a party, it is not recommended to come to visit without inviting the hosts or without prior notice ; they do not come to visit before 12 noon and after 20 pm; before entering the apartment, you must stop smoking (if you smoked) and remove your hat; it is recommended to come to visit at the appointed time, being late for more than 10 minutes is considered indecent, etc.

Communication etiquette includes: dating etiquette, conversation etiquette (communication) at the table, “for two” etiquette, communication etiquette in a youth environment, family communication etiquette, communication etiquette in a middle-aged environment, communication etiquette with an older environment, etc. So, the immutable rules of cultural communication in the family is the use of the words "thank you", "please", "sorry", "sorry" and others like them. In family communication, they are just as necessary as in other areas of communication. These words become conditional when family relationships are long-term and strong. You can address each other in the family using various affectionate, diminutive words, but this is not recommended in the presence of other people.

In the house, personal hygiene, order in the apartment, neatness of clothes are important. These are noteworthy factors in the formation of the authority of parents in children, as well as the mutual authority of spouses. You should not brush your teeth and wash your face at the sink where the dishes are washed. Each member of the family must clean up after himself and maintain order in the house. Responsibilities among family members are distributed, as a rule, voluntarily, but depending on age. Financial affairs in the family are handled by the parents or one of them by agreement. Parents should not read letters or other personal records of children without their consent. In family relationships, irony is inapplicable, and even more so causticity. Misunderstandings should be avoided. In the dispute that has arisen, one should not refer to third parties. It is not recommended to resort to generalizations in a dispute. Short quarrels in the family cannot be avoided, but it is important that they do not become the rule of family communication. Respect, courtesy, empathy and other moral standards are the key to strong, healthy and sincere family relationships.

Of course, the practice of life has developed many other rules of family communication etiquette. Their observance is a specific indicator of the high culture of family life as the initial unit of society.

The group of activity etiquettes (business etiquette) combines the rules of types of professional activities: diplomatic etiquette, medical etiquette, teacher etiquette, teacher etiquette, legal etiquette, military etiquette, etc. There are etiquettes of other types of activity: written message etiquette, telephone conversation etiquette, tourist etiquette, etiquette of sociological surveys, etc. All business etiquette is associated with a specific subject creative, creative, marketing or leisure activities.

The cultural content of etiquette is significant not only for the individual, but also for other social subjects. The rules of etiquette in their main part contain the experience of many generations, patterns of life. They have a high social value, they show the degree of familiarization of the individual with the achieved culture of the community and society. Following etiquette is an effective way of cultural education, the formation of high social qualities in a person. The rules of etiquette are a regulator of behavior, communication and activities of people, an accurate and specific indicator of education and upbringing.

In the former capital of Japan, Kyoto, there is the so-called "philosophical garden" - a rock garden. It was created by the monk Soami four centuries before modern artists established the language of abstract art. The garden is bounded by monastery walls on three sides. It can only be seen from one side. And with each step, only 14 out of 15 stones are revealed to the visitor. It turns out that as you move, the world appears to the visitor always different. So it is with the culture of personality.

Moving along the path of life, a person perceives the culture of society in a new way, creates something, and loses something. This is how personal culture is formed - familiar and unfamiliar to the individual. A person observes the culture of society and integrates into it always individually.

A person cannot assimilate all the richness of culture. But the content and signs of personality culture are quite specific. Their acquisition at every step of the life path is the main meaning of the human dimension of culture.

Thus, the culture of the individual is formed through familiarization with the culture of society through behavior, communication and activity, through the reproduction of the culture of society and the individual himself. An important role in this process belongs to etiquette, as well as the capabilities and abilities of the individual himself.

Attitude towards a person largely depends on his behavior among others. It is no coincidence that the vast majority have a negative attitude towards boors, or arrogant personalities. Cultural people, on the contrary, are desirable in any society.

There are generally accepted norms of decency and rules of conduct, the observance of which is the key to successful communication. All these norms and rules can be combined under one term - the culture of human behavior.

Culture of behavior and personality

The concept of cultural behavior and ethics has existed for many centuries, and in our time has not lost its relevance. This concept includes the rules of behavior in society, the actions and forms of communication of people, which are based on morality, as well as the internal and external culture of a person. The norms of behavior are the determining factor in the correctness or incorrectness of a person's actions in society. First of all, the main factor of cultural behavior is upbringing, i.e. a person's willingness to comply with the norms of behavior, his goodwill and tact in relation to others. Ethics and culture of behavior is a kind of standard, a system of rules accepted in society. Etiquette is designed to serve people for everyday communication, being a set of polite intonations of colloquial speech.

The culture of communication and behavior is an ambiguous concept. Etiquette can always be realized in communication, but not all communication can be recognized as etiquette. Communication is much more than etiquette. In any cultural communication, partners can differ in gender, age, nationality, social status, as well as the degree of acquaintance and kinship. The culture of behavior is built according to these criteria. For example, the younger is obliged to listen to the elder, and not to interrupt him, and a man in the presence of a woman does not have the right to be rude. To some extent, ethics is a system of cultural containment to ensure a positive way of communication between unequal partners. The culture of behavior is almost always designed for two addressees - a partner and an audience. Thus, its rules and norms are distributed in two directions at once.

Rules of the culture of behavior

Rules and norms of cultural behavior begin long before two people have the opportunity to get to know each other. In most cases, people entering into communication remain unfamiliar with each other. But this does not prevent them from being polite and tactful.

The basic rules and norms of a culture of behavior are brought up in a person from childhood. However, if for some reason you have not been instilled with them, or you have forgotten some of them, follow the simplified and basic version of how to become a cultured person:

These simple rules will not only facilitate relationships with people, but also help you become a cultured person in the face of others, which is a rarity today.

For each person, it is extremely important how other people treat him. One of the main factors influencing the assessment of a person is the culture of behavior. The success of a person is often equated with how broad the concept of etiquette, rules of communication and behavior in a person's life is.

Education is concerned with directing the development of a person in the right direction, which is based on generally accepted rules. This process affects the formation of personality, and therefore it is so important to start imposing the rules of communication and behavior from a very young age. Parents become the first educators, and after kindergarten teachers, school teachers.

From early childhood, they talk about education, the rules of a culture of behavior. What should children know in order to grow up as decent, educated people and feel confident in society?

The rules of the culture of preschoolers and, of course, adults, the main points:

1. It is not customary to talk loudly in public places. However, it often happens that adults, sitting in a theater or cinema, loudly comment on what is happening, exchange what they see. This is unacceptable, such an omission can immediately lead to an opinion about a person as poorly educated and poorly educated.

2. In public places, you need to give way to the elderly, pregnant women or parents with small children. If a child learns this rule from preschool age, then less and less we will meet young people sitting on a soft seat at a time when a pensioner or a pregnant woman is standing.

3. Smooth gait. The culture of behavior does not provide for the fact that a person can walk, waving his arms in all directions, or walk, waddling from one foot to another during rush hour. All movements should be calm and not oppressive to someone else's personal space, without obstructing the path of other people.

4. Yawning in crowded places should not be, but if this is unavoidable, then cover your mouth with your hand.

5. It is not customary to toilet the nose in public places; a bathroom is necessary for these matters.

6. You must refrain from eating and drinking in public transport.

7. When talking, you should not gesticulate strongly, keeping your hands in your pockets or on your stomach is categorically unacceptable.

8. Politeness is the hallmark of a well-mannered person, and therefore we do not forget the “golden words” and skillfully use them for their intended purpose.

9. The appearance of a successful person is always a clean, tidy appearance.

10. For children, the point of communication with adults, observance of subordination is especially important. So, the rules of the culture of preschoolers include additions about older people with whom it is customary to speak “You”, to address as necessary, using the name and patronymic.

The rules of a culture say more about a person than a diploma, a car, or social status. That is why the upbringing of children has a large role in education and family relations. The duty of parents is to set a good example for their children, explain the rules of communication and behavior.

Was last modified: January 22nd, 2016 by Elena Pogodaeva

The culture of human behavior in society is influenced by a number of factors that determine the relationship between people in different spheres of life. This is a peculiar form of behavior in everyday life, in communication, in the labor process.


The influence of external and internal influences affects the culture of behavior in society. On the one hand, there are such requirements of moral rules that are enshrined in certain principles and norms. On the other hand, a person is influenced by his personal qualities associated with individual development. A culture of behavior is the end result of the process of becoming a person.

Gradually, with age, moral qualities are formed in a person, education is laid.

The peculiarity of the concept lies in the relationship of three components of culture:

  • communication is fixed on a humane relationship with each other. The norms of communication are politeness, respect, following the generally accepted forms of greeting, gratitude;
  • the external component affects emotional condition. It is important to begin the formation of an external culture with instilling a love for cleanliness, observing the rules of personal hygiene;
  • household part is meeting the needs. They start from eating and end with aesthetic requirements.

The culture of behavior is dependent on the rules of etiquette established by society. Etiquette is manifested not only in words, but also in gestures. All actions express attitude towards other people. This phenomenon appeared quite a long time ago, is often mentioned in history. Etiquette is subject to change under the influence of time and living conditions.

Morality and Morality

At first glance, it may seem that these are two identical concepts, but there is a difference between them:

  1. Morality is a set of values ​​and norms that governs relationships.
  2. Morality is the fulfillment of one's own internal principles.

These two categories have long been the subject of study by philosophers. Both concepts belong to the same science - ethics. Philosophical approaches to the difference in meaning show that in reality the two categories have different meanings and tasks. The essence of morality lies in the fact that it allows or condemns certain actions that directly depend on society. Each group allocated by society has its own morality.

Any act is evaluated from the side of the norms of behavior established by a specific morality, which, nevertheless, is capable of changing in the process of life under the influence of various factors. Moral values ​​have an impact on the observance of the rules of etiquette, on the cultural development of a person.

Morality cannot change and is absolute. It can be expressed in love for the family, condemnation of discrimination in various manifestations.

Based on the opinions of scientists, we can draw the main conclusions regarding the similarities and differences between the concepts under consideration:

  • morality reflects the spiritual development of a person; morality is social in nature;
  • moral development is fixed inside from an early age, it is distinguished by the unity of rules;
  • morality has specific features for each group.


The impact of the environment and one's own qualities on a person form him as a person. The ability to combine external and internal factors allows us to talk about education. It is laid down from an early age and develops under the influence of the family.

The formation of the child occurs on the basis of patterns created by adults. Those features that were laid down in childhood cannot be changed in the process of life. It is impossible to force a teenager to live according to other rules of morality if certain moral principles were instilled in him from birth. The result of upbringing includes not only requirements and rules pre-planned by parents. This also includes the environment, which through its behavior influences the internal formation of a person.

The complex of accumulated knowledge and skills, norms of ethics, views together constitutes education. It is passed down from the older generation. There are many aspects that unconsciously take part in creating the inner component of a person. Heredity and genetics play an important role here. Experts say that there is a certain dependence of education on development.

The main place where the child receives initial knowledge and experience is the secondary school.

The educational institution sets the task of developing a personality from different angles. The school should promote not only mental, but also emotional development.

But positive results are not always obtained. This is due to the fact that outdated methods of presenting knowledge are currently being used, so most children do not have the desire to study science or other aspects of knowledge.

The influence of the family on the educational process is no less important. There are different family models that differ in the number of members, age, level of education, traditions, degree of morality. All this as a whole affects the personality and helps to form one's views on life situations.

It is important to determine in time the interest of the child in a particular lesson and direct his energy in the right direction. Only together with the desire of the person himself, the necessary level of development is achieved, which in the future has an impact on education.

The following types of educational areas are distinguished:

  • mental sets the task of assimilating the required amount of knowledge, forming one's own worldview, developing interest in knowledge;
  • the physical helps not only maintain a healthy state, but also forms qualities for fruitful work;
  • labor acts as the main factor of development;
  • moral allows a person to develop certain habits, to determine the model of behavior of an individual in society. The development of this direction largely depends on the values ​​existing in society and in the family;
  • the aesthetic includes a complex of components that influence the formation of the ideal in various manifestations of life. Influences the attitude towards culture.

Taken together, the process of education is based on the main principles:

  • the impact of society;
  • relationship with the labor process and other areas of life;
  • individuality in approach.

Parenting functions:

  • to encourage a person to self-education;
  • preventively protect against mistakes in making vital decisions;
  • develop the creative, spiritual, intellectual and physical potential of the individual;

The goal of upbringing is traditionally considered to be the final formation of a personality that is developed in harmony with internal and external factors. The ratio of the physical and spiritual nature of man is the ancient concept of harmonious development.

History has developed techniques for individual self-education:

  • through a test that involves limiting oneself to certain needs;
  • constant self-analysis allows you to evaluate your own actions and understand their correctness;
  • reflection practice.

These ancient ideas about achieving harmony are reflected in modern approaches to achieving results in the education of the individual.

Children repeat the behavior of their parents, adopt some of their views, however, due to communication with other people, a holistic formation of their own worldview occurs, their own model of behavior is created.

Professional ethics

Morality and ethics are studied by ethics. This science is aimed at comprehending not only the origins of the origin of morality, but also the rules of human behavior. In the process of communication, the significance of this science is manifested, since the joint activity of a person cannot be carried out separately from morality.

In ethics, there is a separate list of moral norms that express a person's attitude to professional duties, including communication with colleagues. This set of norms is called professional ethics.

The subject of professional ethics is the following:

  • personal qualities of a specialist required for the proper performance of labor duties;
  • relationships in the team between colleagues, between specialists of different levels by position;
  • directions and ways of training employees, affecting the movement up the career ladder.

For some professions, the rules of ethical behavior have even been developed at the legal level in the form of codes, sets of requirements. Such measures are necessary in areas that are related to the management of people's lives and health and involve increased responsibility. For example, in education, health care.

In the process of work, people find themselves in different situations that affect the formation of the type of behavior. There are some points related to the characterization of the working relationship:

  • interactions that arise when the interests of a person intersect in a team;
  • attitude to the labor process and to its other participants.

Each field of activity has its own special features and requirements in the field of morality. Depending on the type of company where a person works, there is a certain type of professional ethics:

  • for a doctor;
  • for the teacher;
  • acting;
  • lawyer;
  • psychology ethics.

A special role in modern society is played by economic ethics, which is the norms of behavior that apply to the model of doing business, the nature of relations between participants within this area. This type also includes requirements for negotiating, using methods of competition, and compiling documentation.

Of great importance in the process of work is the structure of building relationships between firms. In this case, we are talking about business etiquette, which sets the style of the work process, the manner of communicating internal and external communication.

Professional ethics is formed by generations, it cannot be absolute and needs to be constantly developed.

Ethics of business communication is directly connected with all considered concepts. It can be expressed in direct daily contact with colleagues, employees of other organizations, with superiors. She must also be present during business correspondence or in a telephone conversation.

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