Cultural center "Zelenograd. Concerts in Zelenograd - dates, descriptions, venues, addresses Concert "In the circle of friends" with a dance program, accompanied by a brass band of the Zelenograd Cultural Center


The play “My profession is a gentleman from society”

A light and unassuming sitcom based on the play of the same name by Italian authors Giulio Scarnacci and Renzo Tarabusi. The director of the play is Tatyana Silina.
What only professions do not exist in the world! Why not be the one chosen by the main character of the comedy - Leonida Papagatto - a gentleman from society?

Location: ()

200 - 300 rubles

May 31, 19:00

Performance "Deadly and Unique"

Killer and Unique is a sparkling, stunning comedy by Alan Ayckbourn directed by the Honored Artist of Russia, head of the Vedogon Theater Pavel Kurochkin.

What should a novice careerist do to start his upward movement? Of course, arrange a party. All the "cream" of society gathered in the house of Sidney and his wife to celebrate Christmas. Every little thing matters here! After all, these people can forever change his life. And he will soon begin to change them ... Ups and downs, hypocrisy and pretense - is there anything real in life? Sincere participation, care, support? Or is it all just a game? Big game of small people.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

June 26, 19:00

Performance "Miserly"

"Vedogon-theater" will show a comedy based on the play by J.-B. Moliere on the stage of the Zelenograd Cultural Center.

"The Miser" is one of those immortal comedies that have been staged from century to century and interest in which has not waned. For 350 years, the play of the French comedian has not left the world stage, forcing the viewer to still laugh at human vices and at himself.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

June 27, 19:00

The play "Who will you lead ..."

“Who will you fight with ...” - these are numerous comical situations, saturated with sparkling humor, taking the viewer to St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century! Watching the colorful characters, their deeds, problems, way of thinking, it is easy to understand that, despite the passage of time and all sorts of changes, the essence of the Russian person has remained the same, and the questions that worried the heroes in the 19th century are relevant to this day.

Starring: Maria Aronova and Alexei Maklakov.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

The Zelenograd Cultural Center invites everyone to Family Day this coming Saturday, October 20! The program of the event consists of three main blocks: a sand and sound show with live music, a program of games and master classes with refreshments from the AnderSon Family Cafe, and a special children's program of the Big Cartoon Festival. Start at 11:00

11:00 - 18:00 "Sweet day" within the framework of the project "Food in the center" (3+). Free admission

The Anderson family cafe sends its team to the holiday! Creative workshops, animation programs, a sweets fair, cotton candy and ... the wonderful Mishka Gustaf himself!

But not only sweets "a little man lives"! At 14:00, regional chef Evgeny Zinev and brand chef Alexander Kalachev of the AnderSon cafe network will talk about the most delicious and healthy dishes for children and adults, teach them how to cook and hold a tasting. Mishka Gustaf's team promises: there will be surprises, and not a single child will leave without a balloon!

12:00 - 13:40 Sand and light show "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Entrance tickets from 500 rubles (6+)

Children and parents of Zelenograd will be able to see a guest innovative show based on the poem of the same name by the Russian classic and virtuoso storyteller Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The heroic Ruslan, the quivering Lyudmila, the insidious Chernomor and the talking Head will come to life in the hands of an artist who draws in sand-art (sand animation) and light-flight (light-drawing) techniques. Classical music in live performance will create a sound volume and emotional flavor. The fairy tale will be read by a wonderful theater and film actor Alexei Zhirov.

If sand animation has long been loved by the general public, then the technique of drawing with light is a completely new, incomparable action. In the complete darkness of the hall, the images of the main characters will appear by means of "magic" light rays and smoothly flow into each other, weaving a fabulous storyline.

Come take a fresh look at Pushkin's poem familiar from school and introduce your children to this fairy tale in an incredibly magical format.

Sand show "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" in the Zelenograd Cultural Center

Cultural Center Zelenograd/

15:00 - 18:00 Charity screening of the children's program of the Big Cartoon Festival. Admission is free (0+)

We invite you to the Theater Hall of the Zelenograd Cultural Center with excellent sound, high-quality video equipment, comfortable chairs and a special atmosphere for a free screening of wonderful cartoons!

This year, the Children's Charity Program of the XII Big Animation Festival consists not only of the best domestic cartoons of recent years, but also of French, German and Norwegian animated films selected by the BFM organizers.

The program consists of three selections of short cartoons designed for preschoolers and younger students:

15.00 - 16.00 About dragons and monsters (6+)

16.00 - 17.00 Zebras and octopuses (0+)

17.00 - 18.00 In the air and under water (6+)

(possible increase in the duration of the show)

The Big Animation Festival is one of the largest shows of author's animation in the country, during which you can see current Russian and foreign short films, full-length cartoons and series for children, teenagers and adults. Every year the Big Cartoon Festival expands its geography, the number of projects and venues. The full schedule of shows and all the details can be found on the website.

The cultural center "Zelenograd" is waiting for children and parents, grandparents and grandchildren - and all adults whose heart continues to respond to the magic words "fairy tales", "cartoons" and "games"!

For those who do not like to stay at home, but regularly attend public events in Zelenograd, there is good news - the poster of the Zelenograd recreation center, which is one of the city's cultural centers, is now available in electronic form. You can track all concerts and other events taking place in this house of culture on our website. All you need to do is go to the page where the poster of the Zelenograd Central Concert Hall is posted and see when what events are scheduled. It's simple, convenient and fast.

ZEL.TODAY is a unique project for the city that allows you to keep abreast of what the city is doing today and what events will take place in it tomorrow. A good vacation is when you know for sure that you have chosen the best option and are not afraid that something more interesting is happening two blocks away from you ... but for this you need to know everything. It is this knowledge that our site gives you. We cover all events, including theme nights in the central city recreation center. Use the information found on our website and you will always know which place you should visit.

Schedule of all events of the recreation center "Zelenograd" on one site!

The ZEL.TODAY portal is:

  • always fresh and up-to-date poster of the House of Culture "Zelenograd";
  • news of all public institutions of the city;
  • convenient catalog with intuitive pages where you can quickly find the information you need;
  • the opportunity to always know what and where is happening in Zelenograd at the moment, what will happen tomorrow and in a week.

If you love exhibitions, you don't have to regularly go to the DC or look for its posters around the city in order to find out when something interesting will be organized there. Instead, you can safely, sitting at home, go to our website from your computer and see the full, detailed poster of upcoming events. With our portal you will no longer miss performances and other interesting forums. It is enough to visit it regularly to know everything.

ZEL.TODAY is a unique opportunity for Zelenograd to consciously plan your leisure time for days and weeks ahead, taking into account everything that you would definitely like to visit and see. We work tirelessly to ensure that you find only the latest and most reliable information here, making the most of it. We will be glad to hear your feedback on whether ZEL.TODAY helped you, because we are working for you - our visitors.

Every year on the eve of Victory Day, according to the established tradition, Zelenograd masters present their art to the residents of the city and its guests. The opportunity to show their paintings stimulates the masters to create creative works, and during the opening of the vernissages, the artists plunge into the atmosphere of unity and festive mood.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Foyer of the 2nd floor ()

Free admission

May 2, 16:00

The film "Ordinary Man"

In the center of the plot are ambitious intrigues: the singer Ladygin is embarrassed by the profession of his suddenly arrived friend Svekolkin and introduces him to his family members as a major scientist; Ladyginsky's nephew Alexei has a fiancee, Kira, but her mother quarrels with her fiancé to marry the singer himself, destroying his marriage to Vera; Svekolkin convinces his daughter, who is also in love with her nephew, to give up on him...

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 3, 18:00

Charity show-performance "You are in my heart!"

The anniversary show-performance "You are in my heart" of the musical charity project "Michael Jackson in my heart" will be held in conjunction with permanent partners - the modeling art agency "Celebritykids" and the international magazine "Altacostura".

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Cinema and Concert Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 4, 15:00

Chess tournament dedicated to Victory Day

The tournament will be held according to FIDE rules according to the round robin system. Time control - 5 minutes per game for each player. Everyone can take part in the competition, regardless of gender and age: children and adults, professionals and amateurs. All of them will be able to compete in the ability to play chess. An important clarification - the tournament is for those who already know the rules of the game, there will be no training at it.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Foyer of the 1st floor (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 5, 12:00

Game English club for teenagers 10-14 years old

A playful English club is an activity where teenagers come to play and practice their English at the same time. The main goal is to show the children that English is not just another "lesson" that you have to sit at school, write a test and forget about it. That this is a tool that you can use right now - listen to songs, read books, watch movies and ... play games.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Coworking area 2nd floor (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

May 5, 14:00

Concert "We need one Victory!" vocal studio "Belcanto"

Soloists of the vocal studio "Belcanto" will perform arias from operas by Russian and foreign composers, songs and romances from Soviet films, as well as famous songs of the war years.

Every year on the eve of Victory Day, according to the established tradition, Zelenograd masters present their art to the residents of the city and its guests. The opportunity to show their paintings stimulates the masters to create creative works, and during the opening of the vernissages, the artists plunge into the atmosphere of unity and festive mood.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Foyer of the 2nd floor ()

Free admission

May 2, 16:00

The film "Ordinary Man"

In the center of the plot are ambitious intrigues: the singer Ladygin is embarrassed by the profession of his suddenly arrived friend Svekolkin and introduces him to his family members as a major scientist; Ladyginsky's nephew Alexei has a fiancee, Kira, but her mother quarrels with her fiancé to marry the singer himself, destroying his marriage to Vera; Svekolkin convinces his daughter, who is also in love with her nephew, to give up on him...

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 3, 18:00

Charity show-performance "You are in my heart!"

The anniversary show-performance "You are in my heart" of the musical charity project "Michael Jackson in my heart" will be held in conjunction with permanent partners - the modeling art agency "Celebritykids" and the international magazine "Altacostura".

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Cinema and Concert Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 4, 15:00

Chess tournament dedicated to Victory Day

The tournament will be held according to FIDE rules according to the round robin system. Time control - 5 minutes per game for each player. Everyone can take part in the competition, regardless of gender and age: children and adults, professionals and amateurs. All of them will be able to compete in the ability to play chess. An important clarification - the tournament is for those who already know the rules of the game, there will be no training at it.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Foyer of the 1st floor (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 5, 12:00

Game English club for teenagers 10-14 years old

A playful English club is an activity where teenagers come to play and practice their English at the same time. The main goal is to show the children that English is not just another "lesson" that you have to sit at school, write a test and forget about it. That this is a tool that you can use right now - listen to songs, read books, watch movies and ... play games.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Coworking area 2nd floor (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

May 5, 14:00

Concert "We need one Victory!" vocal studio "Belcanto"

Soloists of the vocal studio "Belcanto" will perform arias from operas by Russian and foreign composers, songs and romances from Soviet films, as well as famous songs of the war years.

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