Sesame oil benefits and harms how to take. The benefits and harms of sesame oil for the body


People have long used sesame (sesame) seeds to make oil. The first information about sesame was found in the Erbes papyrus. An ancient scroll contains a list of spices and herbs used by man since time immemorial. Avicenna was also involved in the study of the healing properties of the seeds of the plant. I will consider in detail the beneficial properties, uses and contraindications of sesame oil.

Shops sell light and dark oils. Roasted sesame seeds are used to make dark pomace, while light pomace is obtained from fresh seeds. The manufacturing technology provides the product with a long shelf life and retains useful substances.

Sesame extract has found the greatest use in cooking. It is used for dressing vegetable salads and cooking. It is rarely used for frying, because it burns quickly. Sesame oil is often found in spicy snacks.

Useful properties have found application in other areas: cosmetology, perfumery, pharmacology, medicine and chemistry. Sesame seed oil, when used regularly, normalizes the production of antioxidants and has a positive effect on disease resistance.

High-quality oil is sold only in pharmacies and specialized stores. The cost of 100 milliliters starts from 150 rubles. It is better to buy in bulk containers, it is more profitable.

Useful properties of sesame oil

For eons, sesame seed oil has served as an ingredient in dishes and as a medicine, in relieving symptoms and curing diseases. For the first time, useful properties began to be used in the 15th century BC.

  • Source of natural antioxidants . The oil is saturated with calcium, which strengthens bones. Doctors recommend it to kids, pregnant girls and the elderly.
  • Stabilizes the acidity of gastric juice . Traditional medicine uses to reduce acidity and reduce the likelihood of blood clots.
  • Beneficial for the respiratory system . Indispensable for lung diseases, coughs and asthma.
  • Suitable for prevention anemia, atherosclerosis, pneumonia, diseases of the heart muscle and liver.
  • Fights signs of aging. Rejuvenates, makes life easier for women during menopause, accompanied by a slowdown in hormone synthesis. Enriched with phytoestrogens that protect the body from cancer.
  • Used externally for burns , bruises, abrasions and other damage to the skin.
  • There are many recipes in cosmetology with sesame extract. Strengthens nails and hair, cares for problem skin.
  • Good for babies . Little kids love the sesame oil massage. After the procedure, the baby's skin becomes soft.

Struggling with excess weight, it is impossible to appreciate the benefits of oil. Through pomace, you can lose weight if you remove fat from the diet.

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Contraindications and harm

Sesame oil is incredibly beneficial for the body, but it has contraindications, sometimes even harm. Who is not desirable or contraindicated to use sesame seed oil?

  1. Provides a relaxing effect. It is undesirable to use for persons with problematic stools. Otherwise, diarrhea will appear, which stops after the removal of oil residues from the body.
  2. Experts advise people who are allergic to nuts, seeds and oils to refrain from drinking.
  3. Sesame pomace increases blood clotting. Contraindicated in patients with thrombosis.

How to take sesame oil

  • To get a therapeutic effect, take on an empty stomach.
  • Be sure to follow the dosage. The daily dose does not exceed 3 tablespoons.
  • No more than one gram of fat should enter the body per day per kilogram of weight. If the diet is saturated with these substances, it is recommended to remove other fats from the diet when taking oil.

Now let's talk about the use of sesame pomace in specific cases. It helps in skin and hair care, in the fight against obesity and in the treatment of diseases.

  1. For face. Removes toxins, nourishes and cleanses the skin. The oil is applied to the forehead, face and neck, wait 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and remove excess with a soft, damp towel. In order not to affect the fat balance, and the skin does not dry out, the procedure is carried out once a week.
  2. For hair. The nutritious recipe uses ingredients that are leading in home cosmetics. Two tablespoons of heated honey are mixed with two egg yolks, two tablespoons of sesame oil are added, applied to the hair in an even layer, wait half an hour and rinse with shampoo. Carry out the procedure twice a week.
  3. For weight loss . There are several use cases. Simple - use on an empty stomach. To start the mechanism to combat overweight, drink a spoonful of pomace 30 minutes before breakfast and drink warm water. The technique is not suitable for people who go to work after breakfast, because there is a side effect - a laxative property.. The second option involves adding to salads and snacks instead of sunflower oil. Achieving the result is provided by a combination of diet with physical activity.

How to take for skin

  • wrinkles. Two tablespoons of oil are mixed with a spoonful of sour cream and applied to the problem area.
  • Dry skin. Fifty milliliters of pomace is combined with a spoonful of glycerin and 50 grams of cucumber puree. Add a drop of lemon and mint ether and use as directed.
  • Edema. A spoonful of pomace is mixed with esters of pine, juniper and mandarin. The mixture eliminates puffiness of the skin.
  • acne. A stack of sesame oil is combined with 50 milliliters of grape juice and a similar amount of aloe pulp. The resulting composition is treated with the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Massage mask. Before the procedure, a composition of a spoonful of sesame nectar, five drops of chamomile, three drops of basil and two drops of cypress oil is applied to the skin.
  • Vitamin mask . Ten milliliters of sesame pomace is mixed with a couple of tocopherol capsules and two retinol capsules.

Video of cooking sesame milk

Treatment with sesame oil

Traditional healers use sesame oil to treat diseases. The recipes that have come to the disposal of ordinary people have passed the test of time and have demonstrated their effectiveness.

  1. Mastitis. A soft cloth is moistened in an oily composition, applied to the chest, covered with a plastic bag and secured with a gauze bandage.
  2. Bad breath . The oral cavity is rinsed daily with sesame oil. It freshens breath, restores damaged mucous membranes, strengthens gums and activates receptors.
  3. Cough. The oil is heated to 39 degrees, rubbed into the back and chest, then they wrap themselves up and go to bed. With a dry cough to improve the condition, take a spoon daily.
  4. Burns and cuts . To speed up the healing of skin lesions, the affected area is treated with sesame liquid.
  5. Headache and insomnia . Heated sesame oil is rubbed into the temples and feet. Lotions help with dizziness.
  6. Women Health . To restore the normal functioning of the ovaries and normalize the menstrual cycle, drink a spoonful of pomace from sesame seeds daily before breakfast.
  7. Gastritis and ulcer . In the morning before a meal, take a tablespoon of oil, then drink a small spoon before each meal.
  8. Chronic constipation . The daily use of oil in the morning will solve the problem. On the first day, they drink 3 tablespoons, after which the dose is gradually reduced to one spoon and taken until the stool normalizes.
  9. Otitis. In case of illness, heated sesame liquid is instilled into the inflamed ear, 2 drops each.
  10. Strengthening the immune system, cleansing the body . For health purposes, they drink one and a half tablespoons of oil every morning for two weeks, after which they make a ten-day pause and repeat the course.
The list of diseases in which sesame oil helps is impressive. Just do not consider it a panacea, none of the popular recipes will replace a full-fledged treatment with the participation of doctors.

Sesame oil for children

Squeeze from sesame seeds is saturated with calcium, thanks to delicate fiber, it normalizes the functioning of the baby's digestive system. It is used in baby food as an addition to dairy products.

There is an opinion that sesame seeds help with pneumonia, bronchitis, diseases of the digestive system and pancreas. This fact has not been scientifically proven and it is not known for certain how many grains produce a therapeutic effect.

There are no prohibitions on the consumption of oil by children. However, infants are given sesame seeds carefully so as not to cause allergies. I recommend oil in soups and salads, and I advise children over 3 years old to please with tahini halva.

Cooking recipes with sesame oil

Sesame oil is incredibly popular among Thai, Asian, Korean and Chinese cooks. They use it to cook meat, seafood, salads, desserts and sweets. Often sesame seeds are mixed with other spices and herbs. Add to hot dishes before serving.

lean soup


  • Carrots - 200 g.
  • Sweet pepper - 200 g.
  • White cabbage - 200 g.
  • Vegetable broth - 4 cups
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Chinese noodles - 1 pack.
  • Green onions - 1 bunch.
  • Tomato paste - 1 spoon.
  • Sesame oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Sesame - 1 spoon.
  • Pepper, salt.


  1. I fry chopped green onions in sesame oil along with chopped garlic and sesame seeds for one minute. For frying, I use a saucepan, in which I subsequently cook lean soup.
  2. I send shredded cabbage and chopped sweet pepper to the pan, mix and stew under the lid for five minutes over medium heat.
  3. I pour in the broth, bring it to a boil, pepper, salt, spread the noodles and cook until they are ready. If there is no broth, I replace it with plain water. Ready soup served to the table.



  • Cauliflower - 100 g.
  • Red onion - 50 g.
  • Carrot - 100 g.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g.
  • String beans - 100 g.
  • Seasoning for salads - 5 g.
  • Sesame oil - 20 ml.


  1. I wash vegetables. I peel the carrots and cut them into cubes, cut the beans into three centimeter pieces, chop the pepper into strips, chop the onion, divide the cabbage into inflorescences.
  2. I put the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, add a little water and mix. I put the dishes on the stove, cook the vegetables for three minutes, put them on a dish and wait for them to cool.
  3. It remains to add some spices to the salad and season with sesame oil. The appetizer is original and simple.

Chinese meatballs


  • Minced pork - 500 g.
  • Shrimps - 250 g.
  • Canned chestnuts - 6 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • Ground ginger root - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  • Rice vodka - 1 spoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons.
  • Starch - 1.5 tablespoons.


  • Dried mushrooms - 8 pcs.
  • White cabbage - 1 head.


  • Broth - 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tablespoons.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Minced meat, chopped seafood, chestnuts, chopped onions, ginger and other ingredients are combined in a deep bowl and mixed. From the resulting mixture I make six meatballs.
  2. I soak the mushrooms in heated water, cut the cabbage into strips, divide it into two halves and use one part to cover the bottom of the pan.
  3. I roll the meatballs in diluted starch broth and fry in oil until golden brown. Then I put it in a saucepan on a cabbage pillow along with mushrooms and cover with the remaining cabbage.
  4. I pour over the sauce prepared in advance, put it on the stove, bring it to a boil and stew over low heat for about an hour. I serve Chinese meatballs on the table, laying them on a pillow of vegetables and mushrooms.

sesame bread


  • Wheat flour - 600 g.
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 1 spoon.
  • Coriander - 2 tablespoons.
  • Warm water - 380 ml.
  • Sesame oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sesame seeds - 6 tablespoons. For powder - 1 pinch.


  1. I mix flour with yeast, sugar, salt and coriander. I add warm water, sesame seeds and sesame oil, knead a soft dough. I cover with a towel and leave for a third of an hour.
  2. While the dough is ripening, I warm it up

Sesame oil, which is also called sesame oil (sesame has a second name "sesame"), was previously considered a delicacy. It was known in antiquity and is still very popular in India, China, Pakistan, etc., not only due to its taste, but also due to its medicinal properties. In Europe, sesame oil is usually used as a flavor additive, without even suspecting that it has a lot of useful properties.

Sesame seeds and the oil obtained from them contain vitamins A, D, E, K, C, some B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and other trace elements, as well as a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and many other natural chemical compounds useful for the body.

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

This oil is very useful for the cardiovascular system due to the fact that the substances contained in it normalize cholesterol metabolism, improve blood properties, and also strengthen the heart muscle and vascular wall. It is recommended for use in diseases of the hematopoietic system, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and atherosclerosis. Of course, the use of sesame seed oil is useful not only in the treatment of these diseases, but also for their prevention.

It is very useful to diversify the diet with sesame oil for diseases of the digestive system, especially such as colitis, gastritis with high acidity,. It has a mild laxative effect and helps to naturally cleanse the intestines. Sesame seed oil stimulates the formation and separation of bile, has a beneficial effect on the liver, helps restore its structure in hepatitis and fatty degeneration.

I would especially like to note the beneficial properties of sesame oil for malnutrition, not only for obesity, but also for exhaustion of the body. Even in the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, a lot of attention was paid to sesame oil as a means of cleansing the body, getting rid of excess weight and building muscle mass. Indeed, this oil helps to remove from the body not only toxins, but also salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, so it was considered an effective remedy for poisoning. Due to the substance sesamin, which is contained in large quantities in sesame oil, fat metabolism is normalized and the process of fat burning is stimulated. However, do not forget about the calorie content of the oil: there are almost 900 kcal per 100 g, so you should not abuse it.

This product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain due to its high content of phospholipids, antioxidants and many other compounds. In the presence of sesame oil in the human diet, brain activity, memory and concentration of attention improve, it is much easier for the body to cope with nervous strain, fatigue and depression. To prevent age-related changes in the nervous system, it is enough to periodically add sesame oil to food, this will help reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and other nervous diseases.

Sesame oil can also bring invaluable benefits to the human musculoskeletal system. Due to the high content of calcium, as well as phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin C, this product helps in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the joints and bones, and it can not only be consumed as a dietary supplement, but also used externally to massage the diseased area. Sesame oil is useful during periods when the body needs more calcium and vitamins than usual, for example, pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents during the period of active skeletal growth.

Sesame seed oil is also useful for immunity, it has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic effects. This product helps to maintain the youthfulness of the body, prevents premature aging of cells, and also has an antitumor effect. With its regular use, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. With dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungal skin lesions, sesame oil can be applied externally.

Sesame oil is useful for the genital area in both women and men. Women centuries ago used it for painful menstruation, to relieve premenstrual syndrome and manifestations of menopause. In addition, its intake in food contributes to the prevention of mastopathy. It is no less useful to add this vegetable oil to the diet of men, since the complex of substances included in its composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate, improves erectile function and stimulates the process of spermatogenesis.

In cosmetology, sesame oil is not as popular as, for example,. However, it is no less useful for the skin, because it nourishes, moisturizes it, improves local blood circulation, has a regenerating effect and protects against ultraviolet rays. Sesame oil can also be used for oily skin, as it helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. Sesame seed oil helps to strengthen weakened brittle hair, especially after dyeing, it can be used in the complex treatment of seborrhea. This oil is rarely used for cosmetic purposes in its pure form, usually a few drops are added to other components of the masks.

Harm of sesame oil

The use of sesame oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to sesame - although very rarely, an allergy to sesame seed still happens.

Sesame oil contains substances that improve blood clotting, so it is not recommended to eat it for people suffering from diseases with increased blood clotting and thrombosis. Therefore, you should abandon this product when taking drugs that reduce blood clotting.

It is not recommended to add oil to food while taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, as well as to use it in conjunction with products containing oxalic acid. This can lead to impaired absorption of calcium, accumulation in the body and the formation of kidney and bladder stones. Recall that oxalic acid is found in the greatest amount in sorrel and rhubarb, so you should not add sesame oil to them.

Pregnant women should not abuse sesame oil, it is enough to add 1-2 teaspoons of oil to food several times a week.

Sesame oil is rarely used specifically for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to add it to the diet as a natural healthy product and a means of preventing diseases. It should not be consumed in large quantities, it is enough to include 1-2 teaspoons in your daily diet, you can take it not every day. Children over 2-3 years old can add a few drops of this product to meals a couple of times a week, teenagers over 10 years old are allowed to use 1 teaspoon of oil per day.

How to choose sesame oil?

On sale you can see two types of sesame oil: light and dark. Light oil is obtained by cold direct pressing from raw sesame seeds. It has a less pronounced taste and aroma than dark. If you want to add such a healthy product as sesame oil to your diet, but its aroma and taste are not pleasant to you, then you should choose light oil.

Dark sesame oil is made from roasted sesame seeds. It is considered more concentrated, has a very pronounced pleasant aroma and taste, which is not lost even when added to other products with a strong odor. Such oil is not suitable for heat treatment, and it is not cheap, so it is customary to use it for dressing salads and other cold dishes.

Both types of sesame oil have the same beneficial properties, but it should be recalled that in order for the body to receive real benefits from their use, vegetable oils should not be subjected to heat treatment. When frying or stewing, the oil becomes not only useless, but even harmful to health.

Sesame oil is a natural product extracted from sesame seeds. Its beneficial properties and contraindications were known to ancient civilizations. Wild sesame grew in Africa until it was cultivated in India as an industrial horticultural crop. Sesame oil is extracted from a plant of the sesame or pedaliaceae family, which can be annual or perennial, creep along the ground or reach half a meter in height, bloom with flowers of different colors.

It can be unmistakably identified by the seed box from which its valuable seeds are collected.

Starting with Avicenna, doctors' reviews of the beneficial properties of the plant consisted of superlatives, and for medical purposes it was used to treat colds and infectious diseases. Often it was used as a source of valuable substances and vitality in painful conditions.

The main aspect of the application (or sesame) is the seeds from which vegetable oil is extracted. It is used in cooking and cosmetology, for medicinal purposes, and there are practically no contraindications for this valuable gift of nature. For the sake of a healing oily liquid, the plant began to be grown in the Transcaucasus, the Far East and Central Asia.

In China, sesame seeds are considered a source of vigor and a means of prolonging life. In India, they treat a huge number of diseases - from skin pathologies to banal constipation. In Korea, sesame oil is used to remove toxins from the body. Oriental dishes contain sesame oil, seeds and tahini - the same sesame seeds, only finely ground.

Useful properties do not mean immoderate and uncontrolled use. Any healing substance can easily be turned into a poisonous one in case of overdose or excess. Therefore, there is a daily allowance of the possible amount, which allows you to eliminate side effects and bypass contraindications.

Centuries-old experience is used in modern alternative medicine, which allows using the rich composition of seed oil with maximum benefit for human health.

Seeds are the quintessence accumulated by the plant to continue its life cycle, and the oil from them is a healing juice that retains its beneficial properties and discards the outer shell.

Those who choose sesame oil, mistakenly believing that its beneficial properties consist in the presence of a large amount of calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which are contained in the seeds of the plant, are in for some disappointment. The minerals contained in the seeds remain in the same cake, the separation of which is the basis for the production of oil.

The natural plant product itself contains fatty acids:

  • myristic;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic
  • arachidic.

The product contains a fairly wide range of vitamins: A, C, D, E (choline), K, B1, B2, B3, PP, B4, and the price that adherents pay for it is relatively low. But we must remember that the oil has some contraindications. 100 ml in dark glass can be bought from 160 rubles, and considering how little the daily allowance is, this is a much cheaper pleasure than buying factory-made vitamin complexes.

Sesame oil contains:

  • phytosterols and phospholipids;
  • sesamol, sesamolin and sesamin, known as chloroform;
  • fitin;
  • lecithin;
  • resveratrol;
  • beta-sitosterol and betaine;
  • squagen.

Sesame oil, due to its rich composition, can affect the activity of the endocrine, reproductive, nervous and vascular systems with the help of fatty acids.

Its beneficial properties are multiplied by vitamins. Phytosterols and phospholipids are able to eliminate functional failures of the liver, heart, brain, while affecting the state of the upper layers of the epithelium.

The most powerful antioxidant squagen takes part in the process of lowering cholesterol in the blood and helps to strengthen the natural immunity of a person. Beta-sitosterol also helps to normalize cholesterol levels in atherosclerotic disease. Lecithin acts as an effective hepatoprotector, phytin is necessary for some pathologies of the nervous system.

Reviews of patients and attending physicians testify to the beneficial effect of sesame seed oil on the body, if it is used as directed by a doctor, in the correct dosage, and taking into account some contraindications.

Expediency of internal use

The annotation for a herbal remedy sold in pharmacies in the country states that taking a purified product helps in solving many health problems. This applies not only to common diseases, but also to fairly rare pathologies:

  • in the respiratory system, it helps to cure asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and their symptoms - shortness of breath, dry cough, sore throat;
  • in the hematopoietic system - thrombocytopenic purpura, bleeding disorders, anemia, internal bleeding and anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, essential thrombopenia;
  • in the digestive complex - with gastritis, colitis, increased acidity of gastric juice, hyperfunctionality of the liver and gallbladder, the initial stages of pancreatitis and at the same time - to obtain a mild laxative to eliminate constipation;
  • an excellent remedy for violations of natural metabolism, treatment of atherosclerosis in the early stages of progression, by cleaning vessels from harmful deposits;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the formation of vascular thrombi;
  • in the endocrine sphere - with diabetes mellitus and thyroid pathologies;
  • in the genitourinary - for the prevention of inflammatory processes, with kidney stones and the initial stage of nephritis.

Sesame seed oil is indicated for use in diabetes

This very positive quality allows it to be used when infection with worms has not reached a serious stage, and contraindications to the use of medications are quite serious.

The most valuable plant component of sesame seeds is also in demand in modern cosmetology. It is added to creams and massage oils, therapeutic masks and wraps, used as a therapeutic component for the skin of the face, limbs and even the whole body. Procedures with sesame oil can strengthen hair follicles, accelerate hair growth, give them volume, silkiness and shine.

Reception of a therapeutic agent and its contraindications

There is nothing complicated about how to take sesame oil, but its dosage and indications should be monitored by your doctor. The abundance of fatty acids and high calorie content make it necessary to consult with your doctor, and in the case of overweight, also with a nutritionist.

Dentists believe that, even if oral use is limited or prohibited, sesame oil can be used as a morning rinse of the mouth. This will not only help prevent cavities, but also cleanse the taste buds for a full-fledged perception of everyday food.

The daily dose is determined in accordance with the anamnesis, the state of the human body, its age and the presence of concomitant chronic pathologies.

During pregnancy, for example, sesame oil is necessary to replenish vitamin E, which contributes to the proper development of the fetus, to have a laxative effect on the intestines and prevent constipation. Sesame seeds themselves are recommended to be chewed for calcium and other minerals. It is believed that the correct use of a valuable plant product can increase lactation.

For a one-year-old child, 3-5 drops of the drug are enough, up to 6 you can already give from 5 to 10 drops, from 10 years old and up to adolescence - 1 tsp. in a day. An adult is prescribed after eating about 1 tbsp. l. per day, but the dosage may be increased or decreased depending on the specific ailment and possible contraindications.

Cosmetic procedures

The practice of using the drug has more than one century. It does not easily cleanse the skin of dead epithelium, but also supplies it with the nutrients necessary for moisturizing, optimizing capillary circulation, eliminating the vascular network and the aging process, and provides protection from ultraviolet radiation.

For hair, sesame oil is an excellent remedy for dandruff, able to treat brittle and dull, dyed and gray hair, restore their natural structure.

Adding additional ingredients to face and skin masks at home or in beauty salons potentiates and enhances the effect of medical procedures.

Existing contraindications

The main contraindication is individual intolerance or allergic reactions to sesame oil. The reason for individual prohibitions may be urolithiasis and blood clotting, which can cause the formation of blood clots, varicose veins. It can give undesirable effects in combination with drugs, so it should be taken only with the knowledge and approval of the attending physician.

Sesame oil is light, nourishing. It brings many health benefits. Although it is not the most popular in our time, it was the most famous and revered in ancient India.

One of the earliest and deepest researchers in Ayurveda, Charaka, said that sesame oil is the best of all oils.

It has been used to alleviate various diseases and conditions of the body. This is perhaps the oldest oil of all that is present in the world. Only now are we beginning to understand its health benefits.

Sesame oil can help you achieve flawless skin, healthy hair, and glowing, healthy skin from within. After reading the article, evaluate for yourself whether the benefits and harms of sesame oil are great, and at the same time you will learn why and how to take it.

Sesame oil is obtained from sesame seeds. Plants in the genus sesame have amazing abilities. They tolerate drought very well.

People of ancient civilizations in India, China, Egypt and the Middle East discovered that sesame seeds are good for extracting oil. So, it is one of the oldest derived oils in the history of human civilization.

Sesame seeds are mainly of two types:

  • White sesame seeds. They are white or cream colored. The oil obtained from these seeds is light in color.
  • Black sesame seeds. They are dark in color, and the oil, respectively, is dark in color.

Sesame oil has many powerful therapeutic and healing properties. Only a few of them have been evaluated and verified through scientific research.

  • Anti-inflammatory. It helps because it contains fatty acids.
  • Antioxidant. Does not spoil for a long time due to these antioxidant nutrients.
  • Antidiabetic.
  • Hypotensive (lowers blood pressure).
  • Antibacterial. Kills many strains of bacteria.
  • Anti-atherogenic. Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Antidepressant. Reduces the state of depression.
  • DNA protection. Sesame oil protects the DNA of body cells from damage caused by external factors (radiation).
  • Anticancer. Sesame oil has now been found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Emollient. Perfectly moisturizes and heals dry skin.
  • Regenerative, rejuvenating. Sesame oil has powerful anti-aging nutrients.
  • Skin restoration. Promotes the restoration and renewal of skin cells. Causes scarring and rapid healing of wounds.
  • Sun protection. Sesame oil has a natural SPF, albeit a small one. It does not compare to sunscreen cosmetics, but it can be used in natural sun protection formulations.
  • Antirheumatic. Used in Ayurvedic practice. Oil is used as the base component.
  • Anticholesterol. Improves the lipid profile of people who use it.
  • Detoxification. One of the few massage oils to remove toxins from the body.
  • Great for a massage.
  • Laxative. Gives quick relief from constipation.

Ancient people used this oil for its healing properties that could bring it back to glory.

How to take sesame oil, the benefits and harm to the body

All ways in which you can use sesame oil at home should be cold pressed. Sesame oil has excellent nutritional properties that have been used to reverse disease.

Words are unnecessary here, this composition provides numerous health benefits. Our ancestors knew about this and used sesame oil for thousands of years.

Useful properties for the skin of sesame oil can not be counted. So it is rich in nutrients and vitamins. It should be applied directly to the skin of the face. It improves the texture of the skin, leaving it softer and smoother.

Softens, hydrates the skin and may reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This effect is explained by the content of a special micronutrient called sesamol.

It also lightens tan and irregular pigmentation. Its antioxidant and sunscreen properties provide double protection against UV damage.

For young skin. It is difficult for teenagers to find a cream for their face care. Some oils are too thick and heavy, and cosmetics are not always suitable. The way out is sesame oil, it will satisfy all the needs of the younger generation.

Complete control over pustules and rashes. It neutralizes toxins that cause inflammation and clogged pores.

lifting effect. It tightens the skin well, especially around the nose. Reduces the appearance of enlarged pores, makes her condition healthier and younger looking.

Heals damaged skin. For any scratches, cuts and cracks, apply oil to the wound. The speed of recovery will surprise you. The skin is elastic, soft and elastic.

For baby skin. An excellent product for the care of delicate and sensitive baby skin. It is applied under the diaper and protects against rashes caused by acidic exposure to body waste.

Although sesame oil is slightly heavier than other massage oils, it is used for massage.

Preferably used to detoxify the body through the skin.

How to properly massage with sesame oil

Warm sesame oil is applied liberally on the skin. The idea is to "bathe" in it. After application, keep the oil on the skin for approximately 15-30 minutes. Wash it off with water.

The oil is ideal for a morning massage before a shower, although you can use it at any time. This treatment removes many environmental and internal toxins, leaving the body detoxified.

The skin is the largest organ of the body that contains toxins. We have in the skin many harmful substances that are trapped inside it. This massage will improve blood circulation in the skin, making it work better.

According to Ayurveda, sesame oil can be consumed daily in the morning for self-massage. It aims to strengthen the tissues of the body, reduce physical activity, improve the appearance of the skin and to protect against the onset of old age.

Studies have confirmed that applying sesame oil to the skin of a child promotes its growth. Children who were massaged with sesame oil showed an additional increase in height, weight and body circumference. The duration of sleep after massage also increases.

Sesame oil for hair growth

For massage. Sesame oil makes a great scalp massage. It deeply conditions the scalp and improves the health of the hair follicles.

For hair damage. Sesame oil treats hair that has been damaged by the use of chemicals: soaps, shampoos, conditioners, dyes, and even the heat of hair dryers and straighteners.

Sesame oil helps hair return to its original health (to some extent). It absorbs many of the toxins that build up on the scalp.

They absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals that are on the skin while swimming in sea water or in the pool.

Hot compress. Apply warm sesame oil to your scalp for a hot compress. This will make the hair softer and easier to comb.

The heating of the oil is done for its deep penetration and conditioning of the skin.

Nutrition of hair follicles. Sesame oil has a good composition of essential fatty acids that boost the health of hair follicles.

With psoriasis. Oil eliminates peeling and dryness. That is why it is useful in the fight against dandruff.

Against hair loss. It is indispensable and effective in preventing hair loss that occurs due to a fungal infection of the scalp. Sesame oil is a powerful antifungal agent.

Quick hair shine. Do you have an event planned and urgently need to add shine to dull hair? No problem. You just need to take 4-5 drops of sesame seeds in the palm of your hand and distribute them through your hair.

Now you can enjoy their brilliance. Distributing it at the ends will save them from damage and they will not split.

Get rid of lice easily. You will need to add a few drops of lavender and rosemary oil to sesame oil and make a hot mask on the scalp. There will be no lice. Then you need to comb your hair with a fine comb to extract the remaining eggs.

This effect can be minimized by applying sesame oil before or after bathing. It washes chlorine out of the hair scales.

Healthy! Applying sesame oil on the outer rim of the ear canal can effectively prevent infection from entering the ear.

Against depression Sesame oil helps if taken orally or used for massage. The study found that sesamol in its composition helps to inhibit the production of cytokines. This greatly reduces the risk of developing clinical depression due to stress.

Some people do, others know, and some have not heard at all. There is a method cleansing the body with oil sesame seeds. This practice is ancient and very effective. Usually coconut oil is used for this, but sesame oil is not inferior to it in any way for these purposes.

Cleanse the body of toxins. Put some sesame seed oil into your mouth, just a little, so that you feel comfortable. Keep it inside your mouth for about 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with it, chew it and push it through your teeth.

If you did everything right, the oil will turn white and liquid. Then spit it out and rinse your mouth well with water with the addition of salt or soda.

It kills harmful bacteria in the mouth, Candida fungi and those that cause stomatitis. At the same time, it protects the teeth and gums. This practice is also helpful for gingivitis.

For a healthy gut. Sesame oil helps improve gut health when consumed regularly. Its presence in the diet improves the condition of the digestive system in certain inflammatory processes, in particular, in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It helps in the treatment of intestinal obstruction.

Lowering cholesterol. Maintaining normal levels is much easier with sesame oil due to the presence of fatty acids in it. Sesame oil reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Antitumor activity. Sesame oil has been identified as anti-cancer for several diseases:

The anti-cancer effect of sesame oil is due to sesamin. It has a cytotoxic effect against cancer cells, effectively blocking their spread.

Sesame oil has a pleasant, sweet taste and delicate aroma. It is stable and resistant to rancidity. It is added to salads and main dishes.

You can use toasted sesame oil, which has a rich flavor and is great for adding to recipes.

Contraindications, safe dosage and toxicity

Sesame oil is safe. It does not irritate the skin, so it is favorable for massage. It does not make the skin photosensitive, so you can use it in the sun without fear.

There is no specific information about its safe rate for medicinal purposes. However, people with allergies to sesame seeds should avoid this oil. Also, it should not be used by those who are prone to chronic diarrhea.

There are contraindications for taking sesame oil, there are few of them, and among them:

  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • The risk of developing urolithiasis when combining oil with products containing oxalic acid and aspirin.

Sesame oil does not leave indifferent any woman and rave reviews confirm this. It not only restores the beauty and youthfulness of your skin to your hair, it improves women's health, normalizes weight and gives strength and self-confidence.

Sesame is one of the first crops from which oil was squeezed. The benefits of sesame oil for women and men as a food and medicine are very high, thanks to provitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins. In addition, sesame contains copper, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium and dietary fiber.
The composition of sesame oil, rich in nutrients, determines its many beneficial properties. It is used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems, liver, gallbladder and even oncology.

Sesame seeds, depending on the variety, collection and processing method, can be yellow, brown, white, red and even black. Sesame seeds are often sold already peeled and their light color is more familiar to us. Sesame seeds have a pleasant nutty flavor.

The benefits of sesame oil are very noticeable for those who need calcium, just keep in mind that calcium is found in large quantities only in unpeeled (black) sesame. In purified grains, calcium is 60% less.
But is sesame oil so rich in calcium that it can really replenish its deficiency in the body? Yes, it's true. In terms of calcium content, sesame is actually the absolute champion among other plants and products.
In terms of high calcium content, only hard cheeses and dried fish can be compared with sesame seeds. It is believed that taking 1 tablespoon of sesame oil per day increases the calcium content in the body by 2 times. That's impressive, but can sesame oil alone treat osteoporosis, for example?
In addition to foods rich in calcium, there are other means to solve the problems of diseases associated with an acute lack of calcium in the body. After passing the diagnostic procedures, the doctor determines the treatment regimen for the patient individually. Treatment includes drugs that improve bone tissue metabolism, estrogens that inhibit bone resorption, special complexes that contain organic and inorganic components of animal bone tissue, and finally, physiotherapy procedures (massage, mud therapy, ultrasound, drug electrophoresis). Thus, the lack of calcium is compensated in a complex and purely individual way, and sesame oil perfectly complements the treatment and is an excellent prophylactic.

It is important to know that sesame oil, due to the content of fatty acids and antioxidants, slows down the aging process and prolongs the healthy youth of our body.
Sesame oil - benefits for women.
Sesame seeds contain two unique phytoestrogens: sesamin and sesamolin, plant analogues of female sex hormones, which are especially important for women after 50 years of age.
Sesame oil hair masks instantly restore hair structure and restore shine.
Sesame oil will come to the aid of women in the fight against cellulite. Simply add 1 tablespoon of sesame oil to your body moisturizer and use the mixture morning and evening. A pleasant result will not be long in coming!

Sesame oil and cholesterol.
The benefit of sesame oil is the content of phytosterol (a vegetable analogue of cholesterol), which inhibits the absorption of animal cholesterol in the intestines, and with regular use of sesame, they reduce the level of bad cholesterol by more than 15%. For information: a large amount of vegetable cholesterol is also found in pumpkin and sunflower seeds, walnuts.
How to take sesame oil to maximize its benefits? By taking about 1 teaspoon of sesame oil daily, you will provide your body with a sufficient amount of useful substances. Keep in mind that sesame oil is very high in calories, so overweight people are not recommended to abuse it. Light sesame oil tastes good, it is good to fill a vegetable salad. Sesame seeds can also be added to salad or used in baking. Who among us has not tried delicious, fragrant buns with sesame seeds?!

Unpeeled sesame seeds (black), unlike peeled seeds, are quite resistant to temperature and air, however, they need to be stored in a dry and cool place. Peeled sesame seeds at home are best stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Are there any contraindications for the use of sesame oil?
In addition to the undeniable benefits, sesame oil can also harm our body, because the shell (husk) of sesame seeds contains calcium in its difficult to digest form, so people with a tendency to form kidney stones should not get carried away with sesame oil.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any remedy may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Sesame oil - benefits and harms reviews: 8

  • Nina

    You can also buy sesame seeds in the form of seeds, it is very tasty and healthy to sprinkle them with salads.

  • Aigul

    Thanks for the advice, I bought sesame oil, I decided to read about the benefits, your site came in handy.

  • Tatiana

    For a month now I have been drinking 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. sesame oil and the effect is obvious, excellent skin structure, small wrinkles are smoothed out ...

  • larisa

    it is very effective for the nail plate before going to bed to make a bath of warm water by adding a little lemon. Hold for 10 minutes, wet hands from water, let dry and apply a little oil on each nail. Rub in for 5-7 minutes. into nails and cuticles. If you have applied a lot, and it seems that nothing is rubbed, rub the excess on your hands, and in a minute you will notice that there is nothing on the nails and hands, except for pleasant sensations.

  • Natasha

    I read about sesame oil and got very interested.
    Need to buy.

  • Yana

    Went to buy

  • Olga

    Nowhere is the duration of oil consumption indicated. Course of use?

  • Galina

    Natural sesame seed paste can be bought at the store "Vivat", sugar-free paste, the name "Urbech, pleasant to the taste."

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