Sesame seed: useful properties and contraindications. White and black sesame seeds


One of the most ancient plant products on the table of modern man is sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which were described long before the new era. Knowledge on how to take sesame seeds obtained from Sesamum indicum, most widely distributed in the East and Africa. In Europe, this food product is mandatory included in.


Sesame seeds contain more oils than any other seeds - from 50 to 60 percent of the total mass.

Another 20% comes from proteins rich in lysine, tryptophan and methionine.

One tablespoon of sesame seeds contains:

  • 4 grams of fat;
  • 1 gram of carbohydrates;
  • 2 grams of proteins;
  • 4 mg copper (18% of the daily value);
  • 2 mg manganese (11%);
  • 87 mg calcium (9%);
  • 31 mg magnesium (8%);
  • 1 mg thiamine (5%).

Calorie 1 tbsp. spoons is 52 calories.

Calcium is present in the seeds as oxalates, which reduce its bioavailability and benefits. Also in sesame, as in all other seeds, there are a lot of antinutrients - substances that prevent the absorption of the nutrient compounds of the product.

Most of the oxalates and antinutrients are concentrated in the husk, which is usually removed. However, along with the husk, most of the calcium, iron, potassium and vegetable fiber are also thrown away.

So, the main benefit of sesame seeds is not in proteins and trace elements, but in fat-soluble lignans - sesamin and sesamolin, and phytosterols.

Beneficial features

Help in losing weight

Acceleration of fat burning

Sesame seed lignans increase the activity of certain liver enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fatty acids.

For this reason, sesame seed powder is now increasingly included in dietary supplements for weight loss and supplements for bodybuilders.

It is better to eat natural products, rather than pills made from them. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, as the concentration of active ingredients in a product can be so low that it must be isolated and concentrated to be useful.

However, just in relation to sesame seeds, this is not required. You can just eat the seeds and still lose weight.

The fight against overeating

Sesame has another quality that helps to reduce weight. I must say that almost all seeds used for weight loss have a similar property: chia, flax seeds, sunflower seeds.

All of these foods help reduce cravings for sugary and unhealthy snacks. Therefore, it is correct to include them in the composition. Moreover, they carry quite a lot of protein: there are more proteins in sesame than in many other popular nuts and seeds.

Thus, sesame snacks help reduce appetite, reduce the number of calories consumed per day, and make it easier to give up sweets.

Protection against diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes contain compounds called phytosterols. Sesame seed is one of the leaders in terms of the amount of these compounds.

Phytosterols have a structure similar to cholesterol and replace this compound inside the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating 50 grams of sesame seeds daily for five weeks has been shown to markedly improve the HDL/LDL ratio. This is extremely important, since this indicator accurately reflects the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Useful properties for women

Sesame seeds are beneficial for postmenopausal women.

As a result of the work of the intestinal microflora, sesame lignan sesamin is converted into phytoestrogen enterolactone. In addition, sesamin itself exhibits enterometabolic activity similar to that of lignans.

As a result, in postmenopausal women who eat 50 grams of seeds daily, the hormonal profile of blood serum improves significantly.

Cancer prevention

In addition to enterolactone, bacteria in the intestinal microflora convert sesame lignans into another useful compound - enterodiol.

Both entererolactone and enterodiol have anticarcinogenic activity. They are especially effective in preventing the development of tumors of the large intestine and breast.

How to take sesame seeds?

For some reason, many people are interested in how to take sesame seeds.

You don't have to take them in any particular way. It's not a cure. Just a healthy food item. Include sesame seeds in your diet the way you want, when you want.

Seeds come in different colors: white, yellow, gold, beige, brown and black.

Black seeds have a more pronounced taste and aroma. But they are distributed mainly in China and Southeast Asia. In our country, in Europe and America, white and beige seeds are usually sold. They are useful in the same way as their darker counterparts. Therefore, there is no need to chase the rarer and more expensive blacks.


Sesame seed growers have noticed an interesting psychological phenomenon. The sesame crop usually consists of seeds of different colors. They can be white, yellow, beige.

But buyers are willing to pay more for those packages in which all seeds are strictly the same color, mistakenly believing that they are of better quality. Actually, there is no difference.

Producers now pack seeds with machines that closely track the color of the seeds. This makes it possible to raise the price of products.

In most countries of the world (except Japan), sesame seeds are sold already peeled.

If the seeds are purchased raw, they are usually roasted on their own in a dry frying pan. The roasting procedure should take no more than a few minutes, during which the seeds must be constantly stirred. As a result, they should emit a pleasant aroma and become a little darker.

If, during the roasting process, the seeds become completely dark and acquire an unpleasant odor, you have burned them. Now you can throw it away - they have gone rancid and turned from a healthy food into an extremely harmful one.

A convenient way to eat sesame seeds daily is to make a paste known as tahini.

Tahini is a healthier alternative, even to one made at home. As well as many other nut butters.

Recipe for making tahini at home


  • a glass of sesame seed;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Under no circumstances should you cook tahini with "regular" vegetable oils, such as sunflower. Such sesame paste will no longer be useful. Do not add sesame oil. Since sesame seeds already contain a lot of omega-6 fatty acids. And in the oil obtained from them, this pro-inflammatory compound is even more. And that's the main reason why.

Pour the seed into a dry, heavy-bottomed pan and place it over a small fire. Fry the seeds for 4-5 minutes, constantly stirring them with a wooden spatula.

When you feel that the seeds are toasted to the desired state, transfer them to a plate. If left in a hot pan, they may burn. Let them cool completely before cooking the pasta.

Then grind in a blender from the state of small crumbs.

Add 2 tablespoons of oil. And restart blender. After 1-2 minutes you should have a paste.

If you want to make the tahini thinner, add more oil. Just be sure.

Once the consistency of the pasta suits you, salt it to taste (optional), mix again and transfer to a glass jar.

Store in refrigerator.

How to use tahini?

As you like. It can be eaten just like that, just like peanut butter.

You can also use it to make hummus and other dishes. Here are some of the healthier recipes using tahini.

pumpkin hummus

Jordanian tahini sauce
chia and flax seeds.

  • Seed husks, which are rich in oxalates, are contraindicated for people on a diet with a sharp organic content of these compounds. Therefore, they need to be careful when buying tahini. This product may be made from whole seeds and not labeled as such. You can distinguish tahini from non-shelled seeds by its darker color and bitter taste.
  • Sesame seed is contraindicated in those suffering from Wilson's disease, which is associated with the accumulation of excess amounts of copper in the liver.
  • Sesame seed: benefits and possible harm. conclusions

    Sesame seeds are a very useful food product that does not need to be "taken" in any particular way. Sesame can and should be simply added to a variety of dishes. You can use both whole seeds and a paste prepared on their basis - tahini.

    There are not many contraindications for the use of sesame seeds. These are mainly allergies and some rare genetic anomalies.

    "Sim-sim, open up!" - such a simple spell is pronounced by the hero of the Arabic fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" in order to open the entrance to the cave with untold riches. In Western translations, this phrase is better known as "Open Sesame". But did you know that sesame - Sesamun indicum - is the scientific name for sesame seeds? It is believed that the use of the name of these particular seeds is not accidental: their peculiarity lies in the fact that during ripening, sesame seeds burst, making a crack, very similar to the sound of opening a door to a cave.

    In general, sesame has been used by humans as a dietary supplement for thousands of years. And this is not surprising! Sesame seeds are champions: the calcium content in sesame is higher than in cheese. But it is an important trace element, without which the functioning of the human body is impossible. Let's find out what the benefits and harms of sesame seeds are, how to take it in order to get the most out of it.

    Let's start by defining what, in fact, this unique plant is.

    What is sesame?

    It is an annual or perennial tropical plant whose seeds have been known for their medicinal properties for over 3,500 years. By cultivating sesame and studying its properties, our distant ancestors managed to obtain not only a source of healthy oil, but also a remedy for a number of diseases.

    Despite the fact that sesame is a herbaceous plant, outwardly it looks like a small bush with pod fruits. These fruits, ripening, burst, making a characteristic crack and throwing out flat seeds. The seeds themselves, despite their small size (100 g contains at least 500 pieces), are valued due to their high nutritional properties.

    Depending on the variety, there are sesame seeds of different colors: black, white, yellow and even red. It is worth noting that each species has its own unique taste and contains a different amount of useful trace elements. For this reason, it is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which of the varieties is most useful. We only note that black seeds that have not undergone the process of peeling are considered the most valuable.

    home of the sesame seed

    Sesame seeds have been cultivated in tropical regions around the world since prehistoric times, but myths still live in the cultures of some peoples, according to which the origin of the plant has even deeper roots. According to one of the Assyrian legends, when the ancient gods met and decided to create our world, they drank wine from sesame seeds.

    The first mentions of the use of sesame seeds by humans are found in early Hindu legends, so India is traditionally considered the birthplace of this miraculous plant. From India, sesame gradually spread throughout the countries of the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Today it has become an indispensable component for the manufacture of butter and all kinds of seasonings. Metaphorically, he is called "the emperor of the grains of the East and the king of oils of the West."

    The largest sesame producers today are India, China and Mexico.

    What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

    Sesame seeds are half fat. In the remaining part, about 30% is accounted for by vegetable protein. Despite the fact that this combination has obvious benefits, it is very high in calories - 100 g of sesame contains 560 kcal. Therefore, you should not abuse it - it is enough to eat 1.5 tbsp per day. l. to get the maximum health benefits. In this case, the reception of seeds should be carried out in the morning or afternoon. Those who have problems with being overweight should pay special attention to this fact.

    Sesame is a real storehouse of vitamins. It contains 10 nutrients that must be present in the diet for healthy functioning of the body and excellent well-being. The table shows how many percent of these substances from the average daily norm are contained in a serving (35 g) of sesame seeds. The effect of some of them on the body is also described below.

    In addition to these substances, sesame contains sesamin and sesamolin. These two absolutely unique antioxidants are the best known lignans and serve a wide range of functions in the body. They have anti-inflammatory and fat-burning properties, trigger metabolic processes and are involved in the absorption of vitamin E.


    This vital trace element, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, ensures the metabolism of iron in the body, increases the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, copper can significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from an autoimmune disease (in particular, rheumatoid arthritis).


    Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the heart and the transmission of nerve impulses. It provides the exchange of protein and nucleic acids, is involved in the process of extracting energy from food. In addition, it helps to normalize sleep and restore the nervous system.


    Zinc is necessary for the organization of normal processes of bone tissue development, cell regeneration and reproduction. It supports the reproductive function of the body, participates in the growth of hair and nails, and also reduces the harmful effects of toxic substances.

    Calcium. How much calcium is in sesame?

    Numerous studies have confirmed the positive properties that calcium has on the human body. Since ancient times, people have known about them and used sesame seeds as a source of calcium. What properties are we talking about?

    • Protecting the colon walls from harmful chemicals that cause cancer.
    • Normalization of the acidity level of the blood due to the alkaline-forming effect.
    • Strengthening bones and preventing brittle bones that can result from menopause and arthritis.
    • Prevention of the development of diseases caused by a lack of calcium in the body, such as osteoporosis.
    • Prevention of headaches and relief of migraine in people who are prone to it.
    • Reducing the symptoms of PMS during the menstrual cycle, especially the luteal phase.

    Sesame contains a sufficient amount of calcium. Unfortunately, this fact itself does not at all guarantee that all of it will be fully received by the body during use. The question arises, in what form would it be more correct to eat sesame seeds so that the calcium contained in it is absorbed?

    As a rule, various grocery chains offer to purchase peeled white sesame seeds. But it is known that, in comparison with whole seeds, such sesame seeds contain 10-12 times less calcium. This position causes some controversy among nutritionists. Nevertheless, when answering the question, which sesame contains more calcium, it is worth giving preference to dry crumbly seeds, in which this useful mineral is contained in the maximum volume.

    You can also highlight a number of simple rules for the proper storage and use of seeds. Try to follow them to keep the calcium in sesame:

    • shelf life of sesame - no more than 6 months;
    • the product should be kept in a closed container, protected from direct sunlight;
    • during cooking, do not subject the seeds to prolonged heat treatment;
    • if the seeds are planned to be used for cooking, it is very important to follow all the necessary recommendations and withstand the soaking time.

    Remember that absorption of calcium requires the body to get enough vitamin D. This cannot be achieved through diet alone, so it is worth going out more often in clear weather and taking walks.

    What are the disadvantages of using sesame seeds?

    Even the most healthy foods must be consumed in strict accordance with the characteristics of your body. Sesame is not recommended for asthmatics and people with individual intolerance to sesame. Like many nuts, the seeds can cause allergy-like symptoms, from a runny nose and mild redness of the eyes to angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

    If the product is regularly abused, such dangerous diseases as colitis, chronic diarrhea, and intestinal cancer can develop. A single excess of the norm of consumption leads to disorders of the stool and can cause appendicitis.

    Sesame black and white: what's the difference?

    The choice of one or another variety of sesame depends on the purpose for which it will be used. For the preparation of various bakery products, white sesame seeds are usually used. After removing the husk, they acquire a softer texture and a sweetish taste. Black sesame, on the other hand, crunches on the teeth and has a bright nutty flavor. The nutritional value of both varieties is about the same, but black seeds contain more calcium, zinc, vitamin B and other minerals.

    Thus, you have found out the benefits, harms and how to take sesame seeds and now you know how to use it correctly so as not to harm your health.

    Buy in the online store

    Sesame seeds (sesame) for a healthy diet

    Sesame seeds (sesame) or sesame seeds since ancient times are considered very valuable and useful. Sesame seeds are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

    Basically, one variety of sesame is grown - Indian. Its seeds have different colors - brown, red, black, cream. The taste of the seeds is slightly sweetish, nutty, oily. All seeds have a sweet smell that intensifies when roasted. Black seeds are unprocessed sesame seeds that have a more pronounced bright aroma. Black sesame seeds contain more solar energy.


    The nutritional value

    Nutritional value per 100 g:


    Calorie content per 100 g - 573 kcal.

    Medicinal and beneficial properties

    Sesame heals and rejuvenates the body, improves tone, gives a feeling of cheerfulness, strengthens memory.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Sesame seeds contain a high amount of oil, which is why it is mainly used to make sesame oil. Due to the fact that sesame is high in calories, it helps to restore the body during dystrophy.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Effectively used in many different diseases. Sesame reduces the acidity of the stomach, treats gastritis, liver disease, inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas. It has an anti-inflammatory effect in inflammation of the kidneys and in the formation of kidney stones.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are a high antioxidant and cleansing effect. They are used as a prophylactic against cancer, to remove free radicals from the body, as well as toxins, harmful metabolic products. The antioxidant sesamin contained in the seeds lowers blood cholesterol levels.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Sesame seed has a laxative effect, normalizes the intestinal microflora. Boiled sesame seeds can stop diarrhea.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Due to the high content of calcium, sesame seeds strengthen bone, joint tissues, teeth, nails, relieve inflammation, prevent the development of osteoporosis and improve muscle elasticity. Help with bleeding gums.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Sesame seed, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, helps to ease breathing during an exacerbation of asthma and lung diseases.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Sesame soothes headaches and migraines.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    Sesame, ground into a fine gruel, is used externally for skin diseases. Sesame gruel relieves inflammation in eczema, itching, furunculosis, ulcers, burns, hair loss. Has the ability to heal wounds.

    Sesame seeds (sesame) - useful properties

    A unique and very healthy product is germinated sesame, which contains easily digestible calcium. Sprouted sesame, in the first place, is well suited for children, the elderly, pregnant women to strengthen bones and joints. He is also able to quickly restore strength after a long illness, stress and depression. Sprouts strengthen the heart, vascular system, promote cell renewal.

    The best for sprouting is black sesame, as it has an antioxidant effect.

    Application in cooking

    Sesame is popular in confectionery and bakery products - they are sprinkled with finished products - bread, cookies and buns. Sprinkle sesame seeds on fruit and vegetable salads. Added to grain and legume dishes, pasta, sauces, salad dressings. Sushi and rolls are prepared with them.

    On the basis of sesame, very tasty gozinaki and sweets are obtained, in particular, sesame burfi. Sesame can be used as a breading, such as for rolling dried fruit candies.

    Very tasty and healthy sesame halva is prepared from sesame.

    Ground sesame is used for tahini paste, which is used to make hummus (chickpea appetizer) or used as a separate sauce for tortillas.

    To get the maximum benefit from eating sesame seeds and for the seeds to be fully absorbed, you need to chew them well. They are so small that when dry they are difficult to chew well. Therefore, either grind the seeds, making halva, paste, tahini, sweets out of them, or add the soaked seeds to a blender and make sesame milk out of them. Even better and tastier if you make a smoothie with fruits and sesame seeds.


    sesame halva

    Sesame halva is a truly tasty and healthy delicacy that is very easy to prepare. To make it, lightly toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan to enhance the flavor, then grind them with a coffee grinder or blender. Add honey to the resulting paste and stir until a dense mass is obtained. The mass should begin to form into lumps, but not blur - it is important not to overdo it with honey. To taste, you can add your favorite dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, coconut, carob, spices - cinnamon and nutmeg. Especially tasty halva is obtained with raisins. Tamp the resulting mixture tightly into any shape, laying dried fruits and nuts between the layers. Store halva in the refrigerator. Sesame halva is very energetic, satisfying and nutritious, so this delicacy can be eaten only in the morning.

    sesame milk

    Sesame milk is an exceptionally nutritious and healthy drink. To prepare it, soak 1/4 cup of seeds in water overnight or at least 3-4 hours. Grinding will require 1 cup of water. Rinse the sesame seeds and put the swollen seeds and some liquid into the blender bowl, beat, then add the remaining liquid and beat again. Strain. The milk is ready. You can sweeten with dates, honey or any syrup you like. The remaining cake can be used to make sweets, halva or cookies.


    Do not abuse sesame seeds, as they are high in calories. To maintain health, it is recommended to use it regularly, but in small quantities. The recommended daily dose of seeds is no more than 20-30 g for an adult.

    How to store sesame seeds

    Sesame seeds are a delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood. They are known as a delicious culinary spice, added exclusively to sweet dishes in European cuisine. In fact, sesame has a lot of useful properties and is often used in alternative oriental medicine. Now it is fashionable to seek help from folk recipes for healing, maybe sesame should be added to your first aid kit?

    What is a sesame plant?

    Sesame or sesame is a genus of annual herbaceous plants common in many African countries. It includes 26 types. Indian sesame is most often used for food. This species grows not only in India, which is clear from the name, but also in other eastern countries. In total, there are 15 states in the world that export sesame to all corners of the planet.

    In order to give the seeds a sweeter taste and remove astringency, sesame seeds are not only grown, but also treated in a special solution and peeled before being sent to importers. Thus, the seeds acquire new taste qualities, but lose a number of useful properties. The fact is that many vitamins and minerals are contained in the shell. However, unhulled sesame seeds are very difficult to find in the European part of the mainland, as they are not popular with consumers.

    How sesame is used in different countries

    Sesame is used not only in food and medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is more often eaten in the countries of the East, where it grows. The main value of sesame is that it is very unpretentious to weather conditions. The roots of the plant go far deep into the earth, because high temperatures and drought do not prevent it from growing. This is especially important in areas where it rarely rains.

    Sesame oil is produced from sesame oil, in some countries it is more common than sunflower, olive or corn oil. It is used in the same way as any other vegetable oil. It is customary to sprinkle sesame seeds on buns and puffs, add to the dough when baking sweets.

    In the East, halva and gozinaki are prepared from roasted sesame seeds. This is their main difference from local sesame sweets. Domestic gozinaki almost always tastes like raw sesame due to improper processing. On the shelves of local shops you can find sweets and chocolates containing sesame seeds. For example, milk chocolate with a lot of sesame is produced by Roshen.

    Sesame can be used for more than just dessert. In Arab countries, tahini is made from it - a paste that is used as a sauce for many national dishes, and also added to pies. In China, the seeds are used to make a favorite national delicacy - sesame balls. The Japanese make gomashio, a salty spice, from sesame, which they add to most of their classic dishes. Interestingly, Japan does not grow sesame, but this country is the largest importer of sesame in the world.

    Sesame oil, in addition to cooking, is often used in cosmetology. Especially in those countries where similar vegetable oils from other crops are much more expensive.

    Nutritional value of sesame

    Sesame contains a large amount of vitamins. Group B in those seeds that are sold with us is almost not contained, it is lost during the purification of sesame. But in the seeds there is a large amount of natural antioxidants - ascorbic acid and tocopherol. Moreover, due to the high content of oils in the seeds, fat-soluble tocopherol is absorbed almost completely. In addition to vitamins, sesame is rich in essential amino acids. Of the amino acids, it contains lysine, methionine and tryptophan.

    Many in these seeds and trace elements. Sesame contains on average about 10% of the daily dose of such substances as: manganese, magnesium and calcium and 20% of the daily requirement of copper. However, it should be borne in mind that calcium from sesame is almost not absorbed, because it is contained there in the form of salts. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are contained in sesame in a ratio of 1:2:4, which is not very beneficial for the body. The energy value of this product in its pure form is 580 kcal per 100g.

    The greatest benefit among all the substances contained in sesame seeds is sesamin. This is a ligand that is not found anywhere except sesame and flax. It helps to speed up metabolism through already deciphered biochemical reactions. In addition, sesamin reduces the metabolism of vitamin E, increasing its concentration in the body. This ligand also has anti-inflammatory properties. Sesamin is so useful that it is sold as a dietary supplement.

    Thanks to the substances contained in the seeds, sesame has the following beneficial properties:

    1. Fat burning. Thanks to sesamin, the chain of transformation of fatty acids into fats is blocked and the breakdown of fatty acids is accelerated. Because this substance is included in dietary supplements for weight loss.
    2. Saturation. Another useful property for losing weight. Sesame seeds are very satisfying, a small amount of them allows you not to feel hungry for a long time, giving up harmful snacks on the go.
    3. Protection against atherosclerosis. Sesame contains an analogue of cholesterol - phytosterol. It replaces a compound harmful to the body, preventing it from entering the body. Unlike cholesterol itself, phytosterol is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques.
    4. Prevention of malignant neoplasms. One of the possible causes of tumor formation is lipid peroxidation. This is what antioxidants prevent. That is why vitamins E and C contained in sesame seeds are so important.
    5. Acceleration of gastrointestinal motility. Sesame oil has this property. It enhances the movement of chyme through the digestive tract and is used to treat constipation.
    6. Hemostatic property. Sesame increases the number of platelets, which helps stop bleeding.
    7. Normalization of hormonal background. Thanks to the lipids contained in the seeds, the daily use of sesame seeds by women after 50 allows them to even out the hormonal background in their body and reduce the manifestations of menopause.

    In addition, sesame oil is used for colds, rubbing the skin with it in the projection of the lungs. Also, sesame oil is used for massage, for this it is applied to the body before the procedure.

    Harm of sesame

    The main rule of healthy sesame is its quality. Overcooked, rotten or overdried sesame does not have any useful substances, on the contrary, it can harm the body. The seeds of this plant should not be consumed by people with a tendency to increased blood clotting. It is dangerous with thrombosis and embolism.

    In addition, a contraindication to the use of this product is urolithiasis, calculous cholecystitis and diarrhea. It is worth knowing that sesame is one of the strongest plant allergens. In terms of the number of food allergic reactions caused, it is perhaps second only to peanuts. Therefore, sesame should be used with caution by people prone to allergies.

    The optimal daily dose of sesame seeds is 10-15g. At the same time, it can be eaten both independently and as an additive or seasoning to main dishes. It is worth taking into account all the sesame seeds eaten.

    Thus, we can conclude that sesame is a tasty and healthy oriental plant. It has irreplaceable substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the body. However, it is important to observe the measure when using the seeds of this plant.

    Video: the healing properties of sesame

    Sesame seeds (simsim, sesame) are used in many cuisines: Jewish, Arabic, Asian. Spices are used to sprinkle bread, salads, halva. Sesame oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. Oilseeds have excellent taste and extremely useful properties. It is quite commonplace to take seeds only for culinary purposes. Let's understand how to properly use sesame seeds to saturate the body with all the beneficial substances.

    From this article you will learn:

    Sesame seeds useful properties

    The plant contains from 45 to 55% oils, these are the richest representatives of seeds.

    Most of the useful elements are contained in the peel, which is removed during processing, another part is destroyed during the frying process. To use sesame for medical purposes, it is recommended to soak it or use it in a slightly warmed state. In cooking, roasted seeds will give the dish a fragrant, delicate taste, but devoid of most of the valuable substances.

    On a note:

    The fight against overeating, helping in losing weight is another useful property of miracle seeds. Natural estrogens - lignans, are able to increase the activity of enzymes that break down fatty acids. Another property that helps for weight loss: seasoning reduces cravings for sweets, reduces appetite. Often, sesame seed powder is often included in various dietary supplements, although it is more beneficial to use a natural product.

    Due to the presence of riboflavin, a daily intake of 2 tsp. raw materials will provide strong nails, chic hair, improved complexion. And in combination with poppy and flax, the mixture becomes a powerful aphrodisiac.

    In cosmetology, sesame oil is used as a skin care product: it softens, moisturizes, nourishes, relieves dryness and irritation. It can be used as a night cream or added to various masks, remove makeup from the eyelids, care for the skin around the eyes, driving in oil with your fingertips. Sesame seed oil is used for massages: due to its lightness, it is easily absorbed, has a positive effect on capillaries, and makes the skin soft.

    The benefits of sesame seeds in the prevention of various diseases

    For the prevention and treatment of many diseases, sesame seeds, powder, oil, sesame milk are used.

    • For women's diseases: the plant restores hormonal levels;
    • For joints and bones, prevention of osteoporosis, after injuries as a source of calcium;
    • To cleanse the blood, improve clotting, with anemia;
    • As a means for building muscle mass, thanks to proteins;
    • To relieve irritation, other inflammations of the skin;
    • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Colds, viral infections, as an immunomodulatory agent, a means of facilitating breathing;
    • For weight loss and weight management.

    How to take sesame seeds

    How to take sesame seeds, their benefits and harms, was known to ancient healers.

    1. For health purposes, take 20 g sesame seed, distributing the dose 3 times. You can use both powder and whole seeds before meals with warm water. The tool has a tonic property, removes toxins from the body;
    2. With indigestion and colic, 2 tsp are needed. powder mixed with 1st. l. honey and a glass of warm water. Oil can be taken orally;
    3. When mastitis appears during the feeding of the baby, compresses from vegetable oil and powder are applied to the chest;
    4. Hemorrhoids are removed with compresses from a decoction of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of seeds per 0.5 liters of water. Warm decoction is also used inside;
    5. Dermatitis, neuralgia of the hands and feet, back pain are treated with compresses;
    6. Diseases of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, menopause - the use of 2 teaspoons of raw materials per day will cope with these ailments.

    How to take sesame seeds for calcium deficiency

    With a calcium deficiency, you crave sweets. When it is impossible to refuse sweets, but it is necessary to maintain health, avoid a number of diseases, it is necessary to add sesame seeds to the diet. This plant is extremely rich in calcium. In terms of the content of a useful element, the plant surpasses even dairy products.

    How to Consume Sesame Seed to Boost Calcium to Get the Most Benefits?

    • Most useful elements contain unpeeled, dark sesame;
    • The kernels should not be bitter, dry and crumbly;
    • Do not expose raw materials to harsh heat treatment;
    • Follow the terms and conditions of storage;
    • Consult your doctor for contraindications.

    Observing the above rules, the seeds will delight not only with exquisite taste, but also replenish calcium reserves.

    The harm of sesame seeds

    Everything is good in moderation, so you need to know how to take sesame seeds in order to get benefits, not harm.

    • The maximum dose for a healthy person is 2-3 teaspoons per day;
    • You can not take the spice on an empty stomach: nausea and thirst will be provided;
    • It is better for people suffering from thrombophlebitis and increased blood clotting to refuse seeds;
    • Do not use spice with a threat of miscarriage;
    • With individual intolerance.
    Attention! If the seeds become very dark during the roasting process, feel free to send them to the trash. Such a product is very harmful to the body.

    Healing seeds are gaining more and more popularity. They are used as a fragrant spice, used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Now you know how to properly use sesame seeds to bring maximum benefit to your body. Be healthy.

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