Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich where he died. Biography Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich


Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich (1928-2000)

Born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino, Parfenevsky District, Kostroma Region. He lost his father in the early 30s, spent his early childhood in the village with a peasant grandmother, studied at school at the Nikolo-Poloma station, where his mother taught. During the war, he left the eighth grade and worked as a tractor driver, then he studied for one year at an art and industrial school in the village of Krasnoye-on-Volga; in 1946 he moved to the Leningrad Construction College, to the department of "architecture".

He combined his studies with work in the "Lenakademstroy" trust, participated in the post-war restoration of the architectural and historical monuments of the Lyceum, the Catherine and Alexander Palaces in the city of Pushkino (former Tsarskoye Selo). There, in the local newspaper, he began to publish his poems. After defending his diploma, he worked at construction sites in Siberia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Perm.

Since 1969 he has been writing for children and youth. Twice receives diplomas at the All-Russian competitions for the best children's book. In 1985-1988 he headed the Perm Writers' Organization. Member of the Writers' Union since 1969. For many years of fruitful literary and social activity, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1978), and the title of Honored Worker of Culture. L.I. Kuzmin died on April 1, 2000. In 2000, the PDB was named after L.I. Kuzmin. The portrait of L.I. Kuzmin adorns the foyer of the PODB (artist S.R. Kovalev).

Sites on the work of the Perm children's writer L. I. Kuzmin

  • http://publ.lib.ru/
  • http://dic.academic.ru/
  • http://cherdynbiblio.ru/
  • http://readr.ru/
  • http://philolog.pspu.ru/
  • http://metodisty.rgdb.ru/
  • http://www.litmir.net/

Some works of L.I. Kuzmina

    • In one beautiful kingdom: fairy tales, poems, songs, riddles / [intro. Art. T. Sokolova; artistic V. Sushintsev]. - Perm: Zvezda, 2000. - 196 p. : ill.
    • Good afternoon: [poems and fairy tales] / artist. V. Chizhikov. - St. Petersburg. : Azbuka, 2012. - 80 p. : col. ill. - (44 funny verses).
    • Golden Isles: Early Love. Childhood smiles. Grandma's holidays. Fast horses: [stories, novel] / [foreword. L. Buzilova; ill. O. Korovina]. - Perm: Book, 1997. - 224 p. : ill.
    • Captain Koko and Green Glass, as well as other funny stories: [poems, fairy tale story] / [art. P. A. Rychkova]. - Perm: Zvezda, 2008. -142, p. : col. ill.
    • Hello, Mitya Kukin! : story. - M.: Children's literature, 1977. - 127 p. : ill.
    • Silver Trumpet: [stories] / art. V. Trubkovich. - M. : Malysh, 1983. - 48 p. : col. ill.
    • A clean trace of an ermine: a story, short stories / artist. O. Korovin. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, 1984. - 285 p. : ill.
    • Miraculous apple: a story about the artist Chestnyako. - M.: Children's literature, 1981. - 87, p. : col. ill.
    • Chagall one eccentric: poems, story-tale / fig. V. Averkieva. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, 1988. - 150 p. : ill.

Materials of the biography of L. I. Kuzmin are taken from the bio-bibliographic reference book Writers of the Perm Region / Perm Region. writing organization; comp. V. A. Bogomolov. - Perm: "Book", 1996. - 186 p.

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin
Name at birth:

Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin


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Full name

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Date of Birth:

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Place of Birth:
Date of death:

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Place of death:

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Citizenship (citizenship):

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Years of creativity:

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children's prose, story, short story, fairy tale, poem

Art language:

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Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin was born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino (now the Parfenevsky district of the Kostroma region).

Mother, Faina Andreevna, was a teacher at the small station Nikolo-Poloma. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, a railway worker, died in an accident in the early 30s.

The childhood of the writer passed in the deaf, but poetic places, rich in talented people.

“Mom and her sisters are teachers, and books played a very important role in our family. I read a lot, I started writing poetry early, ”recalls the writer.

His first children's work was called "Barmaley in Leningrad" and was a continuation of the famous fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. The boy wrote it secretly, in the attic, in a thick barn book.

During the war, I had to leave school at the age of 14 and go to courses for tractor drivers. He worked on the collective farm fields as a tractor and combine driver. The writer captured the memory of this harsh time in the stories “A Clean Trail of an Ermine” and “Kosohlest”.

After the war, L.I. Kuzmin continued his studies in - gg. in the art-industrial school in with. Krasnoe-on-Volga, and then, in 1946 in Leningrad.

A student of a technical school, a member of literary circles, at the same time a novice author, L. Kuzmin decided to publish his first poems in a local newspaper (in Pushkin).

He combined his studies with work in the Lenakademstroy trust. Participated in the restoration of architectural and historical monuments - the Lyceum, the Catherine and Alexander Palaces in the city of Pushkino (Tsarskoye Selo).

According to the scenarios of L. Kuzmin, four cartoons were released in Perm, and the opera to the music of S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf" was on the stage of the Perm Puppet Theater for more than one season. The libretto for it was written by L. Kuzmin. With Leningraders - composer J. Metallidi and actress I. Bulgakova, he created the mono-operetta "Captain Coco", and with E. Poplyanova from Chelyabinsk created an opera-musical for children "Magic Grain".

L. I. Kuzmin died on April 1, 2000. He did not live two months before the release of his latest book, In One Beautiful Kingdom. And in June 2000, the Perm Regional Children's Library, on the basis of which the Literary Museum of L. I. Kuzmin was created, was named after him.


Wife Maria Grigorievna Kuzmina. Son Andrei Lvovich Kuzmin.


  • Order of the Badge of Honor (5.01.1988)
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR


  • Literature of the second half of the 20th century: Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin // Native Prikamye: A Reader on Literary Local History / Author-compiler: D. A. Krasnoperov, N. N. Gasheva. - Perm, . - S. 125-129.
  • Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich // Perm province from "A" to "Z": encyclopedia. ref. / Ch. ed. O. Andriyashkin. - Perm, . - S. 163.
  • Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich // Writers of the Perm region: biobibliogr. ref. / comp. V. A. Bogomolov. - Perm, . - with. 97-101.: phot.
  • Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin: bibliography. Pointer / Perm. region det. Library of L. I. Kuzmin. - Perm, . - 162 p.

Major editions

  • Favorites: novels and short stories / Khudozh. V. Chaplya; [foreword A. Mityaeva]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 541, p.
  • April: poetry. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 68 p.
  • Baba Yaga and her granddaughters Yagobutterfly: fairy tales. / Art. V. Kadochnikov. - Perm: Ural-press, . - 150 s. : ill.
  • Simpleton shoes / Art. S. Mozhaeva. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 40 s. : ill.
  • Runaway: short story / Art. V. Yudin. - M .: Kid,. - 18 s.
  • White fluffs: poems. - M .: Kid,. - 20 s. : ill.
  • Get up, Mitenka! : folk Komi-Permyak songs / Fig. M. Romadin. - M.: Children's literature, . - 24 s. : ill.
  • In one beautiful kingdom: fairy tales, poems, songs, riddles for children. / Art. N. Katsparzhak. - Perm: Publisher I. Maksarova, . - 190, p. : col. ill.
  • That's who we thank! : stories and poems / Khudozh. V. Chaplya. - M.: Children's literature, . - 62, p. : col. ill.
  • On the last day of April / Fig. T. Pribylovskaya. - M .: Kid,. - 28, p. : col. ill.
  • Main position: documentary story. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 182 p. : ill. - (Chronicle of working dynasties).
  • The proud name of the builder / Khudozh. E. I. NESTEROV - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 48 s. : ill. - (Stories about professions).
  • Sad Elizabeth: story / Fig. E. Flerova. - M.: Children's literature, . - 32 s. : col. ill.
  • Good afternoon: poems and fairy tales / Khudozh. V. Chizhikov. - M.: Samovar, . - 63 p. : ill. - (Visiting Viktor Chizhikov).
  • House with bells: poems / Khudozh. V. A. Chizhikov. - M .: Bustard,. - 48 s. : col. ill. - (Sit and listen).
  • Yegorka and Manyushka: a fairy tale. - M.: Children's literature, . - 18 s. : ill.
  • Elinsky roosters / Khudozh. O. Korovin. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 252 p. : ill.
  • Once upon a time there was a girl / Art. V. Golatenko. - M .: Kid,. - 12 s.
  • Cherished deed: a true story / Fig. V. Yudina. - M .: Kid,. - 32 s. : ill. - (Native country).
  • Stargazers: fairy tales / Fig. V. Chizhikov. - M.: Children's literature, . - 32 s. : ill.
  • Golden cradle: poems and fairy tales / Khudozh. V. Averkiev. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 109 p. : ill.
  • Golden Isles: Early Love. Childhood smiles. Grandma's holidays. Fast horses: [stories, story] / Foreword. L. Buzilova; ill. O. Korovina]. - Perm: Book, . - 224 p. : ill.
  • Vanya rides a horse: jokes, games, songs for children / Artist: L. and Yu. Yurchatov. - Perm: Ural-press, . - 16 s. : ill.
  • How to get to heaven / Fig. B. Vlasova. - M.: Children's literature, . - 48 s. : ill.
  • Captain Coco and the Green Glass, as well as other funny stories: [poems, fairy tale story] / Khudozh. P. A. Rychkova. - Perm: Star, . - 142, p. : col. ill.
  • Key-lock: stories and short stories / Fig. I. Shipulina. - M.: Children's literature, . - 158, p. : ill.
  • Crosslash: stories and novel / Khudozh. E. Gribov. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 285, p. : ill.
  • End of the earth / Art. S. Mozhaeva; intro. S. V. Sakharnova. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 126 p. : ill.
  • Who knows what: (poems and fairy tales for children) / Fig. V. Petrov. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 31 p. : ill.
  • Spatula / Art. V. Dugin. - M .: Kid,. - 17, p. : col. ill.
  • Moon over the outpost: a story / Khudozh. V. Galdyaev. - M.: Children's literature, . - 63 p. : ill.
  • Lyubashin's Day / Art. M. Petrov. - M .: Kid,. - 50 s. : col. ill.
  • Lyubov Nikolaevna: stories / Fig. N. Goryacheva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 45, p. : ill. - (Book after book).
  • Small Zvony: novels and stories / Fig. V. Nagaeva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 174 p. : ill.
  • Olya is small / Art. N. Ustinov. - M .: Kid,. - with. : col. ill.
  • Tales-tales: for ml. age / Art. M. Romadin. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 127, p. : col. ill.
  • Under the warm sky: novels and stories / Fig. A. Borisenko. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 310 s. : ill., 1 sheet. portrait
  • Hello, Mitya Kukin! : story. - M.: Children's literature, . - 127 p.
  • In the clear sun / Fig. N. Ustinova. - M .: Kid,. - 76, p. : col. ill.
  • Jump-jump: songs and jokes / Khudozh. A. Kumankov. - M.: Image LTD, . - 47 p. : ill.
  • Early express: stories and novel / Fig. A. Astretsova. - M.: Children's literature, . - 110, p. : ill.
  • Your home, your city. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 51 p. : ill. - (Native Prikamye).
  • Fireworks in Strizhaty: stories / Khudozh. E. Gribov. - M.: Children's literature, . - 94, p. : ill.
  • Rural paths: stories / Fig. G. Karaseva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 21 s. : col. ill.
  • Silver Trumpet: [stories] / Khudozh. V. Trubkovich. - M .: Kid,. - 48 s. : col. ill.
  • Sunny windows: stories / Fig. E. Chernyatina. - M.: Children's literature, . - 16 s.
  • Four in vests: a story / Fig. S. Mozhaeva. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 98 p. : ill.
  • A clean trace of an ermine: a story, stories / Khudozh. O. Korovin. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 285 p. : ill.
  • Miraculous apple: a story about the artist Chestnyakov. - M.: Children's literature, . - 87, p. : col. ill.
  • Chagall one eccentric: poems, story-tale / Fig. V. Averkieva. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 150 s. : ill.

Screen adaptations


  • “May is a craftsman, an extraordinary machine and a warrior king” (PERMTELEFILM,).
  • "In the country of cheerful childhood" ().
  • Vereshok (script,).


  • Based on the fairy tale "Captain Coco and the Green Glass", the composer Zh. Metallidi (St. Petersburg) created a monooperetta, and E. Poplyanova (Chelyabinsk) created the musical opera "Magic Grain" for children.
  • On February 9, 2014, at a concert dedicated to the anniversary of the Perm Choir Choir, Dmitry Batin's cantata to the words of Lev Kuzmin "Stargazers" was performed for the first time.

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An excerpt characterizing Kuzmin, Lev Ivanovich

But, as it was before, it was clearly “contraindicated” for me to quietly engage in my favorite reading for a long time, since, almost without fail, something “extraordinary” was bound to happen ... So that evening, when I was calmly reading a new book, with pleasure crunching the freshly baked cherry pies, Stella suddenly appeared in an excited and disheveled voice and declared in a peremptory voice:
“It’s good that I found you – you should come with me right now! ..
- And what happened? .. Where to go? – Surprised by such unusual haste, I asked.
- To Maria, Dean died there ... Well, come on !!! – impatiently shouted girlfriend.
I immediately remembered a small, black-eyed Maria, who had only one friend - her faithful Dean ...
- I am on my way! - I was alarmed and quickly rushed after Stella to the "floors" ...

We were again met by the same gloomy, ominous landscape, to which I almost paid no attention, since, like everything else, after so many trips to the Lower Astral, it became almost familiar to us, as far as one could get used to such a thing at all. ..
We quickly looked around, and immediately saw Maria ...
The little girl, hunched over, sat right on the ground, completely drooping, not seeing or hearing anything around, and only affectionately stroked the shaggy, motionless body of her "departed" friend with her frozen palm, as if trying to wake him up with this ... Severe, and bitter, completely not childish tears flowed in streams from her sad, extinct eyes, and, flashing with brilliant sparks, disappeared in the dry grass, irrigating it for a moment with pure, living rain ... It seemed that this whole already rather cruel world had become for Mary now more colder and even more alien... She was left all alone, so surprisingly fragile in her deep sadness, and there was no one else to console her, caress her, or at least just protect her in a friendly way... And next to her, a huge , her best friend, her faithful Dean, lay motionless on a mound ... She clung to his soft, furry back, unconsciously refusing to acknowledge his death. And she stubbornly did not want to leave him, as if she knew that even now, after death, he still loved her faithfully and also sincerely protected her ... She really missed his warmth, his strong "furry" support, and that familiar, reliable, “their little world”, in which only the two of them lived ... But Dean was silent, stubbornly not wanting to wake up ... And some small, toothy creatures darted around him, who strove to grab at least a small piece of his hairy “flesh” ... At the beginning, Maria still tried to drive them away with a stick, but, seeing that the attackers did not pay any attention to her, she waved her hand at everything ... Here, just like on the “solid” Earth, existed “ the law of the strong”, but when this strong one died, those who could not get him alive, now with pleasure tried to make up for lost time, “tasting” his energy body, at least dead...
This sad picture made my heart ache sharply and treacherously tingle in my eyes ... I suddenly felt wildly sorry for this wonderful, brave girl ... And I could not even imagine how she, poor thing, could be completely alone, in in this terrible, sinister world, to stand up for yourself?!
Stella's eyes also suddenly shone with moisture - apparently, she was visited by similar thoughts.
“Forgive me, Maria, how did your Dean die?” I finally decided to ask.
The girl raised her tear-stained face at us, in my opinion, not even understanding what she was being asked about. She was very far away... Perhaps where her faithful friend was still alive, where she was not so lonely, where everything was clear and good... And the little girl did not want to come back here. Today's world was evil and dangerous, and she had no one else to rely on, and no one to protect her ... Finally, taking a deep breath and heroically gathering her emotions into a fist, Maria told us the sad story of Dina's death ...
- I was with my mother, and my kind Dean, as always, guarded us ... And then suddenly a terrible man appeared from somewhere. He was very bad. I wanted to run away from him wherever my eyes looked, but I just could not understand why... He was just like us, even handsome, just very unpleasant. Horror and death emanated from him. And he laughed all the time. And from this laughter, my mother and I froze the blood ... He wanted to take my mother with him, said that she would serve him ... And my mother escaped, but, of course, he was much stronger ... And then Dean tried to protect us, which he had always been able to do before. Only the man was probably somehow special... He threw a strange orange "flame" at Dean, which could not be extinguished... And when, even burning, Dean tried to protect us, the man killed him with blue lightning, which suddenly "flared" from his hand. That's how my Dean died... And now I'm alone.
– Where is your mother? Stella asked.
“Mom is still here,” the little girl was embarrassed. “It’s just that she gets angry very often ... And now we have no protection. Now we're all alone...
Stella and I looked at each other... It was felt that both of them had the same thought at the same time - the Luminary!.. He was strong and kind. It only remained to hope that he would have a desire to help this unfortunate, lonely girl, and become her real protector, at least until she returns to her "good and kind" world...
“Where is this terrible man now?” Do you know where he went? I asked impatiently. Why didn't he take your mother with him?
I don't know, maybe he'll come back. I don't know where he went and I don't know who he is. But he is very, very angry... Why is he so angry, girls?
Well, we'll find out, I promise you. Now, would you like to see a good man? He is also here, but, unlike that "terrible", he is really very good. He can be your friend while you're here, if you want to be. Friends call him Luminary.
- Oh, what a beautiful name! And good...
Little by little, Maria began to revive, and when we suggested that she meet a new friend, she, although not very confident, nevertheless agreed. A familiar cave appeared before us, and golden and warm sunlight poured out of it.
– Oh, look!.. It's the sun?!.. It's just like the real one!.. And how did it get here? - stared dumbfounded at such an unusual beauty for this terrible place, baby.
“It is the real thing,” Stella smiled. We just created it. Go look!
Maria timidly slipped into the cave, and immediately, as we expected, an enthusiastic squeal was heard ...
She jumped out completely stunned and from surprise she still couldn’t connect two words, although her eyes were wide open with complete delight, it was clear that she certainly had something to say ... Stella affectionately hugged the girl by the shoulders and returned her back to the cave. .. which, to our great surprise, turned out to be empty...
“Well, where is my new friend?” – upset asked Maria. "Didn't you expect to find him here?"
Stella could not understand in any way what could happen that would force the Luminary to leave his "solar" abode? ..
- Maybe something happened? I asked a completely stupid question.
- Well, of course - it happened! Otherwise, he would never have left.
“Maybe that evil person was here too?” Maria asked fearfully.
To be honest, I also had such a thought, but I didn’t have time to express it for the simple reason that, leading three kids, Luminary appeared ... The kids were mortally frightened by something and, shaking like autumn leaves, timidly huddled to the Luminary, afraid to move away from him at least a step. But children's curiosity soon clearly overcame fear, and, looking out from behind the broad back of their protector, they looked at our unusual trio in surprise ... As for us, we, forgetting even to say hello, probably stared at the kids with even greater curiosity, trying to figure out where they could come from in the “lower astral plane”, and what exactly happened here...
– Hello, dear... You shouldn't have come here. Something bad is going on here... – Svetilo greeted affectionately.
“Well, one could hardly expect anything good here ...” Stella commented with a sad smile. – But how did it happen that you left?!... After all, any “bad” person could come here during this time and occupy all this...
- Well, then you would have “turned” everything back ... - the Light answered simply.
At this point, we both stared at him in surprise - this was the most appropriate word that could be used to name this process. But how could the Sunlight know him?! After all, he didn’t understand anything about it!.. Or did he understand, but didn’t say anything about it?...
– During this time, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, dear… – as if answering our thoughts, he calmly said. “I'm trying to survive here, and with your help I'm starting to understand something. And that I bring someone, so I cannot enjoy such beauty alone, when only behind the wall such small ones are shaking in terrible horror ... All this is not for me if I cannot help ...
I looked at Stella - she looked very proud, and, of course, she was right. It was not in vain that she created this wonderful world for him - the Luminary was truly worth it. But he himself, like a big child, did not understand this at all. It's just that his heart was too big and kind and didn't want to accept help if he couldn't share it with someone else...
– How did they get here? Stella asked pointing at the frightened kids.
- Oh, it's a long story. I visited them from time to time, they came to my father and mother from the upper “floor” ... Sometimes I took them to my place in order to save them from trouble. They are small, they did not understand how dangerous it was. Mom and dad were here, so it seemed to them that everything was fine ... And all the time I was afraid that they would understand the danger when it was already too late ... So this same “late” just happened ...
What did their parents do to get them here? And why did they all “leave” at the same time? They died, didn't they? – could not stop, compassionate Stella.
– In order to save their babies, their parents had to kill other people... That's what they paid posthumously here. Like all of us... But now they are no longer here either... They are nowhere else... - the Sunlight whispered very sadly.
- How - nowhere? But what happened? Did they manage to die here too?! How did this happen? .. - Stella was surprised.
The luminary nodded.
"They were killed by a human, if 'it' can be called a human... He's a monster... I'm trying to find him... to destroy him."
We immediately stared at Maria in unison. Again it was some kind of terrible person, and again he killed ... Apparently, this was the same one who killed her Dean.
“This girl, her name is Maria, has lost her only defense, her friend, who was also killed by a “man.” I think it's the same one. How can we find it? You know?
- He will come himself ... - the Sunlight answered quietly, and pointed to the kids clinging to him. - He will come for them ... He accidentally let them go, I prevented him.
Stella and I got big, big, spikey goosebumps on our backs...
It sounded ominous... And we were not yet old enough to destroy someone so easily, and we didn't even know if we could... It's very simple in books - good heroes defeat monsters... But in reality everything is much more complicated. And even if you are sure that it is evil, it takes a lot of courage to defeat it... We knew how to do good, which not everyone can do either... But how to take someone's life, even the worst , neither Stella nor I had yet somehow had to learn ... And without trying this, we could not be absolutely sure that our same "courage" at the most necessary moment would not let us down.
I didn’t even notice that the Sun was watching us very seriously all this time. And, of course, our confused faces spoke to him about all the “hesitations” and “fears” better than any, even the longest confession ...
– You are right, my dears – only fools are not afraid to kill... or monsters... And a normal person will never get used to it... especially if he has never even tried it. But you don't have to try. I won't allow it... Because even if you righteously protect someone and take revenge, it will burn your souls... And you will never be the same again... Trust me.
Suddenly, a terrible laughter was heard right behind the wall, chilling the soul with its wildness ... The kids squealed, and all at once fell to the floor. Stella frantically tried to close the cave with her protection, but, apparently due to strong excitement, nothing worked for her ... Maria stood motionless, white as death, and it was clear that the state of shock she had recently experienced was returning to her.
“He is…” the girl whispered in horror. “He killed Dean… And he will kill all of us…”
- Well, we'll see about that. - Deliberately, very confidently said the Sun. - You haven't seen them! Hold on, Maria girl.
The laughter continued. And I suddenly realized very clearly that a person could not laugh like that! Even the most "lower astral"... Something in it all was wrong, something did not fit... It was more like a farce. To some kind of fake performance, with a very terrible, deadly end ... And then it finally dawned on me - he was not the person he looked like !!! It was just a human mask, but the inside was terrible, alien ... And, it wasn’t, - I decided to try to fight it. But, if I knew the outcome, I probably would never have tried ...

Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin was born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino (now the Parfenevsky district of the Kostroma region).

Mother, Faina Andreevna, was a teacher at the small station Nikolo-Poloma. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, is a railway worker. He died in an accident in the early 1930s. Lev Ivanovich knows about his father only from the stories of his mother, who were always bright and warm, because his father was a kind and talented person by nature, he was a passionate book reader, he loved amateur performances.

The childhood of the writer passed in the deaf, but poetic places, rich in talented people.

“Mom and her sisters are teachers, and books played a very important role in our family. I read a lot, I started writing poetry early, ”recalls the writer.

His first children's work was called "Barmaley in Leningrad" and was a continuation of the famous fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. The boy wrote it secretly, in the attic, in a thick barn book.

Then the war. I had to leave school at the age of 14 and go to courses for tractor drivers. Together with the same young peers, he works on the collective farm fields as a tractor and combine driver. The writer captured the memory of this harsh time in the stories “A Clean Trail of an Ermine” and “Kosohlest”.

And only after the war, L.I. Kuzmin continued his studies in - gg. in the art-industrial school in with. Krasnoe-on-Volga, and then, in 1946 in Leningrad. These four years in the construction technical school, in the city on the Neva, post-war, hungry, he considered the best sunny years of his life.

A technical school student, a regular participant in literary circles, a frequent visitor to libraries and museums, and even an extra in the famous opera ballet theater, at the same time a novice author, L. Kuzmin decided to publish his first poems in a local newspaper (in Pushkin).

He combined his studies with work in the Lenakademstroy trust. Participated in the restoration of architectural and historical monuments - the Lyceum, the Catherine and Alexander Palaces in the city of Pushkino (Tsarskoye Selo).

According to the scenarios of L. Kuzmin, four cartoons were released in Perm, and the opera to the music of S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf" was on the stage of the Perm Puppet Theater for more than one season. The libretto for it was written by L. Kuzmin. With Leningraders - composer J. Metallidi and actress I. Bulgakova, he created the mono-operetta "Captain Coco", which is now on the stages of the country, and with E. Poplyanova from Chelyabinsk created an opera-musical for children "Magic Grain".

Everything written by L. Kuzmin was highly appreciated by his fellow writers and critics. S. Sakharnov, writer and editor of the Koster magazine, says this about the prose of our fellow countryman: “Kuzmin’s every word is in place and it is impossible to replace it with another ..., soft, gentle music is heard in every phrase.” The well-known Moscow writer and literary critic I. Tokmakova noted such a property of L. Kuzmin’s talent as “the ability to build an accurate image and at ease at a high artistic level to form this or that rule of behavior for the little reader ...”, because he manages to convey without any falsehood and artificiality to the reader the most fleeting movements of the soul of his heroes, their excitement, experiences.

L. I. Kuzmin died on April 1, 2000. He did not live two months before the release of his latest book, In One Beautiful Kingdom, which includes 128 poems for children. And in June 2000, the Perm Regional Children's Library, on the basis of which the Literary Museum of L. I. Kuzmin was created, was named after him.


Wife Maria Grigorievna Kuzmina. Son Andrei Lvovich Kuzmin.


  • Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR


  • Literature of the second half of the 20th century: Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin // Native Prikamye: A Reader on Literary Local History / Author-compiler: D. A. Krasnoperov, N. N. Gasheva. - Perm, . - S. 125-129.
  • Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich // Perm province from "A" to "Z": encyclopedia. ref. / Ch. ed. O. Andriyashkin. - Perm, . - S. 163.
  • Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich // Writers of the Perm region: biobibliogr. ref. / comp. V. A. Bogomolov. - Perm, . - with. 97-101.: phot.
  • Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin: bibliography. Pointer / Perm. region det. Library of L. I. Kuzmin. - Perm, . - 162 p.

Major editions

  • Selected: novels and stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Chaplya; [foreword A. Mityaeva]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 541, p.
  • April: poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 68 p.
  • Baba Yaga and her granddaughters Iagobutterflies: fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Kadochnikov. - Perm: Ural-press, . - 150 s. : ill.
  • Shoes-prostitutes / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic S. Mozhaeva. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 40 s. : ill.
  • Fugitive: story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Yudin. - M .: Kid,. - 18 s.
  • White fluffs: poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M .: Kid,. - 20 s. : ill.
  • Get up, Mitenka! : folk Komi-Permyak songs / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. M. Romadin. - M.: Children's literature, . - 24 s. : ill.
  • In one beautiful kingdom: fairy tales, poems, songs, riddles for children of younger and middle age / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. N. Katsparzhak]. - Perm: Publisher I. Maksarova, . - 190, p. : col. ill.
  • That's who we thank! : stories and poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Chaplya. - M.: Children's literature, . - 62, p. : col. ill.
  • On the last day of April / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. T. Pribylovskaya. - M .: Kid,. - 28, p. : col. ill.
  • Main position: documentary story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 182 p. : ill. - (Chronicle of working dynasties).
  • The proud name of the builder / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic E. I. NESTEROV - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 48 s. : ill. - (Stories about professions).
  • Sad Elizabeth: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. E. Flerova]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 32 s. : col. ill.
  • Good afternoon: poems and fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Chizhikov. - M.: Samovar, . - 63 p. : ill. - (Visiting Viktor Chizhikov).
  • House with bells: poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. A. Chizhikov. - M .: Bustard,. - 48 s. : col. ill. - (Sit and listen).
  • Yegorka and Manyushka: a fairy tale / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Children's literature, . - 18 s. : ill.
  • Elinsky roosters / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic O. Korovin. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 252 p. : ill.
  • Once upon a time there was a girl / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Golatenko. - M .: Kid,. - 12 s.
  • Cherished deed: a true story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Yudina. - M .: Kid,. - 32 s. : ill. - (Native country).
  • Astrologers: fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Chizhikov. - M.: Children's literature, . - 32 s. : ill.
  • Golden cradle: poems and fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Averkiev. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 109 p. : ill.
  • Golden Isles: Early Love. Childhood smiles. Grandma's holidays. Fast horses: [stories, story] / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [foreword L. Buzilova; ill. O. Korovina]. - Perm: Book, . - 224 p. : ill.
  • Vanya rides a horse: jokes, games, songs for children / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist: L. and Yu. Yurchatov. - Perm: Ural-press, . - 16 s. : ill.
  • How to get to heaven / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. B. Vlasova. - M.: Children's literature, . - 48 s. : ill.
  • Captain Koko and Green Glass, as well as other funny stories: [poems, fairy tale story] / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. P. A. Rychkova]. - Perm: Star, . - 142, p. : col. ill.
  • Key-lock: stories and short stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. I. Shipulina. - M.: Children's literature, . - 158, p. : ill.
  • Kosohlest: stories and a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. E. Gribov]. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 285, p. : ill.
  • Land's End / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic S. Mozhaeva; intro. S. V. Sakharnova. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 126 p. : ill.
  • Who knows what: (poems and fairy tales for children) / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Petrov. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 31 p. : ill.
  • Shovel / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. V. Dugin]. - M .: Kid,. - 17, p. : col. ill.
  • The moon over the outpost: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Galdyaev. - M.: Children's literature, . - 63 p. : ill.
  • Lyubashin day / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. M. Petrov]. - M .: Kid,. - 50 s. : col. ill.
  • Lyubov Nikolaevna: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. N. Goryacheva]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 45, p. : ill. - (Book after book).
  • Small Ringing: novels and stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Nagaeva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 174 p. : ill.
  • Olya is small / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. N. Ustinov]. - M .: Kid,. - with. : col. ill.
  • Tales-tales: for ml. age / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic M. Romadin. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 127, p. : col. ill.
  • Under the warm sky: novels and stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. A. Borisenko]. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 310 s. : ill., 1 sheet. portrait
  • Hello, Mitya Kukin! : stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Children's literature, . - 127 p.
  • In a clear sun / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. N. Ustinova. - M .: Kid,. - 76, p. : col. ill.
  • Jump-jump: songs and jokes / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic A. Kumankov. - M.: Image LTD, . - 47 p. : ill.
  • Early express: stories and novel / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. A. Astretsova]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 110, p. : ill.
  • Your home, your city / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 51 p. : ill. - (Native Prikamye).
  • Fireworks in Strizhaty: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. E. Gribov]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 94, p. : ill.
  • Rural paths: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. G. Karaseva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 21 s. : col. ill.
  • Silver Trumpet: [stories] / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic V. Trubkovich. - M .: Kid,. - 48 s. : col. ill.
  • Sunny windows: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. E. Chernyatina. - M.: Children's literature, . - 16 s.
  • Four in vests: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. S. Mozhaeva. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 98 p. : ill.
  • A clean trace of an ermine: a story, stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artistic O. Korovin. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 285 p. : ill.
  • Miraculous apple: a story about the artist Chestnyakov / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Children's literature, . - 87, p. : col. ill.
  • Chagall one eccentric: poems, story-tale / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Averkieva. - Perm: Perm book publishing house, . - 150 s. : ill.

Screen adaptations


  • “May is a craftsman, an extraordinary machine and a warrior king” (PERMTELEFILM,).
  • "In the country of cheerful childhood" ().
  • Vereshok (script,).


Based on the fairy tale "Captain Coco and the Green Glass", the composer Zh. Metallidi (St. Petersburg) created a monooperetta, and E. Poplyanova (Chelyabinsk) created the musical opera "Magic Grain" for children.

Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin(1928-2000) - Soviet and Russian children's writer, poet, author of books about children and for children. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1988).


Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin was born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino (now the Parfenevsky district of the Kostroma region).

Mother, Faina Andreevna, was a teacher at the small station Nikolo-Poloma. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, a railway worker, died in an accident in the early 30s.

The childhood of the writer passed in the deaf, but poetic places, rich in talented people.

“Mom and her sisters are teachers, and books played a very important role in our family. I read a lot, I started writing poetry early,” the writer recalls.

His first children's work was called "Barmaley in Leningrad" and was a continuation of the famous fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. The boy wrote it secretly, in the attic, in a thick barn book.

During the war, I had to leave school at the age of 14 and go to courses for tractor drivers. He worked on the collective farm fields as a tractor and combine driver. The writer captured the memory of this harsh time in the stories “A Clean Trail of an Ermine” and “Kosohlest”.

After the war, L. I. Kuzmin continued his studies in 1945-1946. in the art-industrial school in with. Krasnoe-on-Volga, and then, in 1946 in Leningrad.

A student of a technical school, a member of literary circles, at the same time a novice author, L. Kuzmin decided to publish his first poems in a local newspaper (in Pushkin).

He combined his studies with work in the Lenakademstroy trust. He participated in the restoration of architectural and historical monuments - the Lyceum, the Catherine and Alexander Palaces in the city of Pushkino (Tsarskoye Selo).

After graduating from a technical school, he worked at construction sites in Siberia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. He came to Perm in 1956 with his wife Maria Grigorievna. In the same year, their son Andrei was born.

Having worked at construction sites for a long time, L. Kuzmin came to literature as a mature person.

In 1963, the first poetry collection for adults "April" was published in Perm, and in 1964 the first children's book was published - a collection of poems and fairy tales for the smallest readers "Who knows what?".

In 1965, two books of essays were published, in 1967 for children "Shoes - simpletons", in 1968 - "Captain Coco and Green Glass".

In 1969, L. I. Kuzmin was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union, in 1985-1988 he headed the Perm writers' organization, in 1986 he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. Lev Ivanovich wrote a lot. He did not consider himself a storyteller, especially in the last decade he gravitated more towards realistic prose. He wrote poems, stories and novellas, documentary essays, fairy tales, translations into Russian of folk songs and fairy tales from Komi-Permyak, Bashkir, Tatar, Udmurt and other languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR.

According to the scenarios of L. Kuzmin, four cartoons were released in Perm, and the opera to the music of S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf" was on the stage of the Perm Puppet Theater for more than one season. The libretto for it was written by L. Kuzmin. With Leningraders - composer J. Metallidi and actress I. Bulgakova, he created the mono-operetta "Captain Coco", and with E. Poplyanova from Chelyabinsk created an opera-musical for children "Magic Grain".

The writer and editor of the Koster magazine S. Sakharnov says this about his prose: “Kuzmin’s every word is in place and it’s impossible to replace it with another ..., soft, gentle music is heard in every phrase.” The well-known Moscow writer and literary critic I. Tokmakova noted such a property of L. Kuzmin’s talent as “the ability to build an accurate image and at ease at a high artistic level to form this or that rule of behavior for the little reader ...”, because he manages to convey without any falsehood and artificiality to the reader the most fleeting movements of the soul of his heroes, their excitement, experiences.

L. I. Kuzmin himself said: “In my opinion, in order to write for children, you have to be a little child, yes, yes! You don't smile! After all, the look of an adult is often a tired look. But I am somehow arranged in such a way that no matter how difficult life is, I see light in it, something that inspires joy, confidence and hope for the future.

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Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin (1928-2000) In one beautiful kingdom there once lived a storyteller, whose name is Lev Ivanovich, whose surname is Kuzmin. He took fantasy paints And for many years he invented fairy tales for adults and children.

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Above the Volga - a long ribbon - Domes sparkle, There is an old city with the name - Kostroma, Around the forests are thick, The noise of fir trees and pines ... In a village in the middle of Russia, a storyteller was born.

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The father is a simple worker, The teacher is a mother. But they were friends with books In the Kuzmin family, Although there were moments That they were missing. Mother, Faina Andreevna, was a teacher. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, was a railway worker at the small station of Nikolo-Poloma. He died in an accident in the early 1930s.

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Writer's childhood

The writer spent his childhood at the Nikolo-Poloma station and in a small forest village called Gorodishche, where his mother's aunt Augusta Andreevna Shirokova lived. “Grandma Astya,” recalls Lev Kuzmin, “is the kindest sorceress in the world. This grandmother took a gigantic part in my life ... Everything that is good in me, I borrowed, except for my mother, also from her and her children - Nina and Gennady ... I was lucky: there was another grandmother - aunt Anna Kiseleva, a talker, who speaks fluently Russian speech. There were other storytellers in my rural childhood. My childhood passed in remote but poetic places rich in talented people. I read a lot and started writing poetry early.”

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Writer during WWII

When the war began, Kuzmin was 13 years old. He dropped out of school, went to study at the courses of rural machine operators. About the difficult military time, about the guys whose childhood fell on the years of the Great Patriotic War, Lev Ivanovich wrote in stories and novels: “A clean trace of an ermine”, “Hello to you, Mitya Kukin” and others.

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Only after the war, in Leningrad, Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin continued his studies and in 1946 he entered the construction college at the department of "architecture". After graduating from the construction college, L. Kuzmin worked for a long time at construction sites in Siberia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. Lev Ivanovich liked his profession, liked to see how houses, settlements, cities grow in the middle of the bare steppe. But he wanted to write poems and stories even more. Lev Ivanovich did not have a chance to study at the literary institute, so he himself learned to delve into literature. It happened in 1949 near Leningrad, when Kuzmin and his comrades had a chance to restore the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. This is the same lyceum where A.S. Pushkin. It was here, in the local newspaper, that the poems of L.I. Kuzmin.

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In total, Lev Ivanovich wrote about 100 large and small books! Of these, only one is for adults, the rest are for children. The works of Lev Kuzmin were published by the magazines Murzilka and Koster, publishing houses in Perm and Moscow. Since this all started. One after another, such books as "Simple Shoes", "Captain Coco and the Green Glass", "House with a Bell" and many others appeared.

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His poems and stories are known and loved not only by the children of our country, but also by German, Czech, Japanese children. Based on the fairy tales of Lev Kuzmin, several cartoons were shot and a children's operetta "Captain Coco and the Green Glass" was written.

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In 1956, Lev Ivanovich, still a builder, came to Perm. Here his first book of poems for adults "April" was published, then two books of essays about builders. And to his old attraction - to the cheerful lights of childhood - was returned by the fact that among the Permian writers there was a whole group working enthusiastically for children, and a real children's edition. There, Lev Kuzmin showed his short poem-tale "How to get to heaven." L. I. Kuzmin in Perm

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Twice receives diplomas at the All-Russian competitions for the best children's book. In 1985-1988 he headed the Perm Writers' Organization. Member of the Writers' Union since 1969. For many years of fruitful literary and social activity, he was awarded: the Order of the Badge of Honor; The Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1978); was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture. Awards L. I. Kuzmin Slide 15

The creator of beautiful books, Lord of children's souls, Yes, live the writer, Long live Kuzmin!

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