Quest musical game in kindergarten. Musical quest "Meet the music family


Maltseva Svetlana Ivanovna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: MBU DS No. 80 "Song"
Locality: city ​​of Togliatti, Samara region
Material name: methodical development
Theme: Quest - game "In search of the missing song"
Publication date: 17.06.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Quest - game "In search of the missing song"

Target: promote the formation of good, respectful relationships between

participants (adults and children) Tasks:

Activate interested behavior of participants through active forms

performance of competitive tasks;

To form an attentive, kind attitude towards each other;

Develop interest in musical, cognitive, search activities

Visual material and equipment:

7 music notation fragments


Task texts


Puzzles - VIOLIN, PIPE, DRUM + extra parts (PIAN)

Jars with white matter (flour, sugar, salt, semolina, starch, citric acid,

washing powder)

Pictures "Painted Song"

Rebus "The case is being heard"

Badges for detectives and presenters

10. Music center

11. Discs with audio recordings of songs by V. Shainsky

12. Piano

Plan of the detective show:

3 family teams of detectives looking for musical notation fragments;

Each team prepares a Business Card (no more than 2 min.) (10 min)

Each team must complete 2 tasks to find the fragment; (30 minutes)

Searches are carried out in different rooms of the d / garden;

After all the fragments are collected, the presenter offers to listen to the written

melody and determine what song it is; (5 minutes)

We perform everything together (karaoke); (3 min)

Awarding and tea gatherings (20 min)

Game progress:

Vedas: Good evening! You probably can't wait to find out what will happen here?

Meeting? Entertainment? Holiday?...

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that today in the kindergarten "Song"

there will be an opening Detective - musical club "Quest in" Song ". Word

"quest" means search.

What does it mean? Surely everyone knows the song (a fragment of the song "Terrible" sounds

everything that is unknown is interesting ... " Indeed, how interesting it is to know, to find what

engaged in detectives or detectives.

And today, teams of detectives have gathered in our hall to help us

deal with one loss. Our kindergarten received a missing person report.

the final fragment of the musical notation of our favorite children's song

pupils. But this song is a kind of anthem of our kindergarten

"Song" ... The fragment did not just disappear, it crumbled into 7 pieces. Dear

detectives, are you ready to help us find the loss?

Then please introduce yourself!

"Introducing Family Detective Agencies"

Business card (homework - musical, theatrical, poetic,

prose, humorous, etc.)

(no more than 2 minutes)

A good detective should have such qualities as: attention, good

memory, intelligence, intuition, logical thinking, sense of time,

the ability to reincarnate, etc. and now you have the opportunity to prove your

professionalism. For each completed task, you will be rewarded. Good luck everyone


Each team is given the first envelope (or search card) with the task and that's it.

they diverge to perform in different rooms of the garden.



1. "Sounds"(the text is in the envelope)

« Any detective should have an idea about the objects and sounds that his

surround. Now you will hear the soundtrack

7 different sounds. Task: to determine to whom or what they belong and are

whether among these sounds are musical.

You have 2 minutes for this.

In case of correct answers, you get the next task and get closer

to the goal.

In case of an error, you will have to listen to an additional fragment. Good luck!"

Orchestra setting

door creak

- rustling candy wrapper - add. the task

- train - add. the task

- drill - add. the task

2. Puzzles(musical instruments) - with extra details

The previous test will help in this task.

You have just heard how the different instruments of the symphonic

orchestra and probably recognized the instruments by their sound.

But! A hurricane prevented the tuning of the orchestra. All of the instruments fell apart. To

to hear a lost song, it is necessary to lay down the instruments of the orchestra.


(possible extra details)

(after the completed task, a piece of musical notation with a number is awarded)

2 team

1. "White matter"(text in an envelope, transparent jars with bulk substances

white color - can not be opened jars)

« The detective must have sharp eyesight and this task will show in what

degree you have developed this quality. Attention! There are 5 white substances in front of you.

At first glance, all substances are the same, but only a detective, carefully

looking at these substances, accurately determine their contents. Especially

the name of one of these substances will help you in the search for the loss, AS IT HAS


- citric acid - add. the task

- washing powder - add. the task

(after the completed task, a piece of musical notation with a number is awarded)

2. Find the key (treble) - in the lobby

What you are striving for is located in the central hall of the kindergarten.

Where one of the main symbols of musical notation is depicted. Previous task

will help you in your search, as this symbol is called this white matter

(treble clef)

(after the completed task, a piece of musical notation with a number is awarded)

3 team

one . "Painted Song"

(“A grasshopper sat in the grass”, “Antoshka”, “Song of the crocodile Gena”, etc.)

(after the completed task, a piece of musical notation with a number is awarded)

2. Task - Rebus "The case is being heard"

(after the completed task, a piece of musical notation with a number is awarded)

Game Conclusion

The last task is performed by teams together (music hall)

Leading: Guessing the name of this item, you will find something that took so long

were looking for. So, attention!!!

(reads the task from the envelope)

“Italian designations for the power of musical sound are encrypted in its name,

opposite in meaning (f and p)"

(The last fragment is on the keyboard. The host opens the piano and shows

Leading: And now, you need to put all the fragments in order, and let me

play the tune you need to know. …

Detectives listen to the melody, say its name and sing the song together with the children

The results and rewarding of all teams are summed up.

You can perform your favorite songs of V. Shainsky, which were discussed in the game.

At the end, everyone is invited to a tea party.

Appendix 1

The task "Rebus" The case is being heard ... .. ""

Vertically - the name of the character who "... was at first a strange, toy



1. The character of the song, who did not think and did not guess, did not expect ...

2. What color was the character from item 1?

3. Where did the character with the spoon refuse to go?

4. Who ate the character from item 1?

5. What instrument did this hero like to play in front of passers-by?

6.Where was the character from item 1 sitting?

7. The name of a character whose only power was a table item?

8. The character of the song, who was only strong in THIS cutlery.

9. Surname of the composer who wrote these songs.

Annex 2

Task "Painted Song"

Annex 3

Task "Puzzles" -

(drawings are enlarged, printed and cut arbitrarily)

Class template using quest technology

general information

Full name of the teacher

Egorova Svetlana Anatolievna

Age group

5-6 years

Educational area

Artistic and aesthetic development

TOE integration

Cognitive development, speech development

Quest name

A journey in search of old piano notes.


Increasing interest in musical activities among preschoolers. Development of communication skills

Formation of skills of collective cooperation



To promote the formation of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard practical tasks.


Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.


To promote rapprochement and unification of children, to give them pleasure.

The main idea (riddle) of the quest

Old piano! So many beautiful melodies sounded on it, it filled both children and adults with happiness! But for several years no one has touched the piano, no one has touched its keys. And the piano hurt. It has lost its voice. And only a team of brave travelers can help him.

We will go on an exciting journey, where we will try to get the lost voices of the old piano, lost melodies and notes!

And who knows - maybe the piano will please us? And we will all celebrate our victory together.

Quest script

Stage 1. Name « Island of Musical Instruments»

The guys we sailed to the "Island of Musical Instruments". Guys, there's a mess on the island of musical instruments. Some musical instruments have forgotten their names. An insidious pause erased their memory, in order to help them, we need to guess the riddles that she has prepared for us and then we can get a note for our old piano

Task FormulationGuess the musical instrument.

Activities of pupilsChildren solve riddles and get a note for an old piano Guys, look at the order on our island of musical instruments, it's time to go to the next magical island. And we can get there only with the help of a fun pair dance. You are ready? Performing the dance "Good beetle" Guys, this fun dance kindled a hot fire in us. Let us put out this fire as soon as possible so as not to burn out at all. We inhale air through our nose, we exhale through our mouth.

Exercise to restore breathing "Candle". We swim further.

Fixing the names of musical instruments

Stage 2. Name"Rhythm Island"

Description of the story that is embedded in the task of the stage.Drums sound. What do you guys hear? Children's answer (drums). What are the sounds of the drums? Children's answer (long and short) Guys, we sailed with you to the "Rhythm Island". In order to get a note for our piano here, we must complete the following task “Repeat the rhythm”. Rhythmic game "Repeat the rhythm" (children's improvisation).

Task FormulationTake the instruments, we will play with you and beat the rhythms

Activities of pupilsBeat rhythms (improvisation of children). What a wonderful ear the musicians have, I thank you all for the pleasure. It's time for us to go to the next island.

Received educational result (what did you learn?) Improving children's sense of rhythm in playing noise instruments.

Stage 3. Nameisland of fairy tales

Description of the story that is embedded in the task of the stageGuys, we sailed to the "Island of fairy tales" Heroes of fairy tales live on this island. An evil fairy stole their tools. In order for the fairy to return the instruments to them, we need to complete her task, guess which instrument sounds and to whom it belongs

Task FormulationWhat musical instruments could the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons play?

Activities of pupilsChildren listen to the sound of a musical instrument, guess and name the hero of a fairy tale who played this instrument. Heroes of fairy tales are presented on the presentation slide. Guys, we have earned another note and sail on

Received educational result (what did you learn?)Strengthening the ability of children to distinguish the sound of children's musical instruments.

Stage 4. NameDomisolka Island

Description of the story that is embedded in the task of the stageHere we are with you and found ourselves on the island "Domisolka". On this island live cheerful notes and fairy Harmony (music director). Fairy Harmony: Guys, what happens if you put the notes together? (Children's answers: song). Here on this island you must collect all the notes and return them to the old piano so that it will sound again and delight you with its unforgettable melodies.

Task FormulationDo you like to sing songs? (Answers of children). Guys, to sing a song, we need to practice. Chant "That's how I sing"

"U" and down "that's how I sing"

"A" A - ah-ah-ah-ah - spring has come to us,

"And" and -and -and -and -and - guests came to us.

"LA" la-la-la-la-la - that's the whole song!

We continue to train. We will talk and we will speak. Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand.

And the tongue twister is: "From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field." Guys, we will pronounce a tongue twister with different voice strengths: quietly, louder and louder. And now let's sing the song cheerfully, provocatively, but do not forget that if you sing loudly, you can damage what? (vocal cords) Performance of a song about friendship. Fairy Harmony (music director): Guys, do you think a good song can cheer you up? What else can lift your spirits? (the game) On the island "Domisolka" there are many different funny miracles. By the way, I have a magical musical hat! Presenter: Oh, yes, perhaps this is an invisibility hat? Fairy Harmony: No, this hat can guess the thoughts of who will put it on, the music will immediately sound and we will find out who is thinking about what! Host: Guys! Do you think this is true? Well. Fairy Harmony, let's find out the thoughts of the guys, who do you choose? FAIRY MUSIC SOUNDS

(The Fairy selects the children for the competition. The children move in a circle to the music, the Fairy inside the circle puts a hat on the heads of the children one by one and the thoughts of the children are “voiced”) Presenter: Oh. What an interesting hat! What fun we had. Well, we have collected all the notes, we are going back to kindergarten to our piano.

Activities of pupilsChildren sing, sing a song and play a game. Collect notes in the musical staff, return back to kindergarten. Children bring a stave to an old piano and the music director starts playing the piano

Received educational result (what did you learn?)Accumulation of positive emotional experience by the child through communication with music) . Development of creative imagination, communication skills.

Music teacher

MBOU Khokhlovskaya secondary school

Lopacheva A.V.

Quest - a game for 4th grade students

"Music Journey"

Lesson type: repetition, systematization, generalization of knowledge.

Target: deeper assimilation of knowledge, a higher level of generalization, systematization.


Educational: identify the quality and level of mastering the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom, summarize the material.

Educational: to educate a common culture. Aesthetic perception of the environment, create conditions for real self-esteem of students, the ability to communicate students in a team.

Developing: develop spatial skills, communication skills when working in groups, analyze, compare, compare.

Work form: group

Quest structure:

    Organizing time

    Introduction (plot)

    Tasks (stages, questions)

    Grades (results, awards)

Quest progress

    The teacher greets the students and hand out the worksheets.

    Explains what stages of the Musical Journey they will have to go through.

    Quest steps.

First stop - Library. What is a library? What can we learn about music in the library? Riddles are offered in envelopes. Correct answers receive a note.

Libraryit storage space for books.

In the library you can learn a lot of interesting things about composers, musicians, instruments. Find sheet music for various pieces.

Four envelopes

1. E. Hoffmann's fairy tale is a fairy tale character, an interesting toy that was presented to the little girl Marie by her godfather for Christmas. ( Nutcracker) Find a book with the same name on the children's shelf - there is a letter (t)

2. The composer is a storyteller. ( Rimsky-Korsakov)

Find a book on the children's shelf about the composer - there is a letter (O)

3. Author of the cycle for piano "Children's Music" ( S.S. Prokofiev) Find a book on the children's shelf about the composer - there (H)
4. Author of the cycle for piano "Children's Album" ( P.I. Chaikovsky)
Find a book on the children's shelf about the composer - there ( AND)

From the letters found, make a word ( NOTE)

Second stop - Circus

What is CIRC?

The circus is music, laughter, fun, clowns, smart animals, magicians.

Determine from the picture what genre is depicted (song, dance, march).

For the completed task, participants receive a note

Third stop - Museum

What is a museum?

A museum is an institution that collects, studies, preserves and exhibits objects.

Children are invited to find out from the pictures which museums are represented. (Zoological Museum, Museum of Puppets, Museum of Musical Instruments).

Picture puzzle "Help Pinocchio find musical instruments."

For the completed task, participants receive a note

Fourth stop - Cinema

What is a cinema?

A cinema is a public building for showing movies.

Children are offered several excerpts from video clips from children's films. Children guess the names. ("Adventures of Pinocchio", "Adventures of Electronics", "Morozko", "Yeralash")

For the completed task, participants receive a note

Fifth stop - Theater

What is theater?

Theater is an art form, the presentation of dramatic works, which is carried out by actors for the audience.

The task is to guess riddles, to determine the name of the ballets "Cinderella", "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty" from the pictures.

To make the show look more interesting,
Ovations were heard in gratitude,
It is necessary on the stage decoration:
House, trees and others... (Scenery)

I stand in front of the choir

Everyone is silent, but I sing.

Who am I? What kind of artist?

Well, of course, the same ... Soloist.

Well, if everyone is dancing, there are no songs at all,

That such a performance is called ... (Ballet)

The magician waves his wand and the music sounds.

The stick will freeze and the whole orchestra will fall silent.

The wand will tell you who it's time to join,

The wand will indicate how the music should sound.

The magic wand controls the orchestra,

What is the name of the wizard? Who guys know? (Conductor)

The theater is very interesting

When everyone in the play sings.

And the orchestra played music.

What will the play be called? (Opera)

For the completed task, participants receive a note

The sixth stop is the Concert Hall.

The creative task is to draw up a concert program based on familiar works of educational material from five numbers.

For the completed task, participants receive a note

The end of the game-journey, summing up.


  • Golovkova Irina Nikolaevna, music director, first qualification category
  • Ugryumova Yuliya Vitautovna, teacher-psychologist, first qualification category
  • Spirina Natalya Gennadievna, teacher, first qualification category

GCD form: educational game.

Type of GCD: repetition, systematization and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills.

The purpose of the GCD: enrichment of the emotional and intellectual experience of children

through music lessons.


  • To consolidate the skills of children in movement in a playful way.
  • Continue to develop emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature.
  • To improve singing skills: to form the ability to sing with a light sound, a natural voice.
  • educate a common culture, aesthetic perception of the environment.
  • develop spatial thinking, identify connections, formulate conclusions.
  • develop communication skills when working in a team.
  • develop curiosity.

Methods: game, verbal, conversation, sound and visual clarity, modeling of the artistic and creative process, musical and dance communication.

Form of work: group

Methodological equipment: piano, computer, projector, screen, crockery, music puzzles. instruments, wood, sheet music, glue.

Used DER: Visual range - computer presentation, video clips.

Game structure:

  1. Organizing time
  2. Introduction (plot)
  3. Tasks (stages, questions, role-playing tasks)
  4. Grade (results, awards, emotions)

Lesson progress

Stage 1. Organizational.

greeting ritual.

Psychologist: Guys, I am very pleased to see you. Let's stand with you loose and greet each other.

  • Look, guys, we have guests in the hall today, with whom we can not only say hello, but also make friends. I suggest you play.

Communication game "You walk, you walk!" (calling guests)

You walk, you walk and, look, do not miss.

You walk, you walk - choose a pair for yourself.

Say hello with your palm, say hello with your foot.

Shoulder and elbow, and, of course, the tongue: "Hello!"

Muses. hands: My young friends, today I received a letter from the country of Musicland, where music, instruments, and notes live. They had a misfortune, their mood was stolen by an evil sorceress ... and they were bewitched and now they cannot sing, play, have fun and laugh, but only feel sad, but tears are shed and ask everyone for help.

Guys, what should we do?! I propose to urgently convene our "Musical Children's Council"

The game is being trained "Musical Children's Council" children express their opinion about the solution of the problem.

Children's answers: “We need to catch the Witch and take everything from her!” .

"I propose to sing a lullaby, put the Witch to sleep, and then take everyone's instruments from her" .

“And I think that you need to go to the Sorceress in the Musical Land and talk to her” .

Psychologist: Thank you guys, all your advice is correct, one thing is clear: we urgently need to save the inhabitants of Muzyklandia. Let's get on the road faster.

Psycho-gymnastics "Road"

(march, stealing step, stomping step, side step)

(We have reached the musical country.) On the screen is a screensaver of a musical country, city.

1 stop - city "Musical Instruments" .

F-ma: noise of sounds

Muses. hands: Do you hear? I wonder what happened and who swears like that? Let's take a closer look, what's the matter? (Music Fairy exits)

M.R.: What happened to you? Could we help you?

Fairy: I will not refuse help.

Psychologist: The guys will be happy to help you, just tell me how to help.

Fairy: Here's the thing. You ended up in the city of musical instruments, where they lived together, but the evil sorceress enchanted them and turned them into ordinary dishes; and the wooden spoons said indignantly: “We have the best sound, because you are household items, and only we are also a musical instrument” And the wooden spoons played a merry song. The large crystal vase disagreed and said: "No, it's my magic voice" and rang like a triangle. "Better listen to me" - said a jar of cereal, I have a quiet but interesting voice, and rattled like maracas. "Is this music?" screamed the kitchen bucket. “I can hardly hear you! That's how to play!" , and it thumped loudly like a drum. “The voice is loud, but not very pleasant” , said the big frying pan. "Listen to me now" . And she rang like cymbals. (fairy shows everything)

And now, they can't turn back into tools without your help.

Psychologist: Guys, you listened to how the dishes sound, and now let's determine which instruments are enchanted. (dishes and a musical instrument appear on the screen).

(There are trays with split pictures on the tables)

Look, the Witch cut the pictures with enchanted tools!

I propose to play the game, collect musical puzzles as soon as possible!

Conducted didactic game "Assemble musical puzzles"

(before the game they say which household items are similar to tools)

Psychologist: Let's leave them to play together, and we ourselves will go further.

Musical locomotive.

Muses. hands: Guys, look, repair work. (the passage is closed, the melodies have mixed up their character)

Can you guess? If we try to hear the genre of music, we will repair the road and we can continue the journey. Ready?

The task "Three whales" , children learn by genre - Song. Dance. March.

- (determine from the picture what genre of music (song, march, dance) depicted.

The task is proposed: to dance a fun dance, made in the form of a physical minute video clip "We were walking" )

Gymnastics for the eyes.

(Appearance of an evil witch)

task from the evil queen - It is proposed to guess riddles about the composer, performer and listener, about the opera, orchestra, soloist, choir. (riddles appear on the screen)

Muses. hands offers to sing a song.

Song about mom.

Wicked Witch: My dear children, what great fellows you are, you completed all my tasks, you were not at a loss, how smart and talented you are! Even I, the Evil Sorceress, have become kinder and merry, so be it, I will disenchant the inhabitants of Musicland and restore their mood!

Psychologist: Guys, a miracle happened, we turned the Evil Witch into a good one.

I propose to sum up our lesson and decorate the Magic Tree with musical notes, look, they will be multi-colored:

Yellow notes represent: “I liked our trip, it was interesting and easy” .

Blue notes represent: “I was interested, but difficult” .

Brown notes indicate: "I was bored and uninterested" .

(I invite all children and guests to choose and hang the notes they like).

Relaxation - “Decorate the musical tree with colored notes” . (To the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" , from the ballet "Nutcracker" , children and guests choose a note of their color, according to their mood. And then, hung on the branches of the Musical Magic Tree).

Evil Witch: What a beauty! And I'm also glad that we all showed how friendly, skillful and funny! I have a surprise for you too! I give you these sweet notes for your musical talents, kindness and friendship.

Surprise moment: (takes out a basket of candies Chupa - Chups, pre-arranged in the form of notes, and distributes them to all children).

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Pedagogical technology "Quest game" as a means of developing the social and communicative qualities of a preschooler

In a quest (English quest, or an adventure game) there is always a task in which you need to find something: an object, a hint, a message, in order to move on, the children go along a pre-designed route, solving rebuses, puzzles and other intellectual riddles, performing motor or creative-oriented collective tasks and finding clues. Born in England in 1970. Acceptable age for the game is 5 - 7 years. Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems to progress through the story. The bottom line is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, which can be reached only by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task (point). Tasks can be very different: active, creative, intellectual. They are selected in such a way as to be as original, interesting, relevant to the situation as possible and do not require special knowledge or skills from the players. It is remarkable that quests can be carried out both in a group, in a music hall, and in nature, that is, in almost any environment.

In order for these tasks to be solved most successfully, when developing a quest, it is necessary to follow the following principles: 1. Accessibility - tasks should not be too difficult for the child. 2. Consistency - tasks should be logically connected with each other. 3. Emotional coloring of tasks. 4. Reasonableness in time. It is necessary to calculate the time for completing tasks in such a way that the child does not get tired and retains interest. 5. The use of different types of children's activities during the passage of the quest. 6. Having a visible end result and feedback. PRINCIPLES OF THE GAME: OBJECTIVES: - to promote the comprehensive development of preschool children; - to develop social and communicative qualities (responsiveness, empathy, the formation of positive attitudes and life safety, respect for peers and adults) by collectively solving common problems; - to encourage cognitive and research activities through immersion in various game situations.

Three basic conditions for organizing a quest game: 1. Games must be safe. 2. Questions and tasks must be age appropriate. 3. Disputes and conflicts must be resolved only by peaceful means. Game preparation plan - the quest includes the following obligatory items: - writing a script containing information of a cognitive nature; - preparation of a "product" for the search (treasure map, treasure, birch bark, tips, etc.); development of a route of movement: firstly, it should be unusual, but safe for children, secondly, to increase the interest of children, the methods of movement can be different, thirdly, there should be a sufficient number of them with visits to little-studied "corners"; in the methodical development of tasks, it is necessary to rely not only on the already existing knowledge, skills and abilities of children, but also on the zone of proximal development of the child (L.S. Vygotsky). The decoration of the "stops" along the search route should correspond to the theme and contain a clue-direction to continue the path.

GAME PREPARATION PLAN: 1. Develop a scenario 2. Create an entourage for each action zone. 3. Prepare musical accompaniment. 4. Develop a presentation for the introductory part. 5. Design visual materials ("maps"). 6. Think over the methodology and organization of the game tasks. 7. Prepare the necessary props for passing each test.

Technology of the game 1. Quest - the game begins in a group where a goal is set for the children. The first tasks are always of an intellectual direction - crossword puzzles, puzzles, folding puzzles. 2. When solving intellectual tasks, children have a desire to solve problems in the game, comprehending them and finding a non-standard solution. Further, the children, having correctly completed the task, receive a hint and see where their team will go. 3. One of the directions is always a sports ground (gym), where children perform tasks in the form of sports relay races, with game content (reach the chest, etc.) for which they receive incentive tokens. When performing physical exercises, children seek to find the optimal (meaningful) attitude to this task (for example: after guessing a riddle, you need to climb through the "web" and remove the correct answer from it). You can also use road signs: allowing and prohibiting! 4. The final part (finding the treasure) should be bright, colorful and emotional with obligatory sweet surprises or gifts. Caches in the quest should be such that each note (envelope with the next task) has to be mined and found.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now you know about the quest game and you can organize it with your pupils. All in your hands!!! Author - compiler: Sosunova Irina Vladimirovna, senior educator of MBDOU No. 22, Kavalerovo

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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