KVN between parents and children. Intellectual game - KVN for children and parents of the older group in kindergarten KVN in kindergarten between parents


Sannikova Larisa Petrovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU kindergarten "Teremok"
Locality: Novosibirsk region, Kupino
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Leisure in the middle group: "KVN for children and parents."
Publication date: 06.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Professional competition of educators All-Russian Internet - competition of pedagogical creativity (2016/2017 academic year)

Leisure in the middle group.

"KVN for children and parents."

Sannikova Larisa Petrovna
MKDOU kindergarten "Teremok"
Novosibirsk region, Kupino

create a positive emotional mood in children and adults in the process of communicating with each other. To enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge, to arouse a desire to perform various tasks together with children.
- Today we have an unusual event - KVN. Two teams will participate in KVN - a team of children and a team of parents. And our teams will be evaluated by a jury, which will award points for each correct answer. Which team will have more points at the end of the game - that team is the winner. Are the teams ready? We start KVN.
1 Contest
"Warm-up": (questions will be asked to each team in turn, a point is awarded for each correct answer). -What time of year is it? -What is the name of our city? -Who carries his house on his back? What tree has a white trunk? - Who draws pictures? - Is the goose a bird or an animal? -How many eyes does an owl have? How many ears do two mice have? Well done, everyone did a great job!
Let's move on
to the 2nd competition.
"Riddles" Heals small children, Heals birds and animals, The good doctor looks through his glasses ... (Aibolit) Like Baba, Yaga does not have exactly one leg, but there is a wonderful flying apparatus (Stupa) Mixed with sour cream, Chilled on the window, Round side , ruddy side Rolled down ... (Gingerbread man) Le This tablecloth is famous for feeding everyone to the full, That by itself it is full of delicious foods (Self-assembled tablecloth) “We are not afraid of the gray wolf, Gray wolf-click teeth” This song was sung loudly by Three cheerful ... (Piglet) Oh Sweet apple aroma lured that bird into the garden, feathers glow with fire, And it's light around, like during the day (Firebird) And they coped with this task.
3 Competition.
“Name it in one word” (on the classification of objects)
- Orange, apple, pear…….(fruit)

- Bus, motorcycle, bicycle…..(transport)

- Cat, cow, goat..(pets)

- Cook, driver, hairdresser. (professions)

- Bullfinch, swallow, eagle ...... (birds)

- Milk, bread, cookies ... .. (products)

- Dress, sweater, T-shirt …….(clothing)

- Boots, shoes, sneakers ... ... (shoes)
What good fellows you are. And we move on to the next competition.
4 Competition
"Fairytale" Find out from the illustration "what kind of fairy tale is this?" (The teacher shows illustrations for fairy tales, and the teams take turns answering what kind of fairy tale it is) "Little Red Riding Hood" "Thumbelina" "Pinocchio" "Emelya" "Winnie the Pooh" "Geese Swans" "Puss in Boots" "Chippolino"
5 Competition
“Say the other way around” The bush is low, but the tree ... The fire is hot, and the ice ... The river is wide, and the stream ... The elephant is big, but the mouse ... The swan is white, and the crow ... It’s light during the day, but at night ... Lemon is sour, and sugar ... Fluffy bunny, but hedgehog ... How quickly you cope with all the tasks!
6 Competition

look, on the drawing paper for each of the teams, various geometric shapes are drawn. Let's turn our geometric shapes into various objects. What do you think they might look like? (Children and parents take turns turning the figures into various objects by completing them)
Look at the beautiful drawings we've made!

On this, our KVN comes to an end. You've dealt with everything


Summing up the game. Presentation of prizes to all participants.

KVN between parents and children

17.10.2011 11822 1003

KVN between parents and children.

Preliminary preparation: Some children and parents participate in the competition. The rest prepare musical numbers that are held between competitions.

Vedas:Good afternoon to everyone who is comfortable and close to the walls of our hall. Today we have a family holiday. Competition between parents and children.

The jury at our competition is the most numerous. These are all our viewers. They will evaluate the contests with claps. Let's see if the audience can do it. So, we are glad to all the guests, in a word, to all those who are with us on this day!

Presentation of participants.

Attention attention! Already sounds the task.

1 task. "Declaration of love".

(Greeting to the opposite team. Declaration of love).

Children to parents: You are so nice to us! Parents are just awesome!

Parents to children: You are beautiful, like stars, and your eyes shine with fire,

And your dear smiles overshadow the sun during the day!

Vedas:We wish everyone only happiness, and we will reveal to you a secret

That there are simply no such children, parents in the whole school!

(Musical number.)

2 task. Competition "Unicorn" ».

(Dads and boys participate.) Buttons are glued to the forehead with adhesive tape so that the needle sticks out. Then they take the balls, and at the signal announcing the beginning of the competition, the players must throw them into the air and try to pierce them with their horn.

(Musical number.)

3 task.

Cinderella Contest.

Select rice from buckwheat. (Musical number.)

4 task. Competition "Friendship".

It is checked which team is the most friendly. Together, make a chain of paper clips. (Musical number.)

5 task. "Egyptian mummy".

With the help of a toilet paper roll, each team turns one of their players into an Egyptian mummy. The team that does it faster wins. Actions are performed while the music is playing.

(Musical number.)

6 task. Competition "Understand me".

Check how children and parents understand each other. Drawing competition. We draw a horse. Children - head and front legs, i.e. first half of the body. Parents - the other half of the body and tail. Try to match the halves. (Musical number.)

7 task.

Competition "Affectionate words".

Affectionate words are called to the opposite team. (Musical number.)

8 task. "Artist Competition"

Let's see what kind of artist you are. Pantomime, i.e. with movements, without using your voice, show your team the proverb that is written on the piece of paper so that the team knows what it is about.

Parents:Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

Children:Chasing two hares, you won't catch either

(Musical number.)

9 task. Competition "The most friendly team".

Now we will check how friendly you are in your team. Two participants, holding hands, should try to wrap the book in a newspaper.

(Musical number.)


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Reseda Natyrbagina
Scenario of joint entertainment with parents: KVN. Theme: "Journey to the land of knowledge." (Senior group)




Natyrbagina Reseda Ziyafatovna,

Educator MBDOU No. 31 "Red Riding Hood"

Naberezhnye Chelny

1. Purpose: learn to use the available knowledge in the game, communication; arouse interest in literature, broadening one's horizons, increasing erudition; instill a desire to learn new things; develop ingenuity, speed of reaction; foster a sense of camaraderie, a spirit of competition.

2. Participants: children senior group and their parents. Jury: Kindergarten manager senior educator, 1 parent. presenter: educator. Fans.

3. Venue: Kindergarten Music Hall.

4. Material: easel; Pictures "Baba Yaga", "Fox"; team emblems; prizes.

5. Preliminary work: reading fairy tales; viewing pictures, illustrations; conversations; children's drawing competition.

6. Progress of the event:

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! We start our KVN. Today there are two teams. First invited to scene the Ants team, led by the captain. Meet! (The first team enters to the music and applause).

Meet their rivals - the Fireflies team and their captain.

Our competition will be evaluated by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the head of the kindergarten, senior teacher and one of parents).

All: KVN participants, jury, presenter - we welcome our guests: parents, teachers and everyone who wants to cheer for our contestants.

So, we are starting our first competition - "Greeting", which is estimated at 5 points. The team “Ants” is the first to greet the rivals.

We are forest nurses

very hardworking,

And in the forest without axes

We build huts without corners.

You can't ignore us

A very friendly family.

The team “Fireflies” speaks with a response.

Fireflies have a simple motto:

Always be a friendly family.

Let's light the dark path

Don't turn off the road!

While our jury is evaluating the first competition, we will play a game called “Riddles and clues in chorus”.

We've got a sweet load

It's called... (watermelon)

I have been friends with sports for many years.

He is resilient... (athlete)

Come to the turn:

Here is the palace, here is the entrance - ... (gates)

He is not alone in the city

For shopping... (score)

The painter paints the walls for us,

The shelves are made... (carpenter)

Even though it stings

But beautiful

Everyone knows… (nettle)

A ball, but not fluffy,

Prickly and spiky.

When you touch, you'll understand

That this is not a ball, but. (hedgehog)

Auntie is familiar to me -

The house is carried on its back.

Always carry your belongings with you.

What a comfortable life... (snail)

The floor is given to the jury.

We continue KVN. The second competition - "Warm-up", is estimated at 6 points.

Minus plus,

Fire water,

Daring - careful.

All antonyms are always opposite.

1. The game "On the contrary." (Questions are asked alternately to one and the other team).

Sugar is sweet, and pepper ...

The road is wide and the path...

Plasticine is soft, and stone ...

The tea is hot and the ice cream...

Kissel is thick, and fruit drink ...

A sheet of sandpaper is rough, and a sheet of paper ...

The hare runs fast, and the tortoise crawls...

It's bright during the day, but in the evening...

The porridge is cooked thick and ...

Animals are brave and...

Carrots can be eaten raw and…

Apples can be small and...

2. Who wants to talk, he must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everything is clear. Therefore, the next warm-up task is “Who will talk to whom”. (The task is to remember the tongue twister, pronounce it quickly and clearly).

We ask the jury to evaluate our competition "Warm-up", and we have a musical break. (Children perform the dance “Finnish Polechka”).

The third competition is the “Competition of Literates”, which assumes the maximum number of points - 10.

Task number 1. I will make riddles for you, and you will name a fairy tale or a fairy-tale hero. Listen carefully.

Found a mouse

Completely empty house

They began to live, yes to live.

Yes, let the tenants in. (Teremok)

Name those who lived in the tower. That's right, only 6 heroes.

Waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who were these

Small children? (Kids)

How many goats were in the story?

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.

The girl slept in a nut shell.

What kind of girl lived in a flower? ( "Thumbelina")

Now let's talk about another book.

Here is the blue sea, here is the shore.

Old man went out to sea and cast a net,

Someone will catch and ask for something.

Oh greedy our story will go to the old woman,

And greed, guys, does not lead to good.

And the matter will end with the same trough,

Not new but old broken, of course. ( "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

I screwed up a little.

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ( "Cockerel is a golden comb", Russian folktale)

I left my grandfather.

I left my grandmother

I will come to you soon. ( "Kolobok")

Grandfather beat, beat did not break,

Baba beat, beat did not break. ( "Ryaba Hen")

I am a wooden man.

On water and under water

Looking for a golden key

I stick my long nose everywhere,

Who am I? (Pinocchio)

Physical education minute Pinocchio.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Hands to the side divorced,

The key is apparently not found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

Task number 2. And now the most difficult exercise: I will name the fairy-tale heroes, and you will remember the names of the fairy tales in which they act.

King, three sons, arrow, swamp. ( "Princess Frog")

2. Father, stepmother, three daughters, fairy, shoe. ( "Cinderella")

3. Very little girl, Maybug, mouse, swallow. ( "Thumbelina")

4. Evil mother, daughter and stepdaughter, Santa Claus. ( "Morozko")

Task number 3. Pick up signs for the hero depicted in picture: team number 1 - Baba Yaga; team number 2 - Fox.

(Baba Yaga is evil, terrible, old, ugly, bony, bone, ragged, etc.;

Fox - cunning, red, fluffy, beautiful, smart, warm, shaggy, cheat, etc.).

The next competition is the “Competition of captains”. I ask the captains of both teams to come to me. The task is very simple: recite verses with your hands. (The task is that the children of the opposite team must guess the “told” poem).

This assignment is worth 5 points.

And the last competition - "Game with the audience."

I'm going to ask questions now, it's not easy to answer them. (For each correct answer, a point is awarded to “own” team).

Chocolate egg. ("Kinder Surprise")

Folk art. (Folklore)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

What makes speech colorful, figurative? (Aphorisms, proverbs, sayings)

Printed works in the form of binding sheets. (Book)

An expression in need of interpretation. (Mystery)

What is never too lazy to do? (Breathe)

Never comes back. (Time)

While the jury is summing up, we have a musical break - “Dance of the Little Ducks”. We ask all fans to join.

7. Bottom line: at the end of the musical break, the results of KVN are announced, an award is held.

8. Literature:

"Birth to School". Exemplary basic general education program of preschool education. / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2012. - 336 p.

"A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents". In 2 books. /Comp. S. D. Tomilova - Yekaterinburg: U - Factoria, 2005.

"Complex classes for children 6-7 years: the world, speech development, fine motor skills of hands "/ ed. - comp. T. A. Tretyakova, S. B. Surovtseva, O. V. Kiryanova. – Ed. 2nd, revised. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 351s.

Sinitsyna E. I. "Smart Riddles"- M.: "Sheet", 1999. - 144p. - (Through the game - to perfection)

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 3 in Borisov"

KVN between parents and children

"Inseparable friends - adults and children"

Teacher: Matskevich N.V.

Event progress

1ved: “Hello, dear parents, children, guests! It's good that we all got together. You undoubtedly have many urgent matters and worries. But leave all worries and deeds outside the doors of our hall and, together with your children, try to relax today.”

2 Vedas: Today we have a family holiday. We are holding KVN. There are two teams: a team of parents and a team of children. They have a tough fight ahead of them. The winner is the one who does the best in all tasks.

1ved: We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

You don't like being bored

And we are happy to be with you

We will play KVN today.

2 Vedas: So, friends, let's start the program. We have a large stock! Who are they for? For you! We invite teams to come forward.

Teams come out and take their places.

Meet the kids team.

Meet the parent team.

1ved: Fans! Can't hear the fans!

Let's all shout "Hurrah!" .

Ready to cheer for your teams,

Let's all shout "YES!"

2 Vedas: The competition will be judged by a jury.

Several people (children and parents) are selected from the audience.

1ved: Attention attention! Already sounds the task.

1 task. Greeting "Declaration of love".

(Greeting to the opposite team. Declaration of love).

Children to parents: You are so nice with us! Parents are just awesome!

Because we all want to be like you!

Parents to children: You are beautiful, like stars, and your eyes shine with fire,

And your dear smiles overshadow the sun during the day!

2 Vedas: We wish everyone only happiness, and we will reveal to you a secret

That there are simply no such children, parents in the whole school!

And now the finalists of the school competition "Minute of Glory" will perform in front of you

(Musical number.)

2 task

1ved: To be finally ready to play, you need to warm up. Therefore, our competition is called the warm-up "Engine". All team members participate.

( command execution)

Stand tall;

Stand according to your shoe size (from small to large);

Stand along the length of the hair (long - short);

Stand by hair color (light - dark);

2 Vedas: - We found out who is taller, who is darker, who is longer. Let's move on to something more serious.

3 task. Competition "Unicorn".

(Dads and boys participate.) Buttons are glued to the participants' foreheads with adhesive tape so that the needle sticks out. Then they take the balls, and at the signal announcing the beginning of the match, the players must throw them into the air and try to pierce them with their horn.

1ved: 4 task. Cinderella Contest.

Mothers and girls participate: Select rice from buckwheat.(Musical number.)

2 Vedas: 5 task. Competition "Friendship".

It is checked which team is the most friendly. Together, make a chain of paper clips. (Musical number.)

1ved: 6 task. "Egyptian mummy".

With the help of a toilet paper roll, each team turns one of their players into an Egyptian mummy. The team that does it faster wins. Actions are performed while the music is playing.

2 Vedas: The finalist of the “Minute of Glory” contest, a student of the 3rd “A” class Artem Bogdanov, will come to us again now.

(Musical number.)

1ved: 7 task. Competition "Understand me".

Check how children and parents understand each other. Drawing competition. We draw a horse. Children - head and front legs, i.e. first half of the body. Parents - the other half of the body and tail. Try to match the halves.(Musical number.)

2 Vedas: 8 task. Competition "Affectionate words".

Affectionate words are called to the opposite team(Musical number.)

1ved: 9 task. "Artist Competition"

Let's see what kind of artist you are. Pantomime, i.e. with movements, without using your voice, show your team the proverb that is written on the piece of paper so that the team knows what it is about.

Parents: Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

Children: Chasing two hares, you won’t catch one

2 Vedas: Competition "The most friendly team".

It's time for the last task. Now we will check how friendly you are in your team. Two participants, holding hands, should try to wrap the book in a newspaper.

1ved: The game is over and the teams have completed their tasks. So, the team became the winner of today's KVN ... Each participant in the competition receives a medal.

2 Vedas: This concludes our KVN. We thank you all for participating in our competition program See you soon! All the best to you.


- Continue to promote the formation of the foundations of ecological culture in children: the correct attitude of the child to the nature that surrounds him;

- To generalize children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature;

- To consolidate the initial ideas about undeservedly persecuted animals; about the wrong relationship between man and the world of plants. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the purpose of the Red Book.

– Develop ecological thinking based on ideas about nature reserves and laws that regulate people's behavior.

- Continue to educate children in respect for nature on the basis of specific knowledge; evoke feelings of empathy. To create a joyful mood in children and parents, to arouse a desire to participate in the event.

Preliminary work:

– Reading fiction (A. Pleshakov, G. Skrebitsky, E. Charushin, V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, G. Snegirev, K. Paustovsky, Red Book of the RSFSR (animals and plants), Encyclopedias for children) .

- Didactic, outdoor games on this topic.

- Conversations, use of riddles, observations.

– Examination of pictures about the nature of nature reserves at different times of the year.

- Participation in the competition of drawings about nature.


- "Magic Sun" - 10 colored game tracks converging to a large circle.

- Cards with thematic questions.

- Didactic game "Where, whose house?"

— Illustrations depicting animals and plants.

— Ecological signs.


- magazines: "A child in kindergarten" No. 6/2008, "Preschool pedagogy" No. 6/2006.

- "In union with nature" - a teaching aid.

- G. N. Mochalova, L. I. Shapeeva "Familiar strangers" - game programs for children.

- A. I. Volkov "Meetings with the plants of Kamchatka."

KVN "Ecological assortment"

Educator:- Hello, friends! Hello nature! Hello forests, rivers, seas and lakes, fields and mountains! Hello birds and animals!

If a person every day like this greeted not only relatives and friends, but also all living beings that surround him, maybe all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on earth - people destroyed them.

Sometimes you hear: man is the king of nature. But who placed man above nature? The man himself! And who is a man without nature? Without air, water, birdsong, the scent of meadows, the rustle of leaves. All this is generously given to us by nature, and in return it asks only for a careful, kind attitude!


Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Educator: Today I invited you guys and your parents to play a game called "Ecological assortment" . We have to find out how well you know your native nature. She, more than ever today, needs protection, care, love.

The one who knows the life of animals, plants, birds well, knows how to behave in nature correctly, and is ready to protect it, will win the game. Parents and children of the older group take part in the game. Each player has his own playing track with colored sectors. I will ask each player a question corresponding to the "thematic" sector. If the player answered the question correctly, he moves on to the next sector. If the answer is incorrect, it remains in place. The winner is the one who first reaches the circle and answers the question of the super game. Ready? Then go ahead!


Questions for parents:

1. - Why is the book, which contains rare, endangered plants and animals, red? ( red color is a signal of danger, a sign of trouble that threatens the green, living side of the planet).

2. - Name in one word the plants and animals listed in the Red Book? (rare, endangered, protected).

3. — Who controls and supervises protected areas? (state).

4. — Who and what is protected in the reserves and sanctuaries of Kamchatka? (waterfowl and near-water birds, game animals, bighorn sheep, Canadian beaver, geysers, elegant fir groves, rookeries of marine animals).

5. - Is there a month of silence in the reserves? (Yes).

Questions for children:

1. - What is the name of the book in which rare, endangered plants and animals are listed? (Red Book).

2. - What are the names of the territories protected by law? (reserves, sanctuaries, national parks).

3. - Name the reserves of Kamchatka (Kronotsky, Commander).

4. - From the set of illustrations, select animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Kamchatka region.




The massacre begins.

We leave for nature

How many people are here in the forest!

A fire here and a fire there

Banks, bottles, all rubbish ...

Educator:-Imagine that you are in a forest or on the shore of a lake and there is a huge amount of scattered garbage in front of you, and animals and birds live in the forest and this causes irreparable harm. Here are the environmental signs. Think about what each sign means and give it a name. Explain why.


Task - "Guess the melody"

Educator:- I will offer each participant in the game to listen to a musical excerpt from familiar works about nature. Remember their names.


Educator:-It's time to rest. Now let each of you think of a bird or an animal, whom he would like to turn into. Stand behind the line and draw your animal, and the audience will try to guess it.


If I pick a flower -

If you pick a flower...

If everything is me and you

If we pick flowers

They will be empty

And trees and bushes.

And there will be no kindness

If it's just me and you

If we pick flowers.

Educator:-Look at these illustrations (I show an exhibition of plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Kamchatka region). What a great variety!

Task for parents:

- What kind of Kamchatka plant leaves are shown here? - the leaves are depicted in autumn attire.

Task for children:

- Recognize the plant that grows in Kamchatka by fragment.

Suggestive questions:

1 - A relative of pine.

2 - Tall grass, which is called "bear root".

3 - Queen of Kamchatka forests.

4 - Shrub with wrinkled leaves.

5 - Very rare orchid.

6 - Grass 3 meters high, which bears feed on in spring.


Everything in the world is needed.

And midges no less

Needed more than elephants.

You can't do without absurd monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious.

Need everything in the world

Everything is needed:

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison!

Task for parents:

1 - What is this fish that becomes hunchbacked in old age? ( pink salmon).

2 - This is a large animal, lives in the tundra, has wide hooves, they allow him to run in the snow, with which he rakes the snow to get his own food (reindeer).

3 - Divide into two groups of proposed animals:

Who doesn't change their fur coat for the seasons;

Who changes his coat for the seasons.

4 - I offer the illustration "On the ice floe." Find where is the mistake?

5 - Sparkling with scales-fire, we are red - always red where our flock walks, it seems that water is burning (red salmon).

Task for children:

1 - This animal is a resident of the Far North. This is an excellent catcher, hunts for fish and seals. (polar bear).

2 - Who is superfluous here and why? (giraffe, polar bear, walrus, deer).

3 - I offer pictures with "houses" of animals. It is necessary to determine who lives in which house (didactic game "Where is whose house?").

4 - He surfaced with his mother, he had a light breakfast. I immediately drank 10 liters of milk in a minute (whale).

5 - I thought it was a cat. Shouted: "Shoot!". It turned out to be .... Lynx.

Educator:-After the participants in the final game have been decided, I propose to hold GAME WITH VIEWERS:

1 - Which coniferous tree loses its needles in winter? ( larch).

2 - What can you feed the birds? ( grains, seeds, seeds).

3 - What are the folk signs associated with weather phenomena ( the cat curled up in a ball - to a cold snap. Frogs croak - to the rain. Swallows fly low above the ground - it will rain).

4 - Why does a tiger need stripes, and a giraffe needs spots? (d for disguise. The motley pattern makes them invisible among trees and grass).

5 - Why do flowers have bright petals and a pleasant smell? ( they attract insects).

6 - What plant is said to burn? (nettle).

7 - Which plant is rich in vitamin "C"? (rose hip).

8 - In which plant do flowers appear before leaves? (coltsfoot)

9 - They say the whale has whiskers. Where are they located? (in the mouth).

10 - What do trees and books have in common? (leaves).

Spectators who answer the questions correctly are awarded incentive prizes.


Educator:- Now the time has come for the most difficult question of our KVN. Listen carefully: - "The source of physical and spiritual strength, flora, fauna, man - all this can be called in one word. What?


Educator:- So our KVN came to an end. Whoever is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today. I think that our meeting today was not in vain, you are true defenders of nature.

We live in the same family

We live in the same circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight...

Let's keep the chamomile in the meadow

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

A friend of nature is a person who loves, studies, cherishes and protects it. I give you all awards - Medal "Friends of Nature"

(children and parents are awarded medals to the music).



Hemp-leaved ragwort



Kamchatka calf

Alder dwarf



Cedar elfin

Dactylorhithus spinous ( orchid)

Leafless chin ( orchid, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia)

wrinkled rose ( rose hip)


Angelica bear( bear root)


1-"In the frost" sl. A. Barto, music. M. Kraseva

2-"Bee" sl. V. Viktorova, music. V. Gerchik

3-"Apple tree" sl. I. Tokmakova, music. Y. Tugarikova

4-"Walk in the forest" op. M. Tanich, music. B. Savelyeva

5-"Woodpecker" sl. A. Fatkin, music. N. Levy

6-"Larks, fly in"

7-"There was a birch in the field"

8-"Why does the bear sleep in winter" op. A. Kovalenkova, music. L. Knipper

9-"Penguin" sl. L Dymova, music. D. Lvova-Companion

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