KVN on the Russian language in elementary school. Scenario


KVN in the Russian language for elementary students


2 teams of 8 people participate. Each team has its own symbol,


Stage decoration:

"There is no power more powerful than knowledge: a man armed with knowledge -


A.M. Gorky.

"Learn Russian - years in a row,

With soul, with diligence, with mind!

A great reward awaits you

And that reward is in himself."

Sabir Abdullah.

Motto of KVN:

Came to the club, don't frown.

Have fun to the end.

You are not a spectator or a guest,

And the programs of our nail.

Don't be shy, don't break

Obey all laws!

Host: So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large stock!

Who are they for?

For you!

1. Greeting teams.

BUT). We are funny guys

And we don't like to be bored

With pleasure we are with you

We will play KVN.

And let the fight rage on

Stronger competition

Success is not fate

But only our knowledge.

B). We answer together

And here there is no doubt.

Today there will be friendship

The mistress of victories.

And competing with you

We will remain friends.

Let the fight rage on

And our friendship grows stronger with her.

All participants sing a song about KVN (to the tune of the song "Smile").

KVN loves our friendly class,

And announce the meeting now.

Here are the fans, and here is the jury.

The path to victory is difficult, whatever you say.

We are trusted with you

Have a successful fight

To test resourcefulness and knowledge.

You are great, native language,

You are rich, native language,

You are our friend, and in this we will all believe.

2. Warm-up "Guess the name of our team"

The captain of each team reports:

1) The name of our team indicates the name of the subject, answers to

questions Who ?, What ?, in a sentence it can be subject and secondary


2) The name of our team denotes the name of the actions of the subject,

answers the question What is he doing?, in a sentence it can be a predicate.

The host addresses the fans with questions:

What is the name of each team? What other parts of speech do you know?

3. Competition "Answer five!"

The competition consists of 2 stages.

1) Count how many sounds and how many letters.



Cash register






2) Make a word by rearranging the letters.

Lanpe (pencil case)

Tarpa (part)

Ganik (book)

Vatra (grass)

Chkaru (pen)

Kisark (paints)

Vonzok (call)

Elon (deer)

Find the extra word. Justify your answer.

4. Competition "Where are the words native, cognate?"

On the board - 2 rhymes with related and unrelated

in words:

Squirrel, white, whiten,

merman, water, drive,

Leaf, fox, fox cub,

Moose, flap, calf,

Mountain, hill, town,

Dog, sand and sand.

Sailors, marine, walruses,

Root, root, cakes,

Cold, mound, chill,

Spout, wears and sock.

seed, seed, family,

Suddenly, girlfriend and friends.

Each team writes out from its rhyme only

related, cognate words, denoting the root in them.

The players who completed the task first in each team,

go to the board, indicate the roots in related words and

explain why the rest of the words are not related.

5. Competition "Who would help us find out where the prefix is, where


On the board in 2 columns are written the words:

(beyond) the mountain

(by) run

(Under) pine

(for) scream

(On the mountain

(about) to judge

(In the yard

(of) teach

(c) chair scarf

(C) dragged a puppy ...

(Po) portage

(For) a corner...

(By) ruffled

(From all sides…

And (by) raced

(On) the balcony.

The players open the brackets and explain the merged or separate


6. Contest of fans "Form a noun"

Adjectives are written on the board in 2 columns:

Stupid - ... (stupid)

Boastful - ... (braggart)

Strong - ... (strongman)

Lazy - ... (lazy)

Bold - ... (daredevil)

Old - ... (old man)

Talkative - ... (chatterbox)

Strong - ... (strong man)

Brave - ... (brave)

Playful - ... (naughty)

Rich - ... (rich man)

Wise - ... (sage)

Noisy - ... (screamer)

Small - ... (baby)

Kind - ... (good man)

Rough - ... (rude)

You need to choose a single-root adjective

noun is the name of a person.

7. Competition of captains

Task: find the word by its parts.

1) Root - related to the road,

In the collection, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bhidden.

Suffix as in diary

Whole same in space penetrated. (Satellite.)

2) My root is in the "price".

In the "essay" find the prefix me.

My suffix in the "notebook" you met,

All the same - in my diary and in the magazine. (Grade.)

8. Competition "Replace with one verb"

Task: replace each phraseological phrase with a verb

close in meaning.

Poke your nose - (to be curious)

Pout lips - (offended)

Get angry - (get angry)

Hack on the nose - (remember)

Speak teeth - (distract)

Scratch tongues - (talk)

Lead by the nose - (deceive)

Run away - (run away)

Break your head - (think)

Nodding off - (napping)

9. Competition "Object or action?"

Players must indicate which of the underlined words means

object, and which is the action of the object, and prove the answer

posing questions.

1) We flooded the oven so that the pies


2) The bucket leaked and the water became


3) A bear in the forest, not knowing the rules,

Once ruled a motorcycle.

1) Snow covered the entire field


2) Katyusha was singing, she sang all the songs


3) Who without a brush and whitened,

Did you whitewash the roofs of the city?

10. Fan Contest

Task: find the words that are hidden.

Shed - (lion), scythe - (wasp),





fishing rod,


11. Competition for teams "Can we write a dictation on" 4 "and

to "5"

Each team member writes 1 sentence, 1 member


Russian language

I love Russian lessons. In these lessons we learn to understand the power and beauty of our native language. How many apt words are in it! The Russian language is sonorous and beautiful. In the words you can hear the howl of a blizzard, the buzz of a bee. Pushkin wrote poetry in this language, Tolstoy wrote short stories for children.

12. Competition "Homework" The teams were given the task in advance to pick up riddles about the forest and its inhabitants. Members of one team guess riddles, and the second team guesses them. Then they switch roles. Can

seek help from fans.

13. The jury announces the score. The moderator sums up

competition. Participant awards.

14. Participants of KVN perform the song "Serious Conversation" (music by N. Prokudin, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya).

Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict!

Grammar textbook

I always take it with concern.

She is difficult, but without her

Life would be bad!

Do not send a telegram

And don't send a postcard

Even my own mother

Happy birthday do not congratulate!

Sending congratulations

Remember the rule of inclination.

Gender, number and cases

Keep it firmly in your memory!

And prefixes and particles -

Like smart little animals!

They want to frolic

Fool the students!

I love you grammar!

You are smart and strict.

You my grammar

I'll get by a little!

15. Summing up

The facilitator thanks the children for participating in the competition. Jury

announces the results.


KVN for 2nd grade


Matveeva Natalya Konstantinovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 19 of the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region

Purpose: to develop interest in learning, thinking, ingenuity; bring up love

to the Russian language and literature.

Design and equipment: 1) design of the hall - the letters KVN; team names;

2) for the competition of experts in the Russian language - words






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =9

4) pens, paper for the jury;

5) musical arrangement;

6) costumes for fairy tales;

7) lot sheets.

Leading. Today at school

Big and interesting day:

We have prepared a fun

Our school holiday KVN!

So that this holiday is KVN

You liked everything

You need to have solid knowledge

Be fun and resourceful!

Jury presentation.

    Team View (choose the order of performance by lot).

"Clever and clever" and "Angels"

    Math warm-up .

Leading. In 1 minute, each team must solve the largest number of problems. Jury

keeps track of time and counts correct answers.

For team #1. For team number 2.

a) Girls 5 apples. She ate everything, a) The goose weighs 3 kg. How much will he weigh

except 3. How many apples does she have left if she stands on one leg? (3)

elk? (3)

b) How many fingers do 4 have? b) How many ears do 5 mice have? (10)

boys? ( 40)

c) What number has the same number of digits c) Which year lasts only a day?

how many letters? ( one hundred) (New Year)

d) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? d) Three brothers have one sister. How

(one) of all children in the family? (4)

e) Son with father, yes son with father, yes e) 6 tractors plowed the field. 2 of them stop

grandfather with grandson. Are there many of them? 3 ) fox. How many tractors are in the field? ( 6)

f) Seven brothers have one sister. f) There are 4 corners in the room. In every corner sits a cat

How many sisters are there? (1) ka.Opposite each cat sit 3 cats

How many cats are there? ( 4)

g) 3 ostriches flew. A hunter of one g) Dunya carried 12 apples in a sieve, and the bottom fell.

shot. How many ostriches are left? How many apples are left in the sieve?

(Ostriches don't fly) (Not a single one, because the bottom has fallen).

h) Name 5 days without naming numbers and h) How many legs do 2 centipedes have? ( 80)

names of the days of the week.( The day before yesterday, yesterday

today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

i) Without what not to build a house? ( Without i) There were 12 books on the table. How many books removed

angle) whether if they are left 3 times less than

It was? (Removed 8 books).

3) Homework. theater competition .

Team #1. Team number 2.

Russian folk tale "Kolobok". S. Mikhalkov "Hare-deceiver"

4)Contest "Connoisseurs of the Russian language".

Each team member gets a question.

Questions for Team #1.

    How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

    SMART - name the third sound and give its description.

    What parts of speech do you know?

    What is the spelling in the word B. JAL (card with the word)

    Disassemble by composition ORAL (word card)

    How do you understand the expression - "Like snow on your head"? (Suddenly, unexpectedly)

    How to write - IZVES? NY?

Questions for team number 2.

    How many vowels? Transfer.

    ANGELS - name the 7th sound and give its characteristics.

    What parts of the word do you know?

    What is the spelling in the word - ZARYA. KA?

    Disassemble the composition of the word - GOALKEEPER.

    How do you understand - "Keep your eyes open"? (be vigilant).

    How to write the word WONDERFUL?

5) Captains competition.

Captains receive a task (on cards). While the captains are working, the guys perform the song "If there were no schools."

Task number 1.

Replace the question marks with the names of the numbers so that you get nouns.

1) SW? L 2) S? LCD


Task number 2.

Put an = or - sign after each digit so that the equality becomes true

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =9.




6) fan competition .

    Who knows more proverbs?

    What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin)

3. How to say correctly:

Fish don't have teeth.

Fish don't have teeth.

Or do fish have no teeth?

    What was the name of the ancient Greek mathematician who believed that numbers are very important for people's lives. He said: "The world is ruled by numbers." (Pythagoras)

    Who better to tell the tongue twister?

The student taught lessons, his cheeks are ink.

Questions for parents.

    Not flowers, but wither; not clap, but they clap if they don’t understand something; not underwear, but they are hung by overly gullible. (EARS)

    It is in the head of a frivolous, frivolous person; he is advised to search in the field when someone disappears without a trace; words and money are thrown at him by those who do not appreciate them. (WIND).

    What celestial body has two names: one masculine, the other feminine (MOON - MONTH).

7)Literary competition.

The guys all discuss together and give an answer.

Questions for team number 1.

An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly 30 years and 3 years.

(A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

3. Determine the genre of the artwork.

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me ...

(Poem by A.S. Pushkin)

A fly flew to a man and said:

You are the master of all the animals, you can do anything! Make me a tail.

(Fairy tale "Tails" by V. Bianki)

6. Tell by heart a poem about the Motherland.

Questions for team number 2.

(K. Chukovsky)

2. Where are the lines from?

The Prince rushed after her, but she was gone. Only on the stairs

lay a small glass slipper.

("Cinderella or the Glass Slipper" by Charles Perrault)

    Determine the genre of art work.

“How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile, harmful,

Yes, but it's not all for the future.

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.

    Where are the lines from?

“The hungry wolf got up to go hunting. Her wolf cubs, all three of them, were fast asleep, huddled together, and warmed each other. She licked them and went."

(The story "White-browed" by A.P. Chekhov)

(V. Dragunsky).

6. Tell a poem about nature.

8) While the jury is summing up the results, the guys perform the song "Big Round Dance".

9) Summarizing. Jury word. Awarding the winners, the best fans.

KVN in mathematics.

Teacher :

Educational institution :

Class : 1-2

Subject : maths , extracurricular activity

Target: attracting children's attention to the study of mathematics, promoting the development of mathematical abilities.


    be able to apply the knowledge gained in the lessons in a non-standard situation.

    develop children's speech, mathematical thinking, attention, memory.

    to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance in the process of collective creativity of students,

develop an interest in mathematics.

Means of education : computer, projector, screen, presentation.

Preparatory work:

- decorate the class;

Learn how to say hello to commands;

Learn a song about KVN;

Download the backing track from the Internet and repeat the song "Twice two - four."

Rules of the game:

The class is divided into two teams of 6 people.

For each correct answer, the team receives points.

The team that scores the most points wins.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation.

Game progress

Teacher. Dear Guys! Today we met to hold a meeting of the club of the cheerful and resourceful - KVN.

This game is for smart and resourceful, generous, kind and sensitive. Today, not quite an ordinary KVN will take place, but a tournament of lovers of an excellent science - mathematics. (Slide 1)

Teacher. Guys, what do you think, why do you need to know mathematics?

Student 1. Without an account there will be no light on the street.

A rocket cannot take off without a score.

Student 2. Without an account, a letter will not find an addressee.

And the guys will not be able to play hide and seek.

Student 3. Remember everything without an exact count

No work will budge!


The time in which we live is called the era of mathematization of knowledge. Without mathematics, without its laws, it is impossible to launch a spaceship, design a nuclear reactor, lay a road, work on a farm, in a field, in a store. Therefore, mathematics is rightly called the queen of sciences, the golden key, without which you cannot open the door to physics, chemistry, or technology. And besides this, mathematics should be taught later, said M.V. Lomonosov that she puts her mind in order.

Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. Many famous scientists, writers and artists thought so. In your life, you probably heard the statements of great people about mathematics more than once. And today we will get acquainted with some of them. (Slide 2)

Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who practice it with pure love, for the sake of its own beauty” Archimedes

The greatness of a man lies in his ability to think.” Blaise Pascal

Nature speaks the language of mathematics.” Galileo Galilei

Our competition is, first of all, a game. Friendly attitude in KVN is the law.

And in this game, all the best qualities of our participants are manifested:

- the ability to appreciate the joke of another;
- partnership;
- resourcefulness.

Our competition will be evaluated by an omniscient and fair jury (jury presentation).

And let the struggle boil stronger
Sharpen the competition.
Success is not fate
But only your knowledge.

First competition"WELCOME TO THE TEAMS". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Teams take turns saying their name and motto.(Slide 4)

Team Captain 1: Welcome to The Thinkers

We will think, convince,

Going to the final to win.

Team Captain 2: Welcome to the Pyaterochka team.

Our motto:

To become a doctor, sailor or pilot,
It is necessary to know mathematics firmly on “5”!

The melody of the song "Blue Wagon" by V. Shainsky sounds

Children sing:

To become an astronaut, an engineer,
To drive cars, ships,
Mathematics for five we need to know
Be ahead of everyone in class.


Learning, learning
We decide and count
We are interested in everything
We all need to know.
We think, we think
How to become scientists
Let's be talents

We all develop!

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Second competition"WORKOUT". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Let's warm up a bit and start our competition with solving problems.

(Slide 5)

1) 1. Two sausages are boiled for 6 minutes. How many minutes will 8 such sausages cook?

(Slide 6)

2. 5 light bulbs burned in the chandelier. Doors slammed and 2 burned out. You need to do a little: tell me how many lamps are left?

(Slide 7)

3) 2. When a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4kg. How much will a goose weigh when it stands on one leg?

(Slide 8)

4) 3. There were 3 glasses of cherries on the table. Kolya ate one glass of cherries, placing the empty glass on the table. How many glasses are left?

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Third competition"GUESS THE REBUS". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Numbers like to hide between letters and form words with them.

But what words the numbers got into, you will find out if you solve the puzzles. (Slide 9)

    In about 7 - eight; 2) 7I am a family; 3) 2 liters each - basement; 3) 100 yanks.

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Fourth competition"MAGIC WORD". (Slide 3)

Teacher. It is necessary to make as many words as possible from the letters of the word “TRIANGLE” (e = e). (Slide 10)

(Horn, steering wheel, roofing felt, mouth, whale, bugle, coal, damage, tunic, pendant, Greek, meadow, angle, lot, torus, con, zero, slope, prick, lecturer, tenor, tour, goal, tol, root , rock, reproach, summer, morning, game, eagle, tour, shooting gallery, role, trill, tone, cat, laziness, body, total, movie, movie, rout, geek, spruce, tick, deer, stake, raccoon, track , current, sack, mole, onion, gel, flax, lesson, measles, lorgnette, Turk, etc.)

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Fifth competition"ERUDITES, FORWARD!". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Instead of question marks, put the signs "+" and "-" so that the correct equalities are obtained. (Slide 11)

    4 ? 2 ? 6 ? 3 ? 5 = 10 (4+2+6+3-5=10)

    8 ? 1 ? 7 ? 5 ? 9 = 10 (8-1+7+5-9=10)

    3 ? 2 ? 1 ? 6 ? 4 = 10 (3-2-1+6+4=10)

    9 ? 7 ? 3 ? 5 ? 2 = 10 (9+7-3-5+2=10)

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Sixth competition"Magic Envelopes"

Teacher. Each team receives envelopes with tasks. Teams can discuss answers among members of their group.

    How many fingers are on two hands?

    How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

    How many letters are in the word "school"?

    How many syllables are in the word Pinocchio?

    How many days in a week?

    How many sides does a square have?

    How many sides does a hexagon have?

    How many tens are in 18?

    How many distinct ones are there in 15?

    What do you call a number that has 10 tens?

    What is the result of addition called?

    How many centimeters are in two decimetres?

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Seventh competition"GRAPHIC DICTATION". This competition is evaluated as follows: how many children in the team correctly wrote the dictation, the team receives so many points. (Slide 4)

Teacher. Now we will write a graphic dictation, if you write correctly, then you should get an interesting animal. Be careful! From a given point on your leaves, we begin to draw lines: 5 cells to the right, 1 down, 3 to the left, 1 down, 4 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the left, 2 down, 2 to the left, 1 up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 3 left, 2 down, 2 left, 1 up, 1 right, 3 up, 1 left, 2 up.

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Eighth competition"LOGICAL ENDINGS". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Arm yourself with logical thinking and complete the phrases.(Slide 17)

1. If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ...
2. If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ...
3. If the right hand is on the right, then the left ...
4. If the tiger is stronger than the wolf, then the wolf ...

Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Ninth competition"EXTRA NUMBER". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Read the number line. What is the odd number and why? (Slide 18)





Now we ask for attention

The jury will evaluate your knowledge.

Tenth competition"NUMBERS IN PROVERBS AND SAYINGS". (Slide 3)

Teacher. Our last competition today will be the competition "Numbers in proverbs and sayings." For a certain time, you need to insert the missing numbers in proverbs and sayings. (Slide 19)

1) ... cut down a tree - plant ten.

2) ... the head is good, but ... better.

2) ... measure once, ... cut once.

4) ... for everyone and everything for ....

Final part"SUMMARIZING" (Slide 3)

Here the game is over
It's time to know the result.
Who worked the best
And he distinguished himself in KVN?

Teacher. Dear Guys! You all proved today that you love mathematics and know it well. You showed me how attentive you are, what a wonderful memory you have, how you reason logically. You are just great! I wish you continued success and victories!

The melody of the song “Twice two - four” sounds, the author of the words is M. Plyatskovsky, the composer is V. Shainsky.

Children sing:

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four,

It's known to everyone in the whole world,

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four,

This is known to everyone in the whole world!

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four,

And not three, not five - you need to know this!

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four,

And not six, not seven - this is clear to everyone!

Three times three forever - nine,

Nothing to do here!

What is five five!

Five five - twenty five!

Five five - twenty five!

Quite right!

Who, friends, do not ask

Six eight - forty eight!

Six six - please consider

Always thirty-six!

Six six - thirty six!

Quite right!

KSU "Pobedinsky basic school of the education department

Akimat of Karabalyk region"

Scenario KVN mathematics

for primary school students

Teacher: Shuikebaeva A.B.

Target: consolidate the studied material in a playful way.


consolidate knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10;

repeat geometric concepts: straight line, segment, point, square, triangle;

develop mathematical thinking, logic, attention, memory, speech.

foster a sense of mutual assistance in the process of teamwork;

develop an interest in mathematics.


Attention! Attention!
Friends, today you came
To our cheerful KVN.
We brought you a smile
To smile every day.

We invite all primary school students to go to a fun country. Let's not forget to take resourcefulness and ingenuity with us.

You all know that KVN is a club of cheerful and resourceful people.

Came to the club - do not frown,
Be fun to the end.
You are not a spectator, and not a guest,
And the programs of our nail.
Don't be shy, don't break
Obey all laws!

Today we met to hold a meeting of the club of the cheerful and resourceful - KVN.
Today, not quite an ordinary KVN will take place, but a tournament of lovers of an excellent science - mathematics. For each correct answer, the team receives points.
The team that scores the most points wins.

Guys, what do you think, why do you need to know mathematics?
Teams of 2 teams take part in our game - the team "Clever and clever" and the team "Znayki"
Captains please introduce the teams.
First Team Captain:
Our team - "Clever and clever".
“We are a team, no matter where luck always awaits us.
Second Team Captain:
Our team - "Znayki"
“To become a doctor, sailor or pilot,
It is necessary to know mathematics firmly on “5”!

Our competition is, first of all, a game. Friendly attitude in KVN is the law.
Your victory will depend on how correctly, together and quickly you complete tasks.
The jury will evaluate our competition (I represent the jury).

KVN game for everyone,
Victory awaits you, success.
KVN we announce
And we all start the game.

Warm up

1. It has four sides, and they are all equal. (Square.)
2. Three sides and three corners, and the same number of vertices. (Triangle.)
3. We will add a number to a number,
Insert a cross between them.
Wind up your mustache:
This sign is called ... (plus).
4. From the number we subtract another,
We put a straight line.
I am a dash in grammar
Who am I in mathematics? (Minus.)
5. Without a beginning and without an edge, a line ... (straight).
6. Part of a straight line bounded on both sides by dots. (Line segment)
7. I don’t look like a penny,
Doesn't look like ruby.
I am round, but not a fool,
With a hole, but not a donut. (Zero.)
8. The neck is so long
Crochet tail and no secret:
She loves all lazy people
And her lazy ones - no. (Deuce.)
9. She is depicted by touching a pencil to paper. (Dot.)


Fingers on two hands? (ten)

Days in a week? (7)

Of them weekends? (2)

What number comes ninth when counting? (9)

Human eye and eyebrow? (2 each)

How many tails do eight cats have? (eight)

When the goat is seven years old. What will happen next? (The eighth will go).

How many paws does one dog have? (four)

What day of the week is Saturday? (6)


Table corners? (four)

Dwarfs at Snow White's?(7)

How many times do you have to measure to cut once? (7)

You and I, and we are with you. How many?(2)

puzzles(captains competition)

Here's the responsibility
The puzzle needs to be solved!
And then this leaf
Amicably you give the jury!
3buna 7I 40AP1A

Tasks are jokes.

1. Grew 4 pears. Each branch has 3 large branches, each branch has 3 apples. How many apples are there? (Apples don't grow on pears.)
2. Birds flew over the river:
Pigeon, pike, two tits,
Five carp. How many birds?
Answer soon! (3 birds)
3. What is heavier: 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (They weigh the same.)
4. When a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh when it stands on one leg. (4kg)

competition - "Connect by dots"

Teams are given sheets of paper with numbered dots. They need to be connected, you get a picture.

Riddles Contest.

Now the team that guesses all the riddles of the opponent gets one point. If the team fails to solve at least one riddle, no point is awarded.

1. House without windows and doors -

Like a green chest

It has six round children,

It's called... (Pod)

2. Two bellies,

Four ears. (Pillow)

3. Antoshka is standing

On one leg.

Where the sun rises

That's where he goes. (Sunflower)

4. Two friends live

Look in two circles. (Eyes, glasses).

5. They don't feed him oats.

They do not drive him with a whip,

And how it plows -

He pulls seven plows. (Tractor)

6. Four brothers live under one roof. (Table)

competition - "How many items"

The teams are given leaflets with a task in which they need to determine the number of entangled objects.

competition - "Tasks in verse"

Five guys played football.
One was taken home.
He looks out the window, he thinks
How many are playing now.
Once a hare for lunch
A friend of a neighbor jumped up.
Bunnies sat on a stump
And they ate two carrots.
Who's counting guys slick?
How many carrots have you eaten?
There are tubs against the wall,
Each tub contains 1 frog
If there were 5 tubs,
How many frogs were in them?

    There are tubs against the wall.
    Each has exactly one frog.
    If there were five tubs,
    How many frogs were in them? 5

3. Only I went into the bushes,
Boletus found,
Two chanterelles, boletus.
And a green flywheel.
Who has the answer
How many mushrooms did I find? 5

4. Mom is a squirrel for kids.
Brought cones from the forest.
I didn't give it all away
She gave just one.
Elder - spruce,
Medium - pine,
The younger one - cedar.
Tell me kids
How many squirrels ate a bump? 3

5. They gave everyone lunch:
Doggy - in a bowl,
In a saucer pussy
Laying hen
Millet in a skull
Masha - in a plate
Blue is not small.
How many have lunch? four

6. The guys played hide and seek.
Everyone was hiding
Kolya - in oats,
Olya - for Kolya,
Egorka - behind the hill,
Andreika - behind the watering can,
Timoshka - for the cat,
Lena - for hay,
Svetka - behind the branch,
Philip is for the mushroom.
And Barbos came.
Found them all right away.
How many children did the dog find? eight

8. Hares, sables and squirrels
Beat the timpani and cymbals.
Penguin waving his wand
Citizen of the polar ice floes.
On both sides of him raccoons
Flipping notes.
How many different animals are in the orchestra? 5

9. Masha had sweets.
She treated the Light
Natasha, Ira, Seryozha,
Tanya and Petya too.
One candy left
And Mashenka was confused:
How many candies were there?
Who can answer? 7

11. Many animals live in the zoo:
Polar bear, giraffe, hippo,
Tiger, chimpanzee, fox and raccoon,
Elephant, leopard, snow leopard and coyote.
Who bothered to count the animals,
Please reply immediately! eleven

Competition "Puzzles - gymnastics for the mind."

Condition: The questions are the same. Each correct answer is 5 points.


1. How many corners does a square have?

And if you cut off two corners, how many corners will there be? (6)

2. Ira is Maria's mother, Maria is Dasha's mother.

Who is Dasha Irina related to? (Granddaughter.)

3. Peter Ivanovich has 7 daughters, and each of them has a brother.

How many children does Petr Ivanovich have? (8)

4. If this day does not follow Monday

and not before Thursday, and tomorrow is not Sunday,

and the day after tomorrow will not be Saturday, and the day before yesterday

It wasn't Wednesday, what day is it? (Sunday.)

5. Could a person write about himself like this: “I have fingers

twenty-five on one hand, the same on the other,

yes, ten feet? (Yes, if you put a comma after the word twenty.)

"Magic word".

Teacher: you need to come up with as many words as possible using the word "Triangle".

Angle, coal, goal, cinema, current, cat, hands, three, stake, mouth, rivers, zero

Tell the proverbs that contain numbers:

Seven times ……

Seven Fridays………….

Seven of one ………..

One head is good………

One for all……………..

Seven nannies…………….


You sat and thought
And I hope you don't get bored.
But the game is over
It's time for us to part
And let's say goodbye
Let's say together...


MKOU "Pervomaisky TsO"

subject week

around the world

KVN game

"Planet Earth is our home"


primary school teacher:


2016 -2017 academic year

KVN around the world for grades 1-4.

Topic:"Planet Earth is our home."

Goals: develop students' interest in the environment

Environment; replenish knowledge about animals, birds, insects and plants;

develop observation, curiosity, memory, associative

thinking; to cultivate a moral attitude towards the environment, careful

relation to all living things.

Event progress

1.Organizing time.

(Teams from each class of 6 people are invited to the stage.)

Each team will come up with a name for themselves in 1 minute.

(Teams introduce themselves.)

Leader reads a poem

Life in this green world

Good in winter and summer.

Life flies like a moth

A nimble animal runs.

A bird is circling in the clouds,

Jumps on the branches like a marten.

Life is beautiful, life is around

Man is nature's friend!

2.Introductory conversation.

Life is beautiful around us, and will always be beautiful and amazing if we

study and protect the world around us. Wonderful writer and great lover

nature, M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with

the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. BUT

man needs a country. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. And she generously

will endow us with its riches, beauties and outlandish representatives of the world

animals and plants. Let's touch the treasures of our planet.

How much you know about nature, we will find out when you answer the quiz questions.

3.Team warm-up.2

Teams listen carefully to the question, the first team to answer is the one that

will show the sign "We are ready" (the guys hold each other's hands and raise them up).

1) Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog.)

2) What berry is black, red, white? (Currant.)

3) Who sleeps upside down? (Bat.)

4) What is the biggest bird? (Ostrich.)

5) What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns.)

6) What mushroom is called a forest predatory animal? (Fox.)

7) An animal that builds a house on the river? (Beaver.)

8) What animal often changes color? (Chameleon.)

4. Quiz presentation.

(Each team is given a sheet where they write down the answers to the

questions. At the end of the quiz, the answers are submitted to the jury. Jury counts

points, 1 point for each correct answer.)

1 What pets can graze in trees?

A) sheep B) tiger C) goats D) bears

2 In the Australian Aboriginal language, the word "koala" means:

A) don't eat B) don't drink C) don't sleep D) bear cub

3 Where do koalas live?

A) in earthen burrows B) in a zoo C) on trees D) in grass

4 Which item is made from something that was once alive?

A) clay mug B) linen dress C) steel knife D) brick house

5 Everything about this bird is not like the others - the beak is not straight and not curved, crosswise, and

she brings out the chicks not in the summer, but in a fierce cold.

A) nightingale B) crossbill C) tit D) woodpecker

6 This phenomenon of nature often happens in autumn. In summer it is called warm, mushroom, and

autumn cold, drizzling. What's this?

A) snow B) hail C) rain D) woodpecker

7 This natural phenomenon occurs only in autumn. The trees are dressed up in colorful

headwear, and then shed the foliage. What's this?

A) rain B) snowfall C) hail D) leaf fall

8 Who is not a mammal?

A) tiger B) stork C) squirrel D) seal

9 What is the science of animals called?

A) ecology B) zoology C) botany

10 Which of these animals are listed in the Red Book?

A) horse, pig, cow

B) flamingo, tiger, beauty beetle

B) duck, sheep, goose

11 At what time of the year is it forbidden to hunt animals?

A) winter B) spring C) autumn

12 What are animals that eat other animals called?

A) herbivores B) insectivores C) carnivores

13 What about wildlife?

A) sky, rain, earth

B) moss, lizard, man

C) water, clouds, air

14 Find the extra word.

A) raccoon B) wild boar C) rooster D) seal

15 People of what profession treat animals?

A) agronomist B) livestock breeder C) veterinarian

5.Fizminutka. The game "Yes - no" (to the music)

I name a statement, if you agree with it, then say yes and clap, and

if you do not agree, then say "no" and stomp.

1) The woodpecker is popularly called the forest doctor. (Yes)

4) The hare changes its color twice a year. (Yes)

5) The palm tree is considered a symbol of Russia. (Not)

6) The beetle has eight legs. (Not)

7) There is an animal that looks like a notebook in a line. (Yes)

6.Competition "Assemble the mosaic" (in envelopes by class: spider, dolphin, panda, snowdrop)

(Representatives from each team come out and choose an envelope)

Look at the parts of the picture and try to put it together. Then you need to protect your

job - to tell everything you know about this representative of the animal or

plant world. The team receives 2 points for completing the task.

(A participant comes out from each team, shows a drawing and defends the work).

1) The first team collects a picture of a spider.

(The teacher tells interesting material).

Arachnids are very ancient creatures that appeared on Earth around 400

million years ago. They provide humanity with an inestimable service: they are all

predators eat insects. Their web is very strong, so the inhabitants

tropical islands use it for weaving fishing nets and as thread for

sewing clothes.4

Once the French king Louis 14 was presented with a gift of gloves and

stockings made from cobwebs.

2) The second team collects a picture of a dolphin.

Dolphins are very intelligent marine animals. They know well people who

communicate with them, are devoted to them. There were cases when dolphins rescued drowning people.

And recently, scientists have discovered that dolphins have onomatopoeic

abilities and copy individual phrases from human speech.

3) The third team gets a picture of a panda.

Panda is a member of the raccoon family. Also known as bamboo

bear. Naturalists first observed the panda in nature only in 1913. She is

is one of the rarest, poorly studied large animals. Panda is found

only in the forests of the provinces of China. The panda does not hibernate. Panda eats sprouts

bamboo, fish and small rodents.

4) The fourth team receives and folds the picture, which depicts a snowdrop.

One of the first flowers in spring is the snowdrop. Russian legend says

that once the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and the Wind decided not to

let Spring fall to the ground. But the brave Snowdrop straightened up, spread its petals and

asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed the Snowdrop, warmed the earth and opened

road to Spring.

7. Crossword "Tit".

Now let's see if you can guess the birds. Listen to riddles

clues in a crossword puzzle, and in the highlighted column get the name of the bird in whose honor

a holiday in Russia.

(Each team is given blanks with a crossword puzzle. For correctly completed

the team receives 6 points.)

4. The game "Who is it" (drawings made by students)

1) Who lives in a pine forest,

2) This bird is not overseas

1. k l e s t

2. a and c t

3. bullfinch

4.p a v l i n

5. c a p l i

6. with about in and

Wears a cross on his nose Lives near you and me.

And the nest weaves at that time, The house chooses more quietly

When does a blizzard sing in the forest? And the nest is on the roof.

(Klest) (Stork)

3) A red coat on this bird, 4) The firebird spread its tail,

And in winter it is noticeable, It burns and turns golden.

Like a mountain ash in the snow, From overseas valleys to us

I will help her with food. This tail brought...

(Bullfinch) (Peacock)

5) Standing on one leg, 6) The night is pitch black, black is black,

He stares into the water, The gray bird is not up to sleep:

Pokes his beak at random - Between the bushes, like a shadow, glides,

Looking for frogs in the river. Guards who does not sleep.

A drop hung on the nose ... It catches every rustle sensitively,

Do you recognize? This is ... And when he screams, it will become creepy,

(Heron) The sleeping grass will tremble,

It hoots ... (Owl)

What word did you get in the highlighted box?

One of the holidays in Russia is Sinichkin Day, which falls on 14

november. On this day, winter birds arrive, and Titmouse meets them all.

Match the words from the first and second columns.

(For the completed task, the team receives 6 points.)

Geese quack

Nightingales cackle

Ducks coo

The crows are whistling

Doves hoot

Owls croak

9.Fizminutka. Birds game.

This is an attention game, I will only name the birds, but if you hear that

no birds appeared, let me know. You can stomp and clap.

Birds have arrived:6

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts ... (Children clap.)

What's wrong?

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta. (Children clapping.)

Now who got in the way?

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens…

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos…

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even owls are squishy

Swans and ducks -

And thanks for the joke!

10.Tree game.

(Teams receive cards with a series of letters.)

You need to cross out extra letters to get the names of the trees. For this task

1. msoesbnak 2. ebelrösza

3. oryalbimna 4. Rolsibnav

11. Competition "Race for the leader".

The team that quickly showed the sign "We are ready" answers. For every

correct answer - 1 point.

1) Small horse? (Pony.)7

2) What is the longest animal? (Giraffe.)

3) A cat with tassels on its ears? (Lynx.)

4) Is an insect capable of lifting weight larger than its own? (Ant.)

5) What is the largest animal on the planet? (Whale.)

6) What land animal is long-lived? (Turtle.)

7) What insect has ears on its legs? (Grasshopper.)

8) What happens to the bee after it stings? (Dies.)

12.Results of the competition.

The jury counts the points.

Today we have touched the unique beauties of our planet, but in order for it to

continued to delight us with the singing of birds, the smell of flowers, the fluttering of butterflies,

remember that the Earth is our common home, because both plants and animals live in it

the same full-fledged masters as a person.

Students read poetry.

Planet home.

There is one garden planet

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling birds of passage,

Only on it one bloom

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it.

Ya Akim

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet...

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