Latin sayings with transcription. Latin proverbs and sayings with translation


Latin is the noblest language in existence. Maybe because he's dead? Knowing Latin is not a utilitarian skill, it is a luxury. You will not speak it, but you will shine in society ... There is no language that helps to impress so much!

1. Scio me nihil scire
[scio me nikhil scire]

“I know that I don’t know anything,” according to Plato, Socrates spoke of himself this way. And he explained this idea: people usually believe that they know something, but it turns out that they do not know anything. Thus, it turns out that, knowing about my ignorance, I know more than everyone else. A phrase for those who like to fill in the fog and reflective persons.

2. Cogito ergo sum
[kogito, ergo sum]

“I think, therefore I am” is the philosophical statement of René Descartes, a fundamental element of modern Western rationalism.

"Cogito ergo sum" is not the only formulation of Descartes' idea. More precisely, the phrase sounds like “Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum” - “I doubt, then I think; I think, therefore I am." Doubt is, according to Descartes, one of the modes of thinking. Therefore, the phrase can also be translated as "I doubt, therefore I exist."

3. Omnia mea mecum porto
[omnia mea mecum porto]

“I carry everything with me.” Roman historians say that in the days of the conquest of the Greek city of Priene by the Persians, the sage Byant calmly walked lightly behind a crowd of fugitives, barely carrying heavy property. When asked where his things were, he grinned and said: “Everything I have, I always carry with me.” He spoke in Greek, but these words have come down to us in a Latin translation.

It turned out, historians add, that he was a real sage; along the way, all the refugees lost their property, and soon Biant fed them on the gifts that he received, leading instructive conversations with their inhabitants in cities and villages.

This means that the inner wealth of a person, his knowledge and mind are more important and more valuable than any property.

4. Dum spiro, spero
[dum spiro, spero]

By the way, this phrase is also the slogan of the underwater special forces - combat swimmers of the Russian Navy.

5. Errare humanum est
[errare humanum est]

"To err is human" - the aphorism of Seneca Sr. In fact, this is just part of the aphorism, in its entirety it sounds like this: “Errare humanum est, stultum est in errore perseverare” - “It is human nature to err, but it is foolish to persist in your mistakes.”

6. O tempora! About mores!
[about tempora, about mores]

"O times! Oh manners! - the most famous expression of Cicero from the "First speech against Catiline", which is considered the pinnacle of Roman oratory. Revealing the details of the conspiracy at a meeting of the Senate, Cicero with this phrase expresses indignation at the impudence of the conspirator, who dared to appear in the Senate as if nothing had happened, and the inaction of the authorities.

Usually the expression is used, stating the decline of morals, condemning an entire generation. However, this expression may well become a funny joke.

7. In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas
[in vino veritas, in aqua sanitas]

“Truth is in wine, health is in water” - almost everyone knows the first part of the saying, but the second part is not so widely known.

8. Homo homini lupus est
[homo hominy lupus est]

"Man is a wolf to man" is a proverbial expression from Plautus' comedy "Donkeys". They use it when they want to say that human relations are sheer selfishness and enmity.

In Soviet times, this phrase characterized the capitalist system, in contrast to which, in the society of the builders of communism, man is a friend, comrade and brother to man.

9. Per aspera ad astra
[per aspera ed astra]

"Through hardship to the stars". The variant "Ad astra per aspera" - "To the stars through thorns" is also used. Perhaps the most poetic Latin saying. Its authorship is attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca, an ancient Roman philosopher, poet and statesman.

10. Veni, vidi, vici
[veni, see, vichi]

“I came, I saw, I conquered,” Gaius Julius Caesar wrote in a letter to his friend Aminty about the victory over one of the Black Sea fortresses. According to Suetonius, it was these words that were written on the board that was carried during the triumph of Caesar in honor of this victory.

11. Gaudeamus igitur
[gaudeamus igitur]

"So, let's have fun" - the first line of the student anthem of all times and peoples. The hymn was created in the Middle Ages in Western Europe and, contrary to church-ascetic morality, praised life with its joys, youth and science. This song goes back to the genre of drinking songs of vagants - medieval wandering poets and singers, among whom were students.

12. Dura lex, sed lex
[stupid lex, sad lex]

There are two translations of this phrase: "The law is harsh, but it is the law" and "The law is the law." Many people think that this phrase refers to the times of Roman law, but it is not. The maxim dates back to the Middle Ages. In Roman law, there was just a flexible, allowing to soften the letter of the law, the rule of law.

13. Si vis pacem, para bellum
[se vis packem para bellum]

14. Repetitio est mater studiorum
[repetition est mater studio]

One of the proverbs most beloved by the Latins, is also translated into Russian by the proverb "Repetition is the mother of learning."

15. Amor tussisque non celantur
[amor tusisque non tselantur]

“You can’t hide love and cough” - in fact, there are a lot of sayings about love in Latin, but this one seems to us the most touching. And relevant in anticipation of autumn.

Fall in love, but be healthy!

1. Scientia potentia est. Knowledge is power.
2. Vita brevis, ars longa. Life is short, art is forever.
3. Volens - nolens. Willy-nilly.
4. Historia est magistra vita. History is the teacher of life.
5. Dum spiro, spero. While I breathe I hope.
6. Per aspera ad astra! Through hardship to the stars
7. Terra incognita. Unknown land.
8. Homo sapiens. A reasonable person.
9. Sina era est studio. Without anger and predilection
10. Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore I am.
11. Non scholae sed vitae discimus. We study not for school, but for life.
12. Bis dat qui cito dat. He who gives quickly gives twice.
13. Clavus clavo pellitur. Fight fire with fire.
14. Alter ego. The second "I".
15. Errare humanum est. Humans tend to make mistakes.
16. Repetitio est mater studiorum. Repetition is the mother of learning.
17. Nomina sunt odiosa. Names are hateful.
18. Otium post negotium. Rest after work.
19 Mens sana in corpore sano. In a healthy body healthy mind.
20 Urbi et orbi. City and world.
21. Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas. Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer.
22. Finis coronat opus. The end is the crown.
23. Homo locum ornat, non locus hominem. It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.
24. Ad majorem Dei gloriam. To the greater glory of God.
25. Una hirundo ver non facit. One swallow does not make spring.
26. Citius, altius, fortius. Faster, higher, stronger.
27. Sic transit gloria mundi. This is how earthly glory passes.
28. Aurora Musis amica. Aurora is a friend of the Muses.
29. Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis. Times are changing, and we are changing with them.
30. Non multa, sed multum. Not much, but a lot.
31. E fructu arbor cognoscitur. A tree is known by its fruit.
32. Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered.
33. Post scriptum. After what has been written.
34. Alea est jacta. Die is cast.
35. Dixi et animam salvavi. I said this and saved my soul.
36. Nulla dies sine linea. Not a day without a line.
37 Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi. What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the Ox.
38. Felix, qui potuti rerum cogoscere causas. Happy is he who knows the cause of things.
39. Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.
40. Cui bono? Who benefits?
41 Scio me nihil scire. I know that I don't know anything.
42. Nosce te ipsum! Know yourself!
43. Est modus in rebus. There is a measure in things.
44. Jurare in verba magistri. Swear by the teacher's words.
45. Qui tacet, consentire videtur. Silent means consent.
46. ​​In hoc signo vinces! Under this banner you will win. (Sim win!)
47. Labor recedet, bene factum non abscedet. Difficulties will go away, but a good deed will remain.
Non est fumus absque igne. There is no smoke without fire.
49. Duobus certantibus tertius gaudet. When two fight, the third rejoices.
50. Divide et impera! Divide and rule!
51. Corda nostra laudus est. Our hearts are sick with love.
52. O tempora! About mores! Oh times, oh manners!
53. Homo est animal sociale. Man is a social animal.
54. Homo homini lupus est. Man to man is a wolf.
55. Dura lex, sed lex. The law is harsh but fair.
56. O sancta simplicitas! Holy simplicity!
57. Hominem quaero! (Dioqines) Looking for a man! (Diogenes)
58. At Kalendas Graecas. To the Greek calendars (After the rain on Thursday)
59. Quo usque Catlina, abuter patientia nostra? How long, Catiline, will you abuse our patience?
60. Vox populi - vox Dei. The voice of the people is the voice of God.
61. In vene veritas. The truth is in wine.
62. Qualis rex, talis grex. What is the pop, such is the arrival.
63. Qualis dominus, tales servi. What is the master, such is the servant.
64. Si vox est - canta! If you have a voice - sing!
65. I, pede fausto! Go happy!
66. Tempus consilium dabet. Time will tell.
67. Barba crescit, caput nescit. The hair is long, the mind is short.
68. Labores gigunt hanores. Works generate honors.
69. Amicus cognoscitur in amore, more, ore, re. A friend is known in love, disposition, speeches, deeds.
70. Ecce homo! Here's a man!
71. Homo novus. New man, upstart.
72. In pace litterae florunt. In the name of peace, the sciences are flourishing.
73. Fortes fortuna juiat. Fortune favors the brave.

74. Carpe diem! Seize the moment!
75. Nostra victoria in concordia. Our victory is in agreement.
76. Veritatis simplex est orato. True speech is simple.
77. Nemo omnia potest scire. Nobody can know everything.
78. Finis coronat opus. The end is the crown.
79. Omnia mea mecum porto. I carry everything with me.
80. Sancta sanctorum. Holy of Holies.
81. Ibi victoria ubi concordia. There is victory where there is agreement.
82. Experentia est optima magistra. Experience is the best teacher.
83. Amat victoria curam. Victory loves care.
84. Vivere est cogitare. To live is to think.
85. Epistula non erubescit. The paper does not turn red.
86. Festina lente! Hurry slow!
87. Nota bene. Remember well.
88. Elephantum ex musca facis. To make mountains out of molehills.
89. Ignorantia non est argumentum. Denial is not proof.
90. Lupus non mordet lupum. The wolf does not bite the wolf.
91. Vae victis! Woe to the vanquished!
92. Medice, cura te ipsum! Doctor, heal yourself! (Luke 4:17)
93. De te fabula narratur. A story is told about you.
94. Tertium non datur. There is no third.
95. Age, quod agis. Do what you do
96. Dout des. I give so that you can give.
97. Amantes - amentes. The lovers are insane.
98. Alma mater. University.
99. Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers everything.
100. Aut Caesar, aut nihil. Either all or nothing.
101. Aut - aut. Or or.
102. Si vis amari, ama. If you want to be loved, love.
103. Ab ovo ad mala. From egg to apple.
104. Timeo danaos et dona ferentes. Be afraid of the Danes who bring gifts.
105. Sapienti sat est. It's said by a man.
106. Periculum in mora. Danger in delay.
107. O fallacem hominum spem! O deceptive human hope!
108 Quoandoe bonus dormitat Homerus. Sometimes our good Homer dozes.
109. Sponte sua sina lege On my own initiative.
110. Pia desideria Good intentions.
111. Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant Those who are about to die, Caesar, greet you!
112. Modus vivendi Way of life
113. Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto. I am human, and nothing human is alien to me.
114. Ne quid nimis Nothing beyond measure
115. De qustibus et coloribus non est disputantum. Every man to his own taste.
116. Ira furor brevis est. Anger is a momentary frenzy.
117. Feci quod potui faciant meliora potentes I did my best. Who can, let him do better.
118. Nescio quid majus nascitur Iliade. Something greater than the Iliad is being born.
119. In medias res. In the middle of things, in the very essence.
120. Non bis in idem. One time is enough.
121. Non sum qualis eram. I'm not the same as I was before.
122. Abussus abussum invocat. Misfortunes never come alone.
123. Hoc volo sic jubeo sit pro ratione voluntas. I command it, let my will be the argument.
124. Amici diem perdidi! Friends, I lost a day.
125. Aquilam volare doces. Teaching an eagle to fly.
126. Vive, valeque. Live and hello.
127. Vale et me ama. Be healthy and love me.
128. Sic itur ad astra. This is how they go to the stars.
129 Sitaces, consentus. Who is silent, agrees.
130. Littera scripta manet. What is written remains.
131. Ad meliora tempora. Until better times.
132. Plenus venter non studet libenter. A full belly is deaf to learning.
133. Abussus non tollit usum. Abuse does not cancel use.
134. Ab urbe conita. From the founding of the city.
135. Salus populi summa lex. The welfare of the people is the supreme law.
136. Vim vi repellere licet. Violence is allowed to be repelled by force.
137. Sero (tarle) venientibus - ossa. Latecomers get the bones.
138. Lupus in fabula. Easy to remember.
139. Acta est fabula. The show is over. (Finita la comedy!)
140. Legem brevem esse portet. The law must be short.
141. Lectori benevolo salutem. (L.B.S.) Hello dear reader.
142. Aegri somnia. The patient's dreams.
143. Abo in pace. Go in peace.
144. Absit invidia verbo. Let me not be judged for these words.
145. Abstractum pro concrete. abstract instead of concrete.
146. Acceptissima semper munera sunt, auctor quae pretiosa facit. Best of all are those gifts, the value of which is in the giver himself.
147. Ad impossibilia nemo obligatur. Nobody is forced to do the impossible.
148. Ad libitum. Optional.
149. Ad narrandum, non ad probandum. To tell, not to prove.
150. Ad note. Note.
151. Ad personam. Personally.
152. Advocatus Dei (Diavoli) Advocate of God. (Devil).
153. Aeterna urbs. The eternal City.
154. Aquila non captat muscas. The eagle does not catch flies.
155. Confiteor solum hoc tibi. I confess this only to you.
156. Cras amet, qui nunquam amavit quique amavit cras amet. Let the one who has never loved love tomorrow, and the one who loved, let him love tomorrow.
157. Credo, quia verum (absurdum). I believe because it is the truth (this is absurd).
158. Bene placito. By good will.
159. Cantus cycneus. A swan song.

Argumentum ad absurdum.

"Proof of absurdity."

Contumeliam nec ingenuus fert, nec fortis facit.

“An honest person does not tolerate insult, but a courageous person does not inflict it.”

Repetitio est mater studiorum.

"Repetition is the mother of learning."

Damant, quod non intellectual.

"They judge because they don't understand."

"From the heart."

O sancta simplicitas.

"Oh, holy simplicity."

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.

“I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.”

Ad impossibilia lex non cogit.

"The law does not require the impossible."

Latrante uno latrat stati met alter canis.

“When one dog barks, another immediately barks.”

Amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas.

"Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer."

Natura non nisi parendo vincitur.

"Nature is conquered only by obeying it."

Omne ignotum pro magnifico.

"Everything unknown seems grand."

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.

“Blessings rendered to the unworthy, I consider atrocities.”

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.

“Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.”

"With good intentions."

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

"Each person is prone to error, but only a fool is prone to persist in error."

De gustibus non disputandum est.

"Tastes could not be discussed."

Condition sine qua non.

"Required condition."

Consuetudo est altera natura.

"Habit is second nature."

Carum quod rarum.

"Expensive is what is rare."

Accipere quid ut justitiam facias, non est tam accipere quam extorquere.

"The acceptance of remuneration for the administration of justice is not so much acceptance as extortion."

Aut vincere, aut mori.

"Either win or die."

Aequitas enim lucet per se.

"Justice shines on its own."

Citius, altius, fortius.

"Faster, higher, stronger."

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.

“All of us, when healthy, easily give advice to the sick.”

Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.

"Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor."

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.

"Listen a lot, talk a little."

Divide et impera.

"Divide and rule."

Veterrimus homini optimus amicus est.

"The oldest friend is the best."

Homo homini lupus est.

"Man is a wolf to man."

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil.

"About the dead or good, or nothing."

Bonis quod bene fit haud perit.

"What is done for good people is never done in vain."

Vestis virum reddit.

“Clothes make the man, clothes make the man.”

Deus ipse se fecit.

"God created himself."

Vivere est cogitare.

"To live is to think."

"Good luck!"

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

"Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you."

Antiquus amor cancer est.

"Old love is not forgotten."

Vox p?puli vox D?i.

"The voice of the people is the voice of God."

Consumor aliis inserviendo.

“Serving others, I waste myself; shining on others, I burn myself.

Calamitas virtutis occasio.

"Disaster is the touchstone of valor."

Dura lex, sed lex.

"The law is strong, but it's law."

Vir excelso animo.

"A man of exalted soul."

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides.

"Trust given to the treacherous allows him to harm."

Corruptio optimi pessima.

"The worst fall is the fall of the purest."

Dura lex, sed lex.

"The law is harsh, but it is the law."

Quotes in Latin with translation

“With agreement, small things grow; with discord, even great things fall into decay.”

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit.

"The one who lived imperceptibly lived well."

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

"Acts are stronger than words."

Veni, vidi, vici.

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Consensu omnium.

"By common consent."

Vir bonus semper tiro.

"A decent person is always a simpleton."

Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem.

"Knowledge of the laws is not to remember their words, but to understand their meaning."

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.

"A good name is better than great wealth."

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.

“I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.”

Amor non est medicabilis herbis.

"There is no cure for love."

Vox emissa volat; litera scripta manet.

What is said disappears, what is written remains.

"Memento Mori."

Deffuncti injuria ne afficiantur.

"The offense of the dead is beyond the jurisdiction."

Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat.

"He who argues with the drunk, he fights with the absent."

Bis dat, qui cito dat

“The one who gives quickly gives twice.”

Quod non alphabet principium, non alphabet finem.

"What has no beginning has no end."

Errare humanum est.

"Humans tend to make mistakes."

Memoria est signatarum rerum in mente vestigium.

"Memory is the trace of things fixed in thought."

Facilis descensus averni.

"The ease of descending into the underworld."

Poeta nascitur non fit.

"Poets are born, not made."

Audi, vide, size.

"Listen, look, shut up."

Sivis pacem para bellum.

"If you want peace, prepare for war."

Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo.

"By concealment, vice is nourished and sustained."

Ex parvis saepe magnarum rerum momenta pendent.

“The outcome of big cases often depends on small things.”

Haurit aquam cribro, qui discere vult sine libro.

"He who wants to learn without a book draws water with a sieve."

Concordia parvae res crescunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur.

“When there is agreement, small things grow; when there is disagreement, great things are destroyed.”

Descensus averno facilis est.

Phrases in Latin still attract young people and girls. There is something alluring in these words and letters, some kind of mysterious meaning. Each quote has its own story, its own author, its own time. Just think about the words: "Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes"; this phrase means - "I did everything I could, whoever can, let him do better" and refers to ancient Roman times, when the consuls chose their successors. Or: "Aliis inserviendo consumor", which means - "serving others I waste myself"; the meaning of this inscription was self-sacrifice, they wrote it under a candle. She also met in many old editions and collections of various symbols.

Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo - a drop hammers a stone not by force, but by frequent falling

Fortiter ac firmiter - Strong and strong

Aucupia verborum sunt judice indigna - literalism is below the dignity of a judge

Benedicite! - Good afternoon!

Quisque est faber sua fortunae - every blacksmith of his own happiness

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Natura incipit, ars dirigit usus perficit - nature begins, art directs, experience perfects.

Scio me nihil scire - I know that I know nothing

Potius sero quam nun quam - Better late than never.

Decipi quam fallere est tutius - Better to be deceived than to deceive another

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori "- Love conquers everything, and we submit to love

Dura lex, sed lex - the law is harsh, but it's the law

Repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition is the mother of learning.

O sancta simplicitas! - Oh, holy simplicity

Quod non habet principium, non habet finem - that which has no beginning has no end

Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words

Accipere quid ut justitiam facias, non est tam accipere quam extorquere - Acceptance of remuneration for the administration of justice is not so much acceptance as extortion

Bene sit tibi! - Good luck!

Homo homini lupus est - man to man wolf

Aequitas enim lucet per se - justice shines on its own

citius, altius, fortius! - Faster, higher, stronger

AMOR OMNIA VINCIT - Love conquers everything.

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur - whoever wants to be deceived, let him be deceived

disce gaudere - Learn to rejoice

Quod licet jovi, non licet bovi - what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull

Sogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am

Latrante uno latrat stati met alter canis - when one dog barks, another immediately barks

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus - All of us, when healthy, easily give advice to the sick.

Aut bene, aut nihil - Either good or nothing

Haurit aquam cribro, qui discere vult sine libro - He who wants to learn without a book draws water with a sieve

Bona mente - With good intentions

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides

Igni et ferro - With fire and iron

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - the one who lived unnoticed lived well

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no cure for love (love is not treated with herbs)

Senectus insanabilis morbus est - Old age is an incurable disease.

De mortuis autbene, aut nihil - about the dead or good or nothing

A communi observantia non est recedendum - what is accepted by all cannot be neglected

Intelligenti pauca - The wise will understand

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas - truth in wine, health in water.

Vis recte vivere? Quis non? - Do you want to live well? And who doesn't want to?

Nihil habeo, nihil curo - I have nothing - I don't care about anything

Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem - knowledge of the laws is not to remember their words, but to understand their meaning

Ad notam - For a note, note

Panem et circenses - Bread and circuses

DIXI ET ANIMAM LEVAVI - I said and relieved my soul.

Sivis pacem para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war

Corruptio optimi pessima - the worst fall is the fall of the purest

Veni, vidi vici - I came, I saw, I conquered

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem - the wolf changes the coat, not the nature

Ex animo - From the heart

Divide et impera - divide and conquer

Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo - By covering up vice is nourished and maintained

AUDI, MULTA, LOQUERE PAUCA - listen a lot, talk a little.

Is fecit cui prodest - Made by the one who benefits

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem - the wolf changes the coat, not the nature

Ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short

Castigat ridento mores - Laughter castigates morals "

De duobus malis minimum eligendum - one must choose the lesser of two evils

Desipere in loco - Go crazy where it's appropriate

Bonum factum! - For good and happiness!

In maxima potentia minima licentia - the stronger the power, the less freedom

Usus est optimus magister - experience is the best teacher

Repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition is the mother of learning

Fac fideli sis fidelis - Be faithful to the one who is faithful (to you)

DOCENDO DISCIMUS - by teaching, we ourselves learn.

Memento mori - remember death.

Вis dat, qui cito dat - he who gives quickly gives twice

Mens sana in corpore sano - in a healthy body - a healthy mind.

Nulla regula sine exceptione - There is no rule without exceptions.

Erare humanum est, stultum est in errore perseverare - it is human nature to make mistakes, stupid - to persist in a mistake

Primus inter pares - First among equals

Festina lente - hurry slowly

omnia praeclara rara - Everything beautiful is rare

Repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition is the mother of learning.

Amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas - Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae - a good name is better than great wealth.

Ipsa scientia potestas est - knowledge itself is power

FRONTI NULLA FIDES - don't trust looks!

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides - trust given to the treacherous allows him to harm

Qui nimium properat, serius ab solvit - whoever is in a hurry, he will later cope with business

Cornu copiae - Cornucopia

Dulce laudari a laudato viro - It is pleasant to receive praise from a person worthy of praise

dum spiro, spero - While I breathe, I hope

Feci auod potui, faciant meliora potentes - I did what I could, whoever can, let him do better

Dum spiro, spero - while I breathe, I hope

Abusus non tollit usum - abuse does not cancel use

Aliis inserviendo consumor - serving others, I burn myself

Fortunam citius reperifs, quam retineas / Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fiat lux - Let there be light

AUDIATUR ET ALTERA PARS - you should listen to the other side.

Melius sero quam nunquam - better late than never

Et tu quoque, Brute! - And you Brute!

Ad impossibilia lex non cogit - the law does not require the impossible

Latin winged expressions, following the Latin proverb, “they have their own fate” - as common to all, connected at least with the fact that “Latin is out of fashion today” and they no longer fly off our lips in their native language, melting their own, separate for everyone.

The fate of individual expressions - the history of their occurrence, cases of use in classical literature, possible rethinking, etc. - is not indifferent to their current meaning, to the role that they play in modern language.

In general, it should be noted that for the most part, Latin expressions are unsuitable for mechanical or grossly utilitarian use, they are highly associative, awaken in us a swarm of ideas and thoughts, you need to know something about them in order to appreciate the full richness of their content, to feel their correlation with cultural layers lying deep in time. Take such a familiar - "the die is cast!". Even if you do not remember Julius Caesar, who, after the most painful reflections, decided to violate the decision of the Senate, all the same, this expression is applicable only in special, some kind of emergency circumstances: it reflects the formidable deeds that Roman history is so rich in.

Indeed, it can be argued that many latin expressions have long taken root on the basis of a foreign language for them, have become familiar, their own, so that, pronouncing them, we almost do not guess their special, citation meaning. Using, for example, the expression "without anger and passion", it is not at all necessary to know that it was bequeathed to us by Cornelius Tacitus at the beginning of his great (though far from impartial) historical work. Indeed, one can even say that such phraseologisms, Latin in origin, have remained for centuries not for some reason, but thanks to the genius of the Latin language itself, primarily its “strong brevity in images” (Lomonosov). In translation, they retain their meaning of a well-formulated general thought, in other cases - just an economical verbal turnover. For example, we use the expression “not much, but a lot” precisely as a general formula, each time filling it with new concrete content (however, speaking conditionally here, because this formula itself makes us think: it expresses the idea of quality).

Another thing is actually "winged" sayings, aphorisms or apt quotes. Their meaning lies in the fact that it is not reducible to a ready-made general meaning. In them, the meaning lives attached to the circumstances of its birth and enriched by a distant, as in a trumpet, historical perspective; it must be imagined, it exists in the form of a certain image. The property of deep historical figurativeness is inherent in any word in general, unless it is used in a bare service function (not in “current matters of thought”, in the words of the linguist philosopher A. A. Potebnya). The meaning-image is perceived, or rather obtained, each time anew - on the basis of a common cultural tradition for the interlocutors (“tradition” means tradition, according to Dahl, “everything that has been passed orally from one generation to another”). The word in this sense is the prototype of culture. Let's take one example, close to the subject of our conversation.

Why do we instantly, “without hesitation”, perceive Pushkin’s “I am a Roman at heart” or the same with other Russian poets “I am a Roman at heart” and even “I was born in Rome”? Obviously, because "Rome" exists in the language somewhere near the image of high citizenship and civil freedom, and the one who pronounces this word simultaneously presses this key of our spiritual consciousness. The image of civil Rome has its own history, begun by the comprehension by the Romans themselves, and its own legend through the ages - after Pushkin's poems, it is already associated with them, and with the general meaning that the people of the Decembrist era put into the words "Rome", "Republic".

This is evidence of the pagan senate,
These things don't die...

Of course, this key alone does not exhaust all the richness of the inner image-concept. It is generally inexhaustible. But it is important that understanding-consonance is achieved. “Life is short - culture is eternal,” one might say, paraphrasing ancient wisdom. From this point of view, destiny Latin winged expressions, their history very interesting for us.

Not all Latin expressions are Roman in origin. Some originated in the Middle Ages and even later. Latin until modern times not only remained the language of science, but was especially valued as the language most capable of aphoristic expression of thoughts, the language of epigraph inscriptions, as if carved in bronze, remaining for centuries. Some of the expressions fixed in the Latin form are taken from the Greek originals, such as Plato's idea that, while doing philosophy, people should think less about him or Socrates, and more about the truth.

A special place is occupied by expressions snatched from the very thick of Roman life, possessing the power of truly artistic imagery. One may not see the ruins of the Colosseum and not know that Spartacus was a gladiator, but this “those doomed to death greet you” alone will instantly give the impression of a terrible Roman arena and explain a lot in the character of these people. And "Carthage must be destroyed"?! Here it is, the Roman obligation, standing in the original in a special grammatical form created for its expression - the gerund!

The Roman special ideal has always, even in times of decline and the “corrupt city”, gravitated towards universal citizenship, “civilization” (a word that approximately means citizenship in translation), the embodiment of which for the Roman was his native city. As Ovid says: "Other peoples have a country with certain borders, only the Romans have the same concepts of the city and the world." Roman culture retains its universal, universal significance.

A. Morozov, based on the magazine "Family and School", 1970

Latin winged expressions with translation and transcription


  • Abiens abi!
    [Abians abi!] Go away, go away!
  • Acta est factory.
    [Akta est plot].
    The show is over.
  • Alea jacta est.
    [Alea yakta est].
    Die is cast.
    It is used when talking about an irrevocably made decision. The words spoken by Julius Caesar when his troops crossed the Rubicon River, which separated Umbria from the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul, that is, Northern Italy, in 49 BC. e. Julius Caesar, violating the law, according to which he, as a proconsul, could command an army only outside Italy, led it, being on the territory of Italy, and thereby began a civil war.
  • Amīcus Plato, sed magis amīca vertas.
    [Amicus Plyato, sed magis amika veritas].
    Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer (Aristotle).
    It is used when they want to emphasize that the truth is above all.
  • Amor tussisque non celantur.
    [Amor tussisque non celantur].
    You can't hide love and cough.
  • Aquala non captat muscas.
    [Aquila non captat muskas].
    The eagle does not catch flies.
  • Audiātur et altĕra pars!
    [Aўdiatur et altera pars!] Let the other side be heard!
    On the impartial consideration of disputes.
  • Aurea mediocritas.
    [Aўrea mediokritas].
    Golden mean (Horace).
    About people who avoid extremes in their judgments and actions.
  • Aut vincĕre, aut mori.
    [Aut vintsere, aut mori].
    Either win or die.
  • Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant!
    [Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant!] Hello, Caesar, those who are about to die greet you!
    Roman gladiator greetings,
  • Bibamus!
    [Beebamus!]<Давайте>let's drink!
  • Canis vivus melior est leōne mortuo.
    [Canis vivus melior est leone mortuo].
    A live dog is better than a dead lion.
    Wed from Russian proverb "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky."
  • Carum est, quod rarum est.
    [Karum est, kvod rarum est].
    What is rare is valuable.
  • Causa causarum.
    [Kaўza kaўzarum].
    Cause of causes (main cause).
  • Cave canem!
    [Kawae kanem!] Be afraid of the dog!
    Inscription on the entrance of a Roman house; used as a general warning: be careful, attentive.
  • Clavus clavo pelltur.
    [Klyavus swear pellitur].
    The wedge is knocked out by a wedge.
  • Cognosce te ipsum.
    [Cognosce te ipsum].
    Know yourself.
    Latin translation of a Greek saying inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
  • De gustĭbus non est disputandum.
    [De gustibus non est disputandum].
    Taste is not to be argued with.
  • Destruam et aedificabo.
    [Destruam et edificabo].
    I will destroy and build.
  • Dictum est factum.
    [Diktum est factum].
    No sooner said than done.
  • Dies diem document.
    [Dies diem dotsat].
    One day he teaches another.
    Wed from Russian proverb "Morning is wiser than evening".
  • Divide et impera!
    [Divide et impera!] Divide and conquer!
    The principle of the Roman conquest policy, perceived by subsequent conquerors.
  • Domus propria - domus optima.
    [Domus propria - domus optima].
    Your home is the best.
  • Dum spiro, spero.
    [Dum spiro, spero].
    While I breathe I hope.
  • Edĭmus, ut vivāmus, non vivĭmus, ut edāmus.
    [Edimus, ut vivamus, non vivimus, ut edamus].
    We eat to live, not live to eat (Socrates).
  • Errare humānum est.
    [Errare ghumanum est].
    To err is human (Seneca).
  • est modus in rebus.
    [Est modus in rebus].
    There is a measure in things, that is, everything has a measure.
  • Et fabula partem veri alphabet.[Et plot partem vary habet] And there is some truth in the fairy tale
  • Etiám sanáto vúlnĕre, cícatríx manét.
    [Etiam sanato vulnere, cicatrix manet].
    And even when the wound has healed, the scar remains (Publius Syr).
  • Facile dictu, difficile factu.
    [Facile dictu, difficile fact].
    Easy to say, hard to do.
  • Felicĭtas humāna nunquam in eōdem statu permănet.
    [Felicitas ghumana nunkvam in eodem statu permanet].
    Human happiness is never permanent.
  • Felicitas multos alphabet amīcos.
    [Felicitas multos ghabet amikos].
    Happiness has many friends.
  • Festina lente!
    [Festina lente!] Hurry slowly (do everything slowly).
    One of the common sayings of Emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD).
  • Fiat lux!
    [Fiat luxury!] Let there be light! (Biblical expression).
    In a broader sense, it is used when it comes to grandiose accomplishments. Gutenberg, the inventor of printing, was depicted holding an unfolded sheet of paper with the words "Fiat lux!"
  • Hic mortui vivunt, hic muti loquuntur.
    [Ghik mortui vivunt, ghik muti lekwuntur].
    Here the dead are alive, here the dumb speak.
    The inscription above the entrance to the library.
  • Hodie mihi, cras tibi.
    [Ghodie mighi, kras tibi].
    Today for me, tomorrow for you.
  • Homo homni lupus est.
    [Ghomo ghomini lupus est].
    Man is a wolf to man (Plavt).
  • Homo propōnit, sed Deus dispōnit.
    [Ghomo proponit, sed Deus disponit].
    Man proposes, but God disposes.
  • Homo quisque fortunae faber.
    [Ghomo kviskve fortune faber].
    Each person is the creator of his own destiny.
  • In angustiis amici apparent.
    [In angustiis amizi apparant] Friends are known in trouble
  • In aqua scribre.
    [In aqua scribere].
    Write on water (Catullus).
  • In hoc signo vinces.
    [In ghok signo vintses].
    Under this banner you will win.
    The motto of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, placed on his banner (4th century). Currently used as a trademark.
  • In optimā formā.
    [In optima form].
    In the best possible shape.
  • In tempŏre opportūno.
    [In tempore opportuno].
    At a convenient time.
  • In vino vertas.
    [In vino veritas].
    The truth is in wine.
    Corresponds to the expression "What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue."
  • Invēnit et perfēcit.
    [Invanite et perfecit].
    Invented and improved.
    Motto of the French Academy of Sciences.
  • Ipso facto.
    [Ipso facto].
    By the very fact.
  • Latrante uno, latrat statim et alter canis.
    [Lyatrante uno, lyatrat statim et alter kanis].
    When one dog barks, the other dog immediately barks.
  • Littera scripta manet.
    [Littera scripta manet].
    The written letter remains.
    Wed from Russian proverb "What is written with a pen, you can not cut down with an ax."
  • Memento mori!
    [Memento mori!] Remember death.
    The greeting that the monks of the Trappist Order, founded in 1664, exchanged at a meeting. It is also used as a reminder of the inevitability of death, the transience of life, and figuratively - about threatening danger or about something sad, sad.
  • Mens sana in corpŏre sano.
    [Mance sana in corporate sano].
    A healthy mind in a healthy body (Juvenal).
    Usually this saying expresses the idea of ​​the harmonious development of man.
  • Nil adsuetudĭne majus.
    [Nil adsvetudine maius].
    There is nothing stronger than habit.
    From the trademark of cigarettes.
  • Noli me tangre!
    [Noli me tangere!] Don't touch me!
    Gospel expression.
  • Non progredi est regredi.
    [Non progradi est regradi].
    Not going forward means going backwards.
  • Non sum, qualis eram.
    [Non sum, qualis eram].
    I am no longer what I was before (Horace).
  • Nota bene! (NB)
    [Nota bene!] Pay attention (lit.: notice well).
    A mark used to draw attention to important information.
  • Nulla dies sine linea.
    [Nulla dies sine linea].
    Not a day without a stroke; not a day without a line.
    Pliny the Elder reports that the famous ancient Greek painter Apelles (4th century BC) “used to, no matter how busy he was, not to miss a single day without practicing his art, drawing at least one line; this was the basis for the saying."
  • Nullum pericŭlum sine pericŭlo vincĭtur.
    [Nullum periculum sine periculyo vincitur].
    No danger is overcome without risk.
  • O tempŏra, o mores!
    [O tempora, o mores!] O times, o morals! (Cicero)
  • Omnes homnes aequāles sunt.
    [Omnes ghomines ekvales sunt].
    All people are the same.
  • Omnia mea mecum porto.
    [Omnia mea mekum porto].
    I carry everything with me (Biant).
    The phrase belongs to one of the "seven wise men" Biant. When his hometown of Priene was taken by the enemy and the inhabitants tried to take as many of their belongings with them as they fled, someone advised him to do the same. “I do just that, because I carry everything with me,” he replied, meaning that only spiritual wealth can be considered an inalienable property.
  • Panem et circles!
    [Panham et circences!] Bread and circuses!
    An exclamation expressing the basic demands of the Roman crowd in the era of the Empire. The Roman plebs put up with the loss of political rights, being content with the free distribution of bread, cash distributions and the organization of free circus spectacles.
  • Pax huic domui.
    [Paks ghuik domui].
    Peace to this house (Gospel of Luke).
    Greeting formula.
  • Per aspera ad astra.
    [Per aspera hell astra].
    Through thorns to the stars, that is, through difficulties to success.
  • Potius mori, quam foedari.
    [Potius mori, kwam fedari].
    Better to die than be disgraced.
    The expression is attributed to Cardinal James of Portugal.
  • Primus interpares.
    [Primus inter pares].
    First among equals.
    The formula characterizing the position of the monarch in the state.
  • Principium - dimidium totius.
    [Principium - dimidium totius].
    The beginning is half of everything (every business).
  • Quia nomĭnor leo.
    [Quia nominor leo].
    For I am called a lion.
    Words from the fable of the Roman fabulist Phaedrus (late 1st century BC - first half of the 1st century AD). The lion and the donkey shared the prey after the hunt. The lion took one share as the king of animals, the second - as a participant in the hunt, and the third, he explained, "because I am a lion."
  • Quod erat demonstrandum (q. e. d.).
    [Kvod erat demonstrandum] What was required to be proved.
    The traditional formula that completes the proof.
  • Quod tibi fiĕri non vis, altĕri non fecris.
    [Kvod tibi fieri non vis, alteri non fetseris].
    Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do.
    The expression is found in the Old and New Testaments.
  • Quot capta, tot sensus.
    [Captain's quota, that sensus].
    How many people, so many opinions.
  • Repetitio est mater studiōrum.
    [Repetition est mater studioum].
    Repetition is the mother of learning.
  • Requiescat in pace! (R.I.P.).
    [Rekvieskat in pace!] May he rest in peace!
    Latin headstone inscription.
  • Scientia est potentia.
    [Science est potencia].
    Knowledge is power.
    An aphorism based on the statement of Francis Bacon (1561–1626) - an English philosopher, the founder of English materialism.
  • Scio me nihil scire.
    [Scio me nighil scire].
    I know that I know nothing (Socrates).
  • Si duo faciunt idem, non est idem.
    [Si duo faciunt idem, non est idem].
    If two people do the same thing, it is not the same thing (Terentius).
  • Si vis amari, ama!
    [Si vis amari, ama!] If you want to be loved, love!
  • Si vivis Romaé, Romāno vivito móre.
    [Si vivis Rome, Romano vivito more].
    If you live in Rome, live according to Roman customs.
    Novolatinskaya poetic saying. Wed from Russian proverb "Do not poke your head into a strange monastery with your charter."
  • Sol omnibus lucet.
    [Sol omnibus lucet].
    The sun shines for everyone.
  • Terra incognita.
    [Terra incognita].
    Unknown land (in a figurative sense - an unfamiliar area, something incomprehensible).
    On ancient maps, these words denoted unexplored territories.
  • Tertium non datur.
    [Tercium non datur].
    There is no third.
    One of the provisions of formal logic.
  • Theatrum mundi.
    [Teatrum mundi].
    World arena.
  • Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.
    [Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes].
    I'm afraid of the Danes, even those who bring gifts.
    The words of the priest Laocoön, referring to a huge wooden horse built by the Greeks (Danaans) allegedly as a gift to Minerva.
  • Totus mundus agit histriōnem.
    [Totus mundus agit ghistryonem].
    The whole world is playing a performance (the whole world is actors).
    Inscription on Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.
  • Tres faciunt collegium.
    [Tres faciunt collegium].
    Three make up the council.
    One of the provisions of Roman law.
  • Ubi amici, ibi opes.
    [Kill amizi, ibi opes] Where there are friends, there is wealth
  • Una hirundo non facit ver.
    [Una ghirundo non facit ver].
    One swallow does not make spring.
    It is used in the sense of ‘should not be judged too hastily, by one act’.
  • Unā voice.
    [Una wotse].
  • Urbi et orbi.
    [Urbi et orbi].
    "To the city and the world," that is, to Rome and the whole world, for general information.
    The ceremony for the election of a new pope required that one of the cardinals dress the chosen one with a mantle, uttering the following phrase: "I dress you with Roman papal dignity, may you stand before the city and the world." At present, the Pope of Rome begins his annual address to the faithful with this phrase.
  • Usus est optimus magister.
    [Usus est optimus master].
    Experience is the best teacher.
  • Ut amēris, amabĭlis esto.
    [Ut ameris, amabilis esto].
    To be loved, be worthy of love (Ovid).
    From the poem "The Art of Love".
  • Ut salūtas, ita salutabĕris.
    [Ut salutas, ita salutaberis].
    As you greet, so you will be greeted.
  • Vademecum (Vademecum).
    [Wade mekum (Vademekum)].
    Come with me.
    This was the name of the pocket reference book, index, guide. The first to give this name to his work of this nature was the New Latin poet Lotikh in 1627.
  • Vae soli!
    [We so'li!] Woe to the lonely! (Bible).
  • Veni. vidi. Vici.
    [Vani. See. Vici].
    Came. Saw. Defeated (Caesar).
    According to Plutarch, with this phrase, Julius Caesar reported in a letter to his friend Aminty about the victory over the Pontic king Pharnaces in August 47 BC. e. Suetonius reports that this phrase was inscribed on a board carried before Caesar during the Pontic triumph.
  • Verba movent, exempla trahunt.
    [Verba movent, exemplary traghunt].
    Words excite, examples captivate.
  • Verba volant, scripta manent.
    [Verba volant, script manant].
    Words fly away, writing remains.
  • Vertas tempris filia est.
    [Veritas temporis filia est].
    Truth is the daughter of time.
  • Vita brevis est, ars longa.
    [Vita brevis est, ars lenga].
    Life is short, art is eternal (Hippocrates).
  • Vivat Academy! Vivant professors!
    [Vivat Academy! Vivant professores!] Long live the university, long live the professors!
    A line from the student anthem "Gaudeāmus".
  • Vivre est cogitare.
    [Vivere est cogitare].
    To live is to think.
    The words of Cicero, which Voltaire took as a motto.
  • Vivre est militare.
    [Vivere est militare].
    To live is to fight (Seneca).
  • Víx(i) et quém dedĕrát cursúm fortúna perégi.
    [Viks(i) et kvem dederat kursum fortune pereghi].
    I lived my life and walked the path assigned to me by fate (Virgil).
    The dying words of Dido, who committed suicide after Aeneas, leaving her, sailed from Carthage.
  • Volens nolens.
    [Volens nolens].
    Willy-nilly; want - do not want.

This list can hardly be called complete, given the great treasure trove of winged words, phrases and expressions of the Latin language.

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