Leonid Panteleev - Word of honor (collection). Tales of a squirrel and a tamarochka


This book, written by the author of the famous "Republic of Shkid", includes stories about children: "Honestly", "New Girl", "Chief Engineer", "The First Feat", "The Letter "You" and others, as well as poems and fairy tales. All of them have long become classics and are rightfully included in the golden fund of children's literature.

L. Panteleev's article "How I Became a Children's Writer" is printed in abbreviated form.

For middle school age.

Leonid Panteleev
Stories, poems, fairy tales


Comes from childhood
(Foreword from the Editor)

2008 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the remarkable Russian writer Alexei Ivanovich Yeremeev, who wrote his works under the pseudonym L. Panteleev. All his books have long become classics and are rightfully included in the golden fund of children's literature.

L. Panteleev wrote his first book as a very young man - he was only seventeen years old. Then he wrote stories for children - they became the main ones in his work. These stories were written a long time ago - in the thirties and forties of the last century, but they are still relevant, because they speak of enduring moral values ​​- honesty, dignity, courage. L. Panteleev educates readers not by moralizing, but by the personal example of his heroes. In each of them, regardless of age, he sees a personality and treats her with unconditional respect. And trust and respect always evoke a sincere response.

When L. Panteleev was asked if there is a theme that is most important for him in his work, he replied that "most likely, this is the theme of conscience." In all his books, the writer affirms a very important idea for him: in any life situation, a person must show the best spiritual qualities.

Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev was born in 1908 in St. Petersburg, in a house on the Fontanka, not far from the Egyptian bridge.

His father, Ivan Afanasyevich, was a military man, served in the Vladimir Dragoon Regiment. For military merit and military prowess shown during the Russo-Japanese War, he received the Order of Vladimir with swords and a bow and hereditary nobility. In 1912, he retired, and in 1914 - when the First World War began - he was drafted into the army and then disappeared without a trace. For Alyosha, his father has always been an example of courage, honor, and military duty.

From early childhood, Alyosha Eremeev was very fond of reading. I read a lot, drunk. Brother Vasya and sister Lyalya even called him "bookcase". He read Andersen's fairy tales, books by Lydia Charskaya, Mark Twain, Dickens, Conan Doyle. Alyosha's mother, Alexandra Vasilievna, subscribed for the children's magazine "Golden Childhood", which they all read with pleasure. Slowly, the boy became addicted to adult literature - the works of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pisemsky, Merezhkovsky, Leonid Andreev, Maupassant.

As a child, he began to compose: he wrote poetry, plays, adventure stories, even an adventure novel.

At the age of eight, Alyosha entered a real school, but studied there for only one year - a revolution began and turned the usual way of life upside down.

During the Civil War, the family left the hungry Petrograd for the Yaroslavl province. Then she moved from city to city. When there was nothing to live on, Alyosha and his younger brother Vasya were sent to a farm, where they had to get their own food. About this period of his life, when he lost his family, wandered around Russia, getting into orphanages and colonies, homeless, the writer told in his autobiographical story "Lenka Panteleev".

In 1920, Alyosha ended up in the Petrograd "Dostoevsky School of Social and Individual Education", where homeless children from various orphanages and colonies were gathered. The guys shortened the long and difficult name of the school to a short "Shkid". Here Alyosha met Grisha Belykh, who became his best friend and with whom they went to Baku in 1924 to become film actors and star in the film "Red Devils". But they only got as far as Kharkov and were forced to return back to Petrograd.

In 1926, friends came up with the idea to write a book about Shkid. They were advised to show the manuscript of the book, which they composed in three months, to S. Marshak and E. Schwartz, who worked in the editorial office of the children's magazines "Hedgehog" and "Chizh", where K. Chukovsky, B. Zhitkov, M. Zoshchenko, D Kharms, A. Gaidar. With the blessing of Yevgeny Lvovich Schwartz, who was the official editor of the book, the famous "Republic of Shkid" was published in 1927. She immediately became very popular, in libraries she was taken like hot cakes, she was a huge reader success. So yesterday's orphans Alexei Yeremeev and Grigory Belykh became writers. Alyosha came up with a pseudonym for himself - L. Panteleev, in memory of his Shkid nickname Lenka Panteleev. True, he never deciphered the letter "L" in his literary name.

After the "Republic of Shkid" L. Panteleev wrote stories for children, which he combined into several cycles: "Shkid stories", "Stories about a feat", "Stories for little ones", "Little stories", "Stories about children". For several years (1938-1952) he wrote the autobiographical story "Lenka Panteleev".

When the Great Patriotic War began, Alexey Ivanovich lived in Leningrad. Twice he tried to join the army in order to defend the Motherland with weapons in his hands, and twice the medical commission did not let him through - just before the war, he underwent a serious operation. Then Panteleev joined the air defense detachment.

In 1942, seriously ill, he was evacuated from besieged Leningrad to Moscow.

In the hospital, he wrote stories about the heroism and courage of Leningrad children, who, along with adults, defended their city: they were on duty on the roofs, putting out lighters. "The presence of children," wrote L. Panteleev, "emphasized the great human meaning of our struggle."

Leaving the hospital, he again writes a statement asking him to be drafted into the army. In 1943 he was sent to the Military Engineering School, then to the engineering troops, where he was the editor of the battalion newspaper.

After the war, in 1947, L. Panteleev, with the rank of reserve captain, returned to his native Leningrad, where he lived and worked until the last day.

In the seventies, he wrote a cycle of autobiographical stories "House at the Egyptian Bridge", in which he described his early childhood years, when the character of the child, the foundation of his personality, is laid.

L. Panteleev called his last book "The Ajar Door ...". In it, he summed up a kind of summary of his entire writing life.

Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev-Panteleev died in 1987, leaving us his wonderful books worthy of his intelligent, demanding talent.

Stories, poems, fairy tales

Chapters from the book

On the sea

One mother had two girls.

One girl was small and the other was bigger. The little one was white, and the bigger one was black. The white one was named Squirrel, and the black one was Tamarochka.

These girls were very naughty.

In the summer they lived in the country. Here they come and say:

- Mom, and mom, can we go to the sea - swim?

And my mother answers them:

— With whom will you go, daughters? I can't go. I'm busy. I need to cook dinner.

“And we,” they say, “will go alone.

- How is it alone?

— Yes, it is. Let's join hands and let's go.

- Aren't you getting lost?

“No, no, we won’t get lost, don’t be afraid. We know all the streets.

“Okay, go ahead,” Mom says. - But just look, I forbid you to swim. You can walk barefoot on the water. Play in the sand - please. And swimming - no, no.

The girls promised her that they would not swim.

They took with them a spatula, molds and a small lace umbrella and went to the sea.

And they had very elegant dresses. Belochka had a pink dress with a blue bow, and Tamarochka, on the contrary, had a blue dress and a pink bow. But on the other hand, they both had exactly the same little blue Spanish hats with red tassels.

As they walked down the street, everyone stopped and said:

“Look at how beautiful young ladies are walking!”

And the girls love it. They also opened an umbrella over their heads: to make it even more beautiful.

Here they come to the sea. First they started playing in the sand. They began to dig wells, cook sand cakes, build sand houses, sculpt sand men ...

They played and played - and it became very hot for them.

Tamara says:

“You know what, Squirrel? Let's go shopping!

And Belochka says:

- Well, what are you! After all, my mother wouldn't let us.

“Nothing,” says Tamarochka. We are slowly. Mom doesn't even know.

The girls were very naughty.

So they quickly undressed, folded their clothes under a tree and ran into the water.

And while they were swimming there, a thief came and stole all their clothes. And he stole dresses, and stole panties, and shirts, and sandals, and even stole Spanish hats with red tassels. He left only a small lace umbrella and molds. He does not need an umbrella - he is a thief, not a young lady, and he simply did not notice the molds. They lay on the side, under a tree.

The girls didn't see anything.

They swam there - ran, splashed, swam, dived ...

And the thief at this time was dragging their linen.

Here the girls jumped out of the water and run to get dressed. They come running and see - there is nothing: no dresses, no pants, no shirts. Even the Spanish hats with red tassels are gone.

Girls think:

“Perhaps we have come to the wrong place? Maybe we undressed under another tree?

But no. They see - and the umbrella is here, and the molds are here.

So they undressed here, under this tree.

And then they realized that their clothes had been stolen.

They sat down on the sand under a tree and began to sob loudly.

Belochka says:

- Tamara! Cute! Why didn't we listen to our mother? Why did we go swimming? How are we going to get home now?

But Tamarochka herself does not know. They didn't even have panties left.

Do they have to go home naked?

And it was already evening. It's gotten cold. The wind began to blow.

The girls see - there is nothing to do, we must go. The girls were chilled, turned blue, trembling.

They thought, sat, cried and went home.

And their home was far away. We had to go through three streets.

People see: two girls are walking down the street. One girl is small and the other is bigger. The little girl is white, and the bigger one is black.

The little white umbrella carries, and the black one has a net with molds in her hands.

And both girls go completely naked.

And everyone looks at them, everyone is surprised, they point with their fingers.

“Look,” they say, “what funny girls are coming!”

And girls are uncomfortable. Isn't it nice when everyone points fingers at you?!

Suddenly they see a policeman standing on the corner. His cap is white, his shirt is white, and even the gloves on his hands are also white.

He sees a crowd coming.

He takes out his whistle and whistles. Then everyone stops. And the girls stop. And the policeman asks:

What happened, comrades?

And they answer him:

— Do you know what happened? Naked girls walk the streets.

He says:

— What is it? BUT?! Who allowed you, citizens, to run naked through the streets?

And the girls were so frightened that they could not say anything. They stand and sniff as if they have a runny nose.

Policeman says:

Don't you know that you can't run naked through the streets? BUT?! Do you want me to take you to the police for this now? BUT?

And the girls were even more frightened and said:

- No, we don't want to. Do not do it, Please. We are not to blame. We've been robbed.

- Who robbed you?

Girls say:

- We do not know. We were swimming in the sea, and he came and stole all our clothes.

- Oh, that's how it is! the policeman said.

Then he thought, hid the whistle back and said:

Where do you live, girls? They say:

- We are around that corner - in a green cottage we live.

"Well, that's it," said the policeman. - Then run quickly to your green little cottage. Put on something warm. And never run naked through the streets again...

The girls were so happy that they said nothing and ran home. Meanwhile, their mother was setting the table in the garden. And suddenly she sees her girls running: Belochka and Tamarochka. And both of them are completely naked.

Mom was so frightened that she even dropped a deep plate. Mom says:

- Girls! What is it with you? Why are you naked? And Belochka shouts to her:

- Mommy! You know, we got robbed!!!

- How did you get robbed? Who sectioned you?

- We undressed ourselves.

- And why did you undress? Mom asks. And the girls can't say anything. They stand and sniff.

— What are you? Mom says. - So you went swimming?

“Yes,” the girls say. - Swim a little. Mom got angry and said:

“Oh, you scoundrels! Oh you naughty girls! What am I going to dress you in now? After all, I have all the dresses in the wash ...

Then he says:

- OK then! As a punishment, you will now walk like this for the rest of your life.

The girls got scared and said:

- What if it rains?

- Nothing, - says mom, - you have an umbrella.

— And in winter?

- And in the winter you walk like that. The squirrel cried and said:

- Mommy! Where am I going to put my handkerchief? I don't have a single pocket left.

Suddenly the gate opens and a policeman enters. And he carries some kind of white bundle. He says:

“Is this where the girls live, who run naked through the streets?”

Mom says:

“Yes, yes, comrade policeman. Here they are, these naughty girls.

Policeman says:

“Then that's it. Then get your things soon. I caught the thief.

The policeman untied the bundle, and there - what do you think? All their things are there: a blue dress with a pink bow, and a pink dress with a blue bow, and sandals, and stockings, and panties. And even handkerchiefs are in pockets.

Where are the spanish hats? Belochka asks.

“But I won’t give you Spanish hats,” the policeman says.

- And why?

“Because,” the policeman says, “only very good children can wear such caps ... And you, as I see, are not very good ...”

“Yes, yes,” Mom says. - Please do not give them these hats until they obey their mother.

- Will you listen to your mother? the policeman asks.

- We will, we will! shouted Squirrel and Tamarochka.

“Well, look,” said the policeman. - I'll come tomorrow ... I'll find out.

And so he left. And took the hats.

And what happened tomorrow is still unknown. After all, tomorrow is not there yet. Tomorrow - it will be tomorrow.

spanish hats

And the next day Belochka and Tamarochka woke up - and they don’t remember anything. It's like nothing happened yesterday. It was as if they didn’t go swimming without asking, and they didn’t run naked through the streets - they forgot about the thief, and about the policeman, and about everything in the world.

They woke up very late that day and let's, as always, mess around in beds, let's throw pillows, let's make noise, sing, somersault.

Mom comes and says:

- Girls! What is it with you? Shame on you! Why are you digging for so long? You have to have breakfast!

And the girls say to her:

We don't want to have breakfast.

- How do you not want it? Don't you remember what you promised the policeman yesterday?

- And what? the girls say.

- You promised him to behave well, to obey your mother, not to be capricious, not to make noise, not to shout, not to quarrel, not to be outrageous.

The girls remember and say:

- Oh, it's true, it's true! After all, he promised to bring us our Spanish hats. Mommy, hasn't he come yet?

“No,” Mom says. - He will come in the evening.

- Why in the evening?

“Because he is in office now.

- And what is he doing there - at the post?

- And you get dressed as soon as possible, - says mom, - then I'll tell you what he's doing there.

The girls began to dress, and my mother sat down on the windowsill and said:

“A policeman,” she says, “is on duty and guards our street from thieves, from robbers, from hooligans. Looks to no one noisy, no riot. To prevent children from falling under cars. So that no one can get lost. So that all people can live and work in peace.

Belochka says:

- And, probably, so that no one would go swimming without asking.

“Here, here,” Mom says. “He generally keeps things in order. For all people to behave well.

Who is misbehaving?

- He punishes them.

Belochka says:

- Does he punish adults?

“Yes,” Mom says, “he punishes adults too.”

Belochka says:

- And he takes away everyone's hats?

“No,” Mom says, “not everyone. He only takes away Spanish hats, and only from naughty children.

What about the obedient?

“But it doesn’t take away from the obedient.”

“So keep in mind,” Mom says, “if you behave badly today, the policeman will not come and will not bring a hat. It won't bring anything. Here you will see.

- No no! the girls screamed. "You'll see, we'll be good."

“Well, okay,” Mom said. - Let's see.

And so, before my mother had time to leave the room, before she had time to slam the door, the girls were unrecognizable: one became better than the other. They dressed quickly. Washed clean. Wiped dry. The beds have been removed. They braided each other's hair. And before their mother had time to call, they already - the thing is ready - sit down at the table for breakfast.

They are always capricious at the table, they always have to be hurried - they dig, peck with their noses, and today - as if other girls. They eat so quickly, as if they had not been fed for ten days. Mom doesn’t even have time to spread sandwiches: one sandwich for Squirrel, another for Tamarochka, a third for Squirrel again, a fourth for Tamarochka again. And then pour coffee, cut bread, put sugar on it. Mom's arm is tired too.

The squirrel alone drank five whole cups of coffee. She drank, thought, and said:

“Come on, Mommy, pour me another half a cup, please.”

But then even my mother could not stand it.

“Well, no,” he says, “enough, my dear! You will burst again with me - what will I do with you then ?!

The girls had breakfast and thought: “What should we do now? What would be a better idea? Come on, they think, let's help mom clear the dishes from the table. Mom washes the dishes, and the girls wipe them and put them in a cupboard on a shelf. Quietly set, carefully. Each cup and each saucer is carried with both hands so as not to accidentally crack. And they walk on tiptoe all the time. They talk to each other almost in whispers. Friend and friend do not quarrel, do not bicker. Tamarochka Belochka accidentally stepped on her foot.

"I'm sorry, Belochka. I stepped on your foot.

But Belochka, although it hurts, although she is all wrinkled, she says:

“Nothing, Tamara. Come on, come on, please...

Polite steel, well-mannered, - mother looks - does not stop admiring.

“So girls,” he thinks. “I wish they were always like this!”

All day Belochka and Tamarochka did not go anywhere, they all sat at home. Although they really wanted to run around in the kindergarten or play with the guys on the street, “no,” they think, “we won’t go, it’s not worth it. If you go out into the street, you never know what is there. There you will still fight with someone or accidentally tear your dress ... No, they think, it would be better if we sit at home. It's a bit quieter at home…”

Almost until the evening, the girls stayed at home - they played with dolls, drew, looked at pictures in books ... And in the evening mother comes and says:

- Why are you, daughters, sitting in rooms all day, without air? You have to breathe air. Go outside, take a walk. And now I have to wash the floor - you will interfere with me.

Girls think:

“Well, if mom tells me to breathe air, there’s nothing to be done, let’s go and breathe.”

So they went out into the garden and stood at the very gate. They stand and breathe with all their might. And then at this time the neighbor girl Valya comes up to them.

She tells them:

Girls, let's go play tag.

Belochka and Tamarochka say:

- No, we don't want to.

- And why? Valya asks.

They say:

- We're not well.

Then the children came up. They began to call them to the street

And Belochka and Tamarochka say:

No, no, and don't ask, please. We won't go anyway. We are sick today.

Neighbor Valya says:

What hurts you girls?

They say:

“It’s impossible for us to have headaches.

Valya asks them:

"Then why are you walking around with bare heads?"

The girls blushed, got offended and said:

How is it with the naked? And not naked at all. We have hair on our heads.

Valya says:

“Where are your Spanish hats?”

The girls are ashamed to say that the policeman took away their hats, they say:

They are in our laundry.

And at this time their mother was just walking through the garden for water. She heard that the girls had told a lie, stopped and said:

Girls, why are you telling lies?

Then they got scared and said:

— No, no, not in the laundry.

Then they say:

“The militiaman took them away from us yesterday because we were naughty.

Everyone was surprised and said:

- How? Does the policeman take away hats?

Girls say:

- Yes! Takes away!

Then they say:

- From whom it takes away, and from whom it does not take away.

Here one little boy in a gray cap asks:

- Tell me, does he also take away caps?

Tamara says:

- Here's another. He really needs your cap. He only selects Spanish hats.

Belochka says:

— Which only with tassels.

Tamara says:

“Which only very good children can wear.

Neighbor Valya was delighted and said:

— Aha! So you are bad. Aha! So you are bad. Aha!..

The girls have nothing to say. They blushed, became embarrassed and thought: “What would be a better answer?”

And they can't think of anything.

But then, fortunately for them, another boy appeared on the street. None of the guys knew this boy. It was some new boy. He must have just arrived. He was not alone, but was leading a huge, black, big-eyed dog behind him on a rope. This dog was so terrible that not only the girls, but even the bravest boys, when they saw her, squealed and rushed in different directions. And the unfamiliar boy stopped, laughed and said:

Don't worry, she won't bite. She ate with me today.

Here someone says:

- Yes. Or maybe she hasn't eaten yet.

The boy with the dog came closer and said:

- Oh, you cowards. Such a dog was afraid. In! - seen?

He turned his back on the dog and sat on it as if it were some plush sofa. He even crossed his legs. The dog moved its ears, bared its teeth, but said nothing. Then those who were braver came closer ... And the boy in the gray cap - so he came very close and even said:

- Pusik! Pusik!

Then he cleared his throat and asked:

- Tell me, please, where did you get such a dog?

“Uncle gave it to me,” said the boy who was sitting on the dog.

"That's a present," said a boy.

And the girl, who was standing behind the tree and was afraid to go out, said in a weeping voice:

- It would be better if he gave you a tiger. And it wouldn't be so scary...

Squirrel and Tamarochka stood behind their fence at that time. When a boy with a dog appeared, they ran to the house, but then returned and even climbed onto the crossbar of the gate so that it would be better to look.

Almost all the guys had already taken courage and surrounded the boy with the dog.

- Guys, move away, you can't see! shouted Tamarochka.

- Tell! - said the neighbor Valya. “This is not a circus for you. If you want to watch, go outside.

"If I want to, I'll go out," said Tamarochka.

“Tamarochka, don’t,” Belochka whispered. - But what if...

— What suddenly? Nothing suddenly...

And Tamarochka was the first to go out into the street, followed by Belochka.

At this time, someone asked the boy:

- A boy, a boy. And what is your dog's name?

“No way,” said the boy.

- How can this be! Is that what it's called, No way?

“Yeah,” the boy said. - That's what they call Nok.

- That's the name! laughed the neighbor Valya.

And the boy in the gray cap coughed and said:

- Give it a better name - you know what? Name her Black Pirate!

“Well, here it is,” said the boy.

“No, you know what you call her, boy,” said Tamarochka. - Call her Barmaley.

“No, you better know how,” said a little girl who was standing behind a tree and was still afraid to get out of there. - Call her Tiger.

Then all the guys began vying to offer the boy names for the dog.

One says:

- Call her Scarecrow.

Another says:

- Scarecrow.

The third one says:

— Rogue!

Others say:

— Bandit.

— Fascist!

- Cannibal...

And the dog listened and listened, and, probably, she didn’t like being called names so ugly. She suddenly roared, how she jumped, that even the boy who was sitting on her could not resist and flew to the ground. And the rest of the guys rushed in different directions. The girl who was standing behind the tree stumbled and fell. Valya ran into her and also fell. The boy in the gray cap dropped his gray cap. Some girl began to shout: "Mom!"

Another girl began to shout: "Daddy!" And Belochka and Tamarochka - they, of course, go straight to their gate. They open the gate and suddenly see that the dog is running at them. Then they too began to shout: “Mom!” And suddenly they hear someone whistling. They looked around - a policeman was walking along the street. His cap is white, his shirt is white, and the gloves on his hands are also white, and on his side is a yellow leather bag with an iron buckle.

A policeman walks down the street with long steps and blows his whistle.

And immediately the street was quiet, calm. The girls stopped screaming.

"Daddy" and "Mommy" stopped screaming. Those who fell got up. Those who were running stopped. And even the dog - and she shut her mouth, sat on her hind legs and wagged her tail.

And the policeman stopped and asked:

- Who was making noise here? Who is breaking the rules here?

The boy in the gray cap put on his gray cap and says:

“It's not us, comrade policeman. This dog is breaking the rules.

- Oh, dog? the policeman said. “But now we’ll take her to the police for this.”

- Take it, take it! the girls began to ask.

“Maybe it wasn’t her who was screaming?” the policeman says.

- She, she! the girls screamed.

- And who is now "daddy" and "mom" shouting? Is she too?

At this time, Belochkina and Tamarochkina's mother run out into the street. She says:

- Hello! What happened? Who called me? Who yelled "mom"?

Policeman says:

- Hello! It's true, it wasn't me who yelled "mom". But I just need you. I came to see how your girls behaved today.

Mom says:

- They behaved very well. They only breathed little air, they sat in the rooms all day. Nothing at all, well behaved.

“Well, if so,” the policeman says, “then get it, please.

He unzips his leather bag and pulls out Spanish hats.

The girls looked and gasped. They see that everything on Spanish caps is as it should be: the tassels hang, and the rims along the edges, and in front, under the tassels, red Red Army stars are still attached, and on each asterisk there is a small sickle and a small hammer. It must have been made by the policeman himself.

Belochka and Tamarochka were delighted, they began to thank the policeman, and the policeman buttoned his bag and said:

- Well, goodbye, I went, I have no time. Look at me - next time behave better.

The girls are surprised and say:

— How better? We've been doing well. It can't be better.

Policeman says:

— No, you can. You, mother says, have been sitting in the rooms all day, and this is not good, this is harmful. You need to be in the air, walk in the garden ...

Girls say:

- Yes. And if you go out into the garden, then you will want to go outside.

“Well, well,” says the policeman. - And you can walk on the street.

“Yes,” the girls say, “and if you go out into the street, then you will want to play, you will want to run.”

Policeman says:

- Playing and running is also not prohibited. On the contrary, children are supposed to play. There is even such a law in our Soviet country: all children must frolic, have fun, never hang their noses and never cry.

Belochka says:

What if the dog bites?

Policeman says:

- If the dog is not teased, it will not bite. And you don't have to be afraid. Why be afraid of her? You look what a nice dog this is. Oh what a wonderful dog! His name is probably Sharik.

And the dog sits, listens and wags its tail. It's like she knows what they're talking about. And she is not at all scary - funny, shaggy, goggle-eyed ...

The policeman in front of her squatted down and said:

- Come on, Sharik, give me a paw.

The dog thought a little and gives a paw.

Everyone was surprised, of course, but Squirrel suddenly came up, squatted down too and said:

The dog looked at her and gave her a paw too.

Then Tamarochka came up. And other guys. And everyone began to vying with each other to ask:

- Sharik, give me your paw!

And while they were here greeting the dog and saying goodbye, the policeman slowly got up and walked down the street to his police post.

Squirrel and Tamarochka looked around: oh, where is the policeman?

And he doesn't. Only a white cap flickers.

Big Wash

Once my mother went to the market for meat. And the girls were left alone at home.

When leaving, mother told them to behave well, not to touch anything, not to play with matches, not to climb on the windowsills, not to go out on the stairs, not to torture the kitten. And she promised them to bring each an orange.

The girls closed the door behind their mother with a chain and think: “What should we do?” They think: “The best thing is to sit down and draw.” They took out their notebooks and colored pencils, sat down at the table and drew. And more and more oranges are drawn. After all, you know, it is very easy to draw them: I smeared some potato, painted it with a red pencil and - the thing is ready - an orange.

Then Tamarochka got tired of drawing, she says:

- You know, let's write better. Do you want me to write the word "orange"?

“Write,” says Belochka.

Tamarochka thought, tilted her head a little, drooled on her pencil, and—the job was done—wrote:

And Squirrel also scribbled two or three letters that she could.

Then Tamarochka says:

- And I can not only write with a pencil, I can write with ink. Do not trust? Do you want me to write?

Belochka says:

- Where do you get the ink?

- And dad has as much as you want on the table. Whole bank.

“Yes,” says Squirrel, “but mom didn’t let us touch it on the table.”

Tamara says:

- Think about it! She didn't say anything about ink. It's not matches, it's ink.

And Tamarochka ran to her father's room and brought in ink and a pen. And she began to write. And although she knew how to write, she was not very good at writing. She began to dip the pen into the bottle and knocked over the bottle. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth. And the tablecloth was clean, white, freshly spread.

The girls gasped.

The squirrel didn't even fall off the chair on the floor.

- Oh, - he says, - oh ... oh ... what a spot! ..

And the spot is getting bigger and bigger, growing and growing. They almost put a blot on the floor of the tablecloth.

The squirrel turned pale and said:

- Oh, Tamarochka, we will get it!

And Tamarochka herself knows that she will hit. She, too, stands - almost crying.

Then she thought, scratched her nose and said:

- You know, let's say that it was the cat that knocked over the ink!

Belochka says:

“Yes, but it’s not good to lie, Tamarochka.

“I myself know that it is not good. What are we to do then?

Belochka says:

- You know? Let's wash the tablecloth!

Tamara even liked it. She says:

- Let's. But what to wash it in?

Belochka says:

— Come on, you know, in the doll's bath.

- Stupid. Can a tablecloth fit into a doll's bath? Well, drag the trough here!

- The present?..

- Well, of course, real. The squirrel was scared. He speaks:

- Tamarochka, after all, mother didn’t allow us ... Tamarochka says:

She didn't say anything about the trough. A trough is not a match. Come on, come on quick...

The girls ran to the kitchen, removed the trough from the nail, poured water into it from the tap and dragged it into the room. They brought a stool. They put the trough on a stool. The squirrel is tired - barely breathing. And Tamarochka won't let her rest.

“Well,” he says, “bring the soap as soon as possible!” Belochka ran. Brings soap.

- Blue is still needed. And well - drag the blue!

Squirrel ran to look for blue. Can't find anywhere. Resorts:

- No blue.

And Tamarochka has already removed the tablecloth from the table and lowers it into the water. It's scary to drop a dry tablecloth into wet water. Dropped it anyway. Then he says:

- No need for blues.

Squirrel looked, and the water in the trough was blue-blue. Tamara says:

- You see, it’s even good that they put a stain. Can be washed without blue.

Then he says:

- Oh, Belochka!

- What? Belochka says.

- The water is cold.

- So what?

- Clothes are not washed in cold water. In the cold, only rinse.

Belochka says:

- Well, nothing, let's rinse then.

Squirrel was frightened: suddenly Tamarochka would also make her boil water.

Tamarochka began to lather the tablecloth with soap. Then she began to squeeze her, as expected. And the water is getting darker and darker.

Belochka says:

- Well, probably, you can already squeeze it out.

"Well, let's see," says Tamarochka.

The girls pulled the tablecloth out of the trough. And there are only two small white spots on the tablecloth. And the whole tablecloth is blue.

“Oh,” says Tamarochka. - We need to change the water. Bring clean water as soon as possible.

Belochka says:

- No, now you drag. I also want to wash.

Tamara says:

- What else! I put a stain, I'll wash it.

Belochka says:

- No, now I will.

- No, you won't!

- No, I will!

Squirrel began to cry and grabbed the trough with both hands. And Tamarochka grabbed the other end. And their trough swayed like a cradle or a swing.

"Better go," cried Tamarochka. “Go away, honestly, or I’ll splash water on you right now.”

The squirrel was probably frightened that she really would splash, - she jumped back, let go of the trough, and Tamarochka would pull it at that time - it was somersault, off the stool - and onto the floor. And, of course, water from it, too, on the floor. And flowed in all directions.

This is where the girls got really scared.

The squirrel stopped crying from fear.

And the water is already all over the room - and under the table, and under the wardrobe, and under the piano, and under the chairs, and under the sofa, and under the bookcase, and flows wherever possible. Even small streams ran into the next room.

The girls came to their senses, ran, fussed:

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!..

And in the next room at that time the kitten Fluffy was sleeping on the floor. As soon as he saw that water was flowing under him, he would jump up, how he would meow and let's run like crazy all over the apartment:

- Meow! Meow! Meow!

The girls run and the kitten runs. The girls are screaming and the kitten is screaming.

The girls don't know what to do, and the kitten doesn't know what to do either. Tamarochka climbed on a stool and shouted:

- Squirrel! Get on the chair! Quicker! You will get wet.

But Squirrel was so frightened that she couldn’t even climb a chair. It stands like a chicken, cringed and just know it shakes its head:

- Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

And suddenly they hear the girls - a call. Tamarochka turned pale and said:

- Mom is coming.

And Belochka herself hears. She cringed even more, looked at Tamarochka and said:

- Well, now it will be for us ... And in the hallway again: "Ding!"

And again: “Ding! Ding!" Tamara says:

- Squirrel, dear, open it, please.

"Yes, thank you," says Belochka. Why should I?

- Well, Squirrel, well, dear, well, you are still standing closer. I'm on a stool, but you're still on the floor.

Belochka says:

I can also climb into a chair.

Then Tamarochka sees that she still needs to go and open it, jumped off the stool and said:

- You know? Let's say that this cat knocked over the trough! Belochka says:

- No, it's better, you know, let's wipe the floor as soon as possible! Tamara thought and said:

- Well... Let's try. Maybe my mother won't even notice... And then the girls ran in again. Tamarochka grabbed the wet tablecloth and let it crawl across the floor. And Squirrel behind her, like a tail, rushes about, fusses, and just know for yourself:

- Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Tamara tells her:

- You better not oyka, but rather drag the trough to the kitchen as soon as possible. Squirrel, poor, dragged a trough. And Tamarochka to her:

- And take the soap at the same time.

- Where is the soap?

- What can't you see? There it is floating under the piano.

And the call again:

"Dz-z-zin! .."

“Well, then,” says Tamarochka. - I should probably go. I'll go and open it, and you, Squirrel, quickly wipe the floor. See to it that not a single speck is left.

Belochka says:

- Tamara, where is the tablecloth then? On the table?

- Stupid. Why is it on the table? Push it - you know where? Push it away under the sofa. When it dries, we iron it and lay it down.

And so Tamarochka went to open it. She doesn't want to go. Her legs are trembling, her hands are trembling. She stopped at the door, stood a moment, listened, sighed, and in a thin voice asked:

"Mommy, is that you?"

Mom comes in and says:

“God, what happened?”

Tamara says:

- Nothing happened.

- So why are you taking so long? .. I must have been calling and knocking for twenty minutes.

“But I didn’t hear,” says Tamarochka.

Mom says:

- God knows what I was thinking ... I thought - the thieves got in or the wolves ate you.

- No, - says Tamarochka, - no one ate us.

Mom took the net with meat into the kitchen, then comes back and asks:

- Where is Belochka?

Tamara says:

- Squirrel? And Squirrel... I don't know, somewhere there, it seems... in a big room... doing something there, I don't know...

Mom looked at Tamarochka with surprise and said:

“Listen, Tamarochka, why are your hands so dirty? And some spots on the face!

Tamarochka touched her nose and said:

- And we drew it.

- What are you painting with charcoal or mud?

“No,” says Tamarochka, “we drew with pencils.

And mom has already undressed and goes to a large room. He enters and sees: all the furniture in the room is shifted, turned over, you can’t understand where the table is, where the chair is, where the sofa is, where the whatnot ... And under the piano, Squirrel is crawling on his haunches and doing something there and crying at the top of his voice. Mom stopped at the door and said:

- Squirrel! Daughter! What are you doing there? A squirrel leaned out from under the piano and said: -I?

And she herself is dirty, dirty, and her face is dirty, and even there are spots on her nose.

Tamarochka did not give her an answer. He speaks:

“And we wanted to help you, mommy, to wash the floor.” Mom was happy and said:

- Well, thank you!..

Then she came up to Belochka, leaned over and asked:

- And what is it, I wonder, my daughter washes the floor? She looked up and shook her head.

- Oh my God! - He speaks. - Just look! After all, she washes the floor with a handkerchief!

Tamara says:

- Fu, what a stupid! And mom says:

- Yes, it's really called helping me.

And Squirrel cried even louder under her piano and said:

- It's not true, Mom. We don't help you at all. We overturned the trough.

Mom sat on a stool and said:

- This was still missing. What trough? Belochka says:

- The real one, which is... Iron.

- But how, I wonder, did it get here - a trough? Belochka says:

We washed the tablecloth.

- What tablecloth? Where's she? Why did you erase it? After all, she was clean, only yesterday she was posted.

“And we accidentally spilled ink on her.

“It doesn't get any easier. What kind of ink? Where did you get them? The squirrel looked at Tamarochka and said:

We brought it from dad's room.

- And who allowed you?

The girls looked at each other and were silent.

Mom sat, thought, frowned and said:

"Well, what am I to do with you now?"

The girls both cried and said:

- Punish us.

Mom says:

"Do you really want me to punish you?"

Girls say:

- Not, no so much.

"What do you think I should punish you for?"

- And because, probably, we washed the floor.

“No,” Mom says, “I won’t punish you for that.

- Well, then for the fact that the laundry was washed.

“No,” Mom says. And I won't punish you for that either. And for spilling the ink, I won't either. And for writing in ink, I won’t either. But for taking an inkwell from your father's room without asking, you really should be punished for this. After all, if you were obedient girls and didn’t climb into your father’s room, you wouldn’t have to wash the floor, wash the linen, or overturn the trough. And at the same time, you wouldn't have to lie. After all, in fact, Tamarochka, don't you know why your nose is dirty?

Tamara says:

- I know of course.

"So why didn't you tell me right away?"

Tamara says:

— I was afraid.

“That’s bad,” Mom says. - Managed to mischief - manage and answer for your sins. I made a mistake - do not run away with your tail between your legs, but correct it.

“We wanted to fix it,” Tamarochka says.

“We wanted to, but we couldn’t,” says my mother.

Then she looked up and said:

“And where, I don’t see, is the tablecloth?”

Belochka says:

- It's under the sofa.

What is she doing there, under the sofa?

- She dries there with us.

Mom pulled the tablecloth out from under the sofa and sat down on the stool again.

- God! - He speaks. - My God! Such a cute little tablecloth! And look what she has become. After all, this is not a tablecloth, but some kind of floor rag.

The girls cried even louder, and mom says:

“Yes, my dear daughters, you have caused trouble for me. I was tired, I was thinking of resting - I was only going to do a big laundry next Saturday, but, apparently, I have to do this business now. Come on, loser washerwomen, take off your dresses!

The girls were scared.

- Why? And then, that they don’t wash clothes in clean dresses, they don’t wash the floors and they don’t work at all. Put on your bathrobes and - quickly follow me to the kitchen ...

While the girls were changing clothes, my mother managed to turn on the gas in the kitchen and put three large pots on the stove: in one - water to wash the floor, in the second - to boil the laundry, and in the third, separately - a tablecloth.

Girls say:

Why did you put it separately? It's not her fault she messed up.

Mom says:

- Yes, of course, she is not to blame, but still you have to wash it alone. And then all our underwear will turn blue. And in general, I think that you can’t wash this tablecloth anymore. I'll probably have to paint it blue.

Girls say:

- Oh, how beautiful it will be!

“No,” my mother says, “I don’t think it will be very nice. If it were really beautiful, then, probably, people would put blots on the tablecloth every day.

Then he says:

- Well, stop talking, take a rag each and go wash the floor.

Girls say:

- For real?

Mom says:

— What did you think? You have already washed up like a toy, now let's get real.

And now the girls began to really wash the floor.

Mom gave them each a corner and said:

- Watch how I wash, and you wash like that too. Where you have washed it, do not walk in a clean place ... Do not leave puddles on the floor, but wipe it dry. Well, one or two - began! ..

Mom rolled up her sleeves, tucked up the hem and went to plow with a wet rag.

Yes, so cleverly, so quickly that the girls barely keep up with her. And of course, they do not work out as well as their mother. But still they try. The squirrel even got on her knees to make it more comfortable.

Mom says to her:

- Squirrel, you should lie on your stomach. If you get so dirty, then we will have to wash you in the trough later.

Then he says:

- Well, please run to the kitchen, see if the water is boiling in the laundry tub.

Belochka says:

- But how do you know if it boils or not boils?

Mom says:

- If it gurgles, it means it is boiling; if it doesn’t gurgle, it means it hasn’t boiled yet.

The squirrel ran to the kitchen, runs:

- Mommy, gurgle, gurgle!

Mom says:

- It's not mommy gurgling, but the water, probably gurgling?

Then my mother came out of the room for something, Squirrel to Tamarochka and says:

- You know? And I saw oranges!

Tamara says:

- In a net in which the meat hangs. Do you know how much? As many as three.

Tamara says:

- Yes. We'll have oranges now. Wait.

Then my mother comes and says:

- Well, scrubbers, take buckets and rags - let's go to the kitchen to wash clothes.

Girls say:

- For real?

Mom says:

Now you will do everything for real.

And the girls, together with their mother, really washed clothes. Then they really rinsed it. Really squeezed out. And they really hung it in the attic on ropes to dry.

And when they finished working and returned home, my mother fed them lunch. And never before in their lives did they eat with such pleasure as on this day. And they ate soup, and porridge, and black bread sprinkled with salt.

And when they dined, my mother brought a net from the kitchen and said:

- Well, now you can probably get an orange each.

Girls say:

- And who is the third?

Mom says:

— Oh, how is it? Do you already know that there is a third?

Girls say:

- Atretiy, mommy, you know who? The third one is the biggest one for you.

“No, daughters,” said the mother. - Thanks. I have enough, perhaps, and the smallest. After all, today you worked twice as hard as I did. Is not it? And the floor was washed twice. And the tablecloth was washed twice...

Belochka says:

But the ink was only spilled once.

Mom says:

“Well, you know, if you had spilled ink twice, I would have punished you like that ...

Life, seemingly firmly on the rails of well-being and satiety, was destroyed by the First World War. The father divorced his mother, and she, left alone with three children, began to give music lessons.

In 1917, Panteleev became a student of a real school, but after the revolution he became seriously ill. Soon the family moved to the Yaroslavl province, as the situation in St. Petersburg was heating up more and more. After the move, Alexey fell ill again - this time with diphtheria. I had to go to Yaroslavl for treatment, and after some time it was decided to return to the city on the Neva.

Here Alexei began to steal and ended up in an orphanage, from where he escaped and decided to get to his mother. On the way, he ended up in a colony, from where he also escaped and ended up in Menzelinsk - in this city the wanderer was warmed by people who fed him, dressed him and sent him to school. Just at this time, Alexei began to try his hand at poetry and dramaturgy.

Then there were long wanderings around Ukraine, and only a year later he finally ended up at home and was sent by his mother to study. He listened to his mother, but continued to steal, so he was assigned to the ShKID. Here he took the pseudonym Lenka Panteleev and acquired his best friend - Grigory Belykh, with whom they fled from this school and decided to describe all the events taking place there. The book "The Republic of SHKID" became incredibly popular - it was reprinted until 1936.

Today, this work can be found in any children's online library. And then Belykh was unexpectedly repressed. Panteleev managed to avoid this fate.

literary heritage.

During the Second World War, the writer ended up in besieged Leningrad. In 1942 he was evacuated to Moscow. Throughout the war and post-war period, Panteleev was intensively engaged in his work.

In 1956, Alexey Ivanovich got married - the writer Eliko Kashiya became his wife. Soon they had an heiress, who was named Masha.

The writer died in 1987, leaving a rich literary heritage for the children of future generations. For the little ones, this author wrote such stories as:

  • Honestly
  • Letter "you"
  • two frogs
  • Handkerchief
  • How the piglet learned to speak
  • Matches
  • Problem with apples
  • Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka

The stories of Leonid Panteleev for children are easily perceived even by the smallest listeners!

Current page: 1 (total book has 2 pages)

Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich (Panteleev L)

Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev


Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka

spanish hats

Big Wash

One mother had two girls.

One girl was small and the other was bigger. The little one was white, and the bigger one was black. The little white one was named Squirrel, and the little black one was Tamarochka.

These girls were very naughty.

In the summer they lived in the country.

Here they come and say:

- Mom, and mom, can we go to the sea - swim?

And my mother answers them:

- With whom will you go, daughters? I can't go. I'm busy. I need to cook dinner.

“And we,” they say, “will go alone.”

- How is it alone?

- Yes, it is. Let's join hands and let's go.

- Aren't you getting lost?

“No, no, we won’t get lost, don’t be afraid. We know all the streets.

“Okay, go ahead,” Mom says. - But just look, I forbid you to swim. You can walk barefoot on the water. Please play it in the sand. And swimming - no, no.

The girls promised her that they would not swim.

They took with them a spatula, molds and a small lace umbrella and went to the sea.

And they had very elegant dresses. Squirrel had a pink dress with a blue bow, and Tamarochka, on the contrary, had a blue dress and a pink bow. But on the other hand, they both had exactly the same little blue Spanish hats with red tassels (376).

As they walked down the street, everyone stopped and said:

“Look at the beautiful young ladies walking by!”

And the girls love it. They also opened an umbrella over their heads: to make it even more beautiful.

Here they come to the sea. First they started playing in the sand. They began to dig wells, cook sand cakes, build sand houses, sculpt sand men ...

They played and played - and it became very hot for them.

Tamara says:

“You know what, Belochka? Let's go shopping!

And Belochka says:

- Well, what are you! After all, my mother wouldn't let us.

“Nothing,” says Tamarochka. We are slowly. Mom doesn't even know.

The girls were very naughty.

So they quickly undressed, folded their clothes under a tree and ran into the water.

And while they were swimming there, a thief came and stole all their clothes. And he stole dresses, and stole panties, and shirts, and sandals, and even stole Spanish hats with red tassels. He left only a small lace umbrella and molds. He does not need an umbrella - he is a thief, not a young lady, and he simply did not notice the molds. They lay on the side, under a tree.

The girls didn't see anything.

They swam there - ran, splashed, swam, dived ...

And the thief at this time was dragging their linen.

Here the girls jumped out of the water and run to get dressed. They come running and see nothing: no dresses, no pants, no shirts. Even the Spanish hats with red tassels are gone.

Girls think:

"Maybe we came to the wrong place? Maybe we undressed under another tree?"

But no. They see - and the umbrella is here, and the molds are here.

So they undressed here, under this tree.

And then they realized that their clothes had been stolen.

They sat down on the sand under a tree and began to sob loudly.

Belochka says:

- Tamara! Cute! Why didn't we listen to our mother? Why did we go swimming? How are we going to get home now?

But Tamarochka herself does not know. They didn't even have panties left. Do they have to go home naked?

And it was already evening. It's gotten cold. The wind began to blow.

The girls see - there is nothing to do, you have to go. The girls were chilled, turned blue, trembling.

They thought, sat, cried and went home.

And their home was far away. We had to go through three streets.

People see: two girls are walking down the street. One girl is small and the other is bigger. The little girl is white, and the bigger one is black. The white one carries an umbrella, and the black one has a net with molds in her hands.

And both girls go completely naked.

And everyone looks at them, everyone is surprised, they point with their fingers.

“Look,” they say, “what funny girls are coming!”

And girls are uncomfortable. Isn't it nice when everyone points fingers at you?!

Suddenly they see a policeman standing on the corner. His cap is white, his shirt is white, and even the gloves on his hands are also white.

He sees a crowd coming.

He takes out his whistle and whistles. Then everyone stops. And the girls stop. And the policeman asks:

What happened, comrades?

And they answer him:

– Do you know what happened? Naked girls walk the streets.

He says:

– What is it? BUT?! Who allowed you, citizens, to run naked through the streets?

And the girls were so frightened that they could not say anything. They stand and sniff as if they have a runny nose.

Policeman says:

“Don’t you know that you can’t run naked through the streets?” BUT?! Do you want me to take you to the police for this now? BUT?

And the girls were even more frightened and said:

- No, we don't want to. Do not do it, Please. We are not to blame. We've been robbed.

- Who robbed you?

Girls say:

- We do not know. We were swimming in the sea, and he came and stole all our clothes.

- Oh, that's how it is! - said the policeman.

Then he thought, hid the whistle back and said:

- Where do you live, girls?

They say:

- We are around that corner - we live in a green cottage.

"Well, that's it," said the policeman. - Then run quickly to your green little dacha. Put on something warm. And never run naked through the streets again...

The girls were so happy that they said nothing and ran home.

Meanwhile, their mother was setting the table in the garden.

And suddenly she sees her girls running: Belochka and Tamarochka. And both of them are completely naked.

Mom was so frightened that she even dropped a deep plate.

Mom says:

- Girls! What is it with you? Why are you naked?

And Belochka shouts to her:

- Mommy! You know, we got robbed!!!

How were they robbed? Who sectioned you?

- We undressed ourselves.

- And why did you undress? Mom asks.

And the girls can't say anything. They stand and sniff.

– What are you? Mom says. - So you went swimming?

“Yes,” the girls say. - Swim a little.

Mom got angry and said:

“Oh, you rascals! Oh you naughty girls! What am I going to dress you in now? After all, I have all the dresses in the wash ...

Then he says:

- OK then! As a punishment, you will now walk like this for the rest of your life.

The girls got scared and said:

- What if it rains?

- Nothing, - says mom, - you have an umbrella.

- And in winter?

- And in the winter you walk like that.

The squirrel cried and said:

- Mommy! Where am I going to put my handkerchief? I don't have a single pocket left.

Suddenly the gate opens and a policeman enters. And he carries some white bundle.

He says:

“Is this where the girls live, who run naked through the streets?”

Mom says:

- Yes, yes, comrade policeman. Here they are, these naughty girls.

Policeman says:

“Then that's it. Then get your things soon. I caught the thief.

The policeman untied the bundle, and there - what do you think? All their things are there: a blue dress with a pink bow, and a pink dress with a blue bow, and sandals, and stockings, and panties. And even handkerchiefs are in pockets.

Where are the spanish hats? Belochka asks.

“But I won’t give you Spanish hats,” the policeman says.

- And why?

“Because,” says the policeman, “only very good children can wear such hats ... And you, as I see, are not very good ...

“Yes, yes,” Mom says. - Do not give them these hats, please, until they obey their mother.

Will you listen to your mother? the policeman asks.

- We will, we will! shouted Squirrel and Tamarochka.

“Well, look,” said the policeman. - I'll come tomorrow ... I'll find out.

And so he left. And took the hats.

And what happened tomorrow is still unknown. After all, tomorrow, it hasn't happened yet. Tomorrow - it will be tomorrow.


And the next day Belochka and Tamarochka woke up - and they don’t remember anything. It's like nothing happened yesterday. It was as if they didn’t go swimming without asking, and they didn’t run naked through the streets - they forgot about the thief, and about the policeman, and about everything in the world.

They woke up very late that day and let's, as always, mess around in beds, let's throw pillows, let's make noise, sing, somersault.

Mom comes and says:

- Girls! What is it with you? Shame on you! Why are you digging for so long? You have to have breakfast!

And the girls say to her:

We don't want to have breakfast.

- How do you not want it? Don't you remember what you promised the policeman yesterday?

- And what? the girls say.

- You promised him to behave well, to obey your mother, not to be capricious, not to make noise, not to shout, not to quarrel, not to be outrageous.

The girls remember and say:

- Oh, it's true, it's true! After all, he promised to bring us our Spanish hats. Mommy, hasn't he come yet?

“No,” Mom says. - He will come in the evening.

- Why in the evening?

“Because he is in office now.

- And what is he doing there - at the post?

- And you get dressed as soon as possible, - says mom, - then I'll tell you what he's doing there.

The girls began to dress, and my mother sat down on the windowsill and said:

“A policeman,” she says, “is on duty and guards our street from thieves, from robbers, from hooligans. Looks to no one noisy, no riot. To prevent children from falling under cars. So that no one can get lost. So that all people can live and work in peace.

Belochka says:

- And, probably, so that no one would go swimming without asking.

“Here, here,” Mom says. “He generally keeps things in order. For all people to behave well.

Who is misbehaving?

- He punishes them.

Belochka says:

- Does he punish adults?

- Yes, - says my mother, - and punishes adults.

Belochka says:

- And he takes away everyone's hats?

“No,” Mom says, “not everyone. He only takes away Spanish hats, and only from naughty children.

What about the obedient?

“But it doesn’t take away from the obedient.”

“So keep in mind,” Mom says, “if you behave badly today, the policeman will not come and will not bring a hat. It won't bring anything. Here you will see.

- No no! the girls screamed. "You'll see, we'll be good."

“Well, okay,” Mom said. - Let's see.

And so, before my mother had time to leave the room, before she had time to slam the door, the girls did not recognize: one became better than the other. They dressed quickly. Washed clean. Wiped dry. The beds have been removed. They braided each other's hair. And before their mother had time to call, they already - the thing is ready - sit down at the table for breakfast.

They are always capricious at the table, they always have to be hurried - they dig, peck with their noses, and today - as if other girls. They eat so quickly, as if they had not been fed for ten days. Mom doesn’t even have time to spread sandwiches: one sandwich for Squirrel, another for Tamarochka, a third for Squirrel again, a fourth for Tamarochka again. And then pour coffee, cut bread, put sugar on it. Mom's arm is tired too.

The squirrel alone drank five whole cups of coffee. She drank, thought, and said:

“Come on, Mommy, pour me another half a cup, please.”

But then even my mother could not stand it.

“Well, no,” he says, “enough, my dear! You still burst with me - what will I do with you then ?!

The girls had breakfast and thought: “What should we do now? What better way to come up with this? Mom washes the dishes, and the girls dry them and put them in a cupboard on a shelf. Quietly set, carefully. Each cup and each saucer is carried with both hands so as not to accidentally crack. And they walk on tiptoe all the time. They talk to each other almost in whispers. Friend and friend do not quarrel, do not bicker. Tamarochka Belochka accidentally stepped on her foot. He speaks:

- I'm sorry, Belochka. I stepped on your foot.

But Belochka, although it hurts, although she is all wrinkled, she says:

“Nothing, Tamara. Come on, come on, please...

Polite steel, well-mannered, - mother looks - does not stop admiring.

“That's the way girls are,” he thinks. “I wish they were always like that!”

All day Belochka and Tamarochka did not go anywhere, they all sat at home. Although they really wanted to run around in the kindergarten or play with the guys on the street, “no,” they think, “we won’t go anyway, it’s not worth it. If you go out into the street, you never know. you’ll accidentally tear your dress... No, they think, it’s better if we sit at home. It’s somehow calmer at home ... "

Almost until the very evening, the girls sat at home - they played with dolls, drew, looked at pictures in books ... And in the evening mother comes and says:

- Why are you, daughters, sitting in rooms all day, without air? You have to breathe air. Go outside, take a walk. And now I have to wash the floor - you will interfere with me.

Girls think:

"Well, if mom tells me to breathe air, there's nothing to be done, let's go breathe."

So they went out into the garden and stood at the very gate. They stand and breathe with all their might. And then at this time the neighbor girl Valya comes up to them. She tells them:

Girls, let's go play tag.

Belochka and Tamarochka say:

- No, we don't want to.

- And why? Valya asks.

They say:

- We're not well.

Then the kids came up. They began to call them to the street.

And Belochka and Tamarochka say:

- No, no, and don't ask, please. We won't go anyway. We are sick today.

Neighbor Valya says:

- What hurts you, girls?

They say:

“It’s impossible for us to have headaches.

Valya asks them:

“Why are you walking bare-headed then?”

The girls blushed, got offended and said:

How is it with the naked? And not naked at all. We have hair on our heads.

Valya says:

“Where are your Spanish caps?”

The girls are ashamed to say that the policeman took away their hats, they say:

They are in our laundry.

And at this time their mother was just walking through the garden for water. She heard that the girls had told a lie, stopped and said:

Girls, why are you telling lies?

Then they got scared and said:

- No, no, not in the wash.

Then they say:

“The militiaman took them away from us yesterday, because we were naughty.

Everyone was surprised and said:

- How? Does the policeman take away hats?

Girls say:

- Yes! Takes away!

Then they say:

- From whom it takes away, and from whom it does not take away.

Here one little boy in a gray cap asks:

- Tell me, does he also take away caps?

Tamara says:

- Here's another. He really needs your cap. He only selects Spanish hats.

Belochka says:

– Which only with tassels.

Tamara says:

“Which only very good children can wear.

Neighbor Valya was delighted and said:

– Aha! So you are bad. Aha! So you are bad. Aha!..

The girls have nothing to say. They blushed, became embarrassed and thought: "What would be the answer - better?"

And they can't think of anything.

But then, fortunately for them, another boy appeared on the street. None of the guys knew this boy. It was some new boy. He must have just arrived. He was not alone, but was leading a huge, black, big-eyed dog behind him on a rope. This dog was so terrible that not only the girls, but even the bravest boys, when they saw her, squealed and rushed in different directions. And the unfamiliar boy stopped, laughed and said:

Don't worry, she won't bite. She ate with me today.

Here someone says:

- Yes. Or maybe she hasn't eaten yet.

The boy with the dog came closer and said:

- Oh, you cowards. Such a dog was afraid. In! - have you seen it?

He turned his back on the dog and sat on it as if on some plush sofa. He even crossed his legs. The dog moved its ears, bared its teeth, but said nothing. Then those who were braver came closer ... And the boy in the gray cap - so he came very close and even said:

- Pusik! Pusik!

Then he cleared his throat and asked:

- Tell me, please, where did you get such a dog?

“Uncle gave it,” said the boy who was sitting on the dog.

“That’s a present,” said a boy.

And the girl, who was standing behind the tree and was afraid to go out, said in a weeping voice:

- It would be better if he gave you a tiger. And it wouldn't be so scary...

Squirrel and Tamarochka stood behind their fence at that time. When a boy with a dog appeared, they ran to the house, but then returned and even climbed onto the crossbar of the gate so that it would be better to look.

Almost all the guys had already taken courage and surrounded the boy with the dog.

- Guys, move away, you can't see! shouted Tamarochka.

- Tell! - said the neighbor Valya. “This is not a circus for you. If you want to watch, go outside.

"If I want to, I'll go out," said Tamarochka.

"Tamarochka, don't," Belochka whispered. - But what if...

– What suddenly? Nothing suddenly...

And Tamarochka was the first to go out into the street, followed by Belochka.

At this time, someone asked the boy:

- A boy, a boy. And what is your dog's name?

“No way,” the boy said.

- How can this be! Is that what it's called, No way?

“Yeah,” the boy said. - That's what they call Niko.

- That's the name! laughed the neighbor Valya.

And the boy in the gray cap coughed and said:

- Give her a better name - you know what? Call her Black Pirate!

“Well, here it is,” said the boy.

“No, you know what you call her, boy,” said Tamarochka. - Call her Barmaley.

“No, you better know how,” said a little girl who was standing behind a tree and was still afraid to get out of there. - Call her Tiger.

Then all the guys began vying to offer the boy names for the dog.

One says:

- Call her Scarecrow.

Another says:

- Scarecrow.

The third one says:

- Rogue!

Others say:

- Bandit.

- Fascist!

- Cannibal...

And the dog listened and listened, and, probably, she didn’t like being called names so ugly. She suddenly roared, how she jumped, that even the boy who was sitting on her could not resist and flew to the ground. And the rest of the guys rushed in different directions. The girl who was standing behind the tree stumbled and fell. Valya ran into her and also fell. The boy in the gray cap dropped his gray cap. Some girl began to shout: "Mom!" Another girl began to shout: "Daddy!" And Belochka and Tamarochka - those, of course, immediately to their gate. They open the gate and suddenly see that the dog is running at them. Then they, too, began to shout: "Mom!" And suddenly they hear someone whistling. They looked around - a policeman was walking along the street. His cap is white, his shirt is white, and the gloves on his hands are also white, and on his side is a yellow leather bag with an iron buckle.

A policeman walks down the street with long steps and blows his whistle.

And immediately the street was quiet, calm. The girls stopped screaming. Stopped "daddy" and "mom" screaming. Those who fell got up. Those who were running stopped. And even the dog - and she shut her mouth, sat on her hind legs and wagged her tail.

And the policeman stopped and asked:

- Who was making noise here? Who is breaking the rules here?

The boy in the gray cap put on his gray cap and says:

- It's not us, comrade policeman. This dog is breaking the rules.

- Oh, a dog? - said the policeman. “But now we’ll take her to the police for this.”

- Take it, take it! the girls began to ask.

“Maybe it wasn’t her screaming?” - says the policeman.

- She, she! the girls screamed.

- And who is now "father" and "mother" shouting? Is she too?

At this time, Belochkina and Tamarochkina's mother run out into the street. She says:

- Hello! What happened? Who called me? Who yelled "mom"?

Policeman says:

- Hello! It's true, it wasn't me who yelled "mom". But I just need you. I came to see how your girls have been today.

Mom says:

- They behaved very well. They only breathed little air, they sat in the rooms all day. Nothing at all, well behaved.

“Well, if so,” the policeman says, “then get it, please.

He unzips his leather bag and pulls out Spanish hats.

The girls looked and gasped. They see that everything on Spanish caps is as it should be: the tassels hang, and the rims along the edges, and in front, under the tassels, red Red Army stars are still attached, and on each asterisk there is a small sickle and a small hammer. It must have been made by the policeman himself.

Belochka and Tamarochka were delighted, they began to thank the policeman, and the policeman buttoned his bag and said:

- Well, goodbye, I went, I have no time. Look at me - next time behave better.

The girls are surprised and say:

– How is it better? We've been doing well. It can't be better.

Policeman says:

- No, you can. You, mother says, have been sitting in the rooms all day, and this is not good, this is harmful. You need to be in the air, walk in the garden ...

Girls say:

- Yes. And if you go out into the garden, then you will want to go outside.

“Well, well,” says the policeman. - And you can walk on the street.

“Yes,” the girls say, “and if you go out into the street, then you will want to play, you will want to run.”

Policeman says:

- Playing and running is also not prohibited. On the contrary, children are supposed to play. There is even such a law in our Soviet country: all children must frolic, have fun, never hang their noses and never cry.

Belochka says:

“What if the dog bites?”

Policeman says:

- If the dog is not teased, it will not bite. And you don't have to be afraid. Why be afraid of her? Look at what a nice dog this is. Oh what a wonderful dog! His name is probably Sharik.

And the dog sits, listens and wags its tail. As if she understands that this is about her. And she is not at all scary - funny, shaggy, goggle-eyed ...

The policeman in front of her squatted down and said:

- Come on, Sharik, give me a paw.

The dog thought a little and gives a paw.

Everyone was surprised, of course, but Squirrel suddenly came up, squatted down too and said:

The dog looked at her and gave her a paw too.

Then Tamarochka came up. And other guys. And everyone began to vying with each other to ask:

- Sharik, give me your paw!

And while they were here greeting the dog and saying goodbye, the policeman slowly got up and walked down the street to his police post.

Squirrel and Tamarochka looked around: oh, where is the policeman?

And he doesn't. Only a white cap flickers.

One evening, when mother was putting the girls to bed, she said to them:

- If the weather is good tomorrow morning, we will go with you - you know where?

Mom says:

- Well, guess what.

- On the sea?

- Collect flowers?

– Where then?

Belochka says:

- I know where. We'll go to the shop for kerosene.

“No,” Mom says. - If the weather is good tomorrow morning, we will go to the forest for mushrooms.

Squirrel and Tamarochka were so delighted, they jumped so much that they almost fell off their beds onto the floor.

Of course! .. After all, they had never been in the forest before in their lives. They collected flowers. They went to the sea to swim. I even went to the shop for kerosene with my mother. But they have never been taken into the forest, not once. And so far they have only seen fried mushrooms - on plates.

For joy, they could not sleep for a long time. They tossed and turned in their little beds for a long time and everyone thought: what will the weather be like tomorrow?

"Oh," they think, "if only it wasn't bad. If only there was sunshine."

In the morning they woke up and immediately:

- Mommy! What's the weather like?

And their mother tells them:

- Oh, daughters, the weather is unimportant. Clouds are moving across the sky.

The girls ran out into the garden and almost cried.

They see, and it’s true: the whole sky is in clouds, and the clouds are so terrible, black rain is about to drip.

Mom sees that the girls are depressed, and says:

- Well, nothing, daughters. Do not Cry. Maybe it will disperse them, clouds...

And the girls think

“Who will disperse them? Whoever doesn’t go into the forest doesn’t care. Clouds don’t interfere with that. We have to disperse them ourselves.”

So they began to run around the garden and disperse the clouds. They began to wave their hands. Run, wave and say:

- Hey, clouds! Leave, please! Get out! You prevent us from going into the forest.

And either they waved well, or the clouds themselves were tired of standing in one place, only suddenly they crawled, crawled, and before the girls had time to look back, the sun appeared in the sky, the grass shone, the birds chirped ...

- Mommy! the girls screamed. - Look, the clouds are scared! Run away!

Mom looked out the window and said:

– Ah! Where are they?

Girls say:

- Run away...

- Here you are good fellows! Mom says. - Well, now you can go to the forest. Come on, guys, get dressed soon, otherwise they will change their minds, clouds, they will come back.

The girls got scared and ran to get dressed as soon as possible. At that time, mother went to the hostess and brought three baskets from her: one large basket for herself and two small baskets for Belochka and Tamarochka. Then they drank tea, had breakfast and went into the forest.

So they came to the forest. And in the forest it is quiet, dark and no one is there. Some trees are standing.

Belochka says:

- Mommy! Are there wolves here?

“Here, at the edge, no,” says my mother, “but farther there - in the depths of the forest - there, they say, there are a lot of them.

“Oh,” says White. - Then I'm afraid.

Mom says:

- Do not be afraid of anything. We won't go very far. We will pick mushrooms here at the edge.

Belochka says:

- Mommy! And what are they, mushrooms? Do they grow on trees? Yes?

Tamara says:

- Stupid! Do mushrooms grow on trees? They grow on bushes like berries.

- No, - says my mother, - mushrooms grow on the ground, under the trees. Now you will see. Let's search.

And the girls do not know how to look for them - mushrooms. Mom walks, looks at her feet, looks to the right, looks to the left, goes around every tree, looks at every stump. And the girls are walking behind and don't know what to do.

“Well, here it is,” Mom says. - Come here quickly. I found the first mushroom.

The girls come running and say:

- Show me, show me!

They see a small, white mushroom standing under a tree. So small that it is almost invisible - only one cap sticks out of the ground.

Mom says:

- This is the most delicious mushroom. It's called white mushroom. See how bright his head is? Just like Belochka.

Belochka says:

- No, I'm better.

Tamara says:

But you can't eat.

Belochka says:

- No, you can.

“Come on, let’s eat,” says Tamarochka.

Mom says:

Stop arguing girls. Let's go mushroom picking. See, there's another one!

Mom squatted down and cut off another fungus with a knife. This fungus has a small cap, and a long, hairy leg, like a dog's.

“This one,” my mother says, “is called a boletus. You see, it grows under a birch. That's why it's called so - boletus. And here are the butterflies. Look how shiny their hats are.

“Yeah,” the girls say, “as if they were smeared with butter.

- And here it is - russula.

Girls say:

- Oh, how pretty!

- Do you know why they are called russula?

“No,” says Belochka.

And Tamara says:

- I know.

- Why?

“Maybe they make cheese out of them?”

“No,” Mom says, “not at all because of that.

- And why?

“That is why they are called russula because they are eaten raw.

- How about cheese? So simple - not boiled, not fried?

“Yes,” Mom says. They are washed, cleaned and eaten with salt.

– And without salt?

- And without salt it is impossible, it is tasteless.

- And if with salt?

- With salt - you can.

Belochka says:

- And if without salt - what?

Mom says:

- I already said that they cannot be eaten without salt.

Belochka says:

- And with salt, you can, then?

Mom says:

- Wow, you're so clueless!

- What kind of mushroom is this? What mushroom is this?

And mom explains everything to them:

- This is a red mushroom. Boletus. This is a grub. These are feathers.

Then she suddenly stopped under a tree and said:

- And this, girls, these are very bad mushrooms. You see? They cannot be eaten. They can make you sick and even die. These are rotten mushrooms.

The girls got scared and asked:

- What are they called, rotten mushrooms?

Mom says:

- That's what they're called - toadstools.

The squirrel squatted down and asked:

- Mommy! And can you touch them?

Mom says:

- You can touch it.

Belochka says:

"But I won't die?"

Mom says:

No, you won't die.

Then Squirrel touched the toadstool with one finger and said:

- Oh, what a pity, is it really impossible to eat them even with salt?

Mom says:

No, not even with sugar.

Mom already has a full basket, and the girls don’t have a single fungus.

This is what mom says:

- Girls! Why don't you pick mushrooms?

And they say:

- How can we collect if you find everything alone? We'll just get there, and you've already found it.

Mom says:

- And you yourself are to blame. Why are you running after me like ponytails?

How can we run?

- You don't need to run at all. You have to look elsewhere. I'm looking here, and you go somewhere to the side.

- Yes! What if we get lost?

- And you shout "ay" all the time, so you won't get lost.

Belochka says:

- What if you get lost?

And I won't get lost. I'll yell "ay" too.

That's what they did. Mom went ahead along the path, and the girls turned aside and walked into the bushes. And from there, from behind the bushes, they shout:

- Mommy! Ay!

And my mother answers them:

- Oh, daughters!

Then again:

- Mommy! Ay!

And their mother:

- I'm here, girls! Ay!

They aukali so, aukali, and suddenly Tamarochka says:

“You know what, Belochka? Let's deliberately sit behind a bush and be silent.

Belochka says:

- What is this for?

- It's so simple. On purpose. Let her think that the wolves have eaten us.

Mom screams:

And the girls sit behind a bush and are silent. And they don't respond. As if they were actually eaten by wolves.

Mom screams:

- Girls! Daughters! Where are you? What's the matter with you?.. Ay! Ay!

Belochka says:

- Let's run, Tamara! And then she will leave, - we will be lost.

And Tamara says:

- Okay. Please sit. We'll make it. Let's not get lost.

- Ay! Ay! Ay!..

And suddenly it became very quiet.

Then the girls jumped up. They ran out from behind the bush. They think they should call their mother.

They shouted:

- Ay! Mommy!

And my mother doesn't answer. Mom has already gone far, mother does not hear them.

The girls were scared. They ran. They began to shout:

- Mommy! Ay! Mommy! Mother! Where are you?

And all around - quiet, quiet. Only the trees above their heads creak.

The girls looked at each other. The squirrel turned pale all over, began to cry, and said:

- That's what you've done, Tamarka! Probably, now the wolves have eaten our mother.

They started screaming even louder. They screamed and screamed until they were completely hoarse.

Then Tamarochka began to cry. Tamarochka could not stand it.

Both girls are sitting on the ground, under a bush, crying and don't know what to do, where to go.

And you have to go somewhere. After all, you can't live in the forest. The forest is scary.

So they cried, thought, sighed, and went slowly. They go with their empty baskets - Tamarochka in front, Squirrel behind - and suddenly they see: a clearing, and in this clearing there are a lot of mushrooms. And all mushrooms are different. Some are small, others are larger, some have white hats, others have yellow ones, others have some other ...

The girls were delighted, they even stopped crying and rushed to pick mushrooms.

Leonid Panteleev is a Soviet writer who is loved by adults and children. It is often said that Panteleev had a special gift. His stories do not require illustrations, since the writer wrote his works so clearly and figuratively that the child immersed himself in a new world created by the author without the help of pictures. He wrote so well for and about children that their parents always make their choice in favor of reading the works of this particular author with their children. Many who have already heard about the author more than once are interested in what stories Panteleev wrote.

The childhood of Leonid Panteleev

Leonid Panteleev was born on August 9, 1908 in the real name of the writer - Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev. His family was religious, but despite this, his parents separated during the First World War. Soon Father Andrianovich left for Vladimir, where he spent the rest of his life and died. Alyosha's mother was left alone to raise three children, and she had to earn a living with music lessons. In 1916, the future writer entered the 2nd Petrograd Real School, after which he became very seriously ill.

Two years later, Alyosha's mother decided to leave with her children for the village of Cheltsovo in order to escape the famine in Petrograd. The Civil War began to unfold there, and Eremeev fell ill with diphtheria. After that, the boy's mother decided to go to the doctor in Yaroslavl, where misfortune befell them again. There began the Yaroslavl uprising. It should be noted that the hotel where Alexei lived with his mother was constantly shelled, and the boy met with the White Guards several times. After such terrible events, the family returned to the village again, but after the suppression of the uprising, the mother decided to return to Yaroslavl. Fortunately, then it turned out that the guy is completely healthy.

First job and orphanage

In 1919, Alexei's mother went back to Petrograd, while his brother Vasya went to live, study and work on a farm. Then Eremeev realized that the material support of his family had become his responsibility, and now it was necessary to look for work. At first he began to trade in the market, but then Alexei was sent to the farm to his brother. As Eremeev himself shared, there he was severely beaten and taught to steal. After working with his brother for two months, Alexey ran away to his aunt. After that, the guy went to There he did not stay long, because Alexei and his friends robbed the warehouse. Because of this incident, the guy was transferred to another orphanage, from where he escaped on the first day.

Many people who are familiar with his biography are interested in what stories he wrote. Many assume that due to a difficult childhood, Panteleev could not write good and kind children's stories.

The organization of the Komsomol and the first book of Alexei

Eremeev decided to return to Petrograd. At first, he planned to go to Rybinsk on a steamer, but all the passengers were dropped off from it, Lyosha was forced to walk to Kazan. There he began working as a shoemaker's assistant and stayed in the city for the whole summer. However, soon Eremeev ran out of money, and he again began to steal. The guy was caught and sent to Menzelinsk, to a children's colony. From there he escaped, after which he got a job as a courier in the financial department.

Fortunately, Alexei was picked up by the Komsomol organization, which provided the guy with housing and sent him to study at a vocational school. It was quite difficult for Alexei to study there because of the huge gap in education, and so he began to compose poems and write plays.

In 1925, Aleksey and Grisha Belykh wrote the first book called The Republic of ShKiD. The book was written according to his own impressions, because after selling light bulbs at the market, Alexei was caught and sent to the "Republic of ShKiD". This work was published only 2 years after writing.

What stories did the author write?

The first book written by Leonid Panteleev was called "Republic of ShKiD". In it, the author described all the brightest events that happened to him at the Dostoevsky School. The book describes a lot of funny and dramatic moments, and tragedy can be traced somewhere.

Many parents who want to introduce their children to the author's work are interested in what stories Panteleev wrote. Artistic and scientific-cognitive stories are works that the author most often wrote.

Autobiographical stories by Leonid Panteleev

When asked what stories Panteleev wrote, one can answer that the author's prose was almost always autobiographical. Leonid was one of the few writers who skillfully turned his life into stories that appealed to all children without exception.

Many parents who are not familiar with the author's work are interested in what stories did Leonid Panteleev write? It is safe to say that the writer enjoyed and still enjoys the love of children. They read his works with pleasure, because Leonid knew the difference between stories “about children” and “for children”. He knew how to write in such a way that every child was immersed in the world that the author managed to create.

Anyone who is familiar with the writer's work can say with certainty what stories Panteleev wrote. Genres of the most famous works of the author:

  • Scientific and educational stories.
  • Artistic stories.

Scientific, educational and artistic works of the author

"Stories of feat"

It is worth saying that the author divided his work into 2 groups: “Stories about a feat”, as well as “Stories about children”. The cycle of "Stories about the feat" includes such works as: "Package", "Stories about Kirov", "First feat", "Order for the division", "In the tundra", "Private guards".

"Children's Stories"

Everyone who is familiar with the work of Leonid can say what fantastic stories Panteleev wrote. The writer wrote a book called “The Letter“ You ”, which collected all the most popular and well-known stories for children:“ Fenka ”,“ Honest Word ”,“ Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka ”and“ The Letter“You”. Every child likes the stories of Leonid Panteleev, who knew well how to get through to the baby.

It is these stories of the author written as if "in another language." They have a completely different style, and each hero of the works has its own character. In "Stories for Children" you can see how the author is convinced of how noticeable the difference in the perception of the world by a child and an adult.

It must be said that such stories by Panteleev as “Our Masha”, “Nochka”, “Dolores”, etc. are no less popular. The first of them is the author’s diary, which he kept for many years. This book can be called a kind of "guide" for all parents.

Many parents who are interested in the work of authors writing for children are wondering what kind of stories L. Panteleev wrote. He is one of the most popular authors, whom almost every child knows and loves.

Autobiographical novel "Lenka Panteleev"

Many readers who are familiar with the biography of the author are interested in knowing what stories Leonid Panteleev wrote. The author knew how to write works of art very skillfully, so many children and their parents loved his work for a long time.

One of the most famous works of Alexei is Lenka Panteleev. The novel describes the events that happened to a ten-year-old boy during the Civil War. The child had to steal, as well as live among homeless children.

It is easy to figure out what stories Panteleev wrote. Artistic and scientific-educational, as well as artistic and historical works were the favorite styles of the writer. He liked to tell the reader the pure truth, which, of course, does not leave any of them indifferent. The stories for children are written so interestingly that not a single child can stop reading them. Leonid Panteleev is one of the most talented writers who, through his works, communicated with every reader and told him a lot of interesting things from his life. It cannot be said that some of the stories, as well as the stories of Leonid, were filmed.

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