Personal life family children Elina Mazur. Elina Mazur announced the mental illness of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya


Interest in Elina Mazur appeared recently. Almost nothing is known about her biography, personal life. Elina gained her fame during the high-profile divorce proceedings of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, being the representative of the latter.

In just a few months, Elina became a star, claiming that it was only thanks to her efforts that the former star of the actor was able to endure pressure from journalists.

Do Elina Mazur have children, biography

The scandal with the divorce and the news about the appropriation, Vitalina of her husband's house in the center of Moscow, attracted everyone's attention to the woman. In an interview previously given by Mazur, her ward, whose interests she defended, is not capable of deceit, and considers this an unworthy act of hers.

Her refusal to further represent the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya seemed even stranger. Having officially handed over the documents in the case to lawyer Larisa Shirokina, Mazur referred to her ignorance of legal issues and the obligation to regularly communicate with law enforcement agencies.

Since there is no information about this mysterious woman who tried to scam the property and finances of the famous actor. Information about it has to be collected bit by bit. The date of birth is also kept secret, according to some sources, Elina was born in 1976, another source says the date is 1965, the date and month are unknown.

According to Mazur herself, she has a husband and daughter, who have chosen the profession of lawyers. Other sources say that she has no children, and her husband is seriously ill. Elina graduated with a degree in economics, although she has never worked by profession. She does not have any diplomas confirming her knowledge as a lawyer, so the choice of her representative, the ex-wife of the actor, seems even more strange.

On one of the TV shows, several people said that Mazur is the owner of a whole network of brothels in the city. In which, under the signs of a massage parlor, sex services are provided. According to the women who allegedly worked there, CCTV cameras were installed throughout the building. Elina was also accused of blackmailing wealthy clients with available videos.

Another incredible story was voiced on the program of Dmitry Shepelev, where it was reported that for a long time the former representative of the pianist was engaged in fraud, taking away housing from single pensioners. The veracity of all statements can only be guessed at.

Do Elina Mazur have children, scandalous fame

Interviews given to journalists by Elina Mazur made a splash among viewers of the Central Channel. The swindler admitted that it was she who advised Vitalina to pretend to be a faithful and loving wife of a capricious crazy old man in order to take possession of his property and money. But pangs of conscience, from what she did with a famous artist, forced her to admit it. Most viewers and fans of Dzhigarkhanyan are sure that it was not conscience that pushed the woman to revelations, but revenge for unpaid dividends from the kidnapped. Elina said that she did not want to reveal the secret of her family life so that the rumors that spread about herself would not touch her husband and daughter.

The latest news has left the Moscow elite in a state of shock, because Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Elina Mazur turned out to be even more inventive than they were prescribed in the past. The story of Dzhigarkhanyan's divorce is taking on new colors, and, apparently, it is not worth waiting for its completion yet.

The show played by Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Elina Mazur made the whole country follow the latest news about the unfolding events. Despite the fact that in November 2017 the relationship of the new wife with Dzhigarkhanyan seemed to end in divorce, the lawyers are in no hurry to put an end to it. Vitalina's representative tried to challenge the court's decision by filing an appeal, but failed. True, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not plan to stop trying to get at least a small part of the inheritance of the famous artist.

In the fall of 2015, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan shocked the general public with the news of a divorce. Having lived since 1967 side by side with Tatyana Vlasova, the 80-year-old artist fell in love with a young lovebird. The chosen one of the elderly master was the pianist, who worked for 7 years in his theater - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. And in February 2016, the wedding of the newly-married couple was announced. Everything was fine for a year and a half. The young wife took the place of the director of the theater owned by the master and oversaw numerous projects of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Fact! At the same time, the young wife constantly persuaded the man, who had exchanged his 8th decade, to have a child with the help of artificial insemination.

But in October 2017, Vitalina announced the disappearance of her famous husband, which began one of the most scandalous stories of the past. Andrey Malakhov on the air “Let them talk!” was able to find a man in one of the clinics in Moscow. The details of what happened shocked many.

It turned out that since the disappearance of Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan, he had lost all his savings in accounts, housing and even awards stolen by his wife. Moreover, in the office of Elina Mazur, who actively helped the young pianist to secure a comfortable old age, a new testament of the master was discovered, naturally transferring everything acquired to her new wife.

After the investigation, it was also discovered that during the management of the theater, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, with the help of Elina Mazur, her parents and other accomplices, stole more than 80 million rubles from the state budget. According to the documents, the funds were spent on the renovation of the premises, which never began. All participants in a high-profile scam face a long prison sentence.

Scam plan

Elina Mazur, formerly known by the name of Galkin, and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the latest news about whose fraudulent connection is actively discussed by the Moscow elite, met thanks to journalist Elena Korneeva. Frustrated by the turmoil in her personal life, Dzhigakhanyan's wife shared with an enterprising acquaintance the details of controversial issues with her husband. And after that, she concluded an agreement with Elina Mazur on the provision of certain services and issued a power of attorney for the swindler.

Elina Mazur immediately set a condition: Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya should pay for the services immediately, then the latest news about the divorce will become more profitable and interesting. Otherwise, the transaction will not take place. Wanting to quickly move on to active actions and significantly fray the nerves of her ex-husband, Vitalina transferred a round sum to Mazur's account. And inspired by the desire to do “good” deeds, Elina immediately proceeded to fulfill the tasks assigned to her.

Immediately after transferring the money, Mazur took on another interesting case. She asked Vitalina to rely on her experience and play the main role in a minute-by-minute performance. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was required to put on the mask of a caring and confused wife, who is with her wife gone crazy.

And then, having issued guardianship over him, under the noise that has risen, it will be enough to re-register all the property and accounts of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in his name. All other little things, including the study of Vitalina's behavior under new circumstances and documentary subtleties, Mazur took over.

If you play, then until the end

But when the story almost came to a successful conclusion, Elina Mazur suddenly realized that she could get more money from the people's artist and his friend and decided to portray nobility. But none of the participants in the escalating scam could believe in such lofty motives for the well-known swindler in certain circles. The public and participants in the scandalous divorce that Mazur and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya planned, believe that the news about the changes in the behavior of the former have a different reason.

Elina started to play, taking a person with great fame into processing, so her business companion threatened to be exposed. This is what prompted Mazur to change her behavior and portray herself as a repentant righteous. But even here they did not believe her, deciding that the fraud specialist had smelled a more interesting prey.

Another version says that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who gained access to the accounts, decided not to pay the due interest to Elina Mazur. This could lead to serious resentment on the part of an experienced fraudster who took risks for a decent amount. And it is unlikely that Elina Galkina acted alone. Perhaps she needed to give a percentage to her accomplices who took part in the incident, remaining in the shadows. Wanting to get out of this situation with minimal losses, the swindler decided to play the last but spectacular role.

Important! At the moment, Mazur has not only changed the way she plays, but judging by the information that has covered recent events, she decided to ruin the already terrible reputation of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Elina said that her accomplice played too much, confusing the written script with reality.

At the moment, a friend of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan decided to take the situation into his own Armenian hands, deciding to intervene in the current situation. Arthur Soghomonyan put forward the demand of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to return all real estate and money to the accounts to her ex-husband. To do this, Vitalina must rewrite the received property in the name of Soghomonyan, who, protecting the interests of his friend, will dispose of them, based on new events.

The biography of Elina Mazur is interesting to many, because a woman is always in the spotlight. The public learned about its existence during the scandal that arose in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. It is worth adding that Armen is the People's Artist of the USSR. The situation occurred around his quarrel with his ex-wife Vitalina. Today, the whole country knows about these events.

Pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife, hired Elina to resolve legal issues and represent her officially. The biography and details from the life of Mazur were interested not only in the yellow press, but also in the devoted fans of the artist.

Little is known about the biography and personal life of Elina Mazur, who, instead of a lawyer and defender of the ex-wife of Armen, turned into her accuser. They say that even the name Mazur is nothing more than just a fiction. Users of social networks claim that the woman's surname is Galkina. But there is no official information about this. Perhaps now she bears her husband's surname.

According to Elina, she was born in 1976. But on the Internet, users found completely different information. On the official website of the Russian Encyclopedia of Candidates, there is information that Elina was born on June 20, 1965. The information is on the site because the woman offered her candidacy in the parliamentary elections.

According to unofficial sources, Elina was born in Rzhev. It is also unknown about the parents and the family in which the activist grew up. In an interview, Mazur said that she has an older sister.


Elina Mazur has no pages either on Facebook or on Instagram. Users who previously followed her say that she deleted all photos and accounts during the Dzhigarkhanyan scandal.

Journalists managed to find out that Mazur has no legal education. By the way, she herself never claimed otherwise. Several times she really hinted at her education. But Elina never said in what year and what university she graduated from.

He speaks reluctantly and incomprehensibly about the field of activity. According to her, the woman worked as a realtor, and also helped artists and creative individuals to solve personal problems and problems with real estate.

She is also often referred to as a "professional family problem solver". Elina does not refuse such a title. She talks about how she met Armen's wife at the request of Natalya Korneeva, press secretary of the Moscow Drama Theatre. The meeting took place in October 2017. Interestingly, they say that Mazur is a co-owner of several Moscow commercial firms.

Ugly facts about the woman surfaced in the program "Actually", hosted by Dmitry Shepelev. Women who had previously worked with Elina came to the shooting. They spoke about a network of brothels operating under the guise of massage parlors. According to them, Elina owns these houses, acting as a pimp.

Employees also said that cameras were installed in the rooms. With the help of records, Mazur constantly blackmailed famous and wealthy clients. The polygraph confirmed that the girls were telling the truth. Elina denies the words of the girls, considering this the revenge of her ill-wishers.

Personal life

Elina practically does not talk about her husband and children. The journalists managed to find out only that she has a daughter. She is already at a fairly mature age. The girl is a lawyer by education, she works at the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Vitalina's lawyer

It was with her daughter that Elina came to the first meeting with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk after she learned about the abduction of Armen. Hearing the story of the artist's ex-wife, the girl did not believe her and decided not to take part in solving the problem anymore.

Elina Mazur is an amazing person. Very little is known about her, apart from her nationality, date of birth, and information about her family. But there are other interesting facts related to a woman:

  • a criminal case was opened against Mazur because she spoke about Lydia Tsymbalyuk's illness in a television program;

  • the plaintiff's family formalized the claim a year after the release of the program on the screens;
  • Lydia and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk - mother and daughter - are sure that Elina illegally collected information about their family;
  • today Mazur is under house arrest, but she can be imprisoned for up to two years.

Elina Mazur now

Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife allowed Elina to conduct business in the fall of 2017. Vitalina personally signed the power of attorney, and allowed Mazur to make statements on her behalf.

In December of the same year, the program "Actually" was aired, where Mazur shocked the public with a large-scale exposure. She said that for a long time she had been deceiving the whole country along with Vitalina.

Elina also stated that she did not want to slander the famous Armen. Interestingly, Mazur herself also turned out to be a victim of a liar.

Judging by the words of Elina, the ex-wife of Dzhigarkhanyan said the phrase about her husband: "When will he die." Hearing her, Mazur realized that she was being deceived and used. She realized that she was unwittingly helping Vitalina to take possession of the property of Armen Borisovich.

Around the divorce of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, serious passions continue to boil.

Elina Mazur, previously unknown, became one of the characters in this drama. What role did this woman play in the scandal? Why did she switch now? And what ugly truth about the Ukrainian pianist is known only to her?


For several months now, the country has been following an exciting series called Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina. Elina, do you know how it will end?

I think that Vitalina will be imprisoned, and she will sew mittens in the women's colony. I have very serious documents, according to which Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is facing a long term. Moreover, she committed crimes with particular cynicism and not very competently.

Many things have already been established by the investigation, and the first court session will soon take place. And I assure you, she has no justifying papers.

- But you were actually Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya's accomplice. Aren't you afraid to follow her through the stage?

At the end of December, I made a statement that I was leaving this story, which did not bring me any preferences and financial benefits. I just realized: what Vitalina is doing is the betrayal of Armen Borisovich, meanness - and I did not want to participate in this.

Dzhigarkhanyan is a huge phenomenon in culture. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is an ordinary housekeeper from Kyiv. And I'm not to blame for anything, because I was neither an accomplice nor an accomplice of Vitalina.

- However, in the eyes of most of the inhabitants, it is you who are the main negative character in this story.

There is a concept of social conformism - the imposition of one's point of view on the crowd. This is what happened to me at the suggestion of Andrei Malakhov.

It is clear that in the informational sense, Tsymbalyuk is a much more interesting character than Dzhigarkhanyan, who simply does not go public for the last two months, does not make any statements. But Tsymbalyuk herself is insipid and boring. And so they take me and serve me as the world's evil. At the same time, pursuing the goal of washing off their own unseemly deeds.

After all, Malakhov himself testifies against Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the Investigative Committee. And the next day he invites me to the program "Live" with the theme "Mazur found out who was Vitalina's secret puppeteer." I think this speaks of the life position and decency of Malakhov himself.

I, I note, did not say a single bad word there - I stated only verified, documented facts. I am trying my best to help Armen Borisovich regain his property and peace of mind. I do it out of love and respect for a great artist.


- Today everyone is talking about Dzhigarkhanyan's apartments, they say, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya stole them, robbed the old man ...

No, she did not steal apartments - she made an absolutely honest deal to acquire them and turned it over before marriage, so they cannot be considered jointly acquired property. Another thing is where she got the money for the purchase.

I conducted a fairly serious investigation and found out that neither in Ukraine nor in Russia, where Tsymbalyuk arrived around 2006, did she have such sources of income that would allow her to even buy a barn in the Tambov region. And she bought apartments with the money of Artur Soghomonyan, who, being a banker and businessman, withdrew funds from his accounts and presented them to Armen Borisovich to buy an apartment.

Vitalina simply rewrote another apartment for herself. In addition, she received 15 million rubles from the sale of the share of Armen Borisovich’s apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane and did not return the money to Dzhigarkhanyan at his request.

She simply withdrew another 198 thousand dollars from Dzhigarkhanyan's account.

- And how did she initially rub herself into the confidence of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan?

Vitalina, who, by the way, according to the Ukrainian passport, was then called Victoria, came to Russia thanks to her mother, who was hired as a housekeeper in the house of Veronica Irina-Kogan, rector of the Maimonides Academy.

At that time, she had a dying mother in her arms, assistants were needed - therefore, Vika Tsymbalyuk's mother, Lydia Ivanovna, discharged her daughter from Kyiv. She did not shine with special talents and appearance, but she was able to ingratiate herself, and the powerful Veronika Irina-Kogan even helped her obtain Russian citizenship.

When Veronika Rafailovna's mother died, Tsymbalyuk's services were no longer needed. In 2008, actor Vladimir Yachmenev, who was close to the family, recommended Vitalin - now Vitalin - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan as an au pair. But he refused, they say, and somehow manages himself. And since Armen Borisovich is an insanely compassionate person - he picks up abandoned animals and people - he asked his friend Artur Soghomonyan to take care of the unfortunate girl. He tried to attach her for about a month, but to no avail - the girl could only be a cleaner, because she couldn’t do anything else.

Then it turned out that Vitalina was a musician by education, although a very mediocre one, who would not play without notes and two measures. And especially for her, at the request of Soghomonyan, Dzhigarkhanyan comes up with a position - something like a pianist before performances. So, at the end of 2009, as an ordinary employee of the theater, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya came to Armen Borisovich.


- And how did the actor marry her? How did Vitalina conquer him, having neither talents nor a bright appearance?

Armen Borisovich saw that a young girl devoted her whole life to him. Therefore - out of pity! - and decided to marry her. He might as well have adopted her - he just wanted to somehow thank her for being next to him.

Although Vitalina famously divorced him from Tatyana Vlasova before that. She issued a general power of attorney for the theater lawyer on behalf of Dzhigarkhanyan - allegedly it is difficult for him to walk. It was by this power of attorney that Armen Borisovich was divorced. The fact that he is in a state of divorce proceedings, the artist accidentally found out on the eve of his 80th birthday.

He screamed terribly, but everything was exposed to him in such a light, as if it was Vlasova who had filed for divorce. Dzhigarkhanyan was furious, said he did not want to see Vlasova. And she has nothing to do with it at all. In a word, the actor did not file for divorce and for the division of property, too.

- At what point did the family life of Vitalina and Dzhigarkhanyan crack?

One day she simply did not come home to spend the night. This infuriated Armen Borisovich terribly. After all, initially he married her in order to give the girl from Kyiv some kind of status. Just out of pity. And he asked only a human attitude from her: you can not come home, as a young girl, you have the right to do so, but you must call and warn.

Dzhigarkhanyan is afraid to be alone at night, afraid that something will happen to him, and no one will call a doctor or give him medicine. And so, and she left and did not even warn. In order not to be left alone at home, Armen Borisovich went to spend the night at the theater. And he saw that he was decorated with a playbill, against the release of which he was categorically. He fell into a complete rage, realized what power the housekeeper had acquired in the theater, whom he warmed out of pity. He became ill, and Arthur Soghomonyan took the artist to the hospital. Everything was presented to me as if unknown people of Caucasian nationality had taken the famous artist away in an unknown direction.

- Why did Vitalina, when the smell of fried food, not go abroad?

Because of some phenomenal stupidity. I think if Vitalina, when this whole story began, would have left the country and stopped disturbing the media space, I would have calmly repulsed her. She would have stayed with apartments, money, with a certain status.

I could get married, have a career. But now it's out of the question - everyone knows what a predator she is. Today Vitalina is under house arrest. I think by the end of March all her trips on the air and glamorous photo shoots will end ...

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