Lydia Taran: successful TV presenter and beautiful woman. Lydia Taran told the truth about her divorce from Domanskiy About raising her daughter


Andrey Domansky and Lydia Taran broke up after five years of marriage. "This can't be!" - they said in television circles after Andrei frankly admitted a few months ago that he had left the family. For colleagues, this news was like a bolt from the blue. After all, the couple was considered almost a role model: both work in the same field and, it seems, like no one should understand each other. But life takes its toll...

“At the last stage of our relationship and after it ended, I had serious problems with self-esteem,” Lida admits. - I thought: God, how wrong I lived, since I built a family all these years, and at the age of 32 I received a kick that showed me that the construction of my life collapsed in an instant! After the break
I have lost 9 kg. I had no appetite, I didn’t want anything ... "

- Lida, when there was talk about your breakup, they were considered an unsuccessful joke, gossip of envious people ... Anything, but not the truth. After all, in the eyes of the public, you were the perfect family.

Yes, it all happened in an instant. Usually you are told about this when everything is really destroyed. And before that, I thought that everything was fine. We had a media family, and it seemed to me that we should have been sympathetic to the peculiarities of our work. Andrei went on a rapid career turn, in parallel with my main activity, a dance project began. After working days, I managed to manage the house, raise a child and thought: everything is fine ... Until the first of January I found out that our family was no more.

- Not the best gift from Santa Claus ...

Yes, I received it on the first day of 2010. For six months, Andrei and I were preparing a detailed ski trip. They left the child to their grandmother - before that they worked around the clock and dreamed that we would get into the car and drive across Europe to Italy to ski. For four years, these trips have become a tradition in our family. But on January 1, in Lvov, Andrei said that he would not go further - he urgently needed to return to Kyiv and be alone.

Since friends with whom we planned this train were waiting for us early in the morning in Lvov, I had to ask Andrey not to shock them and pay off the Schengen visa with us, cross the border, and then, under the pretext of work, return to Kyiv.

I tried to talk, offered to settle in another hotel ... But by his appearance it was noticeable that he did not intend to rest with me. As a result, we nevertheless reached Italy. And the next day Andrey returned to Kyiv. I couldn't help it. I had stress, shock, panic ... Ridiculous arguments that we had been preparing for this for so long, left the child, and in general what I would do now alone, if this vacation was planned for two, did not work on him. this trip, I saw that Andrei was distracted by his telephone life, withdrawing into himself, and offered to talk. But he stood his ground: "It's okay!" As a result, I was left alone in Italy. And, in fact, upon returning to Kyiv, it all ended.

- And how did you explain to mutual friends that you are no longer one family?

This was the hardest part of the situation. Many did not believe, some tried to reconcile us. But still we avoided tedious showdowns. Andrei's circle of acquaintances has changed. He used to love talking to himself.
with him, and now, in connection with the professional demand, he does not need a large circle of friends at all.

So much time has passed since the breakup. Did you really not have a normal conversation?

There was no real dialogue. At first, it's hard to explain. Emotions, claims... When such a tangle gathers, people cannot adequately talk. And then it turns out that no one needs it for a long time.

First, Andrei announced that he wanted to rent an apartment and live alone, because we could not live together. “Probably yes,” I replied. "Since you've made that decision."

But men have a rule: if they decide something, they want to share the responsibility for it with someone else. He realized that he could not live with me, but I had to make the decision. This is an "absentee ticket" for a man: "You said it yourself!"

- You broke up in the winter, but continued to work together. How did you manage to keep the breakup a secret for so long?

We had a number of events where we were engaged together even before the New Year. Already living apart, we had no right to refuse them ... It was, of course, inconvenient. But that's work.

And no one knew anything, because we did not advertise. They even asked the press services of our channels not to say anything. And it worked.

Then Andrei himself told me that his press service had long written in the column “marital status”: “Not married. She is raising three children." I asked: “So I can also say that I am not married and have a daughter?” “Apparently, yes,” Andrei replied. On this they decided.

Lida, men sometimes have something similar to remorse. Andrei did not come to you with such confessions?

Usually serious relationships rarely experience this. I thought that we were many years old, we had seen a lot, experienced different periods. But Andrei is one of those people who cannot hide their relationship. If he fell in love, then he wants to be with this person ...

Your feminine curiosity did not falter, you didn’t want to know who the stranger who broke your family happiness was?

I didn't even make any special inquiries. I get gossip, but I'm not inclined to believe the world of show business. I am already calm, and Andrei looks like a happy person who lives for his own pleasure. But he has changed. I look at him and understand that five years ago I started a relationship with a completely different person. He just has his own, not family priorities now.

- Did you have any suspicions that your husband has another woman?

Of course there were. At the age of 35-36, men experience crises in their lives, and a woman who lives with such a man thinks that all his hobbies are a temporary phenomenon, because love is a great power. And the most ridiculous thing is to ask what's going on. Nobody will tell anyway. When I asked him directly, he denied everything. No, I had, of course, some female premonitions. Well, then I thought: why do I need to know this? I needed to save my life...

About his personal life, I only know that it is beautiful - from his own interview. Now he looks free and happy. Maybe at some stage he was burdened by our relationship, he wanted something new, unknown and could not afford it ...

Now we have an even relationship, as Andrei says, in the “father-mother” plane. And they do not provide for interest in each other's personal lives.

- And why, after five years of civil marriage, you never reached the registry office?

Andrei's first marriage was official, and he emphasized that he would never marry again in his life. Since I wanted to be with him, I accepted this condition. When I was pregnant, I wanted to get married officially. A woman in anticipation of a child turns into a vulnerable substance. Even the strongest women in the world have it...

But that was just my wish. Even when Andrei made attempts to somehow “renew” his feelings, I jokingly asked: “Then will you marry me?” He answered: “No, I will never marry again!”

Lida, I understand how difficult it is to talk about this, but how did you explain to your daughter that dad would no longer live with you?

At first she told Vasya that dad had left, he had a lot of work, outdoor shooting ... The most important thing, when the father leaves, and the daughter understands that he seems to be there, but he is not there, is to explain to her where he is, because he remains her beloved dad . I had to visit a child psychologist so that she would convince me that everything was fine with Vasya.

Now Vasya and Andrey see each other several times a month: I buy tickets to the theater and ask him to go with his daughter, or he just comes to us and they play at home for some time.

But fathers are different - they only need an hour to satisfy their fatherly needs and continue to go about their lives. Once every two weeks I can send Andrey a photo of Vasya. And he - sms that he will call with money the day after tomorrow. Or: “I’m abroad now, and what is Vasya’s clothing size?”

- Thanks to your tact and female wisdom, did you manage to maintain a good relationship with your husband?

I treat him well as the father of my only daughter. He gave me the best thing that every woman can have - a child.

Our personal relationship deteriorated, but we resolved the financial issue amicably: we talked about the amount that Andrei allocates for his daughter. He honestly pays, and I honestly spend money on the child. With this money, Vasya attends developmental and sports classes. And I make good money on my own.

My present is Vasyusha, me and my mother. Mom lives with us, because every morning I get up for work at four in the morning, and there are no night kindergartens in Kyiv where you can send a three-year-old child. And for several months now, we have been really well and comfortable. I have always supported myself, now I do too, and I feel like a self-sufficient person. I understand that this may not be for life, but for now it's just a pleasure for me. So parting for me was not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life.

- Well, there is no doubt about it. One of the most successful TV presenters cannot be otherwise.

You know, I have so much work that I don't even have time to think about it. Now I am torn at once on two programs: “Snіdanok z“ 1 + 1 ”and“ About football show ”on the channel“ 2 + 2 ”. The management of the channel asked me to return to the subject, which I had not dealt with for a good five years after working on Channel 5. In "Snidanka" I conduct news and guest studios every hour.

Sometimes there are so many guests that it is not easy for Ruslan Senichkin (my co-host on the air) alone. And on Mondays I host the program “Pro Football Show”, which comes out late in the evening and ends late at night. It is designed for a narrow circle of people, mainly a male audience. All football stars attended. And on the last program, I sadly thought: if my father (an avid football fan) were alive, he would be happy to see me in this role.

- Do you manage to find time for rest in this mode?

This is difficult. It appears on Friday after the broadcast and ends on Sunday. These days I like to travel. True, few flights are suitable for one day. But sometimes you manage to get somewhere. In the summer, she flew alone to Europe for 6 days. She managed to discover and fall in love with the previously unknown Belgium - together with Brussels, Bruges and Ghent. In autumn, I decided to meet my “two triplets” in the Caucasus, in the mountains. Therefore, the editor of the program and I urgently flew to Tbilisi. As a result, they did not have time to reach the mountains themselves, but the birthday party in the Kakheti Valley, directly on the vineyard with an amazing view of the Caucasus mountain range, was a success.

- Vasilina, looking at her successful mother, does not aspire to the television world?

She is a self sufficient person. And at the age of three she clearly knows what she wants, she has her own list of priorities. But she is not infected with TV fever and can easily switch to cartoons when she sees me on TV in the morning. So far, given her young age, she simply cannot keep up the conversation, but I think she will soon begin to make serious comments on my work.

- What is lacking today for the complete happiness of a strong woman Lidia Taran?

A full 8-hour sleep! (Laughs) I have grandiose plans for the future: I want to change my wardrobe, improve my English, which is still lame compared to French. I also dream of going to courses or seminars in psychology.

The new peak that I took is my mother. I left my parents and became independent at the age of 17. And at the age of 33 she invited her mother to live with her. She pampers us with her daughter with original cuisine. Before, we could not even think that she could cook such a thing.

In general, every person needs turns in order to understand that life is much wider, and it does not narrow down to the state: "There is He and what is around Him." There is a lot of life without it. You can be truly happy with your mother and daughter. I will meet this New Year again at a ski resort, but I am going to do skiing, and not self-discipline. In general, I expect a completely different, high-quality year from the upcoming New Year.

Lydia Taran is one of the brightest representatives of the world of Ukrainian television, who managed to build an impressive career, not forgetting either her beauty or her family. How did she do it? Let's find out together!

Lydia Taran is one of the few women on Ukrainian television who have been able to firmly establish themselves in the profession for many years and continue to be one of the most sought-after presenters in the media industry. It is impossible to imagine the 1 + 1 TV channel without a pretty blonde who hosted both “Breakfast”, news and sports programs, becoming the real “face” of the TV channel.

Nationality: Ukrainian

Citizenship: Ukraine

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: not married, has a daughter, Vasilina (born in 2007)


Lida was born in Kyiv in 1977 in a family of journalists. Parents were constantly not at home, which is why Lida hated journalism and the work of mom and dad as a child. Due to the fact that not enough attention was paid to her in the family, Lida began to skip school. Unlike other "truants" who wandered around the yards, the girl spent her "free" time from school with benefit: she sat for hours in the reading room of the library, located not far from the house, and read books.

Despite absenteeism, Taran graduated from school with good marks, although this did not help her to enter the Faculty of International Relations. The girl did not know where to go instead and chose the most obvious option - journalism. When the parents found out that their daughter followed in their footsteps, the father said that he would not help her “by acquaintance” and she would have to achieve everything herself.

And Lida accepted the challenge and coped with everything on her own! Even while studying at the Institute of Journalism of the KNU. T.G. Shevchenko, she worked on the radio, and then she was quite unexpectedly invited to television. The Novy Kanal studio was located in the building next to the radio station, and Taran asked a passing worker where she could find out about vacancies. So, at just 21 years old, Lida began working on one of the national channels of Ukraine.

Lida has always been interested in sports and wanted to work in sports news. Quite by accident, Andrei Kulikov, one of the country's most famous television journalists, returned to the capital, and Taran was paired with him. According to Lida, at that time she felt so happy that she was ready to work practically for free. And when Lida found out that I would pay decent money for the broadcast, she did not know the limit to her happiness. On the New Channel, Lida managed to work in the projects "Reporter", "Sportreporter", "Pidyom" and "Goal".

From 2005 to 2009, Lidia Taran worked as a news presenter on Channel 5 (News Hour)

In 2009, Lida switched to the 1 + 1 channel, where she hosted such popular programs as Breakfast and I Love Ukraine. Later, she became a member of the popular project “Dancing for You” and the owner of the prestigious Teletriumph television award. Lydia was the host of TSN, and also worked on the 2 + 2 channel in the ProFootball program.

It is very important for Taran to try herself in something new and interesting, so she does not consider herself a group of those presenters who have been working only in one direction for 10-20 years, for example, they lead a news block, but always strive to gain new experience and learn something else.

In recent months, Lydia Taran has been the curator of a large charity project “Fulfill a Dream” and devotes her time to making the dreams of seriously ill children come true, for whom every day is a miracle.

Personal life

After a dizzying career on television, an equally stormy and discussed romance followed with a colleague and TV presenter Andrei Domansky. The presenters lived together for about five years, but never registered their relationship. In 2007, they had a daughter, whom the parents named Vasilina.

Lida talked with Andrei for a long time when he was still married to his first wife, but only after he broke up with her, Taran decided on a relationship. Everyone admired their couple, considering them ideal, so for many, their unexpected separation was a real shock.

Andrei did not turn out to be the “only one” for Lida who comes to life once and for all, the first to decide to break off relations. Lida experienced a breakup hard and was very offended by Andrei at first, but found the strength to look at this situation from a different angle. Later, in an interview, the TV presenter said that she thanked fate for meeting Domansky and for giving her daughter Vasilina.

“About his personal life, I only know that it is beautiful, from his own interview. Now he looks free and happy. Maybe at some stage he was weary of our relationship, he wanted something new, unknown and could not afford it ... Now we have an even relationship, as Andrei says, in the “father-mother” plane and they do not provide for interest in personal each other's lives."

Now Lydia is focused on her daughter and career success, but also does not forget to devote time to hobbies and entertainment. Several times Lida had boyfriends, but she is in no hurry to share the details of her personal life and does not advertise it in any way.

“My present is Vasyusha, me and my mother”

Interesting Facts

  • Taran is a big fan of skiing, and whenever possible tries to relax in Europe.
  • Lydia speaks French and English.
  • Taran never refuses anything to himself and does not go on diets.
  • She is a big fan of beach holidays and chocolate tan.
  • For many years, the presenter has been friends with her colleague Marichka Padalko. Marichka and her husband were Vasilina's godparents, and Lida herself is the godmother of Padalko's son.
  • Lida loves France and everything connected with this country. She has vacationed there several times, but due to the economic crisis, she is afraid that now she will not be able to travel as often as before.
  • Quite often likes to change the image.
  • In December 2011, she participated in the show "Beauty in Ukrainian".
  • In 2012, she took part in the project of the channel "1 + 1" "And love will come."

In honor of the 20th anniversary of Lisa, we want to celebrate those who inspire and inspire our readers, who have become an example to follow. This is how the idea of ​​the project "Women who inspire us!"

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Millions of viewers adore this sweet and charming blonde, with whom the whole country “woke up” on the 1 + 1 channel in the Breakfast program. - one of the few girls on Ukrainian television who were able to "hold out" in the profession for many years and continue to be one of the most sought-after presenters. There is a very interesting fact in the biography of Taran: the girl was born in a family of journalists. Parents were constantly not at home, because of which Lida hated journalism from childhood, but after graduating from school she decided to continue the work of her parents!

Lida is a native of Kyiv, she was born in 1977. Since the parents did not devote much time to the child, Taran began to skip school. Unlike other children who wandered around the yards, Lydia spent her “free” time really: she sat for hours in the reading room of the library, located not far from home. After school, which, despite absenteeism, Taran graduated with good marks, she tried to enter the Faculty of International Relations, but failed the exams. The girl faced a difficult choice and thought for a long time where she could prove herself. Nothing but journalism came to mind. When the parents found out that their daughter followed in their footsteps, the father said that he would not help her, although he had many acquaintances at the institute.

Later, Lida admitted that her parents really never helped her, but she succeeded, unlike other classmates. During her studies, she worked on the radio, and then she was accepted to television, and this transition was completely unexpected. The Novy Kanal studio was located in the building next to the radio station. Taran asked a passing worker where she could find out about vacancies. So at the age of 21, Lida became an employee of a very famous channel. The girl had little choice, but she asked to be given the opportunity to work in sports news. The management then advised Lida to first gain experience.

However, quite by accident, Andrei Kulikov, one of the most famous TV journalists, returned to the capital, and Taran was paired with him! According to Lida, at that time she felt so happy that she was ready to work practically for free. And when Lida found out that I would pay decent money for the broadcast, she literally went crazy from such a dizzying takeoff. In 2009, Lida switched to the 1 + 1 channel, where she hosted such popular programs as Breakfast and I Love Ukraine. Later she became a member of the popular project “Dancing for You” and the owner of the prestigious Teletriumph award. It is very important for Taran to try herself in something new and interesting, so she does not consider herself a group of those presenters who have been working in only one direction for 10-20 years, for example, leading a news block. Lida believes that she gets bored with routine very quickly.

After a dizzying career on television, an equally stormy and discussed romance followed. The presenters lived together for about five years, but never registered their relationship. In 2007, their daughter was born. Lida talked with Andrei for a long time when he was still married. Only after he broke up with his wife, Taran decided on a relationship. Unfortunately, Andrei did not turn out to be the “only one” who comes to life once and for all. Everyone frankly envied this couple and could not even imagine that Lida and Andrei would part. Lida was going through a breakup hard, but she found the strength to look at this situation from a different angle. Later, in an interview, the TV presenter said that she thanked fate for meeting Domansky and for giving her daughter Vasilina.

Taran is a big fan of skiing, and whenever possible tries to relax in Europe. The TV presenter believes that when you are given a vacation, you need to spend it like the last time. Taran never refuses anything to himself and does not go on diets. She is a big fan of beach holidays and chocolate tan. For many years, the presenter has been friends with her colleague Marichka Padalko. Marichka and her husband were Vasilina's godparents, and Lida herself is the godmother of Padalko's son.

Lida loves France and everything connected with this country. She has vacationed there several times, but due to the economic crisis, she is afraid that now she will not be able to travel as often as before. And recently, Taran said that she was not going to leave the country at all, even for a few days, and would not take a vacation until the situation in Ukraine returned to normal. Lida noted that now all residents of Ukraine follow the news every day, so she considers it her duty to stay on the air.

Now the daughter of Andrei and Lida is already seven years old, and Vasilina is growing up as a smart girl. The other day, she was interviewed and asked about her mother. Vasilina said that she and her mother always have a lot of plans, and they do not sit idle. Lida also introduced Vasilina to France, and the girl dreams of going there, but for now she is learning French, which her mother knows perfectly.

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Have you thought about the fact that the accidents with which we often explain our successes and failures are not accidental at all? When you find yourself in front of a difficult choice and you can’t make an important decision in any way, life seems to give clues and push you to the right path. Inexplicable but the fact.

We decided to ask our heroine, TV presenter and main fairy of the project about this. Here is a dream. Now she is one of the most successful women in Ukraine, who fantastically combines charitable work, career growth and personal life. But how it all began, and most importantly - when Lydia Taran manages to live.

Especially for readers Clutch, the TV presenter recalled a cloudless childhood and school problems, spoke frankly about the most tremulous fear, relationships with men and fateful accidents that permeate her life everywhere.

About childhood

When people ask me about my childhood, I immediately see a large deciduous tree that grew between my grandmother's houses and her neighbors. It was silk. My brother and friends and I climbed it, built shelters or houses, imagined ourselves as adults. One could sit on this tree for hours...

My grandmother also had a pond in the city. Big and colorful. We spent half the day playing the mulberry tree, then ran away to the pond and returned when it was already dark. I remember that adults scolded us very much for this, and in the morning they overwhelmed us with work - picking strawberries, watering the garden ... As soon as they coped with the tasks, they again ran to the mulberry - and everything was new.

Therefore, summer is associated with childhood for me. I always spent it with my grandmother, went to her even before I went to school. My parents lived in a big city, in Kyiv, and worked very hard. Therefore, when summer began, where was my brother and I to go, if not to my grandmother? We went to my dad's mom. She lived in Znamenka, Kirovograd region. In the private sector.

I had a free childhood. We swam until we were exhausted, we sold something at the market ... We were engaged in such things that there is no place in a big city. We, of course, swam in the Dnieper in Kyiv, but this cannot be compared. Quite a different scale of liberties and festivities.

About parents

My parents had professions that were not quite usual for that time. Creative. Mom worked as a journalist, and dad worked as a screenwriter and translator. And since they were not registered at any factories, my brother and I did not have those material "advantages" that were inherent in strong Soviet families of workers, engineers or trade workers.

For example, at that time, trade union members at any enterprise could receive free vouchers to camps for their children, had the opportunity to relax in sanatoriums, at resort bases in Crimea at a symbolic price. That is, there were many such Soviet things that passed us by, because mom and dad had specific professions.

In addition, our parents did not have the opportunity to feed us with all sorts of deficits, for example, sweet New Year's gifts from trade unions. In some small towns, as far as I know, such special deliveries are still preserved.

My parents worked hard, like everyone else at that time. I can’t say that my brother and I were abandoned children who did not receive attention from mom and dad. But we understood that adults are busy and they do not have time to solve our children's issues. Therefore, no one ever tried to run to their parents with their problems - they tried to be independent. And it only worked for us, in my opinion. From an early age, they learned to take responsibility for themselves and their actions ...

About school years

I studied at the district school on the left bank of Kyiv, located near the houses where many factory workers lived Arsenal. The school was Russian, but a "Ukrainian" class was opened in it, my parents specially punched it in all instances. For them it was a matter of principle! That's the only reason I studied there. The Ukrainian class is the fruit of my parents' struggle for the Ukrainization of Soviet Kyiv.

At school, studies were conducted for children from ordinary Ukrainian families who had just moved to Kyiv and who needed to be quickly Russified. This happened everywhere in those days. And someone had to resist. Those were my mom and dad.

Gradually, the Ukrainian-speaking class became an equalization class, because it was considered not prestigious. There were much fewer children in it than in other classes, and only the most uninterested in studying were sent to us. They said that we have the worst academic performance and behavior at school.

To be honest, I never worried about this, because I did not feel like a collective being. There were all sorts of things: enemies, boycotts, and quarrels. At the same time, good things happened. But I can’t say that my class has become friendly, that I wouldn’t exchange it for some other one.

Life has shown that of all my classmates, only 5 people received higher education, including me. For Kyiv, this is nonsense, because the number of institutions here just rolls over.

Yes, and the school itself was conducted "anyhow." To be honest, I sometimes skipped classes, instead of classes I ran to the library and sat for hours reading books. Although it can hardly be called absenteeism, because there was no attendance control at all. We were free in this regard. Many joked that everything is possible in our school (laughs - ed.).

Of course, this was not the case everywhere. It's just that I studied at a district school, and in big cities such institutions were not centers of culture and education. Especially when the number of first classes reached ten, where more than 30 children studied in each.

Again, this was not the best place for children. There were different cases in our area - someone jumped out of the window, someone “destroyed” the classrooms, and in some classes there were no windows, they were knocked out all the time and covered with plywood ... As far as I know, now this school has improved - and now This is a school with in-depth study of some languages.

About childhood dreams

To tell the truth, I didn't have any childhood dreams about the future, I didn't think about it at all. There was not even a desire to become, for example, a pianist, teacher or lawyer. But I knew for sure that I didn’t want to connect my life with mathematics, physics, chemistry, and therefore I went to the humanitarian lyceum.

And in the lyceum itself, there was simply not enough time to think about the future. We were so busy with studies, essays, scientific discussions, regional and city olympiads in all subjects, KVNs in history and the like, that we couldn’t think about who we wanted to become at all. Our main goal was, perhaps, the end of our studies (smiles - ed.).

I graduated from high school, being a 15-year-old girl. Is it possible that at this age all children can concretely imagine their future, set some life priorities? ... Experience shows that they are not.

Is our education system aimed at ensuring that children from an early age look for themselves, try to find an area with which they want to connect their lives. With the help of all sorts of trainings, psychological tests, career guidance conversations with specialists? No. Our education system is aimed at taking by the throat, stuffing unnecessary knowledge into the head, and then letting it go into life - and do with it what you want. Where do concrete dreams about the future come from?

About fateful "accidents"

Yes, life has turned around. Because a lot of things happened completely unexpectedly for me. Almost every stage of my life is riddled with some fateful accidents. For example, admission to the lyceum. It seemed impossible, the competition was serious. “Know-it-alls” from all over the city tried to enter there, and after studying at the district school, it seemed an impossible task to compete with them.

I decided to enter the Lyceum spontaneously. I must say right away that it was absolutely my initiative, no pressure from my parents. I went to an embroidery circle, made friends with one girl there - so she told me that she was preparing to enter a humanitarian lyceum. When I heard this, I decided to find out about him. I went to the lyceum for reconnaissance, talked with the teachers - and decided that I really need to study there.

First, it was a university lyceum. It already sounded like a song! (laughs - ed.) Secondly, he was in the city center. There are completely different children, more knowledge-oriented.

There was a very big competition. I passed 4 exams: Ukrainian and foreign languages, history, literature. Warning questions, I will say that I was preparing myself. Only a school teacher helped with the language, we studied at home for free - we wrote dictations, did grammar exercises.

In general, in three months I had to learn the entire school curriculum. Because the knowledge that was given in the district school would not be enough to pass the exams. I concentrated on entering the lyceum, I really wanted this. I just dreamed! They probably noticed it, because by some miracle I passed.

Plus, I was lucky that French was studied at my school. Although they taught it even worse than other subjects (laughs - ed.). After the 9th grade, when I entered the Lyceum, I knew literally three phrases - “Merci” (thank you), “Bonjour” (hello) and “Je m’appelle Lidia” (My name is Lida). But in fact, it was French that gave me the opportunity to enter the lyceum.

The lyceum wanted to create a French group. Since the schools in which this language was taught could be counted on the fingers, almost everyone who passed the exam entered. If I had to take an English test with the same level of knowledge as it was with the then French, I would never have passed.

Some kind of magical coincidence. It was very difficult to enter this lyceum, being a student of a not very strong (I would even say weak) school. But somehow I still managed to get through. Interestingly, my friend from the district school in Obolon, where French was also taught, also entered with me.

The coincidences didn't end there. I chose the university in the same way as the lyceum. Although at that time there was not much choice, documents were submitted to only one place. I couldn't do it - get ready and wait for the next year. My girlfriend and I wanted to get into the faculty of international relations, but failed our interviews. And all that remained for us was to jump into the last car.

So I ended up at the Institute of Journalism of the KNU. T.G. Shevchenko, whose selection committee was still working and took my documents. Exams seemed pleasant to me, thanks to my studies at the Humanitarian Lyceum, I passed everything easily.

To be honest, entering the Institute of Journalism was not only an accident, but also stupidity. Parents even scolded for it, because my brother and I knew how hard and poor it is for them to live with their professions. Voluntarily, I would not have wished such a fate for myself, but I went, because there were no other options.

Teaching was easy for me. I studied according to the notes that I wrote at the Lyceum. The information in them was enough to pass the exams, so I could skip some lectures. I remember classmates from my notes even made spurs for themselves.

In general, everything that we studied for two years at the Humanitarian Lyceum, then studied for another 5 years at the Institute of Journalism. And it was a real ball, because you could easily go to work. Which, in fact, I did.

Even on television, I got through a happy coincidence. My boyfriend worked on the radio, and I sometimes came to his studio. In the same building where the radio station was located, a New channel. I decided to try my luck - I came and said that I wanted to work. And they took me.

About career and motherhood

When I gave birth to Vasilina, I was 30. At that age, nothing can interfere with my career. Especially since I've been doing it since I was 18. When Vasya appeared, I already had a stable job in which I excelled, so the birth of my daughter did not spoil my life, but only made it better!

In general, I consider it stupid to think that children can interfere with a career. Everything is exactly the opposite. They give such a reboot, such a rethinking of life that many either begin to work and achieve success with even greater zeal, or radically change internally and find themselves in a completely different field of activity. The birth of children changes the worldview and life priorities.

My profession did not require a long stay on maternity leave - I could stay at home, edit material and go to the studio only directly on the air. Therefore, the birth of Vasilina did not knock me out of a professional rut, only out of a physical one. After all, first you gain kilograms, and then you need to lose them. And while breastfeeding, it is quite difficult.

After giving birth, I recovered for more than a year. I don’t know if it’s a lot or a little ... I didn’t exhaust myself with physical exertion and hunger strikes to get back in shape in record time. The process went on gradually. And when Vasya turned one year old with a ponytail, I started preparing for the project I dance for you. We practiced a lot, rehearsed the numbers, trying to bring them to perfection. Thanks to this, extra pounds are quickly and easily gone.

About raising a daughter

Vasilina and I are close friends, but only until I tell her to clear the table three times, and she continues to pretend that these requests do not concern her. Then we stop being friends, and I still turn on the “strict mom” mode. From time to time it is simply necessary.

Everyone in the world is very kind to her - grandparents, my friends and colleagues, even her teachers. Everyone crumbles in praise ... She has such a chocolate-marmalade-marshmallow-baby doll life that without some kind of discipline and a periodically strict, demanding mother, she simply cannot become independent and responsible. Sometimes there should be a person nearby who can ground a little.

For example, recently my daughter did not pass the English exam in the best way, and her teacher wrote to me: “Just don’t scold Vasilinochka. Don’t get too angry… It just happened.” Everyone around her is protecting her, but after all, someone needs to build it, say that it is going the wrong way, direct it in the right direction. Therefore, you have to take on the role of a critic. Although I love my daughter more than anyone in my life, and this is not even discussed.

The teenage age is already on the threshold - I wait with horror for what it will bring us. In the same place, any factor can become a turning point. I'm worried about how not to lose contact with Vasyusha and keep track of all her impulses, so to speak. So that later it does not turn out that she needs to talk with a psychologist. And who will be to blame? Mom, of course. (laughs - ed. note)

Parents during this period should show sensuality and child-orientation, but at the same time teach independence and responsibility for their own choice. Although the current generation of children is different from ours. Now they are not silent if they don’t like something, and they themselves can well guide their parents in terms of their upbringing.

About relationships

When you are a public person, the public is interested in everything about you. Especially personal life. I have been working in television for a long time and I understand this perfectly. But almost 10 years have passed since our relationship with Andrey ended, so it’s stupid to talk about them now. He built a new family - he has a wife, children. And I have no right to talk about it, because this is not my story for a long time.

I can say that I am satisfied with the result of our union with Andrei - Vasilina's daughter. She is a smart, sensible and wise child beyond her years. Vasya understands why dad does not live with us and does not make a tragedy out of it. She has a lot of relatives - grandmothers, cousin, half-sisters and brother, aunt and uncle ... Their love warms her.

Of course, sometimes there are moments when Vasilina says to me: “You know, it seems to me that dad doesn’t love me.” But this happens to every child. After her dad shows up, they spend some time together and their relationship evens out again. This is fine.

I think with horror that if Vasya had to live in an atmosphere of dislike, distrust, quiet conflicts, when mom and dad sleep in different rooms, she would inevitably develop a guilt complex. Thank God we don't have that.

Parents should not sacrifice themselves for the sake of the child and torture each other, making excuses that it will be better for him. This approach is wrong in every way. I know from the example of so many families that it is a terrible feeling when a heavy burden is hung on you as a child - the burden of responsibility for problems between adults. You find yourself in a role you don't deserve to be. The family should educate and let go, not hold them hostage. After all, even when you grow up and start an independent life, you continue to be held hostage, only remotely.

Every family is happy and unhappy in its own way. But being with someone for the sake of a child is definitely not my choice. It won't bring happiness. Not only for me, but also for my daughter. There is no meaning in such a life at all, and there is nothing worse than a meaningless life.

Somewhere in half of those with whom Vasya communicates, both parents are not represented in the family every day, for many - parents are divorced. In the modern world, this has become not a horror to be hidden, but, unfortunately, one of the norms. Although, perhaps, it is not appropriate to talk about regret here. We, after all, do not know what is happening in other people's relationships and what is the reason for their separation. Time passes, the institution of the family changes. And we have no influence on this process.

About gossip and haters

Recently, I try not to answer questions about my personal life, since gossip about my pseudo-novels appears on the Web almost every day. I am credited with relationships with both married colleagues and with men whom I have seen in my life at most twice. I constantly live in tension in which I do not deserve to live.

For example, recently a friend from Kamenetz-Podolsky sent me news that says that I am having an affair with a colleague of my ex-husband. He also works as a TV presenter. And interestingly, the material focuses on the fact that my "beloved" is 10 years younger than me. I saw this man only twice: on football and during the filming of some story. But we managed to weave the novel. This happens everywhere, I'm used to it, but my friends are very worried about this, they are outraged.

I understand that everyone writes this to increase traffic. "Shock! A well-known TV presenter has a lover 10 years younger” — who would refuse to click on such a title? In truth, such "ducks" only flatter me. This suggests that I'm not only popular on the Web, but that I can still have a lover 10-15 years younger (laughs - ed.).

About men

I have always had someone. But my personal life evolved by itself. I did not devote much attention to the search for a guy, a man, a soulmate - call it what you want - a lot of attention. I was more focused on work and career. If my main goal was to improve family life, I probably would have done it 20 years ago (laughs - ed.).

As for today's me... I can say for sure that I can't live with a jealous man, with a man-owner. Because he simply can not stand the incessant stream of shock news about my "adventures". He needs to be really confident in himself.

It is very important for me that the man who is next to me is self-sufficient and professionally realized. But his external and physical data are already secondary ...

About plans for the future

To be honest, I now tend to live by the principle: "do not shift the problems of tomorrow to today." It seems to me that if you do not have constant worries and concerns about the future, if your head is not filled with thoughts about problems that do not yet exist, then today you can live much more productively, better and happier.

The truth is simple - every well-lived today brings us closer to the same cloudless beautiful future. Of course, having a big goal that inspires you and guides you through life is cool. But it is important not to go too far. Because while you are concentrating on how to realize this goal, you will forget what meaning you put into it.

I live for today and give my best. It is most important. Every day I have a wagon and a small cart of worries: maternal, work, household ... For example, a wonderful project occupies a huge piece of my soul Here is a dream, thanks to which we help children with serious health problems believe in themselves, in a miracle, find their dream and become happier.

My image of a good fairy, adored by children, is not always applicable to reality. Sometimes, to realize one childhood dream, you need to do serious work. We already have plans for the whole year - the art marathon #Moyadityachamriya. We really want to make sure that children dream without restrictions, without conventions with the installation - everything is possible, you just need to believe, not give up, follow your dream.

Only 10% of sick children can do this, and only 5% of healthy ones ... It's sad. But 63% believe in a miracle! To inspire them, we will collect 100,000 dream drawings and find 100,000 wizards! …. If, with all this work, I still engage in strategic planning for the future and introspection, I will simply lose time, which already needs to be appreciated, loved and enjoyed every moment.

Interviewer: Olesya Bobrik
Photographer: Alexander Lyashenko
Shooting organizer.

Which today, September 19, is 42 years old, in an exclusive interview with Caravan of Stories, she frankly spoke about her personal life and admitted that love and family are now more important for her than a career, and she wants to get married and have another child.

I recently read an interesting article about how human memory works. From very early childhood, only the brightest and most emotional moments are remembered. For example, I remember how, at the age of one and a half, I was running along the street of the town of Znamenka in the Kirovograd region, where my grandmother lived - I was running to meet my parents, who had come out of Kyiv to visit me. I spent the summer with my grandmother. I also remember how my grandmother baptized me secretly from my parents, as many grandmothers did. In Kyiv, this topic was generally taboo, but in the villages, grandmothers quietly baptized their grandchildren.

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There was no church in Znamenka, there were almost none left at that time, so my grandmother took me to the neighboring area on a country bus that was packed to the bone, and there, right in the priest’s hut, which also served as a church, the sacrament was performed. I remember this old hut, the sideboard, which also served as an iconostasis, a priest in a cassock; I remember how he gave me an aluminum cross. And I was only about two years old. But it was an unusual experience, and therefore preserved in the memory.

There are also inspired memories: when relatives constantly tell you what kind of child you were, it really seems to you that you yourself remember it. Mom often recalled how my brother Makar scared me very much, and from the best of intentions. Makar is three years older and has always taken care of me. Once he brought an apple from kindergarten and gave it to me, and I was still a toothless baby. My brother did not know that a small child cannot bite off an apple, so he put the whole apple into my mouth, and when my mother entered the room, I was already losing consciousness. Sometimes, when for some reason I feel short of breath, it seems to me that I really remember this moment, these sensations.

Lydia Taran in 1982

Now my brother teaches history at the Shevchenko University, organized a room there for studying Chinese, and at the same time created a department of American studies; he is my very advanced brother - a teacher and a researcher at the same time. On the set, young journalists, his former students, often come up to me and ask me to say hello to "beloved Makar Anatolyevich." Makar is so smart that he is fluent in Chinese, French and English, he has studied the entire world history - from ancient civilizations to the latest history of Latin America, he is on probation in Taiwan, China, and the USA! Moreover, all the opportunities for this - grants and travel programs - “knock out” for themselves. As they say, in the family there must be someone smart and someone beautiful, and I know for sure which of the two of us is smart. Although Makar is handsome too.

When I was little, I adored my brother and imitated him in everything. She spoke about herself in the masculine gender: “he went”, “he did”. And also - not of her own free will - wearing his things. In those days, few could afford to dress a child the way they wanted and how they liked. And if you have an older sister, then you will get her dresses, and if you have a brother, then your pants. And so mothers tried to sew and alter. Our mother often altered something old, inventing new styles.

Little Lida in Beads costume. Mom sewed the outfit all night before the matinee, 1981

I remember being driven home from the kindergarten on a sled through the creaky snow, I remember the snowflakes that swirl in the light of the lanterns. The sled was without a back, so we had to hold on with our hands so as not to fall out on a turn. Sometimes, on the contrary, I wanted to fall into a snowdrift, but in a fur coat I was so clumsy and heavy that I couldn’t even roll off the sled. A fur coat, trousers, felt boots... The kids then were like cabbage: a thick woolen sweater, knitted by no one knows who and when, thick trousers, felt boots; it is not clear who of the acquaintances gave away, turned a hundred times a zigey fur coat, over the collar - a scarf tied at the back so that adults could grab its ends like a leash; over the cap there was also a downy scarf, which was also tied around the throat. All Soviet children remember the feeling of winter suffocation from scarves and shawls. You go outside like a robot. But you immediately forget about the discomfort and enthusiastically go to dig snow, break icicles or stick your tongue to the frozen iron of the swing. A completely different world.

After all, your parents were creative people: your mother was a journalist, your father was a writer and screenwriter ... Probably, your life was still different from the lives of other Soviet children, at least a little?

Mom worked as a journalist in the Komsomol press. She often traveled on her reporter business, then wrote, and in the evenings retyped articles on a typewriter. There were two in the house - a huge "Ukraine" and a portable GDR "Erika", which in fact was also quite large.

My brother and I, going to bed, heard the chirping of a typewriter in the kitchen. If my mother was very tired, she asked us to dictate to her. Makar and I took a ruler to keep track of the lines, sat next to each other and dictated, but soon began to nod off. And my mother typed all night long - her articles, my father's scripts or translations.

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