Lit Thu 2 class 2 part. Make up a story on the topic "There is no better friend than a mother"


The generally accepted and full-fledged education of students also involves the study of creative diversity, in the form of familiarization with the works of great Russian and foreign poets and writers. Simply put, the school curriculum also involves the study of such a subject as literature !!! It is to this subject that our page will be devoted. On it we will analyze the textbook for grade 2, part 2 of the authors Klimanova, Goretsky, Golovanova, Vinogradskaya, Boykina. The entire textbook is built like a book with works, but questions are given at the end of each work. These are the questions the student must answer. In our case, the pages with questions were sorted into pages. That is, those pages where there are questions, we will no longer have questions, but answers. We are looking for the page with questions we need in the textbook, and then we click on the same page in our answers. It turns out like this! And most importantly, we wanted to say that our answers are just an alternative version. You yourself will first of all have to read the works and answer the questions. After all, questions often imply a personal point of view, and not rewriting as a carbon copy. That is, the answers given will only help you navigate in which direction to look for an answer, but your answer should be individual! But in order to answer the questions, the first step is to read the above works. Which is what we recommend you do. After all, this is not only an opportunity to do homework, but also to learn something new from generally recognized works.

Answers on the pages of the GDZ Literary reading Grade 2 textbook, part 2. Answers to tasks. Reshebnik

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Here are the actual answers.

Analysis of the most complex and extraordinary tasks in the 2nd grade literature textbook

Page 49
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Here, the figures depict the heroes of his works, “the adventures of Dunno”: Dunno himself, the scientist Znayka, Dr. Pilyulkin, Vintik and Shpuntik, the poet Tsvetik, Donut, Saharin Sakharinich Syropchik, the hunter Pulka, the artist Tube, the musician Guslya, Sineglazka.
Page 53
The work of Nikolai Nosov "Entertainers". It tells about the kids who read the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" and decided to make a house for themselves. Petya and Valya pulled the blanket off the bed and hung the table over it. The guys imagined that this is the house in which they will live. But their game was interrupted because it seemed to Petya that someone grabbed him by the leg, and he and Valya jumped out of the table. The guys are dreamers, entertainers, but cowards. During the game, they came up with their own house and a gray wolf, like in a fairy tale, and they were afraid that he would crawl out from under the table and grab them. Children can be advised to learn to overcome their fear, to develop their courage and willpower.
Page 59
The story of the living hat. Nikolai Nosov, this title of the story explains the “behavior” of the hat. She moves around the room like a living creature, crawling up to the sofa. The author wanted readers to know how the kitten got under the hat, because the guys thought that the hats are not alive, and the kitten Vaska got hit for nothing. The hat turned out to be “alive”, because the kitten Vaska jumped up after the fly that sat on the hat, and it slid off the chest of drawers and covered Vaska from above. The guys at the moment of meeting with the hat were frightened, shaking with fear, even ran to the kitchen, and then curiosity got the better of them and Volodya and Vadik guessed to attack the hat and started throwing potatoes at it. The familiar object behaved strangely, incomprehensibly, and the boys were scared, and when they learned the secret of the hat, they were relieved.
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Nikolai Nosov "On the hill". Kotka at the beginning of the story is a cunning boy who does not appreciate the work of others, does not want to admit his guilt to a friend. But at the end of the story, he corrects the mistakes and again fills the hill with snow. Everything happened due to the fact that Kotka Chizhov, in order to climb the hill, sprinkled it with sand, but he could not roll down it. He sprinkled the hill with snow, and the guys poured water over it again. The cat did something wrong. He did not take part in the work, and then spoiled what the other guys did - he sprinkled the hill with sand, it became impossible to ride on it.
Page 68
All works of classics of literature are listed. Poems by Samuil Marshak “Giant”, “Ball”, “Mustachioed - Striped”, “Two Thrushes”, “Vanka - Vstanka”, also by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun”, “Moydodyr”, “Aibolit and Sparrow”, “Fly - Tsokotuha”, “Fedotka”, Agnia Borto “Bird voices rang ...”, “The house woke up at dawn”, “Conversation with mom”, “Cold weather has come”, “Geese - swans”, Sergey Mikhalkov “What do you have?” , “My friend and I”, “Poems of friends”, “About mimosa”, “Kittens”, “Trezor”, “Ships”, works by N. Nosov “The adventures of Tolya and Misha”, “Merry family”, “Karasik”, “ Patch”, “And I help” These authors rejoice at good children's deeds, help get rid of shortcomings, write interesting and fun, make fun of bad children, teach good.
Page 69
Here they describe works for children by Valentina Oseeva “Dinka”, “Dinka Says Goodbye to Childhood”, collections of stories “Red Cat”, “Magic Word”, other writers Eduard Uspensky, Grigory Oster, Sergey Kozlov. On a par with Korney Chukovsky's poems "Joy" and "Confusion" one can put works of folklore - fables, fairy tales. In the poem "Fedora" he calls her a slob - a mess. At the beginning of the poem, she is untidy, slovenly. In the drawing, the artist depicted Fyodor when he persuades the dishes to return home: “Oh, you, my poor orphans, my irons and pans! You go home, unwashed, I will wash you with spring water ... and you will again shine like the sun.
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Here they describe the heroes of the work of Nikolai Nosov. Poems by Agnia Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor”, “Rope”, “We did not notice the beetle”, “Vovka is a kind soul”. From these poems you can see how the poet loves children. The works of Sergei Mikhalkov intended for children of primary school age are described. They are easy to remember, form a love for the native language. These poems are emotional, figurative. In them, little readers can easily recognize themselves. All children know how to be surprised at seemingly the most ordinary things, like the guys from the famous poem “What do you have?” But Mikhalkov writes not only about what upsets children, as well as their parents, but also about what is important and dear to children.
Page 73
The drawing “Me and my friends” shows a quarrel between two boys who went looking for mushrooms and did not share the mushroom they found. That's not what real friends do. One of them had to yield to the other and let them pick the mushroom. But the guys quarreled, fought and broke the mushroom. There was a big quarrel over a small mushroom.
Page 76
Berestov, Valentin Dmitrievich “Behind the game” also Moshkovskaya, Emma Efraimovna “I went into my offense”, and “I look from above at the offense” is a work by Valentin Dmitrievich. All this is described on this page. The boy was upset, felt dissatisfaction, annoyance from the offense caused to him. “I went into my offense and said that I would not come out. I will never go out! I will live in it all the years!”. The hero was offended by someone or something, he closed himself in resentment, went into it and decided that he would always have it. The boy was so upset that he did not notice how he was already offending others. But he coped with his resentment by sleeping, and she no longer visited him. If you are happy, then do not harm anyone, do not annoy, do not annoy.
Page 78
Poems for children by Viktor Lunin “I and Vovka”. Victor was happy when he realized that Vovka had not forgotten him, that he was still his friend. “Today I was happy again. No no! My Vovka has not forgotten me! He said to me: Vitka! Would you mind going to the skating rink with me today? And immediately I exclaimed: Of course! After all, we are friends.” The boy was very worried about the inattention of his friend. After all, Vovka did not act in a friendly way, he was impolite, insensitive. “Vovka left me alone. How about me, how about me? After all, he says that we are friends! ... Vovka left me again ... But what about me, what about me? ... But Vovka was all - tryn-grass.
Page 84
Literary reading. Anna, don't be sad! N. Bulgakov. A story about friendship and feelings of two girlfriends. Sergei Nikolaevich tells how the girls Anna and Katya rode the hill. As a result, one of them, Katya, received a serious injury - a fracture of the spine. She was later taken to the hospital, where Anya visited her regularly. When Katya found out that Anya had come, she became more cheerful, she smiled and rejoiced at this meeting. The hospital became not so foreign to Katya, she knew that Anya would come again and that she always had it. Anya was sorry that Katya could not walk everywhere and do everything, she was worried about her friend. But Katya rejoiced at the visits and once put a note on the glass with the words “Anna, don’t be sad!” hence the title of the story.
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Yuri Ermolaev. Two cakes. Here Yuri Ivanovich talks about two sisters Natasha and Olya. Mom asked them to help wash the dishes. Olya immediately responded to the request and went to the kitchen to help her mother, while Natasha remained in the room to finish reading an interesting story: about Africa. When all the dishes were washed Olya came back satisfied. She told Natasha that she had already eaten two cakes, for herself and for her. When Natasha was surprised why her sister ate her cake, Olya replied: “Mom ordered. She said she didn't know yet when you get back from Africa, Africa is far away, and the cream cake might go bad."
Page 92
Valentina Ovseeva. Magic word. In this story, Valentina Alexandrovna tells about the “magic” words - please, thank you, thank you, be kind, hello, goodbye. A word can be magical if you say it in a low voice, looking directly into the eyes of the person you are talking to. The old man from this tale is a magician, or maybe a wise grandfather who knows how to talk with children and find an approach to people. Pavlik, when meeting with the old man, behaved uneducated, rude and impolite. He had a red, angry face, he muttered angrily, clenched his fists, shouted, banged his fist on the bench. After Pavlik learned the magic word, his behavior changed. At first, Pavlik smiled incredulously, he was annoyed. But as soon as he quietly asked his sister for paint, she was embarrassed and gave the paint. He whispered his request to his grandmother, the magic word shone on his grandmother's face. Then the boy was delighted: “It helped! Helped again!” Pavlik's relatives were surprised when he became kinder to them. This helped Pavlik himself in further communication with them and not only.
Page 95
V. Ovseev. Good. A person may have good dreams, but sometimes he offends people with his actions. In order not to forget about the need to “do good”, you should turn to folk proverbs and sayings for help. “Life is given for good deeds. Good done in secret will respond openly. Deeds cannot be replaced by words. A person is famous for good deeds. A good deed praises itself. A person is judged not by words, but by deeds” A story about a boy, Yuri, who wanted to do good deeds: “... if suddenly his little sister was drowning, he would have saved her; if wolves had attacked the nurse, he would have shot them; if the dog Trezorka had fallen into the well, he would have pulled him out” The meaning of the title of this story is that every person should do something good and useful, but not in thoughts, but in deeds.
Page 97
Why? V. Ovseeva. A story about a boy who broke his father's cup. This cup was dad's favorite, but he was no longer alive. The boy blamed the dog named Boom for this, because of this, the mother sent the dog to live on the street. He was ashamed of the deception and he took pity on the dog which was cold and lonely on the street. He heard Boom barking and the boy could not stand it, confessed to his mother that it was he who broke the mug. That night, no one could sleep, everyone had one main question: “Why?” This story teaches not to be afraid of the truth and to take responsibility even for bad deeds.
Page 99
Answers to questions from the story "Why?". The hero of the tale was ashamed of his behavior. With each passing hour, my heart grew heavier. I was afraid that it would soon get dark and Boom would be left alone all night. He will be cold and scared. Goosebumps ran down my spine. And I was not afraid of punishment - I would have gladly endured the worst punishment ... I did not confess right away, I deceived her, and now with every hour my guilt became more and more .... I bit my nails, buried my face in the pillow and could not decide on anything.
Page 103
The answer to the task from the fairy tale Why? The boy felt sorry for Boom, but his conscience also tormented him. Dialogue with a friend: T - Why are you so sad? M - I feel bad. T - From what? M - I could not tell my mother the truth that I broke my father's cup. T - Well, tell her about it today. M - She will scold me. T - So what, but you will tell the truth, she expects this from you. M - I'm afraid to upset her even more. T - It seems to me that her sadness, that you do not know how to be responsible for your actions. M - Yes, you're right - I must tell the truth - come what may.
Page 106
Answers to questions on literature Grade 2. How good it is to be able to read. Check yourself and evaluate your achievements. The works of this section talk about the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, about true friends, about how to distinguish true friendship from false, how not to throw words to the wind, to do good deeds. It is difficult to be a friend, to come to the rescue in time, to win and keep trust. Works that helped to understand what friendship is: a poem by V. Lunin “I and Vovka”, stories by N. Bulgakov “Anna do not be sad!”, V. Oseeva “Why?” and “Good” I would like to tell my friends these same works, as well as Y. Ermolaev’s “Two Cakes”.
Page 109
I love Russian nature. Spring. Spring mysteries. She flew to us with warmth, Having come a long way. Sculpts a house under the window From grass and clay (Swallow) A friend came out from under the snow - And suddenly it smelled of spring. (Snowdrop) These small barrels Spring will print, In the meantime, leaves are sleeping in them And growing during sleep. (Kidneys) I'm crying from the sun - I can't help it. (Icicle).
Page 111
F. Tyutchev. Poems: Winter is not angry for nothing ... “Winter is not angry for nothing, its time has passed - Spring knocks on the window and drives from the yard ... Winter is still busy and grumbles at Spring. The evil witch went berserk and, seizing the snow, let her run away into a beautiful child ... ”Tyutchev rejoices at the arrival of spring, in a workbook.
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Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Poem spring waters. In the poem, you can hear the sound of spring water: “And the waters are already rustling in spring - they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and say ... Spring is coming, spring is coming! ” The poet calls the young spring messengers of the spring waters. Tyutchev speaks of a "ruddy, bright" round dance of "quiet, warm May days." The poem is imbued with a joyful, cheerful, spring mood.
A. Pleshcheev. Spring. The poet speaks of melting snow, running streams, that the forest will soon turn green and the birds will sing. The sky has become clearer, the sun is brighter and warmer, and winter is gone for a long time.
Page 113
Pleshcheev Alexey Nikolaevich. Country song. The poet rejoices at the arrival of spring, the arrival of swallows. “The grass is green, the sun is shining... With it the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter” Signs of spring that can be heard: “... And you sing a song that you brought with you from distant countries ...”
Page 114
Alexander Alexandrovich Blok. In the meadow The poet is surprised in the spring by the forest in the distance, blue skies, black stripes of arable land after the snow has fallen, a sonorous spring stream. “Spring is on the sidelines” - this means that spring has not yet come in full force, Blok describes the beginning of spring, March. “A ringing voice is heard” is the murmur of water in a stream. The poet heard the song of the stream and described it: “No, it is loud, a wave murmurs thinly in the stream.”
Page 115
Poems about spring. Samuil Marshak. March. The snow is not the same… “Brother Mart took an ice staff and hit the ground. The girl looks, and this is no longer a staff. This is a large branch, all covered with buds ... Where did the high snowdrifts go? Where are the ice icicles that make fun on every branch! Under her feet is soft spring earth. Around dripping, flowing, murmuring. The buds on the branches are puffed up, and the first green leaves are already peeking out from under the dark peel ... And the snowdrops are visible - invisible! “Earrings shine with silver” - flowers appear on the willow - fluffy silvery earrings that shine and there are so many of them that it seems that the tree is glowing. The poem shows the signs of spring: darkened snow in the field, cracked ice on the lakes, a high clear sky, the chirping of sparrows, darkened expensively, blooming willow.
Page 116
Ivan Bunin poems in abbreviation. Mothers. Ivan Alekseevich in a poem recalls his mother and again confesses his love for her. The poem is sad, sad. In the last lines, the poet shows that his mother was for him a guardian angel, a messenger of God, charming faith in happiness, caring for him, supporting him always - both in grief and in joy.
Page 118
And Pleshcheev. "Into the Storm" Grade 2. The action of the poem takes place during a storm, over the cradle of the son. His mother sings a song to him while rocking the cradle. "Oh! Get over it, storm! Don't make noise, eat! My little one is dozing, Sweet in the cradle.” The poet talks about the hardships that the boy has yet to overcome: “There are still a lot of storms Ahead, perhaps, And more than once the care will disturb him.” But still, his mother wishes him well and sings that tomorrow will be warm and affectionate. Black clouds should bypass the son, so the mother thinks.
Page 209
This page asks you to answer a number of questions. In order. 1. The figure shows the heroes of the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Bremen Street Musicians".

The Brothers Grimm wrote such famous fairy tales as:
“The Frog King or Iron Heinrich”, “The Brave Little Tailor”, “Lady Blizzard”, “Little Red Riding Hood” processed by Charles Perrault, but recorded by the Brothers Grimm, “King Drozdovik”, “Snow Maiden”, “One-eyed, Two-eyed and Three-eyed”, "Cinderella", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Thumb Boy"
2. The illustration was made for the case when a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster suddenly appeared in the house of the robbers, frightening them.
3. Plan of retelling.
1. The donkey grew old and the owner drove him out of the house.
2. Other animals (rooster, dog and cat) were also kicked out of the house.
3. The animals decided to go to the city of Bremen and become street musicians there.
4. The road was long, and I had to spend the night in the forest.
5. In the morning they came across a hut of robbers and decided to frighten them by driving them out of the dwelling.
6. All animals voiced in different voices, while the cat scratched, the dog bit, the rooster screamed with all his might.
7. The robbers fled, and the animals took advantage of the dwelling and food supplies.
8. At night, one of the robbers returned and was only horrified by the one who lives in the dwelling. What he told his comrades.
9. The animals liked to live in the dwelling of the robbers and they stayed there.

Creative notebook "Literary reading" for grade 2, authors Klimanova, Koti, keeps pace with textbooks under the Perspective program. The tasks are mostly creative, and the answers must be creative - these are your own thoughts, proverbs, sayings. You can take from our GDZ on 7gurus, so as not to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary statements.

Answers to the tasks of Koti's creative notebook for grade 2

Match the parts of the proverb:

Who reads a lot knows a lot.
A book is not red in writing, but red in mind.
From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
To live with a book - do not grieve a century
A house without a book is a day without sun.
You will lead with the book - you will gain your mind.

Remember what you learned about the books that were in antiquity. Look at the pictures and label them.

birch bark - birch bark
parchment - specially treated animal skin
wooden plank book
old book with paper pages

Solve puzzles:


Explain what an illustration is. What illustrators do you know?

A writer writes a book, an illustrator draws pictures. The editor checks everything. A printer prints a book.

My favorite illustrator is Vladimir Suteev.

Tell me about your home library.

There are many books in our house. There is a bookshelf in my room. It has children's books on it. There are many fairy tales. There are Russian folk tales, there are tales of the Brothers Grimm and Andersen's tales. But most of all I like to read Volkov's book "The Wizard of the Emerald City". And when I didn't go to school yet, my mother often read V. Suteev's fairy tales to me.

Put the books in order:

Tales: Tales of the peoples of the world, Tales of Uncle Remus,
Poems: Barto, poems for children; Marshak, poems for children.
Folk art: Poems and songs of Mother Goose, Ladushki - Russian folk tales. songs, jokes

Who made the illustration for your favorite book?

What changes in nature in autumn?

The days are getting shorter.
Leaves are falling from the trees.
It's getting colder.
Migratory birds fly south.

Answer the questions (based on the work "The Gray Neck")

What did the autumn forest look like?
Answer: The forest became dark and silent.
What was the river like?
Answer: The water in the river darkened, and the banks were bare, the river itself seemed larger.
What did the sky look like?
Answer: The sky was often covered with heavy autumn clouds.
How did the birds behave?
Answer: All the birds were in great alarm.
Write out epithets and comparisons from the texts:

Even bare birches, mountain ash, alders and willows were covered with hoarfrost, like silvery fluff.
They stood covered with snow, as if they had put on a warm, expensive fur coat.

Colors of the autumn forest

Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees changed their color and turned golden. The sky often frowned, shifting gray, low clouds like eyebrows. Sometimes it rained a little. The forest still pleased with the last colors of autumn, but the birds were already gathering in flocks, preparing to fly to warmer climes. There are many mushrooms in the forest. Here and there you could see their shiny red and brown hats. At the edge of the clearing, like a fire, the mountain ash brightly reddened with scarlet clusters.

Compose your story. Title it. Don't forget to use figurative words. Underline them in the text.

Autumn in the forest

Autumn dressed up all the trees in the forest. The birch has a yellow dress, the mountain ash has red earrings.

Mushrooms are in elegant hats. Gossamer lace sparkles on the bushes.

How beautiful in the autumn forest!

We compose poems

Rhyming words:

mouse - bear, book, baby
nut-shirt, bunny, husky
river - hand, banks
guys - animals, goats, piglets
girlfriend - cheesecake, frog, pillow
kitten - duckling, kid, wolf cub
garden - treasure, fret, polysad, glad
paint - mask, putty, duckweed, weasel
cones - books, donuts, bears

Try to write a poem about friendship, about your friends
Our Masha
Likes porridge.

My friend Nina
Draws pictures for me.

Boy Petya, my friend,
Likes sweet pie.

Mikey on a T-shirt
Eared bunny.

I love my friends -
Have fun with them!

Think of the end of the story.

Answer. One day the cat fell asleep. The mouse came out of the hole and began to pull the cat's whiskers. The cat woke up, caught the mouse and ate it. Since then, mice and cats have not been friends. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.

3. Connect the parts of the name of the fairy tale:

Sister fox and wolf
Fear has big eyes
Sly Fox
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Fox and crane.

4. Names of fairy tales about animals that were read in the textbook:

Sister fox and wolf
sly fox
Fox and crane

5. Two descriptions.

For the encyclopedia: Foxes live in forests and steppes. The body of the fox is very flexible, mobile, it can easily stretch when running.

For a collection of fairy tales: The fox walks quietly, bends down to the ground, as if bowing. He wears his fluffy tail carefully. He looks affectionately, smiles, shows white teeth.

6. Belarusian fairy tale "Puff" and Russian "Fear has big eyes"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes", find something superfluous:

smart bunny
- The main characters of the fairy tale "Puff", find something extra:

brother Ivanushka

7. Who were the heroes afraid of in the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes": a hare
Who were the heroes afraid of in the fairy tale "Puff": a hedgehog.

8. Words from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka". Who says the words:

Sister Alyonushka, I'll take a sip from the hoof - brother Ivanushka
The stone is heavy ... - sister Alyonushka

in life - you want to drink when it's hot
fiction: no one can turn into a goat or lie at the bottom of a pond and talk

2. Words and tongue twisters:

A quail and a quail have five quails.
Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral.
Boron is good for beavers.
The baker was baking pies in the oven.
White sheep beat the drums.
The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
I went to weed the fields in the field.

Some riddles about animals:

A bird, but does not fly, is not a fish, but swims (penguin).
Not a person, but walks on two legs (ostrich, chicken, etc.)
There is hay and gives milk (cow, goat).
Not a fish, but lives in the water (crocodile).

Try to write a translation of the fable: "In the desert, a man asked me: How many strawberries grow in the sea? And I think I answered him well: As many as red herrings swim in the forest.

A small man asked me:
"How many strawberries grow in the sea?"

I flicked my finger on his nose:
As many as there are fish in the forest.

Letter to a sick friend:

Hello Kolya! How do you feel? How is your health?

We missed you very much. Come soon! Natasha and Sasha say hello to you.

Get well soon!

Goodbye, your friend Misha.

Proverbs and sayings:

Friendship: All for one and one for all. A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax. There is safety in numbers.
Mi and consent: Peace and love are the head of everything. Enmity does no good. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible.
Truth and Lies: You can't grow truth on lies. Once he lied, he became a liar forever.
Good and Evil: As it comes around, it will respond. Pay good for good. Kind words are better than soft pie.

Poem "Birthday"

birthday no doubt
The best day of the year.
I read congratulations
And I'm waiting for my favorite guests.
Come quickly
I've been waiting at the door!

Story by picture

Petya came to visit Kolya. Kolya solved the problem and nothing worked for him. And Petya really wanted to go play football as soon as possible. He tried to persuade his friend, but Kolya replied that he would not go outside until he solved the problem. Petya agreed, and they began to solve the problem together.

A proverb about friendship, suitable for this story:

You can't spill strong friendship with water. One for all and all for one.

Describe Dragonfly. What advice would you give to an actor?
The dragonfly looks sad, its head is lowered. She is cold, she wraps herself in a scarf or other clothes thrown over her shoulders. There are traces of tears on her face. She speaks in a thin, mournful voice. The dragonfly barely moves.

Describe Ant. What advice would you give to an actor?
The ant is warmly dressed. He is cheerful and cheerful. He stands straight with a proud posture. The Ant speaks confidently and with irony, referring to the Dragonfly.

Text about a literary fairy tale.

The fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" was composed by the writer S. Aksakov. He used the plot of a Russian fairy tale, which he heard in childhood from his mother or grandmother. But the writer came up with some details himself.

Sergei Aksakov in his fairy tale revealed the theme of sacrificial love that conquers evil. "The Scarlet Flower" is written in the traditions of Russian folk tales. There are many epithets here, the style and speech of the tale resemble the speech turns of Russian folk tales.

How does the poet describe spring and autumn?

Spring colors: white. mother-of-pearl, turquoise, pinkish.
Autumn colors: gold, red, crimson.

Page 69 Summer bouquet

In the picture we see the flowers of summer: bluebells, daisies, carnations. Although the drawing is called "Summer Bouquet", these flowers grow in a green meadow, and do not stand in a vase in a bouquet. There are pink, white, yellow flowers. Such bright fragrant buds attract bees.

Page 71 Ani's Poems:

Dear mommy!
I love you!
And memory verses
I give you!
Also, the drawing
And it has flowers
The most wonderful
The ones you love!

Proverbs and sayings about mother, family, parents:

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.
There is no friend like a mother.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
Parental blessing does not sink on water, does not burn on fire.

Proverbs of the peoples of the region about the importance of respectful attitude of children to parents

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - and the whole orphan.
The prodigal son is an early grave for the father.
You will honor your father and mother, you will learn honor from your son.
You can buy everything except your father and mother.

Woe and doom to a people whose younger ones cease to honor their elders.
Gentlemen, the old men are the first Cossacks.

Children of parents are not judges.
To raise children is not to count chickens.
Children are good - father-mother's crown; thin - the end of the father-mother.

If you don't respect your parents, no one will respect you either.
Pity your father and mother - you will not find others
Alive parents - read, died - remember.

What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

Mother is a shrine, no one argues with her.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
A righteous mother is a stone fence.

There are no wrong parents on earth.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
Do not neglect the advice of the elderly.
Don't hide your failures from your parents.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who made him drink, nurtured and taught good.

Father and mother are not enough for life.
To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.

Do not poke your head across the father into hell!
An obedient son of fathers does not break his back.

Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
Parental blessing does not burn in fire, does not sink in water.
The parental word is not spoken by.
Help your parents in life.

An older brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.

Respect the old, you should be old too.
Respect for the young is a duty, respect for the elder is a duty.
If you want to succeed in something, consult three old men.

Page 76 My good deeds:

Vacuumed the carpet.
I went to the store and bought bread and milk.
Swept in the yard.
Washed the window.
She combed her little sister.
Cleaned the sink.
Picked up toys for little brother.
He took pity on his sister when she fell.

Page 77 Proverbs and sayings about kindness, good deeds

A good head feeds a hundred hands.
Wish you well, do well!
Look for good, but bad will come by itself.
Good does not change for bad.
You don’t understand good, so don’t do bad.
Good, that treasure, they are looking for, but bad is at hand.
It is good to be in joy and live in sweetness.
Good will be remembered, but famously not forgotten.
We do good - good and dreams, but we do bad - bad and dreams.
It is necessary to hurry to do good.
Good and good in a dream.
Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
Kindness came to Thomas, but went between the hands.
Live well and live badly.
Good does not burn, does not sink.
Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly.
Good will not die, but evil will perish.
Goodness does not flow like a river in the world, but lives as a family.
Remember good, but forget evil.
Encourage good and condemn evil.
To do good is to amuse yourself.
Good will be good when people praise.
Kindness teaches those who listen.
Good overcomes evil.
Hold on to the good, but turn away from the bad.
Do not run good, but do not do bad.
A good person is put in a red corner.
Honor the good, but do not pity the evil.
Virtue does not harm the good.
Virtue overcomes strength.
A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.
A good deed will not go unrewarded.
A good deed is said boldly.
A good deed lives for two centuries.
A good deed does not sink in water.
Good deed is strong.

The story of how I helped my mother

Mom asked me to help her clean up the apartment. I decided to clean my room. First I vacuumed the carpet, then I washed the floor, I cleaned the shelves. There is a cage with parrots in my room. I take care of them: I clean the cage, I take care of them by playing with them. Mom was happy with my work!

Reader Questionnaire:

I read about 15-20 books a year. It was interesting to me.
My favorite book is "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Volkov.
I can call myself a book lover, because I read a lot and love books.
Yes, I want both the school and the city children's library.

Page 74 Plan of the story by E. Charushin

Shura and Petya are alone in the dacha.
They got scared at night.
Someone's clatter at the door.
The return of dad and mom.
Hedgehog - night guest

Page 74 A story about a beloved pet "I can talk to my pet without words.

I have a cat. His name is Fluff. He loves milk. I teach him to jump through the hoop. I talk to Fluff without words. When I scratch the cat behind the ear, he understands that I love him. I love my pet very much!

If you have any questions about the GDZ, ask in the comments.

A workbook for the textbook "Literary Reading Grade 2" by Boykin, Vinogradskaya is a collection of tasks that are developed on the basis of the material from the 2nd grade textbook.

It allows schoolchildren to master a particular topic well, repeat the material covered, learn to draw conclusions from works and analyze them based on different criteria.

Much attention is paid to creativity, the ability to work in pairs, as well as the use of various sources of information.

After each topic is the final work. This allows students to recall the plots of previously completed works in memory.

It is worth noting that the requirements of the Russian school curriculum for grade 2 are quite high.

Therefore, children are not always able to complete all the tasks. Moreover, some questions cause difficulties even for parents.

Because of this, suspicious children often develop nervousness, disappointment in their own abilities, unwillingness to go to school and learn.

In order not to encounter such difficulties, you need to use ready-made answers for literary reading, in particular GDZ workbook literary reading Grade 2 Boykin's answers.

GDZ for a workbook on literary reading Grade 2 (ready-made answers)

The answer to the workbook for grade 2 Boykina and Vinogradskaya is an important need that helps when checking homework in literary reading and helps to cope with unsolved assignments.

So, GDZ workbook literary reading Grade 2 Boykin's answers are a guarantee of correct and timely done homework, as well as an assistant in preparing for lessons and all types of final work.

Especially GDZ (ready-made answers) will be needed by busy parents who are not always able to allocate the necessary time for literature classes after a busy working day.

After all, this subject requires moral relaxation and lack of haste, which are not always present at the end of the day.

Plus, you need to fantasize and perform in-depth analyzes of texts.

Here, certainly, one cannot do without the GDZ.

Ready-made workbook for literary reading Grade 2 (answers to all questions of the workbook) will awaken imagination, inspire, and help answer difficult questions, and will not allow you to make mistakes.

In addition, the literary reading solution (answers to workbook grade 2) from GDZ Gramota is doubly convenient, because you use it online.

Convenient site navigation allows you to find the information you need in a matter of seconds.

All topics in the GDZ workbook literary reading grade 2 Boykin's answers are listed in the same order as in the notebook, and in addition they are also numbered.

Why is it worth choosing answers to a workbook on literary reading from GDZ Gramota?

1. Uniqueness

We do not duplicate other GDZ sites, we develop our own answers. They are comprehensive and accurate.

2. Literacy

Our answers to the class 2 workbook do not contain any type of error. We focus on quality.

3. Clarity

When writing solutions for literary reading, we take into account the age category of students. In order to avoid incomprehensible moments, the maximum available words and simple sentence structures are used.

In addition, our ready-made answers are written in accordance with the GEF 2nd grade.

GDZ Literacy - the key to an easy learning path!

Ready-made homework literary reading Grade 2 Boykin and Vinogradsky's workbook.

9th ed. - M.:2018 - Part 1 - 224 pages; Part 2 - 224s.

The methodological apparatus of textbooks organizes the orientation of students in the formation of the most important educational actions (read expressively, divide the text into parts, highlight the main idea, title, retell the text, draw up a plan, etc.) and ensure their phased development. Many tasks are focused on the communicative interaction of students, on the development of their ability to cooperate in reading and discussing literary works. The text material of textbooks contributes to the spiritual and moral development of younger students, their awareness of the most important moral and ethical concepts (friendship, kindness, mutual understanding, respect for elders, love for parents, etc.).

Part 1.

Format: pdf(2018, 224p.)

Size: 36 MB

Watch, download: november

Part 2.

Format: pdf(2018, 224p.)

Size: 36 MB

Watch, download:november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Part 1.

Format: pdf(2013, 224p.)

Size: 40.3 MB

Watch, download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Part 2.

Format: pdf(2012, 224p.)

Size: 12.5 MB

Watch, download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Part 1.
The greatest miracle in the world.
Our projects.
Reader. R. Sef.
Russian folk songs.
Jokes and jokes.
Rhymes and Fables.
Proverbs and sayings.
Fairy tales.
"A fairy tale is walking through the forest." Y. Moritz.
Cockerel and bean seed.
Fear has big eyes.
Fox and black grouse.
Fox and crane.
Porridge from an ax.
How to be good at reading
Swan geese.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
I love Russian nature. Autumn.
"Eat in the original autumn." F. Tyutchev.
"Cowberries ripen."
K. Balmont.
"Autumn has arrived." A. Pleshcheev
"The swallows are gone." A. Fet.
"Autumn. Sprinkled all over our poor
garden." A. Tolstoy.
"Golden foliage swirled."
S. Yesenin.
"Dry leaves." V. Bryusov.
"The birdhouse is empty." I. Tokmakova
Tricky mushrooms. V. Berestov.
Mushrooms (From the encyclopedia).
How to be good at reading
Autumn morning. M. Prishvin.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
Russian writers.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
"At the seaside, there is a green oak."
"Here is the north, catching up the clouds."
"Winter!. Peasant, triumphant.
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
Swan, Cancer and Pike.
Dragonfly and Ant.
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
Old grandfather and granddaughter.
How to be good at reading
The truth is more precious than anything.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
About our smaller brothers.
They and we. N. Sweet.
Who becomes who? A. Shibaev.
"Crying pussy in the hallway."
B. Zakhoder.
"Once upon a time there was a dog." I. Pivovarova
Cat puppy. V. Berestov.
Guys and ducks. M. Prishvin.
Scary story. E. Charushin.
Brave duck. B. Zhitkov.
How to be good at reading
Musician. W. Bianchi.
Owl. W. Bianchi.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
From children's magazines.
The game. D. Kharms.
"You know?." D. Kharms.
Funny siskins. D. Harms, S.
Marshak What was that? D. Kharms.
Very, very tasty cake.
N. Gernet, D. Kharms.
Freaks. Y. Vladimirov.
Scientist Petya. A. Vvedensky.
Our projects.
How to be good at reading
Horse. A. Vvedensky.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
I love Russian nature. Winter
"It smelled of winter cold." I. Bunin.
"Light fluffy." K. Balmont.
"Morning cat." I am Akim.
"Sorceress Winter." F. Tyutchev.
"Winter sings - calls out." S. Yesenin.
Birch. S. Yesenin.
How to be good at reading
Two Frosts.
New Year's story. S. Mikhalkov
"It was in January." A. Barto.
"The street walks." S. Drozhzhin.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves
We advise you to read.

Part 2.
Writers - children 3
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky 4
Confusion 6
Joy 11
Fedorino mountain 13
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak 24
The cat and the quitters 26
Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov 30
My secret 32
Willpower 33
My puppy is 35
Agnia Lvovna Barto 38
Rope 40
We did not notice the beetle 44
To school 45
Vovka - kind soul 46
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov 48
Entertainers 50
Living hat 54
How to be good at reading
On the hill. N. Nosov 60
Colored Pages 66
Let's check ourselves 68
Me and my friends... 71
Behind the game. V. Berestov 74
"I went into my offense ..."
E. Moshkovskaya 74
“Looking from a height...” V. Berestov 75
Me and Vovka. V. Lunin 77
"Anna, don't be sad!" N. Bulgakov 79
Two cakes. Y. Ermolaev 85
Magic word. V. Oseeva 87
Good. V. Oseeva 93
How to be good at reading
Why? V. Oseeva 96
Colorful Pages 104
Let's check ourselves. . 106
I love Russian nature. Spring 107
“Winter is angry for a reason...” F. Tyutchev 110
Spring waters. F. Tyutchev 111
Spring. A. Pleshcheev 112
Country song. A. Pleshcheev 113
In the meadow A. Block 114
"The snow is no longer the same..."
S. Marshak 115
Mothers. I. Bunin 116
In the storm A. Pleshcheev 117
Let's sit in silence. E. Blaginina.119
"I hurt my mother..."
E. Moshkovskaya 120
White birch. S Vasiliev 122
Our projects 123
Colored Pages 124
Let's check ourselves 126
And jokingly and seriously 127
Comrades children. B. Zakhoder 130
What is the most beautiful thing? B. Zakhoder 131
Songs of Winnie the Pooh. B. Zakhoder 136
Cheburashka. E. Uspensky 139
If I were a girl...
E. Uspensky 144
above our apartment.
E. Uspensky 146
Memory E Uspensky 148
Familiar. V. Berestov 150
Travelers. V. Berestov 151
Tassel. V. Berestov 152
Plim. I. Tokmakova 153
In a wonderful country. I. Tokmakova 154
Let's get acquainted. G. Oster 155
The secret becomes clear.
V. Dragunsky 161
Colored Pages 168
Let's check ourselves 170
Literature of foreign countries 171
Bulldog named Dog - 174
Gloves 176
Braves 177
Braves - 178
Suzon and the Moth 179
Mothers know, children know 181
Puss in Boots. Charles Perrault 182
Little Red Riding Hood. Charles Perrault-194
Princess on the Pea. Hans Christian Andersen 197
How to be good at reading
Mafia and spider. Annie Hogarth 200
Colored Pages 210
Let's check ourselves 212
Dictionary 214
We advise you to read 217
Our projects 219

“Literary reading. Grade 2” is included in the educational and methodological complex “School of Russia”. The textbook has been revised in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The methodological apparatus is supplemented with tasks that form universal educational activities, develop children's ability for creative thinking and cooperation. Particular attention in the textbook is given to project activities. A new sign system has been introduced.

We will meet:
with smart, kind, funny works for children
To I. Chukovsky. S. Ya. Marshak, S. V. Mikhalkov, N. N. Nosova.
We will learn:
understand the meaning of the work.
We will study:
determine the features of the author's text;
talk about the heroes of the works, express their attitude towards them.



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The textbook Literary Reading Grade 2 Part 2 was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The methodological apparatus of textbooks organizes the orientation of students in the formation of the most important educational actions (read expressively, divide the text into parts, highlight the main idea, title, retell the text, draw up a plan, etc.) and ensure their phased development.

Many tasks are focused on the communicative interaction of students, on the development of their ability to cooperate in reading and discussing literary works. The text material of textbooks contributes to the spiritual and moral development of younger students, their awareness of the most important moral and ethical concepts (friendship, kindness, mutual understanding, respect for elders, love for parents, etc.).

Number of pages: 224
Class / Age: 2 cells.
Subject: Literary reading
Line UMK: Literary reading. Klimanova L.F. etc. (1-4) (School of Russia)
Series: School of Russia

Textbook example

Books by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky are funny, smart, and most importantly, kind. They teach friendship, camaraderie. The writer is sure that if you need to help a friend, then no one should ever be afraid of any dangers. But if you meet someone evil or stupid, then the writer has an invincible, sure means for him - laughter.

Mischievous kittens, war sparrows, bully hares - the heroes of poems and fairy tales by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - are very similar to children. Reading stories about funny animals, we learn to be brave, kind and love people, animals, nature - everything that surrounds us.

Writers - children 3
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky 4
Confusion 6
Joy 11
Fedorino mountain 13
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak 24
The cat and the quitters 26
Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov 30
My secret 32
Willpower 33
My puppy is 35
Agnia Lvovna Barto 38
Rope 40
We did not notice the beetle 44
To school 45
Vovka - kind soul 46
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov 48
Entertainers 50
Living hat 54
How to be good at reading
On the hill. N. Nosov 60
Colored Pages 66
Let's check ourselves 68
Me and my friends… 71
Behind the game. V. Berestov 74
“I went into my offense…”
E. Moshkovskaya 74
“Looking from a height…” V. Berestov 75
Me and Vovka. V. Lunin 77
"Anna, don't be sad!" N. Bulgakov 79
Two cakes. Y. Ermolaev 85
Magic word. V. Oseeva 87
Good. V. Oseeva 93
How to be good at reading
Why? V. Oseeva 96
Colorful Pages 104
Let's check ourselves. . 106
I love Russian nature. Spring 107
“Winter is angry for a reason…” F. Tyutchev 110
Spring waters. F. Tyutchev 111
Spring. A. Pleshcheev 112
Country song. A. Pleshcheev 113
In the meadow A. Block 114
“The snow is no longer the same…”
S. Marshak 115
Mothers. I. Bunin 116
In the storm A. Pleshcheev 117
Let's sit in silence. E. Blaginina.119
"I hurt my mother..."
E. Moshkovskaya 120
White birch. S Vasiliev 122
Our projects 123
Colored Pages 124
Let's check ourselves 126
And jokingly and seriously 127
Comrades children. B. Zakhoder 130
What is the most beautiful thing? B. Zakhoder 131
Songs of Winnie the Pooh. B. Zakhoder 136
Cheburashka. E. Uspensky 139
If I were a girl...
E. Uspensky 144
above our apartment.
E. Uspensky 146
Memory E Uspensky 148
Familiar. V. Berestov 150
Travelers. V. Berestov 151
Tassel. V. Berestov 152
Plim. I. Tokmakova 153
In a wonderful country. I. Tokmakova 154
Let's get acquainted. G. Oster 155
The secret becomes clear.
V. Dragunsky 161
Colored Pages 168
Let's check ourselves 170
Literature of foreign countries 171
Bulldog named Dog - 174
Gloves 176
Braves 177
Braves - 178
Suzon and the Moth 179
Mothers know, children know 181
Puss in Boots. Charles Perrault 182
Little Red Riding Hood. Charles Perrault-194
Princess on the Pea. Hans Christian Andersen 197
How to be good at reading
Mafia and spider. Annie Hogarth 200
Colored Pages 210
Let's check ourselves 212
Dictionary 214
We advise you to read 217
Our projects 219

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