Literary works on the theme of responsibility. Arguments


The importance of the process of cognition in human life

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Fathers and children

Bazarov in the work “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev is another example of the deep penetration of knowledge into a person’s personality. The hero was able to form as a person and hone his mind precisely thanks to his passion for science, the ongoing process of cognition.

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin Undergrowth

Undoubtedly, a person needs to constantly develop, gain true knowledge, and not put on the appearance of a learned man. The protagonist of "Undergrowth" by D. I. Fonvizin, Mitrofan, seemed to be a person who strives for knowledge. In fact, he was always under the influence of Mrs. Prostakova, her mother, who did not allow her son to plunge into all the difficulties of life.

The problem of internal struggle in man

The novel "Crime and Punishment" by the Russian classic F. M. Dostoevsky describes an intractable internal conflict that arose as a result of a person's obsession with one idea.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov Quiet Don

In the epic novel The Quiet Flows the Don, M. A. Sholokhov demonstrates to the reader Grigory Melekhov’s monstrous mental turmoil, which appeared due to a striking discrepancy between the main character’s inner aspirations and real life.

The problem of friendship (loyalty, betrayal, etc.)

Anatoly Ignatievich Pristavkin spent the night a golden cloud

In the story "A golden cloud spent the night" A. Pristavkin describes the difficult struggle for the lives of children who are forced to go through war, hunger, illness, wandering and ethnic intolerance. Friendship was their only comfort and support.

The problem of life choice

Alexei Maksimovich Gorky Old Woman Izergil

The story "Old Woman Izergil" by M. Gorky included the legend of Danko, where the main character chooses his own death in order to save people's lives.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin captain's daughter

Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", is not ready to betray his ideals even under the threat of death. He faithfully served the Fatherland, and when Pugachev offered to save his life in exchange for service, Grinev refused.

The problem of responsibility for one's actions

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov heart of a dog

In the story "The Heart of a Dog" by M. A. Bulgakov, Professor Preobrazhensky sets himself a high and noble goal - to correct the imperfection of man. To do this, the scientist begins a complex experiment, but soon realizes that it can have disastrous consequences. Despite the efforts spent, the professor finds the courage to stop in time, because he has not only a brilliant mind, but also a great sense of responsibility for his actions.

The problem of happiness (his understanding)

Natasha, the main character in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace, identifies happiness with family. Her meaning of life is love.

Sergei Trofimovich Alekseev who in Rus' live well

Each person has their own definition of happiness. In the work of N. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Rus'”, the peasants in a dispute are trying to find out who is truly happy on Earth. It turns out that this is Grisha Dobrosklonov, who sees his happiness in the happiness of the people

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn one day of Ivan Denisovich

Everyone has their own idea of ​​happiness. For example, the hero of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn is already happy because he was not sent to the punishment cell. He also rejoices in an extra bowl of soup, his health and honest work. The author admires the industriousness and patience of the Russian people, who always hopes for God's help.

The problem of honor and conscience

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin The Captain's Daughter

Honor and conscience dictated all subsequent actions of Grinev during the Pugachev rebellion: he did not become a traitor, like Shvabrin; risking his life, he saves Masha and is ready to answer for his communication with the rebel before the empress

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky crime and punishment

Trying to defend his interests, the hero nevertheless realizes as a result all those low deeds that he committed, trying to do good. You can't eradicate evil with evil. Soon the conscience of the hero wakes up and begins to live the right life.

The problem of the meaning of life

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy war and peace

Only such an honest, direct and keenly sensitive person as Bezukhov is able to consider the insincerity of secular society. Pierre felt that the fight against lies and hypocrisy could become the meaning of his life.

Alexei Maksimovich Gorky at the Bottom

A person should not forget about his pride, honor and ability to change the world. Sateen's life-affirming monologue at the end of the play says that even in the life of the inhabitants of the rooming house there is a meaning, and, consequently, hope for the future

The problem of conscience and responsibility of a person for his actions

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin poor Liza

Pangs of conscience or unwillingness to bear responsibility for their actions? Erast is unhappy after the tragic death of a girl, as he considers himself a murderer. Married to a wealthy widow, due to a big loss in cards that happened at the time when he promised to be in the service

The problem of patriotism

Anna Andreevna Akhmatova Requiem

Akhmatova despised the traitors who fled the country after the revolution. She became a living example of unbending will and fortitude: despite the cruel reprisals of the authorities against her family and friends, she remains in her homeland

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy war and peace

Great and true patriotism, according to the author, lies, first of all, in the entire Russian people. Ordinary soldiers pay their debt to the Motherland, do not speak boastful and lofty phrases, but simply do what a patriot must do. They are ready to give their lives during mortal dangers. The whole Russian people is against Napoleon, it is thanks to this patriotism that the Russian troops won

The problem of heroism

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov the fate of man

Andrei Sokolov fought to save the Motherland from the Nazis. The war claimed the lives of not only comrades-in-arms: he receives news of the death of his wife, daughters and son. However, the soldier had an unbending will and managed to endure everything. Despite the tragedy of existence, he finds the strength in himself for a moral feat: he adopts an orphaned boy. Andrei Sokolov was able not to break down and remain a man, and this is his feat. It is thanks to such people that we were able to win the war.

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev and the dawns here are quiet

The main characters of the work in the struggle for the Motherland showed real courage, moral endurance and heroism. They died because they did not step aside from the dictates of conscience. Their confidence was that not a single piece of their native land should be given to a German. You have to hold on to the very end. All the heroes of the story showed themselves to be true patriots, people of action who died in the name of saving the Motherland. Such people, who fought at the front, did not bend in captivity and occupation, worked hard in the rear, were able to choose victory

The focus of our attention is the text of Daniil Alexandrovich Granin, a Russian writer and screenwriter, which describes the problem of responsibility for one's words and deeds.

Thinking about this problem, the author sends his readers to the distant past, when Peter I ruled Russia. The monarch established shipbuilding in the country, but at the same time he did not forget about the riches of our forest. The shipyards demanded a lot of wood, and in order not to destroy the green wealth, Peter I issued a decree in which it was forbidden to cut down trees near water bodies. The ruler took care of the country and said that wealth should be protected.

So, in M.A. Bulgakov's work "Heart of a Dog" the author tells about a professor who performed a dangerous and serious experiment, which soon became dangerous for mankind. But the scientist realized that his creation could harm people, and stopped the experiment.

And in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana Larina was responsible for every word.

Despite her love for Onegin and the desire to return to him, the girl refuses him.

Thus, a person must be responsible for all his words and deeds.

Updated: 2017-01-01

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  1. (53 words) A notable example is the familiar story of the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The way the hero carefully looks after his planet, how he takes care of his rose - this is a responsible attitude towards the world around him. Without him, everything would die, every plant on the planet needs it and depends on its attention and love.
  2. (43 words) We are responsible for our every action, and this should always be remembered. The novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" vividly illustrates the consequences of irresponsible actions. Having committed a cold-blooded murder, Rodion Raskolnikov pays with hard labor and prison, and most importantly, with endless torment of conscience.
  3. (56 words) Remembering the image of Andrei Sokolov in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man", one can single out an important type of responsibility - responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland. He feels that he needs to be where he is most needed, where the fate of the Russian land is being decided. Despite the fact that he has never been a military man, the hero takes up arms and defends the country to the last.
  4. (48 words) A vivid example of how empty words and irresponsible actions can hurt is the work of N. I. Karamzin “Poor Liza”. Playing with the feelings of a young girl, Erast deceived and betrayed her. Left alone with her grief, Lisa commits suicide. Then her lover suffered all his life, which proves the need for responsibility.
  5. (50 words) By interfering with nature, a person must be fully responsible for what he has done. The scientific achievement of Professor Preobrazhensky from the story “Heart of a Dog” by M. A. Bulgakov confirms that sometimes scientists themselves can become victims of their own experiments. Realizing that Sharikov threatens him and everyone around him, the hero ruins his career, but corrects the mistake by destroying his discovery.
  6. (40 words) We see an excellent example of responsibility for one's relatives in the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Humans". Having suffered a terrible catastrophe, the hero worries about his loved ones who need him so much and are anxiously waiting for him at home, and not about his personal salvation.
  7. (47 words) We are responsible for our promises, for every word. In the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana, despite the love that has not passed, does not step over her moral principles. She remains faithful to her marital duty, because once and for all she took responsibility to her husband.
  8. (53 words) In Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush", the main character took responsibility for the family future. Her husband put a blot on the drawing, but announced to the professor that it was a bush. Having failed the exam, Nikolai gives up, but Vera does not give up and plants lilacs in the indicated place. So, the woman helped her husband to go through the test, responsibly approaching the solution of the problem.
  9. (44 words) In the work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" by an unnamed author, the reader is imbued with the importance of understanding one's public duty. Responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, patriotism are the invariable values ​​of any people at all times, which we certainly need to remember. This is precisely what the “Golden Word” of Svyatoslav teaches, admonishing other princes.
  10. (48 words) In the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. A. Bulgakov, we meet the personification of cowardice in the character of the procurator Judea Pontius Pilate. Not wanting the fate of a philosopher, he sends the innocent Yeshua to a terrible execution. He forgot that he was responsible for the mistakes he made. Because of this, he was doomed to eternal torture.
  11. Examples from life, cinema and media

    1. (56 words) I will give an example from my personal life. Working in high positions, my grandmother was in business from morning until late at night. In response to constant questions about how she managed to do everything, she answers very briefly: “It’s just that there is a word necessary.” If a person undertakes something, then it must be done as expected - this is the law of all successful people.
    2. (54 words) In one newspaper I read how a person works at the White Sea Canal. There are difficult conditions, a small salary, there is not even a store nearby, but, nevertheless, he monitors the state of his post and ensures the functioning of the channel. He explained to journalists that he simply feels responsible for all this, and therefore does not leave there and does not give up his craft.
    3. (79 words) Based on a true story, Mel Gibson's Hacksaw Ridge tells the legendary story of war hero Desmond Doss. Completely unarmed, orderly Desmond, again and again putting himself in mortal danger, was looking for those who needed his help. Despite numerous wounds, he evacuated all the wounded from the line of fire. And in the end, showing unspeakable courage and responsibility, Desmond saved 75 people. The film also included a documentary insert of his words: “Then I prayed to God for only one thing. Save at least one more!"
    4. (73 words) Briony Tallis, the heroine of Joe Wright's wonderful film Atonement, accuses her sister's young man of a terrible crime with which he had nothing to do. This statement completely changed the fate of the lovers, and ultimately they both die at the hands of the Second World War. Briony will carry this heavy burden of responsibility throughout her life and, becoming a writer, she will write the novel "Atonement", in which she will give happiness, and most importantly - time, for two separated destinies.
    5. (52 words) Once my friend adopted a kitten in the country. He saved him from the water and fed him with a spoon, and at the end of the summer he grew into a beautiful and fluffy cat. However, his mom had allergies and his parents wouldn't let him take the pet. Then he spent a lot of time to arrange the animal. This is responsibility.
    6. (54 words) One of the most responsible people in the world are doctors. Their responsibility lies in every movement of the hand, in the professionalism and clarity of correct actions. Such was the physician who saved the life of my friend who was in a car accident. Now the boy's family congratulates the doctor every year and invites him to visit, because he has become a second father for the child.
    7. (48 words) Each of us is responsible for the ecology of the planet. We must be responsible for the natural resources we use, for the waste we produce every day, and of course for the animals. My parents, for example, feed the birds in the park every winter, and also participate in the community work day. I will do that too.
    8. (49 words) We are responsible for every word we utter. By saying something without thinking, we can hurt people. Once I was rude to my grandmother, after which for the first time I saw her crying. I was shocked by this, and since then I have been trying to weigh every remark, because I realized the responsibility for what I say.
    9. (44 words) When a person is in a team, sports or any other, he is responsible not for himself alone, but for the whole team, for a common goal and victory. For example, our outstanding hockey players in all interviews say that without collective responsibility they would not have achieved anything.
    10. (41 words) In order to understand how irresponsible people can be, it is enough to find out how often they leave their pets. Abandoned dogs in dachas, overcrowded shelters, trapping of homeless animals are all the result of the lack in some people of such qualities as commitment and humanity.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Arguments in the composition of part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language on the topic "The problem of responsibility for one's actions"

Text from the exam

(1) Sergei Nikolaevich Pletenkin returned home, as usual, at half past nine. (2) He worked in a service shop, in the very center of the city. (3) To justify the fuel, on the way home he made a stop near the central market and picked up, if, of course, he was lucky, a fellow traveler. (4) Today he was incredibly lucky, his soul sang with joy, and he, barely taking off his shoes, without even washing his hands, immediately rushed to the kitchen to tell about the amazing incident. (5) The wife stood near the sink and washed the dishes.

(6) The daughter, with a displeased look, finished her tea and, capriciously protruding her lower lip, asked:

(7) - Mom, why not?

(8) “Because ...” the mother answered irritably. (9) - Ask your father for leave!

(10) Pletenkin impatiently waved his hand, asking for silence, and, squealing with joy, which always annoyed his wife, he began to tell. (11) - Imagine, today I’m driving past the central market, some woman slows me down ... (12) so that I can take her to the factory management. (13) I look: a leather coat, stylish boots, well, and such a face, it’s clear that it’s well-groomed ... (14) I immediately told her: three hundred! .. (15) She even opened her mouth. (16) Well, nothing, I sat down, I took her to the office. (17) She comes out and gives me five hundred rubles ... (18) I’m like: “So, but I don’t have change!” (19) She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and said: “Okay, keep the change!” (20) Can you imagine how lucky! (21) - Yes! (22) If only all passengers were like that! - drawled the wife. (23) - You go my hands and let's sit down to dinner ... (24) Pletenkin closed himself in the bathroom and began to soap his hands, again and again scrolling through the details of everything that had happened. (25) Thick black hair, thin fingers with a wedding ring, a slightly distant look ... (26) This look happens to people who have lost something, and now they look where the missing thing should lie, knowing full well that it is not there find. (27) And suddenly he remembered her! (28) It was Natasha Abrosimova, she studied in a parallel class. (29) Of course, she has changed: she was an invisible ugly woman, and now she has become a real lady, but the dreary disappointment in her eyes remains. (30) Once, in the eleventh grade, he volunteered to see her off, led her through quiet streets so that they would not be seen together. (31) Her eyes shone with happiness, and when he asked to write an essay for him for the competition “You and your city”, she immediately agreed. (32) Pletenkin took first place, received a free ticket to St. Petersburg, and after that he no longer paid attention to the bespectacled ugly girl. (33) And only at the graduation ball, after drinking champagne, in a fit of tearful sentimentality, he tried to explain something to her, and she looked at him with the same tired longing that she looked with today. (34) - Well, it turns out that I deceived you! (35) - Me? she smiled. (36) - Did you deceive me? (37) - And who! he said and grinned stupidly. (38) She silently left. (39) ... Pletenkin frowningly lathered his hands. (40) He thought that he would definitely meet her and return two hundred, no, not two hundred, but all five hundred rubles to her ... (41) But with ... he realized that he would never do this. (42) - Why are you stuck there? (43) Everything is getting cold on the table! - losing patience, the wife shouted from the kitchen. (44) “Did you deceive me?” - he remembered again, and he trudged along to eat the cooling soup.

(according to S. S. Kachalov)


Each of us is responsible for what we do, say or even think. Sooner or later, we will have to answer to others or to ourselves for what we have done against our conscience or against generally accepted moral standards.


Sergei Nikolayevich Pletenkin, the protagonist of S. S. Kachalov's text, faced a similar situation. On the example of the biography of his hero, the story of one amazing incident from his everyday life, the author raises the problem of responsibility for his actions.

A comment

The text describes Pletenkin's simple and unhurried life in a few words. He has a wife and daughter, life is adjusted, work brings a stable income. Sometimes, on especially good days, he also manages to earn good money, taking people for money.

The text presents just one of those lucky days. Returning home, where a hot dinner was already waiting for him, Pletenkin told his wife how he managed to successfully extort money from a woman he met along the way. For the fare, he asked for 300 rubles, obviously overpricing, seeing that in front of him was a wealthy woman. She gave him 500, to which Sergei Nikolaevich did not find change. The girl asked him to keep the change. That's such luck.

After some time, the hero realized that he knew this woman, that, being a high school student, he deceived her, took advantage of her trust. Not the first beauty, Natasha Abrosimova (that was the name of a random fellow traveler) in her youth did not enjoy special attention from guys. Pletenkin began to look after her, to see her home, and for this he asked the girl to write an essay for him for a citywide competition. She gladly agreed.

When the young man won the competition and received a ticket to St. Petersburg, he even stopped greeting Natasha. And only at graduation found the strength to obey. But the girl only said: “Did you deceive me?” And she left, leaving in the memory of the hero only her dreary deep look. She looked at him that way even today.

Frowning at his memories, Pletenkin decided that at the meeting he would give her all the money. But then he realized that he would never do it.

Author's position

The author is convinced that a dishonest act has no statute of limitations. Sooner or later, he will remind of himself and make him pay his bills. Having deceived the girl twice, the hero of the story, first of all, deceived himself. And this feeling of guilt before her will not leave him until the end of his days.

own position

It is impossible not to agree with the author. When deciding on some action or deed, you need to think carefully about what it will be like for you to live with it, whether you will regret it later. Because it will not always be possible to fix what you have done.

Argument #1

In the literature, in almost every work, the theme of responsibility for one's own actions is revealed. For example, in "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky, many heroes bear the brunt of responsibility for their actions. Rodion Raskolnikov, killing an old pawnbroker, and with her her feeble-minded sister in demolition, suffered so much pangs of conscience that he literally lost his senses.

Realizing that all his actions had no justification, he prayed for forgiveness from God in hard labor, rereading the Gospel and remembering the brightest person in his life - Sonya Marmeladova.

Argument #2

In the story of N.M. Karamzin's "Poor Lisa", the main character Erast, who deceived Lisa, sold his love for marrying a rich lady, will suffer for the rest of his life from the fact that he caused the death of a young and naive girl. His thoughtless selfish actions led to the fact that Liza, who sincerely loves him, threw herself into the river, unable to endure the betrayal and lies of her loved one.


Whatever we do in life, whatever we strive for, there is always something that limits us - our conscience. Go

contrary to her, it is impossible, since later she will remind herself more than once. We are responsible for our own destiny, for our own life and for our actions, good and bad. You need to live in such a way that later you will not be ashamed of yourself and your actions.

Greetings, dear friends. Today I would like to reflect and invite you to a discussion on the following topic. We all experience the consequences of irresponsibility at some point. We rebuke menacingly, shake the air, but sometimes we use the advice of the classic “to turn on ourselves”. And we do not always see a “mirror” reflection that pleases.

That's what we'll talk about today: are we all aware of the responsibility for committing actions, and what does carelessness come to us and our loved ones.

Previously, I somehow did not think about this topic, and when I became a mother, more and more often I began to have similar thoughts, and now I will try to state them in this post.

It is well known that a number of great scientists thought seriously about the consequences of their own scientific discoveries. A textbook example: the role of Einstein in the creation of the atomic bomb by the Americans. On the eve of World War II, US scientists learned that relevant research was being carried out in Germany and sent a letter to President Roosevelt. The appeal "stimulated" to start the same work in America. Later, Einstein regretted that he was among the signatories of this petition, although he understood that the impulse at that time was understandable.

Much attention is paid to the problem of responsibility for one's actions in religion and the philosophical teachings built on their basis. Sins, that is, our unseemly deeds, are necessarily punished. And this is fair, right, because it is necessary to teach humanity to think about the consequences of their actions.

That's the keynote.

But there is a way out, the same postulates say. Yes, we are imperfect, but we are able to learn, and for this we must first analyze our actions. And repent for your mistakes.

Sometimes the layman distorts this side of religious beliefs, simply jokingly that the priests supposedly came up with a good idea: he sinned - he prayed, and that's it, he's free. Clean, you can sin again.

The bottom line is something else: everyone should sincerely evaluate their actions. To honestly admit what I was wrong about, to be ashamed, if not just mistaken, but prevaricated, cowardly. Especially if it hurt other people.

Only this is a deep moral work and genuine, and not ostentatious, repentance serves our spiritual growth. It is no coincidence that history knows examples when even people who committed a crime, punished by law, then came to faith or even without a church reconsidered their position and then lived a rich moral life, helping others to gain meaning and peace of mind.

In literature and art

The theme of moral choice in literature and art has been worked out in detail. Starting with the simplest children's poems, for example, about the same bunny abandoned by the hostess, the authors solve this dilemma together with us.

There is not a single work of the classics of world literature, no matter where, in one way or another, this question: “To be or not to be?” This, of course, is not about whether to live, exist or go to another world. This is a task of a different, moral plan: “Should I be a decent person?”

I won’t even begin to list examples here because there are a huge number of them. All of you yourself will remember which of the books made the strongest impression on you, made you think about the purpose of a person and other aspects of his being.

Painters have their own visual means. They lead us to the same thoughts without a single word. For example, Rembrandt's famous painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son" awakens memories of our mistakes in raising children, which then come back to haunt the whole family.

Vasily Vereshchagin's painting "The Apotheosis of War" became a terrible reproach to those who unleash the bloody confrontation between peoples. What pictures made the most impression on you? Did you evoke emotions? Made you think?

But after all, not only the "powerful of this world" participate in historical events. We all bear our share of personal responsibility.

A real shock in the 80s of the last century was the film by Tengiz Abuladze "Repentance". This is exactly what he is talking about: everything comes back, nothing goes unnoticed. We can force ourselves to forget about our unseemly deeds, but retribution will still overtake, and worst of all, children and grandchildren often have to pay.

It is amazing that Abuladze's picture was initially received with hostility by our "professional critics", at least by many. The director was accused of "indulging the base moods of the masses" and other "sins".

No less discussion was caused by another film, the documentary “Is It Easy to Be Young?” They scolded, praised, but their main advantage is undoubted: such noticeable phenomena of art forced many to think about their position.

Politicians, leaders and all-all-all

There is a fairly common category of people who blame others for all the troubles. Parents, teachers, doctors, colleagues, neighbors, bosses, etc. are to blame. In order to take responsibility for your actions, you don’t want to look for arguments. In any company, we see such "denouncers" who angrily complain about the lawlessness of power, rudeness in stores, incompetence of the police, etc. Try asking them what they did to fix something! They will again be sprayed about the fact that we are small people, while others "get paid for this", etc.

In Soviet times, the generation was taught civic responsibility from childhood. “Before, think about the Motherland, and then about yourself ...” - they sang in Soviet schools.

Now many are sure that there, in the west, everything is somehow resolved by itself, but we have a mess. For a second: in prosperous Scandinavian countries, each resident is a member of a good dozen public organizations. Approximately as we used to have: DOSAAF, the Red Cross, etc. It is clear that not everyone “plows” there, someone is simply registered, someone from time to time is included in certain events. But participation in affairs for the common good is a special form of responsibility.

When you patrol with a group of other parents around the area near the school or in the microdistrict, you rise above your narrow world and begin to realize how difficult it really is to solve the same problem of teenage drug addiction, neglect. When we are “purple”, “parallel” to what is happening in the next apartment, why a hungry boy sits with a cigarette in the stairwell, and does not go home, one should not be surprised that someone will someday pass by your child in the same indifference. trouble or difficult situation.

Well, let's leave the responsibility of a broad plan for now. But both at home and in the work collective there are many who want to “push” their duties onto others. And do not think about the consequences of your actions and misconduct.

The consequences of medical or pedagogical errors are very formidable. Here, the “price of the issue” may well be life and the broken destinies of many people. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing a profession, it is worth seriously considering whether this burden is feasible for us, our children. Actually, is it ours? And if you are sure, if this is really a matter of life, it is necessary to bring up responsibility in yourself.

It all starts with family...

This is an axiom, a banality, perhaps, set on edge. But for me it's true!

For everyday chores, career "exploits", sorting out relationships like "who is the boss in the house" we sometimes forget about it.

But if we do not teach our child a responsible attitude to actions, he will never be happy. Because carelessness will inevitably lead to sad consequences.

That's all I wanted to tell you, our dear readers!

Read, discuss the topics proposed here with friends, colleagues, family members.

Learn with us!

Until we meet again, new discoveries.

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

Comments: 28

    Reply 07.03.2016 22:53

      Reply 09.03.2016 16:14

        Reply 10.03.2016 00:41

          Reply 15.03.2016 10:23

            Reply 17.03.2016 23:22

              18.03.2016 21:58

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