Literary riddles, competitions, quizzes. Open literature lessons, holidays


1. Which woman received the most money from crime? Agatha Christie

2. The ancient Greek sage named the most miraculous of miracles. What is this miracle? Man

3. At the end of the 18th century, a book was published called “Do not like it - do not listen, but do not interfere with lying.” What is it called now? "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"

4. What writer in his youth acted under the pseudonym "Doctor without patients"? A.P. Chekhov

5. There used to be a proverb "No stake, no yard." Why do we need a yard - we know, but what is a stake for? A stake is a piece of land, the land was measured with a stake

6. Voltaire's riddle: what is longer and shorter than everything in the world, what is neglected and valued, what devours everything insignificant and resurrects everything good? Time

7. Whose song is this? If I scratch my head, it doesn't matter. In the head of my sawdust, yes-yes-yes. Winnie the Pooh

8. What is the name of the girl who got into the Looking Glass? Alice

9. What are the names of the three piglets? Nif-nif, Nuf-nuf and Naf-naf

10 How did Ellie end up in Fairyland? She was blown away by a hurricane

11 What is the name of the literature about the future? Fiction

12 Great Russian fabulist. Krylov

15 A fairy tale in which the "terrible crime" takes place - an attempted murder. Fly Tsokotukha

16 Which hero of Chukovsky was a terrible villain,
and then rehabilitated? Barmaley

17 In what country did G.Kh. Andersen? In Denmark

18 Where do we meet Dr. Prospero? In the fairy tale "Three fat men"

19 There is a story about a toy soldier and a beautiful ballerina. What was the main character made of? from tin

20 The girl who wanted to take possession of the Breke-ke-cake, the cockchafer and the blind mole? Thumbelina

21 The kindest cat in the world? Cat Leopold

22 The gift that crocodile Gena received on his birthday? Cheburashka

23 A patient for whom jam is the best medicine? Carlson

24 Who lives in a bottle? Gin

26 In the mountains - the robber Ali Baba; in the forest - Baba Yaga, in the swamp - water, in the house - brownie, in Africa ... Barmaley

27 The old woman who taught the hut on chicken legs? Baba Yaga

28 Dinosaur in Russian fairy tales? Zmey Gorynych

29 Keeper of underground riches? Dwarf

30 A singer who was eaten by a fox for his songs? Kolobok

31 “Morning is wiser than evening” - these are favorite words ... Frog princesses

32 Who has a button on his stomach? At Carlson

33 What is the name of the mythical creature - half-horse half-man? Centaur

34 The great American writer Mark Twain described a case. One person never laughed or smiled. No matter what they told him, he listened with an indifferent air. Why? He was deaf

35 Edgar Allan Poe wrote a story about a stolen letter. The house where it was supposed to be was known to the police. But, despite the fact that they were looking for him in the hidden and most incredible places, they still could not find him. Finally they found him. Where was it found? In the most visible place

36 What did Albert Einstein say when he was asked to be the first president of Israel? I don't have a head for human problems

37 The most famous of the Russian chroniclers, a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, who lived in the second half of the 11th century - at the beginning of the 12th centuries? Nestor

38 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book that was of great importance in the struggle to free the Negroes from slavery. What is this book? Uncle Tom's Cabin

39 The mythical abode of the gods? mountain peaks

40 The name "Yellow Newspaper" came from Ancient China. Why was she called that? The newspaper was printed on yellow silk

41 What birthday present did the owl give Eeyore? Tail

42 What did the fox lure from the crow in Krylov's famous fable? Cheese

43 Who did brother Ivanushka become, disobeying his sister Alyonushka? goat kid

44 What flower did Thumbelina come from? from a tulip

45 What device was invented by engineer Garin? Hyperboloid

46 What was the name of Malvina's poodle? Artemon

47 What title of nobility did the musketeer Athos have? Graph

48 Which of the literary heroes has only sawdust in his head? Winnie the Pooh

49 Who adopted Snow White? Seven gnomes

50 Who killed Pushkin? Dantes

51 What bird did Thumbelina fly on? On a swallow

52 How many children did Captain Grant have? Two

53 Who wrote the novel "Robinson Crusoe"? Daniel Defoe

54 What was Cinderella's carriage at 12 o'clock? into a pumpkin

55 What was painted on the canvas in Papa Carlo's closet? bowler hat

56 Where does Carlson live? On the roof

57 What egg did the hen Ryaba lay? Golden

58 What is blank verse? unrhymed verse

59 Who ordered: “Mothers, nannies, get ready, equip yourself! Bake me soft white bread in the morning, what I ate at my dear father's? Princess Frog

60 The name of Don Quixote's beloved. Dulcinea Toboso

61 How many years did the famous hero Ilya Muromets lie on the stove? 30 years and 3 years

62 Which tale tells of four daring escapes and one villainous murder? Kolobok

63 In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the protagonist's surname was Montecchi. And his lover? Capulet

64 In ancient Greece, these buildings had the inscription: "Here the dead live and the living speak." On libraries

65 Which fairy tale ends with the words: "The wicked witch was tied to a horse's tail and let into an open field"? Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

66 Title of the second part of the book about the adventures of the girl Alice in Wonderland, by L. Carroll. Alice in the Wonderland

67 How old was Anna Karenina at the time of her death in Leo Tolstoy's work? 28 years

68 Three intruders, while in the service of a high-ranking person, committed a forgery of a document, which had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son are severely punished. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was defeated. A weaver with a cook, with a woman-in-law Babarikha. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

69 Everyone knows this literary hero. He was an artist, poet, musician, doctor, traveler, astronaut. Who is he? Dunno

70 The pseudonym of which famous writer coincides with the name of a large European city? Jack London, 1987-1916

71 Under pressure from royalty, this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of a wretched beggar, she penetrated to a kind, unsuspecting girl and treated her to a very common tasty fruit. As a result, she fell dead. Chernavka poisoned the young princess. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

72 Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? Kolobok

73 She selflessly sets out to help her named brother out of trouble and believes in him to the end, even when it seems that the eternal cold has completely filled the boy's heart. Who is this? Gerda

74 Who lied with the gibs in the fairy tale "Mushroom War"? King Peas

75 What was the name of the ancient Russian "encyclopedia", in which one could read about everything except the names of its authors? Alphabet - Russian handwritten explanatory dictionary or reference book of the 13th-18th centuries. with words and terms in alphabetical order

77 In Leo Tolstoy's story "Philippok" where did mother not let her son go? To school

78 What words called Sivka-burka? Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass

79 Who went to fish and left his tail in the hole? Wolf

The plot of The Inspector General was suggested to Nikolai Gogol by Alexander Pushkin. The story is based on quite real events that took place in the Novgorod province. Alexander Sergeevich himself also used the stories of his acquaintances. The plot of The Queen of Spades was suggested to him by Prince Golitsyn, who lost big, but was able to get his money back by betting on three cards on the advice of his grandmother. Now we have told you only two cases from the world of Russian literature, but we have more. We invite you to take our test and test your erudition. Good luck!

Question 1 of 10

What Russian monarch is dedicated to the monument in Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman"?

Alexander Nevskiy

Peter the First

The monument is dedicated to the founder of St. Petersburg, Peter the Great.

Ivan the Terrible

The monument is dedicated to the founder of St. Petersburg, Peter the Great.

Question 2 of 10

What is the real name of Maxim Gorky?


Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov - this is the real name of the classic of Soviet literature, known under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky.

Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov - this is the real name of the classic of Soviet literature, known under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky.

Question 3 of 10

What was the name of the girl with whom the protagonist of the novel A.S. was in love? Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Masha Troekurova

Sofia Marmeladova

Marya Kirillovna Troekurova - the main character of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky", the daughter of Dubrovsky's main enemy, Dubrovsky's lover.

Masha Grineva

Marya Kirillovna Troekurova - the main character of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky", the daughter of Dubrovsky's main enemy, Dubrovsky's lover.

Question 4 of 10

Indicate which works are written by A. Solzhenitsyn.

"Flint", "Boiling Point"

"Kolyma stories", "Black stones"

"Matryonin Dvor", "In the first circle"

Question 5 of 10

In which work of M. Bulgakov is there a warning that the violation of the natural course of things leads to irreversible consequences?

"Fatal Eggs"

"Dog's heart"

"The Master and Margarita"

"White Guard"

Question 6 of 10

To whom did I.S. Turgenev dedicate his most famous novel "Fathers and Sons"?

V.G. Belinsky

A.I. Herzen

I.S. Turgenev dedicated this novel to V. G. Belinsky. The writer had a great friendship with him, and under the influence of these relations his views on literature were formed. He even bequeathed to bury himself next to Belinsky.

P.Ya. Chaadaev

I.S. Turgenev dedicated this novel to V. G. Belinsky. The writer had a great friendship with him, and under the influence of these relations his views on literature were formed. He even bequeathed to bury himself next to Belinsky.

V.A. Zhukovsky

I.S. Turgenev dedicated this novel to V. G. Belinsky. The writer had a great friendship with him, and under the influence of these relations his views on literature were formed. He even bequeathed to bury himself next to Belinsky.

Question 7 of 10

What was A.P. Chekhov by profession?


While still a student, Chekhov helped the doctors of the Resurrection Hospital. The head of this hospital recalled the work of his young colleague in the following way: “Anton Pavlovich did the work slowly, sometimes his actions expressed, as it were, uncertainty; but he did everything with attention and visible love for the work, especially with love for the patient who passed through his hands.

While still a student, Chekhov helped the doctors of the Resurrection Hospital. The head of this hospital recalled the work of his young colleague in the following way: “Anton Pavlovich did the work slowly, sometimes his actions expressed, as it were, uncertainty; but he did everything with attention and visible love for the work, especially with love for the patient who passed through his hands.

While still a student, Chekhov helped the doctors of the Resurrection Hospital. The head of this hospital recalled the work of his young colleague in the following way: “Anton Pavlovich did the work slowly, sometimes his actions expressed, as it were, uncertainty; but he did everything with attention and visible love for the work, especially with love for the patient who passed through his hands.

Question 8 of 10

Name the author of the tragedy "Ariadne".


K. Balmont

In 1924, Marina Tsvetaeva wrote the poetic drama Ariadne.

Boris Godunov

Among the heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter" stands out the colorful figure of Emelyan Pugachev, whom Pushkin described as a surprisingly handsome villain.

Stepan Razin

Among the heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter" stands out the colorful figure of Emelyan Pugachev, whom Pushkin described as a surprisingly handsome villain.

Question 10 of 10

How many sons did Taras Bulba, the protagonist of the novel of the same name by N.V. Gogol, have?

Taras Bulba had only two sons - Ostap and Andriy.

Taras Bulba had only two sons - Ostap and Andriy.

Taras Bulba had only two sons - Ostap and Andriy.


Her poets compose

Dedicated to kings, heroes.

(Oh yeah)

I. Ageeva

dictionary compiler

For big and for children.

(V. Dahl)

I. Ageeva

My first the syllable grows in the oak forest,

Second- deep ditch

Add a letter or a preposition.

Then find third syllable:

Knows him very well

Who plays billiards.

And in in general- story is

Great poet.

(Oak + Ditch + C + Cue = "Dubrovsky".)

exclamation, affirmation,

Everything is the work of a poet.

(O + Yes = Oda.)

Who knows the parts of a motorcycle

That word will guess it.

And if the letter "D" is added,

You can put on stage.

(Rama - d frame.)

You probably know me

I am the hero of Pushkin's fairy tales.

But if you replace "L" with "N",

I will become a Siberian river.

(E l isei - E n isei.)

With the letter "I" - this is a storm, an eruption,

Flood, comet fall,

And without "I" - then the fruits of inspiration,

What poets give us lovingly.

(Poems I- poems.)

I. Ageeva

This word means

What all poets are looking for.

We change the order of letters -

We get the company.

(Rhyme - firm.)

I. Ageeva

First- that's the boy's name

well and second- read in a book.


I. Ageeva

On the church first glitters,

And a carved cross stands on it.

The state has second,

The people elect her.

AND third in the book you will find

And read it in half an hour.


I. Ageeva


Rearrange the letters in the suggested words so that they turn out to be either literary terms, or the names of writers, or the names of book characters.

ILO T _ _(Unit of collected works.)


WHALE AND _ _(Rhythmic stress, strong place in the verse.)


A PIECE OF CHALK L _ _(Polish science fiction writer.)

(Lem Stanislav.)

CURRENT TO _ _(The character of the novel "Master and Margarita.)


FEOD D _ _ _(English writer.)

(Defoe Daniel.)

TORBA B _ _ _ _(Russian children's poetess.)

(Barto A.L.)

BANK TO _ _ _(The addressee of the poem "II remember a wonderful moment ... "A.S. Pushkin.)

(Kern A.P.)

FUGA G _ _ _(German writer- storyteller.)

(Gauf AT.)

OPERA P _ _ _(A writer's tool.)


NERVE AT _ _ _(French writer- fantastic.)

(Verne Jules.)

BOXING RING G _ _ _(Russian writer.)

(Green A.S.)

VEGA G _ _ _(The character of the play "Cherrygarden "A.P. Chekhov.)


MAKI AND _ _ _(Russian children's writer and poet.)

(Akim Ya.L.)

OVAL AND _ _ _(Pseudonym of N.V. Gogol.)


MONET H _ _ _(Captain from the book by J. Verne.)


ACCORDION B _ _ _(A play by V. Mayakovsky.)


REGIMENT TO _ _ _(A play by V. Mayakovsky.)


COURT TO _ _ _(Unloved groom Thumbelina.)


UKOS WITH _ _ _(The heroine of the fairy tale "Three fat man.)


FORCE L _ _ _(The heroine of many fables by I.A. Krylov.)

(A fox.)

DARKNESS M _ _ _(A novel by M. Gorky.)


EMIR M _ _ _(A cycle of poems by A. Blok.)


FOOT O _ _ _ _(Name of the Greatschemer and son of Taras Bulba.)


LOSHAK W _ _ _ _(The story of A. Gaidar.)


CHOICE O _ _ _ _(Novel by I. Goncharov.)


KID E _ _ _ _(Russian authorpoetic tale.)

(Ershov P.P.)

VALLEY D _ _ _ _ _(The hero of the tale by P. Bazhov.)


NONSENSE N _ _ _ _ _(Chilean poetnamed after Pablo, Nobel laureate.)


ISLAND R _ _ _ _ _(The character of "War andworld "L. Tolstoy.)


STOPPER P _ _ _ _ _(One of the Musketeers.)


ALGEBRA B _ _ _ _ _ _(Accountant from the novel"The Golden Calf" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.)


BELOVIK B _ _ _ _ _ _(Character"The Man in the Case" by A.P. Chekhov.)


GNESINA WITH _ _ _ _ _ _(Main characterpoems by S. Yesenin.)

(Snegina, Anna Snegina.)

SHOEMAKER B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Hero"Overcoat" Gogol.)


PRODUCT AND _ _ _ _(Creator of the literary works.)

SOCRATES C _ _ _ _ _ (Linear particle of the product.)


ATLANT T _ _ _ _ _(Outstandingwriting skills.)


FIRM R _ _ _ _(The subject of the search for poets.)


NOT HERZ G _ _ _ _ _(Russian writer- revolutionary.)

(Herzen A.I.)

OS NO WITH _ _ _ _(kind of poem,beloved by Shakespeare.)


I'M ANGRY Z _ _ _(French writer named Emil.)


AY NERVES AT_ _ _ _ _ _(Russian brothers-writers, authors of famous detective stories.)


CANCER NEM TO _ _ _ _ _(The famous novelP. Merimee, a cycle of poems by A. Blok.)


BANK MAG G _ _ _ _ _ _ _(People's poet Dagestan.)

(Gamzatov Rasul.)

GEL US G _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian playwright.)

(Gelman A.I.)

COUPLE HERE P _ _ _ _ _ _(The character of the playOstrovsky "Dowry", who deceived

Larisa Dmitrievna.)

(Paratov Sergei Sergeevich.)

PA + WALL AND _ _ _ _ _ _(Poetic meter.)


YES + NO D _ _ _ _(Italian poet, authorDivine Comedy.)

(Dante Alighieri.)

VOLT + RE AT _ _ _ _ _ _(Frenchwriter-philosopher)


MRAK + ZINA TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Russianwriter, historian)

(Karamzin N.M.)

FORON + ONE B _ _ _ _ _ _ (Former estate of the Pushkins.)


lip + wolf B _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian writer.)

(Bulgakov M.A.)

MAC + SHAR M _ _ _ _ _(Russian children's poet.)

(Marshak S.Ya.)

KIT + RICE TO _ _ _ _ _(Queen detectives.)

(Christie Agatha.)

ROLL + OWL N _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian poet.)

(Nekrasov ON.)

BACK + NUT W _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian poet, translator.)

(Zakhoder B.V.)

CANCER + ELEPHANT TO _ _ _ _ _ _(In moderationplump character Astrid Lindgren.)


TURP + VIC R _ _ _ _ _ _(Reciprocala short statement by one of the characters in the play.)


OMON + GOL M _ _ _ _ _ _(Expandedone of the characters in the play.)



Not only a confusing and embarrassing situation, but also a cover made of cardboard, leather and other materials that encloses the book.


Not only the result of multiplication, but also the fruit of the work of a writer or poet.


Not only a geometric curve, but also a strong exaggeration to create an artistic image.


Not only a mesh fabric for embroidery by cells, but also the main storyline of the work.


Not only a student's document on academic performance, but also a form of literary work.


Not only patience, fortitude and self-control, but also a quote.


Not only a detail in the form of a wheel with a groove around the circumference for a cable, but also a Russian poet.

(Block - Blok Alexander.)

Not only the name of golf courses covered with short grass, but also the pseudonym of a Russian writer.

(Green - Green Alexander. Real name - Grinevsky.)

Not only a series of even objects of the same size, superimposed one on top of the other, but also a rhythmic pattern that is minimally repeated in the verse.


Not only a difficult event, an experience that causes moral suffering, but also a kind of literary work.


Not only the dome of the church, but also a section of the book.


Not only a specialist in solving criminal offenses, but also a literary work depicting the disclosure of intricate crimes.


Not only metal frying utensils, but also a Ukrainian poet, musician, philosopher and teacher.

(Skovoroda - Skovoroda Grigory Savvich.)

Not only a marine invertebrate of the decapod crustaceans, but also the name of a Persian poet, author of the world-famous philosophical quatrains.

(Omar - Omar Khayyam.)

Not only an armored military vehicle, but also a national poet of Belarus.

(Tank - Tank Maxim.)

Not only a kind of story, but also the name of the Russian poetess Matveeva.

(Novella - Novella Nikolaevna Matveeva.)

Not only the axis in the moving parts of the mechanisms of electrical measuring instruments, but also the addressee of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment ...".

(Kern - Anna Petrovna Kern.)

Not only the name of the world's second cosmonaut, but also the surname of a Russian writer with the name of the world's first cosmonaut.

(German. German Titov and German Yuri Pavlovich.)

Not only a Russian measure of weight, but also the character of the Golden Calf.


Not only the Prime Minister of Great Britain - the “Iron Lady”, but also the young heroine of Mark Twain, to whom Tom Sawyer declared his love.

(Thatcher: Margaret and Becky.)

Not only a vivid performance, a spectacle, but also an English writer, Nobel Prize winner in 1925.

(The show is The George Bernard Show.)

Not only an exhibition and presentation of new car models, but also a literary and artistic circle of selected people, gathering in a private house.


Not only a one-time subsidy awarded to a scientific institution, creative team or individual performer of any work, but also the captain of the work of Jules Verne.


Not only the left or right side of the human body, but also the “housekeeper” of the Kid in the book by Astrid Lindgren.

(Bock - Miss Bock.)

Not only the book unit of the collected works of any author, but also the name of the young hero Mark Twain.


Not only a resident of Finland, but also a young hero of Mark Twain.

(Finn - Huck Finn.)

Not only a brand of a domestic car, but also the goddess of beauty, love, matrimony in Russian mythology.


Not only the hero of Alexandre Dumas, who became a fabulously rich count, but also the French monarchist, who killed A.S. Pushkin.

(Dantes. Edmond Dantes became the Count of Monte Cristo.)

Not only the bend of the seashore, but the character of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom".


Not only the city of the "Golden Ring" of Russia, but also the character of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".


Literary and mathematical quiz

To which Russian poet do these mathematical lines belong: “We regard everyone as zeros, and ourselves as ones”?

(A.S. Pushkin.)

What Pushkin hero said:

"... I believed

I algebra harmony ... "

(Salieri in Mozart and Salieri.)

Whose lines are these?

“We love everything - and the heat of cold numbers,

And the gift of divine visions

Everything is clear to us - and the sharp Gallic meaning,

And the gloomy German genius ... "

(A. Blok "Scythians".)

Which poet sang the numbers?

“I worship you, I wish you, numbers!

Free, incorporeal, like shadows,

You hung like a rainbow binder

To thoughts from the top of inspiration!”

(V. Bryusov "Numbers".)

Victor Hugo once remarked that the human mind has three keys that allow people to know, think, dream. Two of them are a letter and a note. What is the third key?


Who did George Gordon Byron call the "parallelogram princess"?

(His wife, who gave birth to his daughter Augusta-Ada Lovelace, who inherited her mathematical abilities from her mother and became the world's first programmer. True, the parents separated when their daughter was not even a year old, so Ada was not familiar with her famous father.)

“I peer into you, oh numbers...” wrote Velimir Khlebnikov in his poem. What is it called?


Also in XI century, he considered all options for solving the cubic equation by geometric methods, although he urged others to more often consider beautiful women and a glass of wine. Who are we talking about?

(About Omar Khayyam, who studied astronomy, physics, and mathematics.)

What books did the professor of mathematics, logician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, write?

("Alice in Wonderland", "Through the Looking Glass".)

What did Lewis Carroll invent as a mathematician?

(Methods for checking the divisibility of numbers by 17 and 19. Reception of memorizing a series of digits of an infinite fraction 3.14 ..., thanks to which he could write down the number pup to 71 decimal places. Anticipated some ideas of mathematical logic.)

What Russian measure of length gave the name to two collections of poems by Marina Tsvetaeva?

(Verst. Collections "Versts I”, “Versts II", 1921-1922)

Here is a line from the work of the French writer Alphonse Daudet: "Four thousand barefoot and waving Arabs ran after the camel like fools, sparkling with six hundred thousand teeth." Now calculate how many teeth each of the Arabs described by the writer has?

How many inhabitants were in the village of Florida, Missouri, in which the future writer Mark Twain was born, if the writer says in his autobiography: “I increased the population by exactly one percent. Not every historical figure can boast that he did more for his native city”?

(100 people.)

In the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu" it is said that Gerasim was "twelve inches tall." One vershok is approximately equal to 4.4 cm. It turns out that Gerasim's height was about 53 cm, which contradicts the description of the powerful figure of the hero in the story. Was Turgenev bad at math?

(No. It’s just that in the time of Turgenev it was indicated by how many vershoks human growth exceeds 2 arshins. One arshin is 71 cm, so Gerasim’s real height is 195 cm.)

What number received the name of Scheherazade (Scheherazade) and what are its remarkable properties?

(1001 is the number of Scheherazade, it can be seen in the title of the immortal fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights.” From the point of view of mathematics, the number 1001 has a number of interesting properties:

a) This is the smallest natural four-digit number that can be represented as the sum of cubes of two natural numbers: 1001 \u003d 10 3 +1 3;

b) The number 1001 consists of 77 ill-fated damn dozens (1001 = 77x13), of 91 elevens or of 143 sevens (remember that the number 7 was considered a magic number);

c) On the properties of the number 1001, the method for determining the divisibility of a number by 7, by 11 and by 13 is based.)

Is it true that A.S. Pushkin was born in MDCCXCIX and died in MDCCCXXXVII year?

(Yes, the years of his life in the Arabic record are 1799-1837.)

What prose genre is the arithmetic mean of the short story and the novel?


How, remembering the year of birth of L.N. Tolstoy (1828), is it easy to remember the day and month of his birth?

(The number of the year in the century - 28 - coincides with the birthday, and the number of the century - 8 - coincides with the number of the month of birth. Hence the full date of the writer's birth - August 28, 1828. Here's how mathematical observation can help you.)

The record holder among writers with a score of 27,000 is L.N. Tolstoy, and in second place - A.S. Pushkin with 24000. What nomination?

(According to the stock of words used.)

According to scientists, the heroes of Shakespeare's works pronounce this word 2259 times. What word is it?


"Mathematical" children's folklore is... What?

(Counting, counting.)

What "literary value" of a work can be both positive and negative?

(Hero, character of a literary work.)

What line can be found in a literary work?


What do they like to make "divisible" from an unkilled bear, according to a Russian proverb?

(Skin. Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.)

What mathematical law, known to everyone from elementary grades, has become a popular proverb?

(The sum does not change from a change in the places of the terms. This is a commutative, or commutative law, a property of addition and multiplication, expressed by the formulas a + b = b + a, ab = ba.)

Who is taller: the fabulous shorty Russian Man-with-a-nail or Thumbelina?

(Thumbelina, because Thumbelina's height is 2.54 cm, which is larger than the size of a marigold.)

What is the total weight of Deniska Korablev and his friend Mishka, the characters in the stories of Viktor Dragunsky.

(24.5 + 25.5 = 50 kg, story “Exactly 25 kilos.)

How much man was hiding under the pseudonym of Kozma Prutkov?

(Four: A.K. Tolstoy and the three Zhemchuzhnikov brothers - Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander Mikhailovich ..)


The initials of which famous Russian poet (starting with the surname) add up to a sports and card term?

(P ushkin AND lexandra With ergeevich - PASS.)

The initials of which Russian revolutionary poet and Soviet playwright (starting with a surname) form the abbreviation of the body that controls and supervises the observance of road safety?

(G erzen AND lexander And vanovich and G elman AND lexander And Saakovich - traffic police.)

The initials of which Russian classic writer (starting with the surname) add up to the name of an evergreen coniferous tree?

(T Urgenev And wana With ergeevich - YEW.)

The initials of which Russian thinker and writer (starting with a surname) form the abbreviation of a self-governing scientific organization in Russia?

(R adishcheva AND lexandra H ikolaevich - RAS - R Russian a Academy n auk.)

What Russian writer's initials with a count's title (beginning with his first name) add up to a theatrical term meaning part of a theatrical action?

(AND lexey To onstantinovich T tolstoy - ACT.)

The initials of which Russian poet of the Nekrasov school (starting with a surname) form an appeal to an adult man in Poland?

(P Leshcheeva AND token H ikolaevich - PAN.)

The initials of which well-known Russian children's poetess (starting with her last name) add up to the name of a big dance evening?

(B arto AND rot L lvovny - BALL.)

The initials of which Russian writer and poet (starting with the name) add up to the abbreviation of the sports title, from which a serious sports career begins.

(To onstantin M ikhailovich With imonov - KMS, to candidate in m aster with port.)

What Russian writer's initials, starting with a pseudonym, form a frog word, and with a real surname, starting with a first name, into a brand of a domestic car?

(To averin AT eniamin AND leksandrovich - KVA, AT eniamin AND leksandrovich Z ilber - VAZ.)

What word can be formed from the initials of the children's writer Marshak: THERE or SYAM?

(SYM - With amuel I AM kovlevich M arshak.)

The initials of which Russian writer (starting with the surname), who gave children wonderful fairy tales, add up to the personal pronoun of the second person plural in the instrumental case?

(AT olkova AND lexandra M elent'evich - TO YOU.)

The initials of which Russian writer (starting with the name) add up to a substance that gives shine.

(L ev AND Bramovich To assil - LAC.)

What great Russian science fiction writer's initials (starting with his last name) add up to the name of a small restaurant?

(B elyaeva AND lexandra R omanovich - BAR.)

The initials of which Russian poet, author and performer of songs add up to an abbreviation of one of the branches of the Armed Forces?

(AT ysotsky AT ladimira With emyonovich - air force.)

The initials of which Russian children's writer consist of three letters "N"?

(H wasp H ikolaia H ikolaevich.)

The initials of which Russian poetess consist of three letters "A"?

(AND chmatovy AND now AND ndreevny.)

The initials of which Russian writer (starting with the surname) add up to a physical quantity numerically equal to the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration of free fall?

(AT eltistova E vgeniya With Erafimovich - WEIGHT.)

Which Russian writer's initials (beginning with his name) form a synonym for the agreement word "Yes"?

(AND natolia G eorgievich AND lexina - AHA.)

The initials of which of the Russian brothers-writers, authors of detective novels, add up (starting with the name) into a word from a poor dog dictionary?

(G georgia AND leksandrovich AT ainer - gav. This is the younger brother of Arkady Alexandrovich Vainer.)

The initials of which famous French writer, starting with the surname, add up in a positive answer, but starting with the name, in a place for sinners.

(D yuma AND lexander - D AND, AND lexander D yuma - HELL.)

What famous French writer's initials (starting with his surname) form the abbreviation of our Baikal-Amur Mainline?

(B eyla AND nri M ari - BAM. Worked under the pseudonym Stendhal.)


Dentist- is it a literary critic specializing in the work of Dante, or a dentist?


Pedantry Is it an imitation of Dante or extreme precision and accuracy?


Fiction - this is a description of the invention of A.G. Bella or mass literary production of an entertaining nature?


make-up artist- Is it a researcher of the Brothers Grimm or a theater worker?

(A theater worker who makes up artists.)

hobbit- Is it a person who has a hobby, or a fairy-tale character?

(Fabulous character of John Tolkien.)

Critic- Is it a resident of the Greek island of Crete or a person engaged in the interpretation and evaluation of works of literature from the point of view of modernity?

(A person engaged in criticism. And a resident of the island of Crete is a Cretan.)

He is a critic, she is... Who?


Only two prepositions are needed prose to create all his works?

(Pro-for - prose.)

What is a natural disaster?

(This is when you were asked to learn a lot of poems at home.)

How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born?


Who is better to be: a bibliophile or a bibliomaniac?

(A bibliomaniac's love for collecting books is simply pathological, he already forgets about the cultural value of the objects he collects. It's better to be a bibliophile.)

The deep meaning of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox" is that only after losing cheese, the crow found ... What?

(Free speech.)

Both Mazai and Pikhto - who are they?

(Each of them is a grandfather.)

What is a very famous fairy tale... ruining children's teeth?

(“Golden Key” is toffee candy, excellent for pulling out fillings.)

What fairy-tale heroine of Sh. Perrault can be enjoyed not only by the wolf, but by all the kids?

(“Little Red Riding Hood”, because these are chocolates.)

What fairy-tale hero has been quenching the thirst of Russian children since Soviet times?

("Pinocchio" - soda.)

Which American writer was dubbed "zero inductance" by joker physicists?

(O. Henry = 0 henry, and inductance is measured in henry.)

In "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy there is a phrase: "Pierre Bezukhov opened the letter." Where did Pierre get a computer and a printer at that time?

(Nowhere, of course. The word "opened" should be understood as "opened".)

Russian programmers have proven that Carlson is a computer glitch! What is their proof?

(Carlson appears only when the Kid's windows are open -windows.)

Which hero of Turgenev did not have a sound card?

(Gerasim has a mute janitor.)

What is the difference between "Spring Waters" and "Spring Waters"?

(“Spring Waters” is a poem by F.I. Tyutchev, and “Spring Waters” is a story by I.S. Turgenev.)

Why do mathematicians love epigrams and epitaphs?

(For the fact that they have their favorite number Pi - p: e pi gram, uh pi taffia.)

Name of what character A.A. Milne run out of all domestic addresses on the Internet?

(RU- kangaroo. This is how the symbols are read - . EN)

What is the name of the title character of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy is read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

(Karenina Anna - Anna.)

Literary and art quiz "The Golden Age of Russian Literature" (for students in grade 10)

Author: Fadeeva Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU gymnasium No. 3 named after M.F. Pankov, Khabarovsk

Material Description: Literary and art quiz is offered to 10th grade students and fully complies with all current literature programs. The quiz can be held as part of the Decade of the Russian Language and Literature, at general lessons and during other events dedicated to the Year of Literature.
Target: generalization and expansion of students' knowledge about Russian literature of the 19th century.
- repeat the works studied in the literature course of grades 8-10, literary terms;
- to develop the creative abilities of students;
- to consolidate the ability to compare works of literature and painting (illustrations for works of Russian literature).

Quiz progress

Dear friends! 2015 has been declared the Year of Literature in our country. Your attention is invited to a literary and artistic quiz dedicated to the "golden age" of Russian literature. This is the name given to the 19th century, when the great masterpieces of Russian classical literature were created. Let's test our knowledge!

A) "Among the noisy ball ..."
B) on the road
C) "I remember the golden time ..."
D) "Aeolian harp"
D) "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai"
E) "Demon"
G) “How poor is our language!..”
G) "Key"

2. Whose portrait?




4. Three of these characters belong to the same work. What are these characters and what is the work, who is the author?
1) uncle Vanya
2) Chartkov
3) Khlestakov
4) Monsieur Zero
5) Rakhmetov
6) Vozhevatov
7) Moneylender
8) Unlucky
9) Princess Mary
10) Svetlana




6. To what works are these epigraphs?
1) "Take care of honor from a young age"
2) “Vengeance is mine and I will repay”
3) "There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked."
4) "The monster is oblo, mischievous, huge, staring and layyai"

7. Give the most precise definitions of the following terms:
1) Metaphor -
2) Reminiscence -
3) Epigraph -
4) Plot -
5) Classicism -
6) Remark -

8) Determine the poetic size of the passages:
1) I was among the Don people,
I also drove a gang of Ottomans;
In memory of battle and tents
I brought a whip home. (A.S. Pushkin)

2) Whatever the year - the forces decrease,
The mind is lazier, the blood is colder...
Fatherland mother! I will go to the grave
Waiting for your freedom! (N.A. Nekrasov)

3) Night marshmallow
Ether flows.
Guadalquivir. (A.S. Pushkin)

9. Match poetry or prose lines to paintings
I. Levitan "Evening bells"

A. Kuindzhi "Birch Grove"

K. Gorbatov "Winter landscape with a church"

Why are poetic lines and these works of painting consonant? What artistic means do poets and artists use to create an image?

10. Creative task.
An epigram is a genre of lyrical miniature, a poem ridiculing a person, situation or social vice. Compose an epigram
1) either for a vice exposed in any work of the 18-19 centuries you have passed through,
2) either on the hero of the completed work,
3) either on a situation or an event.

Summing up the quiz. Winner's reward ceremony.

About the life of the most famous writers of the world, about the main characters of novels and fairy tales, about interesting hobbies of poets and about the influence of their work on world society - this one will blow your mind: someone will be forced to rack their brains over the search for the right answers, and someone, perhaps, will cheer. But everyone will enjoy the competition in world literature!

Ready to answer the Literature Quiz for Years 10-11? Then go ahead!


1. In this novel, the young man retains his youth, and his portrait grows old. What is the name of the work?

2. Who was the cycle "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" by Alexander Blok dedicated to?

3. The main book of this English writer was repeatedly recognized as the “book of the twentieth century” and the best book in English written in the twentieth century. But at the same time, many critics called the book "a mixture of Wagner and Winnie the Pooh." What is this book and who wrote it?

4. Based on the work of Honore de Balzac, please answer, how old is a woman of Balzac's age?

5. What is the name of Jules Verne's Mysterious Island?

6. What was the education of the writer who created the image of Sherlock Holmes?

7. About what heroine Alexander Pushkin wrote the following lines:

"When it happened somewhere
She should meet the black monk,
Or a quick hare between the fields
Crossed her path
Not knowing what to start with fear
full of sad forebodings,
Was she waiting for misfortune?

8. The English writer Chesterton believed that “no one but the English could create such nonsense; however, no one but them, having created it, would have tried to take it seriously. What famous literary work is it?

9. “Waking up one morning after a restless sleep, Gregor Samsa found that he had turned into a terrible insect in his bed ...” What work is this quote from?

10. Until the middle of the 17th century, Europeans considered the fable to be a "low genre." Which writer made society change its attitude towards fables?

11. What was the name of the dean of Notre Dame in Victor Hugo's novel?

12. What was the name of the lady of the heart of Don Quixote?

13. Which famous Ukrainian writer translated literary works from 14 foreign languages, was an avid connoisseur of Shakespeare's sonnets, and a great connoisseur of Byron's work?

14. An adaptation of which fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is recognized as the highest grossing animated film "of all times and peoples"?

15. The surname of which writer is consonant with the name of a large European city?


2. Blok dedicated it to his wife, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

3. The Lord of the Rings, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

4. Thirty. This expression became famous after the publication of Balzac's novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman.

5. Lincoln Island

6. Conan Doyle was a doctor.

7. These lines are about Tatyana Larina.

8. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

9. "Transformation" by Franz Kafka.

10. Jean de Lafontaine.

11. Quasimodo.

12. Dulcinea Toboso.

13. Ivan Franko.

14. Fairy tales "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", which collected $ 866.5 million at the worldwide box office.

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