The Christmas tree contains a husband-alphonse. Christmas tree: personal life What is the name of the Christmas tree singer in fact


Popularity caught up with Sergei Astakhov in the role of the spouse of the famous Russian pop singer Yolka. The guy was born and lives in the suburbs of the capital with his parents. He has his own house in Khotkovo near Moscow, a small farm. His father is a laborer without a stable income, his mother is a housewife. The family lived modestly until Astakhov met Elka.

Sergei does not have a secondary special and higher education, nor does he have a permanent job. In order to employ the guy, Elka made him her administrator and even regularly paid him wages for 6 years. At the end of this period, reliable information appeared in the press that Astakhov was officially dismissed.

After the official break with Elka, little is known about the fate of the rural guy. Whether he found his other half and started a family in 2019 remains a mystery? The opinions of Elka fans were divided: some are sure that this is a real gigolo, others sincerely believed in his feelings.

Elka: biography of the singer, personal life, children

Elizaveta Ivantsev is the real name of Elka. Born in Uzhgorod (Ukraine) in the summer of 1982. My father liked to listen to jazz, my mother was a music worker in a local recreation center. Since childhood, the girl loved music, sang in the folk choir and dreamed of becoming famous. She studied at a secondary school, did not receive a higher education.

Back in her school years, Elka planned to become a singer, seriously studied vocals, and even entered a music school. She never managed to finish it - a conflict arose with the teacher due to extravagant behavior and style of dress.

The girl took up backing vocals, worked in the Uzhgorod musical ensemble. In 2001, the group broke up and Lisa, desperate to become a singer, got a job as a waitress in a local cafe. In 2004, Vlad Valov called Elka and offered to conclude a contract. So Elka ended up in Moscow and recorded her debut composition "City of Deception". It was the first creative breakthrough. The song stayed at the top of the charts for 3 months. This was followed by an equally successful debut solo album.

At first, the girl worked in the direction of chanson, classic rock, hip-hop, reggae, jazz. In 2011, Elka signed a contract with a new producer and performed with pop for the first time. Such an experiment turned out to be very successful, and the song "Provence" sounded on all radio waves, was in the lead in the charts. In addition to her musical career, Elka tried herself as a jury, participating in the Ukrainian X-factor project.

Elka and her husband Sergei Astakhov

The fateful meeting took place at the Carolina Bugazu resort, where the guy was resting with his family. Elka was on tour, and in the evening she decided to relax in a bar, where she met Sergei. Then it was a holiday romance, and after returning, the young people dispersed. She plunged into work, he left for the Moscow region.

A few years later, when Elka moved to Moscow, they met again. For 6 years, young people were friends, and then they started dating and got married. Elka moved to her husband, lived with his parents in the Moscow region. For the Astakhov family, she became a true gift of fate, since she earned money and supported all household members. The father did not work, the mother was often sick.

The girl installed gas and heating in the house, built a garage, and made major repairs. Later, she bought a plot in Sergiev Posad and even started building her own cottage with an area of ​​500 square meters. m. Since Elka spent a lot of time at work, her husband and father-in-law were engaged in the construction of the house.

A few months later, construction was suspended, its funding stopped. The neighbors were sure that the singer was tired of supporting her husband, Alphonse, and she finally decided to leave him.

Singer Elka divorced her husband

In 2018, reliable information appeared that Elizabeth divorced her husband. In the photos that the girl posted on social networks, she was in splendid isolation, but she did not take off her wedding ring.

Later it became known that Elka fired Astakhov from the position of her administrator. And so ended their love story. The singer did not announce the official divorce. Few people are interested in how the ex-husband lives today, but Elka has a second creative breakthrough in his life.

Burito and Elka - husband and wife

The joint work of Elka and Burito is the composition “You Know”. Immediately after its premiere, fans started talking about the romantic relationship between Lisa and Igor Burnyshev (lead singer of the Burito group). In fact, the guy has his own life, which he is not going to declassify. In one of the interviews, Elka made it clear that only warm friendship and creative plans for the future unite them with Burito.

Singer Elka: personal life 2019

Today, Elizabeth is fully immersed in work. Favorite activity always remains in the first place, so there is sorely not enough time for personal hobbies. In the winter of 2019, Elka presented a new album, YAVB, which immediately hit the top three on iTunes. She performs at corporate parties, often appears on television, and actively communicates with fans on social networks.


Elka does not comment on her personal life. She managed to hide information about her own children for many years. Once on social networks, the actress posted a photo, which depicts two adult daughters - Alexandra and Valeria.

The eldest daughter, 20-year-old Alexandra, is studying in the capital at the Faculty of Journalism. The youngest, Valeria, is actively involved in charity work in Minsk, has been working as a fashion model for several years, and leads an active life in social networks.

Elka herself admitted that her career was the most worrying thing in her life, so she devoted little time to her daughters from childhood. But now he actively supports their accounts on the Web, likes photos. Judging by the age of the girls, the singer gave birth to them in early youth. The alleged father is Vasily Kraynai - the captain of the KVN team "Chamber No. 6", with whom Lisa met in her student years - even before meeting Astakhov.

Singer Yolka is an outstanding personality. Everything in it is unusual - starting with the image and ending with the manner of performing songs. Bright, interesting, not like everyone else - this is exactly what she catches the viewer, it is her informality and originality that stands out from the crowd. But how did she come to her success and how did her musical career develop? What is this person? What are your hobbies besides music? How old is the singer Yolka? We will deal with all these questions in our article today. However, it is worth mentioning right away that the material of the opus is just a small fraction of what can be said about this mysterious and charming girl, so talented and efficient.

Singer Yolka: biography

Today, the singer Yolka is a famous person. Her songs, familiar to a wide audience, are heard in numerous concert "hodgepodge programs" and occupy the top lines of various hit parades of domestic radio stations. Although there was a time when no one heard of an outstanding girl with good vocal abilities.

The real name of the singer Yolka is Elizaveta Ivantsiv. That is the name of the heroine of our story in life. She was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, it happened in the summer, on July 2, 1982. And, probably, the creative path was destined for the girl from above, since she was born in a family with a musical history. Parents were directly related to music: my mother played several instruments, my grandparents sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa also began her musical journey with the choir, however, from school. By the way, the nickname Yolka appeared in childhood, when a boy from a yard company called the future singer like that as a joke. No one then could have thought that this name would soon glorify Elizabeth and bring her success, but for now ...

Lisa studied at a secondary school, was, in general, an ordinary girl, however, very brave. She was not afraid to experiment with her appearance and, on the whole, was distinguished by ease of communication and an excellent sense of humor. She always knew how to laugh at herself.

After school, she entered a music school and honestly tried to get an education. But... it didn't work out. Contact with teachers failed. They could not see in the girl the individuality that lived in her. Relations with teachers can only be characterized as a complete lack of mutual understanding and the presence of constant conflicts. Lisa left the school six months later.

Working with Vladislav Valov

In the mid-1990s, Lisa Ivantsiv began working in the Ukrainian musical group "B&B" as a backing vocalist and for some time tried to develop in this direction. However, the venture failed. The team broke up, and the girl, whose dreams collapsed, and not having time to come true, decided to part with her intentions and ... went to work as a waitress.

But, apparently, fate had other plans for her, she prepared a different path for Lisa. In confirmation of this, Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, soon appeared in the life of the singer. Lisa had known him before. They met at one of the music festivals, when the girl was still working as part of the B&B group.

The man invited Lisa to Moscow - to "experiment" and try to make a joint project. As Yolka later admits in an interview with reporters, for a long time she thought that she was being played, and did not believe that such proposals could be something serious. However, she took a risk. I took a risk and didn't fail. In 2001, the girl signed a contract with her first producer, Vlad Valov. It was then that the singer Yolka was “born”, the biography of her work begins exactly from that moment. I must say that the project bore fruit almost immediately, and the result of the joint work was not long in coming. Over the course of several years, Yolka recorded an impressive number of songs, which were later included in her debut collection City of Deception.

First successes

It should be noted that the musical genre in which Yolka worked was designed for a narrow circle of listeners. The songs she performed combined styles of hip-hop, heavy guitar R&B and rock. That is, her music was not popular, but more alternative. However, the fans liked the album, music critics were also not stingy in their assessments, and her first success came to Yolka. She became a popular person. The songs received rotation on radio stations, and the singer herself became an RMA nominee on MTV. Further more. A year later, the second album of Yolka "Shadows" saw the light. In 2007, the song "Handsome Boy" was awarded the "Golden Gramophone" award.

Over the next two years, the singer continued to work actively. She released her third music collection - "This Magnificent World" and was actively searching for musical material for the fourth.

2009 was a landmark year for Lisa. The contract with Vladislav Valov ended, and a bullet point was put on the joint work of the singer and producer. At the same time, there has been a slight decline in Yolka's work. The girl did not leave the feeling that she had reached a dead end. It was a moment of rethinking, a turning point in his career.

New style in creativity

In 2011, the artist decided to change course and focus on popular music. The girl plunged headlong into the process. What is most interesting, work in the new genre did not affect the musical abilities of the singer. The voice is a musical instrument that Lisa masterfully owns, and the performance of songs that were different in style did not worsen the impression of the artist in any way, just the music that flowed from her in a magical stream began to play with completely new colors. The songs "Provence", "In a big balloon" and "Near you", which became hits, confirm all of the above.

In one of her interviews with the Russian music site, which closes the top three most visited and quoted portals on the Runet, Lisa admitted that she does not regret at all that a completely different singer Yolka appeared before the listener. The biography of the pop singer does not make her unattractive in the eyes of her fans. It's not embarrassing at all, but very cool.

The new musical creations of the performer received awards at various musical events, and thanks to this, the singer herself got into the tabloids of glamorous magazines and lists of successful show business figures in Ukraine and simply popular and recognizable people.

In general, Lisa is an open person. Often journalists are afraid of meeting her, thinking that she is a sarcastic and caustic girl. However, in the course of communication, it turns out that this is not at all the case, and you can talk with Lisa on any topic. She has a great sense of humor and is not shy about answering a wide variety of questions, such as: "What kind of men does she like?" or “How old is the singer Yolka?”

I must say that the changes in the life of the artist were not from scratch. Not only a creative crisis, but also one important meeting served as an impetus for development in a new direction. Once Lisa was invited for an interview in a program on the Alla radio, where the singer, in fact, got the opportunity to talk with Pugacheva. The meeting of two creative women was not in vain for the Christmas tree. Of course, nothing special happened there, just a conversation with the prima donna of the Russian stage made the girl, as she herself later tells, rethink some things and look at everything in a new way. This conversation set a new vector for the singer's movement towards her goal.

Creative biography

After Yolka stopped working with Vlad Valov, she found herself new producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music.

I must say that, in addition to studying music, the singer led a very eventful and active life - she took part as a jury member in several seasons of the X-factor television project, starred in the video for the song "Compose Dreams" of her colleague Vladi, member of the Casta group. And, by the way, Red Hat in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon "The True Story of Red Hat" also speaks in the voice of the Christmas tree.

In April 2012, an important event took place in the musical life of Lisa Ivantsiv, as for any ambitious artist, an event - a concert of the singer took place in the Olimpiysky sports complex. A lot of work has been done, and the concert was a great success. In September of the same year, the singer Yolka began her concert tour of the cities of Russia. The biography of her work has expanded with joint work with rappers Noize MC and Zhara, the Megapolis and Burito groups. In addition, the girl’s life was also present in episodic roles in the film “Gentlemen, good luck!” and the series "Fight", the sitcom "SASHATANYA", the films "This is love!", "A gift with character", "About love".

Singer Yolka: personal life

I must say that today the singer has a lot of work and even more plans for the future. Yolka constantly tours with a group of musicians, including a guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer and DJ. Also, the dance group Loonyband is involved in the performances of the singer, whose members are engaged in staging dance numbers and help in decorating the stage.

In the personal life of Lisa Ivantsiv, too, everything is fine. Since 2010, she has been married to Sergei Astakhov. He is a non-public person, just a good guy from the Moscow region, although young people met in Moscow. The singer's friends say that the artist's family is matriarchy, and all important decisions are made by Yolka. The singer, whose children are only in plans so far, tries to work hard. By the way, Lisa is the main earner in the family. Recently, the guys have acquired real estate in Moscow, as well as a land plot outside the city, where they plan to build a house. The couple have a very touching relationship, filled with care for each other. And it is noticeable even to the naked eye.

Elka's personal life- singer from Uzhgorod Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv, hidden from prying eyes. She even forbade her acquaintances to communicate with journalists on this topic, and crossed out those who did not keep their mouths shut from the list of their friends. Her path to fame began with participation in the local KVN team "Ward No. 6", in which she was the only girl. Lisa had many admirers, but among all she drew attention to the captain of the team, Vasily Kraynya. He was eight years older than a fourteen-year-old girl and became the first man in Elka's personal life.

In the photo - Elka with her husband

The romance between them lasted seven years, but the wedding was not included in the plans of Lisa, who wanted to leave her native Uzhgorod and become famous. To earn a living, Elka got a job as a dishwasher in the Medellin cafe, because playing KVN did not bring any income. Producer Vlad Valov, who once worked with Timati and Decl, helped her move to Moscow and start her career as a singer. He paid for the young singer to move to Moscow, rented a hotel, and with the help of his acquaintances, the song she recorded was a hit on the radio. With the help of his friends, Valov gave Yelka several concerts and helped shoot a video. But the young singer did not appreciate these efforts of Vlad Valov, and later moved on to more eminent producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova.

In Moscow, Elka's personal life changed - the singer met Sergei Astakhov, a guy from the Moscow region who did not work anywhere. She had to support him, and then, in order not to rent an apartment, she moved with him to his parents. Elka had to work hard in full to support her family. In the fall of 2010, Elka married Astakhov and even took his last name. Despite the fact that everyone around considers Sergey to be a slacker, Lisa loves her husband very much and is not going to part with him, and she denies all the rumors about their divorce.

Recently, the singer, using hard-earned money, acquired a plot in Sergiev Posad, and with her husband they started building a house there, which Astakhov manages. The land there is very expensive, and the future house can cost the singer one and a half million dollars. Elka and her husband do not deny themselves a beautiful vacation - last summer they spent their vacation in Europe, where they rented a yacht. Before that, Elka visited France, and during this trip she did not sit idle, but was engaged in the presentation of the clip "New World". Elka made Sergey Astakhov her administrator, and the common work brought the spouses even closer.

Name: Elka (Elizaveta Ivantsiv)

Age: 35 years

Place of Birth: Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Growth: 162

Activity: singer, TV presenter, producer, actress

Family status: married

Elka: biography

Elka is a unique Russian pop-rock singer. The singer came to the stage as an alternative musician, but was able to win the love of the masses. Even after Yolka gained popularity, she did not become a faceless pop singer and did not stop diluting her compositions with music of various genres: from classic rock to soul and reggae.

Elizaveta Ivantsiv (real name of the singer Yolka), the future star of the Ukrainian and Russian pop scene, was born on July 2, 1982 in western Ukraine, in Uzhgorod. Yolka grew up in a family where everyone was connected with music in one way or another: dad, a music lover, collected jazz records, mom played several musical instruments, and the older generation - grandparents - sang in the folk choir. And Lisa herself, like many vociferous children, was also enrolled in the choir from childhood, and then began to go to the vocal circle at the local Palace of Pioneers.

As a teenager, the girl became interested in soul and rap music, and her proximity to Eastern Europe allowed her to attend various continental and world-class music festivals, and Lisa constantly expanded her knowledge in the field of music.

Young Elizabeth gained her first stage skills while participating in KVN back in her school years. Then they began to recognize her in her hometown: the team in which Lisa was a member was quite popular.

After school, Yolka decided to continue her vocal studies and entered a music school, but stayed there only for six months. The singer admitted that she could not get along with the teachers, and therefore chose to leave the educational institution before they tried to kick her out. Perhaps this was due to a very informal appearance for a provincial city: since her school years, the girl experimented a lot with her appearance and clothes, decorating herself with piercings and tattoos, wore bright make-up - “war paint”, shaved baldly - in general, she stood out strongly on background of more moderate peers.


The musical biography of Yolka did not begin at all with a breakthrough success. Around the mid-nineties, Yolka joined the rap-R "n" B group "B & B", where she sang backing vocals. The group did not gain much popularity, but was known among fans of Russian-speaking rap. In 2001, the team went to Moscow, to the RAP MUSIC festival, where they won one of the prizes. At the same time, the talented guys were noticed by the famous rapper and producer SHEFF, in the world - Vladislav Valov.

It is not known why the acquaintance did not develop into a creative union even then. Vlad Valov contacted Yolka only three years later, when she had already parted with the group and left the dream of entering the professional stage.

"At first I thought it was a joke, a practical joke," the singer later admitted. Confidence in the seriousness of intentions appeared when a ticket to Moscow came from Valov's company in the name of Elizaveta Ivantsiv. Yolka arrived in the capital of Russia and performed his song "Bitch Love" at a concert dedicated to memory. After that, the girl performed at the Megahouse rock festival. Contrary to the singer's fears, the audience greeted her very warmly.

In the same year, SHEF signed a contract with Yolka, seeing in her a future star of the CIS scale. Among other things, Valov offered the singer to change her pseudonym or even go on stage under her passport name, but received a decisive refusal from the girl.

“From the age of eleven, everyone calls me Yolka, even my mother. I almost don’t respond to my passport name,” she later said in an interview.

Novice singer Elka on stage

In November 2005, Yolka's first solo album "City of Deception" was released - by the name of the flagship composition, which was presented to the general public in the summer of 2004 and quickly became a hit (for this song, radio "Maximum" called Yolka the discovery of the year).

The texts for most of the songs were written by Vlad Valov, he was also involved in music and arrangements. "City of Deception" turned out to be a very diverse album with references to many musical genres, from hip-hop to reggae and soul. Critics rated this experiment positively, Yolka was even called the "hope of pop music" and nominated for the "Best Rap" award.

Yolka's next successful single was the composition "Student Girl", which was broadcast on Europa Plus radio and several other stations. Popularity grew every day, and in the same year, Yolka consolidated its success by releasing the album "Shadows". He supported the theme of the previous album and did not win such a stunning success, however, he replenished the singer's repertoire with high-quality content. As in the "City of Deception", most of the compositions belonged to the authorship of Vlad Valov.

In 2007, the singer's first and only video album was released at the moment. Nevertheless, Yolka continued to willingly shoot videos for her musical compositions. And although she no longer released them in collections, now the number of video clips is approaching thirty.

In the third album, released in 2008, critics noted changes in the singer's musical style, and Yolka herself admitted that she tried to make "This Magnificent World" brighter and more positive than previous works. Although it was not without ironic social themes: the song "Handsome Boy" was remembered and loved by the public, including its caustic, sharp text.

This was the last album in which Vlad Valov was the songwriter. Yolka decided to change the style and did not renew the contract with the producer. The singer noted that she is glad for the opportunity to expand her horizons and work with many other authors and composers. In particular, she happened to cooperate with the brothers.

In an interview, Yolka said that she was prompted to radical changes, among other things, by a conversation with Alla radio. In her straightforward manner, the Primadonna advised her young colleague to think about expanding the style framework and entering the big stage.

Yolka chose the company "Velvet Music" and began to cooperate with Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. The same label released the next album, "The Points Are Placed", which was distinguished by a softer sound close to pop music. He came out in 2011.

The songs "Provence" and "Near You" became hits, for which Yolka received several awards, including her second "Golden Gramophone". In this album, the singer also sang a duet with a famous Russian performer. In total, Yolka attracted more than a dozen authors to work on the album, experimenting with various styles, up to the bossa nova. This period led not only to experiments with style, but also to the rapid growth of the singer's popularity: Yolka began to give numerous concerts literally throughout Russia, and tickets for her performances began to be sold out in the first days of sales.

The changes affected not only the musical, but also the stage style of the singer: at the X-Factor show, the audience first saw Yolka in an elegant dress, and the journalists immediately noted how much more elegant and feminine she had become. Yolka explained the changes in her image with internal changes: "I'm on stage - this is a concentrate of me in real life." In addition to musical popularity, the singer gained fame as a model of style.

The next album-collection "Fake Love" Yolka presented in 2014. It includes tracks recorded under the direction of Vlad Valov, but not released in previous albums, as well as several songs from previous albums. In parallel, the singer released several compositions recorded on Velvet Music - one of which is the popular song "You Know", recorded together with the Burito group - for which she received prestigious awards.

Yolka presented her latest album "#NEBY" in February 2015. The unusual name, as the singer said, is a hashtag that she likes to use on social networks when she posts photos of the sky. Critics noted the singer's characteristic variety of styles and spoke of the album as a strong, high-quality work. This year has also been rich in awards. The composition "The Sea Inside" received the status of "Song of the Year", and the artist herself became the "Singer of the Year".

2016 was also full of recognition. The song “I warm happiness” received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award, and Yolka herself was again recognized as the singer of the year, this time according to the RU.TV Prize and the Russian Music Awards. At the end of this year, a real miracle happened in the life of Yolka - she sang a duet with her old idol. As Yolka herself admitted, she loved the singer's work, even when she was not even a Yolka.

Fans will be able to hear the joint song by Lagutenko and Yolka “Don't Part With Your Loved Ones” as the soundtrack to the film from the popular New Year's franchise “Yolki”, the fifth in a row.

In February 2017, Yolka gives a major solo concert in Moscow, at the Crocus City Hall.

Personal life

Disliking the yellow press, Yolka tends not to reveal the details of his personal life. “I live with a cat,” the singer jokes.

It is known that she has been married for several years to someone who does not belong to a creative party. Yolka played the wedding in secret, for a long time she hid from the press and her husband himself. According to the singer, she has a strong and happy marriage. However, in 2016 there were numerous rumors about the imminent divorce of the artist. Journalists found out that the couple could not finish building a country house, and domestic problems began to quarrel with the family. Yolka herself does not comment on this information.


  • city ​​of deceit
  • This magnificent world
  • The dots are placed
  • Fake love
  • #SKY

The singer, whose popularity has grown markedly in recent years, carefully hides her personal life, but this did not save her from heated discussions. The main target of conversations was Elka's husband Sergei Astakhov.

They first met more than twenty years ago, when the aspiring singer Liza Ivantsiv (real name Elka) performed with a vocal group at the Karolino-Bugaz resort near Odessa, and Sergey was relaxing there with his family. Then they just met, exchanged addresses, and that was it.

In the photo - Elka's husband

After six, they met again in Moscow, where the singer came to build a career in show business. Elka hid her relationship with Sergei even from friends, and every evening he waited in a car near the studio where she recorded songs. They settled with the parents of Sergei Astakhov in Khotkovo, near Moscow, and from the very beginning of their life together, Elka's husband did not work anywhere and lived at her expense. True, he had temporary earnings, but it was impossible for a young family to live on them, and even more so to rent an apartment, which is why they lived in an apartment with Astakhov's parents.

Elka, trying to earn more, began to disappear on tour - she had a goal to build her own day, because it made no sense to wait for help from her husband. She also helped Sergei's parents financially, so they always spoke of their daughter-in-law with great gratitude.

Sergey Astakhov became the official husband of Elka in 2010, and some time after the wedding, which they celebrated very modestly, the newlyweds moved out of Khotkovo to a rented Moscow apartment. The singer made her husband her administrator, and from that moment she stopped hiding him from her friends, because now he could earn money.

In the photo - Elka with her husband

Everyone speaks of Sergei Astakhov as a simple sociable guy, and Elka simply does not like the soul in him. She dedicates her lyrical songs to him and does not pay attention to what others say about Sergey. Her earnings were enough not only to build a house, but also for a joint vacation. Sergei does not let his wife go a single step, carefully guarding her from fans and reporters. He also supervised all affairs in the construction of a house in Sergiev Posad. Soon the singer and her husband will celebrate a housewarming party in a three-story cottage, the construction of which has already been completed. They are looking forward to the time when the finishing work will be completed in the house, and they will be able to move there from a rented apartment.
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Elka has known her since childhood. They first met in Odessa, then young Liza (this is the real name of Elka) performed with the ensemble, and Sergey was relaxing at the resort. Sympathy immediately arose between the teenagers. They exchanged contact information and went home.

Their next meeting took place after 6 years. The singer left for Moscow to build a career. There they met. Elka did not tell anyone about her mysterious admirer, who met her every evening in a car. She hid her lover for a long time and successfully.

Soon after arriving in the capital, the girl moved to live with the guy, they lived with his parents. Elka recorded songs, worked, and he only lived at her expense. Sometimes I found myself temporary employment, but the salary left much to be desired. They could not rent separate housing, so they had to live with their parents.

Sergey - a former colleague of Elka

Lisa worked like a bee - she provided for herself and Sergei's family. His parents were very fond of the singer. And in 2010, the couple finally formalized their relationship, and Elka stopped hiding her husband from the public.

Sergey also became the administrator of the star, and now he also began to bring income to the family. He is a very sociable and friendly young man. Despite all his shortcomings, Elka loves her husband very much. For her, he is always the best and caring. Whatever they say about him, the singer is happy to be Sergei's wife.

Singer with her husband

She dedicates many of her songs to him. The husband is very protective of the singer, protecting her from the paparazzi and annoying fans. Thanks to a successful career, Elka was able to save up enough money to build a house.


The girl grew up in a musical family. Lisa's father is a jazz music collector, and her mother plays three musical instruments. Grandmother and grandfather worked in the Transcarpathian Folk Choir. The artist herself sang in the school choir, after which she went to the vocal circle.

As a schoolgirl, Elka participated in KVN and even became very popular in the Uzhgorod team "Ward No. 6".

Alias ​​history

The singer says that she did not invent a pseudonym for herself on purpose. At the age of eleven, they began to call her Elka after one of her friends once christened her that. By the way, almost no one calls Lisa by her first name, even her mother calls Elochka, and the artist herself does not respond to her native name.

Elka studied vocals at a music school, but did not graduate from it. It is recognized that relations with teachers did not develop.

“I had problems with everyone and everyone with me. And six months later, I just dumped from there, thinking, “let me quickly get kicked out myself, until they asked me,” the artist recalls.

In the mid-90s, Elka was already a backing vocalist in the Uzhgorod group "B&B"

Singer career

“A Cinderella story happened in my life. The meeting with Vlad Valov took place at a time when I had already forbidden myself to dream of a big stage. At that time, I was dominated by youthful maximalism, so I resented what I saw on the TV screen. I did not understand, those who do not have a decent repertoire and those who cannot sing, appear on the air? Then I thought: “Give me at least a folding bed in your city, I will show what a good artist is!”, - says the singer.

In 2001, the Elka was noticed by the leader of the Bad Balance group, Vlad Valov, at the Rap Music festival. The B&B team was just performing there. The group broke up, and for some time Elka did not appear on stage at all, she abandoned her singing career and got a job as a waitress in a cafe. Three years later, the artist received a call from Vlad Valov's company. The young man sent tickets to Moscow and offered to experiment with music.

In 2004, Elka already performed at a concert in memory of Mikhey with his song "Bitch Love"

“I took a deliberate step, and not just picked up and performed this song. The composition was timed to coincide with the evening in memory of Mikhey, and I sang it especially for his parents. There were a lot of rumors, but there are still more positive reviews. She always said that it was not a commercial move, but simply a tribute to a person, ”said the artist.

Vlad Valov signed a contract with Elka. One of the first songs recorded with him - "Words spoken by you", got into the collection "Girls Attack". After that, the singer recorded Vlad's song "City of Deception". The artist admits that the composition is her reflection. "City of Deception" became Elka's first hit, got into radio rotation and stayed on the "Maximum" hit parade for twelve weeks.

The debut album City of Deception was released in autumn 2005. The record, Yolka admits, was written in one breath. The singer presented her musical creativity in different styles, her songs were attributed to both rock and hip-hop. The artist herself calls her style "heavy guitar R&B".

The album was received in different ways. Some wrote that Vlad and Elka found a way to make R&B competitive in the domestic market, taking into account its national characteristics. Others argued that Elka is a pop project, and of very high quality, with elements of r'n'b, rock, reggae, pop and chanson. Such a project, as a rule, is designed not for connoisseurs of any one direction, but for a wide audience.

In 2005, the singer was nominated for the MTVRMA channel award for "Best Rap". At the same time, singles from the album were released, including the popular “Good mood” and “Girl in Peugeot”.

Yolka - Provence

In 2006, Elka released a new song, Student Girl. He hit the 17th line in the Russian radio chart. And in the fall of the same year, the album "Shadows" was released. This record continued the tradition of the debut record and described city life. However, critics said that the new album became too pop and no longer caused a stir like the first one.

At the same time, Elka was entrusted with voicing the Red Hat in the dubbing of the cartoon "The True Story of the Red Hat".

In 2007, the singer received the Golden Gramophone for the composition Handsome Boy. A few months later, Elka presented her new album, This Magnificent World. The singer herself called the new creation philosophical and calm. If in the first one the tendencies of internal protest and struggle were visible, then this time the artist tried to record peaceful songs.

In 2008, Elka was nominated in the Best Hip-Hop Project category for the Muz-TV Award. And then the song "Happiness" was released with rapper Al Solo. The composition was included in the experimental album “Elka. Duets. At the end of the year, the artist presented her first song in Ukrainian, "Freedom". After that, there were suggestions that the composition was recorded due to political changes in Ukraine.

In 2009, two new compositions were released: "Your Words" and "Dreams". They were supposed to get into the fourth studio disc of the performer. Work on the album first went along with Vlad Valov, but after the contract ended, the collaboration ceased. As a result, "Your Words" did not get into any disc, and "Dreams", in a different arrangement and called "I would like in your dreams", was included in the fourth album.

creative change

The third studio disc brought changes with it. Critics claimed that the singer had reached a dead end, but it was too early to “put an end to it” on her.

Elka started working with Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music and Liana Meladze. In 2010, the singer became a judge on the X-Factor show in Ukraine. But the interview given to the Primadonna prompted her to change. It took place a year before the release of the song "Provence". On the radio "Alla" Pugacheva herself invited the Christmas tree. The conversation, the artist admits, stimulated her a lot.

After that, a radical change occurred in the work of Elka. If earlier the songs were with dreary notes, coupled with various dark subcultures such as R&B and alternative rock, now the songs have become positive and in the style of pop. On September 20, the song "Provence" appeared, which was written by a young author from Ukraine Yegor Solodovnikov. In early 2011, the composition became a hit.

Singer Yolka in "Evening Urgant"

The singer claimed that by the age of 29 she realized that being a pop singer is not shameful, but cool. "Provence" brought the girl three Muz-TV awards in the nominations "Best Video", "Best Song" and "Best Singer". And in the middle of 2011, Yolka was named one of the most successful figures in show business in Ukraine.

In 2011, Elka released two more singles, which became hits "On a big balloon" and "Near you". And in the fall, the singer presented the song "Boy", which she performed in a duet with Pavel Volya.

In November 2011, the artist presented her new album "The Points Are Set". Critics called the record one of the best of the year. Immediately, the artist was named "Singer of the Year" according to the magazine "Glamour" and was given the "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Provence".

At the beginning of 2012, information appeared that Elka was going to release another record in the middle of the year. The singer admitted that she already has a few songs left to record at the studio.

The personal life of the singer Elka

“I have lived with a black cat for many years. Cats are my passion. I would say “yes” to all cats!” says Elka.

The ex-husband of the singer Yolka is called Sergey Astakhov - they met in their youth, but a romantic relationship between them appeared six years later, when the young people met again at one of the Moscow parties. For a long time, the young family lived exclusively on the earnings of the singer. In 2010, the wedding took place, after which the girl made her newly-made husband her administrator - the only way he began to officially earn money. At the expense of his wife, the couple built a cottage in the suburbs and traveled the world.

But, apparently, Lisa was tired of dragging the burden of family and financial worries on her fragile shoulders alone. In February 2016, the media reported that the singer had fired her husband as an administrator and filed for divorce after six years of marriage.

Singer Yolka is a bright girl in all respects. And this name suits her very well.

Elka grew up in a family where mom and dad have always been musical people. Dad collects jazz, and mom plays several musical instruments. Grandparents were also not people far from music - they performed in the Transcarpathian Folk Choir. Little Lisa also began her musical career in the school choir, from there she moved to the vocal circle.

Singer Yolka in childhood

Elizaveta Voldemarovna Ivantsiv became Elka at the age of eleven, as one of her friends called her, and, since then, this nickname has stuck to her. Liza herself treats this nickname with reverence, says that it gave her a second life. She practically does not respond to her native name, and even in interviews with journalists she prefers to be called Elka. By the way, her mother also calls her herringbone. The nickname stuck, apparently due to the prickly nature of the singer.

The beginning of a musical career - cooperation with the Uzhgorod band B&B

Elizabeth studied vocals at a music school, but never graduated from it. For some reason, the teachers didn’t like her very much, and the relationship of the future star with them did not work out. Then she did not know who she would become, and therefore she was not very worried when she took the documents from the music school.

In the nineties, she was already a backing vocalist in the B&B group in Uzhgorod. And then Vlad Valov, better known under the pseudonym Master Sheff, saw her. He is considered the founder of Russian hip-hop. He started as a dancer, then became not only a performer, but also a businessman, as well as a producer.

The singer herself admits that she no longer dreamed of getting on the big stage. Much of what she saw on TV, she could have performed better, brighter, juicier, but who would have put her on the air? And in 2001, fortune nevertheless smiled at her. Vlad Valov drew attention to the young artist at the Rap Music festival. Some time after the event, the group where Elka sang broke up, and she decided to give up music. She got a job as a waitress in a cafe. And three years later she received a call from Moscow, and soon a ticket and an invitation to work came by mail.

In 2004, at a concert in memory of Mikhey, Elizabeth performed his song, quite famous - "Bitch Love". She did this quite deliberately, especially for the parents of the deceased musician who were present in the hall. After that, a contract was signed with Elka. The first song she recorded with Vlad was "Words spoken by you." Then there was the song "City of Deception". She became a hit and made the singer famous. Elka herself says that this song is somewhat autobiographical for her.

The singer is somewhat extravagant, almost nothing is known about her personal life. At the same time, as she says, she had no time to do anything else besides music. Her debut album was released in 2005. Many reacted to him ambiguously. The style of the song in this album contains various elements of chanson, reggae, rock. In the same year, the singer was awarded the "Best Rap" award.

In 2006, the album "Shadows" appears. Most of the songs are about city life. Critics called it "pop". And then there was work in the cartoon "The True Story of the Red Cap", where Elka voiced the main character. She herself admits that she always dreamed of something like this. She wanted to go back to her childhood again.

Christmas tree on the Golden Gramophone

The next year, 2007, brought Elka the Golden Gramophone. He was awarded for the composition "Handsome Boy". After that, the singer worked hard. Her new album "This Magnificent World" has appeared. The songs that sound in it can be called more calm and even philosophical. All of them are mainly about peace, love and friendship.

And already in 2008, the singer received the Muz-TV award for "The Best Hip-Hop Project". One of her songs, "Happiness", which she performed in a duet with rapper Al Solo, became widely known and was included in the experimental album "Christmas Tree. Duets. A little later, the song "Freedom" was performed, which the singer performed in her native language, Ukrainian. The press immediately suspected that this was done on purpose, and the singer was accused of supporting the ruling regime in Ukraine.

Alla Pugacheva helped the singer Yolka a lot

In 2009, two compositions "Dreams" and "Your words" appear. These songs were supposed to be included in her fourth disc, but the contract ended, and Vlad Valov did not renew it. Elka began working with Alena Mikhailova and Liana Meladze.

It must be said that Primadonna provided Elizaveta with great help in choosing a further path, establishing a musical career. Alla Borisovna, in an interview with Elka on Alla radio, shared her experience and gave a lot of useful advice in which direction to move and what steps to take to continue to remain a Russian pop star. This conversation, according to the singer herself, cheered her up a lot. And, as a result of this conversation, the influence of the Diva's advice, changes took place in the work of Elka. Previously, her songs were mostly dreary and gloomy, but now she began to sing more positive songs, and even in a more popular style. In the same year, the song "Provence" was born, which brought Elka a resounding success. It was written by a young author Yegor Solodovnikov, he is from Ukraine.

In 2011, the album “Dots Are Set” was released, where she really put some “dots”. But in her personal life, Elka has not yet succeeded. Who her chosen one, and whether he is, is not known. Elizabeth herself admits that she lives with a black cat, and so far this is her only friend and partner. I wonder why many Russian pop stars come from Ukraine?

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. Date of birth: July 2, 1982 (age 30) Place of birth: Uzhgorod, Ukrainian SSR, USSR

Nickname: Yolka

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv (Ukrainian: Elizaveta Valdemarivna Ivantsiv), known as Yolka.

July 2, 1982, Uzhgorod, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - Ukrainian singer. Former member of the Uzhgorod KVN team "Ward No. 6".

Christmas tree Biography

Singer Elka. BiographyStarted her musical career as a member of the Uzhgorod band B&B. In 2004, she signed a contract with Vlad Valov and released a successful debut album, City of Deception, with the hits Girl in Peugeot and Good Mood. Subsequently, in collaboration with Valov, two more albums were released: "Shadows" and "This Magnificent World", which were not as successful as the debut work of the performer.

From 2010 to 2012 she acted as a judge on the Ukrainian show "X-Factor". In 2011, she gained great popularity with the song "Provence" and became a nominee in three categories for the 2011 Muz-TV awards. The fourth studio work of the singer "The Points Are Set" was a success, both among music journalists and the public. The album received positive reviews from critics, who considered it the best pop album of 2011. Magazines such as Afisha, Time Out and Interview have included the record in their editorial lists of the main albums of the year. "The Points Are Set" also topped the Russian album sales rating "2M. Russia Top-25”. At the end of 2012, Yolka was recognized as the most rotated performer on Russian radio stations.

Yolka is a three-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award (for the songs Handsome Boy, Provence and Near You) and a nominee for the MTV RMA award. In 2011, she was recognized as the “Singer of the Year” according to Glamor magazine and entered the top ten most successful figures in Ukrainian show business, according to the Focus publication. In the same year, she was recognized as the “Singer of the Year” at the ZD Awards, the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

2001-2005: Early career and album "City of Deception"

There is still a Cinderella story in my life. Moreover, the meeting with Vlad took place at the moment when I finally forbade myself to even dream of a big stage. Then I was dominated by youthful maximalism, I was indignant about what I see on the TV screen. I could not understand why many artists, not being able to sing and not having a good repertoire, regularly appear on the air? I thought: “Give me at least a folding bed in this city, and I will show you what a real artist is!”

Christmas tree about the beginning of cooperation with Vlad Valov.

In 2001, the B&B group performed at the Rap Music "01 international festival, where Yolka was noticed by Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, who later became the singer's first producer. After the group broke up, the singer did not appear on stage for some time. this time she gave up her dream of becoming an artist and got a job as a waitress in a cafe.Three years later, Yolka received a call from Valov's company.The singer said that she thought for a long time that she was being played, but then she spoke with Vlad, who sent her tickets to Moscow and suggested: “Come for a week, we'll experiment.” Vlad Valov signed a contract with Yolka and one of the first songs recorded with him was “Words Spoken by You”, included in the collection “Girls Attack”.

In 2004, Yolka performed in a concert at the memorial day of Mikhey, with her group, which also included two guitarists and DJ Lenar. At the concert, Yolka sang Mikhey's song "Bitch Love". “It was a deliberate move. I didn't just pick up and sing this song. It was dedicated to the evening in memory of Mikhey, I performed the composition especially for his parents. Very, of course, there were a lot of rumors, but still more positive feedback. I always emphasize that it is not a commercial move, but a tribute to a person, ”the artist later said. Continuing cooperation with Valov, the singer recorded a song of his composition "City of Deception". “Vlad, looking at me, wrote the song “City of Deception”, a song that is my reflection,” the singer recalled. The composition was released on the radio in the summer of 2004 and became the first hit of Yolka, hitting the hit parade of the radio station “Maximum” and staying there for twelve weeks.

On November 9, 2005, the debut album of the performer, entitled "City of Deception", was released. Work on the disc, released on the 100PRO label, was completed in mid-2005, and as the performer said, the record was written "in one breath." Yolka presented music in a different style, which was attributed to both rock (due to guitar parts) and hip-hop (due to “broken” rhythms and scratches). The singer herself described her style as "guitar-heavy R&B". wrote that "in Russia, such a mix is ​​being done for the first time." The album was met with mixed reviews. Rita Skeeter at InterMedia was positive about the work, saying "Yolka and Valov found a way to make this genre truly competitive even in our market with its national characteristics." Andrey Nikitkin wrote in that Yolka is still a pop project, but “very high quality. Incorporating elements of both r "n" b, and rock, reggae, chanson and pop music. And designed not so much for fans of one of these styles, but for a wide audience. Boris Barabanov in the Kommersant newspaper also spoke of the singer as the main hope of Russian pop music.

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