The best activities in the camp. Summer camp event script


Elena Ushakova
Plan of activities in the summer health camp at the school

MBOU "NSh No. 7"

Summer health camp with day stay


1st shift June 2014

the date Planned events

2. Organizational event"Let's get acquainted". Acquaintance with plan work and rules of conduct. Instruction on safety, fire safety and traffic rules.

3. Operation "Cosiness" (The design of attributes camps) .

4. 10.30. "Hello summer!"- holiday program dedicated to Children's Day.

2. "Door to Childhood"- entertainment

3. Day of creativity "Hello we are looking for talent". learning camp song, chants.

4. Outdoor ball games.

2. Competition of drawings on asphalt "Magic crayons - We are against tobacco!",

4. Learning new outdoor games.

June 6 1. Children's drawing competition "The earth is our home on World Environment Day".

2. Information hour "What is going on in the world?"

3. Watching cartoons.

4. Minute of health "Health Book"

2. Ecological landing on school site.

12.00. "My family, my home and me"- competition of drawings on asphalt.

1. Prevention of child road traffic injuries.

2. Conducting training sessions for the evacuation of children and personnel in extreme situations.

3. Conversations about the safe behavior of children in water bodies.

4. Competition of children's drawings on fire-fighting topics.

2. Raid in the library "Book we'll save you!"

3. 12.00. Fun starts.

14.00. Competition of proverbs and sayings

2. Protection of fantastic projects "The country where I would like to live".

12.00. Competition "Hello we are looking for talent" dedicated to the Independence Day of Russia.

10.00 Minute of health "Sunburn. First aid"

Riddles contest "Guess it"

Relay race with obstacles.

2. Competition "Delicious Stories"

3. Dance marathon.

4. Outdoor games

1. Anti-drug action "Health is your wealth"

2. Minute of health "My height and my weight".

3. Small Olympics

11.30. "Come on, boys!"- competitions of strong, dexterous, courageous.

14.00. "Russian birch is a symbol of my Motherland"- conversation.

"Multi-Pulti-Carnival" watching a cartoon "Cat house"

Drawing competition "Caution the fire".

1. Minute of health "Posture is the basis of a beautiful gait"

2. Conversation on how to behave in the theater, the house of culture.

3. "Do, re, mi, fa, sol"- a concert of future artists.

4. Outdoor games.

10.30. "Memory of the Heart"- a memory lesson for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

Laying flowers.

Production of mosaic panels. Application.

Designing an exhibition of products. Awarding the best works.

"Magic Wheel"- on road safety

Competition program "Miss Summer 2011"

June 27 10.30. "International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Traffic" - conversation

"Rope competition"- sport program.

“We read smart books and respect nature”- walk around the native land.

Competition "Think, dare, guess"

Conversation quiz "Nature in summer"

June 30 10.30. "Let's go, friends!" Drawing competition "It's nice in summer", profile "What did you like?"

Concert program. "You don't forget me". closure camps.

Show program "musical firmament". Summer camp script

The stage is decorated with posters, photographs of popular pop singers. The evening begins with the presentation of the teams. Fans of each team are preparing amateur performances that will be shown during musical breaks. Teams are invited to take part in the following competitions.

"Stretch your brains"

Each squad is given an improvised "disk" (made of cardboard) on which letters are written. Task: from these letters add the name of the group. Who quickly? The jury gives stars-points: the team that took 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point. The rest is 0.

Answer: Disco "Accident".


Each squad prepared a musical number (video, song, dance). There is a draw among the teams. Teams will perform in turn order, but ... after each subsequent competition. The jury does not forget to evaluate the performances on a 5-point system.

star alphabet

In 1 minute, teams must write as many performers, groups as possible, whose names, surnames or names begin with the letter "A". Then, by lot, they are called out loud. Whoever fails to name is out of the game.

There is a beginning - there will be an end

Leading. I take turns calling the beginning of the artist's name (name of the group, songs) to the commands, the command should continue:

"Inveterate ... (scammers)",

"Hands up)";

Alla ... (Pugacheva);

Irina... (Allegrova, Saltykova);

"Ivanushki... (International)";

"Agatha Christie)";

"Golden ring)";

"Tea for Two)";

"Hi... (fai)";

"Tender May)";

"Prime Minister)";

"Mumiy ... (troll)", etc.

Guess the melody

One player per team participates. The music "Karaoke" is turned on, the participants guess the melody. Whoever raises his hand first, he answers. For a correct answer, the team receives a star point.

star quiz

In turn, the teams are asked "star" questions about the work of famous performers. Who will give more correct answers? For a correct answer, the team gets

1-2 points.

1. Which group used the team of the coach in physical education (“Hands up”) in their name

2. The name of which rock band is directly related to the name of an English writer of detective novels? ("Agatha Christie")

3. What pop singer told in one of the songs about her feelings about the departure of her lover to the army? (Alena Apina)

4. With what song did Alsou debut at Eurovision? (Solo)

5. What is the name of the stewardess who became famous thanks to the song of Vladimir Presnyakov? (Jeanne)

6. Who became the winner of the musical project of Channel 1 "Star Factory - 3"? (Nikita Malinin)

7. Choose an antonym for the phrase "White Cossack" and get the name of a popular song. ("Black BMW")

8. What group name is associated with an enterprise that manufactures various products, for example, a clothing enterprise? (group "Factory")

9. Who became the winner of the musical project of Channel I "Star Factory - 1"? (Group "Roots")

10. What song became the anthem of the musical project "Star Factory"? ("Cool you got on TV")

Unusual singing

Leading. Many people know how to sing correctly. But sometimes the stars are not interested in singing “in the right way”. Try to perform a song from the repertoire of any star (at your discretion), but with a condition ... about which a little later. For now, choose a song.

When the children are ready, they go on stage, the host gives the task.

Sing your favorite song:

- holding a match between the teeth;

- pinching your nose with your fingers; - draw in the cheeks;

- Biting his bottom lip

- covering your ears

- lying on the floor;

- smiling in the whole mouth;

- folding hands with a "shout" at the mouth;

- putting a lollipop or lollipop in your mouth;

Leading. An entertainer is a person who announces the names of artists during a concert. In addition, the entertainer fills in the pauses between numbers, telling all sorts of entertaining stories. As a rule, all entertainers have a beautiful timbre of voice and superbly delivered diction. But there are situations when neither timbre nor diction matter. This happens when the entertainer loses his voice. Imagine yourself as such an entertainer who has lost his voice, and try to announce the next number with facial expressions and gestures, and the team must guess. So it appears:

- group "Factory";

- show-ballet "Todes";

- group "Tea for two";

- toothless Shura;

— Alla Pugacheva;

- Verka Serdiuchka;

- Nikolay Baskov;

— Valery Leontiev:

- Tatu group;

- group "Lyceum".

And now the jury is given the floor to sum up the overall results and award the winners.

Jury performance, awarded

Irina Volkova
Competitive and entertaining game for the summer camp "Merry Mosaic"

Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp

« Merry Mosaic» !


Good afternoon girls!

Good afternoon boys!

Good afternoon dear teachers.

We are glad to welcome you to competitively- entertaining game « Merry Mosaic» !

But, like any game, we have our own rules.

So what can and can't be done?

I will name these rules, and you will show them. Deal?

Throughout the game can:

stomp and clap! (hall shows)

scream and hoot!

dance and sing!

greet each other with applause!

boys greet girls with a whistle!

girls - squeal!

you can blow kisses to each other!

to wave hands!

And just greet each other!

You have understood the rules, and now you need to decide on the teams, so I invite 5 from each squad (3) girls and 4 (3) boy.

Finally, it's time for you to introduce our esteemed jury:

1 competition. A modern girl has sufficient knowledge of men's and women's perfumes, hygiene items, decorative cosmetics. Therefore, the first competition for girls is called "Identify an object by smell". From each squad 3 (2) girls

Participants need to determine with their eyes closed the proposed subject:

1. Toothpaste.

2. Laundry soap.

3. Women's cream.

5. Lipstick.

6. Women's Eau de Toilette.

7. Men's Eau de Toilette.

8. Shampoo.

9. Nail polish.

10. Hairspray.

11. Washing powder.

12. Cream for shoes.

13. Mascara.

At the end competition summed up.

Leading. Well, the girls coped with this task, but will the boys cope? Our next the contest is called"Tell me what it is?"

(For example : milk - drink; crucian - fish)

1. Carp (fish). 11. Rooster (bird).

2. Persimmon (fruit). 12. Hazelnut (nut).

3. Beans (vegetables). 13. Cucumber (vegetable).

4. Cherry (berry). 14. Kiwi (berry).

5. Rice (groats). 15. Morel (mushroom).

6. Capelin (fish). 16. Coconut (nut).

7. Millet (groats). 17. Koumiss (drink).

8. Tea (drink). 18. Turnip (vegetable).

10. Tomato (vegetable). 20. Kissel (drink).

Leading. Next competition for counselors, he is called

"Ball"- at my signal, the counselor inflates a ball of a certain size (according to the model, ties it, puts it on a chair, sits on it sharply so that it bursts (Whoever bursts the balloon first wins).

Leading. Times are difficult now, the crisis is in full swing, so our next village cannot do without a cow. the contest is called“My farmstead, or how much I love my cow!” Let's see how our participants can milk a cow. Bye music is playing"to milk" as much milk as possible. The participant with the highest "milk"!

(3 girls participate in this competition: one - holds a rubber glove, the other - a bucket, the third - milks).

Leading. And we continue our program and the next the contest is called"Clip-Gag". You guys are modern and have definitely heard how they rap (teams are given lyrics of children's songs).

So, dear participants, you have to perform famous children's songs: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree", "From a smile a gloomy day is brighter", "Tired toys are sleeping", and sing them like real rappers would.

While you remember the lyrics, decide who will rap and rehearse to quiet rap music, we are with the fans let's play:

I have a game called"He she".

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.

He is an elk - she is ... an elk.

He is a cat, she is...

Well, of course she's a cat!

Well, you made a mistake.

So let's play again

I want to beat you!

He is a walrus - she is ... a walrus,

He is a hare - she is ... a hare,

He is a bull - she ...

Does everyone know this word?

Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

We are watching "Clip Gag"

Leading. "Machine Assembly". Boys, imagine that this is a machine gun (Ved. points to a meat grinder, so he shoots (Ved. turns the handle of the meat grinder, it consists of ... (Ved. disassembles the meat grinder into parts, your task is to assemble the machine again for speed. (1 boy per team).

Leading. Our next competition for girls is called "Spring-cleaning"

The cow was milked, now it's time to restore order in the house.

And to make you more fun, we will help with music. A familiar melody sounds, you need to dance what is written on the card, and the audience must guess.

1 wash or vacuum the floor (Jackson)

2 wipe the dust (Letka-enka)

3 wash the dishes (Lambada)

4 preparing dinner. (Macarena)

5 ironing clothes (Tango)

6 wash by hand (Twist)

Leading. While the jury is deliberating, summing up, the fans will name 11 adjectives of any subject for me

Our ... guys!

Today, on this ... day of summer, we give you ... Promise:

continue to treat you daily with ... chocolates and ... sweets;

show you ... attention and ... care;

give you ... compliments;

not to give you ... grief;

forever be yours. friends.

Your ... fans.

Leading. The floor is given to the jury.

(Results are announced, teams are awarded)

Leading. Thanks for playing! See you soon!

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What activities are held in the camp for all units?

1. Concert

Usually in this case, squads and leaders are required to have numbers that are connected by a common idea.

2. Competitive game program

These are contests united by a common idea:

  • Competitions can be individual, for example, the program "Let's get to know each other." It is carried out on the first or second day. Those who wish are called.
  • Or group. For example, a team of counselors plays against a team of children.

3. Excitement

The word agiotage means (French agiotage) - a strong excitement, excitement, a struggle of interests around some business, issue.

In the camp, this is a matter in progress, which you need to collect as much as possible of something (coins, tokens, points) and win.

The excitement happens:

  • Individual. Here everyone is for himself. Children run at the station to the leaders and complete tasks, for which they receive a reward. According to the results of the excitement, the winners are awarded.
  • Command. The squad must run to free stations, complete tasks and receive rewards. Based on the results, the teams are awarded.

4. Round the world

These are station games. They are of different types:

  • "Minibus". The order of passage of the stations is determined by the route sheets. In this type of circumnavigation of the world, the time allotted for each station is clearly defined. With accurate work, there is no pandemonium at the stations, and all detachments finish at the same time.

  • "Star". In this case, the stations are located in two circles: a small complex and a large easy one. The children themselves decide which way to go. Starting stations are defined for each squad, but it's up to the squad to start with easy or difficult. Tasks are completed within a certain time, but if the guys completed it earlier, they can run to the next station. If the children did not cope with the difficult task, then they run to the easy station.

  • "Be ready!". Route sheets are not used here. Instead, there is a single field on which all stations and units are depicted. A captain is selected in the squad, who runs up to the distributor near the field and receives a card for the next station. There is no clearly defined time. While the station is occupied, no squad can run to it.

5. Starter.

This is a dance program. From the detachments, teams are nominated that perform dance tasks. The winner is determined.

"The ABC of camping activities" is more than 80 different traditional, innovative, familiar and new forms of leisure activities. The names of events with a brief explanation are written for each letter. This "cheat sheet" is convenient for drawing up a work plan, the plan is a shift grid. Perhaps the proposed names are already being used in a different context, or they will push you to come up with your own form of holding.

Event title and summary

  1. Hello, we are looking for talents Concert of children and adults with the aim of displaying creative talents; or a game program where everyone has the opportunity to show their talents in any field: sports, creativity, intelligence (tasks are selected from the complex "Weak" to the simple "Who whistles louder").
  2. Auction Can be used as a form of closing event in the context of camping, where units "buy" prizes with points earned or play money. It is also possible to "sell" work for units during the shift. For example, you can earn 50 points for cleaning the territory, the units are "bargained", who is ready to do this work for fewer points.
  3. Excitement A lot of competitions of varying complexity, held on a large territory. The main condition: fulfilled - did not fulfill. For example: push out 10 times; collect signatures of all experts; sit down 10 times with a pencil on your nose and many others.
  4. Come on, girls A stage game program for girls, held with the aim of displaying creative talents and with the assignment of various nominations.
  5. ABC of professions A game program (stage or errand), where each competition corresponds to a certain profession, for example, a military one: execute commands - right, left, around, etc .; doctor: to determine the diagnosis according to the proposed symptoms and other tasks.
  6. Brain-ring An intellectual event that is held according to well-known (or simplified) television rules. Teams from each squad take part.
  7. Ball "Ball of flowers", "Ball of fairy-tale heroes" "Ball" in the style of the 19th century. Appropriate costumes, games, dances (which can be learned in advance), an indescribable atmosphere.
  8. Grandma's get-togethers A squad or camp-wide event for girls, which is held outdoors, preferably in a forest or a clearing, with seeds, heartfelt conversations, advice, interesting stories, etc. You can invite an interesting person. This person will be asked questions by the participants. For the most interesting question, a prize from the guest.
  9. Paper fantasy Competition - an exhibition of origami - paper crafts. It is possible with a given theme (zoo, city of the future, etc.).
  10. Dating exchange All-camp or detachment event held for the purpose of acquaintance. Each player is a broker who makes a deal with any other by correctly answering the broker (expert - counselor) a few questions (are there any brothers, sisters, favorite subject at school, is there a pet, favorite singer, favorite holiday, etc. .). The task is to conclude as many deals as possible (i.e., get to know the largest number of people).
  11. Bureaucrat A large general event in which each expert acts as a "bureaucrat". The task of the players is to collect the largest number of signatures. Signatures are put according to a certain principle, known only to the "bureaucrat" himself, without any logic. For example, one "bureaucrat" puts his signature only to the player who guessed to say hello; the other only to those with brown eyes; the third only to every third; the fourth only to those who praise themselves, etc.
  12. Merry starts Team competitions are held according to traditional rules in order to demonstrate the sports talents of children and adolescents, taking into account the age category of participants.
  13. Water fair All-camp event, which is held on the coast: lakes, rivers, seas, pools. First, each squad (2-3 people from the squad) prepares 1-2 games or a competition, inviting all interested guys from other squads to take part and earn tokens. For a victory 3 tokens, for a loss -1, for a draw - 2. For example, tug of war in the water; who will jump out of the water higher; Who can swim a certain distance faster? After 40-50 minutes, each child can receive "benefits" for the earned tokens, which are also organized by squads. For example, massage. The task of the squads is to come up with interesting games and benefits. Earn the most points.
  14. Important event A calendar, professional holiday, or a big event of camp (city) significance, which has its own traditions, rituals and is celebrated at a certain time.
  15. Meeting ... Meeting with interesting people, meeting with guys from another camp, meeting with the director of the camp (house of culture, representative of the authorities), etc.
  16. Evening... A themed evening dedicated to a certain theme: an evening of bard songs, an evening of unsolved and unsolved mysteries, an evening of acquaintances, an evening of unconventional fashion, etc.
  17. Vernissage Exhibition of paintings, drawings, cartoons, where you can buy your favorite work for play money; or have the opportunity to draw your portrait or cartoon with a specialist; try to draw yourself.
  18. Waltz of Flowers A big bright holiday with a contest of costumes, bouquets, games, riddles, presentations and interesting stories about flowers.
  19. Around the World A game program in which each competition task corresponds to a certain side of the world, continent, country, etc. It can be carried out both stage and "turntable" form.
  20. Gostevins An event for inter-team (inter-team) communication. Detachments (teams) agree in advance who goes to visit whom. Both groups are preparing creative surprises, games, contests, etc.
  21. City of Masters A large all-camp event in which everyone demonstrates their abilities in sports, creativity, needlework, etc. With games, master classes for those who wish, useful tips.
  22. Heroes of favorite works A theatrical costumed event on a specific topic: fairy-tale heroes, or heroes of specific works. With the evaluation of costumes, competitions, games.
  23. Guinness show An event to reveal the most - the most. Due to the variety in the degree of complexity and direction of tasks, any player can find himself in a "success situation".
  24. Talker show An event for "talkers" and "talkers" with a certain selection of tasks: pronounce a tongue twister; in 30 seconds, develop a specific topic, about the correct pronunciation of words, etc.
  25. Gentleman show Competitions that are held only for boys: sports, strength, intellectual, etc. Girls act as active cheerleaders who can help the boy choose a style, image, and prepare an appropriate costume.
  26. Day... A thematic day dedicated to a certain topic, respectively, with its contests, games, tasks, dressing up: "boys' day", "girls' day", "self-government day", "Verse versa day", "day of love and beauty", day birth.
  27. Defile Demonstration of costumes made of non-traditional material (paper, plastic bags, candy wrappers, etc.). Competition of original gaits of the whole detachment, or individual, dance; gait in certain circumstances: a cowardly person, a beauty queen, etc.
  28. Yes, no. Interesting riddles that anyone can guess. The task of the players is to solve it. At the same time, they can ask leading questions to the guesser, but in such a way that he can answer them only "Yes", "No", "Doesn't matter".
  29. Dog show An event related to your favorite animals with full-time or absentee participation. Questions, games, contests, watching videos, expert advice, etc.
  30. Yeralash Humorous competition, for which each squad or willing child prepares a dramatization of an anecdote, or shows a funny scene, etc.
  31. Natural selection A large game program in which everyone begins to take part, then the best of the best remain in the course of the competitive tasks.
  32. Capacious word Literary competition, all tasks are related to knowledge of the Russian language. Synonyms, catchphrases, riddles, puns, etc.
  33. Living Writing An activity that evaluates the ability to shape one's thoughts into an interesting, engaging story. The same topic, for example, "How I live in the camp" is addressed to mom, or a friend, or a teacher.
  34. Women's intuition Competitive game program for girls, where each task is not for knowledge and skills, but for intuition, for example, guess which card has a certain mark, etc.
  35. Gold Rush An event similar to a television program. All tasks are performed by the team, at the end there is an opportunity to get "gold" (game tokens).
  36. Zarnitsa A big military - sports game in which all units are divided into "teams" or "armies", they guard their flag, they try to capture the headquarters of rivals.
  37. Finest hour Concert - a game program in which pre-prepared creative numbers are diluted with contests and games for those who do not have a special creative talent, but would like to experience their "highest hour".
  38. Call of the Jungle A themed game program similar to a TV show.
  39. Entertaining puzzles The name speaks for itself. The children are offered various entertaining puzzles from various fields of knowledge.
  40. Game programs Game programs are stage (the presenter is on the stage, he invites those who wish to participate); circular: the presenter and the players are on the same site; theatrical: with a plot in the context of which games are inserted, contests and participants in the game program become participants in theatricalization, etc.
  41. Intellectual casino A beautiful all-camp event in which each counselor prepares a board game. Each child receives game "chips", which he plays with the counselor. He puts on the line, in case of winning he earns 2 times more, if he loses, he loses what he put. Contests and games are elementary (tic-tac-toe, who will be the first to draw a chip with a certain label, etc.).
  42. Ideal couple A general camp stage game program for 1-2 couples from each group with original contests, games, tasks, introducing each other.
  43. Game kaleidoscope Everyone who wants to take part in various playgrounds, held according to the declared theme, earn game tokens. #Playgrounds: yard games; ball games; games of the peoples of the world; games with the hall; dance games; mobile; sports games, etc.
  44. Intellectual mosaic Each team is invited to go through a certain route, with stations where questions are asked on a given topic: questions from fairy tales, economic, environmental issues, etc. The task of the team is to answer in a row without making a mistake on the maximum number of questions. Only 3 mistakes are allowed, for each mistake the squad performs a creative task (for example, sings a song) and only after that it is asked the next question. After the 3rd mistake, no questions are asked, the squad goes to the next station.
  45. Yoghurt show The event is related to one of the most useful sour-milk products: an auction of yogurt names, costumes from yogurt packages, yogurt advertising, etc.
  46. Yo-go-go An event for the manifestation of unusual talents: yogis, weak competitions and others.
  47. Catania Each squad is invited to come up with and make their own type of transport, overcome a certain distance on it. For the victory, it is proposed to ride the children on: a horse, a boat, a bicycle, etc.
  48. Show Captain A large game program in which the captain receives a task and completes it with the help of the entire squad. For example, make as many airplanes as possible from A4 sheet.
  49. Karaoke Show A song event with optional song performance, songs at random, songs on a specific theme with points earned.
  50. Movie glitch Each squad is asked to come up with an idea for a movie, write a script, and shoot it on camera. Viewing and discussion takes place at a certain time.
  51. Squad bonfire or all-camp bonfire with songs, "eagle" circle, interesting stories, etc.
  52. Subculture competition Each squad is invited to choose a specific subculture (punks, rockers, etc.). Costumes, dances, music are being prepared. Throughout the dance competition, music of a certain direction is turned on, the teams introduce the rest to dances, features, etc.
  53. Crooked Mirror A humorous event in which each unit is asked to present a familiar camp situation "problem" in a humorous style.
  54. Tic-tac-toe A large game program in which teams from squads take part. The move is made as in the famous game of tic-tac-toe. Each cell is a certain sector: song, creative, sports, dance, etc. The team that won the competition has the right to put a cross (or a zero) in the cell in which it considers it necessary. The winner is the one that puts its own pre-agreed signs vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
  55. KVN The well-known form of the Club of cheerful and resourceful is held on a shift between teams from squads.
  56. Boxed Encounters All competitions are related to boxes. Starting from matchboxes, ending with large ones (from under TVs, refrigerators).
  57. Cooking Show Each squad is invited to cook their signature dish, as well as come up with and write a menu for the entire camp for a week. As part of the competition, a song auction, a competition of proverbs and sayings about food are held.
  58. KVG Who is into what much. The concert, where everyone shows their creative abilities, demonstrates what exactly they are into.
  59. KTD Collective creative work. Each squad performs a certain area of ​​work: decorating the hall, advertising the event, developing a scenario, etc.
  60. Thematic concert, shift opening concert, closing concert, leader's concert. It can be held as a multi-genre, and one genre: a concert of vocalists; choreography concert, etc.
  61. Love at first sight Competitive - game program for couples. It is aimed at good relations between boys and girls with interesting, original tasks (competition competition, original presentation of gifts to each other) and others.
  62. Labyrinth This form of work is possible in various directions: sports, creativity, intelligence. The main condition: the task is completed when the team has overcome a certain obstacle, has passed part of the labyrinth.
  63. Leisya song This is a song contest, which consists of several stages. Each stage is dedicated to a certain theme (songs about summer, children's songs, love songs, etc.). Participants sing songs, gain points, a winner is chosen.
  64. Literary and Musical Lounge Secluded venue, candles, music. Only lovers of poetry are invited. Here you can read and listen to poems by your favorite poets and poems of your own composition.
  65. Literary and musical composition A stage action dedicated to a certain topic, for example, a literary and musical composition dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  66. Line Solemn line, line of opening, closing shifts, daily working line.
  67. Leadership course Games, competitions, tasks aimed at uniting the squad. The event can be general camp and detachment.
  68. Miss, Mr. Beauty and talent contest for girls or boys, with the title of "Miss Camp", "Mr. Camp".
  69. Musical ring A team of several people is invited from the detachment, and musical competitions are held with them. Support groups are also involved.
  70. Mini - maxi The proposed event is attended by: the tallest, the smallest, the longest-haired, the loudest, the most well-read, for all relevant competitions are held.
  71. Folk holidays Folk holidays "Maslenitsa", "Ivan Kupala", "Ilyin's Day", "Kuzminki" with elements of folklore, folk traditions, with games related to the theme.
  72. Lights Daily detachment form summing up the results of the day. The lights are also themed. The main condition: a place where no one and nothing will distract. Give everyone the opportunity to speak on a given topic or issue.
  73. Journey through the stations This is a form, but the content can be anything. The main thing: a route list, interesting tasks at the stations and a game task.
  74. Salons Each group organizes the work of 2-3 salons with the provision of certain services. Those who play in a free order visit the salons for free, on the self-recording sheet they evaluate the work of the salon according to a 5-point system. At the end, the number of visitors is counted. The most demanded salons are awarded. Salons: beauty salon, massage, fortune-telling, gaming and others.
  75. Fairy tale quiz All questions and tasks are related to fairy tales, as part of this competition, you can organize a drawing contest, a costume contest, dramatizations from fairy tales.
  76. Adventure Festival A tried and tested form of work that can last from a few hours to several weeks.
  77. Flag show Each squad has its own flag. The game program "Flag Show" is designed in such a way that each competition is associated and performed with a flag. For the victory in each competition, the squad receives a sticker on the flag. The squad that has collected the most stickers has the right to raise its flag on the flagpole.
  78. Forfeits Each unit receives a forfeit (a creative task) and completes it in order to receive their unit symbol.
  79. Artistic relay race All tasks are performed in order, the participants are distributed to the stages in advance, the route sheet serves as a baton. Accordingly, the task can begin to be executed when a person came running from the previous stage and brought the route sheet.
  80. Show... Double show, dance show, vocal show, etc.
  81. Soap bubble show A camp-wide event where each unit is given a container of soapy water, the children themselves invent devices for blowing bubbles (cocktail straws, straws, etc.). Further, on a large open area, the children are offered various competitions in which they freely take part, earning points. Approximate competitions: the biggest soap bubble, the smallest bubble, the most rising bubble, the longest-living bubble, etc.
  82. Relay races Sports, tourism, artistic, etc. The point is to complete tasks in stages (in order).

Rusanovskaya secondary school

Event development

"Day of travel" Kapitoshek ""

Goals: fostering a sense of friendship and collectivism, the formation of the ability to work in a group, negotiate, jointly solve tasks, foster moral qualities;

expanding the horizons of children, developing cognitive interest, fantasy, imagination of children, mental operations, sports skills

Event progress

"Labyrinth": Each member of the team must go through the labyrinth drawn on the pavement blindfolded, following the orders of his commander ("Right", "left", "forward", etc.). The team receives as many points as the number of people who completed the task. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Fly": Participants are offered a playing field of 16 cells. "Fly" is located in the center of the field. It can follow the commands of the players: up, down, left, right. The participant who brought the fly out of the field is eliminated. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Stars in the Grass" Players of different teams stand on different groans of a grassy area, on which stars of different colors are scattered. One person from each team is called, they are blindfolded. Their task is to collect as many stars of their color as possible within a certain time. At the same time, team members can shout: “Take it! Do not take!" After 3 minutes, the game stops and the number of stars collected by team representatives is counted. But that's not all. Teams must now answer the questions written on the back of the stars. For each correct answer, the team receives one point, adding it to the number of stars collected earlier. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Erudite": The team must answer as many questions as possible in a certain time. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Crocodile": Robinson tells Friday a little story about crocodile hunting with gestures. Friday has not yet learned the language of Robinson. The artistry and clarity of pantomime is evaluated. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Raft": Build a raft from scrap materials. The strength and aesthetics of the raft are evaluated. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Sleeping Pirate" The team captain becomes the Sleeping Pirate. He is blindfolded, “treasures” are placed at his feet. These "treasures" the pirate must guard for a certain time. The players of the other team are located in a circle around the pirate and try to get the "treasures". Each player can 3 tries. For each attempt, you can take only one "treasure". The team with the most treasures wins. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"A spear": Everyone competes in the javelin throw. The spear must be thrown through a loop of rope (rope) suspended from a tree. The team whose players hit the loop the most times wins. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Button" (the competition is not announced in advance): Count the buttons of all team members. The team with the most buttons wins. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"PE": During the voyage, the ship was wrecked. The team must evacuate immediately. Close to the shore, you can swim. The whole team must climb through the paper circle without tearing it. The team with the most completed tasks wins. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

"Rope": Players from different teams pull the rope. 3rd team tug of war with the team that won the first tug of war. The winning team receives a piece of the map.

Questions for the station "Erudite":

1. Cinderella slipper simple or gold? (crystal)

2. How many people pulled the turnip? (3, other animals)

3. Did the bun have a bow or tie around its neck? (nothing, he has no neck)

4. How many kids did the wolf eat in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the 7 Kids"? (6, seventh hid)

5. Masha used to say: “I sit high, I look far away.” Where did she climb: on a tree or on the roof of a house? (she was sitting in a box)

6. On what occasion did the Fly-Tsokotuha gathered guests: a name day or a wedding? (name day)

7. What did Cinderella's carriage turn into: a pumpkin or a swede? (in a pumpkin)

8. Is Malvina brunette or blonde? (she has blue hair)

9. What did the old man ask the Goldfish when he caught it for the first time? (nothing)

10. Did Little Red Riding Hood wear a wreath of daisies or dandelions? (she only wore a red cap)

11. The balloon that Piglet gave to the Donkey looked like a ball or the sun? (he looked like a green rag)

12. What does the clock show when it strikes 13 times? ( that it's time for them to repair)

13. What did the Fly-Tsokotuha find when she walked across the field: a samovar or a kettle? (money)

14. How many grains did Thumbelina eat a day when she lived with a mole? (She didn't live with the mole)

15. Does Kitty Woof bark or yelp? (he meows)

16. Whose daughter did Morozko give a dowry: an old man or an old woman? (to the old man)

17. When Pinocchio received the golden key, did Barmaley try to take it away? (no, because Barmaley is from another fairy tale)

18. How did Emelya carry firewood on the stove: in bundles or loose? (firewood went by itself)

19. Who did Shapoklyak lead on a string: a cat or a dog? (rat Lariska)

20. Where did the bump hit the bear? (on the forehead)

21. What was the name of the chief wizard of the Emerald City: Bastind or Gingham? (Goodwin)

Municipal state educational institution

Rusanovskaya secondary school

Summer recreation camp "Solnyshko"

Event development

"Creative Wave"

Prepared and conducted by: Deeva O. V.,

Goals: development in children of artistic and aesthetic, theatrical skills, creativity and imagination;

To teach to be aware of their individual capabilities, to instill a desire for creative self-improvement;

Teach children to work in a team, obey certain rules, develop a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

Event progress

Darkness. Mysterious music. Leading from the hall with two lanterns.

Voice from behind the scene: Radiogram: "For FSB agents Chikita and Nikita. Arrive at the children's health camp" Sun "disguised as leading talents to the holiday to find out the following facts: 1. The reason for the anomaly of this place. 2. Phenomenal work capacity of counselors. 3. Untamed creativity of children. On arrival, telegraph to the center. Code: chiki-brikki spoon-gromki.

At this time, the presenters are on stage. Phonogram of a crashing plane. The light turns on.

C&N: These are not bags, these are cosmetic bags!

C: What should we do? Where to go?

N: I thought about it three times as we corkscrewed into this swampy area.

A girl appears on the stage.

C: Girl, can't you show the way to the "Sunshine"?

D: Yes! Not! Don't know! I cant! My name is Ivanka!

N: Yes, even a blank!

D: You misunderstood me. They named me after my grandfather.

C: Yes, at least in honor of my uncle!

D: You don't understand. My grandfather was Ivan Susanin!

Scream. The light is turned off. Pause. The light turns on. C. and N. on the stage shake off the spruce branches.

N: It looks like we are on the stage of the same camp. There are about thirty people in the hall. Apparently, captains.

Encryption: Fish, fish, I'm your basin, arrived at the aquarium, thieves herring, sprats on forks, gobies in tomato sauce. I'm going to spawn, no help is needed. Fish day - Thursday.

C: We must act!

They go behind the curtain. At this time, a fanfare soundtrack.

They come out in a different guise.

N: Today in this hall, in the field of wit and improvisation, in the ring of good mood ...

C: The most talented and resourceful captains will cross their jokes and witticisms!

C: They gave me a test at the center. Let's test it now!

N: Sheets with mysterious signs hang in the hall. You need to attract your imagination - to finish and come up with the name of the future picture.

C: Wait, who will evaluate?

N: Specially trained people are sitting below. Now let's find out who they are.

Looks at the radar.

C: Artists, to the easels!

Music - 3 minutes. One person at a time goes up to the stage. Story about paintings. Jury score.

Mysterious music.

Radiogram: Center. Chiki-briki spoon-gromiki. Arrived at the place. The first talents were revealed. We collect information.

Center. There was a message - they have pagan legends called "Legends". One of them is about Jadai. This is a sculpture of wooden architecture in their main square. There is evidence that Jadai turned into a man and went to the people. Find out if there will be a new sculptural memorial. Submit a project.

C: (Radar) Each unit prepared its own design for the monument.

N: Let's start with 1 squad.

COMPETITION "SCULPTURE". Evaluation of the jury.

Jury: Where are our presenters?

Phonogram "And I like him." Leading dance.

H&N: Yes! Happened! Yes, creativity is contagious!

C: Dancers, on the floor!

N: We already understood that you can move, but dancing on chairs is too tough for you! But still, no fluff, no feather!


COMPETITION "DANCE SITTING". Evaluation of the jury.

N: Encryption has arrived.

C: Come on, read on!

N: I can't. The instructions don't!

Shows silent greetings. ("Everyone, everyone. Bon appetit everyone!", "Good night!", "Congratulations!")

Chiquita doesn't guess.

N: So, okay, I'm sorry, you'll have to eat the encryption!

Runs behind the curtain.

C: Yes, they won’t guess the encryption, for sure! This is acting skills and they have been studying it for several years.

Nikita comes out. Invites the actors to the stage.

COMPETITION "CROCODIL". (Proverbs). The jury evaluates.

Chiquita comes out in disguise with a big bag.

N: What is this? Grandma from Australia sent?

C: No, this was sent by the center, for conspiracy.

They take turns trying on clothes.

Chiquita wears glasses and a hat.

N: Take it off, the boy from row 5 looks at you suspiciously.

N: And now - the fashion of the summer season!

C: We invite the leading fashion designers of the camp.


N: What to do? What to do? Read Chernyshevsky!

Chiquita starts listing Russian writers.

N: Enough, I know that you are obsessed with the classics. But the question is different (thinking): but who are you like, de-th-chki!

C: What kind of parents are there? What is not a child is a genius!

N: And now we will decide. But we will complicate the task.

Participants are invited to the stage.

C: Children will suddenly become parents, and counselors will fall into childhood.

N: At the same time, we will learn the phenomenal abilities of counselors.


Phonogram of Alla Pugacheva.

N: Bathe in applause the star of the Russian scale!

C: Well, how do you like my gift of reincarnation? (Takes off his hat)

N (surprised): Well, what can I say? Now we can make money from it. You will break the applause, and I will be your administrator and I will take you off the stage.

C: You don't think so. that we are stuck here. All information received.

N: Well. No! I want to see how these super hyper kids handle the parody!

Nikita prepares children behind the scenes. Chiquita reads the cipher.

C: So, now on the stage you will see a hit parade of domestic stars!

COMPETITION "STARS". Evaluation of the jury.

C: Thanks to everyone who helped us collect valuable data!

N: Goodbye! See you soon!

Municipal state educational institution

Rusanovskaya secondary school

Summer recreation camp "Solnyshko"

Event development

"We know the rules of movement, like a multiplication table"

Prepared and conducted by: Deeva O. V.,

Targets and goals: to develop in children the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads; promote mastery of traffic rules and knowledge of road signs; to educate attention, the skills of conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in everyday life.

Equipment: road signs, traffic lights, pictures. Participants of the game: two teams.

Game plan

1. Quiz "Green Light".

2. The game "Three lights of a traffic light."

3. The attention game "Red, yellow, green."

4. The game "Allowed-forbidden."

5. The game "Pick up the signs."

6. The game "Draw the signs."

7. The game "Collect the signs."

8. The game "Collect the pictures."

9. Role playing.

10. Fun relay races.

Game progress

I. Opening remarks.

Leading. Hello guys! Today we will talk with you about the rules of the road and road signs, we will play games.

Guys, the law of streets and roads, which is called the "Rules of the Road", is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street and decides to break the rules. But this law is also very kind: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only the constant observance of the rules allows all of us to confidently cross the streets.

All of you know very well that road signs are very important and necessary. Without them, it would be simply impossible to move around.

(Songs about road signs)

II. Game tasks.

Leading. So we start the game. Two teams are invited to participate in it.

1. Quiz "Green Light".

What is the name of the walkway?

How should you walk on the sidewalk?

What does a red, yellow, green traffic light mean?

Where can you cross the street?

What should you do before you start crossing the street?

Where on the roadway can you wait out the flow of cars?

Can you play on the pavement?

Where can you ride a bike?

Show traffic signs that allow and prohibit cycling.

2. The game "Three lights of a traffic light."

Teams are given homemade traffic lights.

Leading. Do you know how to follow traffic light commands?

Children: We know! We know!

Leading. Now I will check, as you know. I will read you poems from Oleg Bedarev's ABC of Security, and you turn on the necessary light at your traffic lights.

(The presenter shows how to honk with a homemade traffic light)

Attention! I start:

There are traffic lights

Obey them without argument.

Seething in motion pavement -

Cars are running, trams are hurrying.

Say the correct answer:

What is the light for pedestrians?

(Participants show red light on their traffic lights)

Correctly! The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Special Light - Warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Say the correct answer:

What kind of light is on?

(Participants show yellow light on traffic lights)

Correctly! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Walk straight! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Say the correct answer:

What is the light for pedestrians?

(Participants show green light on their traffic lights)

Correctly! Green light opened the way:

Guys can move.

At the end of the game, the host learns poems about traffic lights with the audience:

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Green light opened the way:

Guys can move.

3. The attention game "Red, yellow, green."

Description. If the facilitator shows a red circle, the children clap their hands, a yellow circle - do not move, a green circle - stomp their feet.

4. The game "Allowed-forbidden."

Play on the pavement ... (forbidden!)

Crossing the street at a green traffic light... (permitted!)

Cross the street in front of nearby traffic ... (forbidden!)

Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk ... (permitted!)

Crossing the street through the underpass... (permitted!)

Walk on the highway on the side of the right... (forbidden!)

Crossing the street at a red traffic light ... (forbidden!)

Crossing the street at a yellow traffic light ... (forbidden!)

Help old men and women cross the street... (permitted!)

Cyclists to cling to passing cars... (forbidden!)

Bypassing vehicles standing at the sidewalk in front ... (forbidden!)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left... (forbidden!)

Run out onto the roadway ... (forbidden!)

Riding a bike without holding the handlebars... (forbidden!)

Wait out the flow of cars on the "safety island" ... (permitted!)

Leading. And these are not traffic rules, but the rules of a respectful relationship between pedestrians, passengers and drivers.

Pulling the pigtails of girls... (forbidden!)

Chatting and laughing out loud in transport ... (forbidden!)

Respect traffic rules... (permitted!)

5. The game "Pick up the signs."

Each team receives the same number of cards shuffled together. The team that quickly and correctly selects their name for the signs wins. For example, to a sign that depicts a red circle with a white stripe - "Entry is prohibited", to a white triangle with a red border and silhouettes of running children - "Children".

The selected "pairs" are fastened with paper clips so that there is a picture on one side and text on the other.

6. The game "Draw the signs."

The players are invited to draw traffic signs with felt-tip pens for a certain time.

The team that correctly draws the most signs in the specified time wins.

You can invite the guys to draw signs from one, or even better from two groups in a certain time (for example, warning and prohibition or prescriptive and information-indicative)

7. The game "Collect the signs."

Teams are invited to 3 people who collect a road sign cut into pieces.

8. The game "Collect the pictures."

The guys collect pictures cut into pieces and determine which traffic rules were violated by fairy-tale characters.

9. The game "Road tasks".

Task 1.

The figure shows an unregulated intersection: no traffic lights, no traffic police inspector. A boy is standing on the sidewalk. On the other side is the ice cream kiosk. On the carriageway of the street on the right and left - a bus and a truck. Help the boy cross the street safely to buy ice cream.

Task 2.

Look at the picture and say how the girl and boy should cross the road to meet at the newsstand.

Answer: the boy calmly crosses the street - a green traffic light is on for him. The girl stops at the edge of the sidewalk, as the red light is on for her, and will wait for the green signal to appear.

10. Fun relay races.

1) Attention game: children become in a circle, two leaders are selected, circles of red, green and yellow colors are distributed to children. On command, the children must find their leaders.

2) Assemble warning and prohibition signs on command.

3) Relay race of car drivers.

III. Summarizing.

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