The best kegel exercises for women at home for urinary incontinence. Gymnastics and Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence Saliva incontinence exercise exercises massage


Uncontrolled urination (enuresis / incontinence) is an intimate problem that is familiar to many people, especially women. This injustice is due to the fact that the female urethral canal is wide and short compared to the male.

Summary of the article

You may not even want to go to the toilet or, on the contrary, want very much before embarrassment happens - enuresis can be of different types. Liquid is usually released a little, but it still greatly reduces the quality of life - girls stop attending social events, meeting friends or playing sports so as not to be embarrassed in public, wear thick pads and are afraid of making love, where it is difficult to hide their features. An unpleasant prospect, isn't it?

In fact, the treatment of urinary incontinence is quite possible - read on and we will tell you how to forget about the annoying problem once and for all - we will give special cool exercises that will not only save you from incontinence, but also increase overall sexuality and the ability to get orgasms, as well as Learn how to prevent uncontrolled urination.

What is it and the classification of the state

In scientific terms, incontinence is the involuntary release of urine that cannot be suppressed by willpower or muscle contraction. You must have experienced at least once in your life a state of involuntary urination - for example, with very strong laughter, when control over the muscles of the pelvic floor weakens. Now imagine that this happens all the time - when playing sports, when walking or sitting, while dancing at a disco or caressing a loved one. Brrr, I don't even want to think about it. But unfortunately, this condition in women is observed very often for various reasons. In most cases, neuropsychiatric disorders, neuroses, also join it.

To properly treat enuresis, you need to understand its cause and type - this is what we will do with you now. Do not forget - it is quite possible to cure incontinence, we will talk about this a little further.

Types of Urinary Incontinence

Previously, enuresis was treated in the same way in all cases, which did not allow achieving high efficiency of therapy. But now urogynecologists distinguish three types of the disease, each of which involves its own methods of treatment. For diagnosis, the doctor collects various data - information from the patient herself and her urination diary (records on the amount of urine excreted over time, cases of enuresis), and also conducts a urodynamic examination, ultrasound, gynecological examination with a functional test, if necessary, urethrocystoscopy.

Let's take a closer look at the types of enuresis.

Stress urination

The excretion of urine during laughter, physical activity or coughing is precisely the stress type, it is the most common.

The causes of urinary incontinence when coughing are as follows - pressure rises sharply in the abdominal cavity, however, the walls of the urethra cannot hold the “onslaught” in response, as a result, the urethra opens, as if urine is squeezed out. This type of enuresis is associated with insufficiency of the closing canal of the urethra, the weakness of its walls.

If you have this type, then this is great news! No, the disease itself, of course, causes sadness, but the great news is that it can be cured very quickly and easily with the help of intimate muscle training. We have video tutorials for you on the site to solve this problem, the course is called “Training and development of intimate muscles”, watch it right now and after 21 days, thanks to our shortest program in the world, you will bring your pelvic floor muscles into tone and get rid of your ailment. You will find part of the system below in order to start practicing today.

Urgent urinary incontinence

Urgent or imperative incontinence is associated with a full bladder and a strong urge to go to the toilet. At the same time, physiologically filling the bladder can be minimal, but the desire is so strong that the woman simply does not have time to run to the nearest toilet. Hence the name "imperative", that is, "command" incontinence.

Mixed urine separation

It occurs as often as the first two types. It is characterized by a sharp urgent urge to the toilet and the simultaneous release of urine.

paradoxical urinary incontinence

Also called incontinence of bladder overflow, it most often develops in old age. When the amount of fluid in the bladder exceeds a certain level, the sphincter is automatically triggered, complete or partial emptying occurs.

Temporary (transient) separation of urine

Temporary enuresis is associated with certain factors, after the elimination of which it also disappears. Usually these are infectious processes in the bladder, constipation or even alcohol intoxication.

Any incontinence, in addition to the type, can also be attributed to the species - true or false. False enuresis is just a consequence of other diseases or conditions, it goes away when they are cured. But in the case of true leakage of urine, it is difficult to identify the cause, since the symptom appears as if by itself and requires special diagnostics.

Causes of urinary incontinence in women

Despite the fact that enuresis is a very common female urogynecological ailment, it can be caused by various reasons. Let's analyze them in more detail, and then finally move on to proven exercises that will help you get rid of an unpleasant ailment.


With age, the female body is rebuilt, the concentration of certain hormones in the blood decreases. Since they (estrogens) control the functioning of the bladder, it ceases to fully perform its functions as in a normal hormonal balance. The result is stress enuresis with any physical activity that causes an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity.

In addition to the hormonal imbalance during menopause, weakened pelvic floor muscles are reminiscent of themselves, which can no longer restrain the urethral canal. That is why treatment with urinary incontinence tablets in women in such a situation may not be as effective as training the intimate muscles for incontinence. Watch our video course on how to get rid of the disease.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Girls who become mothers for the first time run the risk of getting incontinence in 15-20% of cases, but the second birth increases the likelihood up to 40%. Postpartum enuresis or enuresis of pregnant women is associated with a violation of the anatomical structure of the pelvic organs, an increased load on the urinary reservoir (a swollen uterus presses on it), stretching of the muscle "hammock" that supports the organs of the genitourinary system. With multiple pregnancy or a large amount of amniotic fluid, difficult childbirth, the risk of getting enuresis grows to almost 90%. In simple terms, during pregnancy, the bladder gets used to being in cramped conditions and often emptied, and after childbirth it does not immediately get used to a new critical filling mark.

Additional factors are hormonal changes that inevitably accompany pregnancy and the postpartum period, overweight, urinary tract infections, which often affect pregnant women. Basically, this leads to the appearance of stress incontinence during physical exertion, sometimes urgent.

The good news is that once your doctor has given you permission to have vaginal sex, you can start exercising your pelvic floor muscles right away. Watch our video tutorials "Training and development of intimate muscles" to find the best set of exercises for yourself.

Elderly age

The vast majority of older women experience urination disorders, and they are caused not only by menopause. Of course, a decrease in the concentration of female hormones makes itself felt, but this is accompanied by a general deterioration of the genitourinary system, which is characterized by a thickening of the bladder wall, loss of its elasticity. The muscles of the pelvic floor also age, which can no longer effectively support the organs, as it was before. Sometimes the urethra can even protrude into the vagina, which is guaranteed to lead to an uncontrolled release of urine.

Additional factors in the development of the disease are hard physical labor, childbirth in the past, stress, excess body weight, fitness classes and lifting heavy projectiles. Since it is quite difficult to avoid all of them, 90% of older women are at risk. In such a situation, paradoxical urination usually develops, sometimes with the addition of stress.

Diseases and injuries

Some diseases that at first glance have nothing to do with the genitourinary system can still cause uncontrolled separation of urine:

  • Diabetes;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Stroke;
  • Congenital and acquired defects of the nervous system.

In addition, chronic and acute inflammation of the pelvic organs, congestion, and adhesive processes have a direct effect on the process of excretion of urine.

The causes of urine leakage in girls may be associated with injuries of the central or peripheral nervous system - for example, a bruise of the spine that injured the spinal cord. The fact is that the processes of urination are controlled precisely by the nervous system, so if there is a pathology there, it can manifest itself through enuresis. Well, let's not forget about injuries directly to the pelvic area - ruptures or damage to the bladder are highly likely to cause problems with the separation of urine. Some injuries of the pelvic organs are associated with surgical intervention - if after surgery on the genitourinary system you notice an uncontrolled separation of urine, this is a consequence of treatment, namely, damaged nerves. Especially often, urine leakage is noted after the removal of cysts or malignant tumors in this area due to impaired innervation.

Other reasons

Enuresis often occurs in athletes who practice weightlifting and lifting heavy weights. The female body is not designed for lifting weights, especially without preparation - a strong increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity also stretches the walls of the bladder, which cannot resist such a load. If you are going to do bodybuilding or cross-fit with loads, do it only under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Sometimes leakage is not related to physiological causes at all and is “located” only in the head. It can be the result of experienced severe stress, the loss of a loved one, excessive mental stress.

Surely you know that enuresis in children is often associated with fears or an unhealthy situation in the family - and so, the same is true for adults. But there is good news: after the elimination of all negative factors, the uncontrolled separation of urine stops. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion on what to do with this type of urinary incontinence - to minimize stressful situations in your life, if necessary, undergo a course of psychotherapy.

In most cases, leakage can be cured with special exercises, which we will give below - you can even perform them at home, and the effect will exceed all expectations!


Determining that you have incontinence is not so difficult - you will definitely feel a leak. This is somewhat similar to the discharge during menstruation, but more liquid, it is also impossible to delay them. The stupidest thing some people manage to do in such a situation is to think that everything will go away on its own. In fact, uncontrolled separation of urine after childbirth or for another reason is a good reason to go to the doctor. There is no need to think that your problem is unique - about 50% of women experience uncontrolled urine during pregnancy, after the birth of a child, during menopause, or for no reason at all.

You need to see a doctor not only because he knows how to treat urinary incontinence in women. Going to the hospital means that you have started to do something about the problem, and the matter has moved forward, which means that there will be improvements soon. Ignoring such an intimate ailment harms the female psyche - the girl begins to think that she is now “defective”, that it is better for her to stay at home and not stick out on the street so as not to disgrace herself. Forced isolation leaves its mark on the mental state, which aggravates enuresis - a vicious circle is obtained.

So, let's take a look at what you need to do step by step:

  1. Go to the gynecologist for a standard examination on a chair with a swab.
  2. For the next few days, on the recommendation of a specialist, you will need to keep a diary in which you indicate the amount and frequency of urine excreted. To do this, you need to urinate only in a jar, and all cases of enuresis must be recorded.
  3. Next, you will have to undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder to assess their condition and compliance with the norm. If there is wall thickening or other abnormalities, the doctor will identify them at this stage.
  4. Uroflowmetry is carried out - this is a study in which you will just need to go to the toilet as usual, but with the presence of sensors. They determine the speed and other indicators of the flow of urine. There is no doctor or nurse present.
  5. If necessary, urodynamic studies are connected: for them, the doctor places you on a chair, installs a catheter (this does not hurt) and simulates filling the bladder with saline and excreting urine. The study is needed in order to see the "behavior" of the bladder in real conditions and understand where it fails.
  6. Rarely, a doctor prescribes fibrocystoscopy - a study for which a thin cystoscope is inserted into the urethra and the indicators of internal tissues are examined.

If you are already frightened, you want to immediately reassure - if a woman has urine when she coughs or after childbirth, she is unlikely to be forced to undergo all diagnostic procedures, the first two or three will be enough. But when it is difficult to determine the cause, the doctor can connect more complex procedures to identify the violation.

Urethral leakage after childbirth - what to do

Urinary incontinence pills for women are a last resort and are used when other treatments fail. Therefore, there is no need to search on the Internet or among girlfriends for information about a magic pill, uncontrolled self-medication can only do harm. Instead, pull yourself together and go to the doctor to go through all the diagnostic procedures. When the urogynecologist understands the cause of the violation in your case, he will be able to give recommendations and prescribe treatment.

The main type of treatment that is approved by all doctors is Kegel gymnastics with uncontrolled separation of urine. The bottom line is that you actively train the muscles of the pelvic floor, strengthen and heal them - this makes it possible to control the jet delay and control your urinary reservoir in the same way as you did before the onset of the disease. A little lower we will give a few exercises for intimate muscles and talk about the features of their implementation - read on.

Additional treatments may include physiotherapy (various procedures prescribed by a doctor) and bladder training. The workout is a urinary schedule drawn up by a urogynecologist - for example, you will need to go to the toilet every 2 or 3 hours without delay, even if there is no urge. As a result, the organ gets used to the almost complete absence of urine and, when filled, learns to form urges correctly again. This allows you to restore the normal functioning of the body.

Pills for incontinence that appeared after childbirth are most often light sedatives that are needed in order to relieve stress from an ailment that has appeared. This method really works - enuresis itself generates nervousness, and the pill removes it, which helps further treatment.

Treatment of urinary incontinence in women

We have already said that the treatment of incontinence should begin with the acceptance of the problem and a visit to the doctor. If you stay at home and use grandmother's recipes, the situation may worsen, and this will further reduce the quality of your life and make you a hostage to the bathroom.

Why is it important to diagnose? If the cause of the leak is some kind of tumor in the pelvic area or an infectious disease, charging will not help. It is necessary first of all to eliminate the cause, and then to engage in the restoration of the functions of the bladder.

Before treating urine leakage after childbirth or enuresis of other origin with pills, the doctor will definitely try to prescribe effective exercises and workouts first. True, you will do them yourself at home, but once every couple of weeks or a month you will need to see a doctor to see progress. In most cases, exercise is enough to get rid of the disease, and they also increase your sensuality and sexuality, rejuvenate the body and narrow the vagina. In parallel, physiotherapy can be prescribed - galvanic currents, electrophoresis, heating. It improves blood flow in the pelvic area, improves elasticity and tissue regeneration.

Kegel exercises and gymnastics with such a pathology

The first step is to determine which muscles we generally train. To do this, in the process of urination, try to hold the stream - these are the muscles we need. If you couldn’t feel them, watch our special video lesson “How to feel the muscles of the pelvic floor” - in it our sexologist Valeria Aginskaya talks about alternative methods of exercise, examines the anatomy of the small pelvis in detail.

By the way, exercises for urinary incontinence in women can be different. If you are in doubt and want to clarify the information, watch the video tutorial “Which training system” is right for me.

Exercise 1

Position - on the back. Tighten your perineum (imagine holding your urination) for a few seconds. Most likely, the muscles of your perineum will get tired very quickly. In the beginning, you don't need to let them overexert themselves. Also, don't do too many repetitions. Everything must be done gradually. Whatever the causes of the disease, after a few weeks of constant training, you will feel that the muscles of the small pelvis have become much stronger and more elastic. The first successes will surely make you practice even more intensively, and you will definitely not need a medicine to get rid of urinary incontinence.

Before you start the exercises, remember a few important rules:

  1. Exercises should be done as they become more difficult, you can’t start with difficult ones right away!
  2. Do no more than 30 repetitions of any exercise at a time.
  3. Only the pelvic muscles are involved in the process, and not the hips, abs or buttocks.
  4. Contraction and relaxation should be rhythmic and consistent: a phase of tension must be followed by rest.
  5. If the exercises are very easy for you, you can connect more complex ones in a few days.

Exercise 2

Strain and relax the vaginal muscles three times a day, gradually increasing the time of holding tension and relaxation from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. This process will be invisible to people around, so you can do it not only at home, but also at work, in the subway, while driving in a traffic jam, standing in line at the store and in any free time.

Exercise 3

After establishing control over the muscles at rest, you can complicate the task: try to contract the muscles of the pelvic floor when coughing, sneezing and other similar processes. Whatever the reasons for urination, these exercises will help you get rid of it quickly.

Exercise 4

To achieve the best effect, you need to add manipulations with the vaginal muscles to the main exercises - slow compressions and fast pushes (similar to the pushing period of childbirth). That is, you squeeze not only the back muscles that are responsible for urination, but also those that are around the vagina.

Exercise 5

You have to work in several stages: first, tighten and hold the lower muscles of the perineum for 3 seconds, then, without relaxation, rise to the middle ones, then switch to the upper ones in the same way. Hold each position for 3 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat. In total, the technique is repeated 10 times, five approaches can be done per day.

  1. Haemorrhoids;
  2. Condition after surgery on the abdomen or pelvic cavity (including caesarean section);
  3. Acute infectious process in the body;
  4. Prolapse of the rectum, uterus or vagina;
  5. Condition after injuries of the peritoneum and small pelvis;
  6. Tumors (benign and malignant).

It is difficult to exclude all contraindications on your own, so you should definitely consult a doctor before starting classes - then they will bring you only positive results. By the way, it will be possible to note the first changes after a few days of consistent and constructive training.


A cool alternative to exercise and physiological procedures is the Pelvic Muscle Trainer, which causes tissues to contract and causes a rapid flow of blood to them. Basically, it's lazy gymnastics. As a result, there is a restoration of those areas of the small pelvis that have not worked for a long time and have weakened, which led to incontinence. Outwardly, the myostimulator resembles a tonometer, but it directs electrical discharges to the tissues, which effectively reduce them. Valeria Aginskaya, our sexologist and psychologist, has developed a special system of training on a muscle stimulator, see it in order to do it correctly and effectively.

A high-quality muscle stimulator even has a special mode that is aimed at overcoming incontinence - training: it sends such types of impulses to the tissues that quickly reduce them and significantly strengthen the walls of the vulva. Using such a device is very simple - you do 10-15 minutes 2 times a day, choosing the recommended program. The results will not keep you waiting - in a couple of weeks you will see that leaks are becoming more and more rare, their volume is decreasing.

In fact, regular use of the pacemaker can completely solve the problem of leakage and return you to normal life again.

Right now, watch the course "Training and development of intimate muscles" and start training. In it you will find other unique authoring systems that are not found anywhere else, we assure you, any girl will be able to pick up something to her taste in order to permanently get rid of urinary incontinence.

Treatment with pills and medicines

When we talked about how to treat urinary incontinence in the postpartum period, we were talking about sedatives. They really lead among the drugs prescribed by urogynecologists. When a woman calms down and gets out of a state of stress, incontinence becomes easy to cure even with simple basic remedies with the addition of fitness for the pelvic floor muscles.

Unfortunately, in some cases this is not enough. For example, urgent urination (sharp urges even with partial filling of the bladder) by modern standards require therapy with certain drugs - antispasmodics. They relieve vasospasm and allow the bladder to adequately respond to nerve impulses.

In the case of urgent urination, doctors most often prescribe the drug Driptan, which effectively relaxes the walls of the bladder and significantly dampens impulses from the nervous system. What is the result? The urinary reservoir relaxes, its tissues straighten to full volume, strong imperative urges disappear. A woman can finally go to the toilet as usual, without facing the fact of involuntary urination.

If the doctor, in the question of how to treat urinary incontinence in a woman, chose Driptan, then we are talking about imperative urination. In such a situation, drug therapy takes about a month, the first results appear around the second week.

Despite the fact that there is an effective remedy for this type of enuresis, you cannot prescribe it yourself. First, you can't know for sure what type of incontinence you're suffering from until a doctor makes a full diagnosis. Secondly, even the best medicine can harm if taken uncontrollably.

Drug analogues:

  • Vesicar;
  • Sebutin;
  • Zevesin;
  • Spasmex.


In difficult cases, with the help of surgery, urinary incontinence when coughing in women, that is, stress, is solved. However, even if the doctor determined the urgent type, but the pills did not cure the patient to the end, she may also be prescribed surgery.

There is no single established operation scheme for enuresis - now there are about 250 types of operations that help return the bladder to normal functionality. One of the most optimal and safest is throwing a synthetic fabric loop. It is placed on the middle part of the urethra under local or general anesthesia, the optimal degree of tension is selected. In most cases, the patient can go home the next day, and a month later comes for an examination and cough test.

Despite the fact that this operation is considered minimally invasive, it is better to first try to cure incontinence in a girl after childbirth in other ways, and if they do not work, agree to surgery. Watch our video course "Training and development of intimate muscles" to get rid of the problem in a non-radical way.

Treatment with folk remedies

The final, uncontrolled urination is a big stress for a woman. She does not want to go to the doctor or discuss this problem with her husband and relatives, the best way out seems to be the use of folk recipes - herbal teas, tinctures. In fact, you still have to go to the doctor to rule out bladder pathologies. In the initial stages, the doctor himself will recommend limiting himself to the exercises that you will find in the course "Training and development of intimate muscles." But folk remedies, unfortunately, it is better not to treat. You can only aggravate the situation by retaining fluid in the body or, conversely, by increasing urination.

One of the most popular and relevant non-drug methods of light or drip therapy today is the Kegel technique. According to statistics, Kegel exercises are quite effective, since 70% of women have already been saved from this unpleasant ailment.

A few words about the methodology

Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence are the most effective among all types of intimate gymnastics. The main advantage of this method is the possibility of its implementation at any time and in any place.

It should be noted that the author of gymnastics is the American gynecologist-obstetrician Arnold Kegel. Initially, the technique was dedicated to pregnant women who, during the period of gestation, could not restrain urination. But, as it turned out later, the exercises were effective for other categories of people. Thus, the regular performance of Kegel gymnastics will help to return the sagging uterus to its place, strengthen the pelvic muscles before childbirth, and also saturate the sexual life with bright colors, increasing the possibility of obtaining multiple orgasms during the period of an intimate act.

Basic performance requirements

In order for women to benefit from it, several useful recommendations for implementation should be followed.

  1. You should start doing exercises without much effort. It is better to devote the first day to mastering the basic techniques of the technique. As soon as the process itself is more or less clear, you can begin to increase and complicate the gymnastic complex. For example, a week after the constant exercise, each approach must be increased by 5, then by 10, and so on until the total number of repetitions reaches 30.
  2. Perform Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence should be systematic. First, start with a squeeze, then contraction and pushing follow.

The maximum and allowable load should be 30 repetitions in 3 sets. This will be enough to fully maintain the tone.

  1. It is not recommended to carry out with urinary incontinence with a filled or partially filled bladder, intestines. Ignoring this rule can lead to pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. It is necessary to carry out gymnastics at the primary stage in a horizontal position. This is necessary to feel the necessary concentration.
  3. It is not recommended to hold your breath during exercise. It should be calm and uninterrupted.
  4. It is important during gymnastics not to strain the abdominal muscles. The same applies to the hips and buttocks.
  5. If at the initial stage of performing gymnastics it is not possible to recognize the necessary muscles, a finger should be inserted into the vagina. In this case, the buttocks should not be involved. As soon as the goal is achieved, you can try to delay urination. You should not stop the act regularly, otherwise problems with the urinary system may appear.

Performing Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence (reviews, by the way, about this technique are only positive) should be in a good mood and in a convenient place.

Why perform

The complex includes exercises that are aimed at preventing mild and drip urinary incontinence. Pregnant women can also do it. The only contraindication is the threat of miscarriage, abortion, uterine tone and other complications during childbearing.

Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence at home vary in degree of difficulty, but they are all aimed at training the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is recommended to perform gymnastics regularly and without interruptions, gradually increasing the level of difficulty and load.

The main movements included in Kegel gymnastics

So, the technique includes the following exercises.

It should be noted that Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence in women should be performed with concentration and in a comfortable body position.

What postures are the most comfortable?

So, let's get straight to the lessons themselves.

  1. Take a standing position. Spread your legs at shoulder level. Place your hands on your buttocks. Tighten your pelvic muscles inward upwards. Such Kegel exercises are performed for women with urinary incontinence after removal of the uterus.
  2. rest your head on your hands. Then tighten your pelvic floor (muscles) up and in.
  3. Lie on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knee. Alternately tense your muscles and relax.
  4. Take a supine position. Bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart. Place one hand on the buttocks, the other - in the lower abdomen. Squeeze the muscles, "pulling" them up.
  5. Sit down and cross your legs. Your back should be straight at this point. Tighten your muscles up and in, mentally imagining that your legs are off the floor.
  6. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your knees. Straighten your back and tighten the muscles inward and upward.


Remember: only the pelvic muscles should be strained. If this rule is not followed, the expected result will not be achieved. By correctly and regularly applying Kegel exercises, you can learn to control the process of voluntary urination.

This problem is well known to most of the fairer sex, because according to statistics, every third woman suffers from this. The weakening of the intimate muscles occurs for several reasons, the main of which are the consequences of childbirth, age-related changes and high physical exertion. Medical and surgical treatment is not always safe for the body, so the best way out in this situation are special exercises developed in the last century by Professor of Medicine Arnold Kegel.

Depending on the symptoms, there are three types of urinary incontinence:

  • urgent;
  • stressful;
  • mixed.

Mixed incontinence is manifested by symptoms of both the first and second types at the same time. During pregnancy, this condition is often short-term and completely disappears after childbirth.

These exercises help to get rid of the problem in a comfortable environment, at home, without medication and surgery. Their essence is to strengthen the vaginal muscles and pubic-coccygeal muscles, as well as normalize blood flow in the pelvic organs. It has long been proven that after a full course of such exercises, a woman not only disappears gynecological problems, but also wakes up vital energy, and sexual relations are established.

In most cases, exercises have a truly miraculous effect:

In addition, exercise reduces the risk of developing hemorrhoids and is an excellent prophylaxis for prolapse of the pelvic organs. But this does not mean that with the help of such exercises you can get rid of all gynecological ailments, because here there are some contraindications.

To whom exercise is contraindicated

Doing Kegel exercises is contraindicated in such diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • venereal diseases;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

During pregnancy, it should be done very carefully, without objects, and only after consulting a gynecologist. In the later stages, exercises are prohibited. If these conditions are not met, instead of a positive effect, you will get a completely opposite result.

The complex of exercises consists of workouts of various levels of complexity. You need to start with the easiest, gradually increasing the load and duration of classes. Usually, the first results are noticeable after 1-1.5 months, subject to regular use, and it takes 4 to 6 months to achieve the maximum effect.

For classes, you need to choose a comfortable position: lying on your back, on your stomach, standing or sitting. Be sure to follow the recommendations for the number of exercises and the time to perform them, otherwise, instead of strengthening the muscles, you will get them overstrained and exacerbate your problem. Before each session, the bladder must be emptied and fluid intake should be reduced. Basic exercises include contraction, contraction and pushing, which are performed by the muscles of the vagina.


When squeezing, you need to strain the muscles as much as when trying to stop urination. First, the muscles slowly compress, hold for 3-4 seconds, relax. After three seconds, squeeze again, and so no more than 10 times a day. After a couple of days, the time is increased to 5 seconds, and then gradually to 10. After about a month, the time can be increased to 20 seconds. The number of workouts is increased by 5 every week, bringing up to 30.

After a week of training, the exercise should be slightly complicated: you need to slightly squeeze the muscles for 3 seconds, then squeeze a little tighter and hold for about 5 seconds, then increase the compression again. Relax the muscles in reverse order at the same intervals.

The basis of this exercise is the rapid tension of the intimate muscles several times in a row. You can perform it in various conditions, when it is convenient for you - sitting in a car or at an office desk, outdoors, while cleaning the house, and so on. Start with 5-7 contractions at a time and gradually increase to 30.

To perform these exercises, you need to push, as in childbirth, only with less effort. The first workouts last no more than 5 seconds, then the time is increased to 10-15 seconds. Workouts should be performed three times a day, alternately using compression, pushing and contraction.

Standard exercises

Complicated options

After a week of such training, you can gradually complicate the exercises. After compression, perform relaxation in stages, in 5-10 steps. Using the same postures during training, muscle contraction is also carried out much more slowly, gradually increasing the tension of the entire pelvis. After that, quickly relax the muscles.

Performing the basic exercise, do 30 contractions, and then squeeze the muscles tightly and hold for at least 30 seconds. After relaxing, rest for half a minute, then repeat everything again. Over time, the hold interval is recommended to be increased to 120 seconds.

All exercises can be alternated at your discretion, choosing the most comfortable postures. After one to two weeks of training, there should be about 300 contractions per day. Between classes, be sure to arrange a rest for the body so as not to provoke excessive physical overwork. When the muscles are noticeably stronger, you can start training with Kegel balls - special simulators. This is not recommended for beginners. To eliminate urinary incontinence, a course of standard classes is usually enough, without the use of simulators.

Common Mistakes

For exercises to be effective, they must be performed correctly. But many women, in an effort to quickly get rid of the problem, make gross mistakes than reduce all efforts to zero.

So, the main mistakes in training:

  • holding the breath during exercise, retracting the navel;
  • exercises in an uncomfortable position;
  • continuation of training after the appearance of pain in the pelvis;
  • too short breaks;
  • heavy loads in the first days of classes;
  • breaks in training for 2 days or more.

If you feel discomfort or pain, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a gynecologist. With urinary incontinence, there is usually no pain during exercise, and after exercise you may feel only mild arousal or fatigue. It is impossible to ignore the pain, so as not to aggravate the problem with additional diseases.

Regular training and following all the recommendations will allow you to feel better in a month and a half. In some cases, it is possible to prevent leakage of urine after coughing or sneezing at the very early stage of training. To do this, before sneezing or coughing, make a few quick contractions of the intimate muscles. The most convenient thing about this technique is that you can do the exercises anywhere, and no one will notice anything.

Video - Kegel exercises for women

Medical statistics show that 20-30% of women face the problem of urinary incontinence. The reasons are called different, including the lack of information about the preventive significance of exercises for urinary incontinence. A delicate problem with the bladder causes false modesty, time passes, the situation becomes serious, the disease takes on a neglected form.

Benefits of Kegel exercises

Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist from the USA, was the first to offer women to perform unique exercises for urinary incontinence. Seeing women with a delicate problem, the doctor began to look for ways to help them, and found a solution in strengthening the muscles of the perineum and pelvis. Having developed a special gymnastics, he offered it to his patients, thanks to which they were able to cope with the problems of normal urination without surgical intervention.

Systematic classes on the Kegel system bring tangible benefits to women and men, which is expressed in the following achievements:

  • normalizes blood flow in the pelvic organs;
  • urinary incontinence stops;
  • the tone of the vaginal muscles in women and the perineum in men increases;
  • a woman gives birth easily;
  • menopause passes more calmly and without unnecessary discomfort;
  • the body is rejuvenated;
  • the risk of inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system is reduced;
  • libido increases, and erection is prolonged.

With daily and competent performance of exercises according to the Kegel system from urinary incontinence in women, the muscular corset of the bladder is strengthened, and urination does not occur voluntarily.

The correct order of the complex

Only with the correct execution of all the movements of the Kegel complex to combat incontinence in women can one count on a positive result from it. The main rules include:

  • classes begin with minimal loads on the bottom muscles, gradually increasing them as the entire muscle corset is strengthened;
  • if the first exercises are easy for a woman, the load increases faster;
  • for 1 time you can do no more than 30 repetitions of each movement;
  • classes should be systematized, they should not be skipped;
  • with a clear positive dynamics from gymnastics, you should not stop it, you can only reduce the load;
  • performing exercises, you need to strain only the pelvic muscles, without working out the buttocks and thighs;
  • contractions are performed quickly and in a certain rhythm.

Three key techniques are added to the basic rules of this technique:

  • with tension of the muscular system of the pelvic floor, counting up to 3 is kept, then you need to relax;
  • muscle contraction comes with a 5-second delay in this position;
  • keeping a slight tension in the muscles, it is necessary to count to 3, and only then relax.

By following the prescribed rules, you can accurately count on the effectiveness of Kegel exercises in the fight against enuresis.

List of contraindications

Without detracting from the merits of Kegel gymnastics, one should not forget about contraindications in which exercises will not be beneficial, and can even cause negative complications. Classes with problems with urination are contraindicated:

  • at various;
  • with inflammatory and other infectious processes in the body in the pelvic area;
  • after a recent abdominal operation on the patient;
  • in the presence of prolapse (prolapse) of the pelvic organs, especially in its last stage;
  • during the period of exacerbation of diseases (if any) of blood vessels and the heart;
  • you can not do a set of Kegel exercises after an injury or surgery on the perineum in men.


There are diseases, after the treatment of which it will be possible to engage in special gymnastics, these include: fibroids, venereal diseases and ovarian cysts.

Basic exercises and their features

Developing therapeutic exercises, the American gynecologist took three principles as a basis:

  • compression;
  • reduction;
  • extrusion.

Each of the exercises for the pelvic muscles allows you to work out all the muscles of this area as much as possible. Compression performed at a slow pace provides retention of urination. Contraction strengthens the muscles of the reproductive system. Pushing trains the muscles of the anus and the genitourinary system. Let's look at the order in which each is performed.

Compression exercises

Squeezing is an exercise in which the patient tries to make a movement that is similar to trying to stop urination. At the beginning of this simple exercise, you need to slowly contract the muscles of the vagina, hold the position for 3-4 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times. After two days, the compression delay time is increased to 5 seconds, by the end of the week it should be 10 seconds. After a month of training in compressing the muscles of the vagina, the movement is already delayed by 20 seconds, and the number of repetitions by 5 times, bringing the training time to 30 repetitions by the end of the second month. By the end of the first week, the compression process itself also changes: after a three-second hold, you need to slightly increase the tension, and then relax in the same order.

Contraction exercises

Exercise involves repeated contraction of intimate muscles several times. You can do it in any position, sitting at the table, cleaning the apartment, relaxing in nature, while walking. The main thing is to gradually increase their number, eventually bringing up to 30 contractions in a row.

Push-up exercises

This exercise is not included in the gymnastics against enuresis in men, but is easily mastered by women. You just need to perform labor attempts, but without strong tension. Just like with the first two exercises, push-ups start from 5 seconds, adding time to 30 seconds.

Training is carried out 3 times a day, following the sequence of compressions, contractions and push-outs.

Standard set of exercises

For the first week of performing Kegel exercises, their standard types are also offered. Lessons look like this:

  1. The patient lies on her back on the floor and performs measured tension and subsequent relaxation of the vaginal muscles. Start with 30 contractions, adding 10-15 repetitions every day. By the end of the month, the number of cuts should be brought up to 300 pieces.
  2. Having taken the usual stance, when the legs are shoulder-width apart, the back remains straight, you need to put your palms on the buttocks, resting on them, and contract the intimate muscles, pulling them up, then relax. Perform 5 repetitions of the movement.
  3. We change position. We get on all fours, fold our hands in front of the lowered head, begin to contract the vaginal muscles, pulling them inward and relaxing.
  4. Remaining on the mat, lie down on it with your stomach, bend one leg. We perform compression and reduction. Having changed the leg, we continue the gymnastics.
  5. We turn over on the back. We work out the muscles of the pelvis. We bend our legs and spread them a little to the sides. We do not take our feet off the floor. We put one hand on the stomach closer to the groin, we put the second under the buttocks. Now you need to pull the pelvic muscles up and relax. We repeat several times.
  6. We sit in the standard one, cross-legged. As much as possible straining the muscles of the vagina, we try to push them up.
  7. We return to the rack. The legs, shoulder-width apart, should be slightly bent. We perform the tension of the pelvic muscles with their pull up. This is followed by slow relaxation.

A few hard weeks of training will get your pelvic floor muscles in good shape and save you from a delicate problem.

Useful video - Kegel exercises

Variants with complication

Having mastered all the basic exercises in the first week, you can start complicating them. For example, doing basic contractions 30 times, hold the tension for about 30 seconds. Relax these muscles slowly as well. Gradually bring the tension hold to 2 minutes.

You can choose the order of the exercises arbitrarily, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and all important muscles are involved.

The use of special simulators

An intimate nature can help in strengthening the tone of the muscles of the perineum. To perform the exercises, they must be placed in the vagina. For active training of the vaginal muscles are offered:

  • cones sold in sets or individually;
  • classic Kegel trainer.

Performing an auxiliary role, they allow you to increase the load on the pelvic muscles and the muscles of the perineum. The largest type of exercise cone weighs about 100 grams, and you should try to keep it in the vagina while performing contractions.

Passive training can be performed using the following devices:

  • special pillows that, in a sitting position, irritate the pelvic muscles, stimulating their firmness and elasticity;
  • a special battery-operated device that is inserted into the vagina.

The pillow can be put on a chair or car seat, and in this position, continue training without departing from business. All of the above can be purchased at specialized medical equipment pharmacies or via the Internet.

Video - 3 simple exercises for women with urinary incontinence

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When performing the Kegel complex, you should avoid some mistakes that do not allow you to properly train the right muscles. The biggest mistake is the contraction of not only the buttocks, but also the abdominal muscles. In this case, not only the muscles tense up, but there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The woman experiences discomfort and refuses to study.

During training, breathing is not delayed, you need to breathe in a normal rhythm. while performing contractions and contractions, and do not push the pelvic floor muscles down.

Therapeutic exercises from Kegel will help you not only eliminate annoying urinary incontinence, but also prepare you for a calm pregnancy and. The main thing is to follow the rules established by Kegel, do gymnastics regularly and correctly distribute the load.

Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence are one of the most effective non-drug methods for correcting this problem. With the help of simple home workouts, you can tone the muscles of the pelvis, which will allow you to successfully control the functioning of the bladder.

Proper and regular performance of Kegel exercises makes it possible to see a positive result after just a few sessions. The complex is useful for both men and women in whom urinary incontinence can be due to a variety of reasons.

Arnold Kegel is a famous gynecologist who practiced in the twentieth century. In the 30s of the last century, he developed his own system of exercises that are aimed at training the muscles of the small pelvis and perineum. His unique gymnastic complex allowed many people to avoid surgery and improve the health of the urogenital area. Although the doctor's initial target audience was women, it turned out that his exercises are no less useful for men.

There is no single treatment for urinary incontinence. The treatment plan largely depends on the neglect of the process and on the reasons that provoked this problem. With enuresis, doctors recommend starting with Kegel exercises, as with the safest and most effective method of exposure.

The process of urination is controlled by the work of the pelvic muscles. They, in turn, obey the signals coming from the brain. If a failure occurs in this process at any stage, urine begins to flow out involuntarily.

Thanks to the Kegel gymnastic complex, the muscles of the small pelvis are worked out, and the ability to control the process of emptying the bladder returns to people. The exercises do not take much time and are not difficult to implement. However, you need to practice regularly. If there are no contraindications, then anyone can train according to Kegel.

The technique is based on frequent and consistent compression and relaxation of the muscles responsible for urination. The initial compression interval should not be more than 3 seconds, but gradually it should be increased, bringing it up to 20 seconds. During the exercises, the muscles should be strained as much as possible and try to keep this tension. The relaxation process should take place smoothly, approximately in the same period as the compression.

With the systematic performance of Kegel exercises by both men and women, the following effects can be achieved:

    Normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

    Increase the tone of the vaginal muscles in women and the muscles of the perineum in men.

    Get rid of urinary incontinence.

    Strengthen sexual health: increase libido, prolong erection.

    Women, thanks to Kegel exercises, can prepare the body for easier childbirth, reduce the likelihood of ruptures, and also recover faster after them.

    Reduce the brightness of the manifestations of menopause.

    Rejuvenate the body.

Kegel exercises are an excellent non-drug method for the prevention of inflammatory diseases of the genital area. Regular exercise has a positive effect on overall health.

Proper execution of the gymnastic complex will activate the muscles responsible for emptying the bladder.

In order for Kegel exercises to be beneficial, you need to understand which muscles should be strained during classes.

The following recommendations will allow you to feel the internal pelvic muscles:

    During the emptying of the bladder, one should try to hold the stream of urine with an effort of will. It is at this moment that it will be possible to feel the necessary muscles as much as possible.

    Women can insert a finger into the vagina and try to clasp it with internal force. The stronger the girth, the better developed the pelvic muscles.

    You can try alternately tensing and relaxing your pelvic muscles while emptying your bladder. But you should not try too hard, they should work evenly and rhythmically.

    The bladder should be empty at the time you plan to do the Kegel exercises. Otherwise, the risk of inflammation of the urethra and the development of an infectious process in the organs of the genitourinary system increases.

The gymnastic complex will benefit only if it is performed correctly. In this regard, the implementation technique is very important. When exercises are done with violations, there will be no positive dynamics.

The basic rules for performing Kegel exercises are as follows:

    You can not start classes with an increased load. You need to increase it gradually, as the training of the muscles increases.

    If the exercises are easy, then the load can be increased faster.

    Do not perform more than 30 repetitions of the same exercise at a time.

    You need to work in the system. Missing classes will negatively affect the result.

    When positive dynamics begin to be traced, do not stop exercising. Otherwise, progress will be quickly lost. However, the load can be reduced.

    During exercise, you need to control the pelvic muscles. The muscles of the thighs and buttocks should not be involved.

    Muscles need to be contracted rhythmically and relatively quickly.

When performing a gymnastic complex, you should focus on 3 key techniques:

    Moderately squeeze the muscles and hold them for 5 seconds.

    Do not relax the muscles, holding back a slight tension in them, count to yourself to three.

Is Kegel Exercise Safe for Urinary Incontinence?

Kegel exercises are not always safe.

It has a number of contraindications:

    Do not perform Kegel exercises for people who have recently undergone abdominal surgery.

    Men should not perform exercises in the presence of a malignant or benign tumor of the prostate gland.

    Do not perform gymnastics in the presence of an acute infectious process in the body or inflammation of the pelvic organs.

    Do not perform Kegel exercises during exacerbations of heart and vascular diseases, as well as against the background of pelvic organ prolapse (at its last stage).

    You can not perform Kegel exercises in the background.

However, if a person has no contraindications, then Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence can be considered absolutely safe. However, a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous.

Types of Kegel Exercises

    Exercise 1. "Reduction". Its essence is reduced to the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic floor. You need to perform an average of 10 repetitions, 3-4 times a day.

    Exercise 2. "Content". The essence of the exercise is similar to the “Contractions”, but at the same time, during muscle tension, you should try to keep them in this state for a certain time (about 5 seconds with a further increase in the delay interval).

    Exercise 3. "Elevator". This exercise is suitable for women. It should be understood that the vagina is represented by a muscular tube, which begins and ends with a ring, between them there are 3 more rings. During the Lift exercise, you need to alternately tighten and contract these rings. If you do the gymnastics correctly, then in the end you will be able to feel each of the rings.

    Exercise 4. "Waves". The group of muscles of the pelvic floor includes those that form an extended figure eight, consisting of three loops. The first of them is located around the urethra, the second - around the vagina, and the third - around the anus. To perform the "Waves" exercise, these muscles should be compressed and relaxed alternately.

It is best to start mastering the exercises in a standing position. When all of them are available for execution, you can practice them in various poses (lying, sitting, kneeling, squatting, etc.).

A set of Kegel exercises for men and women

    Exercise 1. It is necessary to stand up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on the belt closer to the buttocks. The legs do not bend at the knees. You should smoothly perform circular movements with the pelvis, directing it up and inward. When performing the exercise, you need to ensure that the muscles of the pelvic floor are tensed.

    Exercise 2. It is necessary to kneel with an emphasis on the elbows, relax the back muscles, cross your arms and lower your head on them. The movements of the pelvis should be directed inward, and at the same time, the muscles of the pelvic floor should be maximally strained, and when returning to the starting position, relax them.

    Exercise 3 You need to lie on your stomach, stretching your arms along the body. One leg is bent at the knee and the pelvic muscles are compressed, internally contracting and pushing them out. Then the leg should be changed.

    Exercise 4 It is necessary to lie on your back, bend your knees. One palm should be placed under the lower back, and the second - on the lower abdomen. During a deep breath, you need to pull the stomach inward as much as possible and linger for a few seconds in this position. In parallel, during inhalation, the pelvic muscles contract and contract. As you exhale, the muscles relax.

    Exercise 5 It is necessary to take the “lotus position”, sitting on a flat surface with crossed legs. From this position, the pelvis moves inward and upward, simultaneously straining the muscles of the pelvic floor.

    Exercise 6 It is necessary to stand on legs bent at the knees and rest against them with your palms. From this position, the pelvis moves in and up, straining the pelvic muscles.

Kegel exercises for men

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Andrology" was obtained after completing residency at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the RMAPO at the Urological Center of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways (2007). Postgraduate studies were completed here in 2010.

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