Love secrets of the Ural dumplings.


At the end of October, "Ural dumplings" held a meeting at which the participants of the show decided on. The decision can be called collegiate - according to the constituent documents, all team members who, to one degree or another, own a stake in the Creative Association Ural Pelmeni, have the right to vote.

The sudden resignation of their director in the team was explained by the fact that Sergey Netievsky is busy (he is the producer of Idea Fix Media and the founder of First Hand Media), rarely appears in Yekaterinburg and, therefore, can no longer effectively fulfill his duties. The team says that all changes are already legally fixed.

From now on, the director of the group is Sergey Isaev. We met with the new leader of the Ural dumplings and asked what he would do better than Netievsky.

The resignation of Sergei Netievsky, who has held the position of director for the past 17 years, was a big surprise for everyone. There were many rumors, including that the reason for the resignation was a financial conflict. What happened?
- Everything is quite simple here. Sergei felt cramped in Yekaterinburg and, no matter how it sounded, he exchanged our city for Moscow. Sergey himself has repeatedly said in interviews that he has become a Muscovite, that he is much more comfortable in the capital, that he feels like a fish in water there. In other words, Sergei ceased to be a "dumpling in a saucepan" and became a "fish in the water."

All this affected his work in the Ural dumplings. You can’t compose something, be in close contact with the team, be at the training camp, while remaining in Moscow. We ourselves are not going to move to Moscow. We have long decided for ourselves that the rehearsal base will be where our parents and children live.

As for rumors of political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on it. If you comment on something, it means that you begin to somehow relate to it, reason, analyze, justify yourself ... We do not want to justify ourselves to anyone. We are honest with each other. We don't have behind-the-scenes games, kitchen secrets. We find it funny to read about it in the media.

- Netievsky will remain in the team?
No one has been fired, no one has been fired. Now Sergei will be working on his projects in Moscow, and we wish him success in this. I think time will tell. If Sergey Netievsky wants to continue working in the team, then we will sit down with him and discuss everything.

It is normal that someone goes on a separate voyage. At one time, Sergei Svetlakov left, but no one made a tragedy about this. If Svetlakov wants to take part in the concert, he will come and say: “Guys, I have time. Can?" - we will answer: “Grey, yes, no questions!” We do not have a ban on communication with this or that person.

Next year is the anniversary of KVN, followed by the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. I think that the show "Ural dumplings" will take part in it. We already have a preliminary invitation. We will gladly invite both Sergei Svetlakov and Sergei Netievsky.

- Sergey Netievsky worked on the New Year's show, and if so, in what capacity?
- He did not work on the last two shows either as a writer, or as a director, or as a manager.

- Did you and other team members manage to maintain friendly relations with him?
- Of course. I think that this is such a feature of the Urals - we are kind, reasonable people. Normal, friendly relations are important to us, because it is easier to live this way. I will not say that we are pure as white snow. We don't have white snow right now. (laughs - approx. site). Of course, everyone has his own character, his own material values, everyone has his own energy, each of us has his own faith. But the main value is decency and good attitude towards each other, which we will always keep in the team.

In many ways, it was thanks to Sergey Netievsky that a few years ago an agreement was concluded with the STS television company on the broadcast of the Ural dumplings show. This helped the team to reach the federal level. How would you rate Netievsky's work now?
- I will not underestimate what Sergei did. He really brought an already finished project to the STS channel to our good friend Vyacheslav Murugov (Advisor to the General Director of the STS Media media holding, - site note), with whom we are familiar from KVN. Vyacheslav gave us the opportunity to appear on STS and gain a foothold on the TV channel. But today we are an independent project. We do everything ourselves: from writing jokes to shooting, editing and airing. We do not depend on the production, on the manager, on the mood of the people on the channel. We are an interesting, competitive program. This was made possible thanks to each of the team members. What we see on STS is the work of all the guys.

- Why did you become the new director?
- The position itself is appointed. The guys trust me, so they unanimously voted for me to take it.

Was the appointment unexpected for you?
- It was not some kind of surprise, rather, it was pleasant to me. The team entrusted me with the wheel! You can go right, you can go left, give gas or just stand, warm up the engine. It is important not to screw up the mechanism that was in your hands. Therefore, I try to treat it with trepidation: I warm it up in time, refuel it, do maintenance, clean it, if necessary, change something, improve it.

In fact, it is a permanent job, 24 hours a day. I have to deal with issues that I cannot put off until tomorrow. The answer is here and now. Sometimes it happens that the issue requires a collegiate discussion, but there is simply no time to consult with everyone, then I take responsibility and make a decision for the whole team. This is perhaps the most difficult. But you need to be ready for this. If I can't do something, the guys help.

What was the first management decision you made in your new position? Will you radically change the system that Sergei Netievsky built?
- We have several changes planned, which we discussed with the whole team. My task in this case was to accurately convey the tasks that we have to solve. There will be changes in posters, in our name, brand. Our work with partners, with services that are constantly working behind the scenes of the show, will change. Few people think about it, but 130 people work at the Ural Dumplings concert. These are make-up artists, costume designers, decorators, props, catering service, transport service, people who are engaged in the selection of actors ... My task in this case is to make the team climb a step higher, reach a new level.

- What is the next level for "Ural dumplings"?
- Now we are faced with the task of maintaining popularity and continuing to develop in the format of a family show, not to go into commercial humor, which sometimes slips through. I want us to remain those "Ural dumplings" from Yekaterinburg, which everyone knows now. There are also plans for the emergence of new projects. A lot of people on the team are interested in doing sitcoms, feature films, sports shows…

- Is it all on STS?
- We do not plan to leave the channel, everything suits us. We hear each other, the audience sees us. We recently spoke with the general directors of STS. They made it clear that they were interested in our new projects and offered us more TV time before the New Year. We have very big plans, which I can't talk about yet. In order for everything to go as it should, we made changes in the management team. I hope that new people who have a lot of experience in launching various projects will help us show ourselves from a new side.

February 28 visiting the hosts of the show Week & Star Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak visited by one of the most cheerful people on the planet, a popular TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, as well as an ex-member of the Ural Pelmeni KVN team - Sergei Netievsky.

Missed Sunday's Week & Star? Read the interview with Sergey and you will find out the most interesting details from the professional and personal life of the artist!

Sasha: Brutal Ural guys, with a surprisingly strong and in a good way funny show "Ural Pelmeni"! Perhaps everyone who watches TV at least sometimes knows them. Charismatic, positive and funny, not a single nutritionist will object to such dumplings! When one of the show's creators announced his departure from the team last year, we were blown away! How? Where? What for? Friends, today Sergei Netievsky himself, a man who has invested a considerable part of himself in the show, one of its founders, will tell you what he is doing now, what he is going to do, and is one dumpling on a big plate boring! Hello, Sergey! For half a year you are in solitary swimming ... Or not in solitary? Tell us who you work with!

Sergei Netievsky: In single, solo swimming. As a producer, I implement new projects that I have long dreamed of implementing, but did not have enough time. Of course, "dumplings" took up most of the working time. This is a wonderful project, but there comes a time when you want to do something of your own, realize your dreams, otherwise there will be people who will do them faster, for you.

Lena: Screenwriter, producer, artist - who are you now to a greater extent?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, I am somehow in different guises, nothing is alien. Of course, the producer's role probably prevails a little, because I know and understand how to turn a team into a television project that can be broadcast.

Sasha: Parting after two decades of working side by side. Was it hard for you?

Sergei Netievsky: You are always moving forward. You look at what awaits you ahead, it is always with anticipation. Live off the nostalgia that was somewhere, sometime in the past. You need to go forward, and when you plunge into this wave, into a new whirlpool, new adrenaline, new sensations. The new projects that I'm currently doing with my production, they really fascinate me.

Sasha: What are the projects?

Sergei Netievsky: We are launching the "League of Improvisations", this is the first all-Russian festival. We unite all groups that are engaged in the genre of improvisation. This is a new movement, we have been moving it for three years together with Sasha Fur in our “Show from the Air”. The show on TNT appeared with the same name. This indicates that the direction is popular.

Lena: We prepare a certificate for all guests. That's what we got for you, Sergey. Listen.

Sasha: Sergei was born on the banks of Tagil, studied at the Ural Polytechnic University, was even the director of a store - and where is the humor here, you ask? And there was always humor, you just had to get into KVN, and then it started! Rise to the big leagues, the title of "the last champions of the 20th century", TV shows, tours - a great way! Since 2015, in solo projects, Sergey is also a screenwriter, TV presenter and producer. "Seasons of Love", "Freaks", "Unreal Story" - these are just some of the projects with his participation! Yes, indeed - an unrealistic story!

Sergei Netievsky: There were a lot, yes.

Lena: Sergey, you have an engineering degree in an absolutely humanitarian field. Is it really universal education?

Sergei Netievsky: You can say that I work in my specialty. My specialty is mechanical engineering. So here is the technology, it is actually the same in the production of the show, the same stages. Everything is divided into small stages, you have to divide difficult tasks into easy ways and quietly go progressively from one to another in order to achieve a result.

Lena: How did you get into KVN? University team?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, of course, the university team. It was a long time ago, 1994, they started playing in KVN, got into the big leagues and off they went. This is in the past, now I'm more interested in the projects that I do, starting from that huge background that I had as a student, when I was doing KVN, when we were doing shows. Now I want to do something new, the world is moving.

Sasha: Comedians, as a rule, dream of the role of Hamlet, of drama. Do you want to take a swing at something unfunny, sad?

Sergei Netievsky: I really want to. I really want to play something not humorous. I go to directing courses and acting classes. Of course, there is such a distant, deep, I hope, achievable dream, to play some dramatic role.

Sasha: Sergey, the name seems to be understandable, “League of Improvisations”, that is, there are absolutely no frames at all?

Sergei Netievsky: You could say almost none. We have several engines, several improvisational forms in which we will play. We are now collecting applications from all interested teams, there are not so many of them, we know almost all of them. About 20 teams that are professionally engaged. If we do not know someone, we are happy to invite everyone, go to the site, register, send your applications.

Lena: What are the requirements for an application?

Sergei Netievsky: The name of the group, a brief summary of where you participate and, preferably, send at least some video so that we can see how the guys behave on stage. Then we select, invite here. We will have three days: April 8, 9 and 10 at the Central House of Artists. There will be qualifying games, and master classes, and trainings, and brainstorming sessions, and the generation of new ideas. We have an interesting, extensive program there.

Lena: Will there be a winner and what awaits him?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, there will be a winner. Title and money are usually of interest to everyone. On April 10, there will be a gala concert, which will include the best teams, and they will compete for the title of the best improvisational team.

Sasha: Sasha Fur is with you in this project. So, there is also a musical part?

Sergei Netievsky: We are currently negotiating with Sasha Pushnoy, there is an idea to make musical improvisation inside there as well. What are we doing? We have complete improvisation: improvisation with a partner, with text, with space, with music, with the stage, with the audience. In all directions you try to liberate your brain. This is a very interesting direction, which is why we are trying to promote it.

Lena: How interesting is it to the viewer?

Sergei Netievsky: Here is the moment: not everyone will reach the gala concert, but only those who can create some kind of whole story in a short time on stage so that it is understandable to the viewer. This is interesting to watch. This is an entertaining and humorous project.

Lena: For those who can't watch it live, will there be a TV version?

Sergei Netievsky: We will shoot a pilot, which we will give to the TV channel. We really hope this turns out to be a show.

Lena: Blitz time on Europe Plus. Short question, short answer.

The three greatest comedians of all times and peoples according to Sergei Netievsky?

Sergei Netievsky: Petrosyan, Galustyan, Martirosyan.

Favorite cuisine, dish. What can you cook yourself?

Sergei Netievsky: Dumplings. I can cook them with different fillings.

Is it true that people who professionally make others laugh are gloomy misanthropes in everyday life?

Sergei Netievsky: Well no, of course not. It's like the law of conservation of energy... Really!

Who is your main critic? Whose opinion do you trust?

Sergei Netievsky: Parents.

Is it true that speaking at a corporate party is more exhausting than any other?

Sergei Netievsky: Of course of course. They suck all the energy out of you, all the strength.

Are you a superstitious person?

Sergei Netievsky: Probably not.

Is swearing or euphemism normal?

Sergei Netievsky: I think yes.

What do you consider your main weakness?

Sergei Netievsky: Laziness.

Are you afraid to fly? Were you afraid before?

Sergei Netievsky: No, but I haven't skydived yet.

What programs do you watch on TV?

Sergei Netievsky: I watch TV very little. I watch a lot of foreign serials and programs. From the humorous sometimes I look: Urgant, Comedy Club, KVN, news.

Would you support moving the capital of Russia to the center of the country, say, to the Urals?

Sergei Netievsky: It would be unexpected. The air is cleaner there.

Favorite hour of the day?

Sergei Netievsky: An hour before bed.

Were you betrayed? Can it be forgiven or forgotten?

Sergei Netievsky: It was when I was betrayed, but I'm not vindictive. I quickly cool down and forgive. I approach this very philosophically. Everyone has the right to make a mistake and has the right to correct it.

Was there a nickname in childhood and has it still remained?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, they were different. Now there is none left. As a student, my name was Basyan or Basya, this is from the village where I come from. Basyanovsky village.

In front of you is a time machine, where will you go?

Sergei Netievsky: Oh. Immediately the thought arose to go into the past, to correct some mistakes. Looking into the future is more interesting.

Sasha: Sergey, humor is a changeable substance, for example, I see two opposite trends: anecdotes have practically disappeared, but stand-up has become one of the most relevant genres. What happened to jokes? Why is standup growing so much?

Sergei Netievsky: I guess every humor has its time. There were anecdotes when there were many prohibitions, some kind of allegory was needed. Now, in principle, there is no particular censorship, you can talk about anything you like. A stand-up artist is a person who passes through himself and gives the viewer information, his attitude to the topic he is talking about.

Lena: Sergey, let's say a guy or a girl is a great joke, the soul of the company. What's next? Do you need to get into the big media in any way - TV, radio? Or maybe a good video channel, say on Youtube, is enough?

Sergei Netievsky: There are so many opportunities on the internet right now. You can make a clip at home at minimal cost and put it on the Internet. In principle, you can unwind through the Internet.

Sasha: KVN has always been a good starting point, how are things now?

Sergei Netievsky: Similar. It is still a forge of personnel. Those who come out of there, they are all in demand.

Sasha: Sergey, you also have a project called Theater Games. Did you set your sights on serious dramatic art, or is it primarily games?

Sergei Netievsky: We are launching the casting of STEM bands. These are groups that, as it happened, did not go to KVN and did not go to Comedy. Student theater of variety miniatures, but they are not that student, they have turned into mini-studios, theater groups, mini-theaters. There are a lot of them in the country. About 15 festivals exist in the country where such teams compete. We want to collect them. Teams that have something to show can send their applications to The first round - we select based on the video. Second, we help refine the materials they have. About 20 teams will be invited to Moscow, where shooting and elimination games will be held.

Sasha: And what kind of "Show from the air" then?

Sergei Netievsky:"Show from the Air" is an improvisational show from which it all began, from which the "League of Improvisations" was born. This is what we did with Sasha Fur, and we are going to do in the future, together with the 05 theater, this is our team from St. Petersburg, the best improvisers today. “Show from the Air” is a concert version, but we filmed a pilot and show it to TV channels.

Lena: Series on TV. Will you continue this experience?

Sergei Netievsky: I like to move towards the show, something that I understand more about how to do. Series... There are mega-professionals, guys on TNT - such a high bar.

Sasha: Sergey, the week is coming to an end, and we suggest going through the main events. We will read the news that excited us, and you will give your brief commentary, let's go?

In the US, one company aims to launch the world's first flying car by 2018.It has retractable wings with 300 hp engines, with which it can reach speeds of 322 km/h. The only thing that the driver will have to do when entering the cab is to start the control computer and enter the address. The rest will be done automatically. The flying car could be on sale no later than 2025. Sergey, will you buy such a car for yourself?

Sergei Netievsky: That is, until the age of 25, nothing will change in Moscow?! In the same way, it takes 4 hours to drive from home to the airport, and 2 hours to fly to Yekaterinburg. Let's see in 2025, it will be possible to fly.

Two pieces of news brought to me in a row by my feed: British scientists have identified 25 signs of suffering in cats, at the same time physicists from Chicago have discovered a tetraquark - a new particle! In simple terms, this is one of the products of proton-antiproton collisions. Whose discovery excited you more, Sergey?

Sergei Netievsky: Tetraquark is more interesting.

Sergei Netievsky: I did not like.

A young scientist from Tomsk said that the content of the first film of the fantastic Star Wars saga is 96 percent a copy of the Soviet fairy tale Kashchei the Immortal. He also claims that Harry Potter is a remake of our Cinderella.

Sergei Netievsky: Wow! Even if that's the case, these are cool interpretations! I'm waiting for the Swans Geese to do a sequel.

A personal fitness trainer took an unprecedented step to help his client.For three months, he did not exercise and ate high-calorie foods, consuming up to 8000 calories per day, as a result of which he gained 30 kg. And all this in order to lose weight with the client. The couple worked in tandem for four months, as a result, both lost weight.

Sergei Netievsky: That's great! I have a 45th birthday in a month, and I thought, if only I could lose 200 grams a day, start running. This is an act!

Sasha: We discussed global news, how was your week? What's in focus?

Sergei Netievsky: I played hockey, in the Komar team, a wonderful hockey team of artists.

Lena: It's your 45th birthday soon. What are your feelings?

Sergei Netievsky: March 27, yes, 45 years old. I suddenly found out that 45 years is a milestone. Up to 45 a man is considered an adult. From 45 to 65 is mature. I am getting mature. What do you think every man should have time to do before the age of 45? I have exactly one month left to catch up. Register in my social networks and send the thesis “What you need to do before the age of 45”.

Sasha: People say that Monday is a hard day. Do you have a recipe for making your first day at work easy?

Sergei Netievsky: On Sunday evening, think a little, sort through the shelves, what needs to be done first on Monday, what is the second, the third. Be sure to leave time for personal life, for normal food, for the family.

Sasha: Thank you very much for coming to us, come again! Good luck in new projects, surprise us to the fullest!

Lena: As a reminder, you can listen to the Week & Star show on podcasts. Download them via iTunes, as well as download via the Internet portal

Sasha: And we say goodbye to you exactly for a week, we will meet on Sunday, at 17.00 Moscow time. With you were Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak, bye!

The history of the conflict between the participants in the humorous show "Ural dumplings" and their former director Sergei Netievsky was previously known to the public mainly from the words of Netievsky himself. His version of the development of events and the causes of the conflict. And we asked the lawyer who represents the interests of the former director of the show to express his point of view. Yevgeny Dedkov, managing partner of the Yusta Aura law firm, explains in an author's column on the site's portal that Pelmeni could have prevented the conflict many years ago if they had complied with all the formalities in time.

The situation that happened with the "Ural dumplings", unfortunately, is repeated very often. Many creative teams step on the same rake, simply because all agreements between the participants are conceptual in nature: everyone understands their role in their own way, agreements are not written on paper.

What Ural Pelmeni was originally doing was not a business, and therefore the nature of the organization and all relations between the participants was informal. The same thing happens, for example, with musical groups. The legal status of "musical group" does not exist. The group is a creative team, an association within the framework of a common activity. The guys just get together and do something. At the initial stage, it is not known whether the musicians will remain playing in the garage or start earning money, so the relationship between them is not formalized legally.

From this point of view, the moment when the first money appears in the project when it comes to monetization is important. This is the transition of the team from a simple pastime to commercial activities. And this is the stage that many creative teams miss and make mistakes.

The moment when money appears in the project is a fundamental factor that makes changes and affects organizational relations. Because the question immediately arises: who is the formal leader? At this stage, the representations of the participants in the formations, which were originally informal in nature, may diverge.

An example is the Yekaterinburg group Do-up, which broke up at a certain stage. There was a part of the team with Alexander Bogomolov, who was the founder, musician, songwriter, etc. And there was the second part of the group - Vadim Shakurov, who was a PR manager and dealt with financial issues. Both considered themselves leaders of the project, and each had reasons for this. Everyone had their own truth, but there were no clear agreements. When the group broke up, Shakurov lured the vocalist to him and used his resources as the group's contact representative to switch the cash flow to himself.

Every time everything happens the same way, it is important for creative teams not to miss the moment of transition to commercial activities and to clearly build relationships between project participants. From an organizational point of view, this means that relations need to be formalized by creating a joint economic company most commonly a limited liability company.

Returning to the "Ural dumplings", it should be noted that they fulfilled this moment - they created LLC "Creative Association "Ural Pelmeni", where, according to the formal distribution of roles, each team member received an equal share. That is, as they are accustomed to interacting informally, such specifics of relations are reflected in the charter of the society.

But the problem with Pelmeni is that the organization was created just for the sake of formality. As an entity that has a current account, where money can be received from concert or other activities. They committed a typical mistake: they underestimated the importance of working out the provisions of constituent documents.

Usually, due to insufficient legal literacy, people look on the Internet for how much it costs to register an LLC, see a small cost and count exactly on this amount. A society is registered, people are given a charter, but no one really reads it. The charter is the main formalized document that regulates the relationship of business partners, and therefore requires the most careful study. In the case of the Ural dumplings, mutually exclusive provisions were included in it. Obviously, the team members did not bother to read the document and understand what was written there. Therefore, they did not make sure that the charter spelled out how the participants should act in certain situations.

Practical advice can be given to all creative teams that plan to engage in commercial activities: you need to devote maximum time to reflect the actual agreements on conducting a joint business in the constituent documents. The fact is that the current corporate legislation is very flexible, and most of the relationship parameters can be changed. This also applies to the distribution of profits among the participants. It is not at all necessary that the profits be distributed among the participants according to the shares prescribed in the charter. It can be distributed according to other parameters.

Also, corporate legislation provides for such an important instrument for regulating the relations of business partners as corporate agreement. Since the charter cannot reflect the dynamics of the development of relations between the participants of the company, depending on the occurrence of certain circumstances, this tool allows you to agree in advance on how the corporate rights of the participants will be implemented. For example, they can agree to vote in a certain way at a general meeting of company members, provide for the obligation to sell a share in the event of certain circumstances, etc. Unlike the charter, the information contained in a corporate agreement is not disclosed anywhere and is confidential. The Ural dumplings did not have such an agreement.

But in most cases, a corporate agreement is not enough to regulate the relationship of business partners. First, doing a joint business is often not limited to using a single LLC. Secondly, there are things that are not regulated by law. Therefore, instead of verbal agreements, it can also be recommended to conclude written partnership agreement, in which you can simulate various situations and determine what actions of partners will be correct and fair in these situations. For example, to determine the goals of the business, the principles on which entrepreneurs will conduct joint activities, to distribute roles and responsibilities, to determine the principles of profit distribution, to establish what will happen if any goal is achieved.

Unlike a corporate agreement, breach of a partnership agreement will not result in legal consequences. But this does not mean that there will be no consequences at all. So, in certain situations, the court may recognize the violation of partnership agreements as an abuse of the right, and this will be the basis for recovering the damages caused. And if there is no such agreement, each of the partners will proceed from their own idea of ​​justice, and this create fertile ground for conflict. This is exactly what happened with the Ural dumplings.

In my opinion, it was the lack of clear agreements that was the main reason for their conflict, because Sergei Netievsky did not commit any illegal actions. Working as director of a joint LLC "Creative Association "Ural dumplings", he did not violate the rights of his teammates. However, the rest of the team accused Sergei of dishonesty. If the parties to the conflict had entered into a partnership agreement in advance, then it would be possible to clearly establish whether the specific agreements of the team members were violated and whether there was in fact any basis for the accusations made. Since there was no such agreement in this case, the accusations made by teammates against Sergei personally seem incorrect to me.

In general, all the tools necessary to regulate the relations of business partners, including creative teams, have long been invented. In the West they are actively used, but in Russia, unfortunately, they are often given little attention.

The conflict between the Ural Pelmeni team and their former producer Sergei Netievsky has been going on for more than a month. The parties were unable to resolve the issue on their own and therefore went to court.

On June 19, a regular meeting was held in Moscow on the controversial issue of copyright for 73 editions of the Ural dumplings show. As a result, the conflict was never resolved.

“The point in the dispute has not yet been put, the Court of Cassation did not satisfy the complaint of Orlov E.A., but sent the case for further consideration to the Moscow Arbitration Court. The original archival releases of the Ural dumplings show still belong to the company that produced them in 2009-2015. Idea Fix Media LLC. The dispute is about the dubiously produced 80 issues-processing "Ural dumplings - Favorite", - said the official representative of Sergei Netievsky.

The former producer of the team claims that Evgeny Orlov, working as deputy general director of Idea Fix Media LLC, transferred the rights to 73 archival releases to Ural Pelmeni Production LLC, for a reduced fee of 861,400 rubles for all programs.

Ten days later, he signed a contract with the STS television company for broadcasting issues in the amount of 231 million 280 thousand rubles.

Sergei Netievsky believes that Orlov deliberately deceived him by selling the rights to broadcast the episodes through a third-party company. The man emphasizes that this situation has become only one of many in a series of conflicts between him and the team.

“This controversial deal to transfer the rights to archival releases in secret from the director and shareholders of the company is just one episode in a series of dubious actions to withdraw assets from Idea Fix Media LLC by Deputy General Director Evgeny Orlov in 2016 in favor of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC where he later became director. We are confident in our position and believe that Orlov E.A. caused damage to the production company Idea Fix Media LLC. We are waiting for a reasoned decision of the Court of Cassation and we will defend our legal rights,” Netievsky explained.

Apparently, the ex-producer of the KVN team intends to continue to fight for his rights. However, Evgeny Orlov refuses to admit guilt. He is sure that he acted within the framework of the law and in the interests of the Ural dumplings.

So far, the point in the controversial case has not been put. Fans sincerely hope that the current situation will not affect the creative activity of the team. They assume that the scandal surrounding the Ural dumplings will end sooner or later, and the team will be able to fully work on new episodes of the show.

Sergei Alexandrovich Netievsky is a Russian showman and producer, former director of the Ural Pelmeni creative association, who left the team in 2015 due to a scandal.

Childhood and youth

Sergei was born and raised in the small Ural village of Basyanovsky, lost among the dense taiga. Like all boys of that time, as a child he played football with friends in the yard, rode a bicycle, went fishing, went in for sports.

After leaving school, he left for Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) and entered the mechanical engineering department of the local polytechnic institute. At the university, Netievsky signed up for the Ural Pelmeni KVN student team, which became the launching pad for his future career. Together with his comrades, he came up with jokes, went on stage and worked in the Dream construction team.


After graduating from the institute in 1993, the young man managed to get a job as a director in a hardware store, but soon made the final choice in favor of KVN and devoted himself completely to his beloved work.

The popularity of the team grew rapidly, and soon the guys were in the Major League. In 2000, "Dumplings" became champions, and two years later - the owners of the Summer Cup of the Higher League. By this time, Sergei led the team and did an excellent job with his duties. Under his leadership, Pelmeni became winners of the Vocal KiViN festival three times and tied in an international tournament between Asia and Europe.

In 2007, Netievsky moved to Moscow, where completely different prospects opened up before him. The TNT channel launched a new entertainment project "Show News" and invited Sergey to lead it. Having plunged headlong into a new activity, Sergey realized that Pelmeny also needed to switch to television.

The success of Sergei Svetlakov, who, after leaving the team, quickly "untwisted" on TNT, only confirmed his innocence. In 2009, the first episode of the new show of the STS channel "Ural dumplings" was aired, which immediately aroused great interest among the audience. Already in 2013, the Urals won the TEFI award and were noted on the Forbes pages in the list of the most successful Russian celebrities.

At the same time, Netievsky was engaged in several other projects: he produced the show Unreal Stories and played a leading role in it, was a member of the jury and the ideological inspirer of the talent show MyasorUpka, and took part in writing the script for the sensational comedy Freaks.

He even graduated from directing courses in order to make a full-length film about the team by the twentieth anniversary of Pelmeni. But these plans were not destined to come true.

Why did Netievsky leave the Ural Pelmeni?

In 2015, Netievsky found himself at the epicenter of a scandal. Teammates accused him of hiding part of the income from the sale of the show to television for three years (from 2012 to 2015). Allegedly, the producer convinced Pelmeni that they were working exclusively for fees, and arbitrarily appropriated part of the money and used it for the needs of his First Hand Media production center.

Interview with Sergei Netievsky

In this regard, the rest of the team filed a lawsuit against Netievsky and removed him from his post. Sergey Isaev became the new team leader. For Netievsky, this was a complete surprise. He filed an appeal, after which the court recognized the illegality of his removal.

Litigation continued for several years; in January 2018, one of the participants in the Ural dumplings, Andrey Rozhkov, announced that a new lawsuit had been filed against Netievsky - in the amount of 28 million rubles.

In turn, Sergey demanded from the court to recover 107 million from the UE: these are loans that the Idea Fix Media company (a subsidiary of First Hand Media owned by Sergey Netievsky) issued to 4 legal entities, including Ural Pelmeni Production LLC , as well as

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