People with different activities. Activities


The man of modern society is engaged in a variety of activities. However, it is possible to generalize and single out the main activities characteristic of all people. They will correspond to the general needs that can be found in almost all people without exception, or rather, to those types of social human activity in which each person inevitably joins in the process of his individual development. Such activities are play, learning and work.

The game- a type of activity, the result of which is not the production of any material or ideal product. Game is a special process in which typical ways of action and interaction of people have historically been fixed.

The game is especially significant in the life of children of preschool and primary school age. First of all, the game is a kind of reflection of life. In the game, for the first time, the need to influence the world is formed. In an active game form, the child learns more deeply the phenomena of life, social relations of people, labor processes. The inclusion of a child in play activities provides an opportunity to master the social experience accumulated by mankind, as well as the cognitive, personal and moral development of the child.

In the life of adults, the game is in the nature of entertainment, the goal is to get rest. Sometimes games serve as a means of symbolic relaxation of tensions that have arisen under the influence of the actual needs of a person, which he is not able to weaken in any other way.

There are several types of games:

1. Individual games are a kind of activity when one person is engaged in the game.

2. Group - include several individuals.

3. Object games are associated with the inclusion of any objects in a person's gaming activity.

4. Story games unfold according to a certain scenario, reproducing it in basic detail.

5. Role-playing games allow a person's behavior, limited to a specific role that he takes on in the game.

6. Games with rules are regulated by a certain system of rules of conduct for their participants.

Often in life there are mixed types of games: object-role-playing, plot-role-playing, story-based games with rules, etc. The relationships that develop between people in the game, as a rule, are artificial in the sense of the word that they are not accepted by others seriously and are not the basis for conclusions about a person. Play behavior and play relationships have little effect on real human relationships, at least among adults.

Learning activities - the process of assimilation of subject and cognitive actions, which is based on the mechanisms for transforming the material being assimilated, highlighting the basic relationships between the subject conditions of the situation in order to solve typical problems in changed conditions, generalizing the principle of solution, modeling the process of solving the problem and monitoring it [Makarova].

Doctrine- this is an activity aimed at acquiring the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a broad education and subsequent labor activity.

Teaching in a person's life follows the game, accompanies him throughout his life and precedes work. The main purpose of the study is preparation for future independent work. Teaching can be organized and carried out in special educational institutions. It can be unorganized and occur along the way, in other activities as their side, additional result. In adults, learning can acquire the character of self-education.

Labor activity - the process of actively changing objects of nature, the material and spiritual life of society in order to meet human needs and create various values.

Thanks to labor, a person became who he is, built a modern society, created objects of material and spiritual culture, transformed the conditions of his life in such a way that he discovered the prospects for further, practically unlimited development. First of all, the creation and improvement of labor tools is connected with labor. They, in turn, were a factor in increasing labor productivity, the development of science, industrial production, technical and artistic creativity. Labor is the main way of personality formation. In this activity, human abilities develop, character develops. Labor is aimed at creating a socially useful product. This is his purpose.

These activities have different meanings for human development at different stages of ontogeny.

In psychology, there is a concept of leading activity. Leading activity- this is such an activity, the implementation of which determines the emergence and formation of the main psychological neoplasms of a person at a certain stage of ontogenetic development. That is, this activity most affects the mental development of the individual at a certain stage of development. .

Leading activity:

For young children, this is a game, although there are elements of learning and work in their activities;

The leading role belongs to education in school;

With age, labor activity takes on a leading role.

The activities of people are diverse, but at the same time it can be reduced to “rem main types: educational, labor and game. Sometimes they distinguish sports activities, as well as communication as a kind of activity.

Work, primary occupation, results in the creation of a socially useful product.

Any type of labor in which something new is manifested, rationalization is introduced, improvement in the process of activity, acquires a creative character. Creative activity is an activity that gives a new, original product of high social value.(technical invention, the creation of an artistic, musical, literary work, the development of a new method of surgical operation, the development of new methods of education and upbringing, etc.). Creative activity, of course, requires the presence of abilities, capital knowledge, and a passionate interest in the matter. In addition, creative activity requires a developed imagination. But the main thing is a huge, hard work, perseverance and perseverance in overcoming obstacles. It is a mistake to think that everything is easy for a talented person, without difficulty. On the contrary, many talented people emphasized that it was not so much about abilities, but about work. “Talent is patience”, “Talent is a propensity for endless work,” they said. L, N. Tolstoy called the work of the writer "terrible work."

Teaching is only a preparatory stage for future work, it provides a useful product only at a certain stage in the training of a profession. The game, of course does not provide a socially significant product. The motives of these types of activity are also different: the motive of labor and learning is, first of all, the awareness of social duty, the game is motivated by interest. There are significant differences in the organization of these types of activities - work and learning, as a rule, are carried out in a specially organized form, at a certain time and in a certain place. The game is associated with free organization - the child usually plays in the time allotted for this, but within this time - as he wants, when he wants and as much as he wants.

A person at almost any age is characterized by all three types of activity, but at different periods of life they have different meanings. Before entering school, a child's main activity is a game, although in kindergarten he studies a little and works according to his strength. The main activity of a schoolboy is teaching, but work also occupies a prominent place in his life, and in his free time he willingly plays. For an adult, work is the main activity, but in the evenings he can study (on his own or in an evening school, at an evening faculty), devote his free time to games (sports, intellectual).

Activities can be divided into material-objective and spiritual. The first is aimed at changing nature and society. Spiritual activity is connected with the transformation of people's consciousness. Psychologists have always attached great importance to these activities in the history of mankind and in substantiating their own social ideal.

"Productive labor, the possession and use of its results are one of the aspects of a person's life or one of the spheres of his activity," noted Vladimir Solovyov. Man could not exist if he did not grow crops, did not build factories, did not lay rails, and would not produce energy. But does this mean that human spiritual activity is less important? Of course no. Man needs philosophy, art, morality, faith. Without these achievements, he would cease to be human.

Creation. Creativity is an activity, as a result of which something new is born, It is distinguished by its uniqueness and originality. One can object: isn't any human activity characterized by uniqueness? To a certain extent, this is true, of course. Activity is the birth of what was absent in nature. In this sense, it is always distinguished by novelty, if we compare its results with what is in nature.

But within human activity itself one can see acts of extraordinary ingenuity, of radical novelty. There are also activities where creativity is not so clearly expressed. Let's say the person who invented the wheel was certainly a genius. But after all, people need more than one wheel, which, perhaps, this nameless creator himself built. Now that the wheel has been invented, we need to reproduce it on a massive scale. This is also an activity, but, strictly speaking, it cannot be called creativity.

Here, for example, let us recall once again the amazing line: “And the star speaks to the star ...” The words here are simple, well-known. However, the image of the boundless cosmic space is immediately born in the mind. For Lermontov, this is not only a painting of the heavenly distance. It is also a certain mood. Your soul, as it were, is in contact with the roll call of the stars. A mood of sadness, humility of spirit, a feeling of loneliness is born.

And all this in one line. Truly, poetry of the highest standard. But literature gave people many poetic discoveries. We would be immeasurably poorer if the works of Homer, Dante, Byron, Pushkin, Goethe were not with us...

Activity is evil. However, we must warn you: activity is not only good. She can also turn evil. The whole question is what are the goals of the activity, its direction, meaning. In ancient Chinese philosophy, there was the concept of "dao". This was the name of the basic law, which does not depend on either the gods or the people, therefore, a person must obey the natural course of events.

Adherents of the Tao taught: a person is calm at birth. This is his natural property. Then he begins to feel and act, and thereby harms his nature. What is it talking about? On caution in transformative activity. “The nature of things cannot be changed, the habitat cannot be transferred.” People have always felt this problem, but only in the second half of the 20th century. they began to think about the nature of their activities, about what the results might be.

Many human achievements have been wrested from nature. But nature did not submit to man. The Maya civilization existed on Earth. Unlike the dams and drainages of Egypt, which man still maintains in working order, the fruits of the tireless labors of the Maya have practically disappeared. The only surviving monuments of a former civilization are the ruins of the once grandiose, magnificently decorated public buildings.

Now they are far from human habitats and hide in the depths of the rainforest. The forest swallowed them up like a boa constrictor. The contrast between the current state of the country and the ancient level of Maya civilization is so great that it almost defies human imagination. The masterpieces of Maya architecture, these testimonies of human capabilities, marked the victory of man over nature. The triumph of man seemed eternal and unshakable. However, man could not prevent the return of the forest, which swallowed up the cultivated fields, squares and houses, and then reached the palaces and temples.

Perhaps the most striking example of an activity that turned into evil is the creation of weapons - tools for killing not only animals, but also humans. This was especially evident in the 20th century, when various types of weapons of mass destruction were created. A person has to comprehend the boundaries and consequences of his transformative activity. Its impact on nature can be detrimental. That is why people abandon the former cult of activity. Activity at all costs, an endless attack on nature, its transformation - these installations are now "under fire". Not all activities are good. People must realize their activity expediently, meaningfully. If you do not think about the purpose of the activity, its direction and meaning, it can turn into evil.

Activity is a form of existence of the psyche. In animals, activity is determined by biological needs. It has already been noted that psychologists single out purely human needs. The activity has a structure, which consists of the following elements: motive, activity process, purpose of the action, conditions of the operation. Motives, as we have seen, arouse interest and desire to act. A need arises to solve a specific problem, in which the goal and conditions for its achievement are indicated. The process of activity is conditioned by a motive and consists of specific actions, each of which is associated with a goal. The main activities include work, learning and play.

The game. The game covers all human life to the very foundation. It pervades other basic phenomena of human existence. Here is what the well-known phenomenologist E. Fink writes about this: “Everyone knows the game but his own life, has an idea about the game, knows social games, knows the playful behavior of others, countless forms of play, Circeian performances, entertaining games and somewhat more intense, less light and attractive than children's games, adult games. Everyone knows about these play elements in the spheres of work and politics, in the communication of the sexes with each other, play elements in almost all areas of culture.

Interpreting the game as the main phenomenon of human existence, Fink highlights its significant features. The game in his interpretation is an impulsive, spontaneously flowing performance, inspired action. The more often we weave the game with other life aspirations, how the more aimless the game, the sooner we find in it a small but complete happiness. Fink believes that man, as man, plays alone among all beings. Play is a fundamental feature of our existence, which no psychology can ignore.

It would be necessary, as E. Fink argues, someday to collect and compare the playing habits of all times and peoples, to register and classify the huge heritage of objectified fantasy, imprinted in human games. It would be a history of "inventions" quite different from the traditional artifacts (artificial facts) of culture, tools, machines and weapons.

The Phenomenon of Non-Action Such foundations of human life as the will to power, the dictates of reason, the cult of violence are called to the judgment of philosophical reflection today. Today, a fundamentally different attitude is clearly and versatilely designated and affirmed, embodying the not fully realized possibilities of a person, variants of his true existence.

Non-action is as much in keeping with human nature as activity. Man as an open being is able to realize himself in various directions. The variants of human existence available in the history of the world by no means exhaust the resources and potential of man. A person can realize fundamentally different alternatives. Activity is a way of realizing freedom only in one case, when it is creative, i.e. creative.

Mental regulation of human behavior and activity is a complex process.

It covers the vast scope of human motives and needs. People set themselves a variety of goals that determine their activity. A huge role in human behavior is played by the will, value orientations of people. What is the end result of mental regulation? The goal of psychotherapeutic efforts is often called health, ability to work, the ability to realize one's own capabilities and have fun (Freud), adaptation to society (A. Adler), the joy of creativity and the ability to experience happiness

Activities are certain actions that are performed by a person in order to produce something significant for himself, or for the people around him. This is a meaningful, multi-component and quite serious occupation, which is fundamentally different from recreation and entertainment.


The main discipline that studies human activity within the framework of the course is social science. The first thing you need to know in order to correctly answer a question on this topic is the basic definition of the concept under study. However, there may be several such definitions. Another one says that activity is such a form of human activity, which is aimed not only at adapting the body to the environment, but also at its qualitative transformation.

All living beings interact with the environment. However, animals are only capable of adapting to the world and its conditions; they cannot change it in any way. But man differs from animals in that he has a special form of interaction with the environment, which is called activity.

Main Components

Also, for a good answer to a question in social science about human activity, you need to know about the concepts of object and subject. The subject is the one who performs the action. It doesn't have to be a single person. The subject can also be a group of people, an organization or a country. The object of activity in social science is that on which the activity is specifically directed. It can be another person, and natural resources, and any spheres of public life. The presence of a goal is one of the main conditions under which human activity is possible. Social science, in addition to the goal, also highlights the action component. It is carried out in accordance with the goal.

Action types

The expediency of activity is an indicator of whether a person is moving towards the result that is important to him. The goal is the image of this result, to which the subject of activity strives, and the action is a direct step aimed at realizing the goal facing the person. The German scientist M. Weber identified several types of actions:

  1. Purposeful (in other words - rational). This action is carried out by a person in accordance with the goal. Means to achieve the desired result are chosen consciously, possible side effects of activity are taken into account.
  2. Value-rational. Actions of this kind occur in accordance with the beliefs that a person has.
  3. affective is an action that is caused by emotional experiences.
  4. Traditional- based on habit or tradition.

Other Activity Components

Describing human activity, social science also highlights the concepts of the result, as well as the means to achieve the goal. The result is understood as the final product of the entire process carried out by the subject. Moreover, it can be of two types: positive and negative. Belonging to the first or second category is determined by the correspondence of the result to the goal.

The reasons why a person can get a negative result can be both external and internal. To external include a change in environmental conditions for the worse. Internal factors include such factors as setting an initially unattainable goal, the wrong choice of means, the inferiority of actions, or the lack of the necessary skills or knowledge.


One of the main types of human activity in social science is communication. The purpose of any kind of communication is to get some result. Here, the main goal is often the exchange of necessary information, emotions or ideas. Communication is one of the basic qualities of a person, as well as an indispensable condition for socialization. Without communication, a person becomes asocial.

The game

Another type of human activity in social science is a game. It is common to both humans and animals. Situations of adult life are modeled in children's play. The main unit of children's play is the role - one of the main conditions for the development of consciousness and behavior of children. Play is a type of activity in which social experience is recreated and assimilated. It allows you to learn the methods of carrying out social actions, as well as master the objects of human culture. Play therapy has found wide distribution as a form of correctional work.


It is also an important type of human activity. Without labor, socialization does not occur, but it is important not only for the development of the individual. Labor is a necessary condition for the survival and further progress of human civilization. At the level of a single individual, work is an opportunity to ensure one's own existence, to feed oneself and one's loved ones, as well as an opportunity to realize one's natural inclinations and abilities.


This is another important type of human activity. The topic of social science devoted to activity is interesting because it considers its various types, allows you to consider the whole variety of types of human activity. Despite the fact that the process of human learning originates in the womb, over a certain period of time this type of activity becomes purposeful.

For example, in the 50s of the last century, children began to be taught at the age of 7-8 years; in the 90s, mass education was introduced in schools from the age of six. However, even before the start of purposeful learning, the child absorbs a huge amount of information from the outside world. The great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy emphasized that at the age of up to 5 years, a small person learns much more than in the rest of his life. Of course, one can argue with this statement, but there is a fair amount of truth in it.

The main difference from other types of activity

Often, schoolchildren receive a social science question as their homework: "Activity is a way of people's existence." In the process of preparing for such a lesson, the most important thing to note is the characteristic difference between human activity and the usual adaptation to the environment, which is characteristic of animals. One of these types of activity, which is aimed directly at transforming the world around us, is creativity. This type of occupation allows a person to create something completely new, qualitatively transforming the surrounding reality.

Activity types

The time when students go through the social science topic "Man and Activity", according to the Federal State Educational Standard - grade 6. At this age, students, as a rule, are already old enough to distinguish between types of activity, as well as to understand their importance for the overall development of a person. In science, the following types are distinguished:

  • Practical- is aimed directly at the transformation of the external environment. This type, in turn, is subdivided into additional subcategories - material and production activities, as well as socially transformative ones.
  • Spiritual- an activity that is aimed at changing the consciousness of a person. This type is also subdivided into additional categories: cognitive (science and art); value-oriented (determining the negative or positive attitude of people to various phenomena of the surrounding world); and predictive (planning for possible changes) activities.

All these types are closely related to each other. For example, before carrying out reforms (relate to it is necessary to analyze their possible consequences for the country (forecasting activity.

Human activities- a rather subjective concept, since, if desired, they can be described on more than one page, but most psychologists and sociologists have decided on three main specific types: learning, play and work. Each age has its own main activity, but this does not mean that adults do not play, and schoolchildren do not work.

Labor activity.

Labor activity ( work) is the transformation by a person of both material and intangible objects, in order to use them in the future to meet their needs. By the nature of the applied actions, labor activity is divided into:

  • practical activities(or productive activity - changing objects of nature, or changing society);
  • spiritual activity(intellectual, creativity, etc.).

It is this type of activity, according to most anthropologists, that is the driving force behind the evolution of people. Thus, in the process of labor, the purpose of which is the production of a product, the worker himself is formed. Perhaps labor is one of the main types of activity, but there would be no effective labor activity without one more of its types - teaching, or training.

Educational activity.

Learning activities ( training, education) is an activity aimed at obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities. The value of this type of activity is that it prepares a person for work. Teaching is a broad concept that has many varieties. This is not necessarily sitting out your pants at school at your desk. This includes sports training, and reading books, and movies, and TV shows (not all TV shows, of course). Self-education as a type of learning can take place in a passive, unconscious form throughout a person's life. For example, you were flipping through channels on TV and accidentally heard a recipe on a cooking show, and then it suddenly came in handy for you.

Game activity.

Game activity ( the game) - a type of activity, the purpose of which is the activity itself, and not the result. The case when the main thing is participation, that is, the process itself is important. This is the classic definition. Nevertheless, the game, in my opinion, is, if not a kind of training, then its offshoot, because it, like training, is a preparation for work. A sort of spin-off of study, if you will. A game of dice, Cossack robbers, "Call of Duty" or "Who wants to become a millionaire" - all these games, to one degree or another, teach some kind of mental or physical activity, bring some skills, knowledge, skills. Develop logic, erudition, reaction, physical condition of the body and so on. There are many types of games: individual and group, subject and story, role-playing, intellectual, etc.

Variety of activities.

The above classification of human activity is generally accepted, but not the only one. Sociologists single out some types of activity as the main ones, psychologists others, historians the third, and culturologists the fourth. They characterize activity in terms of its usefulness/uselessness, morality/immorality, creation/destruction, etc. Human activity can be labor and leisure, creative and consumer, creative and destructive, cognitive and value-oriented, and so on.

Variety of activities

Let's start with the questions that interest us. What is an activity? What is its concept? What is the activity divided into? What is the nature of human activity? And depending on the different needs of society, how does the variety of activities of people develop?

Activity is a form of interaction with the world around us, during which a person satisfies his needs, as a result of which he achieves his goal. Throughout life, a person comprehends, explores the world, creates the necessary conditions for himself, improves himself, satisfies spiritual needs, i.e., engages in music, dance, science, literature, clay modeling, drawing.

But I wonder what features distinguish animal behavior from human activity? A person consciously sets goals for himself, already foreseeing the result, therefore, his activity is aimed at obtaining the correct result (Consciousness, Productivity). Humanity also has the ability to change the world around and its personal qualities, habits. And a person can enter into various relationships with other people in the process of life. (Transformative, Public).

Currently, activities are distinguished between practical and spiritual. The first activity is aimed at changing the surrounding world and society. The second activity is aimed at changing people's consciousness. That is, the reflection of reality in the laws of nature, science, or in religious instructions, myths.

When human activity affects the historical course of events, with social growth, then progressive or reactionary, as well as creative and destructive activities are distributed. For example: The progressive role of the industrial activity of Peter 1 or the progressive activity of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin.

Conditionality from the conformity of activities to existing general cultural traditions, social norms differentiate legal and illegal, as well as moral and immoral activities. Illegal activity is everything that is prohibited by law, the constitution. Take, for example, the manufacture and production of weapons, explosives, the distribution of drugs, all of this is an illegal activity. Naturally, many try to adhere to moral activity, that is, to study conscientiously, to be polite, to value relatives, to help the old and the homeless. There is a vivid example of moral activity - the whole life of Mother Teresa.

To my regret, there are people who follow immoral activities, they are rude, do not appreciate their norms, traditions; alcohol consumption, hooliganism. A good example of immorality is the crime boss Mishka Yaponchik.

Depending on the public forms of association of people in order to perform activities, they establish individual (for example: management of a region or country), collective (ship management systems, the robot of schoolchildren in a team), mass (an example of mass media is the death of Michael Jackson)

Depending on the absence or presence of any goals, the success of the activity and the ways to accomplish it, they reveal a monotonous, monotonous, patterned activity, which in turn proceeds strictly according to certain requirements, and a new one is most often not given (Manufacturing of any product, substance according to the scheme at the plant or factory). But the activity is creative, inventive, on the contrary, it carries the character of the originality of the new, previously unknown. It is distinguished by specificity, exclusivity, originality. And elements of creativity can be applied in any of the activities. An example is dancing, music, painting, there are no rules or instructions, here is the embodiment of fantasy, and its implementation.

There is also economic activity, where consumer and production activity reigns. Of course, political activity is dominated by state, international and military activities. But in the social sphere, the spiritual sphere is affected, that is, scientific, educational, etc.

Activities are divided into four major types. And this:

They distinguish external activity, which manifests itself in the form of movements, that is, muscle efforts, and internal activity, which includes mental work, planning, and mental reproduction of actions. These two types are closely interconnected, since internal activity arises on the basis of external activity and is carried out through it.

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