The magic of numbers. Annie Lionnet


The main meanings of the card in the upright position:

  1. symbolizes the completion of a long work that will not make a person happy;
  2. advises to seek advice from a wise woman;
  3. financial success, contentment with life, but the price is selfishness and detachment from people, but it's still not too late to fix it;
  4. an indicator of your high professional level;
  5. job satisfaction;
  6. sudden discovery of new qualities of oneself (or the qualities of your life partner), personal growth, inner wealth;
  7. well-deserved financial success;
  8. love for nature, animals; privacy;
  9. favorable time for real estate and property transactions.

The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:

  1. symbolizes receiving only money, again without pleasure;
  2. advises NOT to turn to a “wise woman”, because her experience and wisdom are exaggerated;
  3. loss of friends, loss of home;
  4. difficulties with the law;
  5. time to reassess your goals and personal desires;
  6. limited financial income; financial loss;
  7. animal problems;
  8. a person deaf to the promptings of his own soul and to common sense.

A man in a richly embroidered robe stands in a garden. On some versions of this card, a woman is depicted here, on others - a man. A bird (often a falcon) sits on his gloved hand. Nine denarii are scattered among the bunches of grapes.

This man is rich and noble, he achieved everything he wanted - and was left alone. Not because he lost his relatives and friends: his spiritual wealth is also great, and he is always ready to help people. But in his development he has gone so far from them that now they almost do not understand him. He himself chose this path, and now he asks himself: was the choice right? But there is no way back.

In practice, this card symbolizes the successful completion of some long and difficult work. But this did not make the man happy. So the card advises to think carefully before embarking on the implementation of your plan. Or - seek advice from a wise woman, whose experience and knowledge are widely known.

Inverted, the result is only money, other success is doubtful, not to mention happiness. You should not seek advice from a “wise woman”, because her experience and knowledge are greatly exaggerated.

In the Egyptian Tarot, this is the only Nine that appeals not to the Gurdjieff enneagram, but directly to the meaning of the number nine, which gives it a karmic connotation: what is happening to you is a consequence of your past life (and advice to think about it). In the Tarot of Aquarius, the Nine and Ten Denarii should be interchanged by value.

(E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot")

DESCRIPTION: A graceful, beautifully dressed woman stands alone in the middle of a vineyard. She is rich, the vineyard is part of her property, and her estate is visible in the background. A falcon sits on her left gloved hand. Element: Earth.

EXPLANATION: Drawing this card indicates that you have achieved financial success and satisfaction through personal achievement. You feel quite confident in your company and enjoy the pleasures of life. However, your independence and self-confidence can make you somewhat distant and selfish, so you should improve your relationships with people around you.

REVERSED CARD MEANING: Possible loss of friends or own home. Difficulties with the law. This is the time to review (reassess) your goals and personal desires.

LESSON FOR SELF DEVELOPMENT: You have reached the peak in terms of material success and self-confidence. However, the Nine of Pentacles is called the "Lord of Material Gain", so you still need to develop emotionally and spiritually.

(N. Drury "Tarot. A step-by-step guide to study")

Nine Denarius in the old days was considered a card of financial success, winnings, large and often unexpected profits. Thus, it means a turn for the better, luck and situations that people say: "happiness has come." Along with this undoubtedly favorable meaning of external luck, it also promises a tangible change in personality (for the better).

JOB: In this regard, the card portends a successful business and, possibly, a very good profit. It can also mean a fairly prestigious and highly paid position, or that a resume submitted to the employment service will be a stunning success, or that we will pass the exam with “excellent”, which could not be expected. Summing up the above, it can be noted that the card confirms our high professional level, a sense of creative upsurge and satisfaction from our work.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The sudden discovery of inner, and perhaps outer wealth. Something suddenly happens in our daily life, there is an unexpected meeting with someone, after which, to our own surprise, we discover in ourselves abilities that we did not know about before, new opportunities for growth and disclosure of personality. The card can also denote a transition to a new level of consciousness, when we not only hope that we have some kind of inner wealth, but are already fully aware of it.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: We were “happiness rolled”, which in everyday life means “a good match”, finding a faithful life partner, an impressive meeting and other non-trivial events. However, this does not necessarily mean new acquaintances. In a time-tested union, this is a new, bright streak of life, when partners open their spiritual riches to each other, as happens, for example, during a carefree vacation, away from all worries and worries, only together.

The number nine is associated with the Hermit card, the planet Neptune, and the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio, which are ruled by Mars. Neptune is the planet of compassion, charity, selflessness, mysticism, understanding and brotherly love, but also confusion, fantasy and self-deception. The appearance of nines in the layout indicates the completion or end of affairs. Perhaps you are letting go of the past and making way for the future. Cars and other equipment break down. Favorable trade. Long journeys are possible. You may be interested in charity or humanitarian aid.

The nines represent Yang energy, which is associated with completion and endings. Now all attention should be paid to a successful ending. This is not the right time to start new projects and promises.

Key words and phrases: Self-control. Achievement. Getting what you want. The pursuit of financial security. Money. Success. material comfort. Leisure. Fertility. Treatment. A high self-evaluation. well-being. Pleasure. Refinement. Prosperity made possible by hard work. One time cash flow. Deserved success. Successful transactions with real estate and property. Inheritance. Unearned income. Dividends. Ownership. Own. Investments in real estate. Dealing with real estate or property. Repair. material stability. Additional income. Satisfaction. Work for yourself. Managing your own finances. Self care. material benefits. Self-sufficiency. Love for nature. Love to the animals. The pleasure of being outdoors. Gardening. Caring for the environment. Privacy. Feeling of failure. Money can't buy love. The Garden of Earthly Delights. I myself.

Situation and advice: The card depicts a woman walking through a luxurious garden. Being alone, she enjoys the joys of life. She reaps the fruits of the wise use of her talents and means. She is in seclusion. She is at peace with herself and with everything that surrounds her. She controls her thoughts and her destiny. She knows her worth, skillfully manages her affairs, but at the same time she sometimes feels her imperfection,

The Nine of Pentacles symbolizes success in a variety of ways.

The Nine of Pentacles reflects the desire for financial stability, promises physical comfort and material benefits. Favorable time for real estate and property transactions. Being outdoors will bring a lot of pleasure. Home renovation will go smoothly. From the point of view of psychology, this card indicates the state of which the psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott spoke like this; "The ability to be alone ... one of the most important signs of maturity in emotional development." When this card appears in the spread, we should think about how we spend time alone.

People: Wife. Self-sufficient people or those who work for themselves. Those who relentlessly care for the environment and protect other forms of life. People with grace, beauty, skills, talent and business acumen. People who know how to manage property wisely. Those who spend a lot of time alone. Those who love animals.

Key words and phrases: Limited financial income. Unreasonable decisions. Addiction. Losses. Deprivation, Futility. Theft. Hasty decisions. Silly deeds. Obstacles. The results of rash decisions. Consciousness of guilt. Illegal money. Problems with property or real estate. Unscheduled repairs. Delays in cash receipts. Animal problems. The burden of wealth.

Situation and advice: What you rely on to achieve success rests on an unstable foundation and can collapse at any moment. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest. Beware of shady deals that can compromise you. Possible property issues. It may happen that you need to pay attention to a pet. Reckless hasty and even stupid actions are possible, when the questioner is not only deaf to the prompts of his own soul, but also neglects common sense.

People: Dishonest people. Those who feel guilty. Bad leaders.

The value of the nine of pentacles in the upright position:

Other meanings of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot in the upright position:

  • wealth, profit, growth, achievement, self-confidence, independence, control over the situation
  • financial security, loneliness
  • success, confidence, safety, common sense

The correct Nine of Pentacles Tarot means material well-being, financial security and success. Hard times preceded this, which makes the achievements even more significant. However, the card also speaks of loneliness, and, probably, the Client alone enjoys the fruits of his labors. Maybe this is just what you need; but the pursuit of a elusive sense of emotional certainty may continue.

The Nine of Pentacles tarot card signifies order and discipline. Abundance, material well-being. Ability to plan. Reliability, confidence, prudence, success, achievement of goals, wisdom. Freedom from want. Sometimes a vacation or a well-deserved vacation.

Reversed interpretation:

  • Trickery, Fraud, Disappointment, Promises, Vain expectations, Failed projects.

Other Meanings of the Nine of Pentacles Reversed Tarot:

  • thoughtless, stupid, hasty actions, wrong choice of partners, deceit, loss
  • moral well-being under threat, suspicious cases
  • collapse of plans, betrayal, treachery, vain hopes

The tarot card nine of pentacles in the wrong orientation warns that today's material security and comfort are at risk, and changes are coming soon. Perhaps well-being was achieved as a result of the Client's past actions (illegal and morally dubious).

The inverted Nine of Pentacles means treachery, fraud, intrigue, deceit. Plans canceled or gone ashes.

inner meaning

The Nine of Pentacles Tarot is a sign of order, reliability in property matters and in personal life, achievements and success. Unlike the Three of Pentacles, which indicates that one should not stop in aspirations, the Nine is success itself and a feeling of success. You have the wisdom and experience you need to conduct your business with dignity and deal with any problems that may come your way. Your goals have finally been achieved or will soon be achieved.


  1. N. Drury “Tarot. Step by Step Study Guide »
  2. E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Introductory information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"


Description of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Nine of Pentacles tarot card often depicts an elegantly dressed woman in a manicured garden. On the woman's shoulder is a falcon, a symbol of aristocracy. She can afford to indulge in sophisticated entertainment, because all her tasks for the moment are completed, and perfect order reigns in her field of functioning. She finished all her affairs and now she can pay attention to her own person by arranging a holiday for herself.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card in divination and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Nine of Pentacles is considered a card of financial success, gain, large and often unexpected profits. It means a turn for the better, luck, good luck, material well-being and changes that make life much more comfortable. The card predicts exceptional success, which is achieved thanks to personal talents, efforts and does not spoil the personality at all. However, a person is usually left alone with his success, and it happens that even he has no one to share his joy with.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a layout or fortune-telling upside down, the Nine Denarii represents financial losses, the collapse of undertakings, constant failures, which are most likely caused by ill-considered, hasty actions and actions of the fortuneteller himself.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Direct Nine of Coins indicates a successful business and a good profit. Can talk about satisfaction with the current job or type of activity, about good relations with colleagues and superiors. The card confirms the high professional level, the feeling of creative upsurge and satisfaction from one's work.

Reversed card position

The inverted Nine of Disks is interpreted as the volatility and instability of the financial situation, the use of illegal sources of funds for investments, building relationships with unscrupulous partners that can cause financial damage or discredit the fortuneteller.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Tendency to bowel disorders due to negligence in diet.

Reversed card position

Health is good, but undermined by constant stress. The card may mean that a person lacks exercise and training.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the field of romantic relationships, the direct Nine of Coins clearly communicates that existing relationships are built on mutual respect, complete trust and sincerity. If you are currently single, then the card indicates an early acquaintance and the beginning of a new romantic relationship that will become serious and lasting.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Nine Denariyev predicts disappointment in a partner, unfulfilled promises, unfulfilled hopes. The lasso can indicate people who manipulate the feelings of others in order to achieve their own selfish goals.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

The card of the Nine of Disks in the upright position describes a man of great willpower who can move mountains to achieve his goals. Exceptionally friendly, his energy is directed in a good direction. A person is completely independent in his thoughts and actions, occupies a stable position in society.

Reversed card position

A person with high or, conversely, low self-esteem. Experiencing a humiliating position for himself.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles as a Card of the Day

Get ready for a pleasant surprise. Perhaps you will receive a message, or a message will be waiting for you at work. If you don’t count on anything like that, try to help a happy occasion and go in search of happiness yourself. Do something that you may not have been able to do for a long time, try something new, or at least buy yourself a lottery ticket.

Card advice Nine of Pentacles in divination and layouts

Rethink your life and find the positives in yourself. Remain yourself, refusing unnecessary ideals, unnecessary connections and dubious experiments. Fortune is on your side, so live with pleasure, with confidence in fate.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Pentacles

Online tarot divination

What has fate prepared for us in the near or distant future? What events should we be afraid of, and why, on the contrary, prepare ourselves in advance - Tarot cards will help us learn about this.

In this article, we reveal the meaning of the 9 of Pentacles. In other literature, you can meet her under the names of Nine Denarii, Nine Coins, Nine Money or Lord of material gain.

The traditional deck of the classic Tarot depicts a richly dressed girl on the lasso of 9 Pentacles, strolling through a magnificent, well-kept garden. The girl holds a bird on her hand, coins are scattered on the ground around them. It can be seen that the girl is joyful, she is distinguished by calmness, serenity and complacency.

Looking at the lasso from the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, you can see a happy mother walking with her baby. They are also in the background of nature - they are sitting on a green meadow, and in the distance you can see a very beautiful building. Mom and baby are in a happy, calm state, they admire the beauties of beautiful nature.

Astrologically, the planetary bodies - Venus and Jupiter, which act as a symbol of a big win, correlate with the map. Venus is in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo (second decade), which in turn indicates a deep combination of theoretical knowledge with practical activities.

The activity that a person is engaged in brings benefits not only for him personally, but also for the whole society as a whole. He is satisfied with his occupation, the second decade of Virgo personifies an idea aimed at the benefit of others.

The Nine of Coins is a symbol of reliability, security, achievement of goals, quality factor. It also speaks of fertility and the ability to conceive a child. In the upright position of the card - predicts the growth of something with great potential.

  1. General value. The lasso indicates a person occupying a high position in society, indicates an ascent to a higher social level.
  2. In the sphere of events: it will tell about self-sufficiency, comfortable conditions, security, achieving fame (and all this will remain with you until the end of your life).
  3. In work: 9 Coins promises a period of prosperity, growth, great prospects, high income, promotion, wealth.
  4. Indicates excellent health. Characterizes a person who spends a lot of money to improve their health and appearance.
  5. What does the 9 of Pentacles mean in a relationship in the Tarot. Describes a relationship that means a lot to both partners. Relationships that differ in some way. Perhaps the lovers have isolated themselves from everyone who is not able to understand their “quirks”. If a person for some reason suddenly loses such a relationship, then he experiences it extremely hard.

In very common cases, the lasso describes a wealthy widowed person (or widow).

  1. The 9 of Pentacles characterizes a very peculiar personality in society - an upstart, a "black sheep", which stands out from the background of others because of some signs or strives to stand out. However, there are good housekeeping skills.
  2. The card advises to focus on your individuality, not be afraid to stand out from the gray mass, boldly declare yourself to the world.
  3. Caution: do not overdo it with separation from the team.
  4. The final answer to your problem is yes. The Nine of Pentacles portends a time of great achievement, social success.

Additional information: Any of the nines represents a completeness that does not feel any need. It is the final design, self-sufficiency.

In the reverse position, the Nine changes its meaning and tells about some kind of danger, loss of faith, deceived expectations. For the fair sex, it can be miscarriages or abortions.

  1. Meaning in general: lost height (level), time of falls.
  2. In terms of events: due to certain events, a person finds himself in a humiliated position, his social status decreases.
  3. In business: while the situation is not yet catastrophic, but incomes are already decreasing (reputation may be lost, a person is demoted).

This lasso also includes fakes of well-known brands or goods that were originally of high quality, but deteriorated over time.

  1. He speaks of good but shabby health.
  2. In a relationship: respect for your partner is lost, he loses his value in the eyes of another partner (disappointed in him). Relationships that used to be very important lose their significance, worsen.
  3. 9 Monet describes a person who has an overestimated or underestimated self-esteem, who is forced by the will of fate to be in a humiliating position for himself.
  4. Arkan advises to reduce your needs.
  5. Warns: it is always painful to fall down from a high position (but at the same time, the fall is inevitable, because a person is no longer able to be at the same level).
  6. The map indicates a general decline in living standards.

general description

Initially, the Nine Denarius was considered a card that brings financial success, winnings, and large profits. She symbolized a change for the better, unexpected luck and good luck. She also predicted favorable personal changes for the better.

In this area of ​​life, 9 Coins (in a straight position) indicates a successful business, a high income. It can predict the receipt of a very prestigious and highly paid position.

A person achieves a high professional level, is at the peak of his creative upsurge, enjoys the activities he performs.

Suddenly, the inner or outer wealth of a person is revealed. As a result of some unpredictable event (for example, a chance meeting), a person, with great surprise for himself, finds his previously hidden talents and discovers new facets of his personality.

The lasso also speaks of the transition to a new, more conscious level of life, when a person has a certain spiritual capital, which he actively uses for the benefit of himself and others.

A very promising and successful relationship is a meeting of your soulmate, a “successful party”.

It is also possible that you will simply move on to a new, more successful and bright streak in your old relationships: you will be more open with each other, share your spiritual wealth and love with your beloved. It can predict a pleasant vacation away from everyday life, alone with nature and each other.

It is also worth watching the following video clip, which talks about the Nine of Pentacles Tarot

After the gloomy and unsettling cards of the suit of Swords discussed in recent articles, talking about the meaning of the 9 of Pentacles Tarot will bring us a drop of positive. And not even a drop, but quite a lot of joy, because even in the old days this Arkan was called the "card of financial success." It will be quite easy even for beginners to understand the interpretation of the Arcana, because everything is quite obvious if you look closely at its image.

As always, we begin the analysis of the symbolic field of the map with a discussion of the classical drawing. So, what do we see the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot according to Rider-Waite? Naturally, this is prosperity, success, financial stability, luxury - this is evidenced by the image of a girl standing in a beautiful garden surrounded by bushes on which pentacles grow. A bird sits on the girl's hand. The luxurious attire of the young lady betrays in her a noble and wealthy person. What else can you add here?

Try to make a list of the key expressions of the Arcana yourself, and then compare it with the list that we got:

  • Wealth
  • Financial stability
  • Profit
  • Luxury
  • Belonging to the elite of society
  • Absence of prohibitions
  • excesses

The value of 9 Tarot Coins does not require detailed additions to the already listed keywords. One thing is clear: the card reports a stable period, especially in terms of finances. Although, in fact, it is money that often attracts the benefits of other life spheres to its owner. The mood of the card is positive, even somewhat relaxed. A person feels safe, therefore, without fear of anything, enjoys life.

The reverse Arcana indicates the loss of something dear to a person, for example, money, property, social status. In a word, on the map there is a loss of well-being and stability, the destruction of the usual comfort, broken plans.

So, what will the semantic meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot in love take? Try to guess for yourself first - it's not difficult at all, and only then take a look at our hint.

The classic meaning of the 9 of Pentacles Tarot in relationships is a prosperous period when relationships can be enjoyed in peace. Please note that the main theme of the card is precisely security, tranquility, but not flashes of passion or situations from the category “with a sweet paradise and in a hut”. We can say that the practical meaning of the 9 Pentacles of the Tarot in love is a pleasant pastime together, without thinking about how to live on, what to live on and what will come of it. Sometimes situations of comfortable loneliness pass under the map, when a person feels good with himself, since he is completely self-sufficient.

The meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot in a relationship when a card falls out inverted is already a kind of inconstancy, a violation of the usual course of things, a way out of the comfort zone. Often under the reverse Arkan pass: deceit, unfulfilled expectations, betrayal of a loved one, domestic problems, including finances.

Let's see how the card is most often played when diagnosing a health condition.

Stability, good appearance, well-groomedness, lack of physical ailments, for women - well-coordinated work of the reproductive system.

The inverted Nine Denarius Tarot takes on the opposite meaning: this is a violation of the proper functioning of the body. It cannot be said that Arkan signals serious illnesses, but rather just some kind of malfunction that can be easily eliminated if a person takes care of his own health. Sometimes the card reports hereditary diseases, but this diagnosis must be confirmed or refuted by the surrounding Arcana.

The next point, on which we will dwell in a little more detail, is the meaning of the Nine Pentacles of the Tarot when divining for the person we are interested in.

A person from high society, a representative of the elite or the “golden youth”. If we are talking about a young lady, then, most likely, financial well-being and prosperity appeared in her life thanks to her parents or the inheritance received. The card can characterize the minion of fate, as well as a prudent person who, for example, entered into a successful marriage. This also includes the wives of businessmen, oligarchs and other categories of people who deserve everything they have, not on their own. State of mind - a sense of security, peace of mind.

A person who had or could have a lot, but lost everything himself or by the will of circumstances. For example, the heir to a family business, who decided to simply resell it to someone else, a person who squandered his inheritance, etc. The state of mind is a feeling of instability when the ground is slowly slipping away from under your feet.

Let's not bypass the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot at work. Let's see what this numerical Arcana, which fell on questions of career, profession, work environment, will tell.

Achieving good results, success, successful completion of projects, a quiet period at work, an income-generating business, financial profit, sometimes unexpectedly (winning, inheritance). In rare cases, Arkan may indicate a vacation. Profession - jewelers, fashion designers, nutritionists, employees of elite beauty salons, as well as those who can afford not to work, but do it solely for fun.

The meaning of the inverted 9 Pentacles of the Tarot is instability in business affairs and finances, failed deals, the collapse of plans, financial losses, deals that bring losses instead of profit.

Consider the most common combinations of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot with Trumps.

  • Fool: A frivolous attitude to money, life, and also one who gets everything easily
  • Magician: Right moment for action
  • High Priestess: Well of Knowledge
  • Empress: Proper Investments
  • Emperor: Profitable business, successful business, family wealth
  • Hierophant: Spiritual Growth
  • Lovers: Mature, stable relationship
  • Chariot: Disruption of order, run away from stability
  • Strength: Sufficient motivation to accomplish what was intended
  • Hermit: Poverty, poverty, avarice
  • Wheel of Fortune: Periods of financial ups and downs
  • Fairness: Equitable distribution of money
  • Hanged Man: Unstable financial situation
  • Death: Inherit something from relatives (money, property, business)
  • Moderation: Capital that has just begun to form
  • Devil: Prosperity gained through unrighteous means
  • Tower: Financial Crisis
  • Star: The dream is already close
  • Luna: "Fake Scenery", window dressing
  • Sun: Big win, cash gain
  • Court: Legacy
  • Peace: Material Independence

It is not very easy to interpret this numerical card in the neighborhood with other Junior Arcnes, but you can rely on the interpretations of the combinations we have given.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Entering the activity phase
  • Two: Reluctance to step out of your comfort zone
  • Troika: Prosperous future, good prospects
  • Four: The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles with Four of Wands - buying property (apartments, houses, cottages)
  • Five: The peace is broken
  • Six: Anticipation of Triumph
  • Seven: Financial difficulties
  • 8: The need to act
  • Nine: Deceptive calm
  • Ten: Boredom or waiting that tires
  • Page: Good news
  • Knight: Change of lifestyle or residence
  • Queen: Mistress of her own life
  • King: Prudent and accurate conduct of business
  • Ace: Prosperity in love
  • Two: Stable, secure union
  • Troika: Idle lifestyle
  • Four: Satiation with the bohemian lifestyle
  • Five: Partial loss
  • Six: Luxurious life in the past
  • Seven: Want everything at once
  • Eight: Voluntarily leave a prosperous life
  • Nine: Greed, avarice
  • Ten: The house is a full bowl
  • Page: Falling in love with a wealthy person
  • Knight: Earn the trust of a high society person
  • Queen: Emotional attachment to comfort
  • King: The ability to manage acquired
  • Ace: Meaning of the Nine Tarot Coins with the Ace of Swords - Perspective Ideas
  • Two: Satisfaction with the current state of affairs
  • Troika: The temptation of a beautiful life
  • Four: "Golden Cage"
  • Five: Loss of wealth due to betrayal
  • Six: Get away from a rich life
  • Seven: Fear for your wealth
  • Eight: Disturbance
  • Nine: Suffering due to the fear of losing something valuable
  • Ten: The end of a prosperous life
  • Page: Representative of the "golden youth"
  • Knight: High Society Conflict
  • Queen: Powerful rich woman
  • King: Powerful rich man
  • Ace: Great wealth
  • Two: Unstable, precarious position
  • Troika: Representative of an elite profession
  • Fourth: Treasure your position
  • Five: Missed chance for a beautiful life
  • Six: Money received from a patron
  • Seven: The result in the long run
  • Eight: A wealthy person who cares about the welfare of others
  • Ten: Money - chickens do not peck
  • Page: Meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot with a Page of the same suit - learn the family business
  • Knight: Attachment to material stability
  • Queen: Materialist Woman
  • King: Rich Life

Any capital must work. Money is needed in order to realize real dreams, and not sit in a "golden cage".

Think about how to protect what you have if stability is compromised.

The Nine of Pentacles of the Tarot, the meaning and interpretation of which we discussed with you today, on the one hand, is a very simple card, but on the other, its combination with other Arcana can open up endless possibilities for your imagination. Do not use only ready-made interpretations, come up with your own!

Let's talk about the Tarot card of 9 Pentacles (Denarius, Coins, Disks), and about the meanings that this lasso has when interpreting the alignment. In general, the number nine is directly related to the card of the Major Arcana Hermit. Moreover, all Nines in Tarot readings have a clear association with Neptune, the planet of compassion, brotherly love and selflessness, and the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. And these astrological signs, as you know, are influenced by the militant daring Mars.

I note that Neptune is not only the planet of selflessness and understanding of others, it has the roots of disorder, fantasies, self-deception and deep mysticism. The fusion of these two strongest energies - the energies of Neptune and Mars, can give rise to amazing manifestations of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles.

Meaning of the Tarot Arcana 9 of Pentacles

The appearance in the layout of any Tarot Nines, and, of course, Tarot card 9 of Pentacles has the meaning of the end of some business. It can be assumed that a person is gradually letting go of the past, clearing the way for a happy future to come into his life. The nines in the Tarot spread represent Yang energy, the masculine active energy associated with action and accomplishment. Now is not the best time to make promises, new commitments or start some projects.

The inner meaning in the layout of the 9 Pentacles Tarot card comes down to order, achievement and success, to stability in property matters and in personal life. Nine is success, and a full sense of success. The fortuneteller has enough experience to properly conduct his business, to respond in time to problems and solve them.

Nine of Pentacles Tarot - the lasso of confidence in the future

The character of the Tarot card 9 of Pentacles (Denarius, Coins, Disks) is a man in a luxurious robe, enjoying the beauty of the garden. He is rich and noble, he has achieved everything he could wish for. But, having received everything, he was left alone. No, he did not lose his relatives and friends, his spiritual treasure is as great as his material one. The fact is that in his development he went so far from the people around him that he lost the understanding of those who are dear to him.

In a practical sense, the Tarot card 9 Denarii indicates the successful completion of a project that has been long and difficult to work on. But, unfortunately, success does not make a person happy.

  • Council of the Nine Denarii,
  • coins,
  • Drives

– how you should think before embarking on the implementation of your ambitious plan.

Tarot card 9 of Pentacles - upright and reversed positions

Since ancient times, the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles has been considered the lasso of financial success, large and often unexpected profits, for example, winnings. Therefore, there is no doubt about what it means to turn life circumstances for the better. This is total luck, material stability, but also positive personality changes.

Along with this, we have reversed position in the layout of the Nine of Pentacles tarot card where the result is money, other success is doubtful. The inverted card 9 Denarii can also indicate that a person lacks simple worldly happiness, warmth, affection and understanding of loved ones.

Watch the video 9 of Pentacles - meaning in the Tarot layout


Figure 9 of Pentacles is very interesting and provides rich material for analysis.

First, a hunting glove and a bird of prey, presumably a falcon, draws attention to itself. Falconry was not only the business of rich people, but also the prerogative of the highest nobility. There were bans on hunting with birds of prey for commoners and lower-ranking aristocrats. Interesting woman's clothes. Huge sleeves are reminiscent of the attire of Russian boyars and the saying "Work through the sleeves."

The idea of ​​walking around in clothes that emphasize that its owner is not engaged in manual labor is universal for the highest aristocracy. Almost all the details of the drawing emphasize the nobility and wealth of the character of the 9 of Pentacles. Luxurious harvest, rich clothes, a castle in the background.

And there is one detail that is not often paid attention to: the snail in the lower left corner. It is believed that the snail illustrates the principle "I carry everything with me" and "Count only on yourself."

Although, it seems to me, the grape snail in the vineyard is more than natural.


  • Profit
  • solvency
  • excesses
  • Outer beauty
  • Luxury
  • Forbidden pleasures

Key Ideas

  • Pursuit of luxury living
  • External beauty dominates content
  • Absence of moral prohibitions and restrictions
  • Profit, including from unclean sources

Basic meaning

The value of 9 (Nine) Pentacles (Coins, Denarius) Tarot according to Rider-Waite, speaks, on the one hand, of material wealth, and on the other, of prudence and security. And if it’s not difficult to agree with security, then prudence in this card looks like an extremely dubious value. The card focuses on getting pleasure and enjoyment. Moreover, the cost of these pleasures no longer matters. Moreover, the usual pleasures in this card are already boring. As in ancient Rome - a nightingale tongue roast - just a great illustration for the 9 of Pentacles.

Meaning in relationships

The meaning and interpretation of the 9 (Nine) Tarot Pentacles in matters of love indicates an asymmetrical relationship. Relationships built on profit. Moreover, the benefits are not mutual. The second partner is nothing more than a toy. And when he gets bored, when the novelty disappears, he will be mercilessly discarded and replaced by another source of pleasure. There is no cordiality in such relationships, there is overt or covert exploitation. The card may indicate a kept woman, but more often we are talking about a disguised vampire, a person who does not consider anyone or anything to obtain his pleasures and at the same time is completely devoid of a heart.

Open - closed card

The 9 of Pentacles looks like an open card, but it is actually a closed card. Even if the equality of partners in a relationship is declared, this is not so.

Relationship Intensity

The 9 of Pentacles indicates a relationship of high intensity. But often this intensity is provided by extremely painful experiences of one of the partners.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The 9 of Pentacles indicates a highly asymmetrical relationship. As asymmetrical as the relationship between a cat and a mouse.

The extreme manifestation of the 9 of Pentacles is vampires, beautiful looking vile creatures. Bloodsuckers, for whom everything around is nothing more than food. The character of the 9 of Pentacles is sure that everyone owes him, but he does not owe anyone. He assumes no moral obligations. The only thing that really worries him is the satisfaction of his desires, which often over time go beyond the norms accepted in this society.

In the 9 of Pentacles, all altruistic behaviors are burned with a red-hot iron, and all selfish ones are brought to the limit and absolute.

Combined with the Major Arcana

Combined with the Major Arcana
  • Nine of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the card: Rich Fool
  • Nine of Pentacles Tarot combined with a card: Intuitive decisions lead to profit
  • Nine of Pentacles Tarot in combination with a card: Material success ensures a high social position

Psychological state

The card indicates excellent, wonderful health. Excesses and luxury did not affect the body. On the contrary, material means allow you to hire a personal trainer, follow the most expensive and crazy diet, and use the best cosmetics in the world.

Along with excellent health, the card can indicate internal rot. But more often it is not about physical, but about moral inferiority.

Combined with the suit of Cups

Combined with the suit of Cups
  • in combination with the card : Pleasure above all
  • in combination with a card : A great holiday in close company
  • in combination with the card: Prosperous relationships on a strong material foundation

Business and finance, professional activities

The meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot shows that now is the most favorable period for your affairs, work and business. You not only caught the bird of luck, it flew to you and sat on your hand. Everything will turn out. Even if you decide to steal, then in this case you will not get caught, but will remain with a profit.

In fact, the card describes a person who does not even suspect that there are difficulties in the world. His house stands on the same jelly bank of the milk river.

Stability, manageability, controllability

Stable, manageable, controlled situation.

The map is ambiguous. If we are talking about a clean, legal business, this is just an indicator that everything is going well: income is growing, successful deals are being made. True, the card speaks of profit right now, without specifying whether it is one-time or on an ongoing basis. On the other hand, wealth is a difficult test with copper pipes: can you pass it, can you resist the temptation of the demons of wealth?

It is easy to cross the line from honest to absolutely any - immoral and illegal - methods of making a profit on this card.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

Trade in luxury goods. Status stuff. Ponty. There are “ready-to-wear” clothes (fr. prêt-à-porter, literally “ready to wear”), but here we are talking about “haute couture” (fr. haute couture), far from convenience and practicality. In any manifestation: cars, interiors, the fashion industry, plastic surgery, everything piece and largely useless. Exclusive. Every whim for your money.

General state of finances and trends

Excellent condition: I can afford everything! If the pentacles, figuratively speaking, are gnomes, then the 9 of Pentacles is a card of elves. People are so far removed from material problems that they flutter through life without thinking about its financial component, and consider this state of affairs to be natural. "If they don't have bread, let them eat cake!" (a phrase attributed to Marie Antoinette) is not a mockery, it is a sincere belief that it simply does not happen differently.

In any case, this situation will remain stable for a long time. Small fluctuations in income are not fundamental.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The most favorable treatment for your business.

Don't miss it, don't let the falcon fly away.

But there is a downside to your gold coin - immoral money through a dirty way of earning. Impunity corrupts, the ease of making money with a “smell” intoxicates. You can lose control, go too far, and ... fall off your golden pedestal, which seemed like a given. In other words, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can. Just be careful. That is the essence of the card.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Combined with the suit of Swords
  • combined with the card: In the pursuit of material things you will lose your heart
  • combined with the card: To be a prisoner of your wealth
  • combined with the card : War for booty will be successful

Don't miss your chance to become rich

Card of the day Caution

Don't forget, not all that glitters is gold

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Combined with the suit of Pentacles
  • in combination with the card: You have never seen such profit
  • combined with the card: A luxurious life today does not exclude hard work tomorrow
  • in combination with the card: The financial situation of the family is excellent

Questions to ask by drawing out the 9 of Pentacles

  • What will you do for profit?
  • Are you ready to enjoy your wealth alone?
  • How long have you spent your money on charity?
  • How much money do you need to be happy?

The meaning of the 9 Pentacles Tarot card is primarily in the material component of human life. However, this card can also point to other aspects of life, warn of problems that are not at all related to income generation.

Expanded Meaning of the 9 of Pentacles Card

The 9 of Pentacles card depicts a noble and rich man who achieved everything he needed, but at the end of the journey he was left alone. The point here is not the absence of loved ones. This person has gone so far from them in his development that his relatives have ceased to understand him. He does not know if his choice was the right one, but there is no turning back.

In divination, the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot lies in the successful completion of a certain business. What you are striving for is already close. However, there is no guarantee that this will bring happiness to the fortuneteller. If his plans are still at an early stage, you can be sure that they will come true. However, whether to take on this matter is another question, because the results will not bring any joy to the fortuneteller. You should carefully consider all the consequences, complete what has already been started, and then take up work on a new project.

The success you expect will be achieved solely by the fortuneteller's own efforts. There will come a period of enjoyment achieved after hard work. The fortuneteller is confident in himself and his abilities, but do not confuse confidence and independence with selfishness. In other words, detachment from others can greatly damage relationships with others. Looking around the world from above, do not forget about those who were with you below.

Now is an auspicious time for all real estate activities, repairs, buying a new car, selling an old house and starting a new one. Everything related to property and trade will turn into success.

The meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card also lies in the recommendation to ask an experienced woman for advice. She is familiar to you, you are sure of her reputation, reliability and wisdom. Moreover, not only a fortuneteller, but also many other people have such an opinion about this woman.

Reversed 9 of Pentacles says that only the monetary component of the benefit can be extracted from the case. There is nothing to say about happiness or love successes - the fortuneteller will not receive this. He expects only material success. If in the upright position this card recommends seeking advice from a wise woman, then inverted, on the contrary, forbids this. The wisdom and experience of a woman are greatly exaggerated; she is very likely to make a mistake when giving advice to a fortuneteller.

Reversed 9 of Pentacles can mean the loss of friends or valuable property, as well as difficulties with the law. It is better to postpone active actions for later, and now to reconsider the situation, goals and desires. It is likely that the pet will need the attention of a fortuneteller.

Nine of Pentacles Tarot - meaning for self-development

Now it seems to the fortuneteller that he has reached the peak in his development. This may be partly true - now he is at the pinnacle of success, has no problems with money, does not suffer from complexes and does not feel insecure. However, this does not mean at all that the development of the fortuneteller can be considered complete.

Emotional and spiritual development is what you need to pay attention to now. Leave the material side alone. Take care of your spirituality and take care of good karma. This card often predicts changes in the fortuneteller's personality for the better.

In addition, the card speaks of the disclosure of abilities and the discovery of some kind of spiritual wealth. It is not known what will push you to develop new talents, it may be a meeting with the right person, literature that accidentally turned up at hand, and other options. The fortuneteller will have to move to a new stage of consciousness and new opportunities for development.

The meaning of the card 9 Coins Tarot in the layouts for business and work

The Nine of Pentacles is one of the cards of financial success, gain and material success. She portends profit, a change in an unpleasant situation for the better, luck and success in business. For entrepreneurs, the card predicts an increase in profits, lucrative contracts, an increase in the number of customers, and an improvement in reputation.

The card also speaks of unprecedented success in finding a job and studying. Your work with recruitment agencies will not last long, and exams will be passed easily and simply, even if the fortuneteller did not expect this at all. There may be a bonus, a transition to a more prestigious position, or a job change to a more attractive option. Often this card predicts opportunities to work for yourself, start your own business or make a profitable investment.

The Nine of Coins indicates the professionalism of employees, the satisfaction received from the work process, and the creative upsurge. flipped card means that you can only get money, but job satisfaction and interest in work is something that you can forget about for now. Troubles in relations with colleagues, losses and deprivation of bonuses, fines and other problems are possible.

9 of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in relationships

The value in the relationship of the 9 Pentacles of the Tarot is extremely positive if the card is in a straight position. Such a fortune-telling promises lonely fortune-tellers a meeting with a very interesting person. This meeting will be truly impressive, and the events associated with a new acquaintance will be extraordinary. This person has every chance of becoming a fortuneteller's life partner.

For those who are in a relationship, the card promises a pleasant pastime with a soulmate. It can be a joint vacation, reconciliation, the end of all problems in a relationship. True, the probability of a fortuneteller meeting a person more interesting to him is also not completely excluded. Worries and unrest in his life are not expected in any case.

If this card comes up upside down when divining for love and relationships, this speaks of commercialism and lack of feelings, the desire to use it precisely for the sake of obtaining material wealth. Also, the card may indicate excessive attachment to the advice of an older relative of one of the partners, a quarrel and the end of a relationship.

The meaning of the card in magical diagnostics

Magical diagnostics using Tarot cards is not just a fortune-telling that indicates whether there is damage or an evil eye on the fortuneteller. Such techniques allow you to determine any interference in a person’s life with the help of witchcraft, the degree of protection of the enemy from your magical blow, and also find out how the ritual worked. Each Tarot card in this case has a completely different meaning than in other layouts.

The meaning of the 9 of Pentacles card is protection in the churchyard. If you've asked the cards about the enemy's defense level, it's great. The enemy turned to the dead in order to protect himself from negativity and possible attacks from other magicians. If you had such an interpretation, but you did not put any protection in the cemetery, this indicates a strong connection with the ancestors and their protection. Perhaps someone close to you took care of you and put protection on you without your knowledge - it happens.

If you are wondering if the ritual worked and you got the Nine of Pentacles in response to this question, the result is positive. Most likely, you will soon get what you wanted. Directed impact, if diagnostics is carried out for damage or the evil eye, is not available.

The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles in personality characteristics

People who are characterized by Nine Coins in a straight position are quite self-sufficient and independent. Whenever possible, they choose to work for themselves rather than a corporation or boss. Such people know how to wisely manage their property, as well as all the assets they have.

At the same time, they love animals, are distinguished by their beauty and charm, and do not focus solely on making a profit. Such a person may have many friends and acquaintances, but they prefer loneliness. They can love animals and keep several different species in the house. They love nature and the animal world, can participate in various campaigns to protect the environment. Also, this card can mean the fortuneteller's wife.

Reversed 9 of Pentacles speaks of the dishonesty and guilt of the person who is being guessed at. These are bad leaders who are not happy with subordinates, deceivers and scammers, dishonest friends and deceitful friends.

9 of Pentacles - combination with other tarot cards

Like many other Tarot cards, the 9 of Pentacles, in combination with other cards from the deck, can change its meaning. Sometimes combinations of cards clarify the meanings of each of them, and sometimes they completely change the whole meaning of the layout.

So, for example, together with the lasso Jester 9 Coins means a complete lack of material wealth. Inability to earn money, need, lack of money even for the most necessary things. In combination with the lasso of the World, on the contrary, she speaks of gaining financial independence, financial stability, and increasing income.

With the Two of Wands card, the Nine of Coins speaks of unwillingness to leave the comfort zone, indecision and laziness. With the Queen of Wands, this card indicates a woman who is the mistress of her life. She is self-sufficient and has a good income. With the Knight of Wands, the Nine of Coins warns of a sudden move or a sudden change in lifestyle.

All in all, the 9 of Pentacles is a card that can give valuable advice and warn of possible setbacks. For the most part, it is associated with the financial situation and work, but this card also reveals the problems of relationships, self-development and other aspects of human life.

    • divination
    • Conspiracies
    • rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • amulets
    • love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    Rusalia is a holiday that lasts at night from October 31 to November 1 and in the afternoon on November 1. The Slavs were sure that at this time Mother Nature goes to the other world and remains there until April 5 (Great day). While Mother Nature leaves for another world, the gates there remain open and the spirits of deceased relatives come to their descendants. The ancient Celts had a similar holiday called Samhain, which later turned into Halloween. People of all religions at this time try to attract good spirits and drive away evil ones. Often the role of a magical attribute is played by Celtic pumpkins with candles. Be sure to lower into the reservoirs gifts to deceased relatives, which should serve as payment for their help. The Slavs and the British have pumpkins, the Indians have coconuts. Especially favorable atmosphere for the work of necromancers.

  • Since ancient times, the Nine of Pentacles Tarot has meant winning, wealth, financial success, material growth, unexpected big profits. This card belongs to the category of Tarot Discs and symbolizes prosperity and contentment. The Nine of Pentacles teaches you to conduct your business with dignity, observe daily discipline, have a permanent personal life, think about earning money and show experience in solving problems. The message of the card is carelessness and confidence in today. And no matter how you feel about it, for most people it has its value.

    The Nine of Pentacles Tarot had the meaning of winning, wealth

    personal fortune

    A person feels complete power over his own life, as well as his property. The Nine of Pentacles is a card of wisdom and experience, which refers to life's failures. That is, what is accumulated, comprehended and actively used to create a good life. Calmness and faith in your success. The opportunity to enjoy in a self-groomed garden without any tension can be appreciated by those who have felt despondency in their hearts from failures in business. The person of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot loves an orderly life, like an English estate, but not a factory that works in three shifts.

    The external beautiful appearance of a person of the Nine of Pentacles is the result of expensive procedures and expensive personal care. And also this is influenced by their ability to subtly select an outfit and the possession of excellent taste. An aura of prosperity hovers around such people, although some loneliness can sometimes come from it. Self-development, career advancement, prosperity and security are the qualities of a person of the Nine of Pentacles. It is worth noting that he is selective in terms of the second half. If she does not make his life even more beautiful, then the person will prefer to remain in his loneliness, since he will be fine alone.

    Insight and the ability to predict are the hallmarks of such a person. First of all, this is the wisdom that came with life's mistakes and failures, and not extrasensory perception. A person pays attention to the good qualities of partners and the positive aspects of the situation, and also knows how to treat people with goodwill. The ability to go through life with a positive and focus on the positive aspects of things makes a person invulnerable to life's obstacles, even if this may seem naive.

    Professional position

    The Nine of Pentacles from the Tarot Discs characterizes discipline and efficiency. The card represents people with a very busy professional life. She predicts great success, promotion in a career plan, authority in one's professional circle, an increase in salary or simply getting a job with a high salary. Vacations and vacations rarely come with this card.

    And also it symbolizes productive weekdays. This means getting pleasure from a job well done. This is calmness due to the fact that the conscience does not gnaw, since all things are done. The appearance of the Nine in the deck testifies to the turn of life towards a person by the good side and the generous gifts of fate.


    The card represents good health and a neat appearance. The chance of conceiving a child increases. If the card is a symbol of a possible disease, then it may be hereditary.

    The card of the 9 of Pentacles represents good health and a neat appearance.

    Personal relationships

    In a relationship, such a person is not an adherent of "paradise in a hut." For the most part, this card describes loneliness, which does not cause unpleasant feelings to a person. On the contrary, without a relationship, he feels quite comfortable. Man himself has created his own comfort zone, according to his own needs. That is why a person will think a thousand times before changing something in his life. But the choice does not always stop at loneliness - he has a place to have a long relationship based on a pleasant pastime together.

    If the Tarot card of 9 Pentacles falls out in the layout as a significator of a bachelor man, whom they are trying to force to marry with all their might, then the situation is very complicated. Such a man will not be afraid of lonely old age, but will look at it from a philosophical point of view. In old age, his life will be more comfortable than that of many men who are married.

    flipped card

    The meaning of an inverted card speaks of deception, delusion, betrayal, changes in relationships, fraud, or the loss of something dear to a person. Expensive can be not only property, but also health or relationships. But still, for the most part, the card affects material losses. Perhaps a portent of danger, namely robbery, violence, or simply violation of the comfort zone, creative stagnation, or disorder in matters with money.

    Combinations of the Nine of Pentacles:

    • Inverted with the Seven of Pentacles - a false debtor.
    • With the Empress, money makes money.
    • With the Chariot - self-control, control of various forces, endurance. The meaning is amplified.
    • With the Tower - a deterioration in material well-being is possible.
    • Inverted with the Devil - means violence. A very bad combination.
    • With the Seven of Cups - promiscuity, obedience to desires.
    • With the Nine of Cups - the opposite meaning of the combination with the Tower, which is why it is called into question: playing by the rules. The meaning is weakening.
    • With the Seven of Swords - reasonably perfect actions, hope, to a greater extent, for oneself.
    • With the Eight of Swords - this combination leads to the strengthening of the cards with each other and means faith in one's own strength.
    • With the Three of Pentacles - teamwork. The card is opposite to the Nine of Pentacles and therefore weakens the value.

    Housing and financial situation

    The card characterizes reliability, freedom from needs and wealth. Meeting with this card is the right occasion for drawing up contracts on a long-term basis and for comprehending plans for upcoming investments.

    The Nine of Pentacles from the Thoth Tarot deck brings an inheritance that was once passed down from generation to generation.

    deep meaning

    In the struggle between prudence and chaotic outbursts of the unconscious, the first wins: self-confidence and balance. The Nine of Pentacles is an Epicurean card and, as has long been known, Epicurus was not a preacher of the pursuit of pleasure. To live now and enjoy the moment so that there are no barriers to life and joy tomorrow was his teaching.

    A man dressed in a luxuriously embroidered cape arrives in the garden. There are several types of cards: with the image of a woman and with the image of a man. Nine coins in a chaotic manner are located between grape clusters. A bird sits on his arm (usually a falcon). This person has what he wants, but is lonely. People often fail to understand him because his development is beyond the standard. This path was chosen by him and now he is wondering: was it worth making such a choice? But there is nowhere to retreat (there is a fence around the garden).

    Nine of Pentacles - Epicurean card

    The unity of teaching and practice is inherent in the second decade of Virgo, that is, productive work is a pleasure for both the person himself and those around him, and the improvement of skills comes down to raising the level of cultural education. This decade is characterized by the ability to lead and obey, not to resist the usual course of things and be able to manage it. This decade reinforces the idea that the dignity of a person is the ability to perform any actions for the benefit of others, but also the realization that this is done for one's own sake.

    The recurring meaning of the Nine of Pentacles from the Tarot Thoth deck is excitement and chance. These meanings mean chance and a good surprise. Do not lose sight of another meaning of the card: the talent to turn any good chance to your advantage. The ability to properly use the blessings of life is the essence of this Arcana. The meanings that have become traditional have a very positive direction: achieving goals, changing for the better, rewarding smart choices, success, receiving gifts, valuables or inheritance.

    Focus on disciplined and orderly problem solving, thereby creating order and beauty in your life. Make a choice, using common sense, and gradually find a way out of difficult situations. Take the opportunity to earn or acquire something.

    You need to think about the past and find your positive qualities in any of the areas of life. It is important to be yourself, not to be influenced by unnecessary authorities and not to create unnecessary connections. Fortune is on the side of such a person, which means it remains to enjoy life and trust the case.

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