Maxim Vorobyov: 'Goldfish - in yourself'. Vorobyov Maxim Nikiforovich - a brave artist who conquered an entire era


Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Russian Aquaculture

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

He holds an MBA from the IESE Spanish Business School in International Economics.

Since 1997, he has been working at CJSC Russian Sea. He started working in the company as a sales manager, then moved to the position of plant manager.

2006-2007 - General Director of Russian Sea Management Company LLC.

Since November 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Sea Group of Companies

Since 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Glavstroy-SPb.

Since April 2009, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Saint Petersburg.

In 2009, he was also the General Director of the Russian Sea company and the Russian Sea group of companies.


Maxim Vorobyov in the news

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The head of the FAS, Igor Artemyev, said that a number of Russian companies are already negotiating the acquisition of assets from the Chinese holding company Pacific Andes. However, the largest market players do not yet confirm this information.

Vorobyov Maxim Nikiforovich is a Russian painter, a magnificent master of landscape, a representative of romanticism. Vorobyov occupies a significant place in the history of Russian painting, as an artist and as a mentor to a whole generation of Russian landscape painters. Born in 1787 in the family of a janitor of the Academy of Arts. Vorobyov at the age of ten entered the academy as a pupil, and showed great success in drawing, perspective, architecture and landscape painting.

Sunrise over the Neva, 1830, Kirov Art Museum

View of Jerusalem, 1821, Omsk Art Museum

View of the Moscow Kremlin from the Ustinsky bridge, 1818, State Tretyakov Gallery

Seaside view in Italy, 1840s, RM

The first teacher was Professor Thomas de Thomon, the artist's mentors later were Fedor Yakovlevich Alekseev and, probably, the landscape painter Mikhail Matveevich Ivanov. The type of painting chosen by the young artist, or rather, assigned to him by the academic authorities, was architectural and landscape.

In 1809, Fedor Yakovlevich Alekseev, a landscape painter of a decorative direction, a member of an expedition to study the historical places of Central Russia, received young Vorobyov as an assistant to paint city views. To enliven these views with human figures, Alekseev decided to depict episodes of the sovereign visiting cities. This official task was carried out by the artist Alekseev and the young Vorobyov with success. In 1813-1814, Vorobyov was present at the main apartment of Emperor Alexander I in Germany and France.

In 1820 Vorobyov made, on behalf of the government, a trip to Palestine, where he drew, measured and sketched all the main places revered by Christians. The difficulty of this undertaking lay in the fact that all measurements and drawings had to be done secretly from the supervision of the local Muslim authorities.

In addition to temples, Vorobyov painted several landscape views of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, and on the way to Palestine - views of Constantinople, the island of Rhodes, Smyrna, Jaffa and other cities. All these materials for future paintings consisted of 90 sheets of watercolor drawings, some sketchy, some very finished. Vorobyov's trip to the Holy Places was arranged by Nikolai Pavlovich, then still a Grand Duke, who wanted to bring the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in New Jerusalem, in the vicinity of Moscow, into proper form.

Oak crushed by lightning, 1842, Tretyakov Gallery

St. Isaac's Cathedral and the monument to Peter I, 1844, Russian Museum

Italian Landscape, 1847, Historical and Architectural Museum, Istra

Sunset in Rome, 1851, Tver Art Gallery

Alley in Albano, 1820s, National Museum of the Republic of Belarus

Evening at the Arabian Sheikh Abu Ghosh, private collection

Upon his return to St. Petersburg, Vorobyov painted in 1823 the painting "The Threshold of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem" and in the same year - the painting "Neva from the side of the Trinity Bridge in moonlight." Later - "The interior of the chapel of Golgotha ​​in the Church of the Resurrection." In 1827, Vorobyov painted: "Sunrise over the Neva", "Dead Sea", genre painting "Evening at the Arab Sheikh Abu Gosh", "View of Smyrna". During the Turkish war in 1828, Vorobyov was with the sovereign's retinue for drawing and writing sketches on the instructions of his majesty. The fruit of this time were, among other things: "View of the siege of Varna", "Explosion of Varna", "View of Odessa", "A ship during a storm, on which the sovereign was."

The deeply preserved memories of Jerusalem were called to life 16 years after the Palestinian journey ("General view of Jerusalem", as well as "View of Constantinople from the Asian coast"). From 1840 begins the sad period of the artist's life; having lost his dearly beloved wife this year, Vorobyov began to degenerate morally for the worse, fell into excesses that developed a disease in him, from which he died in 1855. During the last years of his life, he was mainly engaged in Italian views, based on studies he made in the vicinity of Rome and Palermo, during his travels of 1844-1846.

MN Vorobyov was the son of a non-commissioned officer, who, after his resignation, was hired as a caretaker at the Academy of Arts. Here the future artist was educated: in 1798 he was enrolled in the architectural class, which was led by J. B. Thomas de Thomon, and graduated from the Academy of Arts in 1809 in the class of landscape painting.

Vorobyov's life turned out well: in 1814 he became an academician, the next year he began teaching, in 1823 he received the title of professor, and in 1843 - honored professor.

A well-educated man, a fine connoisseur of art, an outstanding violinist, Vorobyov early felt the need to abandon outdated forms and rules. The first works in which Vorobyov's originality manifested itself were drawings and watercolors made in the Nikolsky-Tversky estate of L. N. Lvov. In May 1812, on the way to Moscow, the young artist stopped at Lvov. Here, Vorobyov created many drawings that testified not only to his remarkable talent, but also to a new attitude towards the landscape genre.

He brought up several dozen students, among whom were many excellent landscape painters (I. K. Aivazovsky, A. P. Bogolyubov, L. F. Lagorio, G. G. and N. G. Chernetsov, and others); at the same time, he himself did not leave the brush all his life. Vorobyov painted urban and sea landscapes, architectural monuments and views of nature, and sometimes episodes of the war.

Vorobyov traveled a lot around Russia, repeatedly visited abroad and, based on the impressions of his trips, created new works. In 1813-14. the artist traveled with Russian troops to Western Europe; the result of the trip was his canvas depicting a solemn prayer performed by the Russian clergy in Paris on the occasion of the victory. A little later, he performed a series of excellent views of Moscow, mainly painting the Kremlin.

Among the famous paintings: "Entrance to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem" (1822), "Interior view of the Church on Calvary in Jerusalem" (1824), "Interior view of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem" (1820s), etc. At the end of 1820- x years. the artist also visited the theater of operations on the Danube. Based on the sketches and sketches made during the trip, landscapes of magnificent color were painted: “The Bosphorus”, “Seashore near Varna” (both 1829). Vorobyov's paintings were invariably a success with the public and critics, and he had to repeat many of them for customers.

Still, the most valuable part of the artist's heritage is the St. Petersburg landscapes, created mainly at the time of his creative heyday, in the 1820s and 30s. The romantic image of St. Petersburg with its cool beauty appears in the landscapes “Sunset in the vicinity of St. Petersburg” (1832), “Neva Embankment near the Academy of Arts” (1835), “Moonlight Night in St. fortress” (both 1830s), etc.

Sunrise over the Neva View of Jerusalem Oak shattered by lightning
St. Isaac's Cathedral and a monument to Peter I Albano Alley View of a military telegraph near Varna
View of the city of Grodno View of the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg View of Jerusalem
View from the window View of the Moscow Kremlin (from the Kamenny Bridge) View of the Moscow Kremlin from the Ustinsky Bridge
View of Constantinople View of Rome View from the terrace of Yelagin
View of the Gruzino estate from Volkhov Sunrise over the Neva Elagin Island at night
Sunset in Rome Sunset near St. Petersburg Italian landscape
Moonlit night in St. Petersburg Neva embankment near the Academy of Arts Odessa
Autumn night in Petersburg. Pier with Egyptian sphinxes on the Neva at night Peter and Paul Fortress Visit of two Arab sheikhs
Seaside view in Smyrna, Italy

Vorobyov Maxim Nikiforovich (1787-1855)

M.N. Vorobyov was the son of a soldier who rose to the rank of non-commissioned officer, and after his resignation, he was hired as a caretaker at the Academy of Arts. Here the future artist was educated: in 1798 he was enrolled in the architectural class, which was led by J. B. Thomas de Thomon, and graduated from the Academy of Arts in 1809 in the class of landscape painting.

Vorobyov's life turned out well: in 1814 he became an academician, the next year he began teaching, in 1823 he received the title of professor, and in 1843 - honored professor.

He brought up several dozen students, among whom were many excellent landscape painters (I. K. Aivazovsky, A. P. Bogolyubov, L. F. Lagorio, G. G. and N. G. Chernetsov and others); at the same time, he himself did not leave the brush all his life. Vorobyov painted urban and sea landscapes, architectural monuments and views of nature, and sometimes episodes of the war.

He traveled a lot in Russia, repeatedly visited abroad and created new works based on the impressions of his trips. In 1813-14. the artist traveled with Russian troops to Western Europe; the result of the trip was his canvas depicting a solemn prayer performed by the Russian clergy in Paris on the occasion of the victory. A little later, he performed a series of excellent views of Moscow, mainly painting the Kremlin.

Vorobyov was widely known for his paintings created after a trip to the Middle East (1820-21): "Entrance to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem" (1822), "Interior view of the Church on Calvary in Jerusalem" (1824), "Interior view of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem" (1820s), etc. At the end of the 1820s. the artist also visited the theater of operations on the Danube. Based on the sketches and sketches made during the trip, landscapes of magnificent color were painted: "Bosphorus", "Seashore near Varna" (both 1829). Vorobyov's paintings were invariably a success with the public and critics, and he had to repeat many of them for customers.

Still, the most valuable part of the artist's legacy is the St. Petersburg landscapes, created mainly at the time of his creative heyday, in the 1820s and 30s. The romantic image of St. Petersburg with its cool beauty appears in the landscapes "Sunset in the vicinity of St. Petersburg" (1832), "Neva Embankment near the Academy of Arts" (1835), "Moonlight Night in St. Petersburg" (1839), "Construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral", "Peter and Paul fortress" (both 1830s), etc.

A well-educated man, a fine connoisseur of art, an outstanding violinist, Vorobyov early felt the need to abandon outdated forms and rules. He realized that the time had come to turn directly to the study of nature. The first works in which Vorobyov's originality manifested itself were drawings and watercolors made in the Nikolsky-Tversky estate of L. N. Lvov. In May 1812, on the way to Moscow, the young artist stopped at Lvov. Here, Vorobyov created many drawings that testified not only to his remarkable talent, but also to a new attitude towards the landscape genre.

) - Russian painter; occupies a significant place in the history of Russian painting as an artist and as a mentor to a whole generation of Russian landscape painters.


The son of a watchman of the Academy of Arts, at the age of ten he entered the Academy as a pupil, and showed great success in drawing, perspective, architecture (Professor Thomas de Thomon) and landscape painting; his mentors in the latter were F. Ya. Alekseev and, probably, the landscape painter M. M. Ivanov. The type of painting chosen by the young artist, or rather, assigned to him by the academic authorities, was architectural and landscape. He drew well and grouped human figures that brought his paintings to life. In the city of F. Ya. Alekseev, a landscape painter of a decorative direction, a member of an expedition to study the historical places of Central Russia, received young Vorobyov as an assistant to paint city views. To enliven these views with human figures, Alekseev decided to depict episodes of the sovereign visiting cities. This official task was carried out by him and Vorobyov with success. In - gg. Vorobyov was present at the main apartment in Germany and France, and in the city he made a trip to Palestine on behalf of the government, where he drew, measured and sketched all the main places revered by Christians. The difficulty of this undertaking lay in the fact that all measurements and drawings had to be done secretly from the supervision of the local Muslim authorities. In addition to temples, Vorobyov painted several landscape views of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, and on the way to Palestine - views of Constantinople, the island of Rhodes, Smyrna, Jaffa, etc. All these materials for future paintings consisted of 90 sheets of watercolor drawings, some sketchy, some very finished. Vorobyov's trip to the Holy Places was arranged by Nikolai Pavlovich, then still the Grand Duke, who wanted to bring the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in New Jerusalem, in the vicinity of Moscow, into proper form.

Sunrise over the Neva, 1830

Upon his return to St. Petersburg, Vorobyov wrote "The Entrance of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem" () and in the same year - "The Neva from the side of the Trinity Bridge in moonlight." Later - "The inside of the chapel of Golgotha ​​in the Church of the Resurrection" (the figures express the moment of the call to communion). In the city he wrote: “Sunrise over the Neva”, “Dead Sea”, “Evening at Abu Ghosh of the Arab Sheikh” (almost a genre picture), “View of Smyrna”. During the Turkish war in 1828, V. was with the retinue of the sovereign for drawing and writing sketches on the instructions of his majesty. The fruits of this time were, among other things: "View of the siege of Varna", "Explosion of Varna", "View of Odessa", "A ship during a storm, on which the sovereign was." The deeply preserved memories of Jerusalem were called to life 16 years after the Palestinian journey (“General view of Jerusalem”, as well as “View of Constantinople from the Asian coast”). From 1840, the sad period of Vorobyov's life begins; having lost his dearly beloved wife, he began to degenerate morally for the worse, fell into excesses, which developed in him a disease from which he died in the city; in the same period, his artistic activity also declined. The last years of his life, he was mainly engaged in Italian views, according to studies he made in the vicinity of Rome and Palermo, during his travels - Messrs.

The meaning of creativity

Oak shattered by lightning. Allegory on the death of the artist's wife. 1842

Contemporaries put Vorobyov very highly. N. V. Kukolnik, publisher of the Fine Arts magazine, spoke of “View of Constantinople”, indeed one of Vorobyov’s best paintings, like this: “this is not a picture, but an ode from water, earth and air.” The best paintings of the same kind of open landscape with a distant horizon include: "Dead Sea" and some views of the Neva. The “Night view of the Neva”, which was mentioned above, is reminiscent of the French artist Joseph Bernet in style. However, the image of water in motion, especially large waves, was poorly succeeded by our artist, whose main strength was in a linear and airy perspective and in a reasonable understanding of the relationship between the forces of colors. If among the works of V. there were few purely artistic ones, then this should be attributed not to a lack of talent in him, but to the fact that for many years he, regarding the choice of plots and partly the methods of processing them, was dependent on extraneous instructions. Such, for example, are his paintings relating to the war, most of his perspective paintings of the shrines of Jerusalem, images of parades, solemn entries, etc., works in which unconditional fidelity to reality was the dominant requirement.

View of Jerusalem, 1821

Most of V.'s activity was service and artistic, and only in rare cases did he freely give himself up to an artistic mood, and he conveyed not only general impressions of wide spaces, but also engaged in the peaceful life of nature, as can be seen in some types of Pargolov. His most original artistic attempt, however, more daring than successful, is the “Thunderstorm” (lightning strikes a tree), with a human figure hiding from a terrible phenomenon, an optical task almost impossible for painting. The technique of Vorobyov's paintings is full of knowledge, thought out and finished, but for all that it is free. V.'s artistic nature showed itself even in his music lessons: he was an excellent violinist.

Financially, V. was supported by the orders of the Sovereign and other high-ranking persons, a life-long pension for the successful fulfillment of the Palestinian assignment; in addition, he painted pictures for Count A. X. Benckendorff, Prince M. S. Vorontsov, and he often made repetitions of some of his best paintings at their request. However, in the end, many of his works were not acquired by anyone, so that the artist had a whole museum of his paintings, which went from hand to hand only after his death, being played in a lottery that did not have much success.

The main paintings of V. are in palaces, on the estate of Fall Count Benckendorff and in a few private collections. The Hermitage houses the Calvary Chapel. At present, they cannot serve as a guide and model, but in his time V. taught a lot and many not only landscape painters, but even genre painters and architects. He, like no one else, could create talents, so that in the long list of his students there are more workers (for example, the brothers G. G. and N. G. Chernetsov) than talents; nevertheless, among the latter there are such names as the untimely deceased Lebedev, L. Lagorio and M. K. Klodt; A. P. Bogolyubov, I. I. Shishkin were at first students of V., as well as the brothers Goravsky and Gine, Dorogov. For a detailed biography of V., see the Bulletin of Fine Arts, 1890, article by Petrov.


  • Vorobyov, Maxim Nikiforovich in the library "Prospector"

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See what "Vorobiev, Maxim" is in other dictionaries:

    - (1787, Pskov 1855, St. Petersburg), painter. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (17981809) at. He was in Moscow in 1812, capturing the appearance of the city that had not yet suffered from the city in a number of drawings and the painting created on their basis “View from the side ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (1787 1855), Russian painter. representative of romanticism. Landscapes, architectural views of Moscow, St. Petersburg combine the accuracy of perspective with a variety of lighting effects, subtle nuances of the states of the natural environment, creating a special ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1787 1855), Russian painter. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1798 1809) with F. Ya. Alekseev; taught there (since 1815). In 1809 12 and 1817 18 he sketched views of Russian cities, was seconded to the Russian army in Germany and France (1813 14) ... Art Encyclopedia

    Russian painter. Son of a soldier. Studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1798–1809) under F. Ya. Alekseev, taught there from 1815 (professor from 1823). In 1809‒12 and 1817‒18 he sketched views of Russian cities, was ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Vorobyov. Maxim Nikiforovich Vorobyov ... Wikipedia

    Vorobyov, Maxim Nikiforovich Works at Wikimedia Commons Maxim Nikiforovich Vorobyov (August 6 (17), 1787, Pskov August 30 (September 11), 1855, St. Petersburg) Russian painter; occupies a significant place in the history of Russian painting as an artist and ... ... Wikipedia

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