Manicure with highlighting of the ring finger. Feng Shui manicure: which fingers to paint, how to combine colors


Recently, it has become very fashionable to subordinate the laws of feng shui all your life - a real magic that preserves and creates positive energy. With the help of the art of harmony, everyone can improve their own energy field, bring more luck, happiness, money, love, health and success into life. This is facilitated by the competent arrangement of furniture in the apartment, the correct arrangement of accessories, the use of magical talismans. But not everyone is aware of the favorable Feng Shui energy obtained as a result of a manicure created according to the rules of Chinese wisdom. To do this, you need to know how to paint your nails according to Feng Shui.

Different color nail polish is not just a fashion trend

Just like accenting on one finger

how to paint nails feng shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that has long and confidently penetrated into all spheres of life and beauty. As in ancient times, women adorn themselves according to this teaching. Today it has become fashionable to do even a manicure according to Feng Shui. Such a creation of useful beauty is quite interesting, because by painting our nails with pleasure, we can create favorable energy for our lives. But before going into the details of the technique for enhancing the energy of things, it is important to realize that all clothes, all things, jewelry and even cosmetics will give you positive energy only when they begin to bring joy and pleasure.

- means to do a manicure according to Taoist practice, aimed at the symbolic development of space. Feng Shui is designed to look for favorable qi energy flows and use them to improve human well-being. With its help, they choose the best places for building a house, make the correct layout of the site, and even find a place to sleep. In the same way, it works in nail art.

According to Feng Shui, each finger is responsible for a different area of ​​life.

By highlighting the nail with a certain color, you direct the energy in the direction you need

For the first time, painting nails according to the laws of Feng Shui was introduced into fashion by Australian manicurist Christina Fitzgerald. And, although many people imagine this process as applying Chinese characters, yin-yang symbols, to the nail plates, everything turns out to be absolutely wrong. This manicure provides for the simple use of varnishes of other colors and shades on several nails. For this, it is necessary to take into account what nails to paint according to feng shui. After all, if just any nail on the hand is highlighted with a different color, then there will be no positive result from this. The fact is that on the hand each finger has a certain role, emotion, feeling, character trait. Therefore, in order to paint your nails according to Feng Shui, you need to know that the thumb of the left hand highlighted in a different color will help overcome anxiety and vain hope. The index finger helps to overcome fear, internal complexes, the healing of all kinds of injuries. The middle finger has a regulatory role in everything that belongs to the sexual sphere. The ring finger helps to alleviate the consequences of parting, separation, spiritual sadness. And the little finger takes away from you people who are deceitful, two-faced, prone to betrayal.

For greater efficiency, feng shui experts recommend highlighting the desired finger in gold.

On the fingers of the right hand, the nails also stand out in a different color, and according to feng shui their meaning is as follows: the thumb brings luck, good luck, safely resolves problems in mental work. Painting the index finger overcomes the manifestation of selfishness, narcissism, dissatisfaction with oneself. The middle finger eradicates conflict, a tendency to anger, resentment in sexual life. The ring finger promotes new acquaintances and communication, and the little finger gives well-being, peace, and the acquisition of marriage bonds.

But even this is not enough to get the effect of a Feng Shui manicure. It is important to take into account the color of the varnish used, for which you need to refer to the element-element that matches your type. It is determined quite easily: Water, Fire, Wood, Earth and Metal - these are the five main elements. Each of them corresponds to a number - the last digit of the year of your birth. Metal corresponds with the numbers 0 and 1, water - 2 and 3, wood - 4 and 5, fire - 6 and 7, earth - 8 and 9. For example, 1988 corresponds to the birth element earth.


Each element has its own color of varnish. So metal prescribes the use of white and metallic colors, silver shades, warm yellow and brown tones. Gold and silver sequins, foil and beads are used as decorations. Moreover, you can also decorate toenails: according to Feng Shui, the value of this coloring is equivalent to manicure on the nails of the hands. Circles, curls and any other abstraction are great as a pattern.

Decorate your nails with metal stickers

You can give a silver or gold glow to one desired nail


According to Feng Shui, representatives of the elements of water should paint their nails in colors from pale blue to blue-black. For additional design, white and silver tone can be used. As patterns, choose images of snowflakes, fish, stars, waves - everything that means water and its state of aggregation. Nails are decorated with metallic sequins, beads and mother-of-pearl varnish.

All shades of blue are the element of water.


For the wood element, green scale, black color and blue-blue and blue-green shades are suitable. This element is characterized by the most unusual manicures, and the more unusual and interesting they are, the better. Instead of patterns, images of leaves, flowers, cobwebs, butterflies are suitable - everything that can be called nature.


If your element is fire, then according to Feng Shui, you need to paint your nails with varnish of all shades of red. You can also apply images of flames, the sun, bright red berries and abstractions in a red-red tonality. Small sequins and beads are suitable as decoration.

Red color corresponds to the fire element


Yellow-brown shades are suitable for the earth sign, beige, red, brown, pink and golden tones are used for the basic color scheme. The plot of the picture includes a variety of little animals, plant leaves, elements of abstract patterns.

Brown with gold - "earth" colors

Paint your nails according to feng shui, the meaning of the color of the varnish

Having mastered the symbolism of manicure, it is important not to forget to take into account in order to attract success and luck. In this case, it is important not only to paint the “correct” nails, but also to respect your color scheme. Avoiding the use of "foreign" colors, you should try to avoid flashy and vulgar moments in manicure.

So, according to Feng Shui, color is given special importance. Therefore, when choosing a varnish, one should be guided by a similar doctrine, which will make the manicure truly complete and holistically harmonious. Most often, when developing a feng shui nail design, the following shades are used:

  • white, denoting virgin purity;
  • blue as a symbol of balance and harmony;
  • the golden color that distinguishes people who are strong physically and spiritually;
  • red, giving happiness, turning the house into a full bowl;
  • gray color, symbolizing a tendency to skepticism and prudence;
  • lilac as an indicator of the strength of the mind and harmony with nature;
  • blue, emphasizing the presence of kindness and spiritual emancipation in a person, as well as the absence of a tendency to aggression;
  • in pink color adds to the image of youth, tenderness and femininity;
  • beige tone brings more peace to life;
  • light green color improves health;
  • the turquoise shade of the manicure gives its owner the predominance of monetary happiness.

In addition, it is believed that the purple color brings harmony to relationships with loved ones, makes our soul more refined. Brown color is best used mainly in light shades, which will add light to the shadow side of a person’s life, hidden from prying eyes. Yellow color brings more sunny mood, peace of mind and sociability to everyday life.

Understand, how to paint feng shui nails, is not at all difficult: the main thing is to find out the sign of your element, determine the favorable color and competently and harmoniously place the necessary accents.

And then the Feng Shui manicure will be not only elegant, but also symbolic, which will bring into your life those important positive energies that are so lacking in our hectic life.

How to paint nails according to feng shui photo

Such a manicure will be appropriate after a break in relations - you need to highlight the middle and ring fingers of the left hand

Rain clouds - the perfect pattern for the water element

Such a manicure will help relieve the pain of separation and start a new relationship.

Another option for the element of Water is blue and snowflakes.

With such nail art, you will definitely be lucky in love!

how to paint nails feng shui video

Have you seen a manicure in which several fingers are highlighted in a different color? Surely yes! But this is not at all a fashionable trend, as many people think. Highlighting the nails on one hand with a color or ornament is a Feng Shui manicure. If you understand the principles of this semi-mystical direction, then you can very productively solve issues of business, income, personal life and health. Feng Shui manicure is a huge opportunity if you know all its secrets.

Feng Shui manicure: basic principles

Feng Shui makes it possible to correct the predispositions of Fate and change your life for the better in simple ways. The main thing in using this science is confidence in your actions, as well as an optimistic attitude and good mood in all endeavors.

Manicure to attract good luck, love and money is a fashionable, affordable and working trend. So that the nails decorated with different varnishes can bring the desired happiness to their owner - whatever it may be, you will have to learn and remember the seven "golden" rules of Feng Shui manicure.

When applying varnish, you will need to consider:

  1. Mood. You can’t do the right manicure if anger, irritability, envy, negativity, resentment predominate among feelings.
  2. Place for a manicure. It is worth choosing carefully where to sit with varnishes and.
  3. Training. In feng shui manicure, the shape and length of the nails play a significant role.
  4. Element. Belonging to one of the five elements will indicate the color of the varnish and "give recommendations" on the compatibility of shades.
  5. Lacquer color. Each shade and tone is responsible for attracting something of its own, and the right choice will allow you to optimally implement the chosen Feng Shui idea.
  6. Meaning of fingers. Unnamed? Average? Little finger? Each finger is "responsible" for its sector of well-being.
  7. A combination of shades. The most arbitrary block, but following its recommendations, it is easier to achieve the maximum.

The seven golden rules of feng shui manicure can't always be done right away. The advice of professionals in this area is too voluminous. But if you want, you can deal with all the subtleties. It is worth starting with the preparatory work.

Preparation for feng shui manicure

Feng Shui is extremely demanding on forms and places. From the position of a manicure, this means you need to think about what kind of nails should be and where to paint them.

The place for painting nails is selected depending on the goal:

  • Attracting money is where it is stored or spent intensively. A table with a box for banknotes, a kitchen, a dressing room with outfits.
  • Desire for love. Bedroom and possible alternatives.
  • Career focus. Workplace in the office or at home; where the money is directly earned.
  • Health promotion. Fitness or personal care area - living room, bedroom or bathroom.

The shape of the nails is the second thing to evaluate. Everything is simple here: the rejection of long options so that they do not “cut” luck! As for the specific recommendations on the form, they do not differ from the advice of nail masters on the types of nails.

Elements and colors - the main thing in feng shui manicure

Water, earth, metal, air, wood and fire are the five elements that, according to Feng Shui, are responsible for everything. Each woman belongs to one or two elements, which should be taken into account when choosing a nail design.

How to define your element?

Method 1. Landmark - the last digit in the year of birth. "Metal" refers to 0 and 1; to the "tree" - 5 and 4; to the "ground" - 9 and 8; to "fire" - 7 and 6; to "water" - 3 and 2.

Method 2. Subtract 4 from the last two-digit number of the year of birth, and divide the result by 9. The rest will indicate the element. "Metal" includes 6 and 7; to the "tree" - 4 and 3; to the "ground" - 8, 2 and 5; to "fire" - 0 and 9; to "water" - 1.

Is the element known? You can move on to colors and directly staining.

Feng Shui manicure requires choosing shades according to the elements, but combining them so that the owner of the manicure has a positive mood. The elements "dictate" the following rules:

  • Fire - all shades of flame from to burgundy
  • Wood - natural shades with a bias in the blue-blue range
  • Earth - all sandy brown palette
  • Metal - both yellow-gold and variants
  • Water - all colors without exception

Feng Shui manicure: the most important thing!

The most pleasant shades are the fingers, the scope of which needs to be strengthened. Each hand has its own interpretations:

Left hand (takes energy). Symbolism on the fingers:

  • large - fears, anxieties, vain work;
  • index - uncertainty;
  • medium - sensuality, sexuality, happiness in the family;
  • nameless - loneliness, sadness;
  • little finger - cunning, deceit, pretense.

Right hand (gives energy, but then attracts in an increased volume). Finger Meaning:

  • big - success in business, career;
  • index - selfishness;
  • medium - problems in the personal sphere;
  • nameless - friendship, sex, love;
  • little finger - complete well-being.

Interpretations do not always help to understand how to paint Feng Shui nails, so there are standard combinations to attract success in different areas:

  • love, mutual understanding, income - the right and ring fingers of the right hand;
  • harmony, well-being, peace of mind - little finger;
  • career, business, success - thumb;
  • leadership with an emphasis on the business sphere - indicative.

To maximize the effect of Feng Shui manicure:

  • varnishes should be selected harmoniously and compatible;
  • believe in success and results;
  • enjoy the process and nail design.

Making a feng shui manicure is actually very simple. So why not experiment and bring some Luck and Happiness to your side?!

The age-old Taoist teaching has penetrated literally into all spheres of life. Each family in one way or another adheres to some rules of Feng Shui philosophy. How often do you hear about not sitting in front of sharp corners or drinking from a cracked glass? You will be surprised, but "grandmother's" prejudices are mostly reflected in the laws of the ancient system. Feng Shui is a teaching, first of all, about harmony and balance. Following the wise instructions of the ancient elders, you can change your life for the better. To do this, sometimes it is enough to do a Feng Shui manicure. Have you seen a manicure in which several fingers are highlighted in a different color? Surely yes! But this is not at all a fashionable trend, as many people think. Highlighting the nails on one hand with a color or ornament is a Feng Shui manicure. Attention! Only if you understand the principles of this semi-mystical direction, then you can solve business, income, personal life and health issues very productively. Manicure to attract good luck, love and money is a fashionable, affordable and working trend. In order for nails decorated with different varnishes to bring their owner the desired happiness - whatever it may be, you will have to learn and remember the seven "Golden" rules of Feng Shui manicure.

Feng Shui and Manicure

The Taoist doctrine of feng shui covers many aspects of human life, but manicure as such is not included in its interests. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in ancient times more attention was paid to other issues? However, keeping in mind the classics, thinking about the beauty of nails is one of the favorite activities of every modern girl. So, according to Feng Shui, values ​​can be distinguished for:

  • each hand;
  • each finger;
  • any flowers;
  • color combinations.

Thus, you can not only make a beautiful and fashionable manicure, but also influence your own energy - it depends on how and which nails to paint.

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How to determine your element in feng shui

The basic element, determined with the help of gua, is adjusted by the sign of the Zodiac, the time of year when a person was born, the day of the week and the hour of birth. Even the era in which we all live leaves its mark. We determined which of the elements are combined with you and which of them is the main one, and at the same time the colors that are most suitable for your manicure.

  • The color of Water is black and blue.
  • The color of the Tree is green.
  • The colors of Fire are red, orange and pink.
  • Metal colors - gold, silver, white.
  • Earth colors are yellow and brown.

The first way is the easiest. You need to pay attention to the last digit of the year of your birth. For example, for everyone who was born in 1978, the last digit is 8. It is by it that the element must be determined. There are five elements in total, each of them has its own numbers:

  • ground: 8.9;
  • metal: 0, 1;
  • tree: 4, 5;
  • fire: 6, 7;
  • water: 2, 3.

This method is a little more difficult. You will need to use a special formula. Women need to take the last two digits of the year of birth, and then subtract four. The difference must be divided by nine. There will be a number in the remainder, if there is no remainder, you belong to the element of fire. We list other elements and their corresponding numbers:

  • water: 1;
  • tree: 3, 4;
  • ground: 2, 5, 8;
  • fire: 9, 0;
  • metal: 6, 7.

You did not match the elements according to different methods? Then consider that you have something from each of the two elements. Use their colors in manicure. This not only guarantees its effectiveness, but also allows you to diversify your personal style.

The combination of colors and their meaning in Feng Shui

When creating a manicure, you should choose one leading color, which is usually a shade of your element, or it will be a neutral tone. The placement of accents is done with the help of additional colors, based on their characteristics. In a situation where a multi-colored manicure is unacceptable, you can activate the energy channel with the help of decor. Having determined the element and found out which colors correspond to a certain sign, you should learn about their meaning:

  • Red - symbolizes love, power, uncontrollable passion.
  • White is the color of calmness, life balance, serenity.
  • Yellow means cheerfulness, emotionality, success in business.
  • Brown is the color of calm, warmth, balance.
  • Blue is ideal for problem solving.
  • Green is the color of hope, vitality, prosperity.
  • Orange - optimizes mood.
  • Pink means tenderness, sincerity.
  • Violet is the color of confidence, attracting favorable energy, harmony.
  • Blue - favorably affects the mental state of a person.
  • Turquoise promotes health, in particular, immunity.

Based on the main color, you need to choose shades that will enhance the effect of "magic". Here it is important to adhere not only to the basic rules of combining colors according to the science of Feng Shui, but also to their harmonious, aesthetic combination. A girl should like a manicure, evoke positive emotions in her, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a positive attitude to attract benefits. The combination of primary colors with additional ones, look at the photo below.

left hand how to paint nails feng shui

Thumb. It means a waste of time, anxiety, unjustified hopes and vain efforts.

Forefinger. This concentration of fears, human complexes, symbolizes uncertainty in one's own strengths and in oneself as a whole.

Middle finger. Responsible for the intimate sphere of its owner, symbolizes sensuality, sexual relations and family happiness.

ring finger- separation, loneliness, sadness, parting, as well as disappointment.

Little finger symbolizes wickedness, lies, treason, pretense, cunning. Gossip and deceit are his other characteristics.

Right hand painting nails feng shui

Thumb- Concentration of success in business and doing business. This finger is responsible for mental activity. Can mean mistakes and miscalculations.

Forefinger. It means dissatisfaction with the outside world, the grouchiness of its owner, selfishness and contempt for other people.

Middle finger responsible for quarrels, misunderstandings, resentment and dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere.

Nameless the finger means the positive connections of its owner, both sexual and friendly.

Little finger right hand - the main symbol of well-being in the teachings of Feng Shui. This is a complete family hearth, and strong friendship, harmony of a person with himself.

Feng Shui Manicure

You can depict anything on your nails, the main thing is to choose the right shape and color that matches your element:

  • Pisces and other people of the element of the sign of Water should give preference to drawings on water themes: waves, algae, snowflakes.
  • Leo, Aries and Sagittarius (the element of Fire) it is better to choose fiery elements: the sun, stars, flame.
  • It is advisable for representatives of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) to choose “natural” images (manicure with flowers, leaves, etc.).
  • For Gemini and other “subordinates” to the element of Air, the main thing is that the drawing should be light, graceful and without sharp corners.

Nowadays, the art of Feng Shui is used not only in interior design. It has become very fashionable to do a manicure, taking into account all the rules of this teaching. According to manicure masters, such a nail design can improve a person’s life and bring more positive moments to it.

ancient teaching

The teaching itself gives a person an opportunity from a completely different side, and thus get only the best from everyday life. It's not a secret for anyone that the general condition of a person in the morning, as well as his night's sleep, depends on how, for example, the bed in the bedroom is located. The same can be said about manicure. The emotional state depends on how exactly your nails are painted. But let's talk about everything in order.

how to feng shui paint your nails

You can draw various signs and hieroglyphs on your nails. In this technique, it is very important to know about the color scheme. All shades that you use during a manicure must correspond to a certain element.

  1. The element of metal. In the process of manicure, you can use any shade of metal, white, yellow and brown.
  2. The element of water. The whole palette of black, pale blue, metallic, white and chameleon colors is suitable for the water element.
  3. Tree element. Absolutely all shades of green, black and blue. It is also worth noting that this manicure should be bright with various patterns and ornaments.
  4. The element of fire. Any shade of red, as well as all the colors that are inherent in the wood element.
  5. Earth element. Absolutely all colors of yellow and brown tones, as well as pink, red and beige colors.

Impact on life events

According to Feng Shui, it means to make changes in your life. All of the above colors are a great option for applying the main nail polish, the so-called background. Using information about the influence of color on certain areas in life, you can attract success and wealth, harmonize family relationships, and improve your love sphere.

In order to tidy up the nerves, applying apricot-colored varnish would be an excellent option. It is this shade that soothes and creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. Moreover, he is able to normalize relations with relatives and establish contact with the outside world.

Choosing a varnish color

The color of the nails in Feng Shui plays, of course, a very important role.

  • White varnish is universal. It does not irritate the eyes, and also brings to life even more positive feelings, kindness. It creates harmony between the inner and outer world.
  • Turquoise symbolizes wealth, elegance and sophistication. In addition, this color helps to improve health and protect immunity.
  • All shades of blue increase working capacity, help to concentrate, and also be more restrained in your emotions.
  • Yellow improves mood and helps to tune in a positive way. In addition, it prevents depression and gives confidence.
  • Green color is perfect for people who love themselves very much. In general, this color is a symbol of life.
  • Feng Shui welcomes all light brown shades, but dark tones must be excluded. There are many variations of manicure in this style. How to make Feng Shui nails, you can view the photo in this article.
  • Golden shades contribute to the growth of physical strength, as well as give positive emotions.
  • Beautiful painted red nails symbolize passion, freedom and activity. Such a varnish will give its owner power, a sense of courage, as well as the brightness of the image.
  • Lemon colored nails are a sign of cleanliness. This shade will help to establish contact with others simply and naturally.
  • Sunny orange tone of varnish will bring joy and gaiety to life. With the help of this color, you can improve your mood.
  • If a woman is used to holding everything in her hands, then purple should be preferred in manicure.
  • For sensitive and delicate natures, a pattern on the nails using a pink shade of varnish will be an excellent option.
  • For those who like not to stand out from the crowd, any shade of gray is perfect.
  • Blue is suitable for creative people who primarily care about their spiritual development. In order for you to understand what Feng Shui nails look like, the photos are presented in this article.

colorful feng shui nails

In this type of manicure, it is necessary to cover the middle and ring fingers with colors that are different from the base shade. Probably, it will not be a secret for anyone that the seven energy chakras of a person are directly connected with the hands. It is for this reason that these fingers are painted with other colors. Through such a manicure, you can attract good luck, establish contact with others, improve your health and, of course, achieve love victories.

The chakra, which is responsible for the spirituality of a person, as well as his morality, is directly related to the middle finger. By highlighting it with a different color, you will automatically activate luck and success in all your endeavors. The ring finger is responsible for the relationship of the two sexes. No wonder it is he who is put on the ring during the marriage. By highlighting the ring finger, you can discover sensuality in yourself, as well as learn how to correctly express your inner emotions.

What does each finger of the hand mean in feng shui?

Left hand

  • Thumb. Small misunderstandings, anxiety, wasted labor.
  • Middle finger. Sexuality, resentment.
  • Ring finger. Loneliness, sadness, frustration.
  • Little finger. Deception, loss, flattery.

Right hand

  • Personal egoism, dislike of oneself and others.
  • Middle finger. Dissatisfaction in sex, resentment towards a partner.
  • Ring finger. Acquaintance, new love.
  • Little finger. Well-being in the family, mutual understanding.

Now it has become a little clear how to paint nails in Feng Shui? Following this teaching, you can bring new events into your life and make it the most positive in all respects.

and the color of the varnish according to Feng Shui

The first thing you should do when starting a manicure is to decide what shape your nails will have. In most cases, women answer this question by following the flow of fashion and feng shui. In order to finally decide, look at the pictures in fashion magazines. Also, in order to understand what Feng Shui nail design looks like, photos are posted in our article.

Of course, when choosing a shape, you need to take into account the structural features of the hand, as well as the natural data of the hands. Nails are trapezoidal, rectangular, square or round.

Pattern and color of varnish under the elements

In order to understand which nail design is right for you, you need to know which pattern and color of lacquer is most consistent with a particular element.

  • How to paint nails according to Feng Shui for representatives of the water element? For such a design, blue, black and blue shades of varnish should be preferred as a basis. The pattern can be presented in the form of snowflakes, stars, white stones.
  • For girls who belong to the element of wood, it is best to use the color of varnish. Thin lines in the form of a spiral or cobweb can be applied to the nails.
  • The fire element involves performing a manicure using red, pink, orange and yellow varnishes. The pattern, in turn, should symbolize the sun, fire, berries, triangles.
  • Earth element. Colors: gold, beige, brown. Pattern: falling leaves, rain, spots, sand.
  • The element of metal. Beads, gold, silver, circles, sparkles.

Nail shape

In fact, the state of affairs in everyday life directly depends on knowing how to paint nails and create their shape.

  • Nails in the shape of a semicircle or oval are related to the creative potential of a person.
  • Shortened square shapes attract wealth.
  • Pointed help to establish relationships in matters of the heart.
  • Shortened, processed round nail plates mean care.

Nail design

From the foregoing, you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to paint your nails according to Feng Shui. Design also plays an important role in the manicure process. Various rhinestones, sparkles and patterns not only give the nails an even more beautiful look, but also contribute to the introduction of something new into life. Often, girls ask the manicurist to make them beautiful painted nails (a photo in a magazine often serves as a kind of model). Sometimes an original manicure is a merit solely of the specialist’s imagination, but you yourself can think and come up with your own version.

For example, the famous actress Katy Perry is of the opinion that the image of the Yin and Yang symbol on her nails helps her stay in harmony with her loved one.

If you are not very fond of manicures of different colors, then you can use only one color of varnish that matches your element. And, of course, do not forget to decorate your nails with beautiful rhinestones or a pattern.

In fact, feng shui manicures are becoming more and more popular. Indeed, according to many, this method allows you to attract good luck, wealth and such an important feeling as love. Currently, it is very fashionable to apply a pattern in the form of hieroglyphs on the nails. It is these symbols that help to increase vital energy, fulfill desires and stabilize relations with your soulmate.

Is it possible to grow nails according to Feng Shui?

Of course, any self-respecting girl carefully monitors her appearance. And here it is worth saying that beautiful clothes are far from enough. You also need to take care of your hair, skin and, of course, your hands every day. An integral part of beautiful hands is a manicure. But, to the great regret of the fair sex, not everyone was destined to be born with a beautiful shape of nails. Not so long ago, this was a real problem, but in our modern world, neither technology nor science stands still. It is for this reason that this deficiency can be corrected by nail extension. Nails extended with gel or acrylic look very beautiful, they can be filed, as well as give them the desired shape.

Separately, it should be said that such a doctrine as Feng Shui in no way opposes building up. On the contrary, everything that helps to bring harmony and a sense of beauty into a person’s life is welcome. The most important thing is that even fake nails look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Of course, for this they need to be looked after on an ongoing basis.

In conclusion, it should be said that if you want to improve your life and bring positive emotions into it, then you must certainly strive for this! After all, with a wave of a magic wand, you will not have, for example, such a long-awaited gentleman. You must do everything to attract love to you. If you are still tormented by the question of how to paint your nails, refer to such teachings as Feng Shui. Be sure that you will not only get a beautiful manicure, but you will also be able to turn your life in a direction that is completely unknown to you. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors!

Feng Shui manicure has been in fashion for more than one year: it not only has a special meaning, but also looks relevant. There are several rules for such a nail design, but otherwise it is a creative process that depends on imagination and intuition. Consider how to paint your nails according to Feng Shui in order to change your image and life for the better.

How to make a feng shui manicure

Setting up correctly

To paint nails according to Feng Shui, the right choice of place is of great importance. If a manicure has a clear goal (to attract love, wealth, health, etc.) - you can place yourself for coloring in the appropriate area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house. If painting nails according to Feng Shui is aimed at increasing general well-being or attracting good luck, choose a place according to your feelings, stopping at the one in which you feel comfortable.

Before doing a Feng Shui manicure, meditate for 10-15 minutes, closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing. Imagine what you want to achieve and try to feel the desired result. In many cases, it makes sense to clearly state the intention and write it down on a piece of paper. For the procedure itself, select musical accompaniment - calm relaxing melodies. If possible, organize everything so that no one interferes with you in the coming time.

Choosing a hand and number of fingers

Feng Shui manicure is based on the selection of one or more nails on the fingers (each of which has its own meaning). There can be no strict rules in this regard - there are only recommendations and several proven options. Feng Shui manicure is a modern phenomenon, adapted to ancient Chinese science, and therefore, it is largely created by ourselves. As for the well-established rules, there are only two of them - the choice of hand and the number of allocated fingers.

Hand selection

According to Feng Shui, the right hand is active and giving, and the left hand is passive and receiving. Therefore, you need to highlight the nails either on two hands, or only on the right. In the first case, you consciously create a cycle of energy - actively give into the world and receive from it. But the second case also starts a similar process, since what we give to the world returns to us according to the laws of the Universe. If you work with two hands, for the efficiency of the process, select the same fingers on them.

Number of fingers

Of the five fingers on the hand, only 1 or 2 should be selected. If we select 3 or 4, this leads to the fact that the remaining fingers that we were not going to select actually work. The background for selected nails is always the majority. The only exception is when we highlight the nails on all five fingers with separate colors.

Finger Meanings

The color of the lacquer will tell a lot

Traditionally, each of the fingers is assigned a certain meaning, and in addition, each finger corresponds to one of the five elements. The difficulty is that the same fingers have both positive and negative meanings. In addition, these meanings must be correctly interpreted according to the activity of the right hand or the passivity of the left. The best thing is to think about it yourself and draw your own conclusions about the painting of each nail, connecting information about the elements and shades of colors. (If there is no time to think or clear conclusions do not arise, use ready-made proven options.)

According to Feng Shui, the thumb corresponds to the element of Wood (Wind). On the right giving hand, he is responsible for mental abilities, intelligence, spirituality, the desire for a new one, the beginning and development of all processes. The meaning of the thumb on the left receiving hand changes: excessive absorption of information (without feedback and feedback) leads to anxiety, anxiety, unjustified efforts.

The nail on the thumb (of the right hand or both hands) is isolated to achieve success in studies, business, intellectual and creative activities.


This finger corresponds to the element of Fire. The index finger on the right hand is responsible for guiding and choosing the right direction. It gives purposefulness and power to influence the necessary aspects of the external world. On the left hand, this finger reflects guidance directed from the outside to the inside - in conditions of isolation, it creates uncertainty and fears.

The nail on the index finger (of the right hand or both hands) is isolated for the development of determination, willpower, and the ability to actively control the outside world.

The finger located in the middle corresponds to the elements of the Earth. On the right hand, it denotes confidence and efficiency, combines intention with the right action, gives a successful result - including monetary. On the left hand, it reflects the desire for sensual pleasures, the tendency to manipulate the sphere of emotions to obtain the desired result and dissatisfaction with the latter.

The nail on the middle finger (of the right hand or both hands) is isolated for a sense of stability and stability, to achieve the intended goal, receive money, successfully complete the business.


This finger corresponds to the element of Metal. On the right hand, he is responsible for heart affairs, vitality, love and warmth, a sense of connection with everything in the universe. On the left hand, it reflects an extreme need for love, emotional vampirism, a feeling of loneliness and disconnection.

We single out the nail on the ring finger (of the right hand or both hands) for filling with love, feeling a sense of unity, increasing vitality, developing a wise attitude towards love.

This finger corresponds to the element of Water. Not with the right hand, the little finger personifies the correct communication with others, which results in luck, family happiness, successful creativity and a healthy lifestyle. On the left hand, the little finger reflects the wrong approach to communication (lie, gossip, manipulation, etc.) and, as a result, a discord in relationships and health, an inability to be creative.

The nail on the little finger (of the right hand or both hands) is allocated for: improving communications, building relationships with a loved one, good luck in business, adapting to change, creative inspiration, raising your spirits and relaxing.

Popular Options

Manicure tells a lot

The simplest option, how to paint nails according to Feng Shui, is the selection of one finger according to the intended purpose. A very popular option is to highlight the middle and ring fingers in one color or two different colors (in relation to the background). This design means success in love combined with material prosperity. If the priority goals are money and career growth, you need to highlight the middle finger and index finger.

For good studies, successful exams, intellectual and creative achievements, it is worth painting your thumb and little finger in a different color. The thumb, in combination with the middle finger, is allocated for the materialization of intellectual activity and profit from it. If you want to improve the state of affairs in all areas of life, you can paint each nail in an individual color that matches its element.

Colors and elements

To attract additional energy to a particular area of ​​life, you can highlight the desired nails with the colors of the corresponding elements. So, the elements of the Wood belong to colors and shades in the range of green and blue, as well as brown, black and all natural colors. A successful combination would be a combination of two shades of green and one of blue-blue (The tree feeds on water). The element of Fire is characterized by all shades of red, bright orange, red-violet. Choosing harmonious shades, you can combine the colors of this element with the color scheme of the Tree (Wood gives life to Fire).

The earth element is represented by yellow-brown, green and golden colors in various shades. A successful combination will be their combination with shades of Fire (Earth receives energy from Fire). The elements of Metal are characterized by metallic colors - silver, copper, gold, etc., as well as white, gray, black, muted shades of yellow, brownish. You need to combine them with the color scheme of the Earth (Earth creates Metal). Water is characterized by all shades of blue - blue, lilac, indigo, etc. They can be combined with the colors of the Metal element (Water receives energy from Metal).

Personal element

If we paint our nails according to Feng Shui, it will not be superfluous to know our personal element in order to use its colors in design. Rather, it is best to determine your element according to special tables. There is also a simple method based on the last digit of the year of birth (for those born before February 20, you need to look at the last digit of the previous birth year). If your numbers correspond to 0 or 1 - use the colors of the Metal element for design; 2 or 3 - make a coating in the color scheme of the elements of Water; 4 or 5 - stock up on varnishes according to the colors of the Wood element; 6 or 7 - use the colors of the element of Fire; 8 or 9 - make nail art in the colors of the Earth.

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