Marina Poplavskaya: biography and personal life of the actress Diesel show. Actresses Diesel Show


In the last 3 days of winter and the first day of spring 2017, the first show of the Diesel Show project will take place in Israel for the first time. On the eve of the tour, the editors of the Glamur website had a chat with some of the project participants.

The questions ... were answered by the actors of the "Diesel Show" - bright, funny, able to cheer up even the most biased viewer Egor Krutogolov, the most active actor of the project Evgeny Gashenko, Ukrainian Belarusian - Evgeny Smorigin, and also the best all-Ukrainian mother-in-law - Marina Poplavskaya.

Egor Krutogolov
Marina Poplavskaya
Evgeny Smorigin
Evgeny Gashenko

Tell us how the actors got together in the "Diesel Show"?

Egor Krutogolov: When we decided to do a TV concert and realized that it was time to expand the composition of the authors and actors, we began to look closely at those who were in the tops today. And a fortunate coincidence happened when we were invited to a certain collective humorous concert in the October Palace, where Marina Poplavskaya and Zhenya Smorigin performed. We looked at the reaction of the audience and realized that these were our guys. Later, Zhenya suggested that we take Vika Bulitko to the team, because. they had several joint projects together. At that time, Victoria worked at the Podil Theater, where I honestly served 1 act, then left.

Because the play was not for me, let's say, but I was inspired by her work and made her an offer of cooperation. Then I brought my friend Oleg Ivanitsa. When the need arose to find a pretty blonde, Yana Glushchenko appeared in the Diesel Show. With Yana, we had an episode in the TV series Taxi, where she played my girlfriend. We even had a kiss! And, probably, in this way she crashed into my memory and into my teeth. So, when it was necessary to find a cheerful blonde, the first thing that came to my mind was Yana. This is how our team came together.

Marina Poplavskaya: I received a message from Yegor that he had an offer for me. I sat in the Ukrtelefilm studio and just froze. After that she even ended up in the hospital. But all the time this SMS warmed and thought: what does he want? Well, maybe take part in some kind of sketch-coma ... I didn’t know that such a colossus would run into me.

How was the name "Diesel Show" born?

Evgeny Gashenko: At first, there was a KVN team “Diesel Gang”, and then we decided that we didn’t need gangs.

Evgeny Smorigin: We just want to make strong, creative humor and "Diesel Show" is the most appropriate title.

If you imagine the "Diesel Show" as a dish, then it is obvious that it has a lot of success ingredients. But what exactly, list?

Egor Krutogolov: Well, I will compare with my favorite dish - Olivier salad. Indeed, all the ingredients are very different and if you put these ingredients separately, you will think: “God, how can this even work!? To be so delicious!?”. But when you combine in the right proportion - which is important - you get mega-yummy. Peas - this is Evgeny Gashenko for us, because it has an explosive character, especially in combination with other products - with milk, for example. I must be potatoes. Well, who do we have eggs? Well, Oleg Ivanitsa will be associated with eggs. Pickled cucumber we will have Vika Bulitko - not because she is pregnant (laughs), but because it is a national product and loved by everyone. We will have Yana Glushchenko for the sausage, we will have Smorigin as a carrot, and Marina Frantsevna Poplavskaya mayonnaise covers it all. And without a glass of vodka, what kind of mayonnaise is that!? Vodka will be Alexander Berezhok.

The Diesel Show has a simple rule: "Lots of good humor, music, and no politics." What audience is your humor intended for?

Egor Krutogolov: I think that politics is the worst evil on earth, and the less it is, the less we talk about it, the better it will be for everyone. Everyone will be more fun.

Each of you has several characters. Tell us about how you prepare for the numbers, how the process of creating sketches goes. How problematic is it to switch between characters in one concert? After all, each role has its own character, and it’s probably difficult to move from image to image so quickly, isn’t it?

Egor Krutogolov: There is an editor-in-chief Alexey Blanar, several groups of authors who initially prepare, search for, come up with ideas, themes and concepts for the numbers. Now in the "Diesel Show" there can no longer be any kind of jokes - they must be relevant, tied to some kind of informational occasion. Humor should be relevant, a cheerful reaction to some phenomena. Then comes the search for a humorous engine, a humorous move. Then the jokes are written. And the dialogues are written at the very last moment. Not only that, the artists also joke with a serious face. We do not comedy, we do not grimace - this is not what we cause laughter. A comic actor needs to play almost tragically in order to get humor. And we try not even to play, but to live the role, as described in the books of the classics, the same Stanislavsky.

Guys, watching your performances and the reaction of the audience, I can say that you are all very talented. What is real talent? Is it a gift, an obligation to someone, or a superpower that makes you superheroes?

Egor Krutogolov: This is a gift, but a gift that requires constant care: if you do not cultivate it and do not work with it, then everything will wither.

Evgeny Gashenko: Artists are born and become, and having tried once, they remain forever. I know a lot about this, because I have no special education. I am constantly learning and growing. I would not exchange the stage and my success, the love of fans, applause and my roles on the stage of the Diesel Show for anything.

To feel the jokes of the Diesel Show team, you need to get to the concert. These are not my words. That's what everyone says. Explain to the Israeli viewer why it is worth visiting your show in Israel?

Evgeny Smorigin: Because our humor is folk and understandable to everyone. After all, in any country in the world there is a mother-in-law and a son-in-law, for example! We are close to the people like a diesel tractor. Our humor works in Ukraine, and TV ratings show it. And if they laugh in Ukraine, then they will laugh in Israel, I'm sure!

As far as I know, there are jokes about Jews in the Diesel Show repertoire. Are there any exclusive blanks specifically for Israel? Maybe "Diesel Show" will speak Hebrew?

Egor Krutogolov: Well, we will not disclose the blanks. But I will announce that we are going to Israel with the latest program “Spring is funny”. They won’t show it on TV yet, it won’t be on the Internet. That is - we are going with the premiere! And in Hebrew, each of us, at least a little, but speaks. But it’s better not to say it from the stage (laughs).

How do you plan to spend your free time from concerts in Israel? Are there any places you are planning to visit?

Egor Krutogolov: We have little time. We rely on our organizers. Naturally, we want to see everything where they will have time to take us. Of course, I want to dip myself in the Dead Sea and see how I don't drown in it.

Marina Poplavskaya: I want to meet my good friends whom I haven't seen for a long time. Visit holy places, walk along familiar streets. Although there is usually no time at all on tour, I hope I will be able to do everything planned.

"Diesel Show" soon in Israel. The event will take place at the end of February and on the first day of spring this year

On Sunday, February 26, Gekhal a-Tarbut of Ashkelon will hospitably open the doors for a performance.

Evening Monday, February 27 in Beersheba, Gehal ha-Tarbut Histadrut will be marked by the incendiary energy of fun from the "Diesels".

On Tuesday, February 28, the walls of the Haifa Theater in the city of Haifa will tremble from the general laughter of the audience, as always, accompanying the performance of the group.

On Wednesday, March 1, the final tour performance of the Diesel Show will take place at the Beit Hachayal Hall in Tel Aviv.

The start is at 20:00.

Everyone who becomes a participant in the concert will receive an unforgettable experience.

Take care of the timely purchase of tickets! Buy two tickets to the Diesel Show for the price of one!

Details and ordering tickets at a discount at the box office of the by phone: *5303

Photos provided by the organizers of the tour.

Currently, television programs of a humorous nature are very popular. This is due to the fact that people are tired of the complexities of today's life and want to spend their free time in the circle of their favorite comedians, whose jokes allow you to forget about everyday problems and give you the opportunity to relax a little. The 2018 Diesel Show project is regularly aired on the ICTV channel and belongs precisely to those programs that not only cheer up, but also inspire hope for the future.

History of the project

The year of birth of the creative association "Diesel" can be called 2006. Then the Nikolaev team "Diesel" wins the national KVN competition and decides to start their own career. In 2007-2010 the association participates in the "Evening Quarter" - an entertainment show on Ukrainian TV. In 2013, the team members begin cooperation with the ICTV channel, which airs their show Men's Club. Over time, the TV people suggested that the guys create a larger project, which they called the "Diesel Show".

Actor E. Krutogolov and screenwriter M. Shinkarenko invited A. Blanar, who once played in the KVN team "Three Fat Men", to their project. By that time, he already had extensive experience working on TV.

Over time, A. Blanar became the producer of the team, and the project was recognized as the best humorous program on Ukrainian TV. In 2016, the creators of the program deserved the highest award - Teletriumph. The show was so highly acclaimed for its four-hour New Year's Eve episode. Now "Diesel Show" can compete on equal terms with such a popular program as "Evening Quarter".

All people are different and have different tastes and sense of humor. The actors of the Diesel studio are trying to make the audience laugh without going into politics. Of course, there are separate sketches that make fun of officials, but the performances of artists have a more social focus. As the producer of the Diesel Show stated, the artists know about the love of the Ukrainian audience to laugh at politicians. At the same time, they understand that the Ukrainian audience is already tired of the “mouse fuss” that reigns in power structures. Therefore, the actors do not want to waste their creativity on political numbers. The team's sketches are more focused on life's problems and specific people that the whole country knows. Actors, together with the audience, want to figure out where certain phenomena come from in our lives.

The composition of the "Diesel Studio"

Today, nine actors and fifteen members of the author's team take part in the team.

E. Krutogolov

While studying at the Humanitarian University. P. Graves, a young guy began to participate in KVN. Later he became the captain of the Nikolaev team "Gang Diesel". Among other hobbies of the actor is tennis. In the "Diesel Show" the actor reincarnates in different images:
  • in the pilot Gurgen Gurgenovich;
  • into a thieves man;
  • traffic cop, etc.

A. Berezhok

This artist is also a native of the city of Nikolaev. While studying at the Pedagogical University, he became addicted to playing KVN. He was a member of the KVN team "Gang Diesel". Alexander, after graduating from high school, did not begin to work as a historian, but preferred acting. The most memorable images of the artist are:
  • office worker;
  • policeman;
  • alcoholic etc.

Among Alexander's hobbies:

  • kart racing;
  • fishing, etc.

E. Gashenko

As a student of the branch of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, he participated in the KVN game as part of the Diesel Gang team. In the television show, he superbly transforms into:
  • office worker;
  • a police officer;
  • customs officer, etc.

E. Smorigin

In his youth, he was a member of the Belarusian KVN team: "ChP, Minsk." After graduating from the pedagogical faculty of BSU, he got married and moved to Kyiv. Now he is a member of the Diesel studio. Most of all, the actor manages to play defenseless characters. Among the most successful images:
  • old grandmother;
  • obedient husband;
  • honest cop, etc.

O. Ivanitsa

Graduated from the Ternopil Institute of International Business. Also behind him is the acting studio "Black Square". The actor participated in the filming of 16 films. In the television project "Diesel Show" he was remembered in the role of:
  • policeman;
  • passionate lover;
  • doctors, etc.

Among the artist's hobbies are also water sports.

M. Poplavskaya

In her student years, she was the commander of the KVN team "Girls from Zhytomyr". After graduating from the State University. I. Franko tried herself in different guises. She was a school teacher, singer, film actress. Thanks to her voice and charisma, she became recognizable in the artistic environment. Now the artist is participating in the television project "Diesel Show". Her duet with E. Smorigin is especially successful, where the actress plays a confident woman.

V. Bulitko

This is the most titled participant in the Diesel Show. Victoria graduated from the theatrical department of the Zaporozhye National University. She created her own group "BULITKA", won the theater award "Kyiv Pectoral", received the award "Person of the Year". In the television show, she was especially successful in the role:
  • flight attendants;
  • girls of easy virtue;
  • cleaners.

Ya. Glushchenko

The girl received a professional acting education, participated in the filming of thirty films. Her appearance in the team was accidental. To shoot the room, a blonde with two phrases was required. After this number, the actress remained in the team, and now pleases the audience with her magnificent game in the form of bosses and representatives of the ancient profession.

O. Harutyunyan

Olga also graduated from the Kyiv Theater University. She is in a number of Ukrainian films. On the ICTV channel, the actress took part in the sketch comedy For Three.

Where can you watch the show

In addition to these actors, the project involves more than a hundred specialists who remain behind the scenes. All their work is aimed at raising the spirits of millions of viewers not only in Ukraine, but throughout the CIS.

Today, all episodes of the Diesel Show performances can be viewed on YouTube. Judging by the comments, artists like humor in Belarus, Kazakhstan, America, Europe, Israel, Australia - wherever there is a significant Russian-speaking diaspora. The popularity of the project once again confirms that high-quality humor has no boundaries.

The team also conducts active touring activities in Ukraine. More details about the busy schedule of the Diesel Show can be found on the official website of the project.

20.10.2018, 11:15

Diesel Show: biography and line-up / Facabook Diesel Show

It is not the first year that the actors of the "Diesel Show" give fans laughter and entertain not only Ukraine, but also neighboring countries. About his wonderful actors - read on No Taboo

Yana was born in Kyiv on June 8, 1986. She graduated from the acting department of the Kyiv National University of Cinema and Television named after Karpenko-Kary (KNUTKiT). From the first courses of the university, he has been actively filming in popular TV series, a full meter.

Since 2015, her career has been associated with Diesel Studio. On stage, Yana embodies the images of fatal beauties, classic blondes, bureaucrats, wives of oligarchs, and modest intellectuals. All her roles are organic and delight the audience. Yana is called a well-deserved workaholic in the team. She continued to take to the stage in the final months of her pregnancy. And a week after giving birth, along with the “diesels”, she presented a new program, shocking the audience with a slender figure.

“My greatest strength is in working capacity, zeal and perseverance. After all, an officer’s daughter! I have never been served anything on a silver platter.

The actress loves animals and does charity work, saving stray dogs and helping shelters.

Olga Arutunyan

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Olga Arutunyan

Since September 1, 2017, a talented graduate of the Kyiv Theatrical University named after M.V. I. K. Karpenko-Kary, charming brown-haired Olya. She is familiar to viewers for the role of Glasha in the TV series "Woman's Doctor" and work in Ukrainian youth comedies.

First, Olga Harutyunyan got to the casting for the role of the wife of one of the main characters of the comedy series from Diesel Studio. Then she starred in several episodes of the new season of the sketch-com "For Three". And now I received an invitation to the main product of "diesels". The girl conquered the team with her sincerity, hard work and charisma.

Olga Harutyunyan has been at the Youth Theater since 2015. In the performances "The Seagull" (Masha), "Transformation" (Sister), the fairy tale "The Invisible Woman from the Sweet Kingdom" (The Tailor) still plays the main roles.

Evgeny Smorigin

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Evgeny Smorigin

Yevgeny Smorigin was born on January 28, 1979 in Minsk. Here he graduated from the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. But he connected his life with humor, acting and Ukraine.

Eugene has been living in Kyiv for a long time, and in 2007 he married a girl, Lida, a neighbor in the stairwell. Three children grow up in the family: Alexey, Liza and Sasha. By the way, the eldest son followed in the footsteps of his father, performs in the "Diesel Show", starred in the sketch-coma "For Three", a comedy series " daddies and feature films.

A father of many children, a Ukrainian Belarusian and a talented actor of Diesel Studio Evgeny Smorigin tries to spend his free time with his wife and children outside the stage, and he also cross-stitches, knits, and can easily set a festive table. His biggest hobby is singing. Eugene is working on an author's project - he makes arrangements, reproduces musical instruments with his own voice, overlaying voices on top of each other. He created the melodies of the famous songs "Kupalinka", "Cranes", "Fierce Fog", "Tell me, girls, to your girlfriend" ...

"My goal in life is to give people laughter, charge them with positive, so that my work brings as many good emotions as possible," says Evgeny.

The images and roles of Evgeny Smorigin are varied. He plays both the henpecked husband and the general very naturally.

Evgen Gashenko

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Evgeny Gashenko

For Yevgeny Gashenko, humor is not a job, but a way of life. Eugene was born in 1981. Graduated from the Nikolaev branch of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. Eugene has always been creative, even at school he made his classmates laugh with his parodies, retellings of his favorite cartoons.

"Creativity is what distinguishes people from animals. It is a very interesting process - from a small spark in the head, an idea - to its implementation. The most important thing is that it is interesting to me and gives joy to people, helps to overcome difficulties and changes life for the better. I can’t imagine myself separately without my work, without “diesels”, for so many years. Sometimes I think how cool it is for us to work - we make people laugh all the time, create humor and make the audience happy. I myself am happy from this, " - says Yevgeny Gashenko about his favorite work.

Representatives of office plankton, nerds, policemen, mechanics, pilots or customs officers, timid lovers and hackers can recognize themselves in his images ... and in the fall of 2018, viewers will see Evgeny in the comedy series " daddies", in which he played a young husband, future father.

After filming and concerts, Evgeny always hurries home, where his beloved wife Olya (clothing designer) and little son Vanya (born in 2016) are waiting for him.

Oleg Ivanitsa

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Oleg Ivanitsa

Oleg Ivanitsa was born on April 26, 1979 in Khmelnyk, Vinnytsia region. He graduated from the Institute of International Business at the Ternopil Academy, where he played in KVN.

He dreamed of acting since childhood, but he came to the profession quite late - at the age of 30 he quit the prestigious job of a manager of a large company and went to study at the Black Square theater studio.

To the viewer, Oleg is known for his roles in the TV series "Mukhtar", "Female Doctor". Since 2015, he has been an actor in Diesel Studio projects.

"Creativity is real life with boring moments cut out. Real creativity is impossible without real freedom. Creativity is mayonnaise and ketchup in one. Any stupidity, even the most priceless, can be presented as something very valuable if you get creative! I am creative people by 100%," says Oleg.

In the Diesel Show numbers he is a universal actor: his doctors, teachers, judges, like representatives of any profession, are always convincing and kindly funny, ironic and critical.

Oleg Ivanitsa devotes all his free time to his children - his adult daughter Olga, who studies at a university in Poland, and his son Ostap.

Alexander Berezhok

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Alexander Berezhok

Alexander could become a wonderful teacher of history and law, but he became a wonderful actor. He was born on June 14, 1979 in Nikolaev. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Law of the Nikolaev National Pedagogical University named after Sukhomlinsky. He tried many professions - from the driver to the director of the restaurant and the head of the enterprise, but made a choice in favor of acting.

Alexander says that the main thing is to give yourself completely to your favorite business, to develop and not pay attention to critics.

“I don’t watch or read criticism on social networks (which I refused some time ago). I’m more interested in what people say on the streets, how they perceive our jokes. It’s nice that the audience praises us when we meet, thank. that we're doing the right thing!" Alexander proudly affirms.

In the Diesel Studio projects, Alexander Berezhok embodies a variety of images on stage: an unlucky son-in-law, a negligent husband, a father, a plumber, a policeman, a customs officer. The actor holds the record for the "For Three" sketch-com among actors in terms of the number of sketches. During the season, the actor plays about 130 roles!

Also, Alexander Berezhok is the host of the column " Diesel Morning"on the air of the morning television show" Morning in the Big City "on ICTV channel. This is the own development of the Diesel Studio team. The permanent hosts of the" news that bring the weekend closer "are Victoria Bulitko, Alexander Berezhok and Evgeny Gashenko. Periodically, they are joined by colleagues Evgeny Smorigin, Oleg Ivanitsa, Yegor Krutogolov, Yana Glushchenko and Marina Poplavskaya.They tell the latest current news of the country and the world with humor.It is not only interesting, but also very funny!

Alexander knows how to cook, is fond of karting, loves fishing and picnics in the yard of his private house, where friends and colleagues gather.

The wife of Alexander Berezhko is Alena, a brand manager and ex-model, in 2016 they had a son, Gleb.

Egor Krutogolov

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Yegor Krutogolov

Egor Krutogolov is the motor team, artistic director and actor of the Diesel Studio projects - Diesel Show, Diesel Morning, the sketch-coma For Three.

Egor was born on July 6, 1980 in Nikolaev. There he graduated from the Petr Mohyla Humanitarian University, where he became interested in playing KVN. This passion determined his future fate and led to the creation of his own team, and then his own show.

"The strength of Diesel Studio is in a good team, which consists of trusted people. Everyone is individual, talented and professional in their field. We are friends, and this friendship means a lot to us, despite the fact that we see each other almost daily, are involved in sometimes routine work. But we know how to get together and break walls together, "says Yegor about the team.

Very soon he will appear in new, but very favorite image- father - in the comedy series of his own production "Diesel Studio" " daddies", which will premiere in the fall of 2018. Egor said that he "wrote off" his character from real life.

His reliable rear and outlet is his family. With his wife Katya, they have been together for 12 years, they are raising their son Leo, who at the age of 7 became the champion of Ukraine in karting at his age.

Egor leads an active lifestyle, he is a candidate master of sports in tennis, he is fond of ship modeling, but his biggest passion is racing.

20.10.2018, 11:15

Diesel Show: biography and line-up / Facabook Diesel Show

It is not the first year that the actors of the "Diesel Show" give fans laughter and entertain not only Ukraine, but also neighboring countries. About his wonderful actors - read on No Taboo

Yana was born in Kyiv on June 8, 1986. She graduated from the acting department of the Kyiv National University of Cinema and Television named after Karpenko-Kary (KNUTKiT). From the first courses of the university, he has been actively filming in popular TV series, a full meter.

Since 2015, her career has been associated with Diesel Studio. On stage, Yana embodies the images of fatal beauties, classic blondes, bureaucrats, wives of oligarchs, and modest intellectuals. All her roles are organic and delight the audience. Yana is called a well-deserved workaholic in the team. She continued to take to the stage in the final months of her pregnancy. And a week after giving birth, along with the “diesels”, she presented a new program, shocking the audience with a slender figure.

“My greatest strength is in working capacity, zeal and perseverance. After all, an officer’s daughter! I have never been served anything on a silver platter.

The actress loves animals and does charity work, saving stray dogs and helping shelters.

Olga Arutunyan

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Olga Arutunyan

Since September 1, 2017, a talented graduate of the Kyiv Theatrical University named after M.V. I. K. Karpenko-Kary, charming brown-haired Olya. She is familiar to viewers for the role of Glasha in the TV series "Woman's Doctor" and work in Ukrainian youth comedies.

First, Olga Harutyunyan got to the casting for the role of the wife of one of the main characters of the comedy series from Diesel Studio. Then she starred in several episodes of the new season of the sketch-com "For Three". And now I received an invitation to the main product of "diesels". The girl conquered the team with her sincerity, hard work and charisma.

Olga Harutyunyan has been at the Youth Theater since 2015. In the performances "The Seagull" (Masha), "Transformation" (Sister), the fairy tale "The Invisible Woman from the Sweet Kingdom" (The Tailor) still plays the main roles.

Evgeny Smorigin

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Evgeny Smorigin

Yevgeny Smorigin was born on January 28, 1979 in Minsk. Here he graduated from the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. But he connected his life with humor, acting and Ukraine.

Eugene has been living in Kyiv for a long time, and in 2007 he married a girl, Lida, a neighbor in the stairwell. Three children grow up in the family: Alexey, Liza and Sasha. By the way, the eldest son followed in the footsteps of his father, performs in the "Diesel Show", starred in the sketch-coma "For Three", a comedy series " daddies and feature films.

A father of many children, a Ukrainian Belarusian and a talented actor of Diesel Studio Evgeny Smorigin tries to spend his free time with his wife and children outside the stage, and he also cross-stitches, knits, and can easily set a festive table. His biggest hobby is singing. Eugene is working on an author's project - he makes arrangements, reproduces musical instruments with his own voice, overlaying voices on top of each other. He created the melodies of the famous songs "Kupalinka", "Cranes", "Fierce Fog", "Tell me, girls, to your girlfriend" ...

"My goal in life is to give people laughter, charge them with positive, so that my work brings as many good emotions as possible," says Evgeny.

The images and roles of Evgeny Smorigin are varied. He plays both the henpecked husband and the general very naturally.

Evgen Gashenko

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Evgeny Gashenko

For Yevgeny Gashenko, humor is not a job, but a way of life. Eugene was born in 1981. Graduated from the Nikolaev branch of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. Eugene has always been creative, even at school he made his classmates laugh with his parodies, retellings of his favorite cartoons.

"Creativity is what distinguishes people from animals. It is a very interesting process - from a small spark in the head, an idea - to its implementation. The most important thing is that it is interesting to me and gives joy to people, helps to overcome difficulties and changes life for the better. I can’t imagine myself separately without my work, without “diesels”, for so many years. Sometimes I think how cool it is for us to work - we make people laugh all the time, create humor and make the audience happy. I myself am happy from this, " - says Yevgeny Gashenko about his favorite work.

Representatives of office plankton, nerds, policemen, mechanics, pilots or customs officers, timid lovers and hackers can recognize themselves in his images ... and in the fall of 2018, viewers will see Evgeny in the comedy series " daddies", in which he played a young husband, future father.

After filming and concerts, Evgeny always hurries home, where his beloved wife Olya (clothing designer) and little son Vanya (born in 2016) are waiting for him.

Oleg Ivanitsa

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Oleg Ivanitsa

Oleg Ivanitsa was born on April 26, 1979 in Khmelnyk, Vinnytsia region. He graduated from the Institute of International Business at the Ternopil Academy, where he played in KVN.

He dreamed of acting since childhood, but he came to the profession quite late - at the age of 30 he quit the prestigious job of a manager of a large company and went to study at the Black Square theater studio.

To the viewer, Oleg is known for his roles in the TV series "Mukhtar", "Female Doctor". Since 2015, he has been an actor in Diesel Studio projects.

"Creativity is real life with boring moments cut out. Real creativity is impossible without real freedom. Creativity is mayonnaise and ketchup in one. Any stupidity, even the most priceless, can be presented as something very valuable if you get creative! I am creative people by 100%," says Oleg.

In the Diesel Show numbers he is a universal actor: his doctors, teachers, judges, like representatives of any profession, are always convincing and kindly funny, ironic and critical.

Oleg Ivanitsa devotes all his free time to his children - his adult daughter Olga, who studies at a university in Poland, and his son Ostap.

Alexander Berezhok

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Alexander Berezhok

Alexander could become a wonderful teacher of history and law, but he became a wonderful actor. He was born on June 14, 1979 in Nikolaev. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Law of the Nikolaev National Pedagogical University named after Sukhomlinsky. He tried many professions - from the driver to the director of the restaurant and the head of the enterprise, but made a choice in favor of acting.

Alexander says that the main thing is to give yourself completely to your favorite business, to develop and not pay attention to critics.

“I don’t watch or read criticism on social networks (which I refused some time ago). I’m more interested in what people say on the streets, how they perceive our jokes. It’s nice that the audience praises us when we meet, thank. that we're doing the right thing!" Alexander proudly affirms.

In the Diesel Studio projects, Alexander Berezhok embodies a variety of images on stage: an unlucky son-in-law, a negligent husband, a father, a plumber, a policeman, a customs officer. The actor holds the record for the "For Three" sketch-com among actors in terms of the number of sketches. During the season, the actor plays about 130 roles!

Also, Alexander Berezhok is the host of the column " Diesel Morning"on the air of the morning television show" Morning in the Big City "on ICTV channel. This is the own development of the Diesel Studio team. The permanent hosts of the" news that bring the weekend closer "are Victoria Bulitko, Alexander Berezhok and Evgeny Gashenko. Periodically, they are joined by colleagues Evgeny Smorigin, Oleg Ivanitsa, Yegor Krutogolov, Yana Glushchenko and Marina Poplavskaya.They tell the latest current news of the country and the world with humor.It is not only interesting, but also very funny!

Alexander knows how to cook, is fond of karting, loves fishing and picnics in the yard of his private house, where friends and colleagues gather.

The wife of Alexander Berezhko is Alena, a brand manager and ex-model, in 2016 they had a son, Gleb.

Egor Krutogolov

Diesel show 2018: composition of the 5th season Yegor Krutogolov

Egor Krutogolov is the motor team, artistic director and actor of the Diesel Studio projects - Diesel Show, Diesel Morning, the sketch-coma For Three.

Egor was born on July 6, 1980 in Nikolaev. There he graduated from the Petr Mohyla Humanitarian University, where he became interested in playing KVN. This passion determined his future fate and led to the creation of his own team, and then his own show.

"The strength of Diesel Studio is in a good team, which consists of trusted people. Everyone is individual, talented and professional in their field. We are friends, and this friendship means a lot to us, despite the fact that we see each other almost daily, are involved in sometimes routine work. But we know how to get together and break walls together, "says Yegor about the team.

Very soon he will appear in new, but very favorite image- father - in the comedy series of his own production "Diesel Studio" " daddies", which will premiere in the fall of 2018. Egor said that he "wrote off" his character from real life.

His reliable rear and outlet is his family. With his wife Katya, they have been together for 12 years, they are raising their son Leo, who at the age of 7 became the champion of Ukraine in karting at his age.

Egor leads an active lifestyle, he is a candidate master of sports in tennis, he is fond of ship modeling, but his biggest passion is racing.

Diesel participant Alexander Berezhok got married in September 2012, and three months ago his wife Alena gave him their first child

The actors of the project "Diesel Show", which this year won in the nomination "Best humorous program", for the first time spoke about their wives.

Egor Krutogolov met his future wife Ekaterina when both were 13 years old. “My friend noticed three pretty girls: Katya, her sister Olya and their friend Tanya. But he was embarrassed to meet himself,” recalls Yegor. “So I decided to turn on the Casanova joker mode, make them laugh and, in fact, introduce each other. He himself left in English, because at that time I myself had a girlfriend. And now, a few years later, the same friend Tanya is getting married, and she invites me and Katya to play the roles of best man and boyfriend. At the same time, she hinted that the closer the witnesses "the stronger the marriage will be. We took this attitude literally and tried to make our friends' marriage as happy as possible." By the way, Ekaterina is a professional photographer, and most of the photos from the Diesel concerts are her work. The couple have a 6-year-old son Leo. According to Krutogolov, there are unchanging values ​​\u200b\u200bin his family - three pillars on which life rests: "This is love, respect and friendship."

Member of "Diesel" Alexander Berezhok married in September 2012, and three months ago, Alena's wife gave him their first child, who was named Gleb. “I met my wife at the event,” says Alexander. “I made fun, and she ordered the event, seated the guests at the tables. We met the day before my birthday. Of course, I invited her to my birthday, but she, of course, did not come. She didn't believe me. So we met the next day, and it kind of started spinning." According to Berezhka, earlier his wife and he had a whole month filled with some interesting and important events: “The day of the first kiss, flower day, male and female days, etc. The last couple of months after the birth of Gleb, of course, we don’t celebrate everything Only the 13th is the day we met, and our son was born on September 13. On this day, I try to make sure that fresh flowers appear in the house. We also try to travel - at least twice a year. " As Alexander admits, he and his wife had many attempts to have a child: "We went through a lot of all sorts of studies. But everything turned out to be much more banal - a child is given when necessary."

dating Evgeny Gashenko with his wife Olga also very exciting. “We met in Kyiv, lived in neighboring houses,” says Evgeny. “I was returning home late in the evening. I see a frustrated girl sitting near the entrance. childhood and climbed into the window of the entrance, opened the door for her. Interest lit up in her eyes, and we agreed to meet the next day. For the first date, we went to Obolonskaya embankment. On the way, I took champagne and, in order not to clink glasses with plastic ones, I bought two beautiful ones.. faceted glasses! And Olya offered to buy ice cream - a delicious cocktail can turn out. And we first put ice cream in glasses, and I began to pour champagne on top - it was a gross mistake! White foam went out of the glass. The next day I came to Olya at work with a bouquet of flowers and a small gift, packed the same glass with a note: "The most ordinary-looking glass, but so many wonderful memories!" an adition to make surprises to each other and collect tender notes". The couple has been together for 5 years and has a 10-month-old son, Ivan.

With his wife Linda Evgeny Smorigin together for over 9 years now. The couple has three children: 7-year-old Lesha, 5-year-old Lisa and 3-year-old Sasha. “I met Lida very interestingly - she was my neighbor. She lived in the house where I rented one of the first apartments in Kyiv. And after a while she moved to my wall,” Zhenya recalls. “She is from Poltava, by profession. She came to build career in Kyiv, finished Narxoz. And most importantly, at the time of our acquaintance, she did not know who I was, in the sense that I play in KVN and that they show me on TV. " According to Smorigin, all three times he was present at the birth of his children, and now he often puts them to bed. “Our family has a wonderful tradition - every Christmas the children and I learn carols, and they go to the neighbors and “sow” them! Last year, the children learned carols for a whole week - and this is five verses, by the way! And now, on January 7, after dress rehearsal, I dressed them in angel costumes, and we went to congratulate the neighbors. The money we earned was enough for a big designer. "

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