Masha Mironova is the true love of Pyotr Grinev and the moral ideal of the writer. The love story of Masha and Grinev The love of Maria Ivanovna and Peter Grinev


First of all, you should consider the image of the main character,. This young man did not succumb to cowardice, he acted like a hero, because even in the most difficult moments of his life he remained faithful to his duty and honor, did not betray his Motherland.

Moreover, it should be noted that the author does not show us his doubts or throwing. And all because they simply do not exist. Deciding one day to follow his convictions and be faithful and devoted to his homeland, Grinev does not deviate from his life position for a second.

But the author invites us to look at the contrast of another image. How does it appear on the pages of the story? This is the exact opposite of Peter. Shvabrin thinks only of himself and his safety. The fate of his native country or the people with whom he spent so much time side by side does not interest him at all. In any situation, his own skin is dearer to him, no matter how rude it may sound.

This hero causes negative emotions also because he is always ready to profit at the expense of others. Such actions do not paint Shvabrin at all, but you need to face the truth: there are a lot of such people, and they live among us.

Manifestations of a proud and honest character can also be seen in the scene of the capture of the fortress by Pugachev. Those who cared about life immediately went over to the side of the impostor. But there were also brave men who, at the cost of their lives, proved their devotion to the Fatherland and the Tsar.

There are few such people, they can literally be counted on the fingers, but that is why their role and contribution to the history of the country is significant. The price of these people is worth their weight in gold, they can raise whole crowds of people to war, convince them, make them follow them. Their warm hearts are based on loyalty to their homeland, and nothing will make them turn off the chosen path.

But the theme of fidelity can be considered not only in relation to the places in which he was born and raised. This theme also applies to the field of love and feelings. And it is shown on the example of the main character,. This fragile and tender girl shows firmness of character. Offers and deals, a marriage of convenience with a hated person - a young girl will endure everything and remain faithful to her chosen lover. She is ready to fight with all her might for a loved one, to come to his defense, fearing nothing. After all, the battle is for pure and real feelings, and this cannot be shameful and wrong.

So, on the pages of the story, those who up to the end defended their principles and beliefs are true: Mironov, Pyotr Grinev, Masha. But variability is shown by those who went over to the side of Pugachev, and, first of all, Shvabrin.

The author bestows gifts on his heroes, who with pride and honor overcame all the trials that fell to their lot. Masha and Peter will be together, they will be happy. And their souls are warmed not only by mutual love and devotion to the flared feelings, but also by the fact that they did not betray themselves, remained faithful to the conscience, the precepts of their parents and their homeland to the end.

The last major work of A.S. Pushkin became his small in volume, but incredibly deep in meaning novel "The Captain's Daughter". The classic himself, who devoted more than one year to writing it, admitted in his diaries that the work became his philosophical and creative testament, in which he managed to reflect all the thoughts that worried him.

The novel itself primarily contains Christian didacticism. He refers the reader to the Gospel of Matthew, to the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ and to his testament to be a true righteous man, to do nothing for show and to carry in your heart love for your neighbor, to remain merciful even with the enemy, to protect honor and dignity. This has been repeatedly noted by literary researchers.

The historian G. Fedotov, for example, called The Captain's Daughter the most Christian work in the entire history of Russian literature. He remarked that this is a story about "quiet righteousness." There is no doubt that the heroine of the novel, Masha Mironova, becomes the bearer of this righteousness.

Despite the fact that the main semantic load falls on the idea of ​​Christian love, Pushkin does not lose sight of romantic love. This is perhaps the most striking and interesting storyline in the work, which makes The Captain's Daughter so attractive even to the modern reader.

The protagonist of the story, Petrusha Grinev, grew up short: he chased pigeons, listened to the stories of the poultry keeper, and rudely scolded his uncle Savelich. Tired of his son's sloppiness, Grinev Sr. sends him "to serve, to sniff gunpowder" to the provincial Belogorsk fortress. Surprisingly, it is there that colossal historical events will unfold, which will play an important role in the life of Petrusha and other heroes. And it is here, in the Belogorsk fortress, that the spoiled, but honest, noble young man will be lucky enough to meet his true love.

At first, Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Captain Mironov, the girl who manages to win Grinev's heart, will not attract his attention. She was not good-looking, she was in poor health and had a sensitive heart. Mother, Vasilisa Egorovna, called her daughter a coward in her eyes and warned that she was afraid of a gunshot.

It is interesting that the characters, who initially appear not in the most favorable light, eventually unite and change each other for the better. Their souls are desperately getting stronger, and the love that has arisen between them leads them to true happiness and salvation.

The love line in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" is complicated by dramatic twists and turns. So, for the first time, Masha shows her character, finding herself marrying her lover without the blessing of his parents. She declares to Grinev that without their approval he, Petrusha, will not be happy. This shows the amazing nobility of the heroine, who is ready to sacrifice her own happiness for the happiness of a loved one.

Later, the tests will become much more terrible: Masha Mironova's parents die at the hands of dastardly rebels, and the girl herself miraculously escapes from the hit - in this episode, the Christocentric motifs of Pushkin's works also appear. Grinev is separated from his beloved. Soon she is captured and finds herself in the clutches of the traitor Shvabrin. He requires the girl's consent to marry him, but Masha, observing the commandment of Christ from the Sermon on the Mount "do not commit adultery in your heart," remains faithful to another. The nobility of her soul appears in the episode where she admits in a frenzy that she is ready to die rather than sell herself to save her body.

The captain's daughter has to seek protection from the rebel Pugachev himself, despite her former "cowardice". Love for Grinev changed the character of Masha Mironova in a colossal way. Against her will, she had to become courageous, strong and courageous, devoted to her lover. When he needs help, it is she, a weak woman, who goes to the capital to do everything in her power to save Pyotr Andreevich.

It is interesting that love in "The Captain's Daughter" acquires a shade of ... militancy! Alexander Sergeevich leads his heroes through many difficult trials, subjecting them to the need to make a difficult moral choice. And in the context of the historical drama, the senseless and merciless Russian rebellion, Masha and Peter seem to deserve spiritual purification. The author seems to arrange the circles of Hell and Purgatory for them, in order to ultimately lead the heroes through pain and suffering to a heavenly life on earth.

It seems that in this novel A.S. Pushkin creates a somewhat exaggerated image of an ideal relationship between a man and a woman - a relationship where harmony, mutual respect and selfless devotion to each other reign, the willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one. The historical background against which this love story unfolds is needed only to more strikingly show the contrast between base feelings - the lust for power, cruelty, etc. - and true love, to which every person on earth should strive.


Subject: A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Masha Mironova, her devotion and loyalty to a loved one

Purpose: to continue work on the content of the story, develop skills in working with the work, improve the ability to determine the main idea of ​​the work and see its reflection in the title, as well as the skills of analyzing a single episode. Continue work on the formation of skills to characterize literary characters. Develop the ability to take part in a collective discussion, discussion, speak out. To contribute to the formation in students of the qualities of character inherent in positive characters.

Equipment: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, a reproduction of one of the portraits of CatherineIIbrushes by V. Borovikovsky, drawing by S. Gerasimov, 1951

On the coffee table is a photo exhibition (45 sheets) “A.S. Pushkin"; A. Sakharov, S. Troitsky "The living word in history"; IN AND. Buganov "Emelyan Pugachev"; bibliographic dictionary "Russian writers"; "100 Great Names" - "A.S. Pushkin", "EkaterinaII, creativeworkstudents.

On the board there is an inscription “Is it possible to attribute the epigraph “Take care of honor from a young age” to Masha Mironova?”. “Why did A.S. Pushkin give the name to his creation “The Captain's Daughter”? Do you agree with the author's version?

On each desk, each student has a plan for the characteristics of a literary work, a draft.

The furniture is arranged in the form of a "Discussion Club" (contributes to individual work, group work, pair work, discussion).

Lesson type: combined.


During the classes

I . organizational stage.

1. Announcement of the topic, purpose, lesson program.

II . Checking homework.

1. Work on cards.

    What is a historical story? Prove that The Captain's Daughter is a historical story. You can use the map.

    How did the commandant and his wife die?

    Why didn't Pugachev execute Grinev?

    Who did Pugachev pretend to be?

    Why was Grinev arrested and brought before a military court?

    What is the role of epigraphs to chapters? In particular, "Take care of honor from a young age"?

2. Individually.

    Reading a written essay-reasoning (miniature) “What attracts me in the image of Grinev?”

    Reading by heart an excerpt from the story.

3. The result of checking homework.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Of course, the heroine Masha Mironova, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress, attracts our attention. I noted for myself in previous lessons your sympathy for her.

As a result of the study of the text, we need to collect material for an oral essay-characteristics, which will be your homework. You have a plan in front of you. Please make notes on drafts. I expect from you at the end of the lesson an outline, a draft version of the characteristics. I remind you that you need to speak conclusively, argued.

2. Analytical conversation on the content.

    So, what is she, Masha Mironova? What we see the heroine for the first time? Draw her portrait. What does it mean to paint a portrait? How did her relationship with young people develop: Shvabrin and Grinev? Why? (Dialogue between Marya Ivanovna and Pyotr Grinev).

    Grineva fell in love with Masha and offered her a hand and a heart. Did she agree? Under what condition? What character trait does this indicate? (Education, delicacy).

    How are events unfolding in the fortress? Why didn't the girl leave? Why did the father order to put a sundress on his daughter?

Physical education minute

    How did Masha's life turn out in the fortress occupied by the rebels? Selective reading.

    And again Shvabrin, but already on the side of the rebels. Here it is salvation! Should I agree to be his wife? (Loyalty and fidelity to a loved one).

    Where do we find Masha after the suppression of the rebellion? Where did fate bring the heroine? How does she live in the house of her beloved parents? (The ability to find a common language, respectful respect for elders).

    What worries Masha? What thought does not leave her? And what does she decide? (A request from the empress for mercy to her fiancé).

    Let's reproduce the episode of the meeting with the Empress (staged dialogue).

    Do you think she knew she was talking to the empress? (Delicacy, female intuition, the ability to assess the situation).

3. Generalization and conclusions.

    What is she, Masha Mironova? What character traits does he have? Let's list what we recorded.

    I will name a few. If you disagree, remove the excess. Masha Mironova is modest, decisive, selfish, independent, limited (narrow outlook, with little knowledge, with narrow interests ...).

4. Oral essay-characteristics, compiled by students.

5. Reception "Microphone".

    Can the epigraph "Take care of honor from a young age" be attributed to Masha Mironova? Prove it. (True to the word, devoted, the real daughter of her parents, who carried the feeling of love not tainted).

    What impression did Masha make on you at the beginning of the work and how is her character revealed in love for Grinev?

    The story is called "The Captain's Daughter". Do you agree with the author's version?

teacher's word

This is one of the most beautiful female images in classical literature ... A worthy daughter of her parents. Humane, devoted, sincere, vulgarity is alien to her, possessing a sense of dignity, able to perform an act for the sake of a loved one. We will meet more interesting female images in literature.

The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" tells about the distant dramatic events that took place in Russia in the 18th century - a peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev. Against the backdrop of these events, the story of the true and devoted love of two young people, Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova, unfolds.

BUTa╪b╓╟, located forty kilometers from Orenburg.commandantThe fortress was captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov. Here, in the fortress, Pyotr Grinev meets his love - Masha Mironova, the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, a girl "about eighteen years old, chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, smoothly combed behind her ears." Here, in the garrison, lived another officer exiled for a duel - Shvabrin. He was in love with Masha, wooed her, but was refused. Vengeful and evil by nature, Shvabrin could not forgive the girl for this, tried to humiliate her in every possible way, spoke obscene things about Masha. Grinev stood up for the honor of the girl and called Shvabrin a scoundrel, for which he challenged him to a duel. In the duel, Grinev was seriously wounded and, after being wounded, was in the Mironovs' house.

Masha diligently looked after him. When Grinev recovered from his wound, he declared his love to Masha. She, in turn, told him about her feelings for him. It seemed that they had cloudless happiness ahead. But the love of young people still had to go through many tests. At first, Grinev's father refused to give his son his blessing for his marriage to Masha, on the grounds that Peter, instead of worthily serving the Fatherland, was engaged in childishness - fighting a duel with a tomboy like himself. Masha, loving Grinev, never wanted to marry him without the consent of her parents. There was a quarrel between the lovers. Suffering from love and from the fact that his happiness could not take place, Grinev did not suspect that much more difficult trials awaited them ahead. "Pugachevshchina" has reached the Belogorsk fortress. Its small garrison fought courageously and bravely, without changing the oath, but the forces were unequal. The fortress fell. After the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by the rebels, all the officers, including the commandant, were executed. Masha's mother, Vasilisa Yegorovna, also died, and she herself miraculously survived, but fell into the hands of Shvabrin, who kept her locked up, persuading her to marry. Remaining faithful to her lover, Masha decided to die, but not to become the wife of the hated Shvabrin. Having learned about Masha's cruel fate, Grinev, risking his own life, begs Pugachev to release Masha, passing her off as the daughter of a priest. But Shvabrin tells Pugachev that Masha is the daughter of the deceased commandant of the fortress. With incredible efforts, Grinev nevertheless managed to save her and send her along with Savelich to. estate to their parents. It would seem that a happy ending should finally come. However, the tests of lovers did not end there. Grinev is arrested, accused of being at one with the rebels, and an unfair sentence is passed: to be exiled to an eternal settlement in Siberia. Upon learning of this, Masha goes to St. Petersburg, where she hoped to find protection from the empress as the daughter of a man who suffered for his loyalty to the empress. Where did this timid provincial girl, who had never been in the capital, come up with such strength, such courage? Love gave her these strengths, this courage. She helped her get justice. Petr Grinev was released and all charges against him were dropped. So true, devoted love helped the heroes of the story endure all the hardships and trials that fell to their lot.

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