Maslenitsa: games and fun. Shrovetide traditions: rituals, games, fun


Any Orthodox holiday has its own traditions and customs. The traditional celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most fun and fun days of the year. In addition, Shrove Tuesday includes a variety of rituals and customs that are still customary to perform.

The culmination of this week is Maslenitsa. On this day, it is not customary to do household chores. It is necessary to gather in squares and parks, take part in numerous ordinary contests and games. A fun celebration of seeing off winter can be arranged on your own. To do this, you will need to prepare in advance a variety of games and competitions for Shrovetide for children and adults.

Shrovetide skating

Skating on Maslenitsa is a traditional pastime. They began to arrange even during the reign of Elizabeth. This is not just fun fun and most often the last opportunity to have a good time on the snowy slopes, but also an ancient rite. It is believed that the more times you slide down the mountain, the higher the flax will be.

The mountain for skiing is equipped with unusual turrets, on which flags are set. Unusual statues made of ice and snow are installed as a barrier on both sides. The rides are extremely fun. They can arrange competitions for the most unusual vehicle to go down the hill. Fun competitions can also be held on the slides for the longest chain of people moving down, as well as for the longest distance.


A popular game at the Shrovetide festivities, in which young girls and marriageable parks take part. All sections are taken by hand, forming a corridor. The task of the site-guy is to take a run and jump as high as possible, and then independently fly as close as possible to the girl you like. If he failed, his comrades can help him get to the chosen one. The main task is to get to the girl and kiss her. If you take too much run-up, you can fly over, so not everyone can succeed the first time.

snow maze

If the weather is snowy and frosty, you can hold Maslenitsa competitions on the street for children and adults using snow. For example, you can build a maze of snow. This will require a fairly large and snowy area, on which, according to the scheme, you can tread paths with the help of shovels and brooms.

The labyrinth can be either rectangular or round, and must necessarily have a separate entrance and exit. Snow from the tracks must be applied to those areas that will be the walls of the labyrinth. The height of the walls must be at least one meter. The higher the height of the walls, the more interesting it is to travel through the labyrinth. After building the labyrinth, you can come up with various contests, for example, for the fastest passage through it.

Bag fight

One of the most favorite Shrovetide fun for men and guys. For the fight, the area where the competition will take place is preliminarily fenced off. The fight takes place between two opponents. Each of them becomes legs and a bag, holding it from behind and pressing it to the lower back. Thus, only one free hand is used for combat.

tug of war

Favorite competition, which is traditionally held at various folk festivals. They organize a tug-of-war on Maslenitsa. However, on this holiday, the participants stand with their backs to each other, and it is in this position that they measure their strength.

ice pillar

Traditional Maslenitsa competition. The column is doused with water so that it is covered with a crust of ice. Gifts are hung at the top of the post. In this case, gifts can be hung at various distances from the ground. The higher the gift hangs, the more valuable it should be.

Everyone in turn tries to climb the pole, but climbing on an icy surface is quite difficult. The game continues until all gifts have been obtained. Holding this competition allows participants to receive valuable and pleasant gifts, and for everyone else to laugh heartily and cheer on the participants.

snow shooting range

A great alternative to the regular dash. Wooden boards, barrel lids or other round objects can be used as targets. The target should be about a meter in diameter, but targets of smaller circumference can also be used.

Draw concentric circles on the target. Shields can be attached to a wall, fence or hung on a pole. Everyone can test their accuracy using snowballs. This fun is absolutely safe, so even children can take part in it. The most accurate participant can be given a prize.

Throwing snowstorm

Very cheerful Russian fun, which is also popular on Maslenitsa. The essence of the competition is that you need to take a broom and throw it as far as possible. You should first draw a line beyond which you cannot go and prepare a runway. The participant who threw the broom furthest should be given a prize. Everyone can take part in the competition, including children.

real men competition

On Maslenitsa, young boys and girls looked after themselves for a couple, so that after the end of the post they would get married. Therefore, the girls tried to pick up a new and beautiful outfit for themselves, and the guys tried to show their strength and skill.

Therefore, all competitions in which young guys can show their strength are so popular. One of them is the kettlebell push-up competition with the left and right hand. The winner of the competition is the participant who managed to overcome the total number of times. Before the competition, it is recommended to divide the participants into weight categories, and prepare kettlebells of different weights for each group.

Running on three legs

An excellent competition option for those who are looking for fun Maslenitsa contests. For the competition, those who wish are divided into two teams, and the participants of each team are divided into pairs. Each couple has their legs tied so that the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other. Thus, it turns out that each pair has all three legs.

A distance is prepared in advance, which is recommended to be marked with flags or other landmarks. A pair on three legs runs to the end of the distance, turns around and comes back. Then the next pair starts to run. The competition is won by the team whose participants finish the run the fastest.

pancake eating competition

If you're looking for pancake contests for Shrovetide on the street, check out the popular pancake eating contest. To conduct it, several participants must be selected in advance. The essence of the competition is to eat as many pancakes as possible in a certain time. It can be done according to the principle of how many pancakes were eaten in a minute, or how long a certain number of pancakes will be eaten. The winner should prepare a funny prize.

Handkerchief for a girlfriend

Another competition that will help girls and young people show their sympathy. It is necessary to install a gate with an inclined crossbar. On them you need to hang multi-colored handkerchiefs at different heights.

The participants of the competition are unmarried guys. They take turns jumping up to the crossbar to rip off the handkerchief. After that, the guy says the name of the girl he likes, she comes up to him to pick up the handkerchief. If the girl did not have the same feelings for the young man, then she did not go out to pick up the handkerchief.

wall to wall

Traditional Maslenitsa fun. It consists in the competition of two teams of young people. This is not a fight, but rather bullying and flirting. For an hour, fighters from different teams shout battle cries, taunt opponents and emphasize their advantages. After that, the fighters stand opposite each other, and the duel begins. In the old days, after such fights, the guys left in torn shirts, not to mention the presence of bruises and abrasions. The meaning of the fight was not to inflict serious injuries on each other, but to show their superiority over opponents and throw out energy. Traditionally, unmarried girls watched the fun in order to choose the most courageous and strong man for themselves.

  1. Game "Dawn":
  2. Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - "dawn" walks behind with a ribbon and says:

    Dawn - lightning,
    red maiden,
    Walked across the field
    Dropped the keys
    golden keys,
    blue ribbons,
    entwined rings -
    Went for water!

    With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game is repeated. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

  3. "Mail":
  4. The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

    Ding, ding, ding!
    - Who's there?
    - Mail!
    - Where?
    - From the city …
    - What are they doing in the city?

    The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly, gives a phantom. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. The players, whose forfeits are with the driver, must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children count poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated.

  5. Game "Give a handkerchief of sympathy":
  6. A gate with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are hung on thin threads, at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump up and rip off one of the handkerchiefs, and then name the girl and give her their torn one.

  7. "Petushki":
  8. A circle is drawn on the site. There are two players in a circle. Each of the players stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, supports it by the heel with one hand. The task of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (Push each other with shoulders.)

  9. "Malechen-Kalechina":
  10. The players choose the driver.
    Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says these words:

    Malechena - kalechina,
    What time is it
    Left until the evening
    Before winter?

    After the words "Before the winter?" put the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: "One, two, three, ... ten." The one who holds the item the longest wins. The host can give different tasks: while holding a stick, the players must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.


  1. Cherry game:
  2. Fun for young guys and girls of marriageable age. The main thing is to take a longer run, fly higher and farther away, and there the hands of your comrades will reach you to the girl, whom you will kiss. After flying through the waves from clasped hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be especially sensual. The main thing is to slow down in time, otherwise you will fly over.

  3. The game of "slaps":
  4. Good old fun. A narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to deliver hard blows with a tense arm. One of the participants tried to do this, and even with his fist, which is against the rules, but he got worse - he became a victim of his own outstanding inertia and a narrow bench and flew to the ground.

  5. "Bag fight":
  6. To fight with bags, you need to fence the site. This type of wrestling, where one hand must be held tightly pressed to the lower back, can be operated with only one hand. Here, the ability to move, to feel the movement of the enemy, to use his inertia becomes more important.

  7. "Snow Maze":
  8. On an ice or snow site, a labyrinth scheme is preliminarily drawn in the form of a square or circle with two exits on opposite sides. First, the inner sectors of the labyrinth are laid out with snow, then, moving from the center to the edges, the walls. They should not be high (up to 1 m) so that it is easy to find someone who got lost in the maze. The width of the passages is 80-100 cm. If there is a lot of snow, you can make a labyrinth by removing the snow with a shovel and laying it on the sides of the passages. You can not build a labyrinth, but trample intricate passages on the site.

  9. Fun "Snow shooting gallery":
  10. In the winter town, you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields 1 * 1 m in size with concentric circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. Probably, it is worth making a special wall of the shooting gallery, on which you can put targets, their guys will shoot down with snowballs.

  11. "Snow Hill":
  12. The height of the slide can be different, the presence of a large space is important here. The corner of the slide should be three to four times its height in length. The width of the site where the guys are preparing for the descent, and the paths on the roll - at least 1 m, and the width of the toboggan track - 1.5 m. To make a slide, you need to roll up snowballs during the thaw and pile them up. Then compact the snow with your feet or with a shovel, cut off excess snow and make a barrier or ladder out of it. Pour the hill with cold water, otherwise thawed patches may form. You can build a more complex slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorative arches. The difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m.

  13. "Ice carousel":
  14. This attraction is very popular with children. A pillar, into the upper end of which a metal rod (for example, a crowbar) is driven in, is dug into the ground or frozen into ice. Its height is 70-80 cm. Then an old (or specially made) wheel is mounted on a metal one. Long poles are fastened to the wheel with wire or nailed, and a sled is tied to them. The path along which the sleigh will be rolled is cleared of snow and filled with water. For greater stability, the sled can be made wide (60-90 cm) or two sleds can be fastened together. Around the pillar, snow is sprinkled with ash or sand so that it is not slippery for the guys who will spin the carousel.

  15. "Ice Pillar":
  16. A high pole was placed on Shrovetide, then it was poured with cold water and gifts were hung on the icy pole at different distances from each other. Players must try to climb this pillar, but they slide off it, and the winner is the one who tries harder and harder to overcome obstacles in order to reach the end and get the most expensive prize.

  17. "Pole riding":
  18. This folk pastime was once widespread in the wooded provinces of Russia. Some other peoples also arranged it. On the slope of a mountain or mound, sometimes specially plundered from snow and tightly packed, two even, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed under the slope parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. "to each pole one or more more, bringing the length to 50 meters or more. But the joints must be very strong and smooth so that when you pass your hand you do not feel a noticeable ledge or gap. It turns out, as it were, two smooth rails along which you can roll down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly poured with water so that they freeze solid and become slippery. They pour in and roll out the area well, along which those who have moved down the poles will roll. Whoever wants to ride on the poles picks up a partner of approximately the same height and weight. It is desirable that both of them have shoes with heels, which help to keep more stable on the pole and not slip off it. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands by the shoulders or waist. However, the methods can be very different, if only to resist the rapid slide down. The coordination of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, courage allow some to ride in the most remote and comic poses. This is a beautiful folk spectacle for a winter holiday. Young people and teenagers are especially fond of riding on poles.

  19. "Tug of War":
  20. Let it be not quite traditional for Maslenitsa. The preparation is like in the usual tug-of-war, but the teams take it, standing with their backs to each other.


  1. "Three Legs":
  2. The players are divided into pairs, each pair is tied with legs (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). Parana "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.

  3. Competition "Wheelbarrow":
  4. Team relay where pairing is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - a freight transport with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will play the hands, and the handles - the legs. On command, the player - "wheelbarrow" lies down on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "wheelbarrow" is parallel to the ground. The wheelbarrow, moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and return back, where another wheelbarrow is already ready to move.

  5. "Stilts":
  6. Walk a certain distance on stilts, stepping into circles with a diameter of 50-60 cm and go back.

  7. "Russian broom":
  8. Comic superiority in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

  9. "Who is faster on a broomstick":
  10. Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

  11. "Broom on forehead":
  12. Now try to vilify on your forehead as long as possible.

  13. "Russian beauty":
  14. The girls first pass in a round dance, showing their costumes. Then they pass with a yoke and full buckets of water, show their position, gait.

  15. "Russian sauna":
  16. With a bath dry broom, "steam" the enemy, who will beat the broom about him faster.

The long-awaited Maslenitsa delights us for a whole week with delicious pancakes and pancakes, folk festivals and a perky mood. Everyone has already missed the magnificent celebration after the long-gone New Year's days. And now a string of games and amusements for Shrovetide brings back fun and carelessness to us. Seeing off winter can be accompanied by countless entertainments, which we will now understand.

Ancient traditions of folk festivals

The primordially Slavic, pagan holiday Shrovetide has existed since ancient times, when one-story carved huts covered the ground, ruddy women walked in beautiful flower scarves, and men in embroidered shirts, and the day began with the cry of early roosters.

The colorful culture of the ancient Slavs is full of mysteries, mysticism and folk wisdom. The ability to have fun on a grand scale and generosity is an important feature of the people. After all, only after a good rest, you can count on excellent performance in the future, and this is a guarantee of rich harvests and all sorts of abundance. Therefore, the Slavs did not limit themselves either in food or in entertainment on the days of Maslenitsa.

And whoever spent this time sparingly and boringly, according to popular belief, the whole next year was not very lucky.

So, what were the winter fun of our ancestors:

Modern carnival fun

Many of today's carnival games have migrated from the past. Men and women put on traditional folk clothes, musicians take out an accordion, bells and whistles. Songs, dances, competitions and fun fill the cities. The warmer days lure many people out into the street, and homebodies invite friends and relatives to a home holiday, where it is also easy to arrange themed show jumping.

It's good when there is a leader who knows about all kinds of games and relay races. He says a preface about the holiday, its history, and then the fun begins:

Being indoors, competitions are selected less mobile. For example, “A merry tambourine” is a game when those sitting at the table pass a children's tambourine to each other, while a counting rhyme is said in chorus like: “Roll a merry tambourine on your hands as soon as possible. Whoever has it left will sing and dance for us!” The loser needs to dance and sing, entertaining the company.

Street competitions are usually arranged for strength and dexterity, often of a ritual nature. For example, for tug-of-war, two teams are given the names "Winter" and "Spring". Joyfully, if "Spring" wins, then we can continue the celebration.

Other sports games for carnival may be:

Those with a sweet tooth will love the competition for the speed of eating pancakes or pancakes. Housewives can compete in the number and variety of cooked pancakes.

  1. "Three legs". The game begins like this: the participants are divided into two, each pair of legs are tied together (the left leg of one person and the right of the other). As a result, with the help of three “limbs”, the couple tries to reach the finish line as soon as possible.
  2. "Wheelbarrow". Competition in pairs: one person plays the role of a wheelbarrow, resting his hands on the floor, the other holds his legs, playing the role of a driver. On command, this "structure" begins to move to the coveted finish line, overtaking the others.
  3. "Movement on a broom". Skittles are arranged in a row on the site, and you need to run between them on a broomstick, knocking down as few of them as possible.

Street games on Maslenitsa - video

Games for Maslenitsa in kindergarten

Kids love the fun week of Maslenitsa. To create a festive mood for them, kindergarten teachers organize special contests with gifts:

  • Shrovetide burners will help keep children warm during a walk.

The game starts with a stream. The children are asked to split into pairs and stand in a row. Children, holding on to the handles, lift them up. The very last couple starts to run in the resulting corridor under clasped hands and stands in front.

After each couple runs through the stream, they all sing the song “Burn, burn clearly!” together. And then the couple standing first scatters, and the driver must catch one person. If the children managed to run to the end of the row and join hands again, the driver continues to catch the next pair. And if one participant was caught, then the driver goes with him to the end of the stream. The one who has lost a pair becomes the leader.

  • Dawn.

For the game you need to prepare a bright satin ribbon. Children form a large circle and hide their hands behind their backs. The leader walks through the round dance, holding a ribbon or a bright scarf in his hands and singing a song about the dawn. Having finished singing the verse, he stops and leaves a bright ribbon on the shoulder of a nearby participant and runs away.

who is left with the tape, you need to run in the opposite direction in order to take your place faster than the driver.

Having managed to take the abandoned place, the participant remains in the round dance, and if the leader is the first, then the loser now plays the role of "Dawn".

  • Snow fortress.

If you are lucky enough to catch a lot of snow on Maslenitsa, you can play this exciting game. The children are divided into teams, and each team makes their battle fortifications and snow shells out of snow. At the signal of an adult, the children attack the fortresses of opponents with snowballs. The team whose fortress is destroyed first loses.

This mobile game requires not only accuracy, but also caution.

For safety reasons, before the start, the teacher proclaims the rule: you cannot throw snow in the face of other children, otherwise you will have to leave the team.

  • Shrovetide fights.

“Swords” are being prepared for children: balloons in the form of sticks are inflated. In this way, the guys have fun and safely play the fight.

  • Competition "Snowdrops".

To start
you need to prepare a large number of artificial flowers or colored balls for the street. Children are divided into two teams. Funny verses about spring are sung in chorus, while the driver scatters flowers across the snow. As soon as the song stops, the guys rush to pick flowers. The team with the largest bouquet or more balloons wins.

Fun for schoolchildren

Children of primary school age will also be happy with kindergarten games. You can also pick up Shrovetide fun that is suitable for all ages.

Such games were invented for schoolchildren for Shrove Tuesday:

  • Rope pulling.

The most ancient Shrovetide game can be organized for children. To make it even more fun, instead of the usual rope, they take a rubber hose.

The teacher divides the children into two equal teams using a rhyme. A bright line is drawn on the snow with the help of paints. The referee blows his whistle and the tug-of-war begins. The guys can stand in an unusual way - with their backs to the line, to make it more interesting. The group of children who stepped outside the line loses.

  • Wheel.

On Maslenitsa week there was a tradition to roll a burning wheel down a hill. Whose wheel rolls further, fate promises great luck.

For schoolchildren, the fun is somewhat modified. A row of skittles is placed on the site. Two wooden wheels are taken, which are given to two teams of schoolchildren. The guys stand next to each other, and take turns rolling the wheel between the skittles. The relay ends when the first team of participants rolls and returns the wheel to the start.

  • Ropes.

Sports This fun will be very popular with girls.

The same rope or a long strong rope is taken. Two adults (or the guys themselves, if they are strong enough) begin to twist this rope. The rest run and jump over it.

The counting person notices who jumped over the rope more times and announces the winner.

This fun is accompanied by songs and ditties, you can specifically turn on the tape recorder.

  • Ice hill.

For children, a slide is prepared in advance: it is leveled and filled with water for the night, the sides are formed.

  • King of the Mountain

One schoolboy climbs a not very high hill from the snow and is proclaimed the king of the mountain. The rest of the kids are trying to climb to the top to throw off the self-proclaimed and take his place. Fun and active wrestling must be safe: it is forbidden to fight and push roughly. Previously, schoolchildren are given the task to learn the poem "King of the Hill" by the author E. Uspensky.

At school, in a literature lesson, you can ask to write your own rhyme, in which the presence of these words is mandatory: Shrovetide, spring, pancake, sun, winter.

Whoever composes the best work will receive a prize or several excellent marks.

Adults can organize a cooking lesson for schoolchildren, because learning how to cook delicious pancakes and fritters is very exciting. The one who made the most beautiful and delicious pancake will get an incentive prize, and the rest of the participants will also receive obligatory sweet gifts.

Maslenitsa is always bright and joyful, on the street or at home, it warms and unites the hearts of people. From kindergarten and school, it is imperative to instill this good tradition of celebrating with the help of games and gifts.

Once the richest holiday of the Slavs, it is not forgotten now, because carnival fun and all sorts of competitions awaken in the souls of people fantasies about ancient times, when everyone just loved to have fun and rejoice at the imminent onset of blooming spring.


This game requires a ribbon. First you need to choose the "dawn" - one person, the method of choice is at your discretion. Then the rest of the participants form a circle, and hands must be kept behind their backs. "Dawn" with a ribbon in his hand walks behind the circle and says:
Dawn - lightning,
red maiden,
Walked across the field
Dropped the keys
golden keys,
blue ribbons,
entwined rings -
Went for water!
With the last phrase, "dawn" carefully puts the ribbon on the shoulder of the player, who, noticing the ribbon, quickly takes it, and both players scatter in a circle in different directions. The player who did not have time to take a free place in the circle becomes the new “dawn”. The actions of the game are repeated. Some rules of the game: do not cross the circle when running, players should not turn around while the "dawn" is driving and putting the tape on his shoulder.

The game begins with a dialogue between the driver and the players:
- Ding, ding, ding!
- Who's there?
- Mail!
- Where?
- From the city…
What are they doing in that city?
The driver answers what they are doing in the city, it can be: they dance, sing songs, jump, squat. The rest of the players do what the leader said. The driver determines the player who, in his opinion, completed the task worst of all. This player gives the driver a phantom. As soon as the driver has 5 forfeits, this stage of the game ends. The former owners of phantoms must redeem them from the driver. The cost of a fanta is an interesting task invented by the driver. For example, read a verse, sing a ditty, make a riddle, imitate the movement of animals, sing a song, etc. After choosing a new driver, the game can be repeated.

Give a handkerchief of sympathy
The game requires little preparation, a goal must be set up on the court, and the crossbar must be set at an angle. On the crossbar, at different heights, attach multi-colored handkerchiefs with threads. The participants of the game need to run up and jump up to the crossbar, tear off one handkerchief. Participants call the name of the girls and give them torn handkerchiefs with their own hands.

A circle is drawn on the playground. Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, the second is bent at the knee, and it must be held by the heel with one hand. Players with their shoulders, standing on one leg and not helping with their free hand, must push the opponent out of the circle.

First choose the driver.
The rest of the participants in the game are armed with small sticks (no more than 30 cm in length) and say the following:
Malechena - kalechina,
What time is it
Left until the evening
Before winter?
When are the last words: “Until winter?” pronounced, the players place the wand on any finger or palm. After all the players have installed the sticks, the host starts the countdown: "One, two, ... ten." The winner is the one who managed to hold the wand the longest. Moreover, the players are not easy to stand with sticks, but at the direction of the driver, they walk, squat, turn in different directions, etc.


Game "Cherry"
Fun is intended for young creatures - guys and girls of marriageable age. Players form an impressive corridor of clasped hands. The task of the “cherry taster” is to take a good run, jump higher and fly far away on their own, then with the help of the hands of their comrades, get to the right girl. The sensuality of the kiss is enhanced by the multi-meter flight along man-made waves, the main thing is to have time to turn on the brakes in time, otherwise you can fly past the desired lips.

The game of "slaps"
Old-fashioned men's good fun. Two players sit face to face on a narrow bench with their legs crossed under the bench. Players exchange "slaps". A narrow bench and legs in the form of a cross under it do not allow you to swing much. One smart guy wanted to drive in with his fist (which is against the rules), but the laws of inertia prevented him - he met the ground.

Bag fight
Fun prefers men. For this fight, you need to fence the site. The rules of warfare require you to hold one hand tightly, pressing it to your lower back, you can only use one hand to wield a bag. For a successful battle, you will have to skillfully and deftly move, feel the enemy, his movement, skillfully use his inertia to your advantage.

snow maze
This fun is for snowy areas. First you need to think over the scheme of the labyrinth, which is applied to the snow or ice area. The labyrinth can have a rounded or square shape and there are always two exits in opposite directions. Then, starting from the center and moving to the edges, they lay out the inner sectors with snow, then the walls. It is better to lay out the walls no higher than 1 m, so as not to look for those lost in the snow labyrinth for a long time. It is preferable to make the width of the passages also about 1 m. If the amount of snow allows, you can simply dig out the labyrinth, stacking excess snow outside the labyrinth. You can not engage in construction, but simply trample intricate passages in a certain area.

snow shooting range
For the presence of permanent targets, it is possible to install stationary structures in the winter town. The best solution would be wooden shields. A size of 1 * 1 m is quite enough, draw concentric circles of various diameters (30, 60, 90) cm on the shields. There are several options for fastening the shields: a blank wall, a fence or dug poles. It would be advisable to make a special wall of the shooting gallery, where you can place targets that the guys will be happy to shoot down with snowballs.

snow Hill
For the construction of a snow slide, a large space is required. You can make the height of the building different. The length of the corner of the slide should exceed its height by 3-4 times. Several recommended sizes in width: toboggan track - 1.5 m, a preparatory platform for descent and paths on a roll - 1 m. When the thaw comes, you need to roll up snowballs, which are put in a pile. Then, with the help of legs or a shovel, compact the snow, cut off the excess, you can make a ladder or barrier out of it. To prevent the occurrence of thawed patches, the slide must be poured with cold water. When building a slide, you can make turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorate with decorative arches. A difference of 3-5 m distinguishes the start level from the finish level.

ice carousel
Such a carousel has gained fame among children. We need a pillar (log) 70 - 80 cm high, which is either frozen into the ice or dug into the ground. But, first, a metal rod is driven into the upper end of the column, scrap is quite suitable. A wheel of a suitable diameter is mounted on the rod, you can use a specially made or used one. A long pole is nailed or screwed with wire to the wheel. And already the sled is tied to the pole. For the stability of the sled, it is better to make them 60 - 90 cm wide, or fasten two sleds together. The path along which the sleigh will roll should be well cleared of snow and filled with water. And the area near the pillar should be sprinkled with sand or ash so that the guys swinging the carousel do not slip.

ice pillar
Old fun for Shrovetide. To organize the fun, a high pole is required, which must be doused with cold water, and gifts should be hung on the icy pole. Moreover, there should be a different distance between gifts and the higher the gift, the more expensive it is. Those wishing to pluck gifts will have to climb on it. Not everyone manages to climb the icy surface, the winner is the one who still manages to overcome the ice obstacle and break the last top valuable prize.

Pole riding (poles)
Once this fun was popular among the inhabitants of the forested provinces of Russia. In this way, other peoples also amused themselves. To organize the fun, you need a mountain slope or a homemade mound of densely packed snow and at least 2 smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long. Next, the poles are laid parallel to each other under the slope, the distance between them should be 1 meter. Ancient craftsmen could attach one more and one more to the pole, increasing the length of the structure to 50 meters, or even more. It is very important that the junction of the poles be very strong and smooth; when you run your hand over the junction, not the slightest ledge or gap should be felt. The result should be two smooth rails so that you can roll down the mountain along them. The poles are watered several times until they freeze well and become slippery. Also, the platform, which will meet the comers who have moved out on the poles, should be flooded and well rocked. Those who wish (a couple) to ride the poles must be of the same height and from the same weight category. And one more requirement for shoes, it must be with heels, they will help to keep stable on the poles and not slip off them. The partners stand on the poles facing each other and support each other in various ways, the easiest way is to support the waist or shoulders with your hands, the main thing is to resist during the downhill descent. Spectators can observe, with a successful descent, the most bizarre and comic poses of a bold couple, provided that they have ingenuity, courage, know how to keep balance and apply coordination in actions. Such skating is a hobby for young people and teenagers.

tug of war
On Maslenitsa, you can move away from the traditional tug of war. Everything, as in the usual tug-of-war, except for the position of the teams - they stand with their backs to each other, in this position they measure their strength.

three legs
Required attributes: start line, flag and rope. Teams are divided into pairs. From each pair they make a "three-legged player". Why the right leg of one partner is connected with a rope to the left leg of the second partner. The "three-legged" pair must run to the flag, turn around and return to the start line. Then the next pair runs.

A fun team relay race that requires the team to be split into pairs. One player from a pair will have to turn into a wheelbarrow. The player's legs act as the handles of the wheelbarrow, and the player's hands instead of the wheel. At the whistle (command), the "wheelbarrow" lies on the floor, resting on his hands. The partner, who is also the driver, takes the “wheelbarrow” (legs of the partner) by the handles, while the body of the “wheelbarrow” should be parallel to the floor. The “wheelbarrow”, supported by the driver by the legs, moves on his hands (rides) to the turning flag, turns around and returns to the start line, where he passes the baton to a new “wheelbarrow” that is already ready to go.

To make stilts, bars with the following characteristics are needed: a length of 2-2.5 m and a cross section of 40 by 50 mm. From one end of the bar at a distance of 30-40 cm, blocks are nailed to stop the legs. Competition equipment is ready.
How can you compete on stilts?

For the contest, set a certain distance (start and turning flag) and draw circles along the way, the diameter of which should be 50-60 cm.
- At a given distance (narrow path), skittles are placed in different places, you can use towns or wooden chocks. Competitors on stilts must overcome the track in both directions without hitting, let alone knocking over a single skittle.
- It is necessary to walk a given distance (15-20 m) with the least number of steps. In order to be able to take a small step on stilts, you need to spread your legs wide apart, which is very difficult to do on stilts.

These fairly simple designs can replace stilts in competitions. For the production of pillar walkers, you need round logs with a diameter of 10-15 cm and pieces of a strong rope (the length of the piece is from legs to arms, located at the seams). In the upper part of the log (pillar), drill a hole into which to thread the rope. The ends of the ropes must be held in your hands; when walking, they help to rearrange the legs along with the pillar walkers. Competitions on stilts can be safely held on pole walkers. Instead of pins, chocks and towns, you can use large tin cans.

The competition is quite old, even in the circus they performed with such numbers. For fair judging, the contestants are divided into weight categories. In order not to be offended by different groups of contestants, for each group the weights can also be of different weights. The winner can be determined in different categories:
- Left hand press
- Right arm press
- Total bench press with both hands.

Russian broom
Russian comic competition for the championship in throwing a broom for a distance. Throwing a broom is more convenient without a shaft.

Fastest on a broomstick
On a certain territory, skittles are put in a chain. The task of the contestants is to saddle a broom and ride like a snake in this form without knocking down the skittles. Whoever knocks down the pins the least is the winner.

Broom on the forehead
After throwing and running, just wear it on your forehead. The winner is the one who was able to keep it on his forehead the longest.

Russian beauty
View of Russian beauties. The first stage: a round dance with a demonstration of costumes. The second stage: showing the body and gait, for better visibility with a yoke and buckets of water filled to the brim.

Russian sauna
Who will quickly deprive a dry bath broom of leaves, “floating” the enemy with them.

Concert competitions:
- Spooners (the accordionist accompanies, the contestants try to play along on the spoons).
- Chastushki (to defeat a girlfriend, you need to sing a ditty).
- Pereplyas ("Apple", "Lady", "Semyonovna", "Gypsy").

What is Maslenitsa, everyone knows. But everyone understands the essence of this holiday in their own way. For some, this is mass festivities and sheer fun. We will tell you what kind of Maslenitsa competitions can be held on the street for children and adults. Also read and remember the most original ones.
For others, it is one of the last stages of preparation for Lent. Still others associate it with an endless feast. Everyone is right: Maslenitsa is the most diverse of all known folk holidays. And one of the oldest.

Our Slavic ancestors during this period saw off the winter and invited spring to visit. It is not for nothing that pancakes are considered a symbol of the holiday - they resemble the sun in shape. It was believed that the more fun a person spends these days, the happier the whole coming year will be for him. One day was not enough for fun - Maslenitsa was celebrated for a whole week. Today, this tradition has returned.

An important element of the holiday are games and competitions. They must be mobile, because it is cold outside, and correspond in meaning to the event being celebrated.

Throwing boots: whoever throws winter shoes the farthest, or rather anyone whose second felt boot lies closest to the first, will receive the winner's prize. You can also throw a broom at a distance. In folk beliefs, this action symbolized the cleansing of the earth from evil spirits.

Broken pot. To protect future crops from evil spirits, the Slavs beat the pot on Maslenitsa. He was put on a stake, and blindfolded participants beat him with a stick, trying not to miss.

Brook. Not a single holiday in Rus' could do without this emotional entertainment. It symbolizes the awakening of life, affects the subtle feelings of the soul, gives warmth to human attention. The participants become two by two, and the one who did not have enough pairs, walking along the stream, is looking for her. Again, someone is left alone and so on.

Fist fights are fun for real men

Fisticuffs have been a pastime of Russian youths known since ancient times. They were held on holidays, but their revelry fell on Maslenitsa, especially on Wednesday of Maslenitsa week. In order not to violate age-old traditions, but to protect participants from injury, such games can be replaced with alternative ones:

Petushki. Two people stand inside the drawn circle. One leg is bent at the knee and supported behind the heel. The task is to push the opponent out of the circle as soon as possible.

Bag fights. A somewhat extended version of this game is a fight with bags or pillows. But in this case, the participants stand on two legs, and fight the opponent with only one hand, in which they hold a pillow. The second hand must be on the belt. The game can be both pair and group.

A favorite pastime for boys of all ages and ages is snow fights. This is a traditional carnival entertainment. In ancient times, the whole day, Thursday, was allotted for this fun. They stormed the fortresses built on Monday and Tuesday, went wall to wall. The most important place in the fortress is the ice pillar. A prize was attached to the top. Those who wanted to take possession of it tried to climb the slippery surface.

A simplified version of snow fights, which is suitable even for kids, is a snow shooting range. You need to hit the targets drawn on a wooden shield with a snowball. Kids will also love the maze. It can be erected in the form of walls, if there is a lot of snow, or you can trample paths in the snow. The one who finds the exit the fastest wins.

Team games for Shrovetide for children and adults

Shrovetide relay. Compote is prepared on the table for each team (for an adult company - a stronger drink), a dish with pancakes and a glass. The first participant comes running, pours compote and returns. The second runs to drink it, and the third runs to eat the pancake. Etc. The team that runs out of compote and pancakes faster wins.

Running on three legs. The team is divided into pairs. In each pair, two legs are tied to the participants. Such a pair runs to the turning point and returns. The team whose pairs complete the task faster wins.

Hockey boots. This is a simplified game of ordinary hockey with the only condition - each participant must be in felt boots. The game has two halves of 15 minutes.

Any festivities in Rus', especially Maslenitsa, could not do without this entertainment. What’s more, it’s easy to organize.


In ancient times, games and entertainment on Maslenitsa were distributed over the days. The day before, the organizers of the action gathered to draw up a program in accordance with a certain day. But every day of this week has its own hidden meaning:

Monday is a holiday. They make a stuffed doll, if the weather permits - they build ice slides and snow fortresses. Trays for treats are set up in the squares. Children build snow sculptures on Monday. In the evening, the most talented sculptor is determined.

Tuesday is a win. Buffoons walk the streets, folk groups sing ditties, guests of the holiday are treated with delicious delicacies.

Wednesday is sweet. Mother-in-laws cook delicious pancakes and invite sons-in-law to visit. While women bake, men compete in agility, skill, courage and strength. In ancient times, fisticuffs were appointed on this day.

Thursday - the apogee of the holiday, revelry. They sang, danced, played, caroled. There were snow fights that day.

Friday or mother-in-law parties. The mother-in-law is invited to pancakes to the son-in-law. He sends his friends (call) to his mother-in-law and father-in-law in the morning. They have to ask their mother-in-law for a frying pan and a ladle, and from their father-in-law for butter and flour. But parents don't give anything to their son-in-law. Friends must fulfill their whims.

Saturday or sister-in-law gatherings - the husband's sisters receive gifts from the daughter-in-law. And on this day they burn a scarecrow, finally saying goodbye to winter. Young guys jump over the fire - this is an ancient ritual of purification by fire. Ashes are scattered over gardens and fields.

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness, trying to do as many good deeds as possible.

There is no Shrovetide holiday in the church calendar. However, this pagan heritage was not rejected by the Church. Moreover, Christianity filled it with a different meaning. Maslenitsa has lost its sacred meaning and through the efforts of the Church has turned into a week of rest, fun, getting rid of the daily hustle and bustle. Ahead - the time of incredible spiritual labor. To make it easier to go through this stage, a person needs a discharge. And what could be better than groovy games, competitions for Maslenitsa, when even adults with gray hair feel like mischievous children?

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