Master class for teachers in drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography “Magic blots. "Non-traditional drawing techniques: inkblotography Inkblotography drawing technique


Young children love to leave blots on paper. Parents, underestimating the "masterpieces" of their own children, get rid of incomprehensible drawings. But it turns out that from the left blots you can create a unique pattern. By the way, there is even such a drawing technique - blotography.


In recent years, blotting is gaining unprecedented popularity. And this moment is not at all connected with the latest fashion trends. It turns out that thanks to this drawing technique, the child's creative imagination is intensively developing.

It would seem that a baby can learn something useful from an ordinary blot. In fact, a randomly made paint spot has a unique, non-repeating shape and size. And if you apply a little imagination, then an ordinary blot can be given the outline of an object or create an image of an animal. By the way, adults are often addicted to this unconventional drawing technique.

Blotography drawing technique

To create a unique drawing, you need to prepare the following material:

- An art brush. It is advisable to use hard brushes. Sometimes children resort to using a toothbrush to depict a large blot.
— Paints. In this art form, only liquid watercolor is used. If there are no suitable paints at hand, then you can simply dilute the existing watercolor with water. By the way, multi-colored ink has the necessary consistency for drawing. It can also be used for drawing.
- Cardboard or white paper.
- Water tank.
- Cotton buds.
- Wet rag. Used to remove dirt from hands.

Stages of the creative process

So, blotography is a drawing technique.
Where to begin?
If you are new to this area, then you should first decide on the theme of the future drawing.
Here it is extremely important to direct mental activity in the right direction, in other words, to set the direction.
Having made a blot on a piece of paper, turn on your fantasy and try to see in it the outlines of an object or living being. Maybe you have an amazing planet or a picturesque underwater world in front of you.

There are several ways to create a drawing using blotography.

The most common - drip method.

Here you need a wide, voluminous brush. It should be carefully saturated with paint, and then, placing it over a piece of paper, begin to spray watercolor. If you want the drops to irrigate a small area, tap the brush on your finger or hand. When the brush is simply shaken, the spatter area increases. For spot application of paint, use a pipette. By the way, with its help, you can create a large blot, thus depicting, for example, the sun. Most often, landscapes are created using this method of blotting.

In the second method of blotting use spreading method.

To do this, a large blot is applied to the corner of the sheet with a brush. Importantly, the paint must be very liquid. Then, using a drinking tube, they begin to inflate the paint on the surface of the paper. It is advisable to direct the watercolor in different directions. Now take a closer look at the resulting picture, what does it remind you of? Maybe a rowan bush?

If yes, then you should complete the drawing by drawing red fruits on the branch. To do this, use a cotton swab. Just soak the “tool” in the paint of the desired color and draw rowan leaves and berries. The resulting drawing, if desired, can be decorated with an original frame.

For the first few lessons, the child may need adult help. Most often, kids cannot immediately make out familiar outlines in a blot.

Drawings made in the technique of blotography.

Lesson topic: Blotography and watercolor

Children's age- 4-6 years

Target: development of children's creative abilities through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing methods.


Educational- mastering the technology of blotography and the method of applying watercolors.

Educational- development of creativity, imagination, fantasy based on familiarization with non-traditional methods of drawing.

educators- to educate pupils in accuracy, composure in the performance of work methods, diligence, and the ability to listen.

Methodical equipment:

Samples of previously completed works, illustrations for children's books.

Necessary materials: a sheet of coated paper, A-3 format, ink, palette, watercolors, a jar of water, brushes.

Course progress.

1. Introduction.

Blotography is one of the techniques that both children and adults love. With the help of a blot and a stream of air, unusual silhouettes appear, which the artists then turn into trees, fairy-tale characters, flowers, and much more.

Today we will get acquainted with only one method of inkblotography, but first we will get acquainted with the illustrations of famous artists who used this method of drawing in their works. This is the work of Eric Bulatov and Oleg Vasiliev.

What do you think helped these artists create the image of a dense forest?

Correctly! Blots!

Blots are different: scary and cute, evil and kind. It all depends on the imagination of the artist.

Listen to a poem about blots.

Wonderful blotch.

In every blot

Someone is there

If in a blot

Get in with your finger.

In this blot -

cat with a tail,

Under the tail

River with a bridge

navigable river

For ships and zander.

On the bridge -

A weirdo with a weirdo.

Under the bridge -

Pike perch with perch,

And float back and forth

All kinds of ships:

They are sailing there with there,

They float here with here,

reflected in the river

Pike perches with eccentrics,

Freaks with perches.

This blot is the end

Gotta make a new one

It has a huge palace.

And a balcony with a cow!

2. Preparing children for a practical lesson.

Guys, today we will create various images of trees with the help of blots. And the magic jar of ink will help us with this. The ink does not wash off clothes, so we make sure that everyone has aprons and sleeves.

3. Practical lesson.

And now let's start creating a blot. To do this, put a large ink blot in the middle of the sheet and start blowing. We blow in such a way that our blot grows up, turning into a tree.

(Teacher's commentary on each stage of production, helping children in the process of work). Blots must be blown out. Therefore, children quickly get tired.

Physical education:

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

After our trees are ready, we proceed to complete the work using the method of priming with watercolors. On the palette, mix yellow and blue colors. There are various shades of green. Make a priming brush, creating leaves near the tree and grass.

At the end, draw the sun and clouds.

4. Summing up the lesson. Evaluation of personal success in the process of creating images of trees.

Organize an exhibition of students' work.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing in non-traditional technique (blotography with a tube)


Target: To evoke positive emotions in children using the word of art, music, folklore. Develop communication and speaking skills. Expand the horizons of children, stimulate cognitive processes. Improve the skills of an unconventional image of an object (blotography with a tube). Cultivate an interest in nature.

Artistic Creativity:

  • To acquaint children with a new type of non-traditional drawing technique "blotography".
  • To introduce the method of drawing with a tube and the method of drawing with a brush.
  • Develop a sense of composition.
  • Arouse the desire of children to convey their impressions of the perception of objects in visual activity, to bring them to the realization of an expressive image.


  • Develop educational and research activities.
  • Develop imagination, attention, memory and thinking.
  • Develop the respiratory system.


  • Improve speech as a means of communication.
  • Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make assumptions and draw simple conclusions.

Dictionary activation : straw for a cocktail.

Dictionary Enrichment: blotography.

Preliminary work:

  • Examination of illustrations on the theme "Tree".
  • Games with water and a straw for a cocktail "sea battle"
  • Blowing air through a tube.

Material : landscape sheet, liquid diluted gouache in a brown bowl, straw (drink straw ).

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time.

Do you guys believe in magic?

(children's answers)

What wizards or magical items do you know?

(children's answers)

Where are wizards found?

In your fantasies!

Who do wizards hang out with?

And with those who believe in them!

Today we will be wizards, and the cocktail tube will be a magic wand.

  1. Experimentation:

We are the magic wand

Quietly wave

And miracles in a bowl

We will find from the sand.

Move the plate of sand towards you and try to blow into the stick, what do you see? (sand swells). Try to draw with the help of a tube and air the sun you blow out (children draw). Now try this in a bowl of water (kids do). Does not work. And I suggest you draw on paper with the help of our magic wand, and not just draw, but blow out the drawing, but first we will talk with you.

3 Look what we have on the table.

(album sheets, brushes, diluted gouache, jars of water, paper napkins)

We will draw trees with our magic wand-pipe. First, we will take the paint with a brush and make a blot in the place where the tree trunk will begin. Then we begin to inflate the blot with a tube, without touching it with either paint or paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a trunk. Next, draw the branches of the tree with a brush. In the meantime, we will rest a little. Let's lie on the carpet with our eyes closed and imagine the beauty of the forest.

(music recording sounds - relaxation “Sounds of the spring forest)

3. What needs to be done to make the drawing beautiful?

You need to try hard and do the drawing with love. Children draw. Independent activity.

Summary of the lesson:

So our drawings are ready, bright!

In conclusion, physical education:

We drew today

We drew today

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

Start drawing again

Let's take our elbows together

Let's start drawing again (stroked the hands, shook them, kneaded them.)

We drew today

Our fingers are tired.

Shake our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

Feet together, feet apart

We drive in nails (children smoothly raise their hands in front of them, shake with brushes, stomp.)

We tried, we drew

And now everyone stood up together,

They stamped their feet, clapped their hands,

Then we squeeze our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

We tried, we drew

Our fingers are tired.

And now we'll rest

Let's start drawing again

(Reciting a poem, the children perform movements, repeating after the teacher.)

If one of the children did not have time to finish drawing, they finish drawing. At the end of the lesson - an exhibition of the resulting work. Viewing children's drawings is carried out with the task of choosing expressive images: the most unusual, bright, cheerful tree. The realism of the image is noted. Each child finds out what materials and techniques he used.

Prepared by: Teacher Kolchina Inessa Vladimirovna

Young children love to leave blots on paper. Parents, underestimating the "masterpieces" of their own children, get rid of incomprehensible drawings. But it turns out that from the left blots you can create a unique pattern. There is even such a drawing technique - blotography.

Blotography refers to silhouette art, but the history of figurative painting dates back to Ancient Greece. The images on the amphoras reveal scenes of mythology, the Olympic Games and the life of the gods of Olympus. But this type of art became most popular in the 18-19th century. Many artists started working in this technique and created a huge amount of work in this technique. Such was the history of the emergence of the drawing technique - blotography.

Blotography drawings are a unique way to get children interested in drawing, make them want to learn this type of fine art and remember their childhood time. The method is absolutely not complicated, but very exciting, developing not only drawing skills and abilities, but also imagination, ingenuity, and perseverance. Blotography is perhaps one of the most unusual ways in drawing. Moreover, it is considered to be an unconventional technique, as, indeed, many others, where material unusual for this purpose is used.

With the help of blotography, a variety of plants, trees of different species and shrubs are well obtained.

Positive aspects of blotography

Recently, this type of drawing has become very popular. A random spot that appears on a paper sheet due to negligence may have a unique structure. As much as you would like, this pattern will not be repeated again. By adding a little imagination and creativity of thinking, any blot can be turned into an object, an animal or a fictional creature.

This type of activity has absolutely no age restrictions. That is, both children and adults can do it.

Blotography drawing technique

Required tool

To create a unique drawing, you need to prepare the following material:

  • Artistic brush. It is advisable to use hard brushes. Sometimes children resort to using a toothbrush to depict a large blot.
  • Paints. In this art form, only liquid watercolor is used. If there are no suitable paints at hand, then you can simply dilute the existing watercolor with water. By the way, multi-colored ink has the necessary consistency for drawing. It can also be used for drawing.
  • Cardboard or white paper.
  • Water tank.
  • Cotton buds.
  • Wet rag. Used to remove dirt from hands.

Stages of the creative process

So, blotography is a drawing technique. Where to begin? If you are new to this area, then you should first decide on the theme of the future drawing. Here it is extremely important to direct mental activity in the right direction, in other words, to set the direction. Having made a blot on a piece of paper, turn on your fantasy and try to see in it the outlines of an object or living being. Maybe you have an amazing planet or a picturesque underwater world in front of you.

There are several ways to create a drawing using blotography.

The most common is the drip method..

Here you need a wide, voluminous brush. It should be carefully saturated with paint, and then, placing it over a piece of paper, begin to spray watercolor. If you want the drops to irrigate a small area, tap the brush on your finger or hand. When the brush is simply shaken, the spatter area increases. For spot application of paint, use a pipette. By the way, with its help, you can create a large blot, thus depicting, for example, the sun. Most often, landscapes are created using this method of blotting.

In the second method of blotography, the spreading method is used.

To do this, a large blot is applied to the corner of the sheet with a brush. Importantly, the paint must be very liquid. Then, using a drinking tube, they begin to inflate the paint on the surface of the paper. It is advisable to direct the watercolor in different directions. Now you need to look at the resulting drawing and finish the details.

Blotography will help children experiment with paints and have fun. In the process of drawing a picture that uses the blotography technique, children:

  • eye and hand coordination develops
  • develops fantasy, creative vision and imagination,
  • skills in working with paints, brushes,
  • children learn to convey the silhouettes of people, plants and animals,
  • diligence, attentiveness, accuracy develops.

Hello dear colleagues! I bring to your attention

master class "Fairytale trees"

- non-traditional drawing technique (blowing with a straw + stuffing with a hard semi-dry brush).

Drawing in non-traditional techniques - this is a great way to have fun and usefully spend time, experiment with paints, create unusual works. This is another magic of drawing lessons for my art-loving preschoolers.

Drawing in this technique perfectly develops creativity, fantasy, imagination, brings up the aesthetic perception of works of fine art. The lesson is not only interesting, exciting, but also very useful. Just like blowing through a straw improves health: the strength of the lungs and the respiratory system of the child as a whole.

So, for work we need:

Bottles with colored liquid paint;

Landscape sheet of paper (better for watercolor or drawing);

Colour pencils;


A glass of water;

Napkin for drying the brush;

Cocktail tube;

Thin squirrel brush;

Adhesive bristle brush.

Work process:

Preparing the background. Colored pencils draw the earth, sky, sun.

We drip paint of any color onto a prepared sheet of paper from a bottle(the tree is "fabulous", so it can be of any color).

With the help of a tube, we blow a drop from the bottom up until it is divided into several parts.(branches, without touching a drop or a sheet of paper with a tube.

We continue to blow through the straw to get smaller branches. To do this, when blowing, it is necessary to make quick movements with the tube to the right and left, up and down.

We drip paint of different colors onto the palette and continue to draw. We draw the leaves with a thin squirrel brush using the priming method.

We draw flowers on a tree with a hard semi-dry brush using the “stuffing” method.

We draw flowers on a tree using a different color of paint, and flowers on the ground (when changing paint, rinse the brush thoroughly and dry on a paper towel).

Children draw!

Our fairy trees are ready!

In this technique, you can draw a tree "Saksaul"

Blossoming branch of sakura(flowers are drawn using cotton buds) .


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