Material on the topic: From the pages to the stage, or preparation for the competition of readers. How to Prepare for a Beauty Contest: Original Tips


Now there are a huge number of competitions, festivals, olympiads for students of music schools. Let's see if competitions are needed at all, and if necessary, then why, and how to prepare a student to participate in the competition.

Competitions and certification

If we look at the certification requirements for teachers of music schools, we will find out that teachers must prepare students for participation in competitions. And the higher the category, the higher the requirements for the level of competitions and the results of participation. These should no longer be regional and regional competitions, but national and international ones. Therefore, the topic of preparing students for competitions is important for teachers. But preparing a student to participate in the competition just for show, that is, for reporting during certification, is not the way to be followed in teaching practice. Preparation for competitions is a lifestyle, an integral part of the educational process of a self-respecting teacher. This is an indicator of the level of professionalism. Winning student competitions is especially important for young teachers. To understand that the rest of the participants are the same children as your student, and the teachers are the same as you, and that you can also prepare a contestant is an incentive for active teaching.

I have a very promising student, but so notorious! The prosperity of the family wants to be the best, and therefore there is no extra money. And contests are always a waste. First, the fee for participation in the competition. There are, of course, free contests or contests with a minimum contribution. Basically, these are local, regional competitions, olympiads in a music school, where they are interested in well-prepared applicants to enter them. Secondly, this is payment for the road, accommodation, writing phonograms, concert costumes.
So. To all my assurances that the child is ready for the Republican competition, the mother’s answer is the same - no money, and what if she doesn’t take anything, let the teacher down, and generally disgrace herself.
All in all, a tough one.

But if the decision is made (at least by the teacher), then there is a way to solve the problem. As a result, the girl took part in the competition. And not only accepted, but took third place. But you should have seen the child and the mother herself at the competition! The girl sang so emotionally and artistically, as she had never sung before this performance. And the answer was - no one here knows me, and if I make a mistake, it's not scary. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how the contestant will behave on stage, there is only one way out - participation in the competition.

It is better, of course, when students start speaking from an early age, they generally do not have a fear of public speaking. And if there is, then gradually the children will gain experience and will feel confident on stage. As for the example given, the student's mother saw her child in a different light. And after the performance, with tears in her eyes, she thanked me for insisting on participating in the competition. Do you know what she said? – Contests are their own world, and this world is so captivating!

Therefore, the teacher, who put the student to the competition for the first time, will no longer stop at the achieved result. The purpose of these events is to open another world to children, to help students believe in themselves, to give them the opportunity to feel the happiness of public speaking. And if some teachers complain about the need to prepare children for competitions, then these are isolated cases. Of course, it is impossible to prepare a child for the festival in a few months, and even hope to win. This is a constant, painstaking and purposeful work, and it begins from the first days of studying at a music school.

The main task of the teacher is to accustom the child to speaking in public so that it becomes a need and brings moral satisfaction and joy.

First performance

Of great importance in this is the first performance of the student. Usually, the first academic concert or audition of first graders takes place without grading, so that children do not worry and do not worry about grading their performance. It is also desirable that parents be present at this event. It is important to create a friendly atmosphere, it is imperative to support each student, praise him and congratulate him on his first performance.

Children and parents should be encouraged to speak as often as possible, for this you can even approach the class teacher of a general education school and say that you want to speak. But one desire is not enough, an appropriate repertoire is required. Think about what dates are usually celebrated at school, what works can be performed. That is, in addition to educational material that solves certain technical and performance tasks, there should be a concert repertoire. Concert performances will teach children to manage their emotions, the guys will gain stage experience and the ability to convey their thoughts and feelings to the public.

But let's not forget about competitions. You should consider which of the students, and to which competitions you can send. It is advisable for the teacher to have a folder with the conditions of the competitions so that they can plan the competitive work.
In order for a student to become a good performer, it is necessary to educate in him the ability to listen to music, express his thoughts about a piece of music, the desire to broaden his horizons and engage in other types of art - painting, literature, be observant and try to convey his mood in musical sounds.

Work on the work

A performance on stage should be preceded by a lot of work on the work. The most important thing for the absence of fear and insecurity on stage is 200% knowledge of the work, so as not to think about the text, but to listen to yourself and your performance. But it is very important that the performance is meaningful, and emotions do not overwhelm. The mind must guide the speaker on the stage. And it is the artist who must control his enthusiasm. It should also be remembered that there is muscle memory, which will help out if necessary in a performance, as well as auditory, visual memory. Learn and teach students to start a work from different points, and not just from the very beginning.

It is very useful to record the performance of the finished work on audio or video so that you can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the student's game. When planning further work, study the conditions of the competitions, this is necessary in order to choose the right repertoire that will meet all the specific requirements. But do not forget that the repertoire must correspond to the age, technical and musical capabilities of the student in order for the performance to be true. And also you need to remember that the work should be liked by the child.

More chances for success are given by competitions where you need to perform two diverse works, since there is an opportunity to show the individuality of the performer. You should never put up a “raw”, just learned work for a competition. The program needs to be beaten, that is, a certain amount of time must remain before the competition, during which the student will perform works in several concerts. But there is another side of the coin - the program can be "played". Therefore, the teacher is responsible - to calculate the time for the student to be in the best shape at the time of the competition, and to be ready for the performance both mentally and physically.

By the way, be philosophical about participating in the competition. And if you didn’t win, then nothing terrible happened.
And my friendly advice: if you are ready to tear apart the winners who beat you, then you do not belong in competitions. Learn to begin to rejoice in other people's victories, rejoice at the opportunity to speak.

Understand, if you have not borrowed anything, then participation is already your victory, victory over yourself. You have gained experience, and the experience of failure is also experience. The members of the commission are ordinary people, albeit professionals, and it can be very difficult to choose the most worthy of a large number of participants. This process is subjective, often at the level of like or dislike. If you didn't win in one contest, win in another, since there are plenty of contests. Only preparation for the competition should not be a one-time action, it is an activity on an ongoing basis. Work hard, and the next participation will be productive.

I wish you participation in competitions, and, of course, victories!
Irina Anishchenko

Assemble puzzles into a complete picture and find out interesting information about a musical instrument.

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In 1711, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori invented a musical instrument, the sound extraction on which took place with the help of wooden hammers.

It was possible to make both quiet (piano) and loud sounds (forte) on the instrument, which could not be done on the predecessors of the new instrument - the harpsichord and clavichord.
Therefore, the instrument was first called the pianoforte, and then the pianoforte. So the instrument is called today.
The piano combines the grand piano and the upright piano.
That is, both the piano and the piano are varieties of the piano.
Royal is a French word, and in translation "royal" means "royal". The body of the instrument is shaped like a wing.
Piano is an Italian word, "pianino" in translation - "little piano"


Pianos are mainly played in concert performances when power and fullness of sound are needed. And the piano is used in small rooms, in classrooms, and when you don’t need a lot of sound power. Both the piano and the piano are played in the same way and the same works. The sheet music entry reads: piano pieces.
The strings of a grand piano are in a horizontal plane, and the strings of a piano are in a vertical plane.
The surface of the piano keys is pasted over with ivory or plastic plates. The halftone keys are painted black and made of pear wood. There are grand pianos along the length of the body: large concert, salon, large cabinet, small, miniature. Piano sound range - 7 and 7 ¼ octaves (85 and 88 keys)
The piano has two covers: the first covers the playing part of the keyboard and is called the “valve”, and the second cover closes the hammer mechanism. The piano has a music stand - music stand.
When we press a key on a piano, the hammer strikes the string. The string begins to vibrate, and a sound appears.

The piano has pedals. With the help of the left pedal, the hammers are shifted to the side, and not all strings are struck. Due to this, the sound is quieter. When the hammer strikes, a muffler - a felt pad - departs from the string. When the key is released, the sound stops as the muffler returns to the string and muffles the sound.
With the help of the right pedal, the mufflers are retracted from the strings. And the sound, even when the key is released, continues to sound, because the mufflers cannot return to their place, this is prevented by the pedal.
With the help of pedals, a piece of music is enriched with various effects.
Many works have been written for the piano. Composers are attracted by the fact that the instrument has limitless possibilities and a huge range. The sound of the piano in terms of power and expressiveness is akin to the sound of an orchestra.
Piano music was written by Schubert, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Chopin, Schumann, Grieg, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Balakirev, Rachmaninov, Scriabin, Prokofiev, Khachaturian, Shostakovich.

Think of a strategy

To qualify in any competition, to get a job, to achieve a result in any business, to be happy in life is always a strategy. A clear head, a clear idea of ​​what is important and what is not, a willingness to make decisions, desires and dreams that are framed as a plan of action - all this is important. You must know exactly what you want: if you do not know where you are going, then the result may not please you.

The question "What will you do after graduation?" was the most difficult at meetings with candidates. Few had a plan of action, many did not think about it at all. This was a revelation for us. Some said outright that they were not going to become product designers, that they went to school for the skills they needed for another job. In the end, we took one of these candidates: in order to complete the test task, he mastered the layout in one day. His ability to learn and focus on results is what we value in the first place. We know for sure: this is not a jug without a bottom. Everything that we invest in a participant, he will neatly attribute somewhere - it doesn’t matter if it’s in Yandex or not.

When people come to me for advice about their development or their difficulties, I advise them to exercise "I am a company." The point is to imagine yourself as a company - with resources, logistics, marketing, sales and so on - and understand what you are missing, what is the problem. When you imagine yourself as a factory, it gives clarity and discipline. A separate interesting observation is the type of business you introduce yourself to. Find a good interlocutor on this topic, discuss together.

Don't Ignore Questions

It is strange to talk about this in the councils, but still. If the questionnaire is not completely filled out, then first of all it is regarded as disrespectful. Everything is not in vain: if this question is in the questionnaire, it means that the organizers need your answer. Each field of the form must be completed.

Show you

Any profile is your silent seller. It is up to you whether this seller remains mute or speaks. We knowingly left a place for attaching a file, although very few people took advantage of it. The essence of the essay is very important, but the design is doubly important. If your eyes don’t hurt from bad layout and fonts that have gone wrong, it doesn’t hurt from a flown encoding, this is a signal to work on a sense of beauty, aesthetics. Aesthetics is something that is very difficult to acquire. Imagine that your work was done by a modern da Vinci. It turns out? If not at all - take it and redo it.

Pay attention to details

Your competition application or job application must be perfect. This is the case when perfectionism needs to be turned on to the maximum. Errors and irregularities will still come out against your will, but you can’t leave them voluntarily. Everything should be in such a way that you are satisfied.

Ask yourself: why me?

The application for admission did not include the standard “Tell us about yourself” question.

Our question was:“Share your professional dream. What project would you not be sorry to give part of your life to? What kind of people would you like to work with? The question also gives space for answer options, and helps to open up, tell about yourself. It, like many things at school, was designed by Danila Kovchiy, the art director of Poisk.

An open question implies an open answer. The best format for this is an essay.

Photos: Stanislav Sabirov

Today, various competitions are often held for children and teenagers. The reading contest is no exception. At the same time, it can take place not only among schoolchildren and youth, but also among older preschoolers.

Expressive reading is a very useful ability, because the child masters the skill of communicating with the audience, develops his artistry, learns to convey the idea of ​​the work.

If your child loves to recite poetry, then it is worth participating in such an event. The only question is how to prepare a child for such a competition. Here are some important tips:

  1. As mentioned earlier, the most important point is child's love for poetry. And if there is artistry in the child, feel free to sign up for such an event, because acting is very important when reciting poetry. If it is difficult for a child to learn poetry and he is not eager to tell something in public, then, of course, you should not force him. It is unlikely that anything productive will come of this.
  2. The important point is poem selection. The work must be chosen according to age so that the child understands the meaning, can feel everything that is contained in the poem, convey this content not only with the help of words, but also with the help of facial expressions.

    Be sure to try to have the child choose the poem himself, so that he likes it. After all, if you like something, then it will be brighter and more expressive to tell about it in front of the audience.

    Unfortunately, very often parents try to choose the most vivid, unusual poem themselves, but the child does not feel it, as a result, the performance turns out to be unemotional, uninteresting, even if the text is perfectly serrated.

  3. To understand and feel the text need to be carefully analyzed. It is better to do this together with the child, discuss the feelings that the poem evokes, the emotions of the characters (if there are characters), the circumstances in which the characters found themselves, and explain all incomprehensible or not entirely clear words. It is necessary to try, as it were, to recreate the world that the author writes about, whether it is an event of past years, a natural phenomenon or an emotional state. Reading books, watching videos with relevant topics, or a selection of photographs and illustrations will help here. For example, we talk about a downpour - we look at a downpour, we talk about a war - we watch a film or an excerpt from a film about the war.

We hope that our advice will help you prepare your child for the competition, make reading more convincing and meaningful.

The most famous children's reading competitions in Russia, in which any child can participate.

Natalia Korshunova
Master class "Preparing children for competitions"

Target: introduction of participants master-class with experience in the development of the prosodic side of the speech of preschoolers.

Equipment: chairs, tables according to the number of participants master class, finger puppet theater, the text of the poem is distributed to the participants before the start master class.

CER: presentation - 15 slides;

Hello, dear colleagues, members of the jury!

Childhood…the most beautiful and carefree time. Childhood is happiness, a storm of emotions, a lot of impressions. We only understand this when we get older. Childhood is the foundation of our life. It is hard to disagree that (slide) “The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart”. And how the heart of each of our pupils will be brought up largely depends on us teachers, because it is we who "sculpt" from a child a personality, we reveal and develop his talents and hobbies, we instill values ​​and qualities.

What is embedded in us during this wonderful period remains with us forever. In the life of every person in childhood there are some bright unforgettable moments. And each of us carefully keeps them in our hearts. And how great it is that warm memories of an amazing, wonderful time are stored in our memory, when you could endlessly have fun, be surprised, play.

Dear colleagues, in a nutshell, what is most vividly preserved in your memory from childhood? (answers audience: mother's lullaby, toys, holidays, etc.). Good. Interesting.

What about poems? Do you remember the poems of your childhood? Name them or read the line (audience responses).

Why do you think you still remember these poems? (told adults: educators, parents).

As a child, I listened to poetry and did not understand, or, more precisely, did not think about what their secret was. Now I read them to my child, being pupils adult: but the feeling that I am a child does not go away. And only now I understand that the soul of the author and the one who told us about it is invested in the poems.

In the preschool institution where I work, the provision of speech therapy assistance is carried out in the conditions of a speech therapy center and well-deserved attention in the correction of speech disorders in children is given to the development of such a side of speech how: prosodic.

The search for methods and techniques that contribute to the effective solution of pedagogical problems related to the formation of the prosodic component of speech in pupils and at the same time interesting to children, allowed me to form a certain algorithm for such an important area of ​​work as preparing children for competitions, and in this case we will talk about preparing children for reading competitions.

So the theme of my master class: "How prepare your child for a reading contest. What's new, you say? There are methods of learning poems, technologies for the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech. But, in my opinion, they can be made more effective, considered in unity with the preliminary preparation to understanding poetry.

I will quote"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember, let me try and I'll understand." Let's try together today prepare your child for competition. Do you agree? So let's start. In reality, this work takes from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the volume of the poem. Thanks to the colleagues who volunteered to help me, I hope together we can manage within the time allotted for master class.

And I propose the first interesting trick, which is called "Well no". Here I have a hidden object, guessing which you can find out the name of the poem. Guess what is shown here. I remind you of the rules, you can ask questions, and I will reply: Not really (asking questions).

Okay, I'll give you a hint. It grows, it has a trunk (asking questions). Yes it is a tree (on slide). The poem we are going to work with today is called "Wonder Tree" written by Korney Chukovsky.

Choose verses with bright, specific images, since the child's thinking is figurative, they are easier to remember.

The child is already interested, just like you are now, you will agree.

The members of the focus group, following the detailed instructions, perform the proposed tasks, and we will turn to it a little later.

To arouse your interest in the content of the poem, I suggest ... to watch a cartoon based on the poem by Korney Chukovsky. Attention to the screen (includes an excerpt from the cartoon).

I propose to do so. Whoever wants to learn this poem, let him clap his hands three times. Whoever didn’t want to, I won’t ask, because this technique is children always makes you want to learn the proposed poem.

And I want to ask the participants of the focus group, what did they make?

(3 pairs of 2 people: we developed a manual that helps motivate a child to memorize a poem. Each group describes their manual, I attach them to a magnetic board)

That's right, the speed and quality of the memorized poem depends on the mindset, motivation (for what you need). The installation mobilizes memory, attention, the child tries to remember the text faster and better. These manuals will help children remember why they are doing this throughout their entire life. preparation for the competition. Applause to the participants.

Dear colleagues, how do you think, with what help you can show the mood of the poem and create the desired image? (with music). Correctly. Pay attention to the screen, in front of you is part of the text of the poem (on slide). I suggest you play "Guess the melody".

Listen to three pieces of music and decide which one best conveys the mood of the poem. (I include three fragments, find out which music suits the most). Thanks everyone!

We continue to prepare for competition and smoothly proceed to work on the rhythm (prosody). And let's play a game "Speak a word". Help me.

Like ours… (gate)

Wonder tree... (growing)

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle... (wonderful)(Develop the ability to feel the rhythmic pattern of the poem and insert words that fit in rhythm and meaning)

And now I offer you a technique called "And this - can it be?". Dear colleagues (I take a hammer from the table, I brought a hammer to play. And I claim that this is a measuring device. Is my statement true? Why? Prove (suggested answers) Listen: like ours at the gate. What have I done? (named the phrase, tapped with a hammer, keeping the rhythm of the spoken phrase). (I turn to the focus group, they take sounding objects from the table). How else can you tap the rhythmic pattern of a word, phrase, if there is no hammer at hand? (they say, showing their devices). The members of the focus group will now tap one of the phrases of our poem with their measuring instruments (both are written on the screen, and you, dear colleagues, will have to determine which of them fits this rhythmic pattern.

And how do you get out of the situation if there were no measuring instruments at hand? (addressing the audience). You are respected colleagues you will"topalki", and you (referring to the focus group) Dear colleagues you will"clappers". And now let's clap together and stomp the phrase "Masha - gaiters, Zinke - boots, Ninke - stockings". Ready? (some clap, others stomp, and I do it with them at the same time, stomping and clapping) Applause to each other!

ending preparation for the competition I offer a simple but effective exercise “Puppet theater of one…. finger" (referring to the focus group)

Put a toy on your finger. This is a puppet theater actor. I will be the director. The actor needs to learn the roles for the play.

The role of the first actor:

Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it.

And stockings and shoes are like apples! (actor repeats)

The role of the second actor:

What are you yawning

Do you not cut them off? (actor repeats)

So, while playing, you specify with what intonation the child will pronounce each phrase in the poem.

Thanks to the actors. Who liked the exercise tell me loudly: Yes!

Who didn't like: say the same word, only quietly.

Well, dear colleagues, let's see what we've got. Attention to the screen, Vika Reizich is speaking (a video of a poem performed by a child is included). Your applause!

Childhood is our past. This is a journey that no one has been able to take twice. Try to make sure that your children, your pupils carry the memories of him throughout their lives. And the verses learned together with you remained the most vivid memory of this wonderful time.

Thank you, dear colleagues, for your help in carrying out master class. If you are interested in this topic, I invite you to cooperate.

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Participation in a beauty contest is an exciting and responsible event. The participant must not only have an ideal figure, straight posture, confident gait, but also be smart, quick-witted and talented. Every year the requirements for participants are higher and higher, so the preparation for the beauty contest should be serious. Where to start?

The beauty contest in Moscow is a real test for any girl. For example, in America there are special trainers who help future participants prepare for this important event. Alas, in our country, all the preparation falls on the fragile shoulders of the participant herself.

So, if you decide to take part in a beauty contest, then the first step is to fill out a questionnaire. Each competition has its own requirements for participants. Be sure to read them before submitting your application. Reception of applications for the beauty contest "Miss Office 2017" lasts from January to August. A beauty between the ages of 18 and 30 who works in an office can become a member.

Casting beauty contests can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Closed casting, when the jury members consider the profiles of applicants and choose the best of the best, inviting them to the next stage. Therefore, it is important to do everything right from the very beginning! Photos are important. Do not send selfies, poor quality photos, or overly explicit work. Take care of high-quality staged photos with the right light, beautiful poses and a neutral background. Trust this process to a true professional.
  • Open casting, when selected applicants are invited for an interview. This step is the most important. You need to prepare for the casting not only physically, but also mentally! Everything must be thought out to the smallest detail.

After successfully passing all the auditions, intensive preparation begins. This is a painstaking process that includes such important points as:

Improvement of speech

Physical fitness and proper nutrition

Working on the ideal figure is a complex task. It is important to plan your workouts properly. To be in great shape, three classes per week are enough. It can be either a gym or a swimming pool. Choose the sport that you enjoy the most.

Equally important is proper nutrition. Strict diets can hurt. During the preparation period, it is worth abandoning flour, sweet and fatty foods. Make sure that the diet is balanced, because the lack of vitamins and minerals can adversely affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair!

Thoughtfully crafted image

Each beauty contest consists of several entries. "Miss Office 2017" includes a greeting, a fashion show, a creative number and a business competition. Consider makeup, hair and clothes for each of the outings. Remember:

  • Makeup for a beauty contest is more expressive and bright than the everyday version. Consult with a professional makeup artist who will tell you what makeup to choose and how to create it correctly.
  • As for hairstyles for a beauty contest, it is better to entrust this issue to an experienced hairdresser.
  • A dress for a beauty pageant should be luxurious, elegant and fit perfectly. Choose models from new collections of famous designers. At the same time, do not worry, the outfit does not have to be bought, it can be rented. Many salons provide this service. The image can be complemented with neat jewelry and accessories.

A week before the final show, the Miss Office 2017 contestants meet for the first time in Moscow and preparatory activities begin. The girls get to know each other, with the organizing committee and stylists who will help them create interesting images.

If this year you didn’t have the courage and didn’t send the questionnaire, or you just want to have an unforgettable time and get a lot of positive emotions, then be sure to visit this enchanting show in Moscow. Fans and spectators from other cities will also be able to evaluate the contestants, see their amazing performances, thanks to the online broadcast, which is available on the official website of the competition!

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