Literature material (grade 5) on the topic: Fairy tale quiz. What was the name of the street along which he walked to


Municipal educational institution

Royal secondary school.

Zharkovsky district of the Tver region

Literary game

« Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales»


teacher of Russian language and literature

Matveeva Natalia Yurievna



2 teams are formed. They take turns choosing any question from any topic and answering it. For the correct answer 2 points, if not answered, you can pass the word to another team. (questions hidden and numbered)

You can make the "Prize" sector, skipping a move or other combinations (if painted in different colors)

This is what the scoreboard looks like.







Questions for choosing players.

    Name those. Who with the first rays of the sun turns into stone. If you can't hide. (gnomes)

    This creature, with the help of a blacksmith, performed a surgical operation on himself, which affected his vocal abilities and contributed to the implementation of insidious plans. Name the villain. (wolf from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")

    What common household item replaced both the map and the compass for the heroes of Russian fairy tales? (ball of thread)

    what textile product, according to the intention of its manufacturers, was supposed to be a test of professional suitability and intelligence, but served as a test of honesty? (dress for the king "Naked King")

    Which fairy tale speaks of an unusual marriage between a man and an amphibian, which entailed severe trials for both parties? (Princess Frog)

    What fairy tale tells about the concert of one original creature of a musical group, who scared the whole gang of robbers to death? (The Bremen Town Musicians)

    Who led the expedition, whose goal was an island off the coast of Tanzania, a desert in South and North Africa, and a highland in Equatorial Guinea? (Dr. Aibolit)

There are 2 teams of 3 players.

Game with spectators

1. In one Finnish fairy tale, three animals are mentioned: “the one who is listened to”, “the one who is amazed”, “the one who is being chased”. The last two are a frog and a squirrel. Name the first animal. (cuckoo)

2. According to legend, there is a copper pillar with two animals above the Egyptian city of Borsa. When enemies approach the city, the ram turns in their direction, and what is the other figure shouting? (crow)

3. 2 years 8 months and 27 days she was threatened with the death penalty. Being imprisoned, she gave birth to three children and only after that was pardoned. Give her a world famous name. (Schehrazade)

The game with the audience can be played in the form of a “Field-wonders” (open by letter)


In front of him is a hut with a light

With a white brick chimney,

With oak wood gates

(The hut of the greedy old woman - A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

An island in the sea lies, a city stands on the island

With golden-domed churches, with towers and gardens;

Spruce grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house.

(Buyan Island, Principality of Gvidon - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

In a bright room; around

Shops covered with carpet,

Under the saints is an oak table,

Stove with tiled bench

(Terem of the Seven Bogatyrs - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")

in the royal chambers. In the palaces of the princes. The princess flaunted in a high tower. What a life she had, what freedom, what luxury, but she never smiled.

(Russian folk tale "Princess Nesmeyana")

All sides are pitted

The palisades are driven into the ribs,

Cheese-boron makes noise on the tail,

The village stands on the back;

Men plow on their lips

The boys are dancing between the eyes.

(village on the back of the Fish-whale, Kit Kitovich - P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")


Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the hare had a bast.

(Russian folk tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster")

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived without laziness, worked all day long, plowed arable land and sowed bread.

(Russian folk tale "Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo")

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas, against the sky - on earth

An old man lived in a village.

(P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")

Nowhere. In the Far Far Away Kingdom,

In the thirtieth state, Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon,

From a young age he was formidable

And the neighbors every now and then

He took offense boldly.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

The miller lived. He lived. He lived and died, leaving his sons a windmill, a donkey and a cat.

("Puss in Boots")

What words does "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" begin with?

(Three maidens by the window

Spinning late in the evening)


I boiled semolina porridge and spread it on a plate:

- Do not blame me, kumanyok, there is nothing more to regale!

(Fox-Crane - Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane")

I baked a loaf - loose and soft. Decorated the loaf with various intricate patterns; on the sides of the city with palaces, gardens and towers, flying birds above, roaring animals below.

(Vasilisa the Wise for the Tsar - Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess")

Seated in a corner

They brought a pie

Pour a glass full

Served on a tray

From green wine

She denied

The pie just broke

And took a bite.

(Seven heroes - the princess - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes")

Eat my rye pie.

- I will not eat rye pie! My father doesn't eat wheat either.

(stove for a girl - Russian folk tale "Geese-swans")

Well, pour wine into the trough

And mix millet with wine.

(Ivan - to the Firebirds - P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

What did the animals chew from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky before meeting with a cockroach?



Come doctor

Go to Africa soon

And save me doctor

Our babies

(Telegram from a hippopotamus to Dr. Aibolit - K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit")

I am not your master, but an obedient slave. You are my lady. And everything that comes to your mind, I will perform with pleasure.

(The beast of the forest. The miracle of the sea - to the girl. Merchant's daughter - S.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower")

A wonderful house is being built in our city. Its height is ten floors. Width - 50 steps. Length too. 10 crocodiles work at a construction site. 10 giraffes, 10 monkeys and 10 A's.

(A correspondent in a newspaper exaggerating everything 10 times to the residents of the city - E.N. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends")

The grass is green, the sun is shining, and spring flowers are blooming in our royal forests. Therefore, I most mercifully command that a full basket of snowdrops be delivered to the palace by the New Year ...

(royal decree, which the professor writes under the dictation of the queen - S.Ya. Marshak "Twelve months")

What letter instead of the present was sent to Tsar Saltan by a weaver and a cook.

(the queen gave birth on the night

Not a son, not a daughter

Not a mouse, not a frog

And an unknown animal)


The princess is amazing

Under the scythe the moon shines,

And in the forehead the star burns,

And she is majestic

Acts like a pava.

(The Swan Princess - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

On the azure dress - frequent stars. There is a clear moon on my head, such a beauty - you can’t think of it, you can’t think of it, just say it in a fairy tale.

(Vasilisa the Wise - Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess")

R the arms are crooked, the claws of an animal are on the hands, the legs are horselike, in front and behind the humps are great camel humps, all shaggy from top to bottom, boar tusks protrude from the mouth, the nose is hooked like a golden eagle, and the eyes were owls.

(The beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea - S.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower")

This one is not pretty at all:

And pale and thin,

Tea, three inches in girth;

And the leg is a leg!

Pah you! Like a chicken.

(The Tsar Maiden - P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

He wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors.

(Dunno - N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends")

A small man appeared from behind a cardboard tree, wearing a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was sprinkled with powder. White as tooth powder. He bowed to the honorable audience and said: "Hello, my name is ..."

(Pierrot - A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")


Goats, kids,

Open up, open up

And, I, a goat, was in the forest

Eat silk grass

Drank cold water

(Goat - Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

I left the rabbit

I left the wolf

Walked away from the bear

And from you, fox,

Easy, leave.

(Gingerbread Man - Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man")

At least you'll get around half a set

You won't find a better home.

No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Will not open this door.

(Piglets - S.V. Mikhalkov "Three Little Pigs")

Polka bird dancing

On the lawn at an early hour.

Tail to the left, nose to the right

This is the polka Karabas.

(Puppets of the Karabas Theater - A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Listen to the song and say who sings it.

(Turtle Tortilla - A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"))

Who and in what fairy tale “with honesty in front of all the people” sings the song “Is it in the garden in the city”

(Squirrel - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

Questions collected by me many years ago, so the sources are unknown.

Municipal educational institution

Royal secondary school.

Zharkovsky district of the Tver region

Literary game

« Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales»


teacher of Russian language and literature

Matveeva Natalia Yurievna



2 teams are formed. They take turns choosing any question from any topic and answering it. For the correct answer 2 points, if not answered, you can pass the word to another team. (questions hidden and numbered)

you can make the “Prize” sector, skip a move or other combinations (if painted in different colors)

This is what the scoreboard looks like.







Questions for choosing players.

    Name those. Who with the first rays of the sun turns into stone. If you can't hide. (gnomes)

    This creature, with the help of a blacksmith, performed a surgical operation on himself, which affected his vocal abilities and contributed to the implementation of insidious plans. Name the villain. (wolf from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")

    What common household item replaced both the map and the compass for the heroes of Russian fairy tales? (ball of thread)

    what textile product, according to the intention of its manufacturers, was supposed to be a test of professional suitability and intelligence, but served as a test of honesty? (dress for the king "Naked King")

    Which fairy tale speaks of an unusual marriage between a man and an amphibian, which entailed severe trials for both parties? (Princess Frog)

    What fairy tale tells about the concert of one original creature of a musical group, who scared the whole gang of robbers to death? (The Bremen Town Musicians)

    Who led the expedition, whose goal was an island off the coast of Tanzania, a desert in South and North Africa, and a highland in Equatorial Guinea? (Dr. Aibolit)

There are 2 teams of 3 players.

Game with spectators

1. In one Finnish fairy tale, three animals are mentioned: “the one who is listened to”, “the one who is amazed”, “the one who is being chased”. The last two are a frog and a squirrel. Name the first animal. (cuckoo)

2. According to legend, there is a copper pillar with two animals above the Egyptian city of Borsa. When enemies approach the city, the ram turns in their direction, and what is the other figure shouting? (crow)

3. 2 years 8 months and 27 days she was threatened with the death penalty. Being imprisoned, she gave birth to three children and only after that was pardoned. Give her a world famous name. (Schehrazade)

The game with the audience can be played in the form of a “Field-wonders” (open by letter)


In front of him is a hut with a light

With a white brick chimney,

With oak wood gates

(The hut of the greedy old woman - A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

An island in the sea lies, a city stands on the island

With golden-domed churches, with towers and gardens;

Spruce grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house.

(Buyan Island, Principality of Gvidon - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

In a bright room; around

Shops covered with carpet,

Under the saints is an oak table,

Stove with tiled bench

(Terem of the Seven Bogatyrs - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")

in the royal chambers. In the palaces of the princes. The princess flaunted in a high tower. What a life she had, what freedom, what luxury, but she never smiled.

(Russian folk tale "Princess Nesmeyana")

All sides are pitted

The palisades are driven into the ribs,

Cheese-boron makes noise on the tail,

The village stands on the back;

Men plow on their lips

The boys are dancing between the eyes.

(village on the back of the Fish-whale, Kit Kitovich - P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")


Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the hare had a bast.

(Russian folk tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster")

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived without laziness, worked all day long, plowed arable land and sowed bread.

(Russian folk tale "Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo")

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas, against the sky - on earth

An old man lived in a village.

(P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")

Nowhere. In the Far Far Away Kingdom,

In the thirtieth state, Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon,

From a young age he was formidable

And the neighbors every now and then

He took offense boldly.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

The miller lived. He lived. He lived and died, leaving his sons a windmill, a donkey and a cat.

("Puss in Boots")

What words does "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" begin with?

(Three maidens by the window

Spinning late in the evening)


I boiled semolina porridge and spread it on a plate:

Do not blame me, kumanek, there is nothing more to regale!

(Fox-Crane - Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane")

I baked a loaf - loose and soft. Decorated the loaf with various intricate patterns; on the sides of the city with palaces, gardens and towers, flying birds above, roaring animals below.

(Vasilisa the Wise for the Tsar - Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess")

Seated in a corner

They brought a pie

Pour a glass full

Served on a tray

From green wine

She denied

The pie just broke

And took a bite.

(Seven heroes - the princess - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes")

Eat my rye pie.

I won't eat rye pie! My father doesn't eat wheat either.

(stove for a girl - Russian folk tale "Geese-swans")

Well, pour wine into the trough

And mix millet with wine.

(Ivan - to the Firebirds - P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

What did the animals chew from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky before meeting with a cockroach?



Come doctor

Go to Africa soon

And save me doctor

Our babies

(Telegram from a hippopotamus to Dr. Aibolit - K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit")

I am not your master, but an obedient slave. You are my lady. And everything that comes to your mind, I will perform with pleasure.

(The beast of the forest. The miracle of the sea - to the girl. Merchant's daughter - S.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower")

A wonderful house is being built in our city. Its height is ten floors. Width - 50 steps. Length too. 10 crocodiles work at a construction site. 10 giraffes, 10 monkeys and 10 A's.

(A correspondent in a newspaper exaggerating everything 10 times to the residents of the city - E.N. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends")

The grass is green, the sun is shining, and spring flowers are blooming in our royal forests. Therefore, I most mercifully command that a full basket of snowdrops be delivered to the palace by the New Year ...

(royal decree, which the professor writes under the dictation of the queen - S.Ya. Marshak "Twelve months")

What letter instead of the present was sent to Tsar Saltan by a weaver and a cook.

(the queen gave birth on the night

Not a son, not a daughter

Not a mouse, not a frog

And an unknown animal)


The princess is amazing

Under the scythe the moon shines,

And in the forehead the star burns,

And she is majestic

Acts like a pava.

(The Swan Princess - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

On the azure dress - frequent stars. There is a clear moon on my head, such a beauty - you can’t think of it, you can’t think of it, just say it in a fairy tale.

(Vasilisa the Wise - Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess")

R the arms are crooked, the claws of an animal are on the hands, the legs are horselike, in front and behind the humps are great camel humps, all shaggy from top to bottom, boar tusks protrude from the mouth, the nose is hooked like a golden eagle, and the eyes were owls.

(The beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea - S.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower")

This one is not pretty at all:

And pale and thin,

Tea, three inches in girth;

And the leg is a leg!

Pah you! Like a chicken.

(The Tsar Maiden - P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

He wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors.

(Dunno - N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends")

A small man appeared from behind a cardboard tree, wearing a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was sprinkled with powder. White as tooth powder. He bowed to the honorable audience and said: "Hello, my name is ..."

(Pierrot - A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")


Goats, kids,

Open up, open up

And, I, a goat, was in the forest

Eat silk grass

Drank cold water

(Goat - Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

I left the rabbit

I left the wolf

Walked away from the bear

And from you, fox,

Easy, leave.

(Gingerbread Man - Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man")

At least you'll get around half a set

You won't find a better home.

No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Will not open this door.

(Piglets - S.V. Mikhalkov "Three Little Pigs")

Polka bird dancing

On the lawn at an early hour.

Tail to the left, nose to the right

This is the polka Karabas.

(Puppets of the Karabas Theater - A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Listen to the song and say who sings it.

(Turtle Tortilla - A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"))

Who and in what fairy tale “with honesty in front of all the people” sings the song “Is it in the garden in the city”

(Squirrel - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

Questions collected by me many years ago, so the sources are unknown.

Children's group - 4th round

1. Where is the uncle of the man who has elderberries in his garden?

A .In Rome

B .In Moscow

C .In Kyiv

D. At the aunt

2. What mathematical sign exists?

A .Liberal

B .Conservative

C .Radical

D. Democrat

3. What “only one word” did Aibolit repeat on the way to sick African animals?


B. Crocodile

C .Limpopo

D. Aspirin

4. What word is missing in the Russian proverb "gray hair in a beard - ... in a rib"?

A .Knife


C .Bes

D. Pride

5. What was the name of the battle song of the Polish and Russian revolutionaries of the late 19th century?

A. "Blacksmiths"

b. "Dubinushka"

C . "International"

D. "Varshavyanka"

6. What does the Russian proverb call to protect from a young age?

A .Nature

B .Money

C. Teeth

D. Honor

7. What is the name of a superficial, non-close acquaintance with someone or something?


B. Hat

C. Cap

D. Capped

8. What kind of ballroom dance exists?

A .Elsi

B. Ivsi

C. Lipsey


9. Which of these words and phrases is not the name of a literary work created, as it were, by L.I. Brezhnev?

A. Virgin

B. Small land

C .Rebirth

D. Abstinence

10. About a brave, noble person they say: "A knight without ..."

A .King in the head

B. Clan and tribe

C. Fear and reproach

D .Cloak and dagger

11. What title did Edmond Dantes acquire?

A .Viscount


C .Count

D .Marquis

12. What name does a Russian dance song call for a young man to sit under a walnut bush?

A .Sasha

B .Yasha

C .Pasha

D. Misha

13. What story does A.S. Pushkin have?

A. "Sosnovsky"

b. "Berezovsky"

C. "Dubrovsky"

D. "Olkhovsky"

14. What was the name of one of the highest grossing Soviet films?

A . "Filibusters of the 20th century"

B . "Corsairs of the 20th century"

C . "Privateers of the 20th century"

D . "Pirates of the 20th century"

A. Frog

B. Triton

C .Cancer

D .Uzha

16. A very distant relative is the seventh water on what?

A .On milk

B. On jelly

C. On kvass

D. On alcohol

17. What percussion musical instrument exists?

A .Dumdum

B .simsim

C .Cancan

D .Tamtam

18. Where should the one who called himself a load climb?

A .Barrel

B .To body

C .In salon

D .To bottle

19. What is the name of a heavy dense fabric with a standing pile?

A. Vydryk

B .Nutrik

C. Muskrat

D. Bobrik

20. What did Baron Munchausen fly on?

A .On a broomstick

B. On a rocket

C .On the core

D. On a plate


21. What snakes exist?

A. Bespectacled

B. lorgnette

C .Obvious

D. Spectacle

22. Pud of what you need to eat with someone to get to know him well?

A .Pepper

B. calves

C .Meat

D. Salts

23. What is the popular name for a metal mini-garage for one car?

A .Soap dish

B. Teremok

C. Mitten

D. Shell

24. What is the name of the time interval of 10 days?

A. Tithing

B .Decade

C .Deciate

D. Decadent

25. Which of these is not a bee product?

A .Propolis


C .Wax

D. Stearin

26. What did the animals chew from the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky before meeting with the cockroach?

A. Gum

B .Friend friend

C. Gingerbread


27. What aerobatics does not exist?

A. "Barrel"

b. "Bottle"

C. "Corkscrew"

D. "Turn"

28. What kind of queen was the fatal maiden from Pushkin's "Golden Cockerel"?

A. Tarabar

B. Turukhanskaya

C. Shamakhanskaya

D. Badakhshan

29. What is the title of the evil ruler from the cartoon "Golden Antelope"


B .Emir

C .Raja

D. King

30. What day appears in the bewildered appeal to the grandmother?

A. Petrov

B .Nikolin

C .Yuriev

D. Samsonov

A. Respectively

B. In the hussars

C. To university

D. To the cavalry guards

32 Which of these is not protective headgear?

A. helmet

V. Misyurka

S. breastplate

D. Helmet

33 What is the name of the role of an actress who plays the roles of boys, teenagers, girls?

A. Ingevue

V. Travesty

S. Soubretka

D. Grisette

34 Which of these names is of Latin origin?

A. Andrey

V. Ivan

S. Oleg

D. Victor

35 Who wrote the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?

A. G. Beecher Stowe

W. M. Mitchell

S. G. W. Longfellow

D. W. Irving

36 In what city of Russia is the assembly of BMW cars carried out?

A. Izhevsk

V. Kaliningrad

S. Vyborg

D. Cheboksary

37 Which city is the administrative center of the Sakhalin Oblast?

A. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

V. Kholmsk

S. Okha

D. Korsakov

38 Which of these marsupials lives in America?

A. koala

B. marsupial wolf

S. wombat

D. Opossum

A. Shakespeare

V. Hamlet

S. Moliere

D. Goethe

40 Which of these animals can hear the highest sounds?

A. Grasshopper

V. Cat

S. Dolphin

D. Elephant


41 What object do dogs run after during a dog race?

A. Behind the ball

B. For a mechanical hare

C. Behind the stick

D. Behind the ball

42 What is the name of the capital of Romania?

A. Bucharest

V. Budapest

S. Prague

D. Sofia

43 How many eyes does a spider have?

A. 2

AT 4

S. 6


44 Who built the first steam locomotive in Russia?

A. Cherepanov brothers

V. Polzunov

S. Kulibin

D. Kleinmichel

45 Which country owns the famous Easter Island?

A. Peru

V. Argentina

S. Chile

D. Mexico

46 Otters are highly trainable. How can you use this quality?

A. For catching fish

B. For picking mushrooms

C. To destroy wasp nests

D . For mail delivery

47 What was the name of Chief Stirlitz - Brigadeführer Schellenberg?

A. Ernst

V. Heinrich

S. Willy

D. Walter

48 What is the name of the space that an animal occupies and on which it does not let its own kind?

A. Planetarium

B. Terrarium

C. Territory

D. Zone

49 Through which of these countries does the Danube not flow?

A. Ukraine

B. Moldova

S. Romania

D. Bulgaria

50 What is the name of the largest sailing ship in the world?

A. Kruzenshtern

V. "Sedov"

S. "Vityaz"

D. "Peter the Great"

51 Name one of the associates of E. Pugachev?

A. Karpusha

V. Makusha

S. Khlopusha

D. wheezing

52 Which of these great footballers of the past were defenders?

A. Eusebio

V. Garrincha

S. Platini

D. Beckenbauer

53 Where is Loch Ness located?

A. In Ireland

B. In Finland

C. in Scotland

D. In France

54 What is the largest desert in the world?

A. Sahara

W. Atacama

S. Victoria

D. Kara-Kum

55 How many continents are there on Earth?

A. 6

AT 7

S. 8


56 Columbus discovered America in 1492. Where did he swim?

A. To North Africa

B. To China

C. to India

D. To Australia

57 What are the names of the lines on the globe that pass through the North and South Poles of the Earth?

A. Orbits

B. Parallels

S. Meridians

D. Dividing lines

58 Which city has the largest population?

A. In Tokyo

B. In Mexico City

S. in Moscow

D. In New York

59 What is the Tigris and Euphrates?

BUT. Rivers

To the mountains

C. Deserts

D. Gorges

60 What is the largest planet in the solar system?

A. Pluto

V. Venus

FROM. Jupiter

Non-children's children's writer. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

He sculpts some clay pots with the children, laughs, wipes his hands on his knees, and then walks home with a grubby gang in his pants, hardened by dried clay.

This huge, mustachioed, slightly awkward man with long arms, disheveled hair, transparent and sly eyes, like those of Vrubel's Pan, is an incredibly kind children's writer Korney Chukovsky.
Few people know that Chukovsky devoted a total of only a few years of his life to the tales that glorified him. He wrote them quickly, with inspiration, and mainly for his own children and grandchildren.

“All my other writings are so overshadowed by my children's fairy tales that in the minds of many readers, I wrote nothing at all, except for “Moydodirs” and “Flies-Tsokotuh,” Chukovsky said with some resentment.

But the main literary activity of Nikolai Korneychukov (the real name of the writer) is still connected with adult literature, with translations and critical works dedicated to W. Whitman, N. Nekrasov, A. Blok, L. Andreev, A. Akhmatova, A. Chekhov and other writers.
For his many years of work on the study of N.A. Nekrasov’s work and the book “N. Nekrasov’s Mastery”, he was awarded the Lenin Prize. For translation and research activities in the field of English literature in the UK, he received the degree of Doctor of Literature Honoris causa from the University of Oxford.

But the main surprise even for Korney Chukovsky himself was the general love of readers for his children's books. Those boys to whom he wrote about Aibolit in the thirties, before his eyes, turned into parents, then into grandparents and still read his fairy tales to their kids. More than one generation has grown up on these sincere and very bright children's stories.
Chukovsky wrote his first book, Crocodile, by accident in 1916. He was traveling on a train with his eleven-year-old son who caught a cold and, to entertain him, began to compose to the sound of wheels:

lived and was
He walked the streets
Smoked cigarettes.
spoke Turkish,
Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodile!

At home, he forgot the fairy tale he composed on the go, but his son remembered it well. Because it was too close and understandable to a child.

So the children's writer Korney Chukovsky appeared.

All his life he had to prove to others his worth and the right to express his non-trivial view of things. And it began with Chukovsky's childhood trauma as an illegitimate child.

Nikolai Korneichukov was the son of a cook from the Poltava province (the name of his mother, the "Ukrainian girl" Ekaterina Osipovna Korneichukova, and a terrible word: illegitimate) are written in the metric. The father was a St. Petersburg student, who later abandoned the writer's mother.

Why did this kind, spontaneous person turn out to be so dangerous for the official state machine? Why did they begin to ban him, poison him, set up covert surveillance? What did his Barmaley or Aibolit not please the ideologists of socialism?

The completely harmless, apolitical children's books by Korney Chukovsky turned out to be so original, devoid of edification and not fitting into the Soviet literary nomenclature that they aroused sacred horror among officials.

In the early forties, in the fairy tale "Cockroach", written in 1921, long before Stalin became the "leader of the peoples", they saw a parody of the head of state.
And many years later, already in the sixties, in the tale of the tiny boy Bibigon, who fought with the turkey Brunduliak, they found ideological hints that were not there at all.

The first blow was dealt in 1928 by N. Krupskaya, who at that time was the deputy people's commissar of education. In her article for the Pravda newspaper, she wrote: “Should I give this book to little children? Crocodile ... Instead of a story about the life of a crocodile, they will hear incredible chicanery about him. Animals in the form of people - it's funny. It's funny to see a crocodile smoking a cigar, riding an airplane. But with the fun comes something else. The second part of "The Crocodile" depicts the petty-bourgeois home environment of a crocodile family, and laughter at the fact that the crocodile swallowed a napkin out of fear obscures the depicted vulgarity, teaches this vulgarity not to notice. The people reward Vanya for his valor, the crocodile gives gifts to his countrymen, and they hug and kiss him for gifts. "Virtue is paid for, sympathy is bought" - creeps into the child's brain.

The persecution of the writer began, which was diligently picked up by fellow writers, in particular, the children's writer Agniya Barto.

In 1929, Chukovsky, desperate to prove anything to anyone, publicly renounces his fairy tales: “I wrote bad fairy tales. I admit that my fairy tales are not suitable for building a socialist system. work on creating a new way of life, there is either a criminal or a corpse. Therefore, now I can not write about any "crocodiles", I want to develop new topics that excite new readers. Among the books that I have planned for my "five-year plan", the first the place is now occupied by the Merry Collective Farm.

Shortly before his death, he bitterly recalls this betrayal and repents that he was forced to play by someone else's rules. However, he betrayed himself only in words. After the abdication, Chukovsky wrote only two fairy tales, and then many years later.
"Merry collective farm" did not work out.
Apparently, the honesty and sincerity that the compositions for children demanded were forever poisoned in him by the “dialogue” with the Soviet authorities.

The last blow to the storyteller came in 1945-1946. When, along with the magazines "Zvezda" and "Leningrad", in which M. Zoshchenko and A. Akhmatova were branded, they also attacked the magazine "Murzilka", where Chukovsky worked and "The Adventures of Bibigon" were printed at that time.
Bags of enthusiastic children's responses that poured into the editorial office were urgently destroyed.

Chukovsky's last fairy tale will be published only in 1963. 6 years before the death of the writer, which happened from infection with viral hepatitis. He was 87 years old.

Korney Chukovsky, in spite of everything, lived a happy personal and creative life. There were always many children around him. And this is the main thing, in my opinion, what saved him from repression, a bullet and complete despair. Here is how he writes about it:

I never knew it was so joyful to be an old man
Whatever the day - my thoughts are kinder and brighter.
Near dear Pushkin, here, on the autumn Tverskoy,
With farewell greed I look at the children for a long time.
And tired, old, amuses me
Their endless running and fuss.
Yes, why would we live on this planet,
In the cycle of bloody centuries,
If not for them, not for these
Big-eyed, sonorous children ...

The bears rode
On a bicycle. And behind them is a cat

And behind him mosquitoes
On a balloon.

And behind them crayfish
On a lame dog.

Wolves on a mare.
Lions in the car.

Bunnies on the tram.

Toad on a broom.

They ride and laugh
Gingerbread chews.

Suddenly from the gateway
scary giant,
Red and mustachioed
Cockroach, Cockroach, Cockroach!

He growls and screams
And his mustache moves:
"Wait, don't rush
I'll swallow you up in no time!
I will swallow, I will swallow, I will not have mercy.

The animals trembled
They fell into a faint.

Wolves from fear
They ate each other.

poor crocodile
Toad swallowed.

And the elephant, all trembling,
So I sat down on a hedgehog.
Only crayfish bullies
Not afraid of fight-fights;
Even though they're moving backwards
But they move their mustaches
And they shout to the mustachioed giant:

"Do not scream and do not growl,
We ourselves are mustaches,
We can ourselves
Wiggle your mustache!"
And back even further backed away.

And the Hippo said
Crocodiles and whales:

"Who is not afraid of the villain
And fight the monster
I am that hero
I will give two frogs
And I’ll spare the fir cone!”

"We are not afraid of him,
Your giant:
We are teeth
We are fangs
We hooves him!”

And a cheerful crowd
The animals rushed into battle.

But, seeing a mustachioed
(Oh no no no!),
The animals gave a strekacha
(Oh no no no!).
They ran through the forests, through the fields:
They were afraid of cockroach whiskers.

And the Hippo cried out:
“What a shame, what a shame!
Hey bulls and rhinos
Get out of the den
And raise the enemy on the horns!”
But bulls and rhinos
Answer from the den:
"We would be the enemy
On the horns would
Only the skin is expensive
And the horns are not cheap these days either.”
And they sit and tremble under the bushes,
Behind the swamps they hide in hummocks.

Crocodiles nestled in nettles,
And the elephants were buried in the ditch.

All you can hear is teeth chattering
You can only see how the ears are trembling,

And dashing monkeys
Picked up the suitcases
And rather from all legs
On the run.

And the shark dodged
She just waved her tail.
And behind her cuttlefish
And so it backs off. And so it rolls.

Part two

So the cockroach became the winner,
And forests and fields lord.
Beasts submitted to the mustachioed
(For him to fail, the damned one!).
And he walks between them
The gilded belly strokes:
“Bring me, animals, your kids,
I'm eating them for dinner tonight!"

Poor, poor animals!
Howling, crying, roaring!
In every den
And in every cave
They curse the evil glutton.

And what kind of mother
Agree to give
Your dear child

Teddy bear, wolf cub, baby elephant,
To an unsatisfied scarecrow
The poor little one is tortured!

They cry, they die
The kids are forever goodbye.

But one morning
Jumped a kangaroo
I saw a mustache
She screamed in anger:

"Is it a giant?
(Ha ha ha!)

It's just a cockroach!
(Ha ha ha!)

Cockroach, cockroach, cockroach,
Liquid-legged goat - insect.

And aren't you ashamed?
Are you not offended?
You are toothy
You are fanged

And they bowed to the little one,
And they submitted to the goat!”

The hippos got scared
They whispered: “What are you, what are you!
Get out of here!
No matter how bad we are!”

Only suddenly from behind a bush,
Because of the blue forest
From distant fields
Sparrow arrives.
Jump yes jump
Yes chirp chirp
Chicky ricky chirp chirp!

He took and pecked the Cockroach -
There is no giant.
Serve the giant got it,
And his mustache was gone.

Something glad, something glad
The whole animal family
Praise, congratulate
Good Sparrow!

Donkeys sing his glory from the notes,
Goats sweep the road with their beard,
Rams, rams
Beating drums!


Rooks from the watchtower
They scream!

The bats
On the roof
handkerchiefs waving
And they dance.

And the elephant, and the elephant
So dancing famously
What a ruddy moon
trembled in the sky
And on the poor elephant
Kubarem fell.

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