Shorthand material. Collection of tasks and exercises for the development of reading technique in elementary school


Speed ​​reading is the most powerful engine for the development of intelligence. A person with this skill reads 1-7 books a week, spending many times less time.

Speed ​​reading includes: speed, comprehension, and retention of what has been read. With this skill, you can quickly study the subject of interest, area, specialization, science.

The more a person reads useful literature, the more educated and intellectual he becomes. With speed reading, intelligence develops with virtually no limits. Its development is similar to driving a car compared to walking speed. When the brain works in turbo mode, there is no time to think and pronounce words, understanding comes instantly. The brain no longer wastes time on pronunciation and extraneous thoughts.

Exercises online

Schulte tables

They develop peripheral vision, search for the desired element in the text, memory, concentration, speed of thinking. This is the most popular speed reading exercise. Click on the start button and look for numbers from 1 to 16, looking only at the center of the table.

Red-black tables Gorbov-Schulte

First find the black minimum, then the red maximum, then the next black minimum, and the next red maximum. For example, for a 5x5 table: 1 and 12, 2 and 11, 3 and 10, and so on.


Guess the words for a while, learn to see the whole word.

Letter search

The faster you find letters, the faster you will navigate in the text.

Finding Numbers

We train in the search for numbers by analogy with the search for letters:

Reading by sighting

School course for the development of speed reading

To achieve the required speed faster and easier, I recommend enrolling in the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. In this course we will work on:

  1. with classic exercises
  2. synchronize the hemispheres of the brain to speed up the work of the brain
  3. use techniques developed by me to accelerate the increase in reading speed
  4. understand the psychology of speed reading
  5. answer questions from other course participants.

Course Feedback

School courses for the development of intelligence

Interactive development courses

In addition to the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days, interactive brainapps courses for the development of speed reading, memory, and attention are perfect. For 490 rubles a month or 1400 a year you get 4 browser-based programs for training speed reading, memory, attention and a bunch of brain fitness games.

For example, among the exercises there is a game "Find all the words." In this game, 256 letters will be shown on the screen, only 3 words are made up of them to be found. This exercise trains the eyes to quickly search for the right words in the text, which noticeably speeds up speed reading. Other exercises in this course train other skills Important for speed reading.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. Each lesson contains useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

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Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that occurred during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular tricks and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of tricks for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculating percentages, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Mental counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained in solving interesting problems.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

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Money and the mindset of a millionaire

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For the rapid development of intelligence, practice speed reading. Speed ​​reading will help develop intelligence, and turn the brain into a supercomputer, making a genius out of a simple person.

In this article, I talked about 5 classic exercises for developing speed reading. These exercises will double your reading speed in 2-4 weeks.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends! I'm with you, Yuri Okunev.

Scientists have established a pattern between the speed of reading and the performance of secondary school students: excellent students, as a rule, read at a speed of 130-170 words per minute, good students are content with a speed of 100-135 words per minute, three students - 90 words per minute and lower.

This is a vivid illustration of the fact that it is simply necessary for our children to learn the methods of speed reading. The topic of our conversation today will be speed reading, exercises for school-age children.

Your child knows the alphabet for a long time, reads in words, but his reading speed still leaves much to be desired. The reason is not in his desire / unwillingness, but in completely different factors:

  • undeveloped attention;
  • Weak articulation (diction);
  • Eye regression;
  • Pretty narrow field of view.

In the previous article, we have already dwelled on the analysis of each of them. The speed reading technique for children aims to get rid of these side effects.

What will we work on

  1. Development of articulation;
  2. Improved attention;
  3. Suppression of regressive eye movements;
  4. Articulation suppression (visual reading);
  5. Expanding the field of view;
  6. The development of anticipation.

Methodology for conducting classes

The optimal regimen for speed reading at home is daily classes for 20 minutes and 5 minutes before bedtime.

The lesson will look something like this:

  • Articulation workout. We read tongue twisters, tongue twisters in a whisper and in full voice. Reading a short text aloud;
  • Main part. Working with Schulte tables;
  • Articulation suppression. 1-2 exercises;
  • Exercises to correct attention;
  • Regression Exercises(at the initial stage) or on the development of ancipation (in subsequent lessons);
  • Reading with an adult for forced speed development;
  • Final part. Drawing based on the read text.

Before going to bed, spend five minutes reading with retelling (the child reads a short text and retells in his own words), or buzz reading.

Articulation warm-up (exercises)

  1. Consonants. We ask the student to take a full breath, exhaling, he pronounces a series of 15 any consonant sounds: F, Sch, L, V, Sh, K, T, S, P, N, G, Zh, B, N, R.
  2. Blow out the candle. Have the child take in as much air as possible and blow out one large imaginary candle. And now we blow out 3 small candles: we exhale air in three portions;
  3. The elevator moved. An adult and a child are in an imaginary elevator that moves from the first floor to the tenth. We call the floors loudly, each time raising our voice more and more. We call the numbers clearly, without swallowing the endings. We reached the last floor - we go down, gradually lowering our voice.

Field of vision development

It has been proven that the process of reading a text consists of:

  • eye movements;
  • their stops.

Moreover, the perception of the text occurs precisely at the second stage. This means that in order to increase the speed of reading, it is necessary to reduce the multiplicity of eye stops, while the field of view should increase as much as possible in order to capture neighboring words and sentences.

This effect can be achieved by practicing with Schulte tables.
The tables are a grid of 5x5 squares, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are entered.
The student consistently finds all the numbers for speed.

The ideal result is to meet 5 seconds. The secret of this task is that the eyes should always be in the central part of the table, in this case the field of view will be maximum.

In addition to the field of view, Schulte tables contribute to the development of RAM.

Regression Suppression

Regression is the reader's ability to look back at a line that has already been read. Anyone will say that this way of reading is extremely slow and irrational.

An exercise.

We read the text and cover each read word with a specially prepared bookmark. By training in this way, after a week you can get rid of the regression.

Articulation suppression

Articulation is the pronunciation of a readable text. It is important when a student reads aloud (the less he stumbles, the higher the reading technique), but it is completely unacceptable if we want to achieve a speed of 150 words or more (a person cannot speak at such a speed).

The speed reading technique for children involves the development of visual reading, when articulation is suppressed in every possible way and the text is read with a quick glance of the eyes. It has been established that in this case the quality of text perception increases sharply and the memorization process improves.

  1. To the music. We read the text with the music turned on, for a start it is better to take just music, without singing. Over time, move on to reading with song accompaniment. A prerequisite: at the end, the child must answer questions on the text.
  2. Bumblebee. The student is engaged in reading while making a buzzing sound, as if a bumblebee is flying. This is one of the most important exercises in speed reading.
  3. Knock rhythm. We read the text and tap a certain rhythm with a pencil. Rhythm should be learned separately and brought to automatism. The task is performed at first at an average pace, accelerating towards the end.
  4. Lock. The child tightly covers his mouth, presses his finger to his lips and begins to read the text as quickly as possible. Answer questions after reading.

Attention Correction Exercises

This part is very important, because due to insufficient attention, the quality of perception of the text being read deteriorates.

  1. Freeze words. Pairs of words are written on a piece of paper in which one letter is different, the rest are similar, for example, SLEEP - KON, LAZY - STUMP, etc. Ask the student what is special about these words, how they are similar and how they are not. Let the student continue the row;
  2. given long word e.g. INDEPENDENCE. Have the student make up as many short words as possible from the letters of this word. Compete with him. Who will be the first?
  3. Fonts. The child is invited to read the text, in which each word is written in different fonts mixed up. The purpose of the task: to learn to read any text with distortions at maximum speed.
  4. Confusion. Previously, we write sentences on a piece of paper, rearranging the words in places, for example, “late in the evening, the girls spun three by the window.” Enough 6-10 pieces of such confusion. The task of the child is to unravel.

The development of the ancipation

Ancipation is the ability to guess a word from its meaning. In the program of teaching speed reading, exercises to increase the ancipation are necessarily included so that the student, without seeing the extreme words on the page, can grasp their meaning in meaning.

  1. Ruler. We cover a part of the text on the right or left with a ruler or a bookmark for a width of 5 to 12 characters. The child reads the text at a normal pace.
  2. We read somersault. The student must read the text first in its normal form, and then turning it heading down. The exercise develops a semantic guess and memory well. You can try to read the text by rotating it 90 degrees.
  3. Halves. We take a sheet of paper and half close one line of the text that the child is reading at this time. Only the upper halves of the letters are closed, the lower ones should be visible. The line has been read. Now we close the next line and so we go further. In this method, a “military trick” is encrypted: if the child is even a little smart, he will try to read the lines even before they are covered with a sheet. This is how the speed increases!

Reading with an adult

This is teaching speed reading to school-age children using an imposed reading speed. The child has to adapt to the speed of an adult, which means reading a little more lively.

  1. parallel reading. An adult reads the text, changing the speed - sometimes faster, sometimes slower. The student must put his finger on the text and follow, never straying.
  2. Relay race. Alternately, the text is read by either an adult or a child. Moreover, the change of roles can be sudden (not necessarily at the end of the paragraph). If possible, the adult tries to speed up the pace.
  3. Tail. The adult starts reading the text, and the student enters a little later, 4 words late. The text is read aloud, in an undertone. The task of the student is not to stray.


This is where I end. Train, learn, master new heights!

If you want to know more, I recommend Shamil Akhmadullin's book “Short reading for children. How to teach your child to read and understand what they read. It provides exercises for the development of reading techniques in three age categories of children, including speed reading for preschoolers.

The technique is convenient for classes on developing reading techniques at home, as it contains theoretical material in a brief form and tasks with detailed instructions.

Write about your impressions, difficulties or victories in the comments. Invite friends and acquaintances.

The technique of speed reading helps to absorb a large amount of new knowledge. It will be useful in the learning process for diligent students and those employees whose work is related to the study of new information.

Thus, the editor of a literary publishing house has to read many books by young authors before accepting them for publication. To read at high speed and work productively, you need to learn the methods of speed reading.

Speed ​​reading: how to learn to read fast

Everyone who just needs to study a lot of books and textbooks is dreaming about how to learn to read quickly and remember what they read. Time flies by fast these days. Successful study, work, career often depend on the speed with which a person is able to study, assimilate textual material, make decisions based on the knowledge gained, and draw conclusions.

Experts who are deeply involved in this issue note that usually the speed of reading depends on several “inhibiting” aspects:

  • regression;
  • range of vision;
  • viewing angle;
  • trajectory of eye movement;
  • pronunciation to oneself and aloud, read;
  • time of reflection;
  • not selectivity.

What is regression? To read a textbook and remember what we read, our eyes scan each printed line of text from left to right, and then come back and review it again. Such return jumps, which serve to better remember and understand the meaning, are called regression.

A set of speed reading exercises to improve reading speed begins with avoiding regressions. Try to look through the lines of the story, any information, without returning to the previous words. That is, it is necessary to train the eyes to move only in one direction, regardless of whether you managed to understand the meaning of what was written or not.

Understand that at this point you are training to look at the readable line in the direction from left to right. To comprehend what you read, come back to this a second time. This will not be a regression, but a repetition of the past, as you will again try to read, moving your eyes in one direction.

The range and angle of view is different for everyone. One person clearly sees only one long or two short words on a line at a time. The best readers see a few words side by side and a few lines up and down. Someone is able to even make out a whole paragraph, 5-6 sentences long, at once.

This ability is developed by special exercises and training. Aces who have mastered the method of reading with an extended viewing angle read in whole blocks. You can read several books in a week this way.

The trajectory of the movement of the gaze along the vertical is also different. There are people who gradually lower their gaze from top to bottom, running line after line. Others move their gaze from top to bottom, sticking to the middle of the page.

Reading diagonally is more convenient for third. The writer Gorky read, drawing a zigzag with his eyes from top to bottom on the page. These people can read quickly and correctly by being able to see a line from a wider angle. The usual angle is only two degrees.

Another nuance that makes it difficult to quickly read printed books is the need to pronounce the text to yourself. For some people, it is enough to reproduce the text in their minds, others need to whisper, moving their lips and tongue, and still others, until they speak out loud, do not understand what they are reading.

It depends on experience. For those who read more, it is enough to pronounce the text to yourself, in your mind. But those who read little usually speak out loud what they read. This habit, of course, greatly slows down the speed of reading.

People with limited horizons can hardly master the meaning of a complex text. It is difficult for an adult, a little well-read person, to read without errors and understand what they read. Illiterate, degraded people are very slow to understand even simple information. Different ability to assimilate information significantly affects the speed and memorization of the text.

Each printed text has key words that contain the main meaning and words that carry useful information. But there are enough words of connectives, prepositions, particles. There are even stop words and sentences that are called water.

They are written to move from one paragraph to another, as well as to create a beautiful presentation. If you carefully read all the words and stop at every comma and period, reading will be very slow.

A set of exercises to improve reading speed

The first exercise is useful for expanding the angle of view. Without performing training, a person easily distinguishes signs located on an area of ​​hundreds of pixels from the point of view direction.

Trained abilities allow you to see groups of printed characters quite well. Peripheral vision training comes in handy when your eyes zigzag or move from the top corner of a page to the opposite bottom corner.

Excellent peripheral vision increases speed reading, allowing you to cover several words at once with one glance. If you still isolate useful information and let the “water” pass by, the speed of mastering the text will increase.

The Internet offers a special training, when a person concentrates his eyes on the screen with numbers, letters, after which he counts the same signs visible with a side, scattered look. On the keyboard, you need to type the result.

If you counted correctly, the training circle will turn green and enlarge. With a negative answer, the circle turns red and narrows. So you can independently learn to read quickly and correctly.

Speed ​​reading lessons are advised to start with the simplest. Follow the movement of your eyes, do not let your gaze return to previous words. Choose interesting or familiar text to practice on your own. The skill of speed reading is acquired when you try to do without regression.

Do not be discouraged if, without re-reading the previous words on the line, you do not remember everything and do not understand something. If the information is not important, there is no loss in it. But, when you are interested in this information and need it for work, study, repeat reading this paragraph, block again.

But at the same time, let the gaze again move along the line without regression, without disturbing the smooth translational movement from left to right. These speed reading techniques will be successfully mastered if you give the training a long enough time and repeat the work many times.

Fast reading technique with a high level of memorization

Opening the secrets of speed reading, Pavel Bagryantsev, on his virtual channel of a modern man, reveals the issue from a somewhat unexpected angle. He suggests learning to read an entire book in just 20 minutes and memorize what you read.

His method of speed reading is based on knowledge of the basic principles of writing books. If an adult remembers the lessons of the Russian language and literature, much will become clear to him. Any literature textbook advises to start an essay with a plan. The plan always has an introduction, a list of the main chapters of the essay and a conclusion.

Also, each book has a table of contents. In order to successfully assimilate information, Pavel suggests looking at the cover of the book from two sides. Read everything that is written there. Usually, the author puts the main idea of ​​the book into the title and a short annotation on the back cover.

Now look at the first pages. Find useful information. Sometimes there is a preface and a short note about the author. On the second page you can already see the table of contents. Read it carefully. You can immediately decide which chapter interests you the most.

Open the page of the chapter you are interested in. Read the first two sentences or the first paragraph of the chapter. Usually, these sentences reveal the information of the entire chapter.

The last paragraph sums up the chapter and its short content, summary. To quickly understand what is written in the chapter, it is enough to read the first and last paragraphs.

Basically, you've already read the book. If a topic catches your attention, you can safely enjoy a detailed reading while swaying in a hammock on a warm summer evening. The task of quick reading is fully completed: the information to which the work is devoted is clear to you. It only took a few minutes.

Of course, you can't read textbooks like that. They are studied in detail and thoughtfully. But the usual entertaining reading, like stories about how to get rich, can be viewed, something to remember, something to draw attention to and safely put aside.

So they study a lot of books, expand their horizons, extracting from a large amount of information what is useful and important for human activity, what needs to be remembered.

The most effective speed reading techniques

Oleg Andreev's Virtual Speed ​​Reading School for Adults offers to start working on yourself by determining your personal reading speed.

To do this, the number of characters of the text should be divided by the reading time and multiplied by the coefficient of understanding of the information read. It is necessary to pick up an unfamiliar book, read one page, with a known number of characters. Reading time is measured with a stopwatch. In this case, 45 seconds are equal to 0.75.

After that, you need to answer ten questions on the text. If you managed to answer 4 questions, the coefficient of understanding will be equal to 0.4. If you answer 7 questions, the coefficient is 0.7.

Do not be upset if your speed is not very high. Two hundred characters per minute or 300-400 is considered the norm for an ordinary person.

If you read little and rarely, you do not need to study many textbooks, this speed is enough for you. There are many specialties in the world - seamstresses, cooks, carpenters, blacksmiths, who are successful, happy and without numerous books.

It is useful to make a graph, on one axis, plot the speed of reading, and on the other, the number of the lesson.

After you learn how to scan the text without returning to the previous characters, in order to re-read, that is, get rid of the regression, let's move on to correcting the tempo.

Ordinary inhabitants at the same pace get acquainted with the text on the consumption of washing powder, the operation of a microwave oven and Tolstoy's novel. However, each text requires an individual approach. The tempo for information on the label of soap and artwork is chosen differently.

Watch yourself. If you have articulation, that is, unexpected work with the tongue, mouth, lips, you need to learn to get rid of this. This greatly slows down reading, as does the lack of concentration on the process.

So, watch yourself, try not to mutter, do not move your lips, do not move your eyes in the opposite direction and try to cover several words at once.

Now compose for yourself a new algorithm for reading an unfamiliar article. Compose blocks of the reading algorithm:

  • Name of the text;
  • Author;
  • Source;
  • What problem is the article devoted to;
  • Facts, names, parameters given in the text;
  • Features, criticism;
  • Novelty.

By filling in, writing down or memorizing these blocks, you will already receive a lot of information about the article. Highlighting the features and critical places of the text, you better remember and understand them. Note for yourself what new you got from reading this article.

By filling in the cells of the blocks of the integral reading algorithm in the classroom, you accustom yourself to look at the text deliberately and in a new way.

In linguistics, there is a concept of text redundancy. The fact is that each text contains words that carry useful information and the so-called "Water". It is good to learn how to weed out useless words from useful ones.

An unusual way of reading answers this question. If you find the answers to the queries listed above for yourself, you will get the correct algorithm. At the same time, spend your brain energy only on the semantic part of the article.

Try to fix all parts of the new algorithm properly in your consciousness and subconsciousness, deep memory. Repeat at least 5 times.

Form a mindset on how to read in a new way. Create an image in your head, in the form of a man, with the name on the cap, the author in the face, the source in the upper part of the case, the problems in the lower. The little man firmly rests his feet on the facts and holds two suitcases with features and novelty in his hands.

Draw such a simple drawing with your hand, sign all the parts. Place one copy of such a picture on your desktop so that it is always in front of your eyes. Always carry the second one with you, looking through in free minutes, on the way to work, in the subway, bus.

Having memorized the new algorithm firmly, read new texts, putting its parts into blocks familiar to you. After reading the article, you need to think about it, closing your eyes. You will see in your thoughts that everything you read is already located in the right cells of the image.

Through repeated repetition, you will develop a solid set of correct and fast reading, highlighting useful information. This drawing will be erased from memory, but a new program of mental actions will remain, more effective and useful for your activity.

You can choose any drawing for a working image, it is important that it is clear to you and drawn by yourself. While practicing the new reading algorithm, circle the blocks in the book with multi-colored pencils. You will see how much information is useful to which you paid attention and how much is superfluous, water. The concept of redundancy is an important practical nuance.

How to learn speed reading at home

In order not to overload your brain with unnecessary information, set an alarm clock for 20-30 minutes. And at this time, just read, without regressions, remembering the redundancy of the text, trying to see several words at once and moving your eyes faster down, diagonally, in a straight line, as you prefer.

You can lead along the edge of the book with the tip of a pencil or by pressing your index finger.

Do not be distracted at this time by TV, phone, e-mail, the landscape outside the window. Focus on one reading. Immersion in the content of the book, concentrated attention plays an important role in the development of a high speed of assimilation of information.

Try to remember the main points, useful thoughts, new, special facts. If you read very quickly, but do not remember anything, there is no point in such reading.

To train your memory, repeat the exercises five times, memorize poems that you like. Concentration, the development of peripheral vision and memory are important points to pay attention to when you train speed reading at home.

Best Speed ​​Reading Books

There are many useful books for practicing speed reading. But each person, knowing his mistakes and abilities, must independently choose the manual he likes. A recommended list of references by well-known authors is given below.

Peter Kamp "Speed ​​Reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster "()

The original collection, it contains specific problems, technical tips that develop speed reading abilities.

For each person, learning to read begins with the recognition of letters, then syllables, over time, our vision is already able to cover whole words and make sentences from them. Such a technique is quite enough to read up to 300 words per minute, however, in the modern world, in the conditions of a huge amount of information and knowledge, you need not just to be able to read, but to do it quickly and as efficiently as possible. To achieve a high speed of perception of printed text helps speed readingability at least 3-4 times absorb information faster without compromising understanding of the material.

For those who have fully mastered the skills of this technique, the score goes to tens of thousands of words per minute. Among advantages of speed reading technique- the ability to increase the amount of memorized text, save time on studying it, develop attention and significantly speed up thought processes. In this article we will talk about the method of speed reading, theory and, of course, we will analyze practice - specific techniques on how to learn to read faster

How does the abbreviation technique work?

Speed ​​reading helps to superficially grab a text with a glance, “go over” it and understand which fragments should be paid closer attention to, and which ones can simply be filtered out. Those who have mastered the speed reading technique, as a rule, do not read all the words in a sentence, but focus on the most significant ones. Thus, a complete and, most importantly, an integral picture of the text is compiled. Of course, for reading fiction in order to enjoy the author's style, good metaphors and interesting comparisons, this method is unlikely to be the most suitable, but if your goal is to obtain information, and even in large volume, developing the skill of speed reading will be very useful.

On the Internet, you can find various courses on teaching speed reading - there are both classes with teachers and video tutorials. However, you can master the methods of speed reading at home, absolutely free. The main condition is to be assiduous enough, exercise regularly and apply the acquired knowledge in practice as often as possible. Be prepared for the fact that training will take more than one day or even a couple of weeks.

How to learn speed reading at home?

Many speed reading courses in their programs start from the same methods (which is not surprising, because at school or before we are all instilled with the same reading method, which slows down the process). Let's bring Top tips to improve your reading speed without loss in efficiency. Learning the technique of speed reading can be divided into two groups: first you need to get rid of what prevents you from reading faster, and then learn to increase the speed (this is achieved mainly by practice). Consider the basic exercises for developing the skill of speed reading.

We acquire the skills necessary for speed reading and get rid of unnecessary ones

1. One of the main obstacles to speed reading is subvocalization, i.e. the habit of mentally pronouncing the text to yourself. As a result, our brain, in addition to visual, is also forced to process speech information, which significantly reduces the speed of reading the material. Thus, the first step towards the development of speed reading will be the cessation of subvocalization.

If subvocalization is accompanied by mumbling aloud or moving lips ( articulation), you can get rid of it by holding an object between your teeth or gently biting your tongue. If pronunciation occurs at the level of ligaments (but without pronounced pronunciation of sounds) and the brain, the best way to suppress subvocalization there will be special exercises. While reading, a person is invited to beat a certain beat with a pencil or finger, say tongue twisters and rhymes to himself, hum, count to 20 - in a word, do something that prevents you from pronouncing the text to yourself. Even a metronome will help to develop speed reading skills (you can buy it or download a metronome program on the Internet) and read to the sound of a mechanism, periodically changing the frequency of its rhythm.

2. Another "brake" in mastering the skill of speed reading is the so-called regressionrecursive eye movements and rereading of paragraphs and sentences. It is estimated that due to inattention or the presence of passages of the text that are difficult to understand, a person returns to what he has read up to 10-11 times! You can fix the problem with the help of a cardboard bookmark or, for example, a sheet of paper, with which you need to close the already learned material.

3. Another reason for slow reading speed is poorly developed peripheral vision, which does not allow you to cover large sections of text with one glance. In this case, training is recommended vertical reading, in which, looking at the center of the line, a person will see it in its entirety and will be able to move to the next line, as it were, along a vertical line.

It is best to train on narrow texts (for example, newspaper columns) or Shulge tables, which are squares of 25 cells. Numbers from 1 to 25 are randomly entered into each cell, and then from a distance of about 30 cm, focusing on the central number, they try to find the rest in order.

In order not to get used to one table, it is worth drawing several or using letters of the alphabet instead of numbers. If the 5x5 table becomes too easy for you, you can always increase the number of cells.

Increasing the speed

When you successfully get rid of the brakes instilled in childhood, you will already read faster than before. However, there are no limits to perfection, and the technique of speed reading is no exception. So, in order to further increase
the number of words read per minute, master the skill superficial reading, aimed at searching for keywords in the text, develops by taking notes or guessing the meaning of the sentence after reading its separate part. An important role in teaching speed reading in general and in this exercise in particular is played by perseverance and continuity of training, which will soon allow processing large amounts of text without missing important details.

When exercising, be sure to understand the meaning of what they read. If the meaning began to elude you, slow down a bit, because there is little practical use from 100 conscientiously read, but not understood pages.

Today's world offers us a huge amount of information and knowledge from different fields, which must be able to quickly and effectively assimilate. This online course is designed for people who want to quickly and free of charge learn the technique of speed reading at home. The program of this course consists of several lessons on the development of key skills for developing the ability to quickly read, which you can learn on your own in a few weeks. Our teaching methodology is suitable for both children and adults, and contains numerous techniques and exercises to learn how to read faster.

And if you want to master the technique of speed reading as quickly and efficiently as possible, sign up for our.

It is hard to imagine that even 20-30 years ago, in order to find an answer to any question, you had to go to the library, take books on a topic that interests you and look for the desired materials there. Nowadays, it is enough just to ask the appropriate query to the search engine and get a huge amount of information on the issue that interests you.

Now there is no problem of lack of information, but there is a problem of its overabundance, in which a person is lost. In the modern information space, you need to be able to navigate in order to make this space useful for yourself. One of the most useful skills is the ability to quickly, and most importantly, usefully perceive the information that we see in our laptops, e-books, iPhone, iPad and in all other sources of information, including newspapers and books.

The ability to quickly read an article, book, textbook, as well as understand and assimilate the material will allow you to become more effective, more successful than you were before. And most importantly, it will save your time, which becomes one of the most important resources. This section contains useful materials on how to master the technique of speed reading with a high level of effective perception of information.

Today by taking the time to master the techniques of speed reading, tomorrow you will be able to receive and process more information, while remaining the master of your saved time.

What is shorthand?

speed reading (or fast reading) is the ability to quickly perceive textual information when using special reading methods. Fast reading is 3-4 times faster than regular reading. (Wikipedia).

One of the most popular speed reading schools in Russia, Oleg Andreev's school, says that after completing 2 levels of training, you can achieve a reading speed of 10,000 characters per minute, which is approximately 5-7 pages of an average book.

It turns out that you can read 150-200 pages of a book in a half-hour trip on the subway at that speed. This is far more than the average person will read in that amount of time.

In addition to the Oleg Andreev School, such well-known experts in speed reading as Natalia Grace, Andrey Spodin, Vladimir and Ekaterina Vasiliev and many others offer their courses. However, some people have learned to read quickly without attending courses, schools, trainings and special centers, and without reading speed reading textbooks - you even know many of them, these are Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Edison and many others. Therefore, try to learn it yourself first, especially since it will cost you nothing.

And how fast do you read?

We suggest you check how fast you read. To do this, read the text in the exercise below and answer a few questions on its assimilation.

Course Description

This course is designed to master the skill of speed reading. This speed reading skill is most useful for studying Internet resources, informational articles, reading newspapers, magazines, popular science literature, and textbooks. Fast reading will allow you not only to read texts faster, but also to master information better - find it and remember it in order of priority.

This training involves daily classes at home or at work for 20-40 minutes (you can do it less often, but then the effect will be less). The course consists of 5 stages, each of which involves the development of certain skills that help to read quickly. To master the skill, it is important to practice more - read articles on resources of interest to you (for example, the sections you like on Wikipedia), read newspapers, magazines, textbooks - give this at least half an hour extra a day.

With this mode of study, you will get results in a couple of weeks, and if you study for 2-3 months, you can significantly increase the speed and quality of reading.

How to learn to read quickly?

To learn how to read fast on this site, just follow the exercises described in 5 lessons. If you try to generalize the various techniques for teaching speed reading, then the process of mastering this skill can be divided into 5 parts (these are 5 lessons). Each lesson allows you to master a specific skill that helps to increase your speed of reading and the effectiveness of mastering the material. The content of the lessons is built in such a way that it is possible to study online as interactively and conveniently as possible without teachers and tutors.

To get started, look at all the lessons, try to complete the exercises, if some skill is given to you quickly, then do not stop for a long time in this lesson. For example, many people do not have attention problems when reading and are able to skip to Lesson 2. Pay more attention to those lessons and exercises that:

  1. seem useful to you
  2. cause you trouble.

It is not necessary to go through the exercises in the sequence indicated in the lessons, the main thing is to achieve the goal for each part.

5 Speed ​​Reading Lessons

5 skills useful for speed reading, which you can learn on our website:

1. Focus(LESSON 1)
You have probably noticed that an interesting book is read in one breath and faster than a boring textbook. Also, for example, when reading an interesting book, you gradually accelerate, plunging into the process of reading ... Attention for speed reading is very important, and most importantly, it can be trained.

2. Suppression of articulation (pronunciation of the text)(LESSON 2)
Most people have a habit of reading text by saying it to themselves. If you want to read the text quickly, you need to do it "silently", that is, by saving yourself from articulation.

3. Improving visual skills(LESSON 3)
The ability to see all the text at once in a paragraph or even on a page, understand its structure, read not from left to right, but from top to bottom (or, as they say, “diagonally”) is an important skill for fast reading. Therefore, visual skills also need to be trained, and in life they can be useful when driving a car, playing sports, etc. The lesson contains special tables and a simulator for training speed reading.

4. Fast reading and information management(LESSON 4)
It's no secret that most texts have only a small amount of useful information that you must learn to quickly find. This skill comes most often with the experience of reading, but you can speed up this process with the help of special exercises.

5. Speed ​​reading and memory development(LESSON 5)
When you learn to read quickly, you will be able to master a fairly large amount of information. But the skill of speed reading can be useless if what is read is forgotten, which in principle is not strange, with such a volume of information. This information must be memorized.

In addition, the site provides additional materials for fast reading: books and textbooks, videos, simulators and programs, downloads, as well as articles with comments and reviews from social networks.

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